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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  March 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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chef says he's had enough after burglars smashed through his eatery overnight in the heart of downtown oakland. this is the 3rd break-in there in 3 years in the owner tells kron four's philippe djegal. he's exploring options to leave oakland 3 years ago when sheffey money, grier opened his plant-based rice bowl shop roasted and raw. >> he envisioned a long-running downtown oakland, but 3 burglaries later he's considered new city. i think this is of a kind of a nail in the coffin or we do want to kind of maybe explore other. >> other areas shattered glass, a familiar sight in the area. greer says burglars broke into the eatery early friday morning and stole money. the losses less than the cost repair the damage because he no longer leaves much inside the business. overnight, you can keep cash on hand. >> you can't keep the safe and office they jam this time. they they completely jammed and open the office door. so they only got away with petty
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cash says in the drawer. earlier this week, more than 200 business owners in oakland shared their intent to boycott paying their taxes. if the city does not fix the problem. >> the city council by saying taxes pay for essential public services like police officers and 9-1-1, dispatchers. and that recently bolstering both positions has led to improve response times and a decrease in property crimes. still, greer says he can only take so much she car break-ins outside, really drives away tourism drives away even customers of mind for my pop up for. >> customers in mind from the tv show or news or social media say, hey, we want to come but man, you're in downtown oakland, you know, and i do my car broken in. so. >> it really has taken a serious toll on us for the time being. greer will continue to operate downtown while eyeing a future move. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. the oakland alameda county coliseum authority is finally got the approval for the oakland roots and souls
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sports clubs to play at the oakland coliseum. >> the approval will now allow a licensing agreement for the 2 soccer clubs to play at the coliseum from march 2025. to february 2026. officials passed a motion this morning and say there looking forward to seeing people show up for the soccer games in oakland takes eyes. the motion passes. >> all right. well, thank you all so very much. and i look forward to the exciting and vibrant soccer games. >> here in the facility. >> the approval comes just a day after oakland and alameda county officials met with the a's to talk about the team signing a lease extension for the next 3 years until its new stadium is built in las vegas. the a's says the meeting went well and the group will continue discussions over the next 2 weeks before it meets again on april. second right now, the city is asking that the aves leave behind its branding and local logo when officially leaves oakland adding that it also wants the
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team to have and active role in bringing in and mlb expansion team to oakland and selling its half of the oakland coliseum. oakland councilmember rebecca kaplan says the town should celebrate this milestone. in a statement, she says in part, quote, the roots in seoul soccer team, a beacon of unity and passion has captured the hearts of oak and residents in soccer enthusiast nationwide. the commitment to community engagement, diversity and excellence on the field aligns perfectly with the values that make oakland a remarkable city. the oakland a's are currently leasing the coliseum through this season. the team released a statement that reads, quote, we have shares with the city of oakland and alameda county that we are open to being co tenants of the coliseum with the roots. so all 2025, we look forward to meeting with the roots soon. >> a bay area, environmental group says it plans to file a lawsuit against the san francisco public utilities commission over sewage flowing into the bay during heavy
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rainstorms, according to the organization's san francisco bay keeper, 72 million gallons of sewage is discharged into the bay every year. they say the sewage contains bacteria, viruses, chemicals and trash. they claim the city is violating the clean water act and that the city of san francisco has a combined system to treat both sewage and storm water. at the same time, which is different from other california coastal cities, the sfp you see says the discharge is authorized by the environmental protection agency. and the system is designed to prevent trash from escaping into the bay. city of oakland is lifting an advisory for lake merritt after the water turned red from a minor algae bloom lake tac, the organization responsible for the fountain in the lake preventing algae tells kron 4 a mix of things like nutrient runoff and wastewater treatment plants typically caused the algae growth. adding blue, adding that bloom but will likely come back. >> from time to time, different conditions, whether
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that's climate or weather water quality can lead to them to grow rapidly, get out of control. and that's when we call that a bloom. and the reason that's a problem is when they grow to that extent, they will eventually start to die off. and when that happens, we have a rapid depletion of oxygen in the water and that often lead to fish kills. >> kerr following this year's wet winter water, temperatures were significantly higher compared to this time last year. those warmer water temps may have been the cause for that minor bloom. all right. let's go outside. give you a live look on a happy friday of a beautiful shot of the bay with that. when boys cleared out all >> the credit in the year. and it's crystal not a cloud in the sky, gayle. yeah. and air quality is good at last check. i also have another view for you of the golden gate bridge you can see it's just so nice out there. sabo just with covid right under the bridge. >> so very pleasant day. and you can expect that for the rest of that the weekend and even next week. so we have
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high pressure that's taking over in the low pressure is actually bringing unsettled weather to southern california south. that's part of your plans this weekend. just keep that in mind. a chance of thunderstorms in los angeles. winter storm warning over at big bear until sunday morning. but if you're heading to tahoe, we have sunny skies will be in the 40's and 50's later on and the act end of the weekend. back here in the bay area. very beautiful day out at half. moon bay. temperatures right now in the 70's. 75 in vallejo. 73 for you in concord and 72 in downtown san francisco. you know, that's a warm day in the city when in the 70's and it will be getting warmer as we go from here. as you can see, 4 to 6 degrees up this time yesterday and wind speeds are relatively calm. now, just a bit of a breeze in napa and fairfield has the north bay part of the north bay was coming out of a wind advisory around 5 o'clock about that tonight will be cooling down to the 40's and 50's with clear skies and that calm
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when. and here's that weekend forecast the holiday weekend full of plenty of sunshine. everybody enjoy. when i come back, we'll show you the seven-day forecast because that is looking good as well with lots of sunshine. back to thank you, gayle. happening this weekend, section of bart will be closed in the east bay. >> major track work is set to take place between the richmond and el cerrito del norte stations saturday and sunday. and as a result, all red line service will be canceled in that area. free buses will be available for commuters between those 2 stations during the closure traffic alert for east bay drivers. caltrans is closing 9 miles of southbound 6.80, in pleasanton this weekend. it's all part of a paving project that was supposed to start in january, but was delayed due to the rain starting at 9 o'clock friday night and through 04:00am monday, 6.80, will be closed between 5.80, the 5.86. a connector in pleasanton all the way south to highway 84 and son. all while the closure will significantly affect drivers
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this weekend, it will reduce the number of nightly closures needed and in turn, that will allow caltrans to finish the project sooner. >> case for trump months my boaters. what we can and also moving the project. the helm fo the year. so done in this area this spring and wants to >> this is just the south end of the project. caltrans will have another closure when it begins. the north end in the next 2 months. we put maps and more information on the closure on our website in go to kron 4 dot com for that. >> tonight it appears israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will proceed with plans for a ground invasion of the southernmost city of rafah in the gaza strip. netanyahu convened his war cabinet in tel aviv after a hamas official said the group gave israel a new proposal for a cease-fire. it reportedly included an exchange of hostages for palestinian prisoners and israel pulling
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back troops from parts of gaza. netanyahu rejected that deal, calling it ludicrous but indicated he was open to more negotiations. meantime, u.s. secretary of state is calling for a plan to keep civ-lians safe. >> given the large number of civilians and in rafah about 1.4 million, many of whom is the foreign minister said have been displaced from other parts of gaza. we have to see. a clear and implementable plan not only to get civilians out of harm's way, but also to make sure that once out of harm's way, they're appropriately cared for with shelter, with food, with medicine, with clothing. and we've not yet seen such a plan. >> president biden is urging netanyahu not to move forward with an invasion of rafah where palestinians sought refuge from the war. >> the judge in the georgia election interference case against former president donald trump is ruling the fulton county district attorney can remain on the case. however, the judge says
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that can only happen if she removes a special prosecutor that she had a romantic relationship ship with before the case can move forward. da fani willis and special prosecutor nathan wade testified at a hearing last month that they did have a relationship. but tonight that will u.s. benefited from it. the fulton county superior court judge said he found the allegations and evidence insufficient to support that there was a conflict of interest. however, the judge scolded the d a and found the remains an appearance of impropriety. take a look at this. back here at home or in county search rescue crews saved a horse from a muddy ditch. this happened yesterday in nevado cruise. you some heavy machinery to rescue the animals. a horse was not hurt and was eventually reunited with its owner. >> pg e is donating acres of land to habitat for humanity to build more affordable housing in nevado. the 13 acre development is expected to be the largest affordable home site in the state housing. more than 300 people pg e says there will also be parks
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courtyards trails and 10 acres of open space. >> like the need is so great. you know, when we had 20 homes available, we had over 700 families apply our last project in redwood city. so to be standing here in this community where the average home price is 1.6 million dollars to be able to bring affordable homeownership to the community, to the county to the city is just remarkable. >> construction is expected to begin later this year. >> coming up, the white house is calling on othe3 countries to do more to stop the fentanyl crisis efforts to fentanyl crisis efforts to stop trafficking. deadly drug.
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nation's chief diplomat, secretary of state antony blinken is anthony blinken. is tech attacking on taking on an issue that hits close to home. lincoln is calling on other countries to step up and helped the u.s. fight. the fentanyl crisis. our reshad hudson talked one-on-one with secretary about his efforts. >> secretary of state antony blinken is used to dealing with problems on the world stage, but now he is turning his attention to the fentanyl crisis here at home. every city, every state has been affected by the opioid crisis thursday. blinken travel to vienna for the annual meeting of the un commission on narcotic drugs. he is calling on other countries to do more to stop the trafficking of fentanyl and other synthetic drugs. this an international problem, not a domestic problem. >> blinken says most of the fit in all killing americans is coming from china. he says president biden has been
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forceful and getting china to crack down on making the deadly china has put out the regulations. >> telling its companies that they can't be involved in this in the strait. it has actually taken down companies that are still many congressional republicans blame the biden administration for the huge amounts of fentanyl coming into the u.s. west virginia republican senator shelley moore capito believes this is a campaign weakness for president biden. he's weak because people don't think he's done enough. >> to stop the fentanyl trafficking and they're right. he has not. >> ohio democratic senator sherrod brown says he has a bill that will help stop the illegal drugs from coming into the country. it's partly to to send more resources of the point of entry in the border to make sure that we can detect the stuff. brown applauds the biden administration's efforts and says congress has a role to play as well. reporting in washington reshad hudson. >> vice president kamala harris held the white house's first public event on a
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marijuana reform. today. the vice president was joined by grammy-nominated artist and philanthropist fat joe and kentucky governor andy beshear also in attendance were people who received pardons for prior marijuana convictions. they discussed the reclassification of marijuana on the federal drug schedule. >> and what we need to do is recognize that far too many people have been sent to jail for simple marijuana possession. and impact is such that taylor black americans and that he knows are 4 times more likely 4 times more likely to be arrested, arrested for marijuana possession and that spirit is even larger. when you talk about the subset black men and team. >> president biden discussed cannabis reform during his state of the union address just last week saying, quote, no one should be jailed for simply using cannabis. >> we are continuing to
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celebrate women's history month by spotlighting the bay area's remarkable women. felisa thibodeau works to help underserved seniors in san francisco kron four's philippe djegal has her story. >> thank goodness police here thibodeau loves people and people love her. we were no white recreational health care, nutrition and technology. we believe axis is key to those efforts are dedicated to the elderly population been inspired because i'm in awe of those who age in community, the longtime public servant providing vital services to hundreds of seniors living in san francisco's lake. you in my district oceanview were said heights ingleside. we don't care about serving 5,000. >> we care that we serve everyone who needs them. comes to light door. so even when we run out of new, we rarely send
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people home empty-handed. thibodeau is executive director of the southwest community corporation managing the nonprofits to facilities in the city. both dishing out lunch and dinner 6 days a week. >> hot and fresh meals that supplement the free bagged groceries, distributed every wednesday. is this what you envision doing? the work as a career helping people like this? >> actually, this is my 3rd career. but this is most be rewarding career. she is credited with opening the community space camp who so at the upper yard and helping to revive the it bookman community center. >> i want do this. i'll now boosting a fully functioning texan indirect room stocked with decks of cards and the priceless stories associated with every draw >> understands the struggle doll. she has been honored with the jefferson award for service has been recognized by
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the u.s. senate. san francisco mayor's office and board of supervisors all while managing her only elements, including lupus, diabetes and one kidney. i do not believe that the less of you should be. >> the greater mother and grandmother leadership comes naturally to thibodaux and the people touched by her work spanned generations. everyone has their lane. my lane happened to older adults and keeping them active and keeping them healthy and keeping them engaged, engaged and included in san francisco, philippe djegal all kron 4 food with you can read more about our remarkable women finalists by scanning the qr code that you see there on your screen. we are airing new stories every week right here on kron 4 and kron 4 dot com. all rights step outside again. see how things have changed at all. you know, ocean beach, a sun glinting off something there in golden gate park. absolutely beautiful out there
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tonigwt, gayle. >> yes, you know, it's great day when all are across the bay area are cameras are showing clear skies at this hour. we can show it to you now because it's just going to be like this for a couple of days going hold on to some very nice weather as spring is right around the corner and hear those views that was telling you about at an hour away from sunset. yet golden gate bridge. see some blue skies from the south bay all across the bay area. and you can see it on our storm tracker as well. just unsettled weather. if you're heading to southern california current wind speeds, we are relatively calm. just a sea breeze over at half moon bay and a part in san francisco. and then still a little bit of offshore flow in napa and fairfield just coming out of that wind advisory, as you remember that short-lived, a strong winds we saw this week. here's the cart model. we are mostly clear, just maybe a few light scattered clouds saturday evening. maybe coastal drizzle into sunday morning. but other than that, we have a very nice dry weather in store for this weekend, which we can't say enough temperatures out the door. we're still in the 70's
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at this hour as heading into the 06:00pm hours of 75 in santa rosa livermore. you're and 71 degrees. san francisco, 70 degrees. we're above average about about 10 degrees above average in some places. so here's your 4 zone forecast for saturday's daytime highs. 60's around san francisco and along the beaches were also in the low 60's upper 60's. on the other side of the peninsula, south san francisco, 63 degrees. 67 in san bruno. 67 in burlingame, as you make your way to the south bay, you can see we get warmer here. so from san mateo to mountain view, where in the upper 60's low 70's and then we get warmer towards santa clara county. 70's across the map here. so it's going to be very nice everywhere you go. and here is a the east bay. 71 for you needed city, tri valleys, low 70's as well. so nice, sunny and dry. you get the picture. same thing here is you make your way towards contra costa county, low 70's
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upper 60's along the east bay shoreline to the north bay for going to go wine tasting very nice as well in the 70's. so just enjoy this nice weather because you see all the sunshine, we get cloudy drugs end of next week. and we even see a chance of some rain. and so whether next weekend, so this weekend, nice and dry, but maybe some rain. you mentioned wine tasting hadn't even thought about helping me plan my weekend. yes. the hike in wine tasting, good thanks. you're sure. you're sure. >> we'll be right back.
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smart sensors. rich demuro has a closer look in today's tech smart. >> when it comes to technology, new ideas are everywhere. we think there is insufficient notice. 2 oncoming drivers of dangers ahead on the roadway. emergency safety solutions says 19,000 people a year are injured or killed in crashes involving disabled vehicles, which is why they created a system for cars called help. first alert is highlighting alert and that's what you see here. the high flash right of the has a there's also a digital alert that notifies drivers as they approach a disabled vehicle. right now the technology is in tesla's. they're also working with volkswagen and stellantis makers of dodge and jeep to our main focus. number one is the draw awareness of this problem and to do something about electric vehicles are all the buzz. but what about an ev camper? he seems like a lot of sense in a lot of different ways. earth crews are known for their rugged
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expedition trucks created their first 100% electric camper on a hummer. ev the concern for sure is yeah, im not going to get back. going to but that's getting better and better over time. the solar topped house is made of lightweight. carbon fiber is powered independently and comfortable for 2 people and a dog. we've gotten very spoiled with the infrastructure that the petroleum industry to put together for us. that's fabulous. and it won't be too long before that same infrastructure is going to redeemed electric vehicles and whether you're grilling at home or on the road, even that's getting smarter. just the versatility of the settings through our smart technology. this really elevates the game with particular webber's new summit. smart gas grill has a digital screen. precise controls instead of knobs and a built-in scale to let you know how much propane you have left. there are different temperatures for different zones. you can control and monitor everything from your phone instead fumbling around and you have to do legwork
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learning we're able to use technology to get you where you need to be quicker. so we're giving you confidence and we getting your consistency in your i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> pretty cool. >> there's another mega millions drawing. tonight's jackpot soared to 792 million dollars after no tickets matched all the winning numbers tuesday. the winner of tonight's drawing can get a cash prize of 381 million dollars. the jackpot has been growing since last winning ticket was sold back in december. your odds of winning case you need to know one in 302 million. >> bagpipes corned beef in a sea of green will be taking over san francisco on saturday for the annual saint patrick's day parade. all of festival activities begin at 11:30am, at the corner of second and market street. the parade will then march down market and make its way to civic center plaza for a days long
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festival. >> that's putting it mildly. haha. yes, it's a good day party. it is a very good that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6. ♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6, another issue on a united airlines flight coming out of sfo. this time a panel discovered missing from the plane after it landed. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. the faa says the boeing


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