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tv   KRON 4 News Election Night Special  KRON  March 5, 2024 8:00pm-10:01pm PST

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ask your doctor about managing your generalized myasthenia gravis with ultomiris. >> kron. 4 news. your local election headquarters. >> ballots being counted as polls close across california, who will the gold states elect as its final candidates for the senate? and will donald
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trump secure his second presidential nomination? >> this is super >> thank you for joining us for a special edition of kron. 4 news. i'm ken wayne and i'm noelle bellow. polls are closing across the state right now. one of the biggest races tonight who will still late dianne feinstein's senate seat. congressman adam scff open congresswoman barbara lee, congresswoman katie porter and republican caide steve garvey have all been hitting the campaign trail for months now. >> vying for votes across california. >> congresswoman barbara lee at her campaign headquarters tonight in oakland. speaking, are supporters just minutes ago, proffers dan thorn has been at headquarters all night. and what is the congresswoman say? >> yeah, the congresswoman here just done talking just a short time ago touting her record, of trying remain cheerful in front of her supporters and the people that have been phone banking just as the voting wraps up this evening. and she has been
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struggling a bit in terms of popularity with the latest polling that coming in 4th out of top 4 candidates. but she says that she has gotten her message out there and that the people that she has gotten around here, including mayor london breed and other supporters that they've got her message out there. she pointed out that she is the only black woman that is a progressive that is running in this race. she says that she has the experience. he's able to hit the ground running. she has stood up for reproductive rights for women. she is inspired people of color to be able to get out there and realize that their voices need to be heard and that they need to be getting the respect they need health care for all income inequality and a progressive policies are what she says her supporters want and that the polls are driven by money and that a lot of money has been dumped into this race. and she believes that establishment money does not go to a black progressive woman that would be running for a seat such as this one. but she says that her campaign has the people on their i think what's important in
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terms of our senate is that people. >> i understand that i see them. i hear them that i want to make their lives better and that i'm and have a deep and broad background in foreign policy and international relations. right now we need people in the united states senate. you can hit the ground running who has delivered to has a history of delivering for people who supports bring in federal dollars back into california and who really believes in global peace and security and will take a stand for that and work to make sure that our planet is preserved by addressing the climate crisis and climate justice. as part of our overall climate initiatives >> what was really running for the senate. she can also run for her current seed, which is now going to be up in lateefah. simon who she has indoors to take over the 12th congressional district here in the east bay, simon saying that she has been an
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inspiration from for all saying that women of color like her were inspired to get dignity and respect from following in the footsteps of somebody like barber leave. lee and simon are supposed to be having somewhat of a party here tonight. lee and simon embracing each other earlier saying it is the passing of the blue, but on so simon would eventually take over and she goes on to win the 12 congressional seat in congress and continuing to have another african-american woman as a progressive still running the on the seat out of course, we're still going to wait and see how the numbers end up turning out and we'll see what happens with as well as she is you know, still waiting to get some more information about what's going on with that but we'll keep you up to date as we're out here can and will back to you. all right, dan, thank you. we do know that steve garvey is speaking right now from his campaign headqua
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campaign headquarters there for steve garvey down in a southern california missed most of what what he was saying. but coming into tonight, he was a pretty much neck in neck in a lot of polls without of chef. yeah. we've been hearinis live for us in wa
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d.c., with a look at the big picture. >> across the country >> i'll take it can noel, thanks very much. here is a look at the latest map from the control center. these are the latest result. it has been a dominant night for donald trump. so far he's projected to win maine. a massachusetts virginia, north carolina, alabama, tennessee, arkansas, texas, oklahoma colorado and
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minnesota. and there's still a few states out west utah, california, where the polls have closed more recently. but trump is ben otherworldly this evening. nikki haley did get ise win. is we zoom up here. you look at vermont, nikki haley. is the winner in vermont. you got 50% of the vote too. trump's 45 so that is nikki haley's first state that she is captured this primary season. she did get washington, d.c., as well. so that is noteworthy. and when you look at the delegate count right here where they stand right now, trump with 2.88 nikki haley. 43. donald trump is going to amass hundreds of more delegates this evening. he can wrap up the nominee as early as a week from tonight. when you do the math this primary season. one other note, i want to show you and this is on the democratic side. you look at the states
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obviously joe biden is has been winning. he continues to win. but you look at the support that he there's big story in michigan. lot of voters there. lot of arab americans, muslim americans are not happy with his stance on israel and gaza. and this is michigan from last month. it's this uncommitted number that people have been talking a lot about 13% of democrats voted uncommitted, essentially as a form of a protest to biden's position. now you look at nearby minnesota where there's also a sizable muslim and arab population. 20% of the vote so far isn't committed. so that is nowhere. they have about 74% of the vote that has been counted in minnesota. but that is still a huge number. again, michigan was 13%, minnesota, 20%. so biden has work to do even he's a shooing to be the democratic nominee. he has work to do to
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get that part of the democratic base on his side. again. and then the other work that biden has to do is to get the people who have been voting for nikki haley to try to win them over. obviously trump is going to try to get the hailey supporters as well. so it will be a fascinating next several months. as you look at what now is very clear, trump versus biden for the next presidential election well back to all right, grant, thank you very much. and we have our first results from california in right now on. >> the republican side in the race for the presidential primary and you see a donald trump way out in front with 67% of the vote. nikki haley, 27% followed by desantis in christie who have both dropped out. keep in mind, this is only one percent of the vote that's come in so far. election results are rolling in from across the country. 15 states held primaries today.
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kron four's washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt joining us live now with a look at the presidential primary. hannah. >> noel can't the results tonight are pretty much what we expected with big winds across the board for president biden and former president trump. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. >> this is big >> with hundreds of delegates up for grabs, super tuesday seems to be pulling the country closer to a trump biden rematch. november 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. both former president donald trump and president joe biden are closing in on their party's nominations and focusing on taking on each other in the general election. the last guys on floor former governor nikki haley spent the last few days hoping state to state working to rally republican voters. we can do better.
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>> then to 80 year-old candidates for president. but the election math is stacking up against her. and even as she has continued trying to take on trump her path to the nomination is getting narrower. it is time for a new generational leader who can leave the negativity in the baggage behind. >> haley did pull off one victory tonight, though, our decision desk headquarters projects that she will win the republican primary in vermont when all the votes there are counted live in washington, i'm hannah brandt. >> thank you, hannah. we are also tonight turning back to our focus on california, getting the first results and of the u.s. senate race. adam schiff is a leading at hour. one percent of the votes in here, but he is leading at 43%. steve garvey in second with 22%. katie porter at 16%. and barb really coming in with 9%. again, just one percent of the votes in at this hour right now. we'll keep
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>> welcome back to our super tuesday election coverage here on kron 4 and new numbers coming in by the minute. 2 1% of the vote counted. adam schiff out in front in the senate race to take over the late senator dianne feinstein's seat. he is leading steve garvey, katie porter and barbara lee. >> we are going to turn things over now to our kron four's catherine heenan. she is standing by with our political analysts this evening that we all sort of leaning forward to see those we're going to introduce the panel again. michael yaki, our political analyst, former adviser to
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nancy pelosi, david mchugh in chair of the political science department at sonoma state and jonathan madison, former vice chair of the bay area republican party, ok, not you know, that's not a lot there in terms of numbers, but it is still fairly incredible that we've got a republican right up there. and that's what the polling had indicated right alongside schiff. i mean, when is the last time something like that has happened? >> it's a little bit too early to say anything about any of these votes right now because they could be coming in from like someone's backyard. but only michael leaving up. that's what the president of but but the polling does indicate that there is a 3 way race for the top 2 between adam schiff, steve garvey and katie porter. and i don't think anyone would have thought steve garvey in early january. the guy ran a stealth campaign, actually no campaign, his actual campaign was really run by adam schiff because he wants to see a republican against him in the
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november election where the odds very much in his favor. so nothing. we still have a long way to go mean a lot of dynamics in this race. late voters coming in, how they break where they come from. that's really going to determine what we see at the end. the end of the day will actually end of the week, maybe 2 weeks from now. >> so you have early voting and early voting with skewing whiter, older, more conservative. you see that reflected in these initial results. we're going to have that michael talked about, you know, we have ballots coming in that will be postmarked today. they'll be counted over the next week. got 28 days to certify. there's a long way to go for number of races here. we're going to pay attention to say over the next hour or so what the gap is, who's ahead by more than 5 points for this 3 way 3 way race for 2 spots. that's really what all right, jonathan, i had to smile earlier. ok, how did steve garvey get to this point? even in the polls? and you said, yeah, what i think
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by being quiet. you know, i mean, look, republicans in california, let's not pretend. >> our team does controversial. i mean, we have a pretty far left. the majority. >> so i think it didn't hurt for him to be as a as minimal in terms of being controversial as possible. and look, i'm not a fan of the dodgers, but i got to tell i think he's hit a line drive today and we'll see if he can around the around the horn home run. i will say this, though. you know, we talk a lot about how he probably doesn't have a chance to win in the general if advances today. but i will say i think he has a real chance like a real shot and using this position is temporary platform to show the american people, especially here in california and alternative to the platform of the democrats when it comes to issues like homelessness. lot of money being thrown at the problem. but few results. the problem continues to grow a crime which we see continuing to increase. joke you know, live
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in gotham city here in san francisco. michael, you know, just just all of these issues that have not really been addressed by the majority. i think he has a chance to use this platform. >> all right. they're going to come back to in a minute. part of sport intrigues me is he hasn't spent a dime on tv because adam schiff was doing it for him. but all right to canada. well, going back to you and will will hand >> all right. thank you very much, catherine and panel. san francisco typically has higher turnout than most counties in california. yeah. but with lower turnout reported this year, the question remains, was that the case this time around kron four's dan kerman joining us live at san francisco city hall withnormall
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hit during a primary election. a flurry of activity at san francisco city hall on election day. some people voting in person at the election office. others dropping off their mail in ballots. then the ballot drop box in front of city hall. just making sure that we get leaders that are in place that are doing the business of the people just getting the ballot in the box i think is most important. >> was that's where the real change will come san francisco residents are not only voting on who should serve at the state and federal level but also on a variety of ballot propositions designed to build more affordable housing, expand police powers and require screening for those on public assistance. i'm so concerned. >> with the crime, the drug addiction and homelessness as a veteran, this should be happening this country. san francisco prop a housing bond. i think it's very important to i think it's definitely
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affordable housing like the city doesn't have enough since the 70's, the average turnout for presidential primary. some results here in san francisco within the hour live at city hall. dan kerman kron. 4 news, right, dan, thank you for that. our election night coverage will continue after this break. this is a look. >> at the california presidential primary. what lev an 11% of precincts in here. donald trump with a 72% lead this california has officially been called for trump. now
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>> welcome back to kron 4 tonight. we're getting the results in this for the board of supervisors district one seat where jackie spear is leading tonight, 0% of precincts are reporting fully just yet. so this is going to change as the night goes on. but again, at this hour, jackie spear leading that board of supervisors district, one in san mateo county race at 70%. of course she was a supervisor there years ago served in congress and got out of congress to decide time was. >> it was time to come home
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and now she's back where she started and looks like she at this point. we'll get that seat again. we'll have to wait and see how it turns out tonight. we're watching the outcome of california's only statewide measure. that's on the ballot this primary. it is known as prop one backed by governor gavin newsom. is he vows it will help the state address its homelessness and mental health crises. >> capitol correspondent eytan wallace joining us live from sacramento tonight with a breakdown of prop one a time. >> well, no, well, and can everybody in the bay area? good evening to you. and indeed, governor gavin newsom promises he promises this will make a difference. in fact, he calls this a game changer. but the big question now, a pulse of clothes. did voters agree with that assessment? let's show you some video here about prop one. here is a little bit more information about it. well, it asked voters to approve a 6.3, 8 billion dollar bond to fund more than 11,000 behavioral health beds and some 27,000 behavioral
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health treatments. lot for those on the streets experiencing severe mental illness and substance use disorders. now about 1 billion dollars from the bond will go toward treatment for u.s. service veterans. no reaction from governor gavin newsom. we saw him voting earlier today in sacramento, but we did speak with the vet martinez. she's the executive director of the california democratic party. to be clear, the party firmly endorsed prop one. >> we're all in for prop one. >> it's the right thing to do to get people off the streets to get them the treatment and the mouth. mental health support. they need to live their lives with dignity so yes, on prop one, we've endorsed it. we're excited about it. and we looked we need to see some change. >> it's not going to but opponents including republican us on the number. joe patterson from the sacramento area where he argues is just throwing more money at the problem. in a tweet he wrote the problem with prop one is keeps the same failed policies
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that resulted in california mostly on gavin newsom's watch spending 20 billion dollars and homelessness getting worse. and as we come back here live well, no, well, and can i should explain that really until the polls closed that we saw the most of the polls out there weeks ahead of this days ahead of showing prop one neck-and-neck. and remember, it needs a simple majority to pass something interesting about this is the following that any time gavin newsom ran for something whether he ran for san francisco, mayor lieutenant governor governor or any time he publicly back to major statewide ballot measure are opposed to major statewide ballot measure. well, he won the big question tonight, will that streak continue reporting live from sacramento, the state capital, a towell kron for news. back temperatures. all righty. tom, thank you for that. we're going to give you an update now on the numbers were now 17% of the vote counted in the senate race for feinstein's former seat. >> and it's still the top 2 that have been leading so far
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this evening. and keep in mind, it is the top 2 will face off in a general election in november. adam schiff still in front of steve garvey a long night ahead.
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>> welcome back. we are going to listen in to sam liccardo speaking now. he is in the race for u.s.. representative 16th congressional district that there might be a campaign. >> for congress to represent silicon valley in the panetta site. i just didn't know if i'd be part of it. and so, of course. i solicit it. my wise
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and wonderful wife jessica. and you know, they say it's been said many times 1000 sacrifice, a lot for political careers. but you have no idea how much jessica sacrifice for mine. and i'm so grateful that she's been wanting to stand by my side and literally walk with me today, knocking on doors. thank you, honey, for love. and then of course. we need to build the team. how we did this in 13 weeks. but what about the most incredibly hard working and dedicated team of amazing people. we have been sprinting for 13 weeks. and then when it came close
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election day, everybody just spread it faster. somehow. and i just want to extend my heartfelt thanks. the dedication of our amazing team. i don't they just siad giselle. i have slept in like 3 weeks or tavenner. any of the folks i i'm so grateful that everybody has worked so hard to get us to this point. now, of course, the numbers pretty good right now. but we know it's going to be a long night and it may take a few days. but what we're seeing and the early results is a lot of what i've been here. and as we've been knocking on doors, not knock on 2500 of them so we're going to keep on knocking on more on the way through november. well, we're here from a lot of people. the challenges that are facing our community about homelessness. but the high cost utilities and childcare and the cost of living here. and ounces of of gun violence and all the
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things that our community communities throughout the country just struggling with. urgent need to get congress engaged and helping local communities tackle these problems. so when i was thinking about running, i right down a few ideas, a few ideas about. to convince myself then this divided congress, we could do something about these big challenges. so i kept writing and writing and writing just to put up with the riding at 3 in the morning that i wrote a book and i'm still right now where you keep trying until november. and the book. i know you haven't read it. it's ok. dow you can still have a beer. you not to read the buck. but the buck is about something more. we got a lot to fight for this country. we're going to fight for reproductive rights. we're going to fight for democratic institutions be fighting hard for all those things. but in between the fights we got to get something
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done. a country desperately needs the congress that will get something done on homelessness on high utility costs and all the other things that are challenging our communities. and the book is about how we can get beyond this contest of wills in the beltway. competition of ideas. can we bring our democracy able to disagree. batter. being able talk about. >> all right. you've been listening to former san jose mayor sam liccardo, who is running for the seat vacated by congresswoman anna eshoo in the 16th congressional district stanley karnow of a very popular mayor in san jose termed out after serving 2 terms. this is a really packed race are about a dozen candidates, including evan low, a california, 70 member, former saratoga mayor, palo alto city council member santa
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clara county supervisor. joe, some idiot who has been in state politics in california, former menlo park mayor. so there's a lot of candidates. plus there's a guy named peter dixon that a lot of us had never heard of before. but he almost couldn't escape his television ads. this campaign season as he's touted himself as a a viable candidate. so sam liccardo feels comfortable about where he stands right now. it's not over yet, but we're keeping an eye on the race for an su seat in congress. will be an interesting one to see the results of. meantime, one of the biggest races tonight, of course, is that senate seat that is open for the late dianne feinstein's it has been called adam schiff will be in the general election in november. but of course, with this race, the top 2 tonight will move towards november. so that second. >> a seat is looking either. steve garvey, katie porter, barbara lee, steve garvey has leading the other 2 this evening. he sits at 27% of the
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vote tonight with 27% of the precincts reporting. at this hour, we do want to send things over to our graham lotus. he's tracking this race among others. he has a little bit more detail. that's right. now i want to do a deeper dive here on the big board. how are your neighbors voting when it comes to that? >> u.s. senate race will go. >> county by county here in the bay area, starting with bryn where adam schiff has a resoundingly. katie porter second place in with 18% of the vote? steve garvey 13 and a half percent in marin county, sonoma county, adam schiff, another big lead. katie porter also second place here. just a point. 7% lead over garvey. so porter and garvey very close, at least here in the bay area counties as we go up to napa, adam schiff, a another big lead. but steve garvey is in second place. they're a pretty sizable lead over katie porter
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we don't need yellow, but will takes a where shift is in. first garvey is in second. another big lead over will go down to contra costa county where schiff has doubled up garvey there garvey with about 6 point lead over katie porter in contra costa county. this is alameda barber, lee's home county. she's in second place here adam schiff and then down in santa clara county schiff with another big lead garvey polling in second place are coming in second place. with a 36 and a half percent of the votes counted finally, san mateo county, it goes shift and porter garvey is in 3rd place and finally want to show you san francisco which is right here and come on san francisco. you can do it. we can do it. haha, i believe in
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me too. yes, well, they haven't counted votes yet or at least they haven't shared them. maybe that was the problem anyway. kind of interesting to see how the bay area is voting relative to the state numbers. again. adam schiff is secured one of those spots. now it's a battle. it looks like between garvey and porter with barbara lee in 4th place, at least at this point that well, ken. >> well, we're glad that you're you figured out this technology a little i mean, a lot to to work through. and of course, as it's going to be a long night, a year to shock or is really didn't carry alameda county or is not carrying alameda county, her home turf. >> a really close, right? yeah. she hasn't been in that top she isn't on election day yeah. a distinguished political but it will be interesting. i think to assuming she kick in one of the top 2 spots, what she does she certainly not has a lot of vigor and a lot of passion for
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the process. we shall see. but we don't count out yet. it's not over yet, but that's the way things are looking. all right. we want it. we were just talking about the for nsu seat and sam liccardo was on a moment ago. now we have some numbers. finally and this is why he was feeling good because he's out in front. >> 23% with 43% of the vote counted so far. he is ahead of joe. some indian and who is the santa clara county supervisor and former lawmaker in sacramento followed by evan low and petero talky and of course, the top 2 in this race will advance to the november general election. >> we're also checking in on prop one. we were talking about this a little bit earlier. it looks like the no votes winning at this 0. 53% have voted no on this prop 47%. >> have voted yes. just 4% of the precincts in here on this one. of course, this is the prop that is backed by the governor. and it is to address the mental health crises in our state as well as our
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homelessness issue. so we will at cretors, we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. great on their own, even better together. try cretors, handcrafted small-batch popcorn.
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>> we want to get to more coverage of what's going on on this election night and we're going to check in with kron four's theresa who's
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getting those ballots counted. up until the last moment voters were showing up at the registrar of voters office to either drop off their ballot or vote in person. although we don't see a lot of foot traffic, that's just kind of been. >> a way that it's all kind of transformed over the past couple ever since we started sending every registered voter, a ballot, we've seen 90 to 95% of our votes come back through timeout, right? it's convenient. it's easy. >> and so about half of the vote comes in through the postal service and a half comes through our secure drop boxes. kristen conley is the clerk in registrar of voters for contra costa county. as far as turnout right now, will. >> know, you know, are lower than i'd like. i feel like i'm throwing an amazing wedding that not everyone is coming but so we're probably on track for high in terms of turnout, which is lower than we planned for. >> as workers behind the scenes validate signatures outside voters shared why this
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day is so important to them just seems a bit safer to come down here and drop it in the box instead of the mail. i mean, >> i trust the mail is totally vine. but it's just this is we get we have fun just coming down and doing that together. i think it's it's a tense of pride rather than, you know, going into the polling place, which i'm looking forward to november. >> i do just want to kind of put it in there myself. i've been not talking about it at work all day today. and i'm just happy to come down and do my civic duty in whatever like coming down here and didn't do it in person. >> well, like i need take a walk anywhere with the dog its banks tonight actually put it in flat there. this husband and wife say that they love taking part of the entire process. you said you love voting. why do you love so actually, i have done a lot of political organizing for the democratic party and bernie sanders. so i think it's really important for people my age, you know, the younger generation to make our voices heard and to make sure that our elected officials actually represent our interest. so what do you think about
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voting? i think it's great. and everyone should, you know, exercise their opinion regardless of what it is. you know. >> as for the results, registra conley says that they will get working on that right away. we'll have some initial results shortly after the polls tonight, just after 8 o'clock not will consist of the votes we have seat. so here in martinez, theresa stasi, back to guys. all right. thank you to reset. we move on to another big race. it's going on. been talking about this all night. the race for the >> district, 16 seat that was held by anna eshoo and evan low is in 3rd place right now and he is hosting a get together now in cupertino can is that's where we find kron four's amanda hari. she joins
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us live what is the vibe like there this evening? >> people seem like they're pretty excited and then lo is here quite yet. we've heard should be here in the next 5 to 10 minutes. but we have a lot of supporters here. you can see behind me. we've got the room filling up with people just about 30 minutes ago. this was almost empty. and now as polls have closed, people have come down here to support evan low. he's running for california's 16th congressional district. he's currently a california state assembly member. he's running to fill the silicon valley seat that's been held by representative anna eshoo for more than 3 decades. she's retiring. one of evan low supporters tells us throughout lowes career he has been there for his whenever there is even problems or questions that we have. he and his staff are so so and they have been for as long as he's been.
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>> assemblyman and also a mayor. and so i just want voters to know that he will represent even when, you know, they're not the same room as that they can feel comfortable that he's always going to represent >> he's running against former san jose mayor sam liccardo as well as several other candidates. whoever wins this race will represent communities from pacifica to san jose and we have a lot of people here tonight. they're all looking at the screen over here that has the results on it right now. he is currently in 3rd, but they're still waiting for a lot of the polling to come in. there are mail-in ballots of people here are still feeling very good about chances. >> and it looks like. he will be arriving soon. we have some cheering going on here. so people are excited and ready speak and see what happened next. live in cupertino. amanda hari kron, 4 news. all right. >> we'll check back in with
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and after you get syria, hear what he has to say. he's he's he's in there and taking tough. he is the top 2 of those and he's in 3rd place, but not by trailing by very much. light will continue to check in with them. and as the night goes on, we do want shift gears here again to focus on the u.s. senate seat again. adam schiff has already clinched one of the spots that will be running in the general election in november. there will be 2 of the top 2 from tonight's race will go to november. we do want to get a little bit more detail here from how our political analysts are feeling cover. heenan is with them now. yeah, are a little mumbling and grumbling old guard news right there. they do at this point with some of the numbers just call i mean, unless they have some exit poll that has shaved. >> schiff somewhere around high 30's or 40. math quite to me isn't quite there yet to call the race for anybody. there's a lot of people who voted late have voted late and in person. and so we'll just have to see. again. i mean, i
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don't coral that my gut feeling is and i'm sure will be one of the people in the top 2, my feeling going to be steve garvey. but but given the way that if they're not calling for garvey yet and then what is it that there? do they know something that something we do it because like much how those numbers really work out. >> we look at where the vote is coming geographically los angeles, for example, is still outstanding. presumably steve garvey would do pretty well and lost. adam and adam schiff there as well. >> there's too much territory that's unaccounted for this point. >> all right. let me ask you this we've been focusing on shift from garbage. katie porter may be according to the numbers losing we recently we knew that barb really, really never seemed to have so what what's going on with katie porter? and i thought i think. >> 2 things. one, the amount of money that adam schiff had that he member. he went first very heavy in terms of he versus garvey. but in the last week he's turned into a his
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ads went positive. adam schiff and i would say i saw. 2, 2, to one, his ads versus katie porter. and then i get a lot of the texts and emails from all the different campaigns and there's a lot of i would say desperation, but close to that in the katie porter emails there are coming in toward the end. we're losing ground. we could finish 3rd. we need your money. these are things the candidates never want to admit. they never want to say that they're losing ground. there was say they're going to finish 3rd. that was going to be confident that this was kind of like we need the money right now. and maybe that's what they're seeing right now in the polls. sure. he leave her campaign was position for second place until steve garvey entered one. steve garvey entered. wasn't just eric early. they had to change strategies and they don't seem to have been able to do really did didn't. they didn't do that yet and have to thread the needle to get to that second place. it doesn't look like it going try taking down garvey early. i mean, the first debate was all about. >> making fun of him as a dodger and saying with everything like that and then
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they pivoted toward the very end of trying use early guy who i only really know that to missouri. jonathan, you probably do a but to use one of a guard, these analogies we talk so much about. i think he >> a baseball baseball analogies, particular. you could say was sort of a changeup to this but in all seriousness, i mean, he just kind of came out of nowhere. and i think porter just didn't see it coming, right. and so now he's completely shifted the whole dynamic of the race. and it's fun to watch. all right. so, you know, we've talked endlessly about the ship strategy you putting ads on that and look user to conservatives looking so good for trump twice. >> to get republicans behind him because that's we wanted to be against not katie porter. so let me just say, i know what you're going to so was that kind of i wasn't terribly smart. was it a little shifty, pun intended or was all fair in love and
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politics? all of the about i mean, this is this is what you want to do. this is but politics is about winning. it's not about finishing second really, except in in this kind of primary. but it's about winning and the wind in this race. you had to finish first or second. and so you have look at the field and you figure out well, there is a built-in number of people who vote republican. what can i do to make sure they remember there's a republican in this race. and so this is what this what adam schiff to it. he reminded them that there's a republican in this race and by duke by making it a contrast of it's going to be me or him in november. that was a very smart, very savvy strategy. the high water mark for steve garvey. results and campaigns is tonight and tomorrow's headline. and after that, there's nowhere to go. but down. >> there's nowhere to go but down because the fundamentals on the ground are such that they don't reward a republican running for statewide office when one out of 2 registered voters are basically
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democrats. we have a number of independent voters that will participate. we have more voters that much as participate. that's not the selection. now that makes it difficult ground for any republican to win a statewide race. we haven't had a state com white constitutional officer since arnold schwarzenegger and steve poizner 2006. so republicans have some soul searching to do here to try to be relevant. i think front of them. >> yeah, i stick to my earlier position and not disagreeing with that. but i think this is really an opportunity not to go for the win but to go for a win for the hearts of the california people and to basically get some more traction back from the democrats. you just can. he can just talk about the issues. he doesn't have to use. a baseball analogy is for everything, but he can talk about the substantive issues. homelessness, crime being overtaxed. small businesses. i mean, these are issues that californians talk about every day. one goes down. if they do fail, gives him a platform to talk about absolute ers being
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frustrated about the homeless issue and to take on the governor indirectly. yeah, that's a platform for it's a huge, but i mean, we can talk about proposition. but in end, you know, politics is not really baseball. >> it's boxing. and i think wants to have garvey in the ring with them because there you really exposed. you have to talk about the issues and he's ready to do. it's the rope a dope strategy. i has the counter punch yet unfold? they counted it all. in all seriousness. you think of about storm. we're having >> their app go back but we'll be island camp. >> catherine, thank we're going to take a quick break here. but before we go, just a look at some of the contra costa races that are being reported tonight. stick with us. kron four's special a primary election coverage continues after the break.
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>> welcome back. and thank you again for joining us. we are on a special edition of kron. 4 news tonight. primary election night. we want to show you some results now from alameda county. a bunch of numbers coming in different races, different measures that are on the ballot. >> take another quick break, but we want you to look at some of these numbers, particularly if you live in alameda county as these races affect, you.
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>> kron 4 news, your local election headquarters.
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>> good evening. thanks for joining us for a special edition of kron for news. i'm ken wayne and i'm noelle bellow. polls have been closed for an hour now. we are looking at the results from some of the key races that we're watching tonight. and this is the big one across the country. the primary super tuesday day across much of the nation, 15 states taking elections and donald trump has swept most of them here in california with 37% of the vote in. he has been projected to be the winner of california over nikki haley. we're also watching is the hotly contested u.s.. a senate race. seat for left vacant the late to dianne feinstein. adam schiff has been called as one of the opponents here for november. he has 37% of the vote right now with 38% of the precincts reporting tonight. but the top 2 in this race will head to the general
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election in november. so we're waiting to see who will be called for that second spot. of course, steve garvey has been and second all night and the only statewide, a proposition on the ballot on this super tuesday in california is proposition one. >> the issue dealing with homelessness and mental health being pushed hard by governor gavin newsom. and it has actually taken a a majority it was trailing just a short time ago, but there's only 31% of the vote in and prop one is leading. yes, 51% to know 49%. that has already volleyed once. now this evening since we've started checking. so we'll continue to bring you updates. their our grant lotus has been tracking the results from the presidential election tonight. he joins us now with a little bit more detail. grant. >> all right. how's it going can do well. this is the u.s. map for the republican side. 15 states on the docket, vermont, you see here is yellow, dc that already happened. that wasn't a today issue. nikki haley government, all the others went to donald
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trump, a dominant performance from trump. he got may. you've got massachusetts, virginia, north carolina, alabama, arkansas, oklahoma, texas, minnesota, colorado. and california will click in on california. just let you know how the former president did relative to nikki haley. and you can see trump got about 75% of the vote. haley a little over. 21 were still, you know, a lot of vote, a coward about 37% of the vote counted. but you can a dominant showing there former president how did biden do in california? you may wonder here we go. biden 88 and a half percent of the vote. so he is a clearly going to be the democratic nominee, noelle and can for now. back to you. all right. to right now, we want to go to cupertino because a man running for the congressional seat vacated by nsu is speaking right now.
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kevin hopeful that we can on to november. what are your thoughts going into while number one, i want to least similarly acknowledge the families and the candidates who have answered the call for service because it is dynamic 11 candidates in this race and answer this call, especially in such a time of >> that vision and divisiveness in our politics and yet and yet in spite of that, we still have individuals wishing to run for office and seeking a position in congress to serve the people. so i'm excited about what the future for us as a region with 11 candidates. what do you feel him apart? >> i'm excited to be able to acknowledge fact that i still have close to 20 years of public service. so the 10 year and experience and get it young enough doubt the trajectory to build tenure in congress. so i'm excited to be able hopefully demonstrate to the voters what we want to see in congress. and again, i'm excited for this night
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actually right now. any thoughts about how you feel about getting up talk sure? well, and of course, that's the name of the game to try to get in the top and it looks like that in the initial results that are coming very close to being in that position. so i'm going cross my look for all of the great buys. but again, so appreciative of the supporters and the people who have come out and that i hope that will have privilege to be able to serve and work for congressional district thank that amanda hari for interviewing evin about that 16th congressional seat. he's in 3rd place right now. if we can show the graphic quick. >> you just saw a minute ago, the top 2, of course, will be facing off in the general election, right, which right now are sailing and he's joe smitty who has 19%?
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>> of the vote right now. 44% of precincts he's trailing yes, by about 3%. you know, the night is still young, technically. so we'll continue to. >> we'll continue to watch this one. we do have our kron four's. sara stinson live with sam liccardo tonight. she has. she's joining us live now from campbell. sarah. >> yeah, spirits are high here at luna mexican kitchen. sam liccardo, former san jose mayor speaking with supporters here speaking with people who love volunteer hours and hours make sure that this campaign successful. they've spent 13 weeks going door to convincing people to vote. sam liccardo into congress all the way from san jose city hall. cargo spoke to the crowd earlier. he said that he is ready. he had thought very deeply before he started this race. he said he is ready to get things done in
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washington, d.c., he said things he would do would be fighting reproductive rights. he says he would focus on homelessness across the country like he had done here in the bay area as well as cost of living gun violence. he says he's very grateful for all of the support and he's feeling great tonight about leading the polls. of course, you know, the bulls may be open, but they're still very much counting those ballots. so no one is trying to ahead of themselves. but look says he's ready to complete >> now, of course, the numbers pretty good right now. but we know it's going to be a long night and it may take a few days. but what we're seeing and the early results is a lot of what i've been here. and as we've been knocking on doors, not knock on 2500 of them so we're going to keep on knocking on more on the way through november.
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>> begin here cardoz voice a little wars. he says he's getting over a cold and he's here socializing with people and knocking on doors today. it's been all along 13 weeks and he's hopeful to be able to continue this selection process through november. he said if he does get elected to congress, he is fully prepared to work across the work with republicans to actually get stuff done. but again, ballots still need to be counted and he cautiously optimistic as he is in the as we speak. i'm sara stinson reporting live in campbell. back all right, sir, thank you for that. we have some breaking news now. just getting word that steve garvey has secured the second spot. >> in the race for the u.s. senate seat in california. so it's going to be shift and garvey facing off in november to determine who will fill senator dianne feinstein's seat after her passing. so the stage is set for that race. we do want to send things over to
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our political with our catherine heenan tougher. yeah. well, we based recent polls are probably headed in this direction. >> i would argue that we've been focusing so much on shifting garvey, but porter and lead basically getting kind of squash as friend. just texted me, someone who likes them and said my god, they really got beaten badly. any thoughts on what we still ending up with 2 white older guys. so what happened to identity politics? low turnout primary. yeah, for one thing and that is emerging voters that tend to be younger. want to talk about. >> some of the issues around student loan debt. want to talk about gaza, even activists from both parties. i want to take a different direction. you didn't see and then only primary. i mean, this was a good example of. >> i think how the march primary had an impact. you had a very short runway people with high name recognition and a lot of money had the best chance of going 40 of chris seager. he didn't have a lot of money should have the money
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for him. so that didn't need to do he cheated needed because adam schiff spend it for him. and got the republican turnout that he knew he needed for garvey to get him in the in in the november election. but as been saying that a lot of issues that could have been developed that could have been a possible way to sort of weekend shifts lead in terms of name recognition and money. but he never got the chance to develop any traction and but this is how elections are won and the math, the math as we were point, i was a little weird why they didn't call it earlier. but the math does work out. it's going to shift and garvey fight in november and where the odds are very much shifts. favorite part. i'm interrupted briefly to say we've all been talking about the actual race over here. so let's hear what you have to think you described as a fun race. a couple of you wanted to suspend the likely >> yeah. i mean, for for me like an issue is what is been is a legacy in silicon valley.
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she's someone who's been there from the developments really of of tech and its and its importance. and this is a a seat that silicon valley very much considers their own. but what's interesting is that the candidate they try to identify as their own this kind of peter dixon who spent 3 million 2 1 million dollars of his own of his own money. they fundraise and probably at least and equally mountain time for independent, the former site, but cybersecurity co they spent 2 million dollars independent expenditures. i'm is behalf aiden, cracked double digits instead the people with the highest name recognition again short runway. sam liccardo josue meeting of the low who have been around been elected many times are the ones right now contending for the top 2 around for a long so you can see more of this but term with people trying to move up. >> out of the state legislature and from local office into places when people retire, some more democrats on democrats kind of crowding the field against someone like nsu and from someone like peter
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dixon, he would've been better off taking money out of the atm and giving it voters may want to doing it. that's a robin hood motive. the money away. you never know. you couldn't write but i will say this. i think at the end of the day, you know, it's just a lesson as last time. you name it always generally trials. >> and, you know, you have a has been mayor twice now through 2 terms and san jose. i mean, he obviously is just a great reporting. voter id recognition. i just don't think all the money in the world can overcome that. i think peter dixon, port all the money he had into the race. so, >> you know, you came up just a little part owns many enter our professionals. i mean, experience of both right on below is a little bit younger or not. this is the last event of a low of hands up and in 3rd. but what we're seeing kind of past professional political experience paying dividends as you're trying to replace. i think dixon's problem was point? i think very bad. political advisors other than people who wanted to get 15% off every single
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had they bought for him. as you saw a lot of his tv, et. but what they didn't tell you, first of what he was reading where he was running, who was running against and why should vote for him versus the other people because they had established name id just getting name recognition isn't enough. all thanks. and we will be back was turned back noel and can. >> catherine panel, thank you. we are going to take a quick break here. giving you all a look. >> at the results coming in from santa clara. if you live in santa clara, these are your results so far tonight. we'll be right back after a break.
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>> welcome back to our continuing to see a super tuesday election coverage here on kron 4. here are the results of the california presidential primary. donald trump has determined to be the winner of california by taking 75% of the nikki haley had 21%. >> meantime, we are going to
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take a look across the country with kron four's washineton, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt. there were 15 primaries today. hannah. >> the results tonight. we're pretty much what we expected. we're seeing big wins across the board for president biden and former president trump. >> they call super tuesday for a reason. >> this is big >> with hundreds of delegates up for grabs, super tuesday seems to be pulling the country closer to a trump biden rematch. november 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. both former president donald trump and president joe biden are closing in on their party's nominations and focusing on taking on each other in the general election. the last guys on floor former governor nikki haley spent the last few
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days hoping state to state working to rally republican voters. we can do better. >> then to 80 year-old candidates for president. but the election math is stacking up against her. and even as she has continued trying to take on trump her path to the nomination is getting narrower. it is time for a new generational leader who can leave the negativity in the baggage behind. >> haley did pull off one victory tonight, though, our decision desk headquarters is projecting that she will win vermont when all the votes there are counted live in washington, i'm hannah brandt. >> hanna, thank you. we do want to get back to here locally in san francisco. we know that there is a party going on for election workers in san francisco was rob nesbitt is in the city. >> live for us. rob, what's going on? >> i well, yeah, this party put on by california working
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families. they've been paying attention to results all night. you might hear a cheer because actually have the tv is on kron 4, which is a good thing, right? and they are really trying to get out the vote and somebody that i'm going join me now is a man who's helping get as many votes as possible. petered, a lot of come on in here that ship a vice chair, the san francisco democratic party tell me a bit about this party. there's a lot of different groups putting on tonight. yes. so we're here with the california working families party tonight. david gorski have many candidates here in san francisco on about including myself and they're an organization that's really hoping focus on the needs of working families in the democratic party. and clndidates were really beholden to the community, not corporate interests. so they're partnering with u.s. tonight. watch the returns what's happening up and down the ballot here in san francisco and throughout the state. and what are you thinking as results come tonight? you know, i think that you do. you just a few minutes ago. it's early, right. so we're just getting a taste of the first ballots that have come in counted. but we know there's more ballots to be counted. so i think
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everyone's kind of just getting a sense of what these early returns are looking like. we're going to see some movement. i think as more ballots are counted and in the coming days, right? because so many ballots now people are getting their ballots mailed at home, but they don't turn in in until election day. so those ballots will be counted in the coming days. so we're going to see a bigger fuller picture of positions are not in the next few days. it's only been about there thousands of phone calls that without that you're just talking earlier about the amount of volunteers in the work that they were doing. so was that to get out the vote? >> so important turnout has low we knew that over the past week. so really double down on our efforts. over the past few days, we have volunteers out 05:00am this morning, but dropping. we had folks on the phones all day today. we made 18,000 calls to voters get out the vote, basically selling it's time we got to return your ballot. go to your polling place. i go to city
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hall. so i think that work. we're going to see hopefully some of the returns on that investment today of all of the volunteer power we had >> to get and drag out we saw an enthusiasm gap in this election. he retires as going throughout the state. so we really had to double down on our efforts make sure people knew why it was important to get their ballot in last question. peter, what are you excited about from tonight? a lot of people here celebrating very excited about super tuesday. what are you excited about? i'm excited about is we built a coalition here in san francisco on in this election. every election. you know, i i love her back to us on line. it's not a valentine. it's a chess move. so we're going to see in the next few days will kind of chess moves were making a difference here going throughout the state. you know, i'm just excited for democratic victories. we've you know, a lot of coming up against us in the coming months. so really, this is preview of what's to come us to start a long night. a long couple weeks ahead of you. yes, very a lot of thank you for your time. appreciate it. thank you. going to be here throughout the night, guys,
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paying attention to the results and the listening to what they have to say on this super tuesday night as these election results come we'll have more throughout the night from here in the soma area of san francisco. kind of. well, back to all right, rob, thank you for that live report. alright, want to show you a list of some of the races taking place in alameda county. >> as we go to break.
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>> welcome back. we are taking a look at those results for the u.s. senate race where they have been called are too candidates that are going to be running in november. are adam schiff and steve garvey. adam schiff finishing well, not finishing, but at this point with 37% of the vote, steve garvey with 29%. they have both been called to move on to the november election. >> our grant lotus has been standing by. he's going to take us through some of those results across the state grant. >> that's can well, adam schiff moving on thanks to thanks to the bay area. in
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part, a steve garvey moving on. not really thanks to the bay area despite the bay area say what we mean, you look at the results here in marin county, adam schiff, and you're going to see him way out ahead in all of these but katie porter coming in second place there with 21% of the vote. steve garvey almost 15%. so shift porter in marine with about 35% of the vote coun1ed. you go over to sonoma county and you see schiff again. first, katie porter, again, second, napa county garvey poll second place here where he finishes second place, at least with a 34% of the vote and porter got 17% in napa county go to solano again. shift and garvey. want to hear. so, yes, these are the counties where garvey the got some support here in the bay area.
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>> same with contra costa where schiff is out ahead. steve garvey. 22 1% of the vote alameda county, barbara lee's home county. she did finish second here. this is the only bay area county where barbara lee was in the top 3. and you have porter and garvey finishing 3, 4, in alameda county. and sent to san mateo county shift 40%, porter,
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>> we have been listening to steve garvey. he is down in southern california. he will be joining adam schiff in the general election in november for the u.s. senate seat,
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calling his campaign the california comeback. yeah. and only heard 9 references to baseball. >> in his remarks, i might have missed a couple, ok, jonathan is saying there were 10, and speaking of jonathan and the rest of the panel. catherine heenan standing by with some thoughts on steve garvey's speech today well as steve garvey holding a ronald reagan taking a victory lap and you have to say politics aside, there's a pretty extraordinary sight that a republican got to that point california period. jso, you kno be remarkable. even the prospect of him winning. and so obviously we don't actually winning, but 2, to my point, you know, he used this opportunity as a real platform to talk about, hey, if you want to join my campaign,
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these are the people who can join my campaign, you're welcome. people are tired of homelessness who are fed up with the criminal justice system here. tired of this crime being able to to rob a store and it being under the price of 955 bucks and someone being able to walk scot-free. the basically all these things, these troubles in california that the left has yet to actually address as we speaking directly to that segment of california. could be left right or somewhere in between that says i'm fed up with the actual status quo. he went on to, quote. reagan and say that's just latin for it was we had a really good analogy. so the mess we're in, the mess we're in. and so, you know, if i were use an analogy to describe, that would be baseball will be back to boxing. i think he tried to cover the hill. very little left hook there. and that's football and boxing. too many analogies. but i think he did a good job in the speech.
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>> well, if you spend not for anything as you all know with these not been specific, he doesn't seem to detail solutions that he would present. will that have to change now? you might need an energy fix. >> i mean, he's pretty low energy. if he's going to debate adam schiff, who is very disciplined, it will be a debate that no one watches because it just won't be that entered energize for what's going on. he's going to have to be more specific over the next couple of months. anything can happen in politics. this is true. thig to do in terms of retail politics. that will be interesting to see. i mean, the way that steve, the way that steve garvey prevents
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this from being his high water mark of his campaign is going to be whether it can convince the donors the republican party that he actually has a shot and winning this election because he's going to need money. adam schiff is going to out out fundraising. he's going to be going to out debate him. and the question is going to be whether he can to help define you. adam schiff is only way he can do that. it's not going to be i think you could see from tonight's not going to be on the stump. it's not going to be in a debate that's going to be by. by paid media over and over again, hammering away at the very expensive adam schiff. no one is ever out of a race. he is a tough, very tough hill to climb. the odds are not in his favor and he's got to convince the money people out there that he actually has a shot and that's going that that speech tonight. kind of nice. but low energy that specific and again didn't really sort of land any
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syria's punches against adam schiff. not yet. >> all they're saying toss to canned. so go back to have adam schiff when he makes his remarks. in the meantime, before we go to break, we want to show you where things stand in the a senate steve garvey happy with this outcome here. propositions in san francisco. the results of that. we'll be right back after quick timeout.
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>> welcome back to kron. 4 special election coverage of this super tuesday election. we want to show you the results from district 14 congressional district in the east bay eric swalwell is moving forward into the general election. 64% of the vote so far with only 22% of the the reason
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that they're contesting and protesting, not acting like it didn't happen. that's why people are frustrated. >> you have all these people, politicians, congressman, senate people in senate were absolutely ignoring the issues and just continuing along with their pre scripted speech and they're talking point. people are tired of hearing talking points. they just want to be acknowledged. i don't think this with a form to do this, but i do think he should have at least briefly address and got of state. >> on the one side of the picture is going to be. >> donald trump january 6, adam schiff talking about the chaos of trump and now the other side on the it campaign is going to be adam schiff's speech tonight. he wins the democratic the nomination. heard that nobody hears and it's going to be chaos and it's going to be a group that's on behalf of steve garvey to say, is this the kind of change in leadership that you want? i mean, it just writes itself, get off the stage. yeah. can't get out.
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somebody on the facts. somebody had to find the come over and say, >> you know, get off been in this position both with i'm master this nancy pelosi myself. when. and the intent is to disrupt. and this was. from a strategic standpoint, the exact. moment for them to be able to do it, which which leads to 2 things. one makes you wonder who the heck was running this event because they should have anticipated this. but number 2. i'm going to criticize what he did or didn't do. i just tell you what i think other people might have to, which is too. let them go for a few minutes. and then this is something that that i heard nancy pelosi say a million times in public forums, which is. i've heard you. i've heard what you had to say. give me the courtesy of being able to say what i need to say and then if they they didn't listen, at least you have sort a little bit of
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the return high ground, just sort of scene. as the first amendment. so they're there is anger out there in in that in i would say that that the democratic party, but in the liberal voting bloc and one of the dangers that adam schiff does face. he's not from steve garvey, but from the fact that people may skip his election in november. they may be they may understand the consequences of biden versus trump. but they may decide to do you know, for like that where fashion tickets played into side, i'm just going to leave on the ovals in that particular race blank. that's something that he can't afford to have happened because, you know, because you don't want to lose turn now you don't want to lose votes. people skipping a race and you know, i think there's going to be a lot of so searching time. but what he should or should not have done and you're going to see lots of statements to put
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pumped out tomorrow about this about this particular event because they need to get this behind them as quickly as possible. in one last thing from the jury crowd democratic party, i'm looking at this thing about chicago and and thinking, biden, we've got to do something to deal with this issue the positive and affirmative way because this will make the convention yeah. what congress 68 said and that's i mean, that's what's behind. i think a lot of a lot of that. >> i think it and this is a legitimate issue. the people are concerned about and have it had passionate feelings about. and you see more and more the biden administration move more and more toward toward wanting to advocate for a cease-fire. you saw vice president harris come out and do it, but it's not enough yet. and until it is at least enough or they engage in the kind of dialogue that's needed. this is a very big danger for the cr


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