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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  April 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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>> you removed lies. the the unhoused people because they don't have a home.
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>> now at 10 advocates in san jose criticizing city leaders for moving forward on a ban of rv's in certain parts of that city. how leaders say the protects kids. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> good evening. thanks for joining us at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis tonight. >> a legendary bay area coach says she's retiring. stanford's tara vanderveer. the nc double a's all-time winningest basketball coach says she's retiring at age 70 there's been a coach for the stanford women's basketball team from 1985. to 95 and again from 96 to 2024. taking year off to coach usa basketball in 2011, she was inducted into the basketball hall of fame. in a statement she says in part, joy for me was in the journey of each season, seen a group of young women work hard each other and form an unbreakable bond.
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winning was a byproduct. i've loved the game or a basketball since i was a little girl and that is given me so much throughout my life. i hope i've been able to give at least a little bit back. vanderveer said to continue to work with stanford's athletics department in an advisory capacity. we'll have more on retirement coming up a little bit later on on sports night life. that other big story we're following for you out of san jose where the city is moving forward with setting tougher restrictions for the unhoused near schools. compher sara stinson joins us live in studio after listening in on the meeting were advocates say that the leaders are criminalizing the homeless. sarah. >> vicki today, leaders unanimously approved a ban on rv parking within a school zone. leaders say the ban is one of the policies designed to protect children. the city plans to first right of the restrictions at 3 of its schools before expanding it citywide. but homeless advocates say this pushes the unhoused out nowhere to go.
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>> san jose city council approved an rv van tuesday. it will first be piloted at 3 schools. independence high school shirakawa elementary school and challenger at mayor matt mahan says the city needed to pass tougher restrictions because he says students don't feel safe at school went henson, rv encampment czar nearby. >> sometimes being harassed on their way on and off campus. we're having break-ins on campus. even found needles on their picnic tables back in 2021, the city voted to restrict encampments within 150 feet of schools. >> but that's become more of an informal guidance. council members say the new initiative will give the city authority to put up no parking signs and tow our views within the school zone. homeless advocates have been opposing this measure since january and they continue to do so. you see a dog on the side of the road. >> do you not going over and big 0 dot for him? and
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treating our people and dogs. you remitted allies. the the unhoused people because they don't have a home. >> maybe they shouldn't be near schools. okay. but you know, there's no place for them to go. mayor mahan agrees that while they work to protect schools, they also need to provide more support to those being pushed out of the school zones seem to have safe manage places where that safe sleeping safe parking. >> interim shelter, permanent housing when it's a place for someone to go. when >>ncouncilmember david cohen expressed frustration saying the approved various rv, safe parking site in his district would help provide a place for people to go. but it continues to be delayed. >> i've been very vocal about the need to expedite the cited to be able to get rv's off the streets and give them and often in places. and i will continue to push for that to be done as quickly as possible. >> san jose city council will have a second reading on this
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next month. once it gets the final approval, the city says it will be months before people any signs of enforcement as the department of transportation needs to do a safety assessment. i'm sara stinson reporting in studio. >> back to you. all right. thank you, sarah. new investigation is really in the state of california, has done a poor job in tracking the almost 24 billion dollars is spent on homeless and housing over the last year. the audit released today found the state doesn't consistently track and evaluate its efforts to prevent homelessness and also evaluated the cities of san jose and san diego and found both cities are not property tracking spending or evaluating the effectiveness of their homelessness programs. san jose mayor matt mahan says he wasn't surprised by the finding saying improving accountability is one of the reasons he ran for. mayor. we need more transparency, more accountability. better tracking. absolutely. but we should be tackling this city by city county by county. we should have a top down
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statewide framework for how we're going to measure the efficacy of the dollars were using. >> it is likely lawmakers will now pass some specific rules and regulations requiring better tracking at all levels. state lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow cities to store rv's used by the homeless on state property. the proposal would expand an existing law that permits cities to lease space under freeways for one dollars a month that the goal is to make it easier for the homeless to move into housing and receive help. new at 10 tonight, palo alto police say they are investigating a possible murder after they say they found a man's body near highway 101 yesterday morning. >> they say an officer found the body on newell road near west bayshore road. they say the victim suffered a fatal wound but didn't say what caused the death. the coroner's office says his wound, though, is criminal in nature. there is a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible. a hayward man has
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been arrested for a deadly hit and run. that happened back in september of 2023. police say the victim, christopher pena was riding his bike when he was hit near mission boulevard and orchard avenue in hayward. they say the car he was hit with was reported stolen and was later found abandoned and set on fire. no word on what led investigators to the man who is now being charged with vehicular manslaughter. a pe teacher in american canyon has been arrested on charges involving child crimes. >> deputies say that american canyon high school teacher brad raul was arrested on 3 felony counts. he's being held on a one $100,000 bond at the napa county jail. the school says that the teacher has been put on administrative leave. and we're learning tonight that it took firefighters about 12 hours to put out this fire in hayward video from the citizen app last night captured the flames just shooting out of a business on to paul the way off a hysteria boulevard. this is what the
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area looked like this evening. the owner of nearby business called kitchen by the hour, says that the fire started at the west coast insulation and then spread very fast, damaging the store next door firefighters have not said what caused the fire. all right. in our forecast for tonight looks pretty calm we'll see some scattered frost excuse some scattered fog going on. >> around the bay there you can see the east bay shoreline all lit up right now at this hour, what we're waiting for. all to me, though, is a low pressure system to drop south. by the time we get to the weekend, that's going to drive rain most likely the heaviest appears to be on saturday and it looks like it's going to be cold upstairs tonight. 51 san francisco. 54 meanwhile for san jose, 52 oakland and that means tomorrow morning. you can expect 50's 64 going on in 10:00am then by high noon, 72 going on in london were looking for about 79 to with some lower 80's by 3 o'clock.
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lots of high clouds in which to deal with. we'll get into the forecast for you coming up and >> hundreds of library workers are pushing for more securityc in san francisco. they rallied in front of the cities. main library today demanding the city provide security guards at all branches and for the library's to hire more full-time employees. they say library workers are often forced to intervene in dangerous situations. >> i put myself between this weapon and the children he was. we have it at me. i am lucky to be here today. could have killed me. okay. this is not what i signed up for. when i became a librarian, i did not learn how to de-escalate situations in freaking library school. now, did i? >> out of 27 library branches in san francisco. only 9 have dedicated security staff. governor gavin newsom says
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crime is down in san francisco. thanks to the highway patrol and the california national guard. he deployed almost a year ago. >> coming up in our 10, 30 half hour, our kron 4 cochran four's rob nesbitt talks with the chp officer about they say the department is making the city safer. >> a package of state bills aimed at cracking down on retail theft of cleared an initial hurdle at the state capitol. the 7 bills which passed the assembly public safety committee include provisions to toughen up penalties and make it easier for law enforcement to arrest and charge suspects of theft. >> bill says to organized crime rings, we mean business and we're going to give law enforcement the tools they need to shut you down >> the bill still have to go through several committees and the floor in both chambers before they can make it to the governor's desk. the white house is condemning arizona's ban on abortion. the arizona supreme court ruled the state should follow an abortion ban dating back to 18. 64.
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>> restricting abortions even further in a state that already has a 15 week ban in place. the white house secretary says the biden administration will urge congress to reinstate roe v wade. >> today's decision, millions of arizona will soon face an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban. then they did before. this arizona law, which was initially an act in 18, 64, more than 150 years ago fails to protect women even when their health is at risk. >> the arizona law provides no exceptions for rape or incest but allows abortions of a mother's life is in danger. it will go into effect in 2 weeks. white house health and human services secretary javier, the sarah sitting today with a panel of patients and staff at oakland's la clinica de la rasa located in the fruitvale district of oakland. a historically latino
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neighborhood. the sarah talks plans to and mental health and expand rather mental health and health care access. >> still ahead, the search for the person who police say started the fire on the san jose state campus. we're going to show you what cameras caught that suspect doing. plus the north bay communities at risk of losing 75% of their water where state officials say that water should be going say that water should be going instead. ( ♪♪ )
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underway for a gray whale. you see him right here whose tail got tangled in some fishing gear off the california coast
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as kron four's terisa reports. first tonight, the whale has little chance of survival. if it's not found soon. >> ultimately, if we don't get it off and killing that's the reality with most intact, you know, actually one of this significance. >> justin viz bank is with noaa, the national oceanic atmospheric administration. i spoke with him on the phone from los angeles where he is working with local teams. he says that the whale was initially spotted back on march 22nd in the southern california city of laguna beach, a group trained specialists attempted to help the whale and remove the gill net amash of netting to catch fish that is wrapped around its tail. what the whale was spooked. the whale very reactive. >> to us trying to close approach basically had to stand down. the intent was to leave the satellite tag in the billions on as we typically do to come back find the whale again over the next couple of
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days so that we can get the some time to calm down and slow down and kind of where i'm so about 2, it was a chance regroup. get off and hopefully figure out a way to cut all large. now, feel that that's wrapped around its tail. this big says that they lost track of the whale on march 24th and now they know why. >> when the whale was spotted tuesday, the group discovered that the tracker had fallen off and they didn't have a replacement. he says once they find the whale again, then they can spring into action. but it will be a complicated mission that well is found. do we have resources in that area? >> where we can respond in a timely fashion. if we're lucky enough to get all of those things to come together, we actually can get back out on the whale with time day like you're probably whether all of those things, then we have the challenge of trying to cut off gillnets that's the challenge deal that it's not like, you know what that that that was part line here. just line.
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typically you can tap water to people places in the line of the law. come with feel there's so much wrapped on the tail. mean, it's literally going to take hundreds of cuts to get all of that. all thorton beach, i'm theresa kron. 4 news. >> well, here's something you don't see every day. a house floating in the bay. according to the coast guard, the owner of the 2 story house was having it towed to sausalito are not sure from where but the house was seen floating on the bay south of san francisco sunday afternoon. it's currently anchored just off of sausalito. a proposed plan inside and that's allowed county could limit the amount of water that residents >> are allowed to use their water. officials are looking to reduce the amount of water available for solano communities by a whopping 75% and be used for state purposes. instead, the mayor of fairfield says it would negatively impact homeowners, agriculture businesses,
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including the city's contract with anheuser busch and travis air force base. >> they apparently don't care about the people who live in our cities unincorporated area. the mess not care about travis air force base because it endangers them, quite frankly, to realize what how could the state even recently proposed what they were proposing? just just a 75% reduction of our most reliable water supply. >> in a system that's function incredibly well since 1959. >> in response to these water concerns, officials from the state water resources board say that they're still updating their plan and are gathering public input down to the 4 zone forecast. as we give you a live view, quite tower lit up on top telegraph hill kron four's dave spar with us in studio tonight to give us a look down the road. >> ok, ken and vicki, we're looking at pretty pleasant night with the temperatures. kind of close to seasonal averages will be a little bit
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on the warmer side, though, for the next few days. but then this weekend, oh, yeah, things do start to turn. do a show you a live shot that we have from you from sutro. it looks like the fog doesn't need an invitation. it's already rolling on in. she could see it from there from our sutro camera. meanwhile, upstream will get some high cloudiness late tonight tomorrow. that will be the really big story that it clears out thursday. but then ultimately the slow drop south, also from the gulf of alaska. so it's cold core and therefore it's going to drive potentially some instability if we get enough lift. going on. back to the fog that i just mentioned here. this is what it looks fog tracker here. you know, how it's going to cover a good portion perimeter. the bay looks quite thick through san francisco and off towards the coast. as far as lows for tonight, clear concern a lot of 40 some lower 50's at work. hayward 51 50 for oakland. 59 a looks like for a little more for tonight. and meanwhile, for the future cast this, the high cloudiness i referenced earlier looks like by the late afternoon, it's really going to thicken up quite a bit, almost trying to turn kind of overcast temporarily. but that should
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actually depart for your stargazing purposes for late tomorrow night. and then by thursday, we're back in the sunshine again. we're going to get interference. looks like again by friday. now, look ahead of everything here. we've got some patchy bay fog already developing high clouds, 40's inland 50's at the coast. then for the midweek. that's tomorrow. the high clouds clearing out by thursday and then by friday, rebuilding will call variable clouds on friday and showers perfectly time. unfortunately for your weekend, we'll get more into that coming up in a bit. thinking. all right, dave, a state lawmakers are looking to increase penalties against corporations convicted of criminal offenses. >> a state attorney general rob bonta says well, corporations cannot be sent to prison for crimes. they certainly can face penalties. current law allows for a maximum $10,000. fine per felony. but on his new bill would allow a judge to impose a fine of up to 25 million dollars per case. our penalty worth twice the amount of money a victim lost as a
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result of the corporation's offense. >> if you come colder climates, you will pay a just find a fair fight in holding these corporations accountable is that we're going to enhance deterrence and that's going to discourage this kind of corporate misconduct that's going to discourage people from defrauding their fellow californians are exploiting people harming are invited and that is going to protect communities across our state. >> montas as more than 75% of the money from the fines would go toward a newly established fun to support victims of there's no word on any formal opposition today. u.s. senators alex padilla and the fonz. a butler introduced a bill to rename a san francisco post office after the lake, california senator and former san francisco mayor dianne feinstein. >> dianne feinstein post office would be located at one 80 stewart streets. the get ground level of the rink on center as mayor of san francisco in the 1980's feinstein helped oversee the development of rent con
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center, including the rink on annex. san francisco's largest postal sorting in distribution center for several decades. the deadline to file your taxes is getting closer. people have until april 15th to file. that's next. monday. there are free electronic filing options offered through the irs. if you're looking for assistance to file, if you're unable to file your taxes by the 15th, you can apply for tax filing extension at the irs website. >> still ahead, what we're learning about a shooting investigation outside a grocery store. plus, imagine arriving in la after a good night's sleep and overnight train service is in the works between la and san francisco and the progress that the antioch police department is seeing tonight after years of seeing tonight after years of staffing crisis. with our new grocery outlet app,
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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes and stuff? yup.
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she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app.
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it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. a butler? super nice guy. >> deputies in rodeo investigating a shooting near a grocery store. it happened last night near knapp avenue, mariposa street. they say there was a large crowd near rodeo grocery when shots were fired. deputies say they later found the victim with a gunshot wound. no word tonight on that person's condition. >> police in san jose are looking for a person they say intentionally set a fire at san jose state to take a look here. surveillance pictures show the suspect leaving and entering a men's restroom on campus. that suspect wearing shorts when walking in the restroom and then leaving with hanson a different top pictures. also show the in a
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red with a red light or in their hand, they say the fire happened in the evening of march 31st. anyone with information is being asked to call san jose state police. >> man is dead after investigators say he was hit by a car while trying to cross highway 101 near sfo. the crash happened last night on the southbound lanes just south of the san bruno avenue exit. the chp says the driver stopped at the scene and is cooperating with investigators. the crash shut down 3 lanes of 101 for about 2 hours last night. investigators have not yet identified the person who was killed or explained why he was crossing the highway. it's been almost 2 years since governor gavin newsom said in the highway patrol and the national guard to san francisco. >> as that effort to curb crimes in the city been working, bikes coming to the bay area where officials plan to extend their rental bike program with more than 500 bikes.
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>> now at 10, 30 governor newsom says crime is down in san francisco after bringing the chp and >> california national guard into the city almost a year ago. but rob nesbitt talked with chp officer about their work over the past year. >> the public took notice when chp increased patrols in san francisco, according to the governor's office in the past 11 months, chp has seized more than 42 pounds of fentanyl in the tenderloin officer. andrew barclay from chp golden gate division, francisco police are now able to focus on the open air drug market while his officers focus on the transportation of illegal
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drugs. we know that in order for individuals to sell fentanyl in the areas, it has to get there. >> and we know that majority the time those drugs are transported to these areas in vehicles, more than 6,000 citations have been issued leading to nearly 500 arrests. the governor released a statement tuesday saying, quote, these results are a testament to the effective collaboration among state, local and federal law enforcement in san francisco. >> we will continue to work together to get drugs off our streets, address crime and make our community safer. the california national guard was also brought in last year to stop drug cartels. critics of increased law enforcement compare the governor's plan to the failed war on drugs. but officer barclay says police are doing more on the streets of the tenderloin that just making arrests while working with individuals who may be. >> you know, being arrested for possession of large amounts of fentanyl. also letting them know that there is there is help. there there are services available to reporting in san francisco.
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i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> san francisco police are searching for a man who they say vandalized a mosque with a skateboard last weekend could be trying to cause more damage. the mosque is on sutter street between van ness and polk. police say the suspect was first captured on video last thursday, damaging the building's windows with a skateboard. he was apparently back in the area this morning. but drove off without causing any other harm to the mosque. anyone who has information about this man is asked to call san francisco police tonight, some antioch police officers who were once placed on leave are back at work. but the department is still understaffed as our kron four's. philippe djegal reports tonight that could soon be changing with the new hiring incentive program. >> the antioch police department currently employs far below the number of sworn staff positions authorized by the city council mayor lamar hernandez. stark says the outlook is promising, especially now that many of the officers once placed on leave have been cleared to
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return to work to do the math. if everything goes right expose to go. >> pretty soon. we'll have 95 officers and then we'll have more coming online that are that are that are waiting to go the academy. so that will be over 90 something officers pretty soon. the city has authorized 115 sworn positions for the police department. >> today interim chief brian addington confirms there are 80 on active duty. 39 work patrols just one less than the mayor's goal. 6 cadets are currently in the economy. 7 more are slated to join the academy this month. and mayor hernandez thorpe says he's $30,000 signing bonus program extended by the city council last year has resulted in more than 20 new hires given where we've been in the last 2 years. we have attracted a lot of new time officers. >> so we get a lot the academy, the academy, 6 months. >> when they get off leading candidate coming to field training field training can be anywhere between 4 to 6 it
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would be impossible to get to one 15 unless we hired our laterals. and that's not who we've been attracting. we have been attracting brand officers who i think they're committed to change and see an opportunity build a police department that that they can >> out of the community can be proud of and our leaders can be proud at times during the past 2 years. it's believed that up to half of the sworn staff members were placed on leave. >> while county and federal investigators corroborated bribery, misconduct and races, text messaging cases culminating in charges filed against several officers in january 2023, the mayor reported 98 sworn officers were on the fours and inflated number, though, because dozens were on leave. >> philippe djegal all kron. 4 has antioch works to hire more officers. security guards have been hired by contra costa county to guard the antioch library. there's now a full-time armed guard and a patrol car outside lar library
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parking lot. they have a full-time armed full of time. as i said, a security guard inside the library, a string of security problems recently led to several issues, including workers being threatened property damage, arson and even activity ongoing flaring at this chevron refinery in richmond cause residents to get a level one warning notification today that happened about noon. >> health officials say level one notifications do not affect public health, nor need any action. but they are investigating. meantime, changes are coming to the martinez refinery company after a lawsuit settlement. the bay area air quality management district sued the an unacceptable number of hazardous releases. the refinery had 21 spills or releases in one year alone as part of the settlement, the martinez refining company needs to reduce emissions by 70%. the company says it actually plans to do better than that and reduce emissions by 80%.
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>> cruz is set to put his cars back on u.s. roads for the first time since october. the self-driving car company says it. it's going to add a small fleet of human-driven cars to phoenix. cruz says that it's going to create maps and gather road information with the goal of resuming its driverless mission. the company halted operations back in october, weeks after one of its self-driving cars have dragged a pedestrian in san francisco. >> that of the 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look right now at the san mateo bridge from forest, a spar joins us with a look ahead days. we've got a pretty pleasant evening in store for us tonight. however, unfortunate to be unsettled lies ahead. as we start to low drop in from the gulf of alaska. now tomorrow, the intrusion of some high cloudiness. but beyond that point, we'll get back in the sunshine on your thursday. shot for you. comes in from mount tam. how about that? we can actually make out a lot of the lights going on here in the bay bridge as well. so the
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fog is not as intrusive from this picture. meanwhile, our temperatures as we speak, 59 in livermore right now. 63 per concord, pittsburgh at 64 mostly up in the north bay. here we're hanging in the 50's temper on coming in about 54 back to what's going on for tonight. there's the fog tomorrow. the high cloudiness kind of thickening up a little bit. so that by the afternoon, late afternoon, it will probably be somewhat of a kind of hazy kind of a pasty white skies kind of situation clearing out tomorrow night in for your thursday for a last hurrah of sunshine. before we go, the unsettled weekend are these are the winds i-four this all the way forward to get to just before the storm starts to arrive. this is now thursday night and you can see the strong onshore winds of cover. just about all the geography, little bit aggressive to get her typical wind pattern that we would normally get from inland heating like that. so this is already with the arrival of the next storm system to come. how much rain we're going to get an a for this to friday morning. that is and there you
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can see how much we get by saturday night. looks to be most spots are getting 3 quarters of an inch too close to a buck, if you will. there's still a little bit more to come on sunday. so here's how it looks like on the maps here again, for the timing. there it is on saturday. that's predawn. but the heaviest rain you can see impacting most of the bay all the way down to the central coast, including also snows in the mountains. our local mountains are some colors, ation that shows up there as well. but we think the snow levels going to be above would strike most of our mountain sunday looks less involved. however, it may still be unstable if we get some sunshine. allows some sore heating might be different story next week looks to be pretty good pretty much smooth sailing from this vantage 0, 4, zone forecast. checking things out for you're you're a wednesday. 71 san francisco mid-sixties cover the coast. 72 going on for burlingame continue to warm up south 77 mountain view 70 palo alto. let's get into the 80's here in the south bay. 82 for san jose east bay shoreline near about 80 82 for livermore. 84
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walnut creek conquered 81 berkeley. 74, 74, also 77 for now up in 79 for santa rosa, our day forecast and again, little bit of flavor of that cooler spring by the weekend becomes quite unsettled. but it looks like smooth sailing into the next weeks. we're kind of making up for it next week. they're full of sunshine here be nice. if we just kind of move the other way, a better there? say i get your >> i still don't buy it. that's all a police say that with a dozen cats were dumped at the sand leandro medical center of the department is asking people not to abandon animals, of course, and they say that residents should call the police department more control unit for any help if you need it to the east bay s p ca is also a resource to contact. >> you might remember the city of santa claire renamed itself swift e clara during taylor swift's tour stop in the bay
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area last july. well, the name is but now a new study calls santa clara, the swifty capital of the country. there are supposedly more swifties per capita there than any other city. the study compiled a ranking of the american cities with the act, highest concentration of swift fans don't know how they did that. santa clara took the top spot followed by tampa bay, then pittsburgh, pennsylvania and kansas city. >> 2 dozen new docking stations and hundreds of e-bikes are coming to the east bay. it's all part of the debate. wheels, regional bikeshare system, the 565 e bikes and docking stations will be in oakland and emeryville. the expansion marks the second phase of a 2 step plan to introduce more bikes and docking stations to san francisco and san jose. the cost of using the bikes also is being reduced today. city leaders praised the latest developments. >> we know e-bikes allow more people of all abilities to
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ride bikes and have access to alternative modes of transportation. it can be very expensive. so being able to have a more expensive membership option, we just opening access to a lot more people this is critical, too. >> not just getting people out of cars and advancing more sustainable trips, but also providing first last mile options for people in berks land. these >> bay wheels, regional bike share system is partnering with the metropolitan transportation commission as well as lifts to make all of come to fruition has since 2017. the program is provided more than 6,000 pedal, powered or pedal assist electric bikes all across the bay. san jose, san francisco, oakland, berkeley emeryville. new bart anime stickers are now available. these 4 mascots from 8 has an idea to attract
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younger writers. fun facts are based off real bart employees can also expect to see. >> signs on the trains with the characters promoting some bay area events such as the teen poetry contest. luxury train could soon be running between san francisco and l a. >> a southern california company. it's called dream start working on an overnight train service between the 2 cities that could kick off as soon as next summer. the company says it's sleeping cars private rooms with queen beds and even showers. there would be also a high speed internet and food beverage service. and check this out. company also says it's exploring the idea of an add-on auto transport service, which it says would allow passengers to bring their personal vehicles along for the ride, then use them at their final destination. wow. and the company did not say how the system would work. exactly. so far. green star has a reached an initial agreement with union pacific railroad to use the tracks already used by amtrak said pacific surfliner and coast starlight. not clear how much that trip would cost. sounds
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cool. very cool. and probably not cheap. probably not. especially if you can bring your car in your car sleep and take a gels. sounds fun. sure there if you can afford it. that wraps up kron for news at 10. stay tuned for kron news 11 but for sports night live, kate rooney is here. >> oh, what a he just jumped to it. well, i mean, this is huge pressure maybe the hottest team in basketball and he's going to say 8 of their last fire. yeah. you got to love it. clade 2. we're going to talk all about it tonight. but for some huge, shocking news from women's basketball, tara vanderveer calling it a career stepping down as the stanford head coach and winningest head coach in college basketball. and then of course, we will take you to la to check out what happened against the lakers, how they did and what it all means. it's all coming up on sports night live.
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>> simply one of the greatest ever to do it. welcome to sports night live. i'm kate rooney. after 38 seasons, tara vanderveer were tire is head coach of the stanford women's basketball team. ha


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