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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  April 4, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> now at noon, it's official. the a's are making sacramento their new temporary home beginning next season. we're live with the details. plus, rain storm clouds, even snow. wet weather returning to the bay area. our meteorologist kyla grogan has the current conditions. plus, how long it's all expected to last. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. news. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin, a big story. we're following its official. the oakland athletics are headed to sacramento today. the team announced it has reached a deal to play their home games at sutter health park in west sacramento starting next season. the athletics of called oakland home since 1968. while the team has proposed moving in the past, this will be the first time a move actually takes place in 2014, signed a 10 year lease to remain at the coliseum. and
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in 2018, the a's announced a plan for a ballpark at howard terminal by 2021. with no ballpark plan in place. major league baseball permitted the a's to explore relocation in 2023. da's reached a deal to move to a site at the tropicana strip in las vegas. and mlb owners approved that move with a vegas stadium not set to open until at least 2028. the team had been searching for a place to play when the current lease at the coliseum ends at the end of this season. and we are getting reaction from all over the bay area to the a's announcement again to play in sacramento next year. and today on kron 4 more morning news said james fletcher spoke with 95 7. the games haven't giddings and hear his thoughts there. >> and when i look at this situation, i look at john fisher, the owner of the oakland athletics. i look at rob manfred, the commissioner, major league baseball. and i look at the background of they the owner center healthpark.
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and so whether fans want to blame the a's when they want to blame oakland ice i believe they should point their ire at 3 different separate parts of this because it doesn't take just 2 to tango in the situation. in fact, that actually took 3 to tango with what happened in the a's moving to sacramento. they're no longer going to be playing in oakland. and that's a stark reality that a lot of people i
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it's about the team's announcement that sacramento will be their new temporary home. and that's coming up at 12 30. so stay with. ready to go to the website to put a deposit for season tickets. this is sutter health parks website live right now. it's as you can get on the priority list for tickets for 2025. stay with us here. kron for news on air and online for continuing coverage on the a's moved to sacramento. you can download the free kron 4 app to get push alerts sent directly to your mobile device. when the news breaks. and this was the view from on top of mount tam this morning. wow, checked out. the looks pretty darned cold out there. snow coming down. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look now outside a similar view right there,
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mount tam camera there. a check in now with cuyler for more details. just see the tiny bit of sun trying to break through. we have a little bit breaking in san francisco with this low pressure system is still very fully engaged. as you can see here. >> and it is dragging in not just a rain, but also yes, some snowflakes in some spots because we've got very, very cold air associated with this system. so you can see right now where things have lightened up a little bit. but notice mount hamilton has a little bit of snow happening at this hour. but some of the showers of certainly lightened up from where we started this morning. and you can see it's kind of scattered in san francisco in through the east bay and into the north bay as well. however, kind of interesting as we zoom in here, just to the hills to the east of santa rosa, you start to see again some of that frozen precipitation that is coming down. so it is right on the edge. some of those flakes may be melting before they hit the ground, but they're certainly out there. and you can see as we take a look at these really big high clouds that are still around the bay area that even though we have a little bit of a break here, as you can see the golden gate
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bridge, we're not quite done yet. here's some of the rain that's fallen so far. almost a half an inch in the santa cruz mountains at the honda. renda also in that same range, oakland, about 37, 100 san francisco just over a quarter inch just under a quarter inch in santa rosa. and of course, south bay getting a little bit less than that. we're going to be adding to these totals were also still dealing with some gusty wind that is out there not too bad. you can certainly see san francisco about 16 miles per hour. we're going to see that pick up as we get to the afternoon. this is the other big story. these temperatures right now. just 40's and barely 50. maybe 51 degrees. that's where we're at at this hour. and that is once again, a huge drop in temperatures from where we were just 24 hours ago. if you're livermore, your 17 degrees cooler. so highs today will be the list to say well below average, you can see those dark skies here at the embarcadero. we're looking out for low to mid 50's today when we should be in those upper 60's. even 70 degrees in napa. if you look at the average, i'll be back a little bit going to track the rest of the showers will be rolling
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through and talk about that cold air. and when it finally wraps up. all right. thank now to the north bay snow falling on mount tam our storm coverage continues with a cough was to assess stasio who caught up with residents weighing in on the winter-like conditions out there. even though it's already spring. >> that's right. it is april 4th and we still have a lot rain. a downpour dousing residents here in the north bay and it wasn't just rain. but you've got to take a look at this. this is snow around 08:00am on mount tam a pious. our cameras caught this soft, beautiful snow falling on mount tam. it was that cold outside on the higher mountain peaks to turn the rain and the flurries it didn't last long. but for those out and it it was magical. beautiful. known was out. there's a soft. >> i'm like single track running and just beautiful trees >> these 2 friends just back
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from a windy run through the woods where as one didn't mind the wet conditions. the other not so much normally at this time. is it sunny and we are sick of blue skies open up for a moment. but then the grain, the rain descended once again. there is a bit of a break right now, but the rain is expected to come and and continue throughout the afternoon here in the north bay, theresa kron, 4 news. >> and happening now, weather-related delays are growing at bay area. airports. according to flight tracker, flightaware sfo has 252 delays and 18 cancellations so far, oakland has 17 delays and 2 cancellations. so it's not awful. san jose seeing 29 delays in 2 cancellations. returning now to our top story. it's official. the oakland athletics are headed to sacramento today the team
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announced it reached a deal to play their home games at central health park in west sacramento starting next season well, firstly to joins us live now from sutter health park, where a's in sacramento officials celebrated the agreement. philippe. >> hi, stephanie of the oakland athletics will soon simply be known as the athletics a's team. president dave kaval confirms that the team will not carry the town's name when it moves here to sacramento. today's news conference here at the ballpark was no questions were taken from the podium, although most of the principal speakers took questions from reporters afterwards. but not a's owner and managing partner john fisher who made no mention of oakland or its fans today. this was all about celebrating the agreement the a's have made with the sacramento kings, the majority owner of the sacramento river cats. the minor league team will now share center health park here in west sacramento with the a's after this season
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marking this year as the final season for the a's in oakland, the park will host the a's for 3 seasons starting in 2025. with an option for a 4th. this ahead of the team's plan to move to las vegas in 2028, all of this happening before the a's have even broken ground on their stadium in nevada. it's a tough day for oakland, but john fisher says it's a momentous day for sacramento. >> excited to be here for the next 3 years playing. this is a beautiful ballpark, but also being able to be able to some of the greatest players in baseball. whether they be athletics players are aaron judge and others launch home runs out of this very intimate, the most intimate ballpark in all of major league baseball. >> for the next 3 years. >> major league baseball will work with both the athletics and the river cats to ensure that their schedules do not
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overlap. a major league baseball also says that this stadium is already undergone a multimillion dollar renovation, but it will also make sure that it is up to major league baseball standards live in west sacramento, philippe djegal kron. 4 news foley, thank you so much for your coverage. >> coming up here on kron, 4 news at noon east bay officials clamping down on illegal sideshows by installing a new day at the marina. and a former lecturer at stanford is suing the university after being fired following a classroom lecture about the israel and gaza conflict. the first verses are rallying across the bay area. what they are demanding after what they are demanding after the break.
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>> all right. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a look at stormtracker 4 radar showed the time lapse of the up until noon today. let's check in now with cuyler for more on what we need to know why. hey there. so you can see it kind of lightened up a little bit, but we are not done with this system. it is giving us a few breaks out there, though. and you can see that a little bit in san francisco and you can see a little peek of that blue sky kind of trip trying to poke through there in san jose mount tam, though, is not showing snowflakes right now. but i'll tell you, it was less than an hour ago. i was watching for it right now, though, is just kind of some lighter showers that are making their way across. however, zoom in to the north bay. and if you are maybe in oakmont, right, that's an area just to the east of santa rosa. look up into the hills and you may see a flake or 2 flying because we're getting cold enough there to make that happen. you can see that with the blues and the pinks on the map. that's a little mix of rain and snow. you can also
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see it as we head down to parts of the south bay. if you go over towards mount hamilton where it's a little chilly there, 2. plus, all of this, of course, pushing into this year and you can see that counter clockwise circulation. so that's why keep kind of spinning this in and dragging more of that cold air as well. so let's talk hour by hour. take you through the day. you can see that we remain very unsettled, but you do see some light showers. that's going to be a rush hour. notice, though, you start to see some of those yellows pick up. that means there's a chance for cell to kind of get a little more robust. also by this evening, we see temperatures dropping again. that's hamilton. and that would be more snow. that's possible. let's go into friday. we start off again with very unsettled conditions. not obviously as active as this morning, but by the afternoon. notice this last kick of this system will come through. and i think there is a chance or 2 of a thunderstorm. there probably was a 10 to 20% chance of a thunderstorm cell, but it's still there tomorrow afternoon. before we get into the evening and then things finally quiet down and we start to get a very different weather pattern. as far as the
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rain is concerned between about 10th and a quarter of an inch still left to pick up. but i do think the bigger story here is just this colder air. and when that will finally kind of head out. so i take berkeley's example today for looking for low 50's tomorrow mid 50's. but you can see where we're going as we head through the weekend and into next week. a big warm-up on the way. lots of sunshine next week. so as trying to kind of point this out, my social media this morning, if you're not a big fan of this weather hang in there because, you know, we've gone from cold spring to very warm spring in 7 days here. all right. thank you so much. a former lecturer at still stanford university excuse me has filed a defamation and retaliation lawsuit against the school. the law firm representing amir locke says he was suspended and then fired following a classroom lecture about the conflict between israel and hamas. >> that lecture came 3 days after hamas gunmen ambushed a music festival and killed 1200 people. students complained about the lecture. loggins was accused of anti-semitism. he was suspended and his contract, which expired on monday was not renewed. the
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complaint alleges stanford violated its own personnel policy by issuing a statement about logan suspension following pressure from students and the public stafford, a student and a fellow professor all named in this suit. thousands of nurses in santa clara county. we're back on the picket lines for the second straight day where a smaller group of nurses held a rally in san francisco kron four's. sara stinson brings us the latest on both demonstrations. >> nearly 4,000 nurses in santa clara county are on a three-day strike demanding higher pay. they were back on the picket line 3 different hospitals on wednesday, including saint louise regional meanwhile, the county saying it is flown in nurses from across the country to keep hospitals operational over 20 million dollars to bring in staff from. >> agency to support patient care. and we have successfully trend oriented over 1000
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individuals. the county is currently offering a 10 and a half percent increase over the next 3 years. >> the nurses are asking for 15% underpaid and course when you when you compare the other hospitals in our county, james mount has been a nurse for 25 years. he says the union has been negotiating with the county since august about much more than a pay raise. the county wants to float nurses to other hospitals from their home hospital to other hospitals. now that affects their family life. that affects a lot of things. with nurses mount says they also want the hospitals to increase security. workplace violence has been an issue. we've had several is. this is i should say more than several at the hospitals where security was inadequate to protect others. county officials say they have already reached tentative agreements with the union on many key items, including workplace safety. but still don't see eye to eye on wage increases. also on wednesday, nurses at san francisco general held a rally saying they are facing a major
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staffing crisis there. and at laguna honda nurses say at us of general alone, they have submitted 1400 complaints in the last 2 years about missed a meal breaks and unsafe working conditions. >> and that was sara stinson reporting for us this afternoon. today is the 3rd day for the nurses strike in santa clara county county. officials say the union has not responded to requests to schedule more bargaining sessions. fast food workers gathered near state capitol to celebrate their increase in their minimum wage. more than 30 workers joined members of the california fast food workers union to talk about why they believe this law will improve their lives. >> the rest of the country is watching what's happening in you are setting the standard that others will follow. the now we you but i we could happen. is good but okay for a
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long. the meanwhile, want they'll economy. >> but franchise owners here in the bay area, they disagree with that statement. they tell us this wage increase will lead to higher prices and possibly fewer hours for employees. the city of antioch is taking new measures to stop dangerous driving stones from taking place. the mayor says a this was the scene back in august when a car involved in a sideshow flipped into the water off of any oxbow dock. and just this past weekend, more than 200 people showed up at a sideshow at lone tree way. a golf course drive. we heard again from mayor lamar thorpe. >> and when the police levels were impacted by the fbi investigation, we lost optimism. so that certainly had that it felt like that. we just opened the gates to sideshows here but were
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quickly stepping up. we've got 6 officers in the academy 12 that will be entering the academy made our proactive efforts are are much more important having police officers dedicated to finding. >> shutting down sites. have to organized that have been most affected. >> during the most recent sideshow, police drones capture license plates of the cars involved. mayor thorpe says the city will be seeking to toe those cars and will be finding those drivers. 2 years after the k street mass shooting killed 6 people and injured 12 others in downtown sacramento. 3 suspects are back in court as preliminary hearings continue outside the courthouse. family members of the victims gathered to honor those who lost their lives. they say they hope to gain closure and justice as this case continues. i miss my daughter dearly. >> it's not a second goes by that. i don't think about my daughter. you know, and like i everyone is a victim in this. my husband was a victim in
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this tragedy and it's deeply distressing to see him trading any other light. the focus should be bringing those responsible for this heinous act to justice. >> the preliminary hearings allowed the judge to decide if there is enough evidence for the case to go to trial. additional testimony is scheduled for august. all 3 suspects pleaded not guilty to the charges against them. still ahead on kron, 4 news at noon possible changes to the carpool lane. >> the driver's i could no longer be allowed access next year. and the return of a program designed to help ficalifornia is bringing
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back its dream for all program that money plus a share of the homes. appreciation will be paid back when the property sells or if the owners take a cash out. refinance, you can apply a dream for all voucher dot org. ev and hybrid owners with clean air decals may soon lose access to the carpool lane. back in 2005, the federal government passed a law allowing solo drivers and energy efficient cars to use carpool lanes. but that law is set to expire in september of next year. if the program is not renewed at both the state and federal level, the clean air decal program will end. the fda is being sued by civil rights and medical groups
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after a missed its own deadline to ban menthol cigarettes. the agency said the issue was a top priority when it sent the ban to the white house for approval in october. at the end of the year, the regulatory deadline was moved to march after lobbying from various stakeholder groups. the groups who brought the lawsuit say every year of delay is another year that people can get addicted to cigarettes. all flavors in cigarettes except menthol were banned in 2009. up next, small business owners in oakland want something done about crime after several shops in the fruitvale district are burglarized. >> we speak with a former a's executive about the team's announcement that sacramento will be their new temporary home. and i'm keeping an eye on our wild weather taking a live look at yosemite. the snow piling up. we'll have snow piling up. we'll have details on what's
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>> the oakland a's are headed to sacramento owner john fisher struck a deal to temporarily move the team to a minor league park in west sacramento for the 2025 to 27 seasons. joining us live now to offer perspective and context on all this is andy do sports executive and consultant with more than 5 decades of experience in the professional sports industry, including 15 years with the a's. and glad to have you with us today. >> yeah, it's a sad and i think of those 15 years incredible memories when haas family purchased a change from charlie for a minuscule 11 million dollars. and now john fisher has self-inflicted a mask on this franchise and it's worth 1.2 billion dollars
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out of explain that. >> well, i was going to start off by asking you what your reaction to all this news is going to be. but clearly it's not a happy moment. it does it surprise you at all that the a's would select sacramento was their next stop. >> this is board game that you need to add new panels to every day. this has been going on for multiple years and the hearts minds and souls of 80 plus million a's fans to proudly walked through the turnstiles at the coliseum are scratching their the city and the a's and they couldn't reach an agreement on some outrageous 97 million dollars money that the city wanted them to pay. none of this is a surprise. and incidentally, this never ending story is going to go on for a while because there is no absolute certainty that they are going to build their ballpark in las vegas i will bring you on a
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private jet and i don't have won the first game in in their news farrago armadillo stadium on a 9 acre site in las vegas. so this is going to keep smashing into the side of the hearts minds and souls of days stands for years to so i'm not surprised that there vacating oakland sacramento and trying to figure out how that's going to work quite a way to describe new stadium. >> right there. and you could, you help us understand the business rationale, perhaps behind the team's with with their latest decision here. >> yeah, well, if i could, i probably win the nobel peace prize. john fisher purchase this team. 15 years ago or 16 for 180 million dollars. he has destroyed the franchise and it's worth 1.2 billion dollars today. if in fact the team does relocate to las
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vegas sports. economists believe that it will be worth 2.4 billion dollars and major league baseball through the commissioner. rob manfred has said that as soon as the a's are playing a new ballpark or it's under way and tampa is got a ballpark that they're planning. then we major league baseball will expand by 2 additional franchises, each one of them having to ante up to 0.2 billion dollars just to get into the mix. that 4.4 billion which gets lips amongst baseball and its 30 teams. so if you do the quick math without being a genius, it's all about the green and the green that flows through the veins of sports and baseball and john fisher caller. that fluid is green. following the money. >> so why move the a's to the state capitol and not their triple a affiliate in las vegas.
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>> stephanie, the temperature at first pitch during the that they're not dome stadium, which is a wonderful ballpark, will be about 112 degrees. major league baseball players association has already said that's not going to happen. so you go to sacramento where it's not cool, but it's not that degree of a negative temperatures and they were unable they meaning the a's, the city and the county and major league baseball. they were unable to reach any kind of us decision on where they should have been already in a new ballpark, which is at the 66th avenue exit in oakland. this is the 13th or 14th location that they've looked at as the better when aes and this is where they're supposedly going for the next few years. it makes little or no sense. >> you know you brought up the city of oakland here. how do
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you see all of this affecting the future of the oakland coliseum? >> well, there are 3 guilty parties here. john fisher, major league baseball and the elected officials oakland alameda county. the you can see this book over my shoulder. it's called goodbye. dave newhouse, a longtime high-quality sports columnist for the been open tribune. and i wrote this book taking out about a year ago and it goes into the history for those that are interested. and how did we lose the warriors? how did we the oakland raiders? how are we losing? the oakland a's? how did we lose? a professional hockey called the golden seals ineptness on the part of these 3 entities, baseball jon fisher and the city and the i can try to sugarcoat it, but i can't no major american city lost 3 major professional sports
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teams in such a short period of time. the finger points directly in work. >> how many workers do see impacted by this decision at the coliseum? >> when we were selling out at the coliseum and people sort of forget that. but under the haas family, many years we were drawing millions of fans, not thousands of fans of states are now a full compliment at a sell out game which is 7 in a while could be several workers. security management operations, concessions, parking. it could go up to 1000 for a significant postseason game like the world series which the a's played in 3 consecutive years. 88 89 90. so your affecting many, many people, you're fixing affecting the tax base and more importantly, as i said,
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80 million fans that come through the turnstiles to see a's games and you're affecting their heart mind and soul. the coliseum was the last town square left in open that people of all backgrounds could get together and celebrate their sports teams. and now it is going to be a quiet location. >> all right. well, to wrap things up here and eat, is there any chance the a's have a future in oakland? you're paid. >> as they say in the movies, there's always a chance. and that's just because if you look at sign rooted in oakland, which as vacant as you could possibly imagine, along with empty seats. things could go upside down in which they do from time to time. >> there have been many rumored purchasers of the a's who have money and oakland, that part. >> so until they're playing in their new stadium sometime in
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the future. yes, there's a chance that they could be back in oakland. >> all right. some bold perspective from andy do sports executive, a consultant. thank you so much for joining us today. and for your perspective. >> you're welcome. >> all right. let's talk about our forecast now taking a live look outside at the city of san francisco, looking looking a big gray out there at the moment. let's check in now with cuyler for more. hey there. taking the top of mount tam. we have some snowflakes flying earlier. obviously a little calmer at this hour. having said that, it's all about the cold air both there and in the sierra. you're taking a live look now at diamond peak where they've been having a little bit of light snow coming down. some of it kind of snow showers, a mix with rain. but it's only 28 degrees right now at south lake tahoe. so we are plenty cold for that snow making to happen today. you can see where the winter studded winter advisories and watches and warnings are up across the state. and if we zoom in here and you look at the, you know, areas around clear lake, we start to get some of those peaks. that is until 11
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o'clock tonight there into the winter weather advisory over the sierra. it's until 11 o'clock friday night. still expecting another 6 to 12 inches of additional snow and much higher totals up at the peaks. gusty wind means travel delays. all of it. so this spring snowstorm is definitely happening and it is in full effect as we speak. let's look at futurecast years just to show you not only that this continues making snow as we get through the afternoon. but taking you into tonight with that cold air continues to roll in, noticed down now, hamilton, another rush of a little bit of snow, potentially some more in those north bay mountains and then friday morning, we still have full involvement with snow in the sierra. and then in the afternoon we get an interesting line before this kind of rotates around. it gives us one more line of potential storms throughout the afternoon tomorrow. and then starts to quiet down so that we start our saturday and a whole different story. but you know, between now and then you can see where the snow is going to be piling up, particularly. i think as we get down and around mammoth lake, that's what looks like. those higher totals are going to be. having said that, you know, you can see up in upper lake and clearlake. we're
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going to see some more snow for the peaks. and as i mentioned and matt hamilton as wanted take a look outside here at sfo to show you that things are relatively calm right now. we will still have the stormy weather chances and cold temperatures tomorrow and then we'll pick it up on saturday. i did just check and the delays at sfo are piling up. we're now at 100 and 35 minutes. so if you're headed in that direction, make sure you call ahead and see if you can avoid getting there too early. if that delay is going to be over 2 hours. back to you. all right. thank you so much. the race continues today to rescue hundreds of trapped and missing people after a deadly 7.4 magnitude earthquake in taiwan. >> the strongest quake there in 25 years, at least 10 people are now confirmed dead. more than 1000 others injured in the city of quality. crews are working to stabilize damage buildings to prevent them from collapsing. the powerful quake struck wednesday morning just when many people were starting their day, one of them flew into sfo last night for a business meeting and share his
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experience. it comes just a there is the beginning and i was at work and >> working at home. yeah, it's come so great. and there's me and my wife and my in the house that so just with other less 10 everything just >> way says the shaking was not as strong where he lives. the epicenter was about 200 miles away from his home. but of course, we know from video that you're watching there, that the impact has been quite tremendous and other parts of the island. meantime, in the bay area, the taiwanese american federation of northern california is raising money to help with relief efforts. >> it will be used to help the survivors and to repair buildings and make sure people are taking care of forget lee quickly as possible. >> that coalition is sending money to taiwan by check in online money transfers. if you like to help and donate, we do have a link on our website right now. kron 4 dot com. in
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the east bay. frustration is mounting for small business owners in oakland's fruitvale district. this comes after several shops in the public market area were burglarized this week. kron four's dan thorn spoke with local business owners. there. >> at least for small businesses in oakland's fruitvale public market hit by burglars this week. oakland police say 2 unknown intruders ransacked offices and stole cash and computers from a bakery jewelry store, ice cream shop and electronics repair service. it's super frustrating to see these these folks. you know. >> working every day. the frustration they have. and to have something like this happen. it's really disheartening. >> business owner dominic prado says his restaurant tacos, el al ballet was spared. but the public market is a tight-knit community and crimes like these are a shared pain. they deserve better. we deserve better. >> many of these business owners have been there for
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over. 25 years. the nonprofit unity council owns the public market. >> they say despite investing more than a million dollars in security, it has not been enough. we're asking for local regional and federal support so that we can be whole again. prado argues the unity council could also be doing more to help the public markets. merchants. he says the organization has failed to make good on improving safety. we've asked what cameras us for a number of things. last year we were faced with job. >> there was a lot of shootings in the area. both sides have clashed over the response to crime at the market. but they also agree that outside help is needed to protect these businesses, the support they get also help preserve the neighborhoods. culture i can. the prime will always be here. i think we're we're never going to be out the out. red from crying. but i think with that the city to sizable commitment to investing in his neighborhood. >> and that was kron four's. dan thorn reporting for us. oakland police say they have
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not made any arrests yet in tuesday morning's burglaries. they're asking anyone with any information to please get in touch. coming up here on kron, 4 news at noon, another san francisco city officials says he's entering the mayor's race. >> when and where he plans to make the formal announcement. and first responders in maryland are being honored for their actions following the baltimore bridge collapsed. plus why the city of oakland is postponing the return of is postponing the return of fi ♪♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off.
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tomorrow was supposed to be the return of oakland's first friday, but it's been postponed due to rain in the forecast. the monthly event brings together small
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businesses, artists and performers on telegraph avenues. it was canceled over the past 3 months because of financial issues. organizers say they are trying their best to host the event next week. that does not happen. the event will return in may. all right. let's check in our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the embarcadero in san francisco. things looking pretty damp out there. let's check in now cuyler for more. hi yeah. want to take a look at the national that because it's kind of interesting that we have what's happening on the west coast with rain and snow. >> and on the east coast, you can see they have a big storm there as well. that has been dumping very heavy snow into the northern reaches of new england. and you can even see the back end of here throwing a little snow through chicago this morning and a little bit of it being driven, maybe towards the mid atlantic today to that cold air hold. meanwhile, on the west coast, obviously we've got snow up in the pacific northwest and of course we have it here in the sierra. and we've even had a few snowflakes flying in the bay area up at mount tam this morning and certainly in the santa cruz mountains, too. but right now things have calmed
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down a bit. we're getting a bit of a break. you can still see some of that. you know, light rain that's out there. a few showers that are still popping up here and there. but we are catching a little break here and there, too. but the cold air is still very much in place. and you see that in and around mount hamilton, where you see some of that icy condition turning from that green to the purple and then the blue meaning that it's right on that freezing line. meanwhile, back in san francisco, we've got some wet roads that are out there, but we're catching a little bit of a reprieve from the showers. having said that, it is chilly. 51 degrees in san francisco. check out morgan hill. those. 44 just 45 in livermore. if you head up to the north bay and you're in sonoma right now. 44 degrees for you. 43, for those of you in napa doesn't feel very spring-like. that's for sure. we still have about a quarter of an inch of rain to pick up between now and tomorrow afternoon and evening before this system rolls out. i want to show you the big picture, though, here because once this system does push through, we have a very weak front trying to come in saturday night. i don't think it will hold together much at all. and then
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after that, we really get high pressure in control and we're going to warm up and clear out and get some sunshine. and, you know, if you take your eye all the way to this side, you can see what i wrote is wildly warm because that's where these temperatures are going. so it's really going to be weather whiplash that we get through this next couple of days with chilly temperatures and kind of rainy and even snowy conditions. and then we roll into what's going to feel like us from launching into summer a little bit early. frankly, by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday. all right. thanks so much. first responders in maryland are being honored today for their efforts in the key bridge collapse in baltimore last week. >> reporter younger has more. >> all hands on deck when the baltimore key bridge collapse and that meant first responders from several jurisdictions including prince george's county, jumped in to help with recovery efforts. and now many of them are being recognized. the tragic bridge collapse that left the entire state in shock, led first responders from across maryland to jump in and help. we don't necessarily have to
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have some mutual aid in a local agreement. >> it's just that when brothers and sisters call. >> dan, we members of the prince george's county special operations divisions, marine unit and underwater recovery team spent countless hours helping search for the 6 construction workers presumed dead after the bridge collapse last tuesday. now these divers searched the patapsco river and were finally able to recover the vehicle. they had the bodies of 2 of the construction workers inside. officials say the conditions were difficult. it's extremely dangerous, especially with all the twisted metal, the and it's just it's just something that you just got to go by feel on thursday. they each were honored with the chiefs award and the unit citation award. we're all pretty said is what we it's what we train for. what we know. it's not. it's not something that's impossible. if it happens, we're going to be there. >> and we'll be there again for anything else. the department will continue to assist with the investigation
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as the state tries to move forward from this tragic incident. >> and that was john, the reese's say reporting for us this afternoon. >> kron 4 your local election headquarters and the race for san francisco mayor is about to get even more crowded. >> san francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin says he also plans to run and he plans to file official paperwork friday morning. preston is expected to officially announce his run at an event on saturday. at the state capitol. lawmakers are back to work after a spring recess. developing solutions to address the state's multi-billion-dollar budget deficit. the nonpartisan legislative analyst's office says the gap is at 73 billion dollars. but the newsom administration says it's actually closer to 38 billion dollars. democratic senate lawmakers have proposed early budget action to shrink the budget for this fiscal year and therefore reduce the deficit. >> really action means that we can bring this deficit to a more manageable level. governor newsom a post to work
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with both the senate and the state assembly to refine the plan. but democratic leaders in the assembly say they're concerned this early action plan could include cuts for programs to address homelessness and are working on their own proposal. the office of assembly speaker robert reavis issued this statement saying their plan, quote, reflects member feedback of the assembly's, careful, deliberative process. the speaker looks forward finding this plan further in conversation with the senate and newsom administration. meanwhile, republicans say they've been left out of budget discussions by democratic leaders and the governor. it's been almost 18 months since the adhd medication shortage started. and there's still no end in sight as demand for stimulants, like adderall soared the fill rate for prescriptions dropped more than 10% in 2 years. pandemic driven increases in demand caps on production of the drugs and the ease of virtually prescribed prescriptions are all drivers of the shortage. experts say patients most affected are those who need a specific strength, their dosage and can
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switch but might have a treatment delay or be stuck with higher out of pocket costs. millions of americans who depend on inhalers can breathe easier. 3 of the 4 biggest inhaler makers will now have a price cap. a $35 a month. president biden and senator bernie sanders spoke on this pointing to federal pressure on the drug industry to lower drug prices. >> sick and tired paying by fall. highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. >> the new price cap on inhalers takes effect in june. your 4 legged friend in your room at night could negatively affect your sleeping habits? that's according to a new study from trinity college. researchers simple more than 1500 adults. half of the participants reported sleeping with pets in their room of those who share their beds with pets. a large number responded to having poor sleep in showing symptoms of insomnia. and those who did not, however having a cat in the bedroom, same tough that
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sleeping less in dogs. maybe they just move around a little less. well in county is the point. covid-19 detecting dogs and their health center's the part of a pilot program for identifying covid cases within the county's health centers. the dogs a working at the park ridge nursing home right now in alameda, they're trained to sniff near people's legs to detect any compounds associated with covid. the dogs can sniff test about 300 people in just 30 minutes. they have an accuracy rate at 96%. according to the organization and the next phase of this pilot program will focus on vulnerable populations in nursing facilities. just another reason to love dogs even more. >> well, up next, no one has won the powerball jackpot yet, but to californians are waking up a million dollars richer.
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>> there were no winners of the powerball jackpot last night, but 2 tickets sold in southern california. >> we're still worth about one and a half million dollars. the tickets were sold in los angeles and ventura counties. those tickets have 5 of the winning numbers. last night's numbers were 11. 38. 41 60 to 65. and the powerball number was 15. the jackpot is now estimated 1.2 billion dollars. the next drawing is saturday. spotify is planning to raise its prices this year. bloomberg reports the company will be hiking prices in its overseas markets by the end of this month, american users will see their subscription fees increase later this year. individual plans increased by a dollar per month. and family plans jump $2 a month. the publication says the higher prices will cover the cost of
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spotify's new audiobook service introduced late last year. if you're traveling by air this weekend, experts say make sure you track conditions closely before heading to the airport. a nor'easter is expected to slam new york and the new england area in the coming days, which could cause delays or cancellations. triple a says travelers should be ready to adjust their plans. the faa says this week is predicted to be the busiest of the season with peak spring break. travel coinciding with monday's total solar eclipse. that will be off from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. take good care of yourselves. live in today is next. >> that's right, stephanie. coming up today on live in the bay, it's the local luxury hair salon with new services that you have to know about. we're chatting with 95 salon about the spring hare trends. >> and speaking of hair, how about loving your natural hair with some amazing products from crowe fashion. we're
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going to a live demo on how to make sure that our curls are healthy and glowing. >> that, of course, so much more. still to come on the show, a quick commercial break. and then we're up nex
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>> welcome. and you're now in to live in the bay. and coming we have a phenomenal show for you. she's one of the world's cheapest roland. he's one of the world's a transformational leaders and author shining a light. >> we sat down with maureen diamond in the a happier and more harmonious home. >> then get your hair spring ready when we chat the top care trend with 9 to 5 de


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