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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  March 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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>> kron 4 news, your local election headquarters. >> the ballots are being counted as polls close across california, who will the gold states elect as its final candidates for the senate? and will donald trump secure his second presidential nomination? >> this is super >> good evening. thanks for joining us for a special edition of kron for news. i'm ken wayne and i'm noelle bellow. polls have been close for couple of hours now. several hours. here are some results from the key races we're watching. of the u.s. senate adam schiff and steve garvey will be headed to the general election in november. >> of shifts coming away with about 36% of the vote tonight, steve garvey with 30%. that's with 42% of precincts
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reporting this evening. they both spoke earlier this evening. adam schiff, however, having a bit of an issue at his campaign speech. >> all right. we're waiting some for some videotape, during his speech, his victory speech was interrupted by some protesters he tried to carry on and get through this speech. here we go. let's take a listen. >> it's been my privilege to work with her when she was the head of the intelligence committee. and when i was working on the senate side you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network.
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sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. support. thanks, everyone. >> jean hersholt pro-palestinian protesters interrupting his victory speech tonight after he advanced to the november election in a race to succeed late sen dianne feinstein. i believe we're going to take another look at those senate election results where again, steve is the other. >> candidate going towards november for the general election. he addressed his supporters earlier this evening as well in palm desert, already making some promises as a senator. >> you know, it's time for. it's time for political
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courage and that political courage is to stand up for your life, your quality of life, for your family, for your children, for grandparents. when i get back to washington. at first day will start. going to all 99. senators. reaching out my hand. asking them to work with me. for the best interest of the people of the united states. >> another big seat up for grabs in california as silicon valley. congresswoman anna eshoo is retiring. the u.s. representative district 16 seat is up for grabs tonight. former san jose mayor sam liccardo. one of those running for that seat. our sara stinson. why force now at the primary election night headquarters with more. you talk to sam liccardo tonight. >> what do you have to say? >> former san jose mayor sam liccardo. he is feeling on top
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of the world tonight, especially because he was surrounded by supporters here luna mexican kitchen. and campbell, i mean, the room was packed with people and most of them volunteers or supporters. and they were all saying how excited they are that they are what they're looking at. the numbers as him being the front runner, of course, ballots still being counted. but they are feeling very confident in him. you can see the excitement on their faces patting on the back saying, you know, we got this. the numbers are looking good. but of course, we still have to see what happens as the ballots get counted. now, this is a packed race. we have 11 people vying for this. a lot of people cheering him on. they said you got a lot of people said he's the man for the job for the 16th congressional seat. >> they're all vying for the seat that was held by congresswoman anna eshoo for more than 3 decades representing silicon valley and san mateo county. this is
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actually a full circle moment for car to us. he previously worked as intern during her first campaign in 1992. the says if elected to congress, he would fight for reproductive rights, gun violence, homelessness. and he says while it's still early, he says what he's seeing in the numbers right now in the polls feels good. >> we have the numbers are so we know it's going to be a long night. in fact, i expect will be a couple days for all the numbers come in. you know, what we're seeing in their early results is what i'm hearing. but the it's a reflection of the fact that our residents are responding the urgent need to get congress moving around what we're most with high childcare costs are >> well, carter says he feels confident he can work with republicans across the aisle, but of course, step one. get to the november ballot. step 2 get voted into congress. he's
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feeling confident and excited. he said he only had 13 weeks to get to this point and he hopes he has the next couple of months to get more voters to get him in congress and get him to do what he wants to do. there, which huge agenda that we just heard from. so a lot more to learn about where this will go with the numbers. but so far, looking like a is the front runner. i'm sara stinson reporting live in. campbell, back to you. all right, sarah, thank you for that. this was a very crowded race. a lot people running for this >> seat in congress, santa clara county supervisor joel summit in he's in the number 2 position right now is looking nab that spot in the november runoff. yeah, we have kron four's amanda hari a live for us atihis campaign headquarters. she also spoke with evan low earlier this evening. he's in 3rd place. still tonight, amanda. >> how's it looking out there in palo alto? >> speaking with joe summit ii and he says he feels confident that these results are going to hold and that he will stay
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in the top 2 right now we have about 50% of the votes counted. i believe he just left, but we still have some people hanging out here at the palo alto creamery where he was having his campaign event tonight. but things are starting to wrap up a bit here summit. ian is running for california's 16th congressional district summit. ian says the whole campaign was only 3 months long. he's excited to have some more time between now and november. if he advances, he says some of his campaign's focus is our affordable health care. a woman's right to choose and climate change. he says he's represented 14 of 15 of the cities and towns in this district and he believes that gives him an advantage over his opponent. >> i'm really looking forward to chance to have more of a person, the person campaign, whether that's going door to door, whether it's in small group conversations in somebody's living this 3 months, great. we've all just been through and we all had the same calendar, really did not lend itself to that. so a
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lot of emphasis expensive communication, tv media, a direct you know, all that has its place, but nothing takes the place of really being in touch with the folks that you aspire represent us. >> some indian is running to fill the silicon valley seat that has been held by representative anna eshoo for more than 3 decades. this election will be going to a runoff between the top 2 candidates in november. right now it looks like he'll be facing former san jose mayor sam liccardo. again, we likely won't have all of the results tonight. right now we have about 50% of those results in and he is sitting in second place. but people here are feeling confident that will remain live in palo alto. amanda hari kron, 4 news. thank you very much. amanda earlier, amanda talked with evan low at his campaign headquarters in. >> campbell. and as she mentioned, so now we're going to move on to checking in for
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the race for barbara lee's congressional seat in the east. bailey essentially resigned from that seat to run the u.s. senate. she has held that seat since 1998. >> earlier she visited her campaign headquarters in oakland and was joined by lateefah simon, who is trying to succeed hurley basically declared simon the winner kron four's. dan thorn live in oakland tonight at simon's campaign it's pretty loud out there. she does have a lot of support out there. dan. >> yeah, yeah. we're fluid. 5 win over the party actually just wrapping up right now. but it was really loud in here for barbara lee. maybe not the night that she was hoping war for. but for the cheapest simon, who is essentially considered her successor. i'm really big night who's looking ahead to november? she gave a fiery speech earlier front of a lot of supporters talking about how she's going to go to washington and push for reproductive rights for women, housing rights, how her
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movement has been essentially a grassroots movement for black liberation and also to give black and brown people a voice in our barber lead, though, unfortunately, was not able to make it here for simon's party, but she sent in a video message earlier saying that simon is the perfect person take over the 12th congressional district, which covers a number of cities out here in the east bay, including oakland and alameda in berkeley, around 750,000 simon, though, of course, in her speech thanked lee for essentially paving the way for women like her to even have this become potentially a reality and be a person that works for the house of representatives in washington. >> i'm going to work hard for the few months until we get to
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>> and some of the other notable people that were at the party here tonight would alameda county district attorney pamela price. former mayor libby shaft and assembly member mia bonta lateefah simon has got a number of endorsements at the state and national level including both u.s. senators for california la paz the butler and alex padilla and also governor gavin newsom all saying that she's the right person for the job. and if she goes on to win the general election in november, simon would be the first muslim woman to represent the state of california and the house of representatives. ken, back to you. all right. a chance to make history there. thank you very much, dan. want to show you the results of that race
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as they stand right now. >> she, of course, is in the lead. as we just mentioned, we have a graphic showing where things stand. 21% of the vote is in and right now the teeth of simon has 43% of that very a hefty lead there. >> for district 12, we, of course, have been tracking election results here in the newsroom. some folks made our coverage a part of their special night. there was a big watch party in san francisco's soma neighborhood. kron four's rob nesbitt. was there. i'm here in the soma neighborhood of san francisco, the california working families party is having their election night watch party. there are several prominent people here tonight at this watch party, including at least 2 san francisco city supervisors, hillary ronen dean preston, as well as election volunteers and community members. >> california working families as an organization as a door. several candidates locally in san francisco as well as statewide vice chair of the democratic party of san francisco. peter, go spoke
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with me tonight. he says that everyone here for this election watch party is looking for winds from candidates local communities in mind and not corporate interests. me really double down on our efforts. over the past few days, we have volunteers out 05:00am this morning but dropping. we have folks on the phones all day today. we made 18,000 calls to voters get out the vote, basically telling it's time you got to return your ballot. go to your polling place. i go to city hall. so i think that work. we're going to see hopefully some of the returns on that investment today of all of the volunteer power we had >> to get and drag out that organizers of this watch party are, of course excited about the election results. but they say it's too early to get too excited. they say with mail in ballots being more popular now, there will be more results coming in during the coming days to pay attention to reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> as we head to break, we do want to bring you a look at the measures in napa county
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this evening and how they're doing will be right back.
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>> welcome back. tonight's super tuesday, all but left nikki haley in donald trump's
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dust across the country here in california, the former president leading with 76% of the vote. 42% of precincts reporting nikki haley at just 20%. >> of the vote as take a look at some other results. took place on this super tuesday night. the big race too, fill the seat left behind by the passing of dianne feinstein. adam schiff collected the most votes. 35% and steve garvey will challenge him in the november runoff election. he had 30% of the vote. a disappointing finish for katie porter and barr really. >> and the only statewide proposition on the ballot tonight was prop one pretty neck-and-neck in terms of results right now. 43% of precincts reporting. yes, coming in at just 51% with no votes not far behind at 49%. our catherine heenan does have our political analysts standing by. we've been discussing all of these races
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tonight. katherine, a reaction to that problem that keeps kind of all. everyone saying, oh, that's a dicey. so i mean, well, it's so close who knows? >> it should be passing. it should be passing at a stronger number. it doesn't have organized opposition. that is something with some of these late counts, especially in some of the rural counties as they come in because they'll be resistant to that measure. it's a proxy for governor newsome, his policy stances. what he wants to do. that's really an interesting number should be doing much, much better. this could be an interesting consequence of the adam schiff. steve garvey effect of working to get republicans out to the polls for adam ship prep for steve garvey may result in in this number being a lot closer than it should i mean, normally as the evening goes on, that spread starts to get wider mean normally see a blue shift in california. now is that as time goes on, but we're not seen that. and if the
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governor, i'm going. yeah, i'm not. i'm not too keen about this. and i think part of it could be increase turnout because of the court shifted to get steve garvey is his opponent in the november election. i said this was dicey because a lot of people anticipated this was going to passed by, you know, much wider margins and we're seeing looks like it may well not pass. >> which overall embarrassment for the governor. if that were to happen. but even if you have 50 plus one, i mean, that's still not a win centering indoors not ringing endorsement. so you know that that's why think it's much nicer than we saw before. obviously, there are still some polling and some elections that are coming in results. but this is it's it's dicey as it gets. >> all right. but can we biden and trump a little bit of time tonight, the presidential primary effectively is over. i mean, they both have locked up the nominations and we've touched on this. but we haven't really talked about
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the fact that both joe biden and donald trump have some real. problems challenges as they move toward the election. >> yeah, it's funny. we were just talking about it. you know, donald trump is facing 750 years potentially that's not enough years to be facing. and on the other hand, you have and this is something democrats and republicans really agree on the fact that joe biden is too old to be president united states. there's a recent new york times and siena poll. it showed that 73%, both republicans and democrats agree he's too old to be president, especially if he's, you know, we're calling a conversation he had yesterday with people that have deceased since 1996. so, you know there there's some real challenges and my hope is that we find the right leader head but no easy answers. >> you know, i mean, this going to be. there are 2 things that that need to happen. one, he's got to hit a home run in his state of the union speech on thursday.
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without a doubt can stumble. we can't move. i mean, can we get have almost like normal biden gaffes? going to be magnified. secondly, and you saw this tonight at the adam schiff says victory speech which was he didn't get to actually do a victory speech. the the issue of gaza is something that is terry in parts of the democratic party apart. it's not. i don't mean to be that. i don't mean to be this extreme, but in some ways it's very much like vietnam and what it did to the democratic party. in 1968. you had you had a candidate he would have or who was seen as out of touch in terms of where the country was going and that essentially handed the election over to richard nixon. so us you have a serious policy issue, too. that's dragging that the democrats and needs to be addressed and solved before the summer before the convention before chicago. i think the next 48 to 72 hours
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are huge, right? that leads us into. past this super tuesday. it leads us into the sea. the union may be the most critical moment of the biden presidency. everything's at stake in terms of. >> turning forward to the general election, laying out the stakes and at the same time, perhaps referencing the cast of trump without bringing them up too much and having those distractions that will occur on the floor of the house when everyone this is there and you have the nation's attention, there's a lot at stake for this. and in addition, you know that these 2 candidates are going to lock up their nominations for the end of this month, at least in donald trump's case. he's got nikki haley out there, but he's got to generate some buzz around your campaign about what to do. trump is going to use every court appearance as a campaign rally. know that's going to happen. what are you going to do about young people and getting them out to vote in both cases? 93 million people stayed home in 2016 because it was the most negative election ever strap in because this election, the most critical since 18, 60 has
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the potential to be that at a critical time in the nation's future. in some ways, it's like 1968 right? but it's also potentially really divisive moving forward without someone to unite us. that's so do you are out of time. i'm just going to throw in the fact nikki haley. we still don't really know what is going to do. >> sherry, big statement. on that note, we're going to a quick break. we'll be back.
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>> welcome back. you have been
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watching our kron 4 special election coverage of the primaries tonight. grant lotus has been tracking some of the bigger races both statewide and nationwide this evening. >> what been looking at one final look, really, it's going to go down as the dominant night for donald trump tonight where effectively secure the nomination. not official until next week when he can do it by the numbers. but you look at the map after super tuesday. and these are all trump states. the yellow, vermont, nikki haley got that the one state. she also got the district of columbia. but it is donald trump. it is joe biden, noelle. and can the thing you now have to look at i think is who is donald trump going to choose to be his running mate? because we're almost at that point. he has a gotten more and more support. 4 polls in the past few days have him with a lead over biden in a general election. he's up 4 points, 4 points, 2
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points in 2 points that cbs news, fox news, new york times. >> wall street journal biden never trailed trump when he beat him a few 4 years ago. so that's what we're going to have to look at. i think we mentioned the issues biden is having in some of the states that have arab american muslim american, minnesota tonight, almost 20% undecided or basically an so those are a couple of the story lines that we're going to be looking at for the next 8 we've ever had at this early. the big win in california, of course, is adam schiff and steve garvey are going to be facing off in the general election to decide who's going to the next. >> senator for the state of california and that issue that joe biden facing those states out of shift face this evening at his campaign headquarters with protesters there. >> calling for a cease-fire. so its definitely was not a a boring a lot that we really
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appreciate you figured out that technology there and giving the folks here across the bay area of primary election evening. thank you so much for joining us. all right. more election results as they come in on kron. 4 morning
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: spring break break up. i miami beach is telling college students to go somewhere else.


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