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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  April 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waltman and i'm vicki liviakis. so we continue not to cover the breaking news across the bay area as protesters are a major roadways during the morning commute from the golden gate bridge all the way to 8.80, in oakland. so this is what we are hearing are part of planned action throughout the day calling for an economic blockade for a free palestine. >> the actions were coordinated with similar protests all around the world causing some up big time travel issues is what it looks like on 8.80, in oakland. i was there. i saw it. it's a mask. protesters shut down northbound lanes of interstate 80 at the 5th avenue off-ramp. they chained themselves to concrete filled barrels. >> the goal they bridge also now shut down in both directions. sidewalks are so
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close to bicycles and pedestrians that started about 09:00am. the actions are aimed to target the global economy for what they're saying is being complicit in israel's ongoing genocide against the palestinian people. that's what the organizers are saying and they did today because it's tax day. that was part of the ideas. it's the global economy. they're trying to shut it down today. we're also hearing some additional protests are plant throughout the day. kron 4 michael thomas joins now live first from oakland will check in there. get to the golden gate bridge in just a moment. first, we'll go to michael thomas to see what's happening on 8.80, now. >> hey, good afternoon, everyone. we're currently on the southbound lanes of 8.80. we're on offense. but this is the best visuals that we can give you. take a look this morning. there was a total of about 6 or so barrels of these barrels are filled with concrete. and then you've got protesters who have their arm stuck in the barrels filled with those concrete. so they've already removed about 4 or 5 of these barrels are
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still 2 barrels left. or you can see there's 2 protesters there. they were moving fairly quickly this morning, but they've recently stopped cutting through the barrels and really trying to tangled these last protesters. i'm not too sure why. but now there's 2 lanes open this morning. we got here about 3 hours ago. all the lanes were completely closed off. so now there's 2 lanes that are open. they've only got 2 protesters left that they really need to detach tangle. if you will, from those barrels on those barrels, you can see a heart shaped flag, a palestinian flag when it comes to those protesters after they've been detached. well, they're currently in zip ties and all see if our photographer yoly can show you. we are able to show the protesters the tide over to the left. you can see there's one there standing against the freeway wall as to if they're being detained or arrested. we're unsure. we haven't been able to verify but in addition to that, oncoming traffic, those heading on southbound lots of looking bluer. so it's extremely, extremely slow. people pulling out their cell phones. and then in addition to that, you also have protesters that are on the
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side who have their israeli flags and then you've got the palestinian flag as well. and yoe can see there right next to each other, waving at along the freeway. you've got people that are honking in support of some of these palestinian protesters. you have some that are yelling that they're upset because it's taken them so long to get to work or and so in addition, you know, when it comes to traffic, we i've gotten messages from people who said that they've had to call off of work because they've been stuck here for multiple hours. but as of right now, 8.80, those northbound lanes, 2 lanes open to protesters left that still need to be out of those barrels. when is it taking out? i mean, their arms. so we'll continue to keep you we'll continue to keep you updated. but that's what it's northbound lanes of i will send it back to you to live in the studio. >> yeah, the upside of all of i see what you're encountering their i drove past it and was able to get on the bay bridge
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where there are chp cruisers on either side and then also caltrans. >> trucks, it seems like they're anticipating this thing to spill over onto that the bay bridge. what are you hearing? >> correct. that's what we're we're hearing as well. and in addition to i will say earlier this morning, there was multiple highway patrol units here as the morning progressed turned into noon. we're now seeing last officials here on this specific seen as i would assume they're now being dispersed to other scenes. there were multiple ambulance here as well. and now there's only one medical unit versus before there was around 5 or 06:00am. so i do think that this scene here specifically will probably be cleaned up in the next maybe 2 hours or so. it is growing into other parts of the east bay. and we've seen officials here be dispersed to those other scene. so we're hearing that here as well. keep in mind, this isn't just here in the bay area. it's worldwide. these protesters have on their
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shirts that say 60 cities and that's around the world for land. uk. you know, we're talking about just everywhere down in southern california, san diego, orange county, long beach. so they are trying to make that impact. i think just seen was talking about it earlier, you know, calling it a 15 in the sense of it's tax day. they want to make pn economic impact to seize fire over in palestine. and that's exactly what the protesters who are here on this side of the freeway who are, you know, chanting as they wave the palestinian flags. and then you have israeli supporters with the israeli flag. so there's a lot going on here. and as you both mentioned, i do think that is going to all-day event, kind of popping up sporadically throughout the bay area. so you should be aware of that if you're driving or commuting anywhere. >> today. michael thomas, thank you so much. and those chp trucks in the cal 10 trucks on the bay bridge could just be there as a >> precaution. or if those protests do spell over, there are place and ready to go
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because they're also still having issues. right now, the golden gate bridge. alright, michael thomas reporting live for us. >> on 8.80, in the east the big protests going on right now, the golden gate bridge looks very quiet out there. but charles clifford, is there was there when the protest took over the golden gate bridge. charles? >> well, good afternoon. right now, i'm at the toll plaza here on the golden gate bridge where you can see behind me here. all lanes still closed if you look over to my left across the roadway, there you can see that the bridge district has closed down all northbound traffic headed out onto the bridge. and this protest is occurring about mid span in the southbound lanes. so those are closed as well. but in the last half hour, a lot of activity. we have a lot of highway patrol officer san francisco police department officers, other cruisers and the san francisco fire department coming off the bridge. also about half an hour ago, there was a golden gate transit bus went by with dozens of people on which we understand were the protesters that were arrested and taken
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off the bridge. and what's happening right now is they're working on clearing ul's and obstacles that were placed there by the protesters to stop traffic. we just saw tow truck go by with a vehicle being towed and so presumably when they can finish that work, that they'll be able to reopen the roadway. we do not have an eta for when that will happen. we're just going to wait and see here. but there's been a lot of a law enforcement leaving the bridge area and fire trucks leaving as well. so they're probably getting close to reopening the roadway here. we also talked to some protesters earlier said. >> they were, as we've been talking about, they're out here to protest the use of u.s. tax to support israel in the conflict with gaza and hamas and israel. and that is why they are here now. we don't know what if any charges these protesters been arrested are going to we understand there may be being taken to the hall of justice there along bryant street in san francisco. we'll have to wait and see exactly what their fate will be. and again, we're here at the just waiting to see what happened next. and hopefully they can get this reopened here in the near
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future. that's very latest here at the golden gate bridge, charles clifford kron, 4 news very empty toll plaza there behind chuck. >> and now let's head over to kron four's tiffany justice. she's at a different point of the golden gate bridge so we can see with the situation looks like from her vantage point. these are some new images in to our newsroom. we'll show you quickly showing us what the protesters are doing. they have chained themselves with these polls there. there's person standing outside of the car and then there's someone inside the car and they have their hands there. >> inside that tube chained together, which is making it even more of a difficult situation for caltrans or local law enforcement try to untangle them so they can stop the snarl of traffic that's happening but will go now to kron four's tiffany justice. she's live for us at the golden gate bridge. she continues our team coverage. thanks for joining us. >> yeah, so i'm closer to the observation point area where a lot of people have been forced to park and wait all of this
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out. i also do want to zoom in to the bridge right now. so you can see what is going on at this time. it does look like that the lanes should be opening soon. a lot of those law enforcement cars, first responders, cars have left at this time are we have been leaving at the simons, clearing out the bridge right in front of us. so a lot of people hoping actually cheering that this bridge will open shortly. you know, i have been here all morning long when this started around. 9 o'clock this morning has spoken with a lot of people and mixed bag of emotions enough in feelings. many of them are frustrated that their morning routine was disrupted this morning. but a few of them understand the whole picture, as they say. one lady was actually able to walk across the bridge this morning from them or inside of the bridges. she told us she saw about 10 to 15 protesters on that bridge. and just a moment
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ago, i actually saw one of those cars, one of the protesters, cars being towed away. all right, next to us, i do believe that this bridge should be opening quite soon as soon as they finish up cleaning the roadways. but a lot of people that i spoke to lady i spoke to this morning. she is a she the teen counselor. she was on the frustrated side of seeing said she had to cancel many of her appointments with her teens. are that, you know that clients this morning because of this here's some more sounds angry residents. >> so that the bridge was blocked in southbound lane. i'm heading north to to be okay. second cup of coffee. a see, you know, it's been blocked in both directions. so, yeah, think plans to change. yeah. on a selfish level. sure. i'm feeling a little frustrated. i understand the big picture on this. i'm not sure what good this is actually doing other
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than inconveniencing a lot of folks. so that's where am right now. >> i spoke with another lady who i believe was working overnight and was just trying to get home to the other side of the bridge in marine county. as you guys can see and what we've been speaking about momentarily, the bridge is clearing up at this point. all of those law enforcement vehicles and cars leaving at this time. so we do believe that this bridge should be opening shortly as soon as they clean than a speck to studio. >> well, that would be good news. tiffany justice reporting live for us on the golden gate bridge and again, with mixed reactions. some people sympathetic, some people pretty annoyed, mixed bag of trying to win hearts and minds for your cause to be sure. sure. >> we'll take
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ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. >> welcome back to our continuing coverage now of protests going on gaza and certainly creating wreaking real havoc on the commute the north bay and the east bay today. issues on 80 also on the golden gate bridge and also on 9, 82, 80 right near the port of oakland, which is where kron four's rob nesbitt is reporting for us. we can see what the >> protestors are doing there to disrupt traffic today. rob, what's the situation like where you are? >> just seen in vicki. i'm on 7th avenue in oakland rate by the freeway entrance to interstate 80 in behind me is where you can see there are
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protesters set up with bicycles, flags and signs calling for a ceasefire in gaza. just one of the many protests that are happening in the bay area. and as i said, this intersection goes to 80 behind the protesters that closest to me. you can actually ones in the distance the entire time that i've been here for the last about half hour. they've been protesters walking up the on ramp to the freeway entrance. so it appears as though they are actually on the interstate itself blocking traffic. and i want to show you up above. there are actually some drivers who are watching this protest for themselves. they appear to be some truck drivers that are, you know, they're stop. they're impacted by these delays and instead of driving the trucks on the freeway, there just stopped posted up watching it the same way that we are now protesters ice. i stop talked to a few of them. no one interested in doing interviews. but they they say they are here to obviously call for a cease-fire and aside from
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interviews, their point is to just be seen, get noticed and get their message across to not just san francisco but the world. obviously everyone pays attention when protests like this happen from the golden gate bridge over to the east bay also noticed a lot of cars that have actually pulled near the protests themselves. >> they look as though there here to drop off supplies. they've dropped off food. >> water. there was actually one woman walking down the line of of people with their bicycles here, getting out sunscreen so from what i can tell, they're going to be here for a while. that doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. they supplies dropped off to them. folks have kind of we joined the protest, pulled over, come on their bicycles to to it block the freeway entrance to interstate 80. and as you can see from all of our reporting, the 7th avenue itself, there's not a lot of traffic here. doesn't really building impact on the side
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streets in oakland. it's when you're trying to get on the interstate where you're like those people up on the overpass. looking down your essentially stopped are not able to get to your job, your doctor's appointment or wherever you're trying to go. and that's the whole point that they're trying to make is cause disruption and get their point aeross the team. >> have your photographer go back to that sign that says the infant tada. uprising, the 51 we have some questions about it vicki wanted. a little bit. that's has a one. there was a different one. every of us could use a little more context about what it was talking about. yeah, that's not the sign. >> there you go. we over a little bit. i'm having philippe is my photographer moving over to the side. so there is only one solution. it says it info a revolution is what it looks like. and i i did google it to see for myself it looks like from what i can tell it means the first
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uprising also known as the first palestinian. >> didn't i'm sorry if i'm pronouncing around, but it just essentially as a series of protests of acts of civil disobedience is kind of the quick look up that i can tell with the sign means calling a cease-fire and palestine. civil rob, thank you for that. when we could just. >> explain a little bit about what's going on. we're going to thank you, rob. we'll check back with you later. but here's a live look at the golden gate bridge toll plaza. we are seeing some cars now going through. >> which could mean that there is some movement in traffic that's coming from the north bay from a marine county into the city right now, there are finally cars are now going through the toll plaza. so when we check in with kron four's theresa stasi, we haven't seen this all morning since these protests started at 06:00am. so movement going now meaning traffic to be loosening up a little bit. 50 justice reporting in from vista point that she expected
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within a couple of minutes that the traffic would be >> flowing. and we are just that effect so that could be a good sign for the rest of the morning commute. although past the morning, everyone we're concerned about in the afternoon and evening commute, how this could have a ripple effect. kron four's terisa stasio checking with people who are the larkspur ferry terminal. that's on the other side. that's a marine county lot of people who heard about these protests earlier in the day. we'll let you know what i can take the bridge. >> into the city. they hopped on the terminal. and theresa has been talking with them and seeing how the backup is also impacting people in that direction. are you there? okay? we have attend to this where our audio was linking up with a trace at this point. >> all right. let's go ahead and go back to kron four's tiffany justice tiffany, you had mentioned you got word that traffic would be moving along shortly, which would be
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great news for commuters and people who have been stalled out there in the north bay. what are you saying? we've got a live shot here and we are seeing some cars go through the toll plaza. >> yeah, we are within the past 10 minutes or so. i would say we're we're seeing those cars come down on the southbound stopped momentarily is i'm not quite sure what is going on. but there are no law enforcement vehicles on the bridge anymore. so i do believe that the traffic going southbound towards tolls have reopened at this point. they have let the pedestrians back on the bridge as well. that's something that we have not seen since started around 7 o'clock this morning since i've been here as well. i have not seen any traffic on the northbound lanes at all. so i do believe the northbound lanes are still being impacted. quite sure if law enforcement are still using the northbound lanes but does look like some more traffic is coming up towards us on the
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southbound lanes go ahead and zoom in for you guys to it. get a closer look as to what is going on that southbound lane. it does look like there are vehicles there. maybe they're pacing the vehicles out. so yeah, it does look like they're piecing the vehicles that you do see cars in and then rows and rows of traffic right behind those cop cars and their ego northbound northbound traffic now flowing and open at this time. >> so it does look like the protesters have been fully removed from the golden gate bridge, northbound and southbound lanes are reopened at this time. you know, this started around 7 o'clock this morning. so this definitely did disrupt people's morning commute. but at this time around 12, 10, the bridge is back open 12. 22 the golden gate bridge is back open and open for drivers and pedestrians. looking to, you know, have a golden gate experience. we're going to
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stay out here. talk to more people. bring you more information live here on the scene. but for now, i'm going toss it back to you in studio. it's just giving us great. >> a bird's eye view of the traffic starting to across the golden gate bridge with chp. leading the charge. we have another view to show people that the golden gate bridge is now back open. it appears in both directions. kron 4 s charles clifford is live for us now at the toll plaza. and seeing cars finally going through. >> well, take a look. so about 10 minutes ago, they reopen the u.s. southbound lanes of traffic headed from iran into san francisco. and then about 5 minutes ago, they reopen the northbound lanes. so all traffic in both directions up fully reopen. they also have reopened the gates that allow people to walk and bike across the bridge on eastside. i don't think the west side is open but bikers and people on foot are being allowed to across over the span. now
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using the sidewalk and again, traffic has reopened all the california highway patrol officers that were here earlier. they seem to withdrawn. and so things are slowly or rather quickly getting back to normal here on the golden gate bridge. we don't expect any further delays. a lot of people who had been stuck in traffic. we're able to turn around and go find another way around. so initially there wasn't a lot of heavy traffic. the traffic at the moment, not too heavy, but as people sort of realize that the golden gate bridge has been reopened, we expect things to pick up. so again, all lanes open in both directions as this protest has been cleared, cleared at least 2 vehicles and dozens of protesters. they're all gone now and things are getting back to normal guys. >> all much to the relief of commuters who there 6 hours out there since early this morning. finally getting through. check. we heard of. truck honking horns so i guess that punctuates the moment after about 6 hours of a commute interruption in protests on the golden gate
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bridge. we'll take
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>> and welcome back to our continuing coverage of the this morning on the golden gate bridge and on 8.80, in oakland. and the good news traffic is finally beginning to move across the golden gate bridge. we were live as it was happening with our kron four's that tiffany justice and charles clifford, much to the relief of all people who are stock in the north. there protesters out there as part of a global call to disrupt parts of the economy in solidarity with palestine.
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>> there were not only protests here along the golden gate bridge and 80 in the bay area, but also there are in situations just like this unfolding in chicago. we heard about the uk and also started in australia. so it's been happening all over the world. but here we're finally getting to see that the golden gate bridge has reopened. we are working to figure out right now what happened to the protesters who had linked arms with a person who was standing outside the car with a person inside the car, what the in a tube and then that's changed together somehow. so we're working to figure out from caltrans. also the chp and local agencies. what has happened to those protesters and there's still a lot more too figure out as far as what's happening on 80's, who we're going to check in there when we come right back. a lot going on. we're going to take going on. we're going to take a very quick break. [♪♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins.
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>> and welcome back to our continuing coverage of protesters who swarmed the golden gate bridge today as well as 8.80, in oakland. what a difference. 6 hours makes. because finally, just in the last half hour or traffic has been open. now to the golden gate bridge, as you can see there. this is all planned as a as a global action, not just in the bay area ended opposing israel's involvement in gaza, but actions of planned as an economic blockade all around the world. >> activists, they locked themselves together into parked cars in front of lanes. they were blocking all the southbound traffic of the golden gate bridge. it's going from the north bay into the
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city. and that plan was for them to stay there and shut do n the golden gate bridge and told they were removed. we're working to figure out how many protesters, if any, have been taken into custody with this chp or any local law enforcement agencies because the plans for them to stay there until they were removed. and since the bridge is now back open in both directions of traffic and least from this part of the bay area is much better right now. and crawford's charles clifford is live for us there at the toll plaza. and charles, ju t in the last 10 minutes, we started to see cars finally getting to go through. >> yeah, good afternoon. take a look behind me traffic northbound and southbound has been so this is good news for everyone trying to get and out of san francisco this way. also the sidewalks out on the golden gate bridge. those are open as well. so want to bike across the wide walk across. that is now an option. now, this all started as we've been talking about 6 o'clock this
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morning when protesters blocked the southbound lanes of the golden gate bridge about mid span. now they closed all traffic southbound but also closed traffic northbound. the california highway patrol, the bridge patrol, the san francisco police department, san francisco fire department. we're all out on the span trying to remove these protesters. they were finally able to get all of the highway patrol arrested. appeared to be several dozen protesters arrested it's been around eleven-thirty. they brought them into san francisco on green. >> golden gate transit pass, presumably take them to the home just over there. and brian, we don't know what any charges will be facing. it took about another 30 to 45 minutes for them to remove the vehicle. they saw at least 2 vehicles be towed off of the southbound side of the bridge and then was shortly thereafter they were able to reopen all lanes of traffic. and again, that sidewalk as well. so here at the golden gate bridge, things are getting back to normal after the protesters and the
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vehicles in any obstacles they left out on the roadway were clear. that's very latest here at the bridge. charles clifford kron, 4 news. all right. thank you, charles. meantime, we have our kron four's terisa stasio. >> she's standing by now with more on what's going on on the bridge. she said she's at the ferry terminal because a lot of people who decided no, i can't take the bay bridge there watching our coverage. was going on. they decided to take the ferry and trees is with us. here now on the phone. theresa, can you hear us? >> i can hear you guys and wow and has been a bit chaotic here at the larkspur ferry because so many people had to pivot right? and as they trying to head into the city, they had to figure out another way to go. they couldn't take the bus that they came over to the area packed with a couple of people. they very, that few people had to get into doctor's appointments. and they said that they have been waiting for months to get into these appointment. >> and so they were scrambling to try grab a ferry on time to get into the city to grab and uber in order to get to those
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doctor's appointments. one person said that he was a school teacher and that he was trying to get into school as it was returning back from spring break. so a lot of frustration, a lot of headaches people were having to try and scramble to find parking, trying to get their tickets, trying to get onto the ferry because, of course, there is you there's a wait to get on to the ferry to get into the city. i have interviews that i took. and i think what we can play those right now, let's listen in. >> well, it's the first day going back to school for me as a teacher after spring wasn't expecting this we adapt and i'm antiwar. so i'm not in favor of shutting down the bridge, but i am in favor of stopping the well, at this morning, i was on my way to sausalito to work and fortunately had the radio on to kick right before i hit the bridge, found out about it. turned around, went whoa.
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>> followed at the news for a little while and then decided have a beautiful ride over on the ferry so that i'm here in larkspur just might take it more yeah, i know that's not an option for everybody. and i'm really grateful that it worked out for me. >> so those people reflective a lot of didn't want to talk in a. >> we're very, very angry about all that was happening. good news as charles clifford reporting, the bridge is back open in both directions. one other note that i just wanted to mention is that there was a bus bridge for a while. >> and those people that normally take on get transit san francisco. they were bringing him here to the ferry terminal in larkspur so that they could take the ferry into whatever a point that they justine and vicki. yeah, it's a good way to get into the city. if you knew it was going on and can plan ahead. it work for you. >> for people in the east bay, they were saying try to take part today. that would be a
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way to get around the situation that's happening on 8.80. but again, the golden gate bridge is now back open in both directions after protesters shut it down for hours today. but both directions are now back open on the golden gate bridge. but there still issues going on in the east bay right now. our rob nesbitt to is on the 7th street on-ramp to 8.80, with an update that robbed or things moving. >> moving at this point are still stalled out. >> well, vic, interesting, there are still protesters blocking this specific freeway entrance that's on 7th avenue in oakland going on to interstate 8.80. so you can see them still lined up. but some developments that have happened is that i'm noticing more protesters and i'm going to zoom in for you. so you can kind of see that they keep walking back from the actual freeway entrance itself. many of them with flags in clearly the signs that they had on the freeway. and i've been watching traffic on the highway itself. you can see that truck moving. it looks as
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though before i was talking my last traffic was stopped. i can. >> tell now, obviously from those trucks moving that people are no longer watching this protest from. >> interstate 80 freeway entrance that the the traffic is actually moving. so i'm not quite sure what's going the freeway, but we do have a reporter who walked up because protesters had said that they don't want to do an interview. they do not want to talk with us. the ones that you can see closes here lined up, holding the signs. but they said that the protesters up on the freeway itself might be interested in talking with us. so we hope to get some actual interviews and find out some information for you. and we'll, of course have that as soon as we do. but from what you can tell these protesters here at the freeway entrance of the 80 are still here. still posted up. and not allowing traffic to get on the freeway itself or from what i can tell just from looking up on the freeway, it seems as though traffic is moving as normal. and also we are really close to west oakland bart
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station. so that is obviously a concern when you think about the part that goes above and people needing to get to the bart station itself be on a number a lift. there are obviously some delays. so it's not just the traffic. gets delayed from all of this, of course, also. people trying to get to public transit as well that are impacted when you have entire freeway system in the east bay blocked vicki and justine. yeah, rob, i wasn't too far from where you are right now trying to head into the city from the east bay. >> and i could see along of the pathway there, there were probably i want to say 20 or 30, a chp cruisers that were lined up. they were trying to obviously move things along the truckers. stopped. everybody was stopped. they got out of their trucks and there are some pretty irate truckers. i i must say. but i know you can see it from your vantage point. we'll try to get another shot. but our
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understanding is indeed traffic is starting to move along on 8.80, as well. >> they're they're rock from in front of or do you see cars backed up or people trying to get there on to from 7th street on 8.80? >> that's the thing. just enough. wondering if folks are just very aware of this and they're kind of paying attention, their gps when they put in the directions to get where they want to go when they see it right on the highway. because really, for me to get here from san francisco, it only took me about 25 minutes to get to this exact location. but if you're coming from south to north and might be a very different story. but it seems as though the traffic within the side streets along west oakland here, there's not a lot of traffic makes me wonder if that's because people can't get here. but it's really when you look at the freeways, but you see that bumper to bumper traffic that the guy was talking about and when she mentions truckers getting irate, i will say just about 15 minutes ago there was a car that pulled up. it was a man rolled down his window in.
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clearly he wanted to get onto the freeway here. he wanted to get onto this off him. protesters had an exchange with him and he pulled his car right up to them. and actually was able to shoot somebody on my cell phone of it. but it was a real exchange of someone who was impacted by this. their emotions are high. they're angry about what's going on here. and you can kind of see a back and forth to happen. eventually drove away and but when she talked with vicki mentions, people irate about the situation that was when i really saw someone who was impacted by this and how motion's been run pretty hot. >> we really get out of hand today with something like this one year when your job is disrupted by this or your normal activities are disrupted by this and that's kind of what the protesters trying is that they are trying disrupt the global economy today. and it's in some ways it has worked, i'm sorry, not going on there at 7th street. yes, 7th street is that is the
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on ramp that's blocked all this, of course, in the context of a heightened global tension because of the situation with israel and iran. that being a tinder box at this point. so >> a lot of a lot of people nervous. at nervous this morning and intel the situation gets resolved. it's likely we're going to be seeing more of this. we need to take a quick break, but
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>> we're back now covering breaking news about several
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protests that have shut down major freeways and highways in the bay area. today. the golden gate bridge is back open. they're still situation on the i-80 in the east bay. but these latest protests are coming 5 months after the bay area saw its first major protest on the bay bridge that happened in november. here's video from that demonstration. again, this is from november. it took place during president biden's visit to the bay area during the apec conference. and during that protest, dozens of people stopped their vehicles. they blocked traffic on the bay bridge there for hours just east of treasure island. what they did was once they got out of their cars and threw their keys into the water below. so made it that much more difficult for caltrans and the chp to handle the situation. but they were doing was calling for a permanent cease. what fire in the war between israel and hamas and a san francisco judge then ordered 78 of those 80 demonstrators to perform 5 hours of community service for this disruption. they also agreed to pay more than $4,000 in restitution in order to avoid criminal charges.
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>> last month, protesters taking over san francisco international airport calling for a cease-fire in gaza. they lined up blocking gates with a giant banner that you can see. they're stopped the world for gaza. there were speakers using megaphones leading chance. others played drums. this put on for hours and no arrests were made there. >> and then earlier this month, there were some pro-palestinian protesters who were blocking the entrance of lockheed martin research facility. this is in sunnyvale about 250 people participated in this. it lasted for about 5 hours. they were blocking the entrance. at one point the situation did get heated and kind of scary when a driver who was trying to get inside to his job where he worked there. he kind of sped up towards the protesters. he got out of his car that allegedly threatened them with a knife. no one was arrested during that protest. these pro-palestine protests are happening right now all across the country in chicago. >> traffic to o'hare
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international airport. it's resuming now after a protest had all lanes about bound interstate. i-190 shutdown. you're looking at chopper video of the backup in the shutdown. there. a pro-palestinian protesters blocked the i-190 ramp to o'hare towards the domestic terminals. the protests were to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza as where the the other protest passengers traveling to chicago o'hare. they were forced to abandon their cars and actually walk to the airport o hare warn travelers that vehicular traffic along the the freeway there to the airport may be substantially delayed and urge them to consider alternate meanwhile, expected to happen today. the port of oakland warning workers that a protest may happen today as part of the international blockade of ports. this is video from a previous protest at the port that was back in january. and like then today's demonstration demonstrators rather expected that demand
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the u.s. and its support of israel in gaza. protest organizers have not said when today's protest will be taking place. of course, we'll let you know if and when it starts. and both vicki and i >> saw on our alternate commutes in today that there are several chp officers and caltrans tow truck stations out on the bay bridge on the upper deck. they're out there. they were still, you know, staggered throughout. so if there is anything that could unfold there today, at least they're in position to try to get a handle on and immediately you know it to to even 40 actions. so if you see that that show force there, maybe there's a recalibration >> there was another protest planned for bay bridge. perhaps it was called up. we don't know. but we are certainly looking into all aspects of this. but you need to take. a little break here. take a breather. let's talk about the weather. has it's gorgeous. >> it's i have the good news here as we take a live look outside. you can see there are
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still some clouds out there, certainly, but we're going to see those clouds lift are going to get some sunshine in here. in fact, is take a live look here at coit tower. you can see we're getting some breaks right now. the wind is calm. the temperatures are going to be picking up a little bit a lot as we get throughout the all of this will be courtesy of the high pressure that's sitting off the coast right now. low pressure has attracted to the east of us that brought us all the rainy and very cold weather over the weekend. so we're going to see some improvements as we go throughout our day to day. and you should start to see the sunshine if you haven't already started to see some, it will be on the way shortly. current temperatures right now still reflecting that are a little cool out there. 56 degrees in downtown san francisco. we do have some low 60's santa rosa at 61. you can see san jose 61 in antioch and 62. but other than that 50's across the bay area. the difference in temperatures, though, between yesterday we're so chilly and today it's can see pretty significant in many spots, including nevada, about 9 degrees warmer than we were this time yesterday. so that is the trend. they're going to be observing as that. our temperatures just continue
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to climb as we work our way through wednesday and thursday of this week. these are the highs and expecting today. so we should be about average. if you look to spots that are far inland, maybe a little bit below average as we get around the bay. but again, i think the sunshine it's going to be the difference that we will see. now, here's a look at your forecast just to show you that warm-up. that's on the way. so today, obviously staying still pretty mild with temperatures by tomorrow. high pressure is starting to be in control. you can warms us up into the upper 70's for inland spots. 70's around the bay and then 60's at the coast. but it we should peak with this warmth as we get into wednesday and thursday and then we get a bit zone, all meaning that we have kind of quiet weather as we head towards the weekend. so while we will cool it down a little bit friday and saturday still well above average, when you consider average inland this time of year should be about 69, maybe 70 so that other nice thing here is i get to tell you that we have a nice weekend on tap for next weekend will be as wildly warm as the middle of this week, but still sunshine and some beautiful 70's around the bay. back to you. all right. and
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our team coverage of the protests that are disrupting traffic across the bay area will continue. right now. there's a situation that's developing on 8.80, which is where kron 4 soon to call is reporting for us right now. and philippe, we understand that. >> authorities are not taking some action against the protesters blocking the section along 7th street. >> not the sort of world were ok. are looking at some of video that fully chagall just shot actually is shooting right now of protesters who are being placed under arrest. they have been a blocking 8.80, since much of the morning. as you can the officers in riot gear in the background there speaking with the protesters. we don't see being hauled away yet. but our understanding is that they are
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arrests are being made is a little unclear. we were not able to hear his audio, but we're certainly seeing this live shot now of what is transpiring that we have on 8.80, dozens protesters out there. many of them have their arms. >> linked together. they're still holding signs and flags and those officers in the riot gear are talking to may be explaining what the situation is giving them their final warnings about if they don't get off the road and stop blocking traffic of what the situation will be from here. but there doesn't seem to be any violence there. we don't see. >> any weapons out on either side. we can't hear exactly what they're saying. but if their arms are the protesters, arms are all linked together and they're they're putting their hands on the backs are trying forming some sort of wall there. i'm making it more difficult for the officers to take them into custody. again, this is at 9, 82, 80 right near the port of oakland office, 7th street, 8, 8, 9,
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82, 80 right near the port oakland. but the situation is they're trying to block people from getting on 80 from 7th street. but i can't tell which department officers are from, but they're certainly ready to go with the shields down and looks like they have their batons out and ready to go. i'm wearing the protective gear in case the situation does start to escalate, seeing a chp, a kind of on u.s. which would make sense. i just don't know. maybe they had. >> like local law enforcement back up with them out there like which agency would be leading. but mostly it's highways. that would be the chp. said that linking their arms together and philippe is able to, you know, with his phone here, provide us these live pictures, a walk through the protesters here and here they're linking arms, forming a wall. so they're trying to make it more difficult. and here we have another officer that up in case these protesters were thinking about since are facing that roadway. they're trying to block them
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in case they were anticipating that they could start to walk up onto the road and they're very close to the port of oakland. and we had indications that there was perhaps a planned protest at the port >> and at ports all around the world. perhaps the presence of the chp there is is contained again. when i drove past this on the way to work, i'm getting on the bay bridge. i did see a number of chp vehicles with their lights flashing someone maybe 25 the 2002 to 30 cruisers that were positioned along there. they are there to contain it. we are seeing trucks that are starting to move along. that was not happening about an hour and a half or 2 hours ago. they were completely stopped dead in their traffic appears to be moving somewhat. >> and it it looked like the officers are slowly taking, you know, one step at a time, very slowly, sort of
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corralling the protesters together, at least moving the backwards. it's not this is not moving fast by any means. slow steps, trying get them all to, you know, stay stay in one position and not let this escalate at. right. we've had some plans it seems to peaceful and trying to keep them off the roadway and tried to move them in the right direction. and rob nesbitt is live for us there now. he's also on the scene. rob, can you tell us what you're seeing is we're trying to talk over these pictures of what the officers are doing. the chp officers are doing to these protesters. >> well, just vicki, it's actually very helpful to listen to you because from my vantage point, i'm on 7th avenue with a freeway entrance goes up to interstate 80. and so i'm not able to see what you're able to see. philippe is up there shooting on a cell phone. so you've been able to actually see what sounds like protesters being removed. i can only tell the traffic was clearly starting to flow. so i assume that this was ending. it sounds as though chp
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officers present on the highway itself is what is causing that. there are still protesters and you can see lined up here blocking the entrance of the freeway. traffic isn't able to get up onto the freeway itself, but it sounds as though the the reason traffic is starting to move on the highways because of what you are seeing, what folks at home are seeing is that chp officers are actually able to peacefully end this somewhat or at least maybe open up some lanes of traffic. as i said, only making assumptions because i'm not able to see it for myself. just seen him become a beacon, said some more light on what's actually taking place up on the freeway. i'm only able to see of the freeway entrance from 7th avenue here behind me. >> the what watching live right flee call. >> is giving us these pictures is there. there is a line of chp officers in their riot gear and their batons pointed in the direction. it's very clear shot. now of the
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protesters who are walking backwards. they have formed their arms are linked. so they are in mass standing there. but they're stuck there being pushed very slowly walking backwards. i don't know what the ultimate aim here, where they are putting these protesters, but i would i would expect that that they're trying to remove them from the thoroughfare from obstructing traffic in this area. so they're slowly. >> chp officers there are certainly outnumber. there are dozens of protesters out there. they're also the chp officers are lined up along the the highway median there along the grassy part so that things could spill out into all sorts of different directions. we see the protesters also have these bags of trash power. they have trash bags. i'm not sure what's in them. but there kicking them moving them out of the way. maybe it was things that they brought with them. it could also been stuff that was already there. some
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of them are have holding bicycles that they're also starting to walk back slowly. but it's the slow walk of officers moving towards the protesters who are walking backwards. why the chp officers are walking forward with their batons out. and so far, no violence, no, no fist have been flying. no, we have not seen anyone being taken into custody. it's just walk this just the slow per session of the officers walking towards the protesters who are walking backwards and they're just trying to appears to be moving them off this roadway of where they're located right now. but they are face to face the chp officers and these demonstrators, their face-to-face now on the highway. and we're just going to keep watching it as long as possible. we don't want to see any escalations, but we do want to see what directions this goes >> yeah, we all know how quickly these things can turn. but that's far we haven't seen any bottles being the officers do have their riot gear on. they do have their batons. no
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one is swinging anything there. there's tear gassed. so this is a very peaceful protest at this point. but the chp is, you know, making their point. they are there to patrol the highways. and right now they are doing that in in in a method which is takes them out outside of their patrol vehicles and on to the patrol on to the protest line there moving the protesters back bit by bit. we can't say we see, you know, philippe is walking amongst people there. the protesters still locking arms and moving backwards. ultimately where they end up. we don't have that vantage point, it seems it would seem the objective here is just to get them off the roadway. >> so again, these protests were all part of a global call to disrupt parts of the economy. this wasn't solidarity with palestine. there were some issues that were happening not only at the
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golden gate bridge today, but if you are just joining us, the golden gate bridge is back open now in both directions. that situation resolve itself at 12, 15 today. but again, the situation the east bay remains to be and issue 8.80, but the protesters here now we have 2 different live pictures to show you the smaller box. i think we can sort of see the protesters are walking. looks like they're walking backwards in that 7th street. i believe that was the situation where rob nesbit was at. so maybe the officers are trying to take these protesters, walking them slowly on 80, getting them on their to 7th street onto that ramp because even though we've lost that picture, rob nesbitt was reporting live right in front of where that trucks going to go by. but with that blue by school was and that's i mean, we're talking about that earlier in the hour. but that's where rob nesbitt is. and that will get those protesters off 80 down, down onto the on-ramp


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