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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  March 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PST

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pumped out tomorrow about this about this particular event because they need to get this behind them as quickly as possible. in one last thing from the jury crowd democratic party, i'm looking at this thing about chicago and and thinking, biden, we've got to do something to deal with this issue the positive and affirmative way because this will make the convention yeah. what congress 68 said and that's i mean, that's what's behind. i think a lot of a lot of that. >> i think it and this is a legitimate issue. the people are concerned about and have it had passionate feelings about. and you see more and more the biden administration move more and more toward toward wanting to advocate for a cease-fire. you saw vice president harris come out and do it, but it's not enough yet. and until it is at least enough or they engage in the kind of dialogue that's needed. this is a very big danger for the democrats
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question. i'm joe biden. this is one of the challenges facing, you know, from angry and increasingly, but seemingly loud number of people that he's not. and he's trying. but it's it has not saying that they did vote numbers. and yes, so yeah, not just in michigan. this is a big problem. see them in colorado and massachusetts and north carolina tonight. right? those are important messages or swing states. these are key. minnesota has always been sort of the kind of leans democratic. it should be dem cratic. >> but if you lose 20% of the vote, that's it. and you replicate that in michigan and also in this race has gone from a forgone conclusion to oh, my god, what are we going to do? so there's a lot of lot of thinking a lot of action need to take place between now and july. all right. they just producers asking me for anyone who may be just tuning in. adam schiff, gibson gets up to give i happy victory speech in my wonderful wife. and really it's it's just a mess. there are protesters. they're upset
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about gaza. there were a lot of them. i was not just a handful of and they everywhere. and we're just going to give you a in case you missed it a little bit of what happened. >> and i want to all of my constituents as well. to keep the security can deal with it. was like is like 50.
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>> yeah, i'm michael was just saying that, you know, those are couple of security guards and the smaller crowds. maybe we can start deal with this kind of thing. but this was going to be you just got out of hand immediately. michael, you are saying i think seriously, sometimes can. you do invite maybe you are kidding. you said, you know, i'd really clearly they just were for mean. >> there is there is there is there was during this campaign and will continue to be. >> some animosity toward adam schiff because of of democratic candidates. he was once seen as the most. for like that where pro israel in terms of the the the the attack on an got and gaza and he's and was until this weekend that he actually uttered. i think the words cease-fire and i think that obviously was a little bit too little too late. do you get knowing that knowing the passions, see what's going on around the country knowing
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that he could have been one of one of the the people who finished. this victory celebration should have been invite only people who, you know, people are your supporters, people who you count on him. people who walk for you and not just open to the public. maybe it was maybe these folks were volunteering for mayor, but i don't think so. yeah. this this will dominate the cover and well, the next several news cycles. >> and not to put too fine a point on one of the difficulties with the shift campaign they've been leading the whole time. they locked up. three-quarters of the democrats in the democratic congressional delegation in california. there's an arrogance to their campaign what they're doing. they want to bring people in to celebrate this moment and you run the risk of these types of p things. you're not reading the room that he leaves. you're not reading the democratic move lining. democrats step. michael was talking about the on the progressive left. you're not reading whats going. yeah. i think there's definitely some hubris, frightened and the lesson to
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be learned here. but he can obviously rebound from this mean he just got retake control of the narrative asap. he did. you that you cannot underestimate. >> the the passion of the people who are village intimately very upset about what's going on in the middle east and this is some like that. this something that joe biden is going to have. it says this is a joe biden issue it, but it it you can see it spreading. is just last kratz. >> got to go back cannon oil. >> you know, it's what's interesting, though, is is we just watch the steve garvey speech, which was very calm almost to the point of being to, but but to say garvey is not a current politicians, right shift is, but he's. if you want to join our campaign and it was all of these positive reasons do so. and then we have this example of what's going on on this side. i'm really going to be interested to hear what donald trump has to say about this. you know, he's going to say
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something about it. yeah, and he's going to be hammering what he calls shifty schiff over this mess of a speech tonight. and there's no doubt that's going to happen. and it's something steve garvey should be aware of as well because this doesn't mean he's safe from something like that happening to him. what would his reaction be? so interesting of michael yaki was, of course, talking about a president biden and how this issue of the war in gaza. >> definitely hurt him tonight and has continued to hurt him when it comes to the primaries. grant lotus this year. he's going to break down some of those issues that he's been facing. grant professor mckeown was referencing when we're hearing from the panel. but >> it's the states. and you know, you see biden is easily winning every state that is on the board. but it is the support that he's not getting the protests that you you call them within these votes. minnesota was one of the that was voting tonight. here we go. minnesota. 19%.
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>> of people voting tonight, the democrats uncommitted. so biden wins easily, but 19%. 46,000 people. that's a lot. this started when michigan went to the polls, they have a big arab american muslim american population in michigan. a lot of college age voters and they had 13% more than 100,000 people voting uncommitted. tonight we had massachusetts about 10%. no preference. and massachusetts and north carolina. another big a college state, 12.7% no preference. so that is one of the problems that joe biden has that the democratic party has right now is how you get everybody on board. it figures to be a tight race with former president trump in november. and you have, you know, hundreds of thousands of people who are at least
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disenfranchise with where the democratic party is right now where president biden is right now when it comes to speaking out for a cease-fire and how they have, you know, thrown all the support behind israel as a israel deals with what happened in october. one of the storylines to watch the other big one noel and can is, you know, the nikki haley vote. biden obviously is going to try hard to get the people who have been supporting nikki haley. are they never trumpers or would a kind of hold their nose and vote for president trump. former president trump come november one, the big story lines as well that wet will be following back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. we want to find out now how things are shaping up in the race to replace congresswoman barbara lee in her east bay district of district 12 with fa simon out in front way out in front in that contest with 21% of the vote counted. she is currently on the bart board of
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directors. so you've seen her in interviews. her name is pretty recognizable in alameda county. we do have kron four's dan thorn there he's giving us a look at what >> her campaign party have up 2 down. >> yeah, it's been a party here. the supporters really keeper. simon coming out. the blue it 5, 1, really excited that she is just apparently doing very well in this race right now for primary a lot of supporters out here, including current da, pam. look right. former oakland mayor libby shaft, number of people out such as a family member, mia bonta, big party she came outside cannot give a fiery speech earlier saying that she is not scared of any republicans and her campaign has a grassroots movement about black liberation and also taking the country back from passes. barbara lee also giving a video earlier. barbara lee her mentor and
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somebody that she as a as simon is being the successor really, simon does that if he ends up in washington that she would champion housing rights and reproductive rights for women and that she says that people like barbara lee are the reason why she got involved in politics and that she paved the way for black women like her to have a voice in this country. >> i'm going to work so hard for the few months until we get to november really for the rest of my time.
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>> well, as we mentioned, simon is a member of the bart board and she found herself as the racial and social justice social justice advocate. she's got a lot of big endorsements, including both of our u.s. senators, the current one that's holding place right now, the bond to butler, as well as senator alex padilla and governor gavin newsom. and simon was to win the general election in november, she would be the first muslim woman to represent california in the house of representatives, which with certainly be something interesting. welcome back to you. >> all right, dan. thank it's been a long night ahead has and we still have a little more than an hour ago. you know, it's just you're talking about how well after the speeches are done. you know what you're going talk about. there's a lot to talk about tonight. a lot has been going on. thank you. thank you very much, dan. appreciate that report from oakland. all right. we'll take a break. i think we're going to look at the district 16, okay. results
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at this sam la has been leading that race >> we are live with a after the break.
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>> welcome back to another big seat up for grabs in california as silicon valley congresswoman anna eshoo. >> is retiring. former san jose mayor sam liccardo. one of the people running for that seat. our sara stinson live now for us at cargo primary
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election night headquarters in the south chair. >> yeah, we're here at luna, mexican kitchen and campbell were spirits have been high. a lot of people here. supporters of former san jose mayor sam liccardo. a lot of people keep coming up to him, patting him on the back and the numbers are looking good. of course. look cautiously optimistic. it's still early. ballots are still being counted, but he is in the lead at this time. and he just keeps talking about november november november. he only had about 13 weeks to knock on doors here in the south bay to get people to vote for him for congress. and he's hoping that he makes it to the next step so we can continue to go door to door and get those votes for the november election. he talked about a lot of things tonight in his speech, he talked about everything he wants to do in washington, d.c., all the way from san jose city hall. he
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says he wants to work reproductive rights. he wants to do gun violence. who wants to get stuff done and he wants to work with republicans on the other side of the aisle. he said that is key to actually getting things done. and of course, if he does get this congress see in november, he would be taking and eschews seat. what i learned tonight is the cargo actually was intern for her election. back in 1992. so this is sort of full circle moment for him. and now he's running for that. congress sees big deal for him and his family. his wife, supporters here, i spoke with a woman who was a radio host for decades. yes, ali emceed the event tonight. she explained why she's so confident and watch the fallen tear for hours to get into this what did you hear from people? are you confident him morning tonight? well, i'm always confident when it comes to sam liccardo. very confident, but my fingers are crossed. i mean it. you know,
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there's 11 people running. >> he's the last one on the ballot. but the sam liccardo. so i'm very confident and very hopeful. and we've got 8 more months to go. >> and you can hear that confidence in voice. she said i've look for decades now and she's confident in his ability to get it done in washington, back out here live. you can see our still talking with supporters. he has made a lot of time tonight. take photos with people to talk with them. and again, a lot of people very confident in his ability when enough votes to make sure that you can get on that november ballot. we will see what happens with the numbers so far in the lead. but here mexican kitchen, it's definitely very good energy. a lot of upbeat energy people excited for the next step. >> i'm sara stinson reporting live in campbell, back thank for that lot going on in the bay area and across
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california. of course, we've been talking about what happened with adam schiff speech. yeah, but there's of course a lot going on across the country as we are going live now to our dc correspondent hannah brandt. she's been watching those national polls. hannah. >> noel can't. the results tonight are pretty much what we expected. we're seeing big winds across the board for president biden and former president trump. >> they call super tuesday for a reason. >> this is big. >> with hundreds of delegates up for grabs, super tuesday seems to be pulling the country closer to a trump biden rematch. november 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. both former president donald trump and president joe biden are closing in on their party's nominations and focusing on taking on each other in the general election. the last guys win. former governor
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nikki haley spent the last few days hoping state to state working to rally republican voters. we can do better. >> then to 80 year-old candidates for president. but the election math is stacking up against her. and even as she has continued trying to take on trump her path to the nomination is getting narrower. it is time for a new generational leader who can leave the negativity in the baggage behind. >> haley did pull off one victory tonight, though, our decision desk headquarters is projecting that she will beat trump in vermont once all the votes there are counted live in washington, i'm hannah brandt where just about one 20 am and hannah. we appreciate you staying up so late to do this reporting for thank you very much. >> all right. other news back here. keep track from here at other stuff going on across the definitely grant lotus been tracking as several races all night long. he joins us now.
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>> with a look, a parent. hi, noelle, super tuesday is almost in the books. people of stuff voting. now we're just counting. >> as you can see, here is a a big and this is the 15 states that voted today. donald trump as we look at the republican race, trump has taken maine, massachusetts, virginia, north carolina, alabama, tennessee, arkansas, oklahoma, texas, colorado, california, end minnesota. and it hasn't been really close to one state that nikki haley did get is vermont. that is the only state she has won this primary season. she did take the district of columbia, but donald trump has been dominant in his showing as he tries to get back to the white house. if you want to see how he did in california relative to haley. here are the latest numbers with about 40% of the vote counted. trump gets 75% of it. three-quarters of the vote. hailey, 20% and no one
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else is really in the running there. so donald trump canned the he can get the >> he can become the nominee. the official nominee, these numbers have just change. he's up to 419 delegates right now. >> and he can capture the republican party as soon as next tuesday. so we'll see if all the math adds up but he is certainly in a dominant position right now as joe biden on the democratic side. the stage figures to be set up helly has yet to drop out. she is in her home state of south carolina, though, but with no events planned in the future. so she has vowed to staying at least until super tuesday. that is in the books. she does pick up vermont. the one state that she was able to win in addition to d c but her future is very much money could be an issue and you have to wonder
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whether she tries to staying in the event that donald trump has legal problems, which render his candidacy. no envoy, so many questions in that space and we'll have to wait and see. noel and ken. >> grant, thank you. we do want to give voters here. a look at the san francisco propositions and how they're doing tonight will be right back after the break.
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[radio static]
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dr. charles stanley: if you're facing something that's very difficult, remember this: never too difficult for god. he knows where you are, he's there to help you. cindy kim: when i heard charles stanley teach the word of god, it felt like my life had been prepared for that moment. dr. stanley: he wants you to trust him step by step. in whatever you're facing, you'll always come out right.
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>> welcome back. super tuesday. almost like some sort of a sporting event for some folks. to get together again front. tv's watch the game in this case is a whole different kind of game. >> right now a lot of people gathered in the soma neighborhood in san francisco. rob nesbitt. is there where people are watching the results. ron? >> well, i'm here in the soma neighborhood of san francisco. as you said, this is the california working families watch party. they've been paying attention to the election results coming in all night. good news is that music is loud, but the tv's are all
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on kron four's. they're paying attention. the best election results and the city. i'm seeing a lot of prominent people here tonight. at least 2 different san francisco here for watch party here. some video of what it looks like here tonight. the california working families party is an organization that is indoor several candidates locally in san francisco as well as statewide vice chair of the democratic party of san francisco. peter, go. lot of spoke with me during our 09:00pm part of the newscast telling me that everyone here tonight for this election watch party is looking for winds from candidates who have local communities and mine and not corporate interests. here's what he had to really double down on our efforts. over the past few days, we have volunteers out 05:00am this morning but dropping. we have folks on the phones all day today. we made 18,000 calls to voters get out the vote, basically selling it's time you got to return your ballot. go to your polling place. i go to city hall. so i think that work. we're going
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to see hopefully some of the returns on that investment today of all of the volunteer power. we have. >> to get and drag out that though. >> 18,000 phone calls in one day. that's quite a few of organizers of this watch party, even though they're paying attention to the election results. they say it's still too early to get too excited over anything. they're going to be paying attention. the results as they come in even in the coming days saying that mail-in ballots have become extremely popular, obviously. so there still more results that will be coming in even after tonight. while there are real quick, i don't know if you said they all had kron 4 on the monitors there did. you get any reaction from what happened with the >> adam schiff speech tonight? >> a lot of people were saying to turn the tv down as that portion of the election results were coming they didn't seem too happy with steve garvey results for the adam ship results either there
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or they this party head indoors, barber leave. so i think they were hoping better results from her all thanks for that. >> we do want to show folks the results so far from santa clara county. we'll be right back after a quick break. stick with
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>> welcome back. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and we are taking a look at the race for u.s. representative district 16. >> ah, sam liccardo is leading that race. but joe submitting end is in second place. the top 2 here. we'll move on to the november. general election. yeah. we heard the former mayor, san jose sam liccardo. now we're going hear from joe smitty in. we hope amanda hari. >> live at his campaign headquarters in palo alto with more. amanda. >> yes, i did speak with joe and you will hear from him in just a second. he says he's confident even with less than 50% of the vote in that he will maintain his position in the top 2 things are sort of quieting down a little bit here, but you can still see some people are here talking about his campaign excited about what is going to happen
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next summit ian is running for california's 16th congressional district committee and says the whole campaign was 3 months. he's excited to have more time to between now and november to focus on this campaign. he says some of his focus is our affordable health care. a woman's right to choose and climate change. he says he's represented 14 of the 15 cities and towns in this district and he thinks that gives him an advantage over the other candidates. >> i'm really looking forward to chance to have more of a person, the person campaign, whether that's going door to door, whether it's in small group conversations in somebody's living this 3 months, great. we've all just been through and we all had the same calendar, really did not lend itself to that. so a lot of emphasis expensive communication, tv media, a direct you know, all that has its place, but nothing takes the place of really being in
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touch with the folks that you aspire represent us. >> some indian is running to fill the silicon valley seat that has been held by representative anna eshoo for more than 3 decades. this election will go to a runoff between the top 2 candidates right now it looks like he'll be facing former san jose mayor sam liccardo. we will likely not have all of the results until after tonight is over. but like i said earlier, that people here, our feeling pretty confident about his chances of ending up in that top 2. live in palo alto. amanda hari kron. 4 news. all right, amanda, thank you very much. that's going to be, you know, that the results are going to take while to get out. but it looks like karl has a pretty good sizable lead, right? because again, tonight, they're they're basically counting most of the mail in ballots. anyone who drop their ballots today and this evening, those are going to be counted over the next couple of days. but as you mentioned, i mean, the 2 of them have really been leading this race. cut the entire you think. one of the big
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statewide, in fact, the only proposition statewide is proposition one. >> catherine heenan standing by with the panel to what our panel sink of how this is it was looking a little dicey in the beginning when the first numbers started to come out. but now it >> seems to be holding we're still only 30% of the vote counted, but it does have a catherine. yeah, it is favored to lead. but this is again as governor newsom, 6 billion dollar plus a >> measure to provide treatment and housing to the mentally ill. in part, it is a huge bill. are your thoughts on whether this is it sounds like it's probably going to win. but this is a a big i think it's likely to pass. i think the real question is how much money are we going to spend on the problem without actually addressing the problem effectively. >> you know, newsom's administration has spent well over 22 billion on this issue. and it's really 2 issues roped into. one is the issue of homelessness and mental health
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services. and i mean, california is known by now far and wide as the state with the largest, the single largest homeless population in the nation. and all we're doing year after year is throwing money at the problem without effectively addressing it. and i can speak to this issue personally because my family has a prison ministry. also homeless ministry. i've seen programs that work programs that don't. and i can tell you this program in particular, it's going to divert funding underserved communities. it's it's it's just not going to work as well as one might think. think the fact that it's barely passing if it's going to pass on the night speaks a lot of challenges. the governor has ahead of >> there's a couple of elements here on the ballot this year with no opposition, it should be doing better than it is. so that gives us a little bit of idea of the power that referendum of this idea how voters kind of are feeling about this particular issue. in addition, saw in the early vote older, whiter, more
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conservative, kind of a red shift. looks like we've had turnout, heavy turnout. this particular. today on election day. that may be trending a little differently. so as we look at what happens with the vote count, moving forward to see a blue shift, a redshift. we've gone back and forth and the cycles. we have a vote by mail kind of going on this particular cycle. and what is that number look like for prop one is above or below. 52. that number needs to be substantially above. 52 to be a solid victory for the governor. it's 52 or less. even if it passes. it's not a solid victory for him to move forward. that's important because steve garvey starts talking about that tomorrow as he puts forward his campaign for the u.s. senate in november. so you're saying if it if it doesn't pass, that's an embarrassment for it doesn't pass. it's an embarrassment. if it's 52 or less, it's an embarrassment. you at that pass and it doesn't have organized opposition should be moving forward. >> supporters say about time, critics saying a prime example
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measure where you're throwing money at it, hoping that some of that will well, it's it's it's actually more than that. what it is is essentially. >> flipping back time 2 to a time when the state ran mental health services. this proposition is going to bring in all back under the state and it expresses the frustration that the governor has had, how local governments have handled the homeless issue. now that being said, it also means it's going to be on him. and this is something that he made a big, big deal of the couple's 3 years ago. i with the speech dodger stadium during covid and here again, we're going to be in a situation where this is something that he's he's running for president in 4 years. this is something that will be a measure of whether or not he he's going to be successful. any is 2 years essentially to try and get it done. >> not a lot of time. you've
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got homeless in la county, 60,000 la i mean, yes, this is this is a job like healthy, just cuts to bureaucracy like that, which is what they're trying to do. it's going to take a time at least a year. i mean, there's not much time to get this stuff done. plus this program and this treatment program would have to be permeable enough in some way that people are getting in and getting out effectively. otherwise you end up with the you mentally built a big risk and has a lot of impact his presidential ambitions site. >> i mean, it's in large part part of his presidential ambition agenda. so but and how do you judge the weather they can effectively get treatment to people. and, you know, there's always the challenge of people who don't want treatment just seems. i mean. seems like a giant hill declined. it wouldn't be necessarily the issue with stake. your claim. >> as a policy success, if you are thinking of running for president of the united states might be something like guns and gun violence. he's already
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talked about reproductive politics. the previous cycle. and what it would be something like that. and he's talked a lot about donald trump in the chaos of trump. so this issue, the homeless issue of mental health, that issue has been around with an identified with gavin newsom since he was the favorite son of san fran a trend this before with with with with the carolina and we're look at the situation now in san francisco. you know, that's going to be something that people are going to be judging. all right. we'll go back to well and all right. thank you very it is something that as we look at these numbers here on proposition one. >> that affects just about every californian. it used to more of a big city problem. but you can go almost to any california city now, no matter what size it is, and it's an issue that a lot of people are very concerned about, including some parts of orange county, even the grant lotus has been tracking what different parts of the state. >> are voting when it comes to prop one. he joins us now with a little bit more detail on
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that grant. >> that's right. you can see no kenya, these sort of greenish indicates there voting no along the coast here you see a lot of the they want prop one and but it's close here. you mentioned you go to any part of california. you can see problems with the unhoused in san bernardino county it's neck and neck. whether they want this thing or not. i found that orange county is a no la county is very much yes. and then we'll come up to the bay area and focus in on what people here have been saying and marin county overwhelmingly, yes, you head over to a salon. sonoma county again, 57% are saying yes, with about half the vote counted, solano county and napa county is where it is closest in the bay area. you see about 53%. yes.
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and napa. same solano county in contra costa county. 58%. yes. 42 know with about half the vote counted, still working day count votes in alameda county. they only of 21% of the vote counted, but easy yes, vote there we go to san mateo county. they want it. santa clara county, they want it. and san francisco, look at the numbers here. 71 percent the most i've seen out of any county in the state. and if you have been to san francisco, you can see why there are extreme with mental health with the drug abuse and with the un. how so no one can the still too close to call? really what 53? 47 is the latest statewide. but interesting to see, you know, how people vote just, you while we have you where we san francisco there sacramento. 53
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to 46. if you can see that they're it's a statewide problem. obviously, different factions of the state are going to view this differently. and then as jonathan was saying, it's going to be interesting to see what programs get cut because of this. and when all said and done what actually materializes from this should pass more. the counties that are voting against it are the more rural counties, the sierra foothill counties, those kinds of things where >> there just aren't as many people. so even though they may. vo more against yeah, there's not enough of a population make a difference statewide in that fewer people in this context it will be interesting, like you said, see which kind of programs are actually going to come out of. this is the governor has. >> very, active in saying, you know, this is something that we're going off of proven results that we've seen in the past. what exactly those are we haven't necessarily broken that down yet. so like will be really interesting. people are
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desperate for something to work for. sure, i i think this is a, you know, just talking to people. this is anecdotal. but i think this is almost like do you trust newsom or not? because i don't know how many people. >> really, didn't get the nitty-gritty of this proposition. i mean, you know, if you can spend a day reading the fine but i think people know that it's supposed to help, you send a bunch of money. >> to address the problem, a lot more beds. you know, we don't have enough in the state for the unhoused certainly mental health. but it is. it is sometimes it takes time and energy to a really informed voter. and this is one of those where i think a lot of people probably don't know exactly what's going all right. we've got to take a break now. and before we do want to show you some numbers. >> out of contra costa county on some of the election issues taking place. there will be right back.
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jordan's sore nose


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