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tv   State of the Union Address  KRON  March 7, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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will give his 3rd state of the union address. >> here's a look inside the house chamber now as lawmakers
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get settled in, you can see them conversing there. it's a. >> a >> just lost it there. but they're getting ready to hear. the president's speech tonight address comes just 2 days after super tuesday where the president won delegates in several states across the country, making him the democratic front rain runner in the race to try to have a second term. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. president biden set to take the in just a few moments. the president going to use the state of the union address to not only promote his vision for a second term, but >> also to warn voters that republican front runner former president donald trump would be dangerous alternative. so here's a look at some of the topics of the president is expected to cover tonight. those include pushing for action on aid to ukraine, a tougher migration rules also lower drug prices and a showcase of his accomplishments on infrastructure and manufacturing. >> he's got a lot on his plate
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and this is really a momentous moment for him because he's been lagging in the polls. predictably about his age and his ability to handle some of these issues. the war in gaza to ukraine, as was just mentioned. there's a lot on the table for him too address and were a sneak peek of his speech indicates he will talk about those issues and he's going to try to talk about what he's done for the economy, the economy is basically on fire. the economy's doing great, but many americans don't feel that way. yeah. and so he's going to going to have to make it personal to lead to really reach people where it counts, which is the pocketbook grocery prices. but yeah, i will be talking about all those things, but honestly, you know, a lot of the pun danson, the expert and frankly, those of us at home. >> we'll be looking and watching the president watch his demeanor watches, you know, his presentation. it, of course, it's it's it's not a mystery. you know, the
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question right now is, you know, you can handle kenny busy sharp enough to leave the country. and in this internet, social media age, any kind of a mistake or hiccup that he makes is going to amplify by. >> being, you know, a clip of that making the rounds and people pointing out to, you know, things might show that he's incapable of continuing and that it is time for a change. but we're going to watch that. and he's aware of that. we're told yes to be on his game tonight. yeah, for sure. you know, it was a little slip of the tongue. anything like that. people are going to seize upon that as we're looking at some of the live shot here. it's a virtual who's who politics in washington, d.c., lindsey graham lisa murkowski from alaska on the left who has he? she ran as a write-in candidate to get her seat in the in the wake of the trump era. she was she had. upset the former president trump while he was in office and he did not endorse or an hours long offer her she won. so
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it's an interesting political dynamic that's unfolding here tonight. yeah, for sure. this is supposed to start at 6 o'clock. i it's now 604. >> people are still streaming some people are seeded summer standing. as you can see there, everyone just waiting for the moment that the president, the united states will deliver the state of the union, which, >> you know, it's a recap of where we are right now as a nation, but even more importantly, it gives people a sense of where we're headed. >> and with so much strife right now and so many divisions in not only amongst our politicians, but, you even with our neighbors it's an opportunity to to heal those wounds, certain to bring people together. want to point out, you see a lot of the women wearing white apparently is a coordinated effort to try to draw attention to a. >> the abortion issue and women's right to choose and
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how that has changed to with a new supreme court. and also you saw a kind of a gaggle of republicans gather together. we're told that the word has gone down to the gop people in the house chamber tonight to be on good behavior to not be shouting out as has happened in the past in the past. we'll have see if that holds up. he's also going to have to address some of the progressives in his own party we'll see how they react. >> we saw shot there just left that there's said mansion and not going to run mitt romney who also is not going to run right. and then we see the supreme court justice. the chief but the shot earlier vice president kamala harris who will be seated behind the president when he gives his address and also now speaker mike johnson. we we'll be watching some of the reactions that we have gates there. some
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of members have been notably least and in the past have been pretty vocal. so it'll be interesting to see if they can. well, that's warning to court and border boebert there on the left. and she was asked as was marjorie taylor greene, who you see >> in between the 2 gentleman, how they were going to react when they were told by the gop to try to kind of keep a lid on things and most of them responded basically. well, it depends what the president says and we'll see how we react. so there doesn't sound like they're going necessarily abide by the request. it have some decorum but you know, it actually backfired on them if i recall of some of the hecklers and some of >> you know, he he responded strongly and it gave the viewers better sense of of the feistiness of the president. so i have heard that some of the members of republican members are being told not to
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heckle because it might actually do the same thing might might backfire. you know, we're not seeing the snow. there is. byrne feel the burn. we're not seeing this right now, but there are some protesters outside the house, a very small number of them. and i believe one person has been arrested these are people that against the war in gaza. that is certainly going to be one of the topics that the president will address. and that is one of the issues within the democratic party that is also causing some strain because you do have. >> a faction of the party is really pushing the palestinian issue doing calling for a cease-fire in gaza. and ukraine is going also be right. top of mind because ukraine is now still the house speaker's not taking it to the is passed. the package is passed. the senate, this is
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really a key moment. i think we're sounds like the sergeant at arms may be getting ready to make the announcement. usually the show a shot of the doorway when president is about to enter. there are some of the more progressive democrats that they showing in the shots right now. and usually we hear what's going on there. but these people are still ahead. keep it catching up with one another. it does not seem we're going to be a hearing. the president. imminently. we just saw a members of the joint chiefs of staff who are frustrated, they say because they're trying to assist ukraine and they just right now are hamstrung because of the lack of funding coming out of the house to provide aid to ukraine, which has and suffering some in that in that war, russia has made some some ground advances. yes, and there's nancy pelosi,
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the former speaker of the house and how many times have we seen her seated former president trump and and there is the vice president's husband. douglas emhoff. so people are still in a streaming in there, as you can see, shaking hands and there's the vice president and the house speaker, the current house speaker. look pretty affable, the friendly enough police to him for the cameras. this is kind of build president biden's maybe last best chance to make a good impression with voters before any potential debates with the republican presumptive nominee, donald trump. we'll see if there is a debate or not. that's still kind of up in the air. but yeah, and this is his chance to make make his cell to the american public and say, look, you know, it's been a long 3 years. we've gone through a lot. the
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economy has turned around its. he's got a lot that he can promote the infrastructure bill that was passed during his first year. a lot of that is now filtering down toward projects, have broken ground and work is going on. people are getting the economy's boone looming. the stock market has hit an all-time high within the last and yet weeks, ironically, and we're up toll after poll. you know, people are not feeling it to, you know, when they get to the checkout line at the grocery store, it looks there's some clapping going on. there is a the president is for slate. first lady jill biden. she about to be seated. >> and certainly one thing we haven't mentioned and the president will no doubt address the border. scituate yeah. that's one of the biggest topics of all the border and the economy. probably front and center. and a lot of he said members of the house and senate, a broad question.
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>> mister speaker, the president's >> might take a couple moments to get all of them to filter before the president comes out a lincoln there yet secretary of state head of the fed. defense department has janet yellen. can't blame >> always wonder how long these a good moments will last
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everything seems kind of nice and rosy right now. and then the fireworks come a little bit later. well, true. and once the president finishes and there will be a rebut rebuttal opportunity afterwards gop. chosen to speak one of the youngest members. was going. i'm alabama's yes, which a lot has been going on in alabama, late pete buttigieg, secretary transportation. my orcas. i said, he's been on the hot seat of late. so face an impeachment. the white not happy with said all political that there was no grounds for
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him and that was, of course, all about the border right? can't be emphasized it in poll after poll, the top concerns for americans right now, inflation. their sense of the economy, regardless of what it looks like on paper and and the immigration, crisis at the border. even a lot of democratic voters say that they are concerned about the border. and yet there was a bipartisan agreement. but it was shot down through bird from mar-a-lago, which included a to ukraine. so both of those didn't make it to really to the house because house speaker. after talking with he flew down to mar-a-lago, that was trump and came back and said those said those issues going make it to the house floor. so ukraine aid is in limbo and all the border security that was proposed by the senate is also
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in so we may or may not find out with the president says tonight that logjam broken because as we all know so much, you know, wheeling and dealing goes on behind the scenes. don't necessarily here. but there is movement afoot to try to get it that is the energy secretary. a blank to named the former governor of michigan and a and she actually spent quite a bit of time at u c after she was a governor and was brought into the biden administration when he was left. so if this is an opportunity to watch people that we read about. night after night in to see dominican genial atmosphere.
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and lisa, in front of the cameras here as they are all. a meeting and greeting. you know, you you hope to see more of that. you hope as close as we'll get to a kumbaya moment. probably tonight. this is and as far as the congeniality might start to go downhill right after as but. >> you know, you can always hope for the best. well, the president needs to thread the needle here because he is also >> having to deal with progressives in his own in addition you know, the contingency is a contingent in a republican side. so, you know, it's hard no, no doubt. and there's merrick garland, there's attorney general, no doubt that this is the most fractured time in american political history. since the 1960's, let's say least since watergate, maybe even. >> before watergate to during civil rights. movement. 68 convention in chicago.
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democrats are having their convention again go. and there's a lot of concern about how that's going to play out there's a lot angst in and a lot going on in inside the democratic party as well as they grapple with 80 year-old president seeking reelection. people who are fans joe biden say behind the scenes to this, you sharp and is able to make decisions and >> you know, hopefully we will have an opportunity see that site tonight. but again, all eyes will be on him. and even, you know, a slight misstep. i'm sure people will be seizing comment. and it's bound to happen. you know, he has a speech impediment that's that's well known. he's had longtime senator and he's overcome it right. and and he's been a great inspiration to starters. but it's it's a tough job. somebody has got to
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do. absolutely. this is his night to >> mister speaker, the president of the united states.
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>> fire smart. i go home now. mister speaker. madam vice president members of congress, my fellow americans. >> in january. 1941. franklin
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roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. he said. i address you in a moment. one precedent in the history of the union. is on the march. war was raging in your. president. roosevelt purpose was to wake up congress and alert the american people. that this was no ordinary time. freedom and democracy runner saw the world. i come to the same chamber to address the nation. now it's we who precedent moment and just to the union. and yes, my purpose tonight is to wake up to congress the american people that this is no ordinary moment either. not since president lincoln and the civil war. our freedom and democracy and under solid home as there are today. what makes our mom a rare is the freedom and democracy are under attack both at home and overseas. at the very same time. over
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shay's putin of russia is on the march. invading ukraine and sowing chaos throughout europe and beyond. if anybody in this room. thanks pudo stop ukraine. i assure you he will not. ukraine can stop if we stand with ukraine. and provide the asking they'r- not asking for american soldiers, in fact, are no american soldiers war in ukraine. and i'm determined to keep it that way. assistance. ukraine has
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been blocked. by those who want to walk away from our world leadership. was a long ago. one republican president ronald reagan thundered mister gorbachev, tear down this wall. my predecessor. a former republican president, tells prudent co do whatever the you want. that's a former president actually said that. bowing down a russian later. i think it's outrageous. it's dangerous and it's unacceptable. as a founding
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member of nato. the military lives of democratic nations created after world war to prevent to prevent war and keep the peace. and today we may stronger than ever. welcome finland to the alliance last year. sweden officially joined and our ministers here tonight. mister prime minister. welcome the nature of the strongest military lives the world has ever seen. i say this to congress. we have to stand up carson, national security bill. history is literally
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watching. history is watching. united states walked away. put ukraine at risk. you're represent risk the free world, the bowling others to do what they wish to do us harm. my message to president putin, i've known for a long time is simple. >> we will not walk away. >> history is watching. history is watching. >> just like yesterday, watch 3 years ago on january 6. when or actions storm is right. capital place, a dagger the throat of american democracy.
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>> many of your hair at darkest of days. >> we're also all of our own eyes. the insurrections were not patriots. that come to stop the peaceful transfer of power cover star in the world. the people january 6 lives about the 2020 election of a plot steal the election. >> posed a great greatest threat to u.s.. democracy since a civil war. >> but they fail. we must be honest. the threat to democracy must be defended. my predecessor on some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6. will not do that. this is a moment to speak the truth. the very
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lives. here's the simple truth. you can love your country only when you win. ever since being elected office. ask all of you without regard to party to join together and defend democracy. remember your oath of office defending us all threats, foreign and domestic. respect and fair elections. restore trust in our institutions. and make clear political violence has absolutely no place, no place in america's 0 place.
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guest history is watching. are watching your children are gradual read about this day. what we do. history's watching another assault on freedom. join us. a light is a tory beasley, social alabama, 14 months ago, 14 months ago, she and her husband welcomed a baby girl. thanks to the miracle of ivf. she's scheduled treatments have that second child. alabama supreme court shut down ivy of teams across the state. only spy supreme court decision overturning roe v wade. she was told her dream would have to wait. but her family got through should never have happened unless congress acts could happen again. so tonight, let's stand up for families like hers to my friends across the aisle. don't keep this way.
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>> like most americans, i believe roe. got it right. i thank vice president harris mean incredible leader defending reproductive freedom. >> i came to office determined to see roe v wade overturned. he's raising is overturned. any brags about it. look at the chaos. that is a result it. join us tonight is kate. a wife and mother from dallas. she's become pregnant again a fetus in the fatal condition. her doctor told kaye own life and our ability to have future in a children in the future. we're at risk. she didn't
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because texas law and her ability act, kate and her husband had to leave the state to get what you need. but her family got through should have never happened as well. but its happening and to many others. our state laws banning the freedom to choose criminalizing doctors forcing survivors of rape and incest to leave their states to get the treatment they need. many of you in this chamber. my predecessor promising to pass a national ban reproductive freedom. my god, what freedom else would you take away? decision overturned. roe v wade, the supreme court majority wrote the following. and with all due respect, justices. >> women are not without electoral electoral power. shouldn't elect or or political power you're about to realize just how much right.
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>> turney road, we would have no clue about the power women, but they found out. what reproductive freedom was on the ballot. we won in 2022. 20 try and win again in 2024. >> sending a congress supports the right to choose. i promise you i'll restore roe v wade is the law of the land. again.
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and not go back. tonight to show what i believe the way forward because i know how far we've come. 4 years ago next week before i came office, the country was hit by the worst pandemic in the worst economic crisis in a century. remember the fair? record losses. remember the spikes in crime in the murder rate. raging virus. it took more than 1 million american lives of loved ones. many is left behind a mental health crisis of isolation and loneliness. president my predecessor failed the most basic presidential duty that he owes to american people, the duty to care. i think that's unforgiveable. i can office determined to get us through one of the toughest periods in the nation's history. it doesn't make new been of news in 1000 cities and towns. the american people are reading the greatest comeback story. never told. america's comeback
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is building a future of american possibilities. economy from the middle out in the bottom up, not the top down. >> investing in all america and all americans. >> make every sure everyone has a fair shot. >> we leave no one. no one behind. >> the pandemic no longer controls our lives. the vaccine to save us from covid are now being used to be cancer. turning set back in to come back. >> that's what america does. and the comments on the brink. now, our economies that are the envy of the world.
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15 million new jobs just 3 years. a record a record. record. 16 million americans are starting small businesses each one is a little act of hope. >> with historic job growth and small business growth for black and hispanics and asian-americans. 800,000 new manufacturing jobs in america and county. >> fraction capital of the world. we are. temperatures today. than ever before. >> the racial wealth gap in the small as it's been in 20 years. just keep going up and freshly keeps coming down. inflation has dropped from 9% to 3%. the lowest in the world and tending lower. and now
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instead of a portage importing farm products and exporting american jobs, we're exporting american products and creating american jobs. time of american people begin to feel it. consumer study show consumer confidence is soaring. by america has been the law of the land since the 1930's. past administrations, including my predecessor, including some democrats as well in the past failed to buy american. not anymore. i watch for projects that you fun, like helping build america roads, bridges and highways will be made with american products and built by american workers. bank start chips and
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science act. united states is investing more in research and development that never before. during the pandemic, a shortage of semiconductors chips that drove up the price everything from cell phones to automobiles. by the way, we invented those chips right here in america. instead of having to import and it private companies are now investing billions of dollars to build new chip factories here in america, creating 10's attracted 650 billion dollars
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in private sector investment. the clean energy, advanced manufacturing, creating 10's of thousands jobs here in america. >> thanks to bipartisan infrastructure law. >> 46,000 new announced all across your communities. by the way, i know to some of you strongly voted against it. are there cheering on that money coming? your district? just let me know. modernize our roads and bridges, ports and airports. public transit systems removing point poisonous lead pipes or every child can drink clean water, could break down. for every
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american. no matter where you live or urban, suburban or rural communities. >> and red states and blue states. record investments in tribal communities. >> because of my investment, the family farm. guessing found led by my stepdad culture knows more about this than anybody. i know. we're better able to stay in the family for the show's farms through that and their children and grandchildren to leave, leave home to make a living. mister chair. great comeback stories. belvidere illinois. home to an auto plant for nearly 60 years. before i came to office, the plant was on its way to shutting down. thousands of workers fear for their livelihoods. hope was and i was elected office. we raised the belvedere repeatedly with auto companies knowing you news would make all the difference. the uaw work like
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to keep the plant open. get these jobs back and together, we succeeded. instead of auto factories, shutting down all the factors. reopening stated our battery factories being built. >> the power, those cars >> the pope's about i say instead of your town be left behind, the community is moving forward again because of 7 watching auto jobs, jobs in the future. go overseas for 1000 union jobs. >> with higher wages, our building a future in belvidere right here in america. if you're a governor, president shawn fain, a great friend and a great labor, sean, we're
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generation worker, uaw worker belvedere sean. i was proud to be the first president stand on the picket line today. don has a good job in her hometown, providing stability for a family and pride and dignity as well. showing once again, wall street didn't build america and they're not bad guys. they didn't the middle class, both the country and unions built the middle class. i say the american people. america knocked down, we get back up. it's because
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of you. america is coming back is because of your future drivers because of you. tonight, you could probably say the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. i want to talk about the future of possibilities. that we can build together. a future where the days of trickle down economics are over and the wealth in the biggest corporations know our get that along with tax breaks. and by the understand corporation not come from the state. that is
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more corporations invested every one of your states and the state united states combined. >> and a representative for 36 years. i'm not. and i corporation. but i grew up. and the home were trickle down. economics didn't put much of my dad's kitchen table. that's why determined turn things around. some middle class does well they do well, the poor way up in the wealthy still do very well. we all do well. >> and there's more to do to make sure you're feeling the benefits of all we're doing. americans pay more for prescription drugs than anywhere in the world. >> it's wrong and i'm an i propose and sign. >> not one of your republican buddies work want a fort. we finally beat big pharma.
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instead of paying $400 a month or thereabouts for insulin with diabetes and only costs 10 bucks to make they only get paid. 35 among about still make a healthy profit. >> the cost the $35 for every american who needs it. people talked about it, but finally we got it done. game medicare, the power to negotiate lower prices on prescription drugs. just like the va is able to do for veterans. that's not just saving seniors. money, saving taxpayers money cut the federal deficit by 160 billion dollars. the price is the big pharma. this year, medicare
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negotiate. lower prices are some of the costliest drugs on the market. >> the treat everything from heart disease. arthritis. it's now time to go further and give medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for 500 different drugs over the next decade. a profitable. well, not only save lives, it will save taxpayers. another 200 billion dollars. they're saying more caps, total prescription drug costs for seniors on medicare at 200 to $2000 a year here are expensive cancer drugs that cost 10, 12, $15,000. i want to cap prescription drug costs of $2000 year for everyone.
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get in trouble for saying that many want to get their force one fly to toronto for land moscow. me shoot me and it will even moscow probably. and bring your prescription with you. and i promise you, i'll get it for you from 40%. the cost you pay now. same company, same same place. >> before double care act. you know, mama care. still a very big deal. >> interview. can no longer be denied health insurance because of pre-existing condition. for my predecessor. many in this chamber want to take those rep restriction drug away by repealing affordable care act. i'm not
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let that happen. protecting on expanding enacted tax credits of state $100 per person per year reduce health care costs for millions of working families. that tax credit expires next year. i want to make that savings permanent. to state. the obvious women are more than half our population. but research women's health has always been underfunded. that's why we're launching the first-ever white house initiative on women's health research led by jail. >> going incredible job. past
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my plan for 12 billion dollars of trans for women's health research and benefit millions of life all across america. i know the cost of housing so important to you. inflation keeps coming down. mortgage rates will come down as well. the fed acknowledges that. but i'm not way. i want to provide an annual tax credit. it will give americans $400 a month for the next 2 years as mortgage rates come down to put toward their mortgages when they buy their first home. we're trained up for a little more space. >> year. >> there's also eliminating title insurance on federally backed mortgages. refinance
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your home. you can save $1000 and more as a consequence. >> for millions of renters. >> we're cracking down big landlords use an actress a using try to break an interest laws by price fixing. and driving up rents. cut red tape. so voters can get federally financing, which is already helping build a record. 1.7 million new house. you housing units nationwide. >> now passing build and renovate. >> 2 million hope for a double homes and bring those rents down. it remained the strongest economy in the world. we need to have the best education system in the world.
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>> like i >> want to give a childhevery child, a good start by providing access to preschool for 3, 4 years old. the children coming from broken homes where there's no books and not read, do not very often. start school, kindergarten or first grade hearing. having heard a million fewer words spoken. studies show the children to go to preschool and early, 50% more likely to finish high school or 2, 4, great no matter what their background is. year and a half ago with
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the leaders of the business roundtable. they're mad that i they were hungry. i said, well, they discussing. i want to spend money on education. i pointed out to them as vice president. i met with over a i think it was 182. those folks don't number. i asked them what they need most. the ceos. and you had the same experience, both sides. now this a better educated workforce, right? so look i say, i come from delaware. the prime used to be the 8th largest corporation world. and every new into enterprise, bought educated workforce to that enterprise. but not if you do that anymore. why are you angry with me providing you the opportunity, the best educated workforce in the world. they all look to me and said, i think you're right. i want to expand high-quality
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tutoring and some are learning we see that every child learns to read by 3rd grade. >> also connecting local businesses and high schools. so students get hands-on experience in the path to good-paying job. whether or not they go to college. but want to make sure the colleges more affordable. lets continue increasing the pell grants to working and middle-class families and increase record investment. >> and they see you. spending cuts to patient. >> i was told i couldn't universally just change the way in which you could do that with student loans. i fixed to student loan programs that already exist. to reduce the burden of student debt for nearly 4 million americans.
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clean nurses, fire, fight. >> public servant. tonight, world. dan, thank you. >> he's educated hundreds of students so they can go to college. now he's able to help after debt forgiveness, get his own daughter to college. you is good for the economy because folks are now able to buy a home, start a business, start a family. >> while we're at it. >> i want the public school teachers a raise. by the way,
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the first companies we cut the deficit. now, let me speak to the question of fundamental fairness for all americans. i've been delivering real results and fiscally responsible ways. already cut the federal deficit have already cut the fed over a trillion dollars. >> the bipartisan deal. another trillion dollars extras. >> it's my goal to cut the federal deficit. other 3 children by making big corporations, a very wealthy finally beginning to pay their fair share. i'm a catholic wanamaker can make a million americans bucks. that's great. just pay your fair share in taxes. and things that make this country great health
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care, education, defense and so much more. but here's the deal. the last back to the 2 trillion dollar tax cut overwhelmingly benefit the top one percent. the very wealthy, the biggest corporations. and exploded the federal deficit. they add more to the national debt than any presidential term in american history. check the numbers. folks at home. does anybody think the tax code is fair? really think the wealthy and big corporations need another 2 trillion dollar tax break. i sure don't. i'm going to fighting like to make it fair under my plan. nobody earning less than $400,000 pay additional paid in federal taxes. nobody not one


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