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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  April 15, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news. >> and the bay area being affected right now by a coordinated effort to blockade the bay area, the nation and the world in the name of palestine and these protesters have a coordinated effort. now to snarl up commerce traffic in everyday life in the bay area and around the world to make their point. and they're doing that both in the east bay at this hour and the north bay heading into san francisco. and there may be more locations to come. we don't know. we just know that the call has been put out. >> to disrupt as many economic hubs as possible whatever cities these demonstrators live in. and so we've seen it take the form this morning. a story set up a blockage of
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northbound 18 near 5th avenue. that's up near jack london square and also across lanes of the golden gate bridge. and that's been impacting certainly commute traffic coming into san francisco. you can see the toll plaza here, ghost town. no cars working their way through. and on the far left, you can kind of see looks like a couple chp cruisers as they're also monitoring the situation from their perspective, we have seen on the golden gate bridge midst and in various images on social media, demonstrators attaching themselves with tubes some outside of vehicles attached to people inside vehicles to make it very difficult for police to disconnect them and to move them off of the bridge. and this is way different than other protests that we've seen where. >> for example, most recently sfo, the people just kind of chained together and, you know, zip tied together or whatever and chanting. and then they left. in this case, it's more than a flag more than a chain of people. let's talk about the 2 methods that are blocking both the golden gate bridge and 80 over at the
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golden gate bridge. james, you just mentioned you've got people that are 2 each other inside and outside of cars. so you after you cut the doorway of the car disentangle them. and that's there's 2 layers of those cars blocking the golden gate bridge. and then here what you just saw, there were the barrels that are across 80 at 5th avenue and those it turns out and this is coming from the protesters themselves. they that they have an e-mail explaining how they are sort tied together. those drums have concrete in them. and then the people's arms are in the drums and they're connected to each other and the drops, right? so you can see those protesters sitting on the ground between each drummond. they've got their hands extended into holes in those drones which way. >> 280 pounds each according to the demonstrators, again, concrete filled rounds. so the police now have to figure out how they're going to detach the protesters from the drums have to cut into the grounds to do that. and if so, how do you do that? because you can
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cut through metal. but watch those blades hit concrete. then, you know, you've got problems. so they're trying to figure out that issue and hopefully at some point can get them off the streets so the traffic can resume. but if the demonstrators have their way, they're going to be out there for hours and hours. they've stated that that is their goal is to disrupt the economic hubs of cities for hours, if possible, to bring the spotlight to what's happening in the middle east are calling for a free calling for peace in the middle east. they're calling for the u.s. to stop support of israel and its ongoing war against hamas in gaza. so you see this is the video from when this started at 6 or 06:30am, was the response to an eastbound i-80. >> and the golden gate bridge was hit by a sudden blockade. and that was about an hour and a half after that earlier. by the way, there was march that happened starting from the west oakland bart station. and those people seem to proceed from there. bart station towards southbound 80, then as
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we look at what's been happening in the bay area, we have seen similar scenes of protests of people either using cars or physical blockades with thereby is laying over traffic's intersections around the world, including of the federal building for the irs in philadelphia, including one area of london, including a number of dozens of different cities in australia. these people who put the word out in their officially email had said that there were 50 cities involved in. >> in europe, in asia, in the uk, in the u.s. all around the world to make a point. so and that could happen at any time today. we've seen it this morning, but who's to say it doesn't happen later here in the bay area? don't know. absolutely because it started as an isolated action in oakland, their 85th avenue. >> and we thought that that's all that was. but then the bay, the golden gate bridge stoppage then happened. so we'll something else happened today. we're going to wait and
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see. we knew earlier the port of oakland had put out a warning to employees and they asked police to be on standby because they expected that there would be a protest there to block the economic flow of products there at the port. but it turns out the organizers of the demonstrators decided to hit 8.80 instead and in their e-mail to the news media explain why they said 8.80, serves as the region's primary corridor for commercial freight seen millions of dollars in goods moved as it connedts to the port of oakland, the oakland airport and the west oakland rail yards. so that is why they targeted that specific portion of 8.80, to block and bring the economic flow of goods and commerce, basically to a standstill for the morning hours. and one more thing to and that is with the golden gate bridge. >> that's also sort of a symbol of the bay area in san francisco, in tourism and business and >> you know, it is it is the jewel in the bay area's
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crowns. it is a worldwide landmark. it is now shot down by these protesters. >> how to make your way around. if you absolutely have to do that with. but john has been following. you've had your hands full looking for glimmer of light or light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. they have believe it or not, there are ways it's but it's going to you a longer to get anywhere this morning. let's start with the golden gate bridge both north and southbound lanes are confirmed closed down. so shut down. if you're heading out of the city or into the city. >> it's all about the richmond. sandra fell bridge there. and then, of course, the east bay is just that complete gridlock as well. not just 80 because of the protests, but also 5.80, has taken up. a lot of the slack in is taking you a lot longer there. even the war. an expressway is a little bit slower. if you are inland, make sure to be taking 6.80, down through highway. 24 24 has been relatively unscathed by all of this. and as you connect there through berkeley through emeryville, you'll be just fine. getting across the
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bay bridge. but the golden gate bridge can confirm both northbound and southbound still do remain closed. there. and that backup stretches further north, a pass sausalito so don't be messing with headlands head out towards the richmond. sandra fell bridge right now. this is your look at the golden gate bridge completely. still no traffic moving there only because you do see, of course, are those chp vehicles. and then, of course, the all lanes blocked still on 8.80, heading that's right there, jack. london square, your backup clear pasta san leandro currently if you are in areas like alameda cross over towards the oakland airport and then cross down southward, that is going to be so much better for you as you're trying to get out that direction. 5.80, is a rough one. international boulevard also going to be really slow. it's taking you 2 hours to get up 80 from san leandro to the maze and it's taking. you is almost an hour to get from castro valley to the maze on 5.80, which is a little bit
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better than it was earlier. but still a very rough go there. if you are heading southbound trying to connect to the san mateo bridge, you're actually going to do just southbound travel is relatively unimpeded. both the dumbarton bridge as well as the san mateo bridge is are doing just fine. so most of our bridges, aside from the golden gate are completely ready to go for you. you just can't be heading north and south on the east bay shore line between stanley andrew in oakland bay bridge is also doing ok, everyone stuck on a 80 so there are a lot of people on the bridge right now. it's 12 minutes to get you across right there. as for the richmond, sandra fell bridge. you're going to see a lot of people working your way, counter commute because you can't get across the golden gate. but if you are heading to iran, you're doing just fine there again. another wrap-up of what route you should be taking across the bay area. golden gate bridge gate bridge is as is 80 and even 5.80, heading northbound. but our other bridges are okay. 6.80, and highway. 24 fine. and even heading
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southbound on a 80 is okay. just try to get away from san leandro and oakland head across the san mateo bridge. that will be your best option. there. of course, the golden gate bridge who knows how long this is going to be closed for. again, we have looks like multiple layers of protesters there that are blocking traffic that is going to take quite a long time with northbound and southbound traffic closed. still not a sign of any movement going on there. and if there is any movement in the east bay, it's just a very slow on 5.80, as 80 is completely at a standstill for miles upon miles. i'm heading northbound, trying to get into oakland. i'll send it back to you, john. you know, as we're monitoring any video that we can possibly see of the various protests and police action >> move the protesters. >> in the east bay, as we've seen on a 80, we saw signs that the police were trying to cut open those barrels and somehow disconnect the protesters from the barrels
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which have concrete in them and move them and move the cars and the protesters. they started that process. but as we are monitoring what's going on over the golden gate bridge, it appears that the police there have are standing back at this point. they're blocking traffic in both directions and they are standing back from what we have seen as the method that the protesters are using at the golden gate bridge and that's different. there's no cement barrels. but what they've done is they have used like sleeve connectors. and there are people there's a line of 3 cars and 3 cars behind that each car. there's a person who is connected to another person outside of the car with the 2 and the change goes on that way. and so the police in that case have not begun to move at that. we've seen to move those protesters and try to separate them. so we know that at this point they're not separating the protesters blocking the golden gate bridge. they are trying
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to separate the protesters over here that are blocking 8, 80, but in both cases there really making enough progress. both of those roadways have been completely shut down and gridlock and blockaded as was the as was the point of this protest. they have successfully blockaded these 2 spots in the bay area area a number of cities and different locations around the nation and the world at this hour with corn aided effort for there to get, you know, to get publicity and to stop the economy and commerce in various cities around the world. and there's no reason to believe that today's demonstrations will be limited to just. >> 8.80, in oakland and the golden gate bridge will just have to see how the day plays out. so you're going want to keep it to the kron four's. we continue following the very latest here. and don't forget, you could be part. >> of our breaking news coverage. if you have pictures, video of your experience. if you're caught in these demonstrations today, send that to email it to us.
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breaking news at kron 4 dot com. again, that's breaking news at kron 4 dot com. we'll work it into our ongoing coverage this morning. >> and throughout the day, stay with us. we'll be back with more in just a moment.
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>> 9.13, and the breaking news is the bay area being swept up in a coordinated economic blockade. >> all of the world for palestine. this is a coordinated movement to block commerce make a point that the protesters want to make. so here you're looking at the golden gate bridge. it is completely shut down by the protesters who are on the
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southbound side from marin county into san francisco. they are basically change to each other and their cars. so that's what's stopping traffic apat the golden gate bridge in both directions because police have stopped at northbound and the protesters have stopped it. southbound. and then as we've been covering since 6 o'clock this morning, 80 is blocked as well by protesters who started this morning at 5th avenue in 80 northbound. but that's stretching for miles back. that has been shut down and they also are shayne to gather and chained or basically embedded in big concrete oil barrels as james was saying. we're both trying to, you know, emphasize that these pop-up demonstrations are coordinated and they're being called on by supporters of palestine to happen throughout this day. april 15th throughout the world. so we do want to mention just, for example, there's a call for a protest in la financial district at 1 o'clock this afternoon. so not a good day
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for you to go somewhere because you never know when one of these is going to pop up. in fact, as we are waiting for resources to arrive on scene, we're told that kron 4 charles clifford now standing by out of the golden gate bridge with more on the effects of the demonstration happening there. mid span. >> charles, good morning. what are you seeing? >> well, good morning. so right now at the bay bridge start going get bridge toll plaza. you see behind me here. no traffic. nobody's coming into san francisco at the golden gate bridge that both lanes are both directions. all lanes closed down. if you look over to my left here. kind of a cross, you can see that the golden gate bridge district has stopped all traffic northbound right there. so there's quite a backup developing into san francisco. if you look across here, you can see the california highway patrol sort of rallying right over there. those are in the northbound lanes and then also out on the bridge at the moment. they the sidewalks on both sides closed down to all
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the cyclist. all the pedestrians and tourists are being kept from going out onto the bridge. so at the moment pretty quiet at the toll plaza. we're starting to see some media gathering covering this story. we don't know. at least i don't know how many protesters there are actually on the bridge and what they're doing, whether restrain themselves in some way. we do know that we're trying to figure those things out. but at the moment, if you're headed into san francisco, you're headed to marin, maybe reconsider your plans because it doesn't look like anybody's going anywhere for a while. guys. >> and during chuck, what route you took? because because the golden gate bridge is closed and that northbound direction where you are our police like farther back like through the tunnel and lombardi kind of warning you so that you can't get there like how did you even what did you go through to get there? >> so i came up northbound on 19th and actually got off 19th about geary and use surface streets kind of through the back way to come into the presidio and up the toll plaza
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area. if you're on 19th right now or you're on lombard, headed towards the bridge, you start to see a backup extending further and further into san francisco. so a lot of folks who don't know about surface streets are some of the back way used to live here. so i know some of the ways to get around. it's it's the backup is really starting to become a problem. starting to see 19th backing up into richmond neighborhood. there. so that's that's what i did is i snuck in on backstreets. oh, boy. all right. and as we take a look here, a bigger look at the toll plaza. charles, we just want to let you know that as we've been covering the story. >> we have seen what is going on to your north. so on the golden gate bridge on the other side from where charles's southbound traffic has been stopped because there are at least 6 cars, 3, 3, that are blocking the traffic with protesters who are demonstrators who are shane do each other and the cars. and that's by using these cops are sick hands. you got somebody in a car with a tube on somebody outside of the car
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with the 2 been. so there's really no way to i mean, if you open the door, you still think that or the person of the car, you have to cut it and they haven't done so saw so far. what we've seen is police just standing back and letting those protesters just be a blocking the roadway on one on one. over on 8.80, we've seen police try to do a little something too stop the protesters there or move them. but they are tied up in a different way. those protesters are connected to each other and to these oil barrels. there's the barrels and each person is sitting between a barrel to have their arm in the barrel. and then what they have said the protesters have a news release saying that they have concrete in those barrels. so it's one ways 80 pounds as a result. and they said the police were trying to cut on cuts through as the police on wealth and cut through the barrel and we get them out. but there's concrete in them and that's complicating things. these these protests have really taken on a whole new level of intricacy. in their own right.
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and then add to that, the fact that there are coordinated ones being called through throughout the day and throughout the world. so be ready for that. and while we still have charles with us, you were there also covering the last time these pro palestinian demonstrators blocked a major bay area bridge. in that case. it was the actual bay bridge >> here looks as though the crowd on the bridge is a little smaller, but still just as effective, more difficult, more difficult. you know. well, it's >> yeah, you know, choose these locations because one, their high-profile us going get bridge. it's a famous it's hoped high-profile. a lot of people will pay attention and you can do a lot of have a really large impact for the small number of people here. if you put the people in a certain place in a certain way, you can cause quite a bit of commotion. so if they're trying to get attention to their cause, this is a really efficient way to do it. so that appears to be what's happening here this morning. and, you know, if they're blocking 8.80, that's a lot of people trying to get on the bay bridge san francisco for
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work. a lot of people going in and out of san francisco, the golden gate bridge. it really causes a major disruption. and, you know, that is sort of the point is to to get their message across by causing disruption. we're of them along for the yeah. well, because the bay area's part of this, but they have said the protesters website said that there's 50 cities at least around the world. >> that they're going to be doing this throughout the day, april 15 in various forms. charles, let you go to do some more digging. want to head over to the traffic center right now where >> john troubles. but keeping an eye on the maps and all the sensors and the drive times, we just keep climbing and climbing throughout the morning. john yapp. exactly right. even your alternative routes have been a really rough go. of course, we're talking these 2 separate protests here. the first being at the golden gate bridge which popped up around 7.30, this morning. >> and then the other one on 80 in oakland, which popped up at 06:30am, this morning. as you can see, it's not just
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8.80, northbound nor the southbound lanes of the golden gate bridge that are blocked, but also a tough go. if you are trying to get northbound on 5.80, completely close northbound on the golden gate bridge and even some backups on 6.80, northbound. people are trying to just altogether avoid the east bay shoreline and make your way further inland up to highway 24. so a lot of us are being affected. we're going to start with the golden gate bridge, which as i mentioned, is closed both northbound and southbound. really the on the route that you can sidor getting out of marin county and on into the rest of the bay area is the richmond sandra fell bridge which thank goodness is looking just fine right now. so no issues there. of course, the golden gate bridge on the other hand is completely close, both north and southbound. the only movement we've been seeing is the chp crews getting out there and trying get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. the earlier backup, which is still very much so close as that northbound 8.80, surface streets are still your best option. 5.80, is about an
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hour to get you from castro valley to the maze from san leandro to the maze on 8.80. it is going to take you a solid about 2 hours currently. and if you are trying to get over to the peninsula right now, my recommendation is completely reverse your normal commute route. head southbound on a 80 or 5.80, make your way down to either the dumbarton bridge or to the san mateo bridge. both of those bridges are looking just fine dumbarton bridge, only 12 minute crossing there. san mateo bridge, only a 13 minute crossing. so you do have alternative routes just avoid heading north on the east bay shoreline and avoid the golden gate. stay with us. we will continue to keep you covered on all of these protests. closing down major bay area >> arteries, all still to >> arteries, all still to come.
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>> 9.25 right now. we just want to give you an update on what's going on at the golden gate bridge and on 80 and oakland, as you can see, nobody is getting through either direction on the golden gate bridge. it has been completely shut down because of a protest on the southbound side. >> so that's on on the side that you're looking at here is that's trying to get from marin county of san francisco. you cannot do that. you go either way on the golden gate bridge. >> and you can't get anywhere on sorry, 8.80, northbound. and that is because there's a protest at 80 and 5th avenue that's stretching the traffic all the way back, which is gridlocked in stock. we're going on 3 hours now of the thousands of cars. as you can see here stopped on 80 in the northbound direction. don't know if we can bring the golden gate bridge camera back up, but i'm just getting word
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from our producers up in the control room that ambulance was spotted heading northbound. >> on to the bridge. so it looks as though any way an emergency vehicle is headed to the scene of this demonstration, which is about mid span. we don't know why and ambulance is required, but one was spotted heading northbound now on to the bricks were going to try to get more information on that make it could be it could be transiting the bridge to someplace else to go somewhere. that's the problem with these protests is emergency vehicles. >> doctors patients can't get where they need to go and that could be, you know, life threatening for a lot of people. so we're not sure it is just let through for that or he's let through to get to the protest. will continue to gather more details about this protest that called a coordinated economic blockade to free palestine. >> happening in the bay area and around the world right and around the world right now. we'll be right ba hey, caleb. what's going on? homework. i'm supposed to learn how to cook a souffle.
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>> 9.30, now it's 3 hours or more that protesters have been blocking 8, 80 northbound in oakland at the 5th avenue exit and then all the way back stretching for miles. you can sen the thousands of cars that our stock and have been stuck for 3 hours. plus in this backup caused. >> by a coordinated economic blockade effort. >> that is happening in the bay area in the nation and around the world trying to call attention to what's going on. >> in the middle east and just to give idea of the backup this is and that was a 80 at 66. the blockage is up at 5th avenue and then here at the golden gate bridge, we have a demonstration mid span which is blocking all traffic southbound and police have
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northbound lanes blocked because they need to access those lanes and also to prevent more people from coming onto the bridge until they can get this taken care of. and we have a crew of charles clifford has been posted at the golden gate bridge and we've talked to him about the fact that you can get either direction and that traffic is starting to back up. >> in san francisco trying to get onto the bridge because there's nowhere to go. so so traffic is backed up in that direction. i have heard from people in marin county that 101, southbound is gridlocked, as are all the access roads. so don't try going there as far as the east 80, we have another crew and michael thomas is along a taking a look at the traffic in that area. yes, sir. michael, where are you and what are you seeing? >> will you know where? we're currently. good morning, everyone. we're actually on the southbound lanes. but take a look. we want to give you a real close-up. we're currently along the fencing. you can see
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multiple police units here and those pro-palestinian protesters change to those actual barrels. >> and you can see that there's got to be at least 2, 3 dozen police agency crews here. we've got highway patrol and a few others with multiple ambulance these cars are all just part here. everybody outside of their car and they're currently trying to actually teach some of these people that when it comes to the backup, it's got to be miles, everybody. i mean, miles and miles, and this what you're looking at right here is on the other side of that, these are the southbound lanes of 80. but on the other side of this is where 14th avenue needs. if you're driving through near the oakland area. so that is currently where it is. we've got caltrans here on the team as well, trying to figure out just exactly how to get these people from those barrels detach and they get traffic flowing again. but when it comes to an opening, i mean, this has to be here, at least for the rest of the day. darya and james is a live look
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right now. as you can see, there's a total of 7. >> shot. you're just gonna say so weak. we are from the group that there are 7 people and 6 concrete filled barrels, ok? so but in your shot here, it looks like there's only a couple barrels and a couple of people left in this. police are huddled around another one. so is it down to maybe 2 or 3 people? >> know. so we're still at least 6 or 7 people better change to those crockett barrels. what you're looking at, those people surrounding that is just the first barrel where they are trying to get people detained. and you can hear that actual chainsaw going through right now. so they're barely on the first protester all along that are the other protesters that are changed to these barrels causing this, what they're calling an economic blockade. and again, it's happening not only here, but really across the entire world. we've got orange county, san diego, long beach, chicago international airport, the golden gate bridge. so this is just one of
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more than 50 plus cities essentially trying to cause an economic bloc for for pro talent, pro-palestinian protesters to seize fire. >> these protests are to be move. you're saying they're still on the first barrel. they're still on the first one. >> correct. they're still on the first barrel. and we are again, we are right along the southbound lanes heading south. so their completely blocking everything off. right now. there's a total of 7 and you can still hear those chain saws that are going off. they've only they haven't even detach the first one. to be quite honest. i would assume there may be halfway through and around that you can see there's at least 8 or 10 officers trying to help with that. and if they're still working on this first one, people that are here at the scene told me they've been there doing that for at least the last 30 minutes or so. so keep in mind, if that's just one person, we're going to be here for hours. >> ok, stay right there. mike ullman talk to here in just a second. i just want to speak across the studio to john.
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john, would you do me a favor and get your map centered up on 9, 88, 80. going to talk about that here in a second. again, 9, 8, in 8.80. but back to you, michael, is we're zoomed in and looking closer. this is the first chance we've got to see these demonstrators up close like this. i think it's the only on camera. can you zoom into testers? because that is our first shot. our first glimpse at how they're attached to these barrels with their hands. sticking into holes on either side of these conch real liberals. can you zoom in to the barrels a tad bit? james, want you to zoom in to the bears? >> yes, of course we're doing so. excuse large, lots of loud noises. simon >> there's some at least annually. i actually have a woman here. correct? i actually have a woman man. you said you've been here since about 6 o'clock. what have you seen and how did it start? >> i don't know how it but i know also bunch of cars just traffic and my husband was -
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shot get to work and he couldn't because everything was shut down. >> when did you see them start to try and detach some of these protesters from those barrels? >> bought about an hour ago. >> lot and where they chanting anything at all. earlier >> no chance. just completely quiet. just completely quiet. thank you. well, there you have they've been working on that first protest or for at least about an hour. >> everybody who is currently out of stop and a standstill. they've all left their cars and made their way all the way to the front of where these protesters are. so they could essentially see what's going on. people standing some on top of their cars. others who are just all along the side. and then of course, you've got looking lewers who are driving the opposite waves a slowing down. if we have viewers at home or heading this way, find an alternative route, but also to be safe. a lot of people are pulling out their cameras while driving to try to take video of this, which can cause pmssibly another accident. so
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please try not to do that. but lots of looking on the opposite side and again, at least 2 to 3 dozen when it comes to officials here from caltrans highway patrol i see the sheriff's office here as well. there's a total of 4 different ambulance here. so it's it is quite the scene. you've also got the helicopters above us as well. so as to when this will be open, i highly doubt that there's any eta i have. we heard anything from chp on your and we know. keep your keep your picture up is this is the best shot that we've seen so far of any amount of progress. michael and >> as you're saying, if it's been one hour and they still have not been able to disentangle 2 or one of the people to the barrels. they've got 7 people walk to 6 concrete barrels. you know, they're having to a drill into the barrels. they don't want to hurt anybody, but they also want to try to clear them off of the roadway and then also
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you can expound on what you've heard that we've heard from the group itself and that this is a worldwide coordinated economic blockade that's affecting 50, at least 50 cities around the world. we've already seen actions. i'm traffic in the like in philadelphia, in new york in in the uk in london in australia. i'm wondering what you heard you allude to other places around the nation. we know there's going to be a protest later in la all day today. what have you heard, michael? >> you know, we've heard the exact same thing. essentially. this is to try and do an economic bloc. so they're doing it in dublin, berlin, chicago international airport, orange county, san diego, long golden gate bridge here. >> and if we can zoom in a little bit, you only do you see the young ladies you know, specifically stuck in ok?
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yeah, you know, it's just their it's very, very intense. and like daria was saying to try and drill through these entire barrels and you can see that that gentleman there with a saw, it's going to take quite some time. and if this is happening, not only here, but in other places, it surely is making and an impact in general, whether or not it's going to be an economic impact. i'm not sure. but i think we can all agree. this is definitely making a statement when it comes to commuters and people trying to get to where they need to go this morning. >> alright, michael, we're going to keep keep your shot up as rain keeping up. while we talk about what we're learning now is a 3rd incident not too far from where you're located. getting word now from the chp that westbound 9 ad just to your north. michael westbound night, 80 to southbound 8.80, now also being blocked by protesters. did i hear right? we're talking about like 100 people. i heard that at some point in my ok, i'm getting a confirmation of that is correct. there are reports of upwards of 100 people now. >> this could be that march.
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that started earlier part station, potentially. we know that a large group of demonstrators had walked marched from westbound from west oakland bart station to 2 towards and southbound as well right direction, which is kind of where this generally westbound. 92 that southbound 8.80, connector. it could be we're waiting to see. and john, thank you, john, for for putting this map together. so now we've got now on the east bay, those 2 icons. >> showing where these 2 blocks are. in addition to the golden gate bridge. so as we mentioned earlier, we we can say with certainty that today's demonstrations would be confined just to the stretch of 8.80, that we saw early this morning because then we saw the bay bridge and now we're seeing that and nor to to just right now, by the way. so if you if you're sitting at home watching this this morning, don't think that, you things could happen throughout the day. we've seen a social media saying that there are protests planned. >> at 1 o'clock in the afternoon in southern
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california well. the demonstrators in their note to the media said that they do plan on taking an action today at the tesla factory at 05:30pm, tonight. so this could last in various places for hours and hours throughout the day. >> michael, are you learning anything new that we keep monitoring a shot here? >> i you know, nothing new as of yet. i know james mentioned that people were heading from the opposite way of downtown oakland towards 80. i don't see anybody as of yet, but i can tell you and i can attest to the fact that trying to get specifically to this area, it was chaotic to say the cars everywhere. people honking, people yelling and lots of looking lowers. i mean, there's got to be at least i would say at least a dozen people even behind me right now climbed up on this fence just like me to try and see what's going on. and i'll try to move out the way just so you can see a tad bit. you can see all these people, summer media and other people are just regular folks who live in the area trying to get a glimpse of this, that when it comes to those protesters, they're still there. they have not chanted anything. they
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have not said anything. they're not laying down on the ground. their arms still in those barrels. and it does appear that other protesters who are not attached to these barrels art in the area, taking photos for their own social media and talking with some of those protesters attach and it looks like officials have finally stopped sawing on one protester. so we may be seeing that person get up right now. it looks like they're helping somebody up. i can't tell because there's a lot of people, but it looks like we may have finally have the first person on detached from that barrel. once it opens up a little bit more with chp officials widening up will be able to tell you, but as of now, they're laying on the ground and we do not see any other protesters coming this way. but if they are to come on to 80 everywhere above this point on those northbound lanes is completely free because they're blocking it here. >> this shot? keep it here. but i don't have another shot to show you of the protests at the golden gate bridge. but, michael, i just want to compare this kind of like
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difficulty with that with the barrels and the concrete and what they're trying to deal with at the golden gate bridge. something but different. so what they've got here, you've got the concrete barrels in people with their hands. and on the golden gate bridge out of the picture. show you they've got. there is people who are using these cuffs and they'll have one person in a car cuff to another person outside a car and they've got a chain of that going on about to change deep on the golden gate bridge. so they have their own kind of problem to get through and they haven't begun what you've over here. the chp has begun to kind of try extricate them here. but at the golden gate bridge, we keep looking at it and they so far have not tried to remove the people in the tubes from the cars and to disentangle that over the golden gate bridge. just to give you a bright bright, michael, stay there. we're going to come back to you. we've got to take a quick break, but we'll be back with more coverage in just a minute.
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>> i-25 is the time right now and we are monitoring what's going on at the golden gate bridge, which has been completely shut down in both directions because of a protest that is blocking the lanes, heading on to the bridge southbound. all traffic has also been stopped northbound. and right now we're seeing this parade of chp vehicles. you can see in the left-hand corner coming off of that direction and you can see all of the car stacked up from san francisco trying to going northbound. yeah, maybe they will let them. the protest is happening. southbound but they won't. they have to let them so far going northbound that maybe they will. that's a good question. let's find out if
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charles knows anything different than we do. he standing by there at the toll plaza of the golden gate bridge. charles. >> you do see like we did those patrol car start to turn around on the bridge. >> yes, so there's just a parade of a patrol chp cruisers coming by headed into san francisco. and they just went by. we've also seen san francisco fire department trucks going out onto the bridge. you can see there's more chp officers behind me there. so right this is the actually the sidewalk to get on the golden gate bridge. they have closed out on both sides. you can't walk or ride a bike out on the bridge that resulted in a lot of people sort waiting here trying to find out if maybe at some point they can go out onto the bridge. they still have all lanes of traffic closed. well, you might want to see there's a a parade of highway patrol officers going out onto the bridge right now. they're headed out there. there they go. so the last we heard is that some of the cars that were parked on the bridge there actually being turned
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around on the marine side being allowed to exit off of the bridge. but this doesn't to to being anywhere close to being resolved. there were also some protesters just walking off the bridge. a few minutes ago, i tried to interview them. they would not talk to me. i was asking them why they were here. they wouldn't respond. they said there's a spokesperson on the bridge, but we the media are not being allowed out under the bridge at this point. over around the bridge, we've got a helicopter and fixed wing aircraft circling around. also got some coast guard ships out underneath the bridge right now, sort of patrolling in a circle. so everything is kind of at a standstill right now as people try to see how long this is going to be going on and exactly what the resolution here will ok? so, chuck, i do have a question. charles. >> how far onto the bridge is the protest. you have any way of knowing that because you did say that some people who are caught on the bridge were allowed to turn around to get off. do you know that how far onto the bridge or is it like right on the bridge or is it backed up into more of the night? but beyond the tunnel?
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>> so from my vantage point, i can see is there's a lot police lights and activity mid span. so about midway through the bridge from this vantage point, i can't see the protesters and i've been told by our that some of the vehicles are being turned around. let's go ahead and pan over here. we're going to see a bunch. a california highway patrol officers come off the bridge here in a hurry. >> headed in the san francisco. >> and this is kind of in air for the last few minutes. >> as you just got a lot of chp moving back and forth. i don't know if they're arresting anyone or why they need to move in a parade format like this. but there's a lot of activity or from the california highway patrol as they try to deal with what's going on out there are using the northbound bridge which riley operating lanes tonight, both ways the police can. that's all they can to go north and south will be curious to see if they're responding to something else perhaps or if this is all part of what's happening at the golden gate bridge. >> i know that we do have some
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new developments. charles will let you go. we have to get over to michael thomas on 8.80 because as i understand it, there have been some developments now. >> in the last few moments, michael, walk us through what he's seen. >> hey, good morning, everyone. well, they actually have detained one person and we'll take a look here. these are the southbound lanes where they're stopped at on 8.81, person was detached from that barrel that was filled with concrete. they were taken away and carried by official. so as of right now, they only have about 5 to 6 people that i can tell that are still attached. that person was carried away by chp and highway with signs and they were yelling as they we're taking away as of where they are right now. i cannot see because they're on the other side of a vehicle. but these people here that you can still see are attached to those barrels. so it looks like they're about to open up or possibly maybe open up one lane to try to get some people out because they did tell everybody to get back into their cars. as of right now. but still, there's a total of
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4 barrels that are on the freeway and there's a person attached on each one. so from what i can see, there's a total of 5 people attached, which means they've already gotten to attached from these barrels. and again, they were carried away by chp taken to the other side of the highway patrol vehicle. they did have signs attached to their bodies and they were laying flat completely trying to as stiff as possible so they could be carried away as they yelled out cease-fire. >> interesting, too, and i like that. you pan to the left there to show us all of the material and the equipment that police have to try and clear this out. i saw a truck there. you seen anything else in the in the way of a bus or vans to try and take these demonstrators away? has there been collected and in tow trucks, by the way, for the out. >> there is there's no no tow trucks as of right now. but there are vans and yoli is showing that right now. you can see those navy blue vans
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from officials, but that person is on the other side. person is on the other side. only if we can show righ here, the the protesters on the other side of that pickup truck right there. see everybody's helmets and their heads. they're all kind of looking down. you can only see the top of their heads. that is where the protester that was detached from that barrel. they carried them over that way. i would assume that they're still giving that maybe depending on what their hands look like from being inside that barrel because we weren't able to see that. but there is medical aid here that is surrounding them and was with them as they were carried over in addition to those of and there's also multiple police units from highway patrol there, you know, ready to secure people and get them back to wherever it is that they're going to be taking them. whether that be arrest or not. but when it comes to everybody who was sitting in their cars, they had gotten out that they were asked to get back so people are getting back into their cars, whether they're going to open up this first lane or not, only time will tell, but there are no longer focusing on trying to get them detached. those who were sitting there because they've gotten one there. now
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with those protesters on the other side of those vehicles. so keep in mind, it's been about an hour for them to just get one protester can detach from these barrels. you can only imagine they still have another 4 to go and they still got a total of 5 people sitting here on 8.80. >> and and not to mention that the protests started here. 6 o'clock this morning. so the people in their cars have been stuck in their cars for almost 4 hours now. and as michael said, it could take hours more to get the rest of the protesters. >> disentangled moved out. the cars moved out that are that are left abandoned. there. >> so these people were stuck in traffic and how long stay tuned. we're going to be back with more coverage of now. 3 incidents where demonstrators have blocked. >> freeways and roadways here in the bay area will be back with in a minute.
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>> 9.55, just want to update you on the other spot where there's a protest going on blocking both directions of the golden gate bridge. you can see here nobody is getting north or southbound. in fact, that left hand side of your screen. you can see cars that are lined up that we're trying to get on the northbound side of the bridge when the police shut it down so they can't accept that access that protesters are blocking the southbound lanes onto the bridge going from iran into san francisco. ca can't get in that direction either. this is all part of a worldwide coordinated effort to economically blockade and the worlds economy to make a point that the palestinians, those are in support want to ask
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hamas and the israelis to stop the war. they want a cease-fire and they want to make the world suffer and pay attention. and that is definitely happening this morning in the bay area. and this is one of 3. >> protests that we're following for you at this very moment. we've got the golden gate bridge. we've got northbound 8.80, at 5th avenue in oakland and we have southbound 8.80, at broadway. also in oakland. >> those 3 locations have demonstrators disrupting the flow of traffic. >> we're going to be back with more coverage in just a minute. stay with us.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with
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breaking news. >> good morning. our breaking news is the bay area caught up in gridlock and an economic blockade for palestine. that is happening now worldwide. we've got 3 different locations that are tied up because of protest. one of them being the golden gate bridge were all southbound lanes blocked by demonstrators. right now they are mid span. >> and they are, again, all part of this cause to put the spotlight on what's happening in the middle east with the war between israel and hamas in gaza. they're calling for an end of it. they're calling for an end of any political support from the u.s. to israel while this war is going on. and as daria mentioned, this is all in coordination with what's happening at 50 different cities around the world. and we're seeing 3 instances here in the bay area. also have some new video that we want to share. that's just into kron 4 of the golden gate bridge. >> showing you the backup that happened when the protesters jumped out of their cars and chained themselves t


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