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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  April 15, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. good morning and thanks for joining us. at 7 o'clock, we have just found out that there's a big traffic disruption. >> in oakland on 8.80. yeah. this is the 23rd. what we're being told is that there are demonstrators on the freeway blocking the flow of traffic. and this put you right in the heart of the morning commute there in oakland. so this is going to be impacting you if you take 8.80 to the bay bridge, you're going to want to reroute take 5.80. that be your best way to get around this thing and up to the bay bridge. you're heading southbound. same story for you. you're going want to head to 5.80, and take that. that's your best bypass to get around this thing right now at we are efforting some photos and getting a video of what's happening on the scene. >> from what we've seen so far, we can definitely see that one direction is completely empty, which means that direction is blocked and the other direction you can see cars backed up. so they're not going anywhere either. so it appears that the protesters
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have affected traffic in both directions. on 8.80, in oakland at that 23rd avenue area. it's unclear if this is related, but we have been reporting this morning that officials at the port of oakland have been warning their workers that there could be. >> a demonstration blocking operations at the port. it was all part of international. you know, port demonstration a day. they were out there earlier this year and they were warning that workers, the demonstrators could affect port operations again today. we're not sure if this is related to that, what the cause is that demonstrators are are protesting in favor actually. we just got in. our producer has seen a little bit of a well and said that it seems to be a >> of palestine protest says that currently or is that? >> the >> file story from the port of oakland earlier this were trying to if occasions from our control anyway, anyway, they are demonstrating and they are demonstrating its middle and either way we
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thought the pro is going to be affected when we knew that might happen. but in this case, you're affected. just regular old traffic is being affected are trying to get around oakland on 8.80. and so this kind of falls in line with how we've seen these demonstrators impact. the greater bay area before with blockages at the bay bridge blockages at san francisco international airport. and now it looks like blockages on a major commute freeway interstate 80 in oakland trying to disrupt. >> and send the ripple effects out to as many people as possible. so that more attention is brought to their cause. and we should mention that, though, we're just finding out about it no matter how long these things last, there's a domino effect, a ripple effect the last for a while. so we're telling you this now. >> so that, you know that whether they wrap it up quickly or not, whether the police get this out of here or not, it is going affect you. yeah, look, there you go. this is just video in right now to kron 4. and it shows you that direction that's completely stopped. now the other side now they opened it up. and and and that direction is moving.
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but you can see that protesters have completely stopped traffic and that there is a police response, but they are not acting. they are not moving those protesters. and james, as we saw at the airport when this happened, as we saw on the bay bridge when this happened, it takes a while before the police decide to at. you i don't know how they make that decision, clearly they haven't made the decision. yet let yet they are allowing this to go on and you can see the barriers, right that these protesters were able to put out of maybe they had trucks or whatnot because they they drop these barrels right across the highway previous protest. what they did was they stopped one to and threw a their keys. but in this case they have barrels out there that now have to be moved. look at all the police that are responding and it's unclear when this all began. but clearly police >> are already on scene and are beginning approach. and at some point may confront these demonstrators trying to move them off the freeway. it's not
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a safe situation clearly to be on a freeway and especially during commute hours. so we'll have to wait and see how this plays out going to take some time, though. it always and slashed protests and the one before that have proven. >> it takes time to move whatever, you know, barriers there are in this case, the physical barriers. also, people also cars. >> so they're they're going to be a they're going to be handling this for some the best we can say is to stay tuned to us because we'll know immediately when reopens and even when it does reopen, of course, it will take time after that. look at the backup. yeah, and it's interesting. the quick response by police in this instance as opposed to sfo when they were caught. >> basically off guard by demonstrators arriving there, blocking the nash turnover is here today. >> they were prepared for a demonstration at the port of oakland. so maybe they had resources nearby that they could mobilize right to the and you can see how close this is. it's that purple section that stretch that's completely blocked off. and it's right across the estuary from the
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port of oakland. so it's not surprising that police were ready and ready and were able to get on the freeway this quickly. the thing is even when they have a large force and they're ready. >> much as we saw a pack, it still took him a long time to figure out how we're going to do this, right. we going to do this. what are we going to do? they don't. they don't tend to want to cause and so they want to handle it in the proper manner. but here's another thing think about seen as red. think about all the people that are stuck in that now and for how long this might go on. and remember the bay bridge protest and how all those people were like, they had to get places. there could be medical emergencies. that could be appointments. there could little things like how to go to the bathroom running. guess all of those people that are stuck in this do not join them. that's why we're letting, you know, do not take that. >> 80 spot because you're going to you're going to be in for who knows how long right. and that's going to be the decision you have to make right now after just going to be heading out on the roads. >> do not take 8.80, like ours that we don't know how long this is going to last. even in the other direction. traffic
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is slowing down to take a look. so either way, north southbound on 8.80, there near 23rd right in the heart of oakland just avoid at all cost. take 5.80, that your best alternate to get around this thing. we also have i think video from >> avenue 5th avenue. my my so we're getting a correction in out its 5th avenue. not just so, you know, the exact location on 5, 80 is at 5th avenue, not 23rd but look far too. there's been out there. that's a great way around this. james, you've been talking about 5 ages. all we can tell you is do not take. >> 80. >> near 5th avenue or even for miles leading up. and you can see why police are dealing with a protest that's happening. that's meant to block traffic in call attention the middle east. and that's exactly what they're achieving right now. much like what they did at the sfo airport and at the at the apec summit so many months ago. you can see the force of police
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and this is just something that going to impact you. if you're traveling around oakland, probably anywhere because again, the alternate going back up to as everybody kind of scrambles to make a new plan around right. so if you're not familiar with how oakland's laid out. >> basically, this is near jack london square. that's where 85th is just right near there. so that kind of gives you a mental map in your brain as to where this is occurring. we're going to keep following this obviously and hopefully we'll get some more video here soon. we're going to try and resources from our news room there to try and get more coverage of this and do want to mention something else that really helps us. if you have a friend or family member who is in the back up or who's near this. >> have them give us a call, give you you know, when you can give us a call and let us know you tell your friend who's stuck in this to let us know like when did it start where they and we can kind of go along and now get information on the commute. you know, they've got pictures, tell them to email it to breaking news. a kron 4 dot com. again, that's breaking news at kron 4 dot com. they can snap pictures of
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the backup that they're in. >> if they happen to see the demonstration front of them appreciate yes those pictures and we'll include them as part of our coverage of this breaking news story this morning, ok, we're going to get back to that. that's our big story this morning. the breaking news that we're following. also, we also take a look at the weather. you can see some of the clouds out there, but it looks like we're going pretty nice weekend. does. so far. we've got john trouble standing by with a look at that. good morning, john. and good morning to you. we are seeing a lot of cloud cover out there across the bay area making for this cool start just very overcast. gray start to the day so far. >> looking outside at the golden gate bridge right now. we are not seeing any sunshine at that perspective. temperatures are cool. skies are cloudy. don't forget the jacket as you're getting out there but rain jackets, they can go away. and for the long term now is we're not seeing any rainfall in this forecast ahead of us. showers have pushed out of the region and we are set for a dry week ahead. temperatures will gradually warm this morning. we're starting overcast, but we're going to see skies clearing out more and more. so
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some cool sunshine this afternoon. daytime highs will eventually reach the upper 50's to those 60's. getting a look outside at the roads. currently, we are seeing those issues on media as we did mention. but the other bridges are looking okay. that's what we're seeing right here at the bay bridge right now. 15 minutes to make your crossing there. the richmond center fell at 13 minutes. san mateo bridge at 20 minutes getting to the san mateo bridge, as well as the bay bridge is going to be tricky on a 80. so just make sure that you are taking 5.80, or surface streets if possible. looking at the golden gate bridge. 22 minutes right now from nevada to the tolls. let's get one more look at the ad back up and you can see it stretches all the way past bay farm island close to oakland's airport as you are heading towards the city of oakland, that's where you're going to be encountering stand still traffic. so again, get off of those surface streets. they want to take international macarthur or just get on 5.80,
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instead. back to you. thanks a lot, john. okay. one of our other big stories this morning to the fact that 2 women have died after being shot in napa over the weekend. police are asking for any witnesses to come for conference. michael thomas is in napa with the details. michael. >> there's still a lot of unanswered questions this morning after those 2 women were shot and killed near the downtown area. something that really doesn't happen in the napa area causing alarm to neighbors, especially because that killer, it's still on the loose. and police are keeping a tight lip. take a look. this is video we've got up on your screen. according to napa. police say it happened around 8 o'clock on saturday night. that's when 2 young women were found shot in the middle of the street on the 400 block of riverside drive. that drive runs along the napa river and is just blocks away from each woman had been shot, at least once and one died there on the scene. while the other dined in a nearby hospital. what people have excuse me, what police have yet to identify either victim neighbors tell us both were girls and both
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were teens, at least one in high school. take a listen to how residents reacted because of this deadly shooting. we lost 2 yo. >> you know, people a friend of mine knew the father of the child. it was my child. i would be i don't even know. words can it's pretty crazy. stuff like that. and we happened around here. you know, it's a pretty >> pretty calm area. i mean, i've been here 2 years and i've never really seen stuff like that. >> no information has been given on who the shooter might be or the reasoning behind the deadly shooting. but we are expected to get more information from the napa county major crimes unit who is heading the investigation back out here again, there is a growing memorial and we're hoping to get more details on who those victims might be on who the suspect was behind that deadly shooting in napa. michael thomas kron. 4 news. all right. thanks a lot, michael. we'll check in with you later. in the meantime,
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check back on our top story, the breaking news, which is a protest that's blocking. >> 8, 80 northbound at 5th avenue in oakland. you can see the protesters and all of the stopped traffic. it's gridlock right now is there because nobody is getting by in that direction at that spot. you this been going on since 6.30, this hurting and got more coverage of this breaking story coming up in just a story coming up in just a minute. so stay with us. norman, bad news...
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visit to learn more. doc? >> 7.14, we want to give you details that we have now about what's going on in oakland on northbound 8.80, there's a protest and it is blocking all the northbound lanes here at
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5th avenue. you can see the police are there. and so the protesters in right now, they're just letting the protesters middle ally away. presumably it's waiting for more resources to come in. remove the not only demonstrators but those barrels to that. they apparently brought. >> and used to block the lanes of traffic. uc police are ready there in their tactical gear. they've got batons at the ready. they're wearing their helmets. and again, as the shot widens out, you'll see oil drum barrels that were put in place by the demonstrators are they are you see there sign? they're calling for peace in the middle east the u.s. to stop supporting israel in its war in gaza. that's what they're calling for. we knew that there was a demonstration potentially planned out at the port of oakland to stop port operations. what we didn't realize was that perhaps the demonstration moved to the freeway to stop commute progress and to send ripple effects. and of course, to get the media got to get their message out there. big sign
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says economic blockade and is a traffic commute blockade they've created now so that it matters to you right they're trying to make it matter to people and >> the all these people is matter into thousands of people who are stuck in that. james and will be for some time because it started at 6.30. so imagine being stuck in your car right so far for 45 minutes. and who knows for how much more time? because that's the question. where will let you know immediately when something gives when something moves when they begin to move this thing or the protesters just get up and move. but i don't see them just getting up because that about the barrels to so after that point is still going to take a while. yeah, so we're going to wait and see as we the chp is asking you to go around this thing. in fact, i'll read you the alert this morning. the chp says their severe traffic alert demonstration northbound 8.80, south of 5th street, all lanes blocked. motorists advised to expect delays and use alternate routes. so that begs the question. >> what alternate routes are we talking about? and how busy are those at this hour to anand jon troubles monitoring
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that for us. what you think of that right now is complete standstill. >> all the way up 8.80, and as you're trying to head towards oakland and that really starts. >> all the way towards the oakland airport as you are making your way up past all those alameda exits eventually up to where the protest is occurring right now. so really just a complete standstill really from around san lorenzo all the way up through oakland itself. i'm really are encouraged to take those surface streets at all possible international boulevard, mcarthur is going to be a good option. it honestly, 5.80, is completely open right now. so that is the good news in all of this. if you can just hop off of 80 in san leandro, preferably make your way up to 5.80, and then make your way down to oakland this way, heading to the bay bridge or to downtown oakland. that is by far going to be a much better option because as we've noticed 5.80, is completely ok, but 80 really
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both heading towards oakland and out of oakland is at a standstill right so surface streets, a great option. really? it's looking like 5.80, is the best option for everyone right now trying to get out of there. so this is a bit of good news. there are tentative routes that are going to do better for you. once you get to the bay bridge itself, it's looking good. 15 minutes to make your crossing is not that maybe that drive times a little bit lower because everyone is stuck in traffic right now. but again, you have that option of 5.80, to get to the bay bridge or just take the san mateo bridge over richmond center fell bridge is looking okay at 12 minutes. the san mateo bridge itself is all right, as well at 21 minutes while the golden gate bridge, he's also doing okay right now. i'm holding up pretty well. just a little bit of a backup trying to get you through there. currently where we're sitting with traffic right now, san jose is doing okay. a little bit of cloud cover overhead for you, but we
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are seeing dry skies as you are making your way out there. radar shows you those dry skies that we all are seeing across the bay area at this point. low pressure on the way out. you see that sitting over the rockies. now with a high pressure ridge building in currently, that's going to keep us dry and pretty steady for the week ahead of us where were sitting on radar and future cast? nothing getting in the way. just a lot of cloud cover this morning. we will see that clearing out this afternoon with increasingly clear skies. i mentioned, dry skies throughout the course of the week ahead of us on into tomorrow. skies also remain dry. a little bit warmer, lots of sunshine and that warming trend will continue into wednesday and thursday. temperatures right now in the 50's towards the coastline. well, a lot of 60's elsewhere in the bay area millbrae at 60 degrees. burlingame 63 saying carlos at 65 south bay, temperatures, you'll be into the upper 60's later on today with san jose just shy of 70 degrees mid 60's from freeman through hayward. while oakland up the richmond at 63 for your
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daytime highs, north bay temperatures mid to upper 60's for you as well. getting your lookahead temperatures tomorrow rise into the mid 70's by wednesday and thursday. we do see some low 80's on the map. bayshore cities are going to be in the 70's pretty consistently through this week. back to thanks a lot, john. let's get back to the breaking news, which is the blockade of traffic >> by these protesters who are saying they want an economic blockade against israel and they want action because of the war in the middle east going on right now between hamas and israel. and you can see what they're doing to make their point. they are blocking northbound 8.80, at 5th avenue in oakland. and traffic has been at a standstill here. we're looking at as the standoff continues between the police that are all in the riot gear watching the protesters that have put barrels across the highway and are just sitting there. >> so there's been going on going on. 30, it started 6.30. it started by 6.50. you
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already had police in their riot gear. >> forming a line and you may ask, how do they get there so fast? well, we knew that nearby the port of oakland, which is not too far from here, they had anticipated that potentially there would be a demonstration to disrupt the economic operations of the port. so police were already on standby for that. so it's no surprise that they are able to quickly jump on this. now they haven't engaged with the demonstrators if they're going to follow the procedures they did last time for the bay bridge in for san francisco international airport. they sort of weight to see if this thing will dissolve on the tone of it doesn't, then they engage. but they only do that once they have the resources and the sufficient numbers to be able to process the demonstrators and moving safely off the freeway. and we saw those 2 different scenarios. james, play out. do they pack up and leave her to the police moved in. we saw them play out. >> in 2 different ways at sfo. the protestors just packed up and left. they just disappeared after they made their point on the bay bridge protest. that happened during
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a packed those protests lasted until the police moved in and move everybody now in this case we get a barrels and i i don't know if you see them. the protest is getting up and taking a barrel my home or the police having to move bringing in tow trucks bringing in trucks to get rid of those. we don't know if these cars are deserted or occupy, which ones are trapped. that white one something had export the barrel, right? so which ones are occupy? which ones are not? which means you're going so this is going to last for quite a while, even at which point we will live, of course, wash when this happens. at which point there's some solution or resolution, they're still going to a huge backup on for sure. yeah. so if you are headed, let's say oakland airport because you have a flight right now, you're coming up from the south. >> you know, south of the airport. so you would typically take northbound 80. don't do that. get 5.80, instead. get off at 98 like he would go to the oakland zoo and take 98th to the airport. so that just one quick right
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around this. if you've got a flight to catch and that's a big one, you know, a flight to catch an appointment to there's so many scenarios where people have to do stuff. don't join this group that's already on. luckily in the traffic and can't move at all will be back with more in of his breaking news in just a couple
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>> all right. we are back 7.25. the time. and if you're leaving the house now, you haven't heard yet. do not take 8.80. you want to avoid that really in any direction. but mostly the northbound direction because of this protest right now that's taken over all lanes of northbound
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8.80, at 5th street. they are demonstrating calling for peace in the middle east. police are already on scene, as you can see here in this video that was captured not too long ago. they have not made steps yet to remove the demonstrators. but we know that there's going to be an effort required because the demonstrators brought with them, those oil drum barrels that they've laid out across all lanes to block traffic and you can kind of make up between the barrels. the demonstrators are sitting on the ground. we don't know if that's all that there is with the demonstrators or if there are others in cars in the back up, we'll have to wait and see how that plays out. it top line that all this is a void. 8.80, take 5.80, as your alternate. if you're trying to get through the oakland area this morning. speaking of the backup and the cars in the backup is there are thousands of them that are stuck standing still right now in this back up since this started hour ago at 6.30. >> so you don't want to join them. we've got to assume that farther down the road, a few miles that chp is diverting traffic saying don't join us
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because, you know, you don't want to run into this blockade and sit there for hours. >> when and if they do do something to move, it's still going to be. >> you know, a while and all the fallout is going to take a while to resolve. so you might want to, as you said, james, if you have to get somewhere on time like the airport, like a doctor's appointment, something like that, you don't want to be part of that. so you want to take an alternate route, which could involve pretty much 5.80, would be a great one at this point. john has been monitoring that. he said it's actually pretty good, but it's going to get crowded as well. and we're going to get with john in the second, get more into the traffic angle of all of this as well in a minute, but just know. >> in your head right now as you're heading out, avoid 8.80. we're going to be back with more coverage of this in just a minute.
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>> 7.29. and before we give you an update on the breaking news, i want to ask you because there are thousands of people in this back up on a 80 that are part of the story to be part of our coverage. if you know somebody who is stuck in this back up on 8.80. please tell them to send a photo of the situation in any information they have on their personal life from this to breaking news. a kron 4 dot com because they could be part of our coverage. we have video of what's been going on. what we'd love you to be a part of that and advance the story and you know how long you've been and where you are in the that kind of thing cause a lot of people. thousands of cars are stuck right now on 8.80, northbound because of this protest that started at 6.30 this morning. yeah. so if you're just waking up and turning on the tv here at 7.30. >> no. that avoid 8.80. we have a demonstration.
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>> happening right now on the northbound lanes blocking all traffic. and you can see here the backup and this is at 66 7. this is at 60. quite a ways away. the blockage is at 5th avenue where the protesters laid out those barrel 66 square. so as you can see the track, the backup goes for miles. >> and miles, and so we're looking at this lasting who knows how long we knew that we know the bay bridge demonstration when these pro palestinian peace in the middle east demonstrators tonight, they protested for 4 hours. yeah, and it lasted for that long. not because the police were prepared because remember at a pack of the they have plenty of forces and they brought them out buses just like today. >> they were prepared for some kind of protests they thought was going to happen at the port of oakland. so as you can see, the police are prepared. they came out. but for the same reason as the bay bridge protest lasted a long time, this is lasting a long time because they have to decide how are they gonna react? what are they going to do right now? it's just a standoff. they're not touching those barrels that are laid out right there. not doing anything with whatever cars
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are. protesters are. people are involved. they're just standing and watching and if it's going to play out like it did at the bay bridge where they have to bring busses. >> and potentially tow trucks and things like that. they have to figure out how the best and safest ways to get those assets to this particular location. because, again, you've got freeway barrier as you can. there are no shoulders. you can't bring that equipment up in the traffic backups. you have to bring it back the other direction, going the opposite way on northbound 8 80's and the end to make sure they do that very carefully. and you can see just how far back this i don't know it. you tune in before your commute, but if you have a friend and they don't and there you know about too definitely the switches on and take a look at this big back up and really the recommendation, even if 5.80, is starting to get crowded as an alternate, it's better than sitting in us traffic. you don't want to do that. when we saw a protest like this happen before we saw people running
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out of gas. we saw people getting out of their cars not knowing what to do. they couldn't use the bathroom. they got hungry. they have appointments that were missing in the real concern is about blocking, you know, ambulances are people who have medical emergencies in the trafficking and can't get out of it. and and that's the really sad and scary thing when these protests happened. they're doing it to draw attention to a cause, but it is affecting people in ways. it can be very dangerous. and that's why the police typically do try to make these last quick wrap up as quickly as they can because they do know that people sometimes is urgent that they get where they go and they need to get where they're going in. and there are dangers with that. and, you know, there could be little kids, you know, in these cars are could be, you know, so many scenarios where, as you know, if you need to go somewhere, there's a reason so they they're going try to handle it has as good an peacefully as they can, which is what they're doing. they never want, you know, to have things escalate to everything has been. you know, quiet, but
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nothing has changed is the problem. so we're keeping an eye on this. i know children's hospital, oakland a's in that area. and so that brings as already mentioned, that very real. >> realization that there could be people in this back up that need to get to share some place in an urgent and so that's one of the things we have to, you know, consider when demonstrators take over major thoroughfares like this, like at the bay bridge, scooter national earlier this year wasn't as critical because people were able to get around that and they were able to just this person of the crowd when they were done and just sort of disappear words in this case. they really can't. there's nowhere to go except for into probably zip ties and he led away by police when all is said and done and police are going to move those barriers to the big the big barrels and of those demonstrators got there some way and those cars might be abandoned. bright sporadically throughout this back up. and so this something that's going to pack the entire morning commute. there's there's no reason to believe this is going to be resolved anytime quickly, right? it started at
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6.30, this morning. and again, if you know somebody. >> who's in the back up and they've tax to do well, you know, i'm stuck. this is traffic. what's going on and tell them to send you a picture and tell them to send us a picture because we would as many details as possible. one thing that we haven't seen that we love to see is are there people outside of their cars that are part of the protests to cause so far? what we've seen are those barrels and it looks like maybe one or 2 people that are sitting outside. so it's hard to tell how many people are protesting. look, you can see one person on the ground. you can see there several flags. i saw one person behind that white car just kind of standing there. but we don't we don't really know how many cars. there are a move. many people that are to move. what kind of demonstrations going on? we just know that this back. a blast from miles and that means people and stuck in this. don't join them again. like james said. we'll let you know as soon as the police move in and start wrapping this up. but even when that happens, it's going to take hours for that for the traffic to clear out and the other
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side, by the way, is affected to from looking lose. the alternate are effective as they begin to take more volume because you can't use a t and we've shown you both directions. you can see where where the red is and the backup goes in both directions. fact, that read. >> which is showing you the northbound backup goes all the way down to the bottom of the screen and now seeing that's going all the way back to 90th avenue. >> so start so the block is start starting the focus is at so it's going all the way back to 90th avenue, which is the main artery into. >> oakland airport fermenting. so you're definitely gonna want to just factor that. and if you've got any plans heading to the airport, i know john's been following your alternate routes and whatever these ripple effects are in the weather and traffic center for us this morning and what he's seen from that perspective. what we got out there, of course, is you just mentioned, james, is that back up now stretching all the way back to 90th avenue. so we are seeing that backup stretching. >> clear to almost stanley andrew right now surface streets, a great option. whether is international
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boulevard and trying to get off maybe before you even get to 90th avenue. you can go through downtown san leandro along davis street connect up to 5.80, that way, which is you can see it's starting to see a backup itself, but it's still certainly way better 80 is right now. a drive time up 80 is you're trying to get into oakland shows you just how long that will take from san leandro to the maze on a 80 right now. it is going to take you a solid 90 minutes. that is a full how are and a half right now just to get from san leandro to the maze again, 5.80, is starting to see that back up. but from castro valley to the maze, it will take you a comparative 24 minutes. so you can see easily right there. which option is the best one to take? absolutely go. the 5.80, rout taking you from castro valley to the maze. if you do 80, expect to be in that back up and that drive taking well
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over an hour and a half right now. so from under 30 minutes to an hour and a half, even those routes such as international boulevard are going to be a whole lot better for you. and then it will be driving 80 through this right now. and as daria also mentioned, even the counter commute is now being affected. you can see that back up in the red stretching bowl southbound and northbound as well. it really is a no-go right now heading either direction, either north or southbound, really 5.80, even though it is slowing down is still easily that better option still below 30 minutes as opposed to that 100 and that the hour and a half that we are seeing along. i-80 as far as what you get to the bay bridge. you're good. once you get there, i assume that backups a little lighter at the bay bridge because everyone is stuck on 80 right now. and so that means less people on the bridge at this moment. the richmond center fell bridge is fine. san mateo bridge is also going to be a good option for you, especially if you're heading into the city on to the peninsula. just one of europe,
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get onto highway 2092. that is the san mateo bridge and crossover that direction. don't even worry about getting up to the bay bridge. just get on the san mateo bridge. instead, as far as the golden gate bridge goes, things are a little cloudy out there. but everything is fine. a rolling along that direction. there. let's get a quick look at weather because also important as we do get the week started where we're sitting right now at the view over from the suture tower just shows a lot of cloud cover. temperatures are cool. skies are cloudy. so make sure you're outside with those jackets. sonoma sitting at 43 alameda. 52 san francisco. a cool 51 degrees right now. skies may be cloudy, but they are dry and that's the way they're going to stay in the forecast. so really no need for the rain jackets moving ahead from this point forward temperatures will reach the 60's this afternoon. so definitely staying on the cooler side of things all day today. i'll send it back to all right. thanks a lot, john. let's take another look now at the breaking news story this morning that is affecting the
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thousands of people. >> who are trying to get in and through oakland, as you can see, this is 5th avenue and 80 and this is where a protest since 6.30, this morning has been blocking traffic. so this is a look at the start of the traffic. but we also have a look at the backup which goes for miles stretching now past 98th avenue. so really this is impacting thousands of people. you don't want to join them if you know anybody who is headed in this direction, steer clear of the direction as john went over and there are many alternate routes that you can take. they're also starting to get busy. but alicia move, as you can see here, these cars are not moving and and and trucks are affected. and, you know, had told you how the chp and the police had gotten when that they thought there was going to be a part of oakland protest, right? well, this affects everybody this way. yeah, that's what this protest is doing is blocking traffic. trying to get into the port is blocking traffic, trying to
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get and one of the main goals of the demonstrators was to disrupt. >> the economies of >> the port to try and get some headlines in to make their their voices heard. instead, they've opted today to disrupt the economy of the region. bite, stopping the flow of goods on 8.80, the flow of commuters on 8.80, workers trying to get to their jobs delivery truck drivers trying to get to wherever they're going. so they i guess the in their calculus, they decided that this would more ripple effects around the bay area. if they stop as opposed to just stopping operations at the port of oakland, which was the worry on the ports part this morning, the demonstrators were going to come onto part port property and trying to disrupt their operation and were we're hoping anyway that it's just commerce that it disrupts and maybe your time schedule an appointment. you miss and not. >> anybody's life because lives become at stake when somebody is in an emergency and that back up and they can't move. somebody needs
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medical and the like. and there is a hospital in the area. and so we're just we're just hoping that nobody is hurt in all of this. the police obviously are hoping the same. they always like to bring a peaceful resolution to this type of thing. so at this point they've stood back. they haven't moved in to clear the highway or make arrests or get anything out of the way, really, even though they have quite a force there. so we're just waiting to see what they do if they do something to end this thing. all right. we'll stay with us as we continue to monitor the situation of this breaking news story. developing second by second. developing second by second. we'll be back with
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>> some 44 is the time we want to get back to the breaking news we are covering right now. we're getting new word in james from the chp and from ac transit. >> this this this back up and this blockade basically that protesters have created on 8, 80 northbound at 5th avenue and is having ripple effects of all transit because you can't get around if you can't use the freeways, it's hard to feed buses, crew and on. so even if they have people to pick up throughout local routes, they can't get them to where they need to be. and so the tweet that was just put out by ac transit says that lines 14. >> and again, listen to this, because if you take any of these lines is going packed you lines, 14. 29 36 and 62. riders on those lines. you want to because of these demonstration activities go instead and board 7th and mandela parkway. they're not running their normal routes. they will not pick you up at your normal bus. stop because they can't get to them. so
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you're going want to go to 7th and mandela parkway, which is the west oakland bart station. they can get the buses there. so you're going want to get on to the bus lines at that stops. you that in my all right now what we're waiting to get word is. >> when the police, as you can see riot gear, they are at the scene. they have been since shortly after this broke out at 6.30. when are they going to move in? when is chp going to move in and move those big oil barrels that are blocking the freeway because if you think of it like a like an accident, like when cars are in an accident or there's a big rig jackknifed or something. >> you know, they move in quickly to get down off of the freeway. that hasn't happened. now, we do know about the protesters. you know, that might be out on the freeway or the vehicles that are involved. but we do know that these big barrels are sitting there and we haven't seen them moved. there's still they're still in the way. and you can make out one of the demonstrators sitting there between a couple of those oil
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barrels. i've seen other perspectives that show that in between each of those all barrels. >> is a demonstrator settings on the ground that we don't know if they've restrained themselves or attach them. so that's complicating it. yeah, yeah. we know that police are going to have to have a vehicle to be able to move these protesters off the street. so maybe they're waiting for buses to arrive on scene. and then also they need vehicles. we'll the lift and movies, oil drums right there. okay. and as we've seen in past protests, they arrive somehow. so are there protesters, cars in the back up and are those cars abandoned and our their keys to those cars? and then they got to tell those cars. so this could be. >> far more complicated. then we might wonder like a while they layer up everybody move. so yeah, it might be moreland. what light last quite a while. and boy, and i'm really feeling for all of these cars and the backup. this is a 66 avenue member, the start of the 5th avenue. this is 66 it stretching way past. >> yeah. and 98th avenue. so
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i'm feeling for all of the vehicles to trucks, the cars, the families that students, that people with appointments in lives trying to get the sfo are sorry. get right to oakland airport are the hospital there or just really anywhere that are stuck. they a gas that, you know, you kind of don't know how my going to get out of here and the hours go by an hour going on our yeah. and we've seen that drive time. we'll talk to jon here now that he's got this map up. we've seen that delay drive time. john. >> steadily creep up. last time we checked, it was what 93 was like an hour and a half that even longer. yeah. and now it's even longer than that. so you see that people are still getting caught it on a 80. >> that hour and a half from san leandro to the maze. compare that to the top of your screen there. 5.80, rout is only going to take you 30 minutes so it will chop down your time to a 3rd, if you can get off, especially maybe through downtown san leandro. you can just hop on davis street make your way through downtown san leandro off of a 80 get on up into 5.80, and
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then you are still going to be hitting a backup 5.80. is having to carry a lot of weight this morning because it is. i've been to pick up the slack 80 being at a standstill. so that drive times going to increase too. but it sure is a much better option. then getting up on a 80 and then becoming stuck there for, as you can see an hour and a half because all those lanes are blocked surface. streets also can be an option for you. international boulevard is going to be pretty busy. i would personally recommend 5.80, to get around all of this mess right there. what you are seeing at the bay bridge is actually really like conditions and that's totally likely because not a lot of people are able to get to the bay bridge right now. you're all stuck on a 85. 80 is starting to back up a little bit, too, but a good option for us. just ahead over the san mateo bridge, which is it is busy, but it is moving. 21 minutes. so if you just need to get on to the peninsula into the city, both of those bridges are doing fine. it's just year drought. your drive between the 2 that is taking
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so much longer. let's get another look at 80, 80 right now. latest drive. time to get you from san leandro through oakland up to the maze. it's still well over hour and a half right now, whereas castro valley to the meson up 5.80, is only going to take you a little over 30 minutes. so definitely a better situation. if you can just get off a 80 and go up 5.80, right now. get a quick look at weather really quick. just a give you a heads up on what you are going to be seeing is you're getting outside today. quite looking at transamerica building sitting under a little bit of cloud cover today starts mostly cloudy, but will clear up more and more of that low pressure on the way out. now, high pressure ridge is sitting across the region now is that low exits the region which is really going help us out giving us a steady, dry forecast this week. today we start with the clouds. we end with the sunshine and more and more sunshine can be expected throughout the rest of the week. temperatures getting a quick look at those in the upper 50's at the coastline.
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where is the rest of the bay area lands in the 60's later on today? it is going to be a very pleasant feeling afternoon. if you like the cooler feel to it today is going to be a good one to venture out. enjoy up. nobody's quite getting up to 70 degrees. as i mentioned, it's just mid to upper 60's at the very warm us this afternoon. walnut creek 68, same for vacaville and santa rosa. a look ahead. does show some midweek warm for us. low 80's by wednesday and thursday inland and mid 70's along the bay shore on those same days and not a chance of rain. any time in this forecast. also back to you, daryn. all right, thank you, john. 7.50, right now going on an hour and a half with this protest that started at 6.30, this morning. >> blocking all lanes. as you can see here of 8.80, northbound. >> at 5th avenue and i'm seeing on social media, some people or characterizing the demonstration has in terms of size as dozens of people.
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converging on the freeway and now sitting down and stopping traffic. so we see those single line of police officers there. but if they're having to contend with dozens of protesters shed some light on why it's taking a bit to clear the mall. it may not have the resources on scene just yet to be able handle a demonstration of that size and even to it. so complicated. i mean, at first. >> you look at the barrels, there's oil there is and the people and you figure, okay, they've got to move the barrels and move some people. but think about the complications like you just said of if there are dozens of people in different spots along the traffic out of their cars protesting or if they've left their cars without keys. and so now the cars are disabled and they're kind of even within the traffic stop. it's so complicated you know, and delicate and they don't want any violence. they don't want this. and, you know, this conflict to escalate. so police are always taught to de-escalate and try to make it have a peaceful ending. so if nobody is budging and like you
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said, james, there litter throughout this. you've got cars and people, right? how are they going to move in and handle them and process them in? you know, this could take hours. the bay bridge protest is probably the best example that we have of that because they did have a quicker response. but remember, we were sitting here covering it morning and was like, wow, this is lasting 4 hours. you didn't get this stuff taking care for 4 hours. why did it take so long? and we saw people, you know, they had to and they were hungry, right? they had to go to the bathroom. they had to get places in some cases to life or death. you know, surgeries are appointments their doctors in that in that back up, what they were patients in the back of in the missing plane flights. just so many things. the ripple ripple effects region. that's part of the goal again. but the demonstrators is to disrupt life. >> to get in their mind, peace in the middle east. back on the fia is back in the spotlight. mission accomplished this morning because they cause the cause. >> because your life has just been because of this 7.50,
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threes that i'm back with m
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>> 7.55, we're learning a little bit more as we really take a close look at the video of this protest that is blocking to northbound at 5th avenue and we're getting a look at exactly what's going on with the barrels and the protesters that are sitting between them. at first we thought the protesters were just sitting and the barrels could be moved in. the protesters could be moved and the barrels are just there to stop traffic. but now it appears that the protesters are actually linked with the barrels and each other. so like there may be somehow, you
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know how they had the sleeves that lock together when they did protests at the bay bridge, right were able to cut through those. but the barrel is sort of a big sleeve in itself and their hands are inside the barrel. somehow protesters sitting between the barrels with each arm stretched out into holes. >> in those barrels and that's complicating why process of disentangle these demonstrators, police aren't sure what's inside these barrels protesters hands are in them right together. so they somehow have to maybe open the barrels, get in there to detach the hands and that this is this shut. that whole layer of complication that we didn't realize and more and then think about of this. so we're just going to take them all together and load people and barrels into a chain. how do you do that? >> oh, boy, okay. this is going to last quite a while. it's 08:00am almost. we'll have more continuing coverage of the blockade that's of the blockade that's following u
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on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. >> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news. >> am. we are now hour and a half into the blockade. the protest that is blocking traffic in oakland on northbound 8.80, at 5th avenue and 4 miles beyond. yeah, the backup extends. we're going to talk with john more about that. but here you have images from the scene. >> demonstrators sitting on the pavement along with these giant oil drums. >> and with a protester in between each oil drum sitting on the ground, they each ve


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