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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local
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news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> now at 5 deadly traffic collisions continue to plague san jose. 13 people have died in car crashes so far this year. thanks for joining us here on kron for news at 5. i'm noelle bellow and i'm grant lotus. it is an issue. city leaders and lawmakers have tried to fix blaming san jose's wide roads. celso people speeding, all of them. >> kron four's jack moment joins us now after speaking with safe streets, advocates and the mayor about what is next hijack. >> a grant know well. well, 13 people may not sound like that. shocking of a number. but right now the number of people being killed in car crashes is outpacing the number of homicides in san jose this year. now the mayor told me there have been improvements made in recent years, but advocates say they want the city to commit even more improvements in this year's budget. >> from a fatal crash on monterey road in january. to a man who spent months trying to
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recover but ultimately died in april after he was hit by a car off mckee wrote, we do everything right. >> we follow all the rules we wear bright clothing. and still we have a lot of those calls. matt siegel with the organization, families for safe streets says even when walking his daughters to school, it's just too close for comfort a close call can be. >> not paying attention to intersection. san jose keeps track of car crashes on a public database so far this year we have seen twice as many fatal car crashes compared to just this time last year. so many of the through ways that run through san jose rack up quite a few deaths from bad data set. but none may be more dangerous that monterey road, which between 2018, 2023 logged 6 teen road fatalities here. when we most awesome and get it right now. now we're talking a max off the corner of monterey and tully and has shot. >> cars driving into the bike lane. they're supposed to be separated by these posts. we
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need to work towards. designing our streets holistically. the public data also shows san jose's years long campaign to improve its roads like installing those bike lane markers and transforming battle through ways in the summel. i grew up on this section of brandon road right here. a couple decades ago. you had 3 lanes and 3 lanes of cars going within 40 miles an hour in the city of san jose. recognize the problem here ended up reducing it to 2 lanes to 2 lanes and added in protected bike lane. one death one too many when it comes to our roadways, people should feel safe. san jose mayor matt mahan says the projects are improving streets slowly but surely infrastructure projects are expensive and then the staff and actually carry. the says he wants to hire more police officers, 4 enforcement and even the potential addition of security camera automatically issue first a warning. and then after the first 6 months a ticket, max says the city should not only focus on police staffing, but the design of the roads
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themselves. and so we need again to have a design, a design, our streets. >> that encourages people and forces people to behave better. >> well, now there is some funding that is currently going to improve king road. that's east side, san jose. that's another statistically dangerous road in san jose. meantime, the mayor says those security cameras could be added into the budget the summer city council approves it and it would start with around 30 cameras mostly around school zones. thank you. >> another oakland business is on the brink of closing the owner of a long time live music venue downtown says burglaries in crime scared patrons off and crippled bottom line. the owner tells us he will likely have to close his doors for good. >> is that you would have seen 5 years ago. they're no longer here. they're all boarded up. so make it look bad. when i have to talk to our to start acting, they look, they come downtown worry about getting a car, be it. they're worried
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about, you know, the safety of downtown. >> edwards says he has taken steps to secure his facility, but that hasn't been effective at keeping his business. safety also tells us he's felt the effects of the raiders warriors and now the a's leaving oakland, fewer jobs means people have less money to spend and are less likely to spend what they do. have that businesses like his eventually paving the way for him to split from the city. >> police said had their hands full with recent sideshows all around the bay area from the peninsula to the east bay, even on the bay bridge shot of the hundreds that took part in sideshows over the weekend. 2 people were arrested. kron four's rob nesbitt spoke with folks at the chp to see how they are tackling this issue. he joins us live in san francisco with an update on that. good evening, rob. grant
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chp says they have a proactive approach to try to see the planning of sideshows online. >> and a reactive approach to send officers to sideshows when they're in pr gress. talk to any bay area. residents, though, who have witnessed a weakened side show and they don't understand why police can't do more to stop the cars. >> multiple bay area cities with the same side show scenes, cars racing circles at intersections from saturday night into sunday morning. menlo park, palo alto mountain view oakland and lastly on the bay bridge were black marks are still visible leave skid marks that are like almost like permanency. you see it in the roads in one s has recorded multiple sideshows over the years from the balcony of a san francisco apartment. >> so much so that he made the recent decision to move to mexico and only comes back to the city when he has to for work. part of the reason my left as i just can't i can't deal with us anymore. it's
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just the stress of, you know, a feeling like i have no control over my environment. during the weekend sideshows, chp says 2 people were arrested at the bay bridge and 2 minors were cited. officer andrew barclay with chp golden gate division says recent legislation allows officers to investigate and take later action. it doesn't have to be. we see it right there. stop them and take the vehicle. >> if we identify that vehicle, we can, you know, come in a couple weeks later without warrant and take that vehicles. officer barclay get several questions about why responding officers don't break up sideshows in progress. he says that's not always a safe option for law enforcement. very often. you're looking at. >> hundreds of people involved in these and sending in a single officer. i can be dangerous for that officer. says police officers responding to the sideshows he's recorded, stay too far away to document evidence. >> wishing law enforcement would put more resources into not just responding, but also stopping the chaos in
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progress. but the police can even control sideshow. what they can control any other sort of large-scale events? >> even though there were multiple sideshows around the same time this weekend, chp is still investigating to determine if they are linked in any way. reporting live in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> rob, thank you. appreciate that, rob. yeah, the saga continues. all right. let's talk weather as we take a live look outside here. another beauty as we look above san francisco, warm and sunny throughout the bay. earlier, though, i saw karl creeping back across the golden gate bridge just like lawrence crept on back into more and just kind of like that. sneaking to the golden gate. but yeah, it. >> it start to roll back on shore. some places along the coastline. they have plenty of sunshine. that fog. >> started to move back in tonight. we'll see a little more fog again. kind of a pretty low levels. so watch
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out. maybe som thick fog late tonight, early tomorrow morning and see a little wisp of fog making its way through the golden gate bridge. but what a gorgeous day we have had lots of sunshine, couple high clouds, but really some comfortable temperatures. and here's where we sit right now. it is 67 degrees in san francisco. beautiful, 70 in oakland, 18 degrees in fremont. 78 in san jose. san jose 78 in lael. 76 degrees and sunny in santa rosa. beautiful 79 right now in the battle. so working on a nice evening outside had a couple high clouds drift on up above. you can see all the snow cap sierra nevada well to the north all the way down to the southern sierra has lots of snow filling up over the mountain tops of the high clouds beginning to stream overhead. actually should make for a very nice sunset around the bay area tonight. if you want to check that out to be a lot of colors out there in your skies and should be a nice mild evening to do it to you can leave the jackets. we i'm a pretty comfortable out there. the temperatures stay warm as we head through the evening hours into the 70's and even as the sun has set,
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we're still going to the upper 60's and some of the valley's few more clouds on the way overnight with some of that patchy, dense fog will talk more about that and the prospects for some rain coming up in a few minutes. lauren, thank you. after 30 years in san francisco, a crunch gym in the city's downtown. >> has closed its the latest business to be unable to recover from the pandemic and remote work. this is the sign posted outside the entrance to the gym. it closed its stores at the end of march and now empty business. the now empty business was located inside the historic sharon building at 55 new montgomery street gym members have been transferred to the chain's closest location on 3rd street. meantime, post-pandemic challenges also led to a popular pub and restaurant on san jose's swing key santana row to shut down after 2 decades. rosy mccann's owners said rising costs, declining sales revenues led to a tough decision. rosie mccann's was a longtime staple on santana row for nightlife, dancing cocktails and dining a
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second location in downtown santa cruz will continue 2 remain open. >> rescue crews spent the day searching along the coast from pacifica up to point rays. they're looking for this whale. you see it right there to gray whale, its tail became entangled in fishing nets. and as kron four's dan kerman reports now they're trying to find this thing before storms come this weekend. before disappearing tuesday. this 25 to 30 foot gray whale whose tail is wrapped in a gill net was spotted by rescuers off the coast of pacifica wednesday. crews with the marine mammal center searched along the coast between pacifica and point rays in hopes of locating it. probably about a foot thick of on that. you can see on the top of the whale's tail. >> this is of concern because it's preventing the whale from being able to feed and travel as it should. kathy george,
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with the marine mammal center says the juvenile whale. >> this likely heading north towards that summer feeding ground in the arctic. the goal is to located as soon as possible so they can remove the fishing net as the whale grows. gear isn't going to get any smaller. so there is potential that in the future if this gear does not come off this gear could either lead to the whales. ultimate death. or it could cause serious harm and injury to the tail area. the first step after locating the whale is to place a satellite tracker on it. a previous tracker placed on the whale in southern california last month came off. then in the days and weeks ahead. rescuers tracking the location of the whale will meet up with it and cut the fishing net off a process that is difficult as it might sound when we are working with the whale, we just try and get as close like if this is the whale's tail in the sears, the notch in the middle of the tail, we try and
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get as close to that part as possible. so we're in a safe distance but close enough that we could effectively make the cuts that we need to. but it is a challenge when we have an active. well, rescuers say fog off the coast has hampered their search for the whale, but they're hoping to get a new tracker on it before this weekend's pending storms. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> coming up, we'll tell you why san francisco mayor london breed is on her way to china. plus, since a's all-time winningest basketball coach. >> is ending a legendary chapter of her career wore on the stanford women's basketball coach. tara vanderveer is retirement announcement. but first, there are now 2 request for a recount in the race to replace anna eshoo in congress. catherine heenan joins us next with that report.
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>> here we go again. yet more developments in the race to replace an issue in congress. recent vote counts leading to an unprecedented 2 way tie for second place meant joe. some indian and evan low would both be joining sam liccardo on the november ballot. but now there are 2 separate requests for a recount and kron four's. catherine heenan is in the newsroom with the latest on this catherine? yeah, it is. a drama is not. and if you thought we were done with this little a political theater for a while. >> you are wrong because, yes, a recount has been requested a fact which could break the historic tie between
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assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor. joe submit ian and not everybody is happy about it. >> it seemed both evan low and show some of the in were willing to accept the recent surprising news of a two-way tie. their teams not talking about an expensive recount. former san jose mayor sam liccardo is already safely in first place. now santa clara county officials tell me they are being asked to do a manual recount, something that could begin as soon as monday. the approximate cost $32,000 a day lasting, maybe 10 days. so. >> who's asking for there's an allegation that one of the people requesting the recount associated with some are calling a coup actually would benefit from having a 2 person race rather than 3 person race. it's much easier. it weighs money. it's much easier draw contrasts. >> the name on the recount petition is a former staffer for sam liccardo name jonathan
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padilla. but look, camp is not confirming that only saying the final count needs to be accurate. meantime, a very angry reaction from evan los campaign. the statement from his spokesperson, this is a page right out of trump's political playbook using dirty tricks to attack democracy and subvert the will of voters. sam liccardo, who does not live in this district, did not file a recount himself. instead, he had his former staffer do it for him. what's he afraid of? think antidemocratic at all. >> to ask ask for a recount in and in a lot of races and there are mandatory recounts like a presidential. and then when there's no one squat about anti democratic. >> also weighing in south bay, congressman roe conn who said in a post on x, a candidate wanting to overturn the will of the voters is undemocratic. sam liccardo supporters should not push for a recount asking
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to overturn election results and district 16 when all other candidates have accepted the it's a crash political ploy. and it's why i'm with evan low. >> it's a tie. vote. >> yockey says if somebody is willing to pay for a recount. well, clearly that's allowed by law. and he says there's a huge if in all this will somebody come up with the money they there been instances already. >> in california history where people requested a recount. but it tailed come up with a check. >> we did also ask voting officials in san mateo county. what anything they're doing right now? we haven't had a response. meantime, in this flurry of excited reactions, jackie, thank supervisor submitting those probably playing it smart by not saying much of anything right he says that makes him appear to be more statesman like noel. >> a lot of drama out there. catherine, thank you.
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meantime, san francisco mayor london breed is getting ready for a trip to china last year. chinese president xi invited mayor breed to visit his county and on saturday, mayor breed along with a delegation from san francisco's asian and pacific islander communities. we'll be kicking off a multi-city tour of china. the mayor says they want they plan to meet with business leaders. government officials, universities and airports in an effort to improve relations and attract businesses. >> our goal is to, you know, enter into major agreement to make san francisco a significant to china and to let them know that we're open the business relationship that could be developed as a result. >> the mayor says she is also hoping to encourage tourism in 2023. visitors from china spent more than 660 million dollars in san francisco in the bay area. according to the mayor's office breed will be in china for a week.
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>> let's talk weather now as we look at the golden gate bridge where the fog had been creeping in earlier today. but seems to have subsided a bit. >> i was really excited when i saw karl the fog. it's been a while don't worry, we'll get playing. have your fill of the coming days. that's for sure. but hard to believe. just this last weekend we're talking about snow. i was driving down the south bay mount hamilton just covered with this majestic white snow out there. but that has melted away as we see the warmer temperatures moving in. we're back to some spring weather and very, very nice outside all around the bay area. couple high clouds drifting on through. thank you for a gorgeous day. of course, we did have some of those patches of fog. but overnight tonight we'll see a little more fog out there developing. but the high cloud cover will continue as we head throughout the night tonight to should make for a gorgeous sunset. still. yeah. there we go. it's very, very active in the pacific. still, we've got a storm system that is likely going to punch through as we head toward. we can guess what, we're going to get another weekend storm rolling on in. we've seen a lot this year. it looks like get
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another one settling in bringing more rain. at least the first part of your weekend. maybe some thunderstorms, too. but let's enjoy the nice weather. while we haven't got high pressure but holding on here for at least another day, it's going to settle in, bring a lot of sunshine. and again, another day of 70's 80's across much of the bay area. the one exception along the coastline. just a couple patches of fog out toward the beaches. generally temperatures there in the 60's right along the water's edge. but some nice weather overall. i think you'll see overnight tonight couple high clouds drifting overhead. couple patches of dense fog down below tonight. watch out for that early on tomorrow morning. but should be mostly nice commute. then as we head toward the afternoon, plenty of sunshine. really some nice weather all around the bay area and temperatures again on the warm side outside tomorrow afternoon, looking about 64 degrees and sunny in san francisco. 74 degrees. nothing about 80 degrees in san jose. things are going to start to change. i think as you get to friday will notice those changes by this weekend. maybe 2025 degrees cooler, more showers. maybe some thunderstorms. yeah. that's
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weather in the bay area. so dramatically. cool again. yeah. maybe even some mountain snow. i mean, it's going to be another cold storm rolling into the bay area. storms are relentless. yeah. do you see this continuing? >> yeah, that kind of winding down a bit. but yeah, other the area of low pressure spinning around the coastline and because of that, we could have all kinds of wild weather. maybe some thunderstorms. we hear about water spouts hail haley to. how about that now exists. hills green. so yeah, looks nice. never known that. thanks. tonight. santa clara county health officials are hosting a training event about how people can help reverse an opioid overdose with the lifesaving drug, narcan, the free narcan training workshop will also be an opportunity to learn about the opioid crisis in general training starts tonight at 7 o'clock at mitchell park library. attendees will also be walaing away with the free narcan kit. >> coming up, a new bill one step closer to helping pet
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owners rent a home with no extra downpayments. how the animal friendly move is aiming to help renters. >> and problems with this year's pfaff says leaving many students unsure if they'll be able to pay for college.
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>> welcome back problems with this year's federal student financial aid form known as fafsa have left many students unsure if they'll be able to afford to go to college. today, lawmakers on capitol hill, her testimony about the flawed system. kron four's washington correspondent
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maddie beer-temple has the details. >> the new simplified student aid form known as fafsa fo was supposed to be easier for families to fill out and expand the number of students eligible for federal aid. we begin the school year with high hopes, but that promise hasn't panned out. numerous missed implementation deadlines. >> long delays, broken promises called call centers and it airs financial aid. experts told lawmakers the botched rollout has left students in limbo about whether they can afford college. there are 2.8 million fewer fastest filed this year. >> as compared with the same time last year, rachel feltman with the university of north carolina chapel hill says they still haven't sent aid offers for the fall yet because of delays that the department of education are facing a crisis of enrollment and of trust. >> the applications that have been submitted, 40% have errors that can't be fixed quickly. according to the national association of student financial aid, administrators night or a
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student or an institution can go in and make a correction. as of this morning, we expect that to happen soon. education secretary miguel cardona said in late march the department is working around the clock to address the problems, transforming a system that has been touching 40 years. >> they're going to be some challenges with it. and the clock is ticking. early may is usually when schools require students decisions in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. >> coming up, the search for a man who vandalized a mosque. why police say he could be trying to cause more damage. also, hundreds of stolen cars have recovered following an undercover sting operation. more on the efforts to improve safety in oakland. and then new ballers are going to hitting the field. meet the athletes signing on to oakland's newest sports team. oakland's newest sports team. the bullets keep it here. norman, bad news...
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