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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  March 5, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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now on the kron 4 morning news. it is super tuesday and we're live with everything you need to know before you cast your ballot. a group trying to recall alameda county da pamela price has turned in their signatures at the registrar's office. that puts him closer to getting this on the ballot. and berkeley police are warning students and parents about a child abduction. almost happened was right near an elementary school. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> thanks for waking up with us. i'm darya along with john who's in for james and or a james, andrea? so we're taking a look at the weather and traffic before we get to the elections. now that the weather is cool down a little bit and no longer a big deal, hopefully you can get out to the polls. most importantly
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today. >> we are going to be looking at a good day to heading out there. we are seeing a little bit of cloud cover and a low gray hanging out in a few spots of the day. you can see a mix of that right now right here above suture tower. not a lot showing up on radar, though. most of our rainfall potential today. it's going to be well to the north north of santa rosa, mendocino and lake county. kind of stuff. bay area. don't be surprised if you see a sprinkle or 2 as we do move into the afternoon, temperatures have actually been really mild so far only falling into the upper 40's in livermore in fremont's while 50's in oakland seth, no 30's on the map this morning. so no frost advisories either. there's that low gray over sfo. check your airport delays because we may have a few of them with cloud cover the way it is. low 60's for your highs later on. as for roads this morning, we had a couple incidents on the bay bridge earlier. those have cleared out and your drive time is gradually improved. 22 minutes right now from the means to fremont street. one of our worst bridges right now is the san mateo bridge. and that's partly because the dumbarton bridge actually as an accident
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on it. currently. so a lot of the excess traffic getting funneled up to the san mateo bridge. that's why your drive times around 30 minutes. as for the richmond center fell 20 minutes right now and the golden gate bridge just a little gray and cloudy overhead. but traffic's rolling along fine. >> it's 801. let's get to elections. and super tuesday is on voters across the bay area in california are casting their ballots today. voters will weigh in on presidential primary. the u.s. senate race and state propositions sophomores will tran is live at the santa clara county's registrar voters office to tell us what we need to know. hi will. w your
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precinct. but if you know this location, well, you can come on down here. it does not matter. this is not your precinct. you can go to the polling place. get cast your vote and then turn it in. they expect about maybe a 10250,000
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votes to come in today. and 8 o'clock to be eligible. back to you. all right. thanks a lot. well, and meantime, there are people who already cast their and we're taking a look at those. you can see marin and sonoma counties have the highest percentage of >> mail-in ballots that were returned 20% there. napa county, 19%, santa clara county, alameda and solano counties coming in at below 15% in solano county has the lowest percentage of ballots returned in the bay area. >> governor newsom was out about in the day on monday urging everybody to get out
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and vote. >> also getting one final push for proposition one which provides more money for state mental health care services. kron four's tiffany justice has more on that. >> the election is today ends and we're here mindful of the importance. the imperative of getting out to vote. >> monday, governor gavin newsom was back in town to encourage voters to go out and vote. come to say he was joined by mental health workers in the s e i u 2015, california's long-term care workers organization to talk about proposition one. and that's the issue of homelessness. that's the issue. what's happened in the streets and sidewalks notice here in san francisco, but up and down the state of california. issues around mental health. prop one is a bipartisan bill that passed the house and senate proponents believe the prop will bring a major overhaul to california's mental health funding system buil ing upon to recently established programs homekey in a room, key federal funding that has created 15,000 more beds for
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those in need. >> for many, many years, the issue of homelessness and mental health has been left to the counties and the cities alone to deal proposition one will create 11,000 more residential units. it will allocate a billion dollars for the veterans. mental health service says bring over 6 billion dollars in bonds to fix our mental health system. >> newsom says with proposition one, the state will have the workforce money that's needed saying cities and counties can deal with this issue alone. but there also needs to be local accountability requires one simple plan for every county progress reports to the state and annual audits. more accountability. not everyone is on board with proposition one. when newsom was speaking, there was an outburst from those who oppose it. yeah,
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>> now as kron four's tiffany justice reporting and don't forget, you can join us tonight for live results from around the bay, the state and the country with our special edition of the kron, 4 news, which begins tonight at 08:00pm. >> 806, now and a warning for parents in the east bay berkeley. police are investigating an attempted kidnapping, elementary school proffers. michael thomas is in berkeley with the latest. this attempted kidnapping took place yesterday with a large vehicle allegedly approaching a student and asking them to get in. thankfully that child was able to get away. but now officials >> are warning parents to be aware. this scary and frightening attempted kidnapping took place in berkeley near ruth the elementary school on rhodes street, which is just south of hopkins street. >> neighbors say the area is pretty quiet, but according to berkeley unified school district, a child was leaving the school yesterday when they were approached by an unknown suspect that was in a white van or possibly an suv. they pulled up next to the student and ask them to get in.
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thankfully, the student said no. and immediately ran home. the child was unharmed, but the suspect was never caught. the incident was reported to berkley police and the district has put out these tips for students to follow that were given by the police department. if a student does feel that they're in danger, they should head towards the nearest crowding call 9-1-1. >> walk home in a group or at least with one friend. never accept a ride from a stranger and yell loudly if they feel that they're being followed. and lastly never leave the school with anyone they don't. this situation remains under investigation with berkeley police. we did reach out for an update this morning but have not heard back as of yet. that's a very latest reporting in berkeley. michael thomas kron. 4 news. >> it's 807. in san leandro. police have arrested a man. they think that he shot and injured a four-year-old boy last wednesday afternoon on west wanna avenue there was a shooting at a multi-unit home and that's where police found a boy who had been wounded in his leg. he was shot.
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investigators believe that adam johnson was shooting into a home next door to the boy. one of the bullets went through in his home, injuring him instead of the intended target may think that that target was somebody who live nearby and johns who is trying to get a stolen car that he had reported stolen. he's now charged with 2 counts of attempted homicide and the boy was treated at the hospital for non life-threatening injuries. >> a big story we first brought you yesterday on the kron. 4 morning news. a group trying to recall county district attorney pamela price dropped off boxes of signatures that the county registrar of voters office hopes to have a special election will. it brings it closer to getting on the ballot covers. ella sogomonian has the latest. >> we call >> on monday, a group called save alameda for everyone or safe announced they've gathered enough signatures to put a recall effort for
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alameda county district attorney pamela price. and then people are saying that no way he can not make it. >> and you don't have money and it's not going happen. i guess what we have collect it 123,000. we had 87 sen. >> if the claim is true, that is well above the necessary 73,195, valid signatures to qualify for the fall election. the broad coalition behind the effort is made up of alameda county residents, business owners, victims and victims, families who think the prices to blame for rising crime because of what they call a failure to hold perpetrators accountable. brenda grisham with say they arrived at the rally on the front steps of alameda county courthouse on monday. >> escorted by heavily armed guards think she's been threatened since start of the recall effort. we shouldn't have to do this. >> but for the safety of our community, the safety of our children, the safety of our businesses. this is something that had to be done together. the group marched into the
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registrar's office to drop off boxes william fitzgerald with another group called protect the wind campaign to keep alameda county da in office says price champions, criminal justice reform and should finish her democratically elected term crime didn't start. >> not kind. even da price took office and also at the end of return crime to what we have now in on county's we have the d a he's willing to try to find the right problems. and that's exactly what the 800 prices doing for the people of out of county and ensuring that we have bulls, justice and accountability >> fitzgerald went on to claim the recall effort used deceptive tactics to gather signatures like sticking the paper between other issues and having people sign them responded to those allegations saying there was no bait and switch that voters sign papers vowing they have read them the da's office said they would not comment for this report of oakland ella sogomonian kron. 4 news. all the official. >> 8.11 now and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a sonoma county sheriff's deputy
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critical condition this morning after a shooting in santa rosa. we have the latest on the investigation. plus, it is super tuesday in the california senate candidates are making a final push for voters be right back.
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>> a 13 and an employee of uc berkeley's central sierra snow lab took a moment to point the fall and snow over the weekend allow that is one heck of a snow angel. >> that's on social media. pretty cool. that's that's deep. soda springs is where that happened. and the post
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was working at the lab, especially during big snow. storms can be very demanding dangerous and times. tiresome. it's important to have some fun occasionally on like salute. lee. they got they say 116 inches in soda springs. and when they do like that because it will be on inches. just call it feet. i don't at this point how many do you you do the math yeah. you know what? the central sierra at 100% of average now. >> northern sierra at 110% of average good. so we're setting a good cause. you know, a couple months ago, we are lagging but yeah, we're wondering about this ski season announced all fired up. yeah. and i know a lot of people wanting to get up to the sierra roadways are reopened. ad. you're good to go. and this is the view that you're going to be encountering as you get up there. diamond peak officially back to winter last week are now showing you this view. it almost looks like spring. so this is a very welcome change of pace. you know, it's going to be busy heading up to lake tahoe, but at least the roads are open. let's take a look at north of 80. that's actually where we still do have some
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winter storm warnings up in areas like plumas lassen counties and up north towards the oregon border. the southern cascades still getting snow. the sierra, though, and in particularly tahoe is kind of taking a back seat. that's not going to cause any issues for you. bay area. if you head north of santa rosa, that's best chance of showers today. you will be seeing widespread rainfall in lake and mendocino counties this afternoon. the rest of us just a few scattered sprinkles here. and there as we move into tomorrow, a better chance of seeing some rainfall here in the bay area, including a chance of early afternoon thunderstorms. here's 02:00pm tomorrow. look at san jose at the bottom of the screen. little pocket of heavier rainfall down. there are also pockets of thunderstorms likely to pop up in the north bay for calusa lake mendocino and even napa and solano counties. so do watch out for some of that activity after that thursday and friday clearing right up. and we've got some of our nice weather end the week today. and tomorrow's rainfall. santa rosa could see nearly half an inch and a few spots down in the santa cruz mountains around ben lowman that around half an inch as well. most of
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the rest of us, just a few sprinkles today. and tomorrow snowfall is going to stay north of 80 for the most part where you can see several more inches of it, but not talking that feet of snow like we once had been high. temps today are going to be the low 60's. very similar feeling day to yesterday and each of our next several days are going to remain pretty comfortably. cool. this is actually really good news. we don't need a big warm up right now. what do enjoy that snowfall? not see it all melts off. so the fact that there's no major heat waves ahead of us, anything close to that is a bit of good news for snow pack. a few more snow showers and showers in the bay area today and tomorrow and then dry into thursday and friday roadways right now looking. all right. we are seeing improved conditions on the bay bridge. your drive. time continues to drop. now down to 20 minutes. still your normal back up as you get through the tolls, san mateo bridge, 30 minutes. it's a little slow and go. we had an accident on the dumbarton bridge. so unfortunately, the san mateo bridge had to pick up the slack and that's why it's a little slower to get across. richmond center fell at 13 minutes and the golden
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gate bridge doing just fine. >> time now is a 17 and voters in 15 states are heading to the polls today to cast ballots in the republican presidential primary. and washington correspondent reshad hudson on the details. super tuesday is here. and this is a make or break moment for nikki haley as she's hoping to gain ground on former president trump. >> as he moves closer to securing the republican presidential nomination. >> nikki haley is urging voters in super tuesday states to go to the polls today. >> we can either have more of the same or we can go in a new direction. >> haley is telling voters to reject her former boss but chaos follows him. and we can't be a country in disarray in the world on fire and go to 4 more years of chaos. we won't survive it's a big step toward unification. >> monday, the supreme court handed former president trump a victory ruling. he cannot be
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removed from any state ballots over his actions leading up to the january 6 capitol attack. but today voters will decide his fate. i don't want to win this look, i want to win based on my policies and better. meanwhile, activists in states like minnesota are pushing those headed to democratic primary polls today to vote uncommitted in protest of president biden's handling of the israel-hamas war in gaza. we all >> this conflict to end as soon as possible. president biden for president trump are already looking ahead to a rematch in november. reporting in washington reshad hudson, back to you. >> here in california, the candidates running gates open u.s. senate seat are making their final pushes. adam schiff, you can see him here as you made final campaign stops on monday, touring small businesses in san francisco and san jose. he was joined by mayor matt mahan and he talked about his platform and promises.
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>> we need to do so much more to bring people back downtown. i'm not only in san jose, but in each of the big cities throughout california. there's a lot that i think the federal government can do. >> his opponent, congresswoman katie porter, here you see her holding an event at manny's and mission yesterday. and also republican steve garvey is competing, but he didn't have any events over the weekend. and oakland's barbara lee, she spent the weekend in southern california, chris wolfe takes a look at some southern california voters and what they think. >> drop boxes, polling centers and public appearances. we are the tigers, mighty mighty candidates in major races are in the homestretch urging people to get out and vote just hours away from primary election day. we asked voters about their major concerns. there are a lot of candidates that have a lot of very similar viewpoints, which which makes me very
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optimistic. it might have to be the candidate that i. >> and sara lee picked. >> i can share some of the ones i voted for which would be steve garvey. and donald trump. republican steve garvey has surged into the lead in the primary race for u.s. senate with. >> democratic representative adam schiff close behind, according to a new uc berkeley la times poll. that means the 2 contenders for dianne feinstein's senate seat. what face off in the general election in november. rounding out the survey representative's katie porter and barbara lee. the first they've never polled. lot of people that i know who are supporting myself, gen z for change. >> young people, black and brown people. you know, you've got understand these polls a snapshot in time and who is poll? the challenge today is not that people aren't working. the problem is that working harder than ever and still can't afford to get by. i think it's really, really important that people make their voices heard. we have really important things on
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about what if you stand with me, maybe we can make a difference in and improve the quality of your life. >> and bring back the leicester, the state. >> cupertino lawmaker wants to make it easier for non anguish. speakers to vote assembly member evan low co-wrote a bill that would expand language assistance and election services. opponents, however, say it would cost local governments too much. the bill passed by the assembly last month and now it goes to the state senate. and if it does pass there, it would require california secretary of state to identify the languages spoken by at least 10,000 that to vote and then provide language assistance for them. this includes a toll-free hotline and money for county language coordinators. california has the nation's largest proportion of households that speak languages other than english. nearly 3 million voting age. californians have limited english knowledge. >> a 22. and coming up next on the kron 4 morning news, there is a new effort to help get
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the homeless off the streets the homeless off the streets will bring you that story. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash.
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now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5!
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>> a 24 and breaking news. facebook, instagram and messenger and threads all owned by meta. >> are down worldwide on a mobile facebook users are met with a pop up. it will say session expired. please log-in again. if you're trying to get into facebook messenger, they had the same situation and prob instagram users have been able to access most content, but the out a notification on their timeline that the feed would not rough rash. meta
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says they are aware of these problems and they're working take a look at this. a chp chopper in a video pursuit in vallejo. police were chasing after getting a report of a side show. you can see the doughnut there and then. >> that car takes off cross county lines went over into richmond where the suspect got out of the car and got into another car that was waiting for him. police managed to stop that car and arrest him. >> in the south bay, local leaders announcing new legislation to streamline the building of interim housing. they stood in front of an interim housing site. you see here this is built in 2021. state senator josh becker, san jose mayor matt mahan and other community leaders announcing the interim housing act of 2024. and it would provide an improved option to bridge the gap between encampments and permanent housing. support housing. >> they can get stable. they have an address where they supportive services. they can get tied in to networks. they
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can get connected in trying to get help finding a job. >> the proposed bill will help speed up the process of building in durham, housing while permanent affordable housing can be constructed private builders usually build only if they can increase rent. so this is going help bill more mixed income housing. >> coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, iconic south bay diner back open after being closed for 4 years. how the owners feeling about being back. plus, we go one-on-one with the california secretary of state with what she says the state's doing to keep the election secure. take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are. who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want,
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whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx.
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what do i see in peter dixon? tj maxx i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> a 29 right now and whether is up too much of a problem. and are a lot of clouds out there. but no biggie compared to storms that we had. i have a feeling we'll say no biggie a lot. the rest of the year. yeah. this one was the big u.s. weekend. kind of done with it now. and even though we have a couple sprinkles here and there nothing that's going hold yet. looking outside currently at san jose skies are definitely great overhead. no sprinkles for you. we've seen a few of them on our bridges further to the north, though, like around san francisco. >> north on into san pablo bay, rainfall really situated to areas like humble down or take counties. trinity county getting a lot of snow. the bay area definitely comparatively quiet. as you can see, the sierra just a couple of flurries heading around that direction, a likely to get a couple more inches of snowfall today. not going to close anything down, though. bay area, just a little on the cloudy side and definitely a mild day ahead of us. futurecast shows a few of those sprinkles to watch out
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for aside from that, though, this forecast is looking really good. we'll have a further look at weather and traffic later on. all right. now, let's get back to the top story this morning, which is super tuesday election day. bayer voters are going to the polls. yeah. but voter turnout, it's been a little bit low so far for sara stinson reports from walnut creek with a check of the voter turnout in contra costa county. >> on the eve of super tuesday, many people dropped off their ballot after work in walnut creek. i care about the senate race. the california senate race a lot, but we always vote. but these voters appear to be the minority in contra costa county, according to the assistant registrar, helen nolan out of 700 voters, 127,000 ballots were received by monday afternoon. that's less than 20% of the total ballots, which leads nolan to predict an overall low turnout. we're expecting coming into this about 45 50% based on previous presidential
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primaries. >> but as a voter turnout right now, it looks like might get 35%. >> nolan says there's a decline in voting statewide. she believes many are voting because of the lack of competition between presidential nominees. >> but i would like to encourage people to respect your ballot in way the every race that's on the stabber. it it's going to go with the exception of the measures is going to do to the talk to. >> november, people who did vote on monday expressed disappointment in the low turnout so far, some saying they hope people take the time to do it on super tuesday. your vote matters right now. in the everybody really should the voting. >> we live in a free democracy and voting is critical too, maintaining that democracy. and that's including the ones cast by the state's youngest voters. that's my first time voting 19 year-old devon stanton proudly cast his vote for the first time.
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>> he encourages all to do the same. matters. i think everybody. >> should have the opportunity to vote. if they can go do it. >> that was sara stinson reporting and a reminder it's voting day today. the polls opened at 7 o'clock this morning. they'll close at 08:00pm. you can drop off your ballot has secured box. you can have your ballot postmarked today and delivered to your county within 7 days and your vote will count. >> a 32 now and continuing our election coverage. capitol reporter ay-tawn wallace spoke with california secretary of state shirley weber, head of the election. yeah. they're talking about what she is doing to ensure that this election is secure. we have been very busy, california secretary of state shirley weber joining us for a one-on-one interview speaking directly to californians. >> as we approach election day, we made it so convenient and most folks have had their ballots for weeks. turn it convenient. she says noting ballots have been mailed directly to the state's 22 plus million registered voters for your vote to count. you must sign the back of the
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return envelope from there. you have a few options. you can drop off your ballot and official drop box location or you can send it back in the mail. >> but if you do that, it must be postmarked no later than election day itself, march 5th. >> weber minds, voters. they can track their ballot by signing up for the where's my ballot feature on the secretary of state's website. those who have not yet registered can still do so in person at the polls on election day. as for the big question, what's being done to ensure the election is secure? we have trained our folks on on every signature. we have special equipment. this seems like the something is one with the signature. >> so we check every ballot that comes through specifically. she says staff members check the signature on the back of the return envelope and compare it with the original voter registration signature. should there be a major discrepancy? staff will investigate further and may reach out to the voter. on the technology side. weber stresses every tabulation machine has been tested and retested. we check of several different times to
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make sure that it's correct. we also open up our offices, your regular registrar of voters office. they have ways in which you can observe what is taking place. you can observe the ballots coming in. so we do all of those kinds of things to hopefully to assure people that the process is safe and that's reassuring to a whole lot of folks are final message to voters. we make sure that every voter's vote counts. and so i think that's extremely important to try not to wait and procrastinate because, you know, your ballot is important. voice is important. you probably made a decision which you're going to do anyway. so just get it done. and should you decide to vote in person? the polls close at 08:00pm as long as you're in line before then you will be allowed to vote reporting in sacramento. eytan wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> and a reminder you can join us tonight for live results from around the bay area, the state and the country. a special edition of the kron. 4 morni,g news at 08:00pm in prime time. >> 8.35 is the time now. redwood city police are investigating a hit and run that killed a woman around one
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30 to 2.30, saturday morning along northbound al camino real near brewster avenue. she was hit not too far from sequoyah high school. the victim is a 38 year-old woman. we don't have our name at this point. if you have any information, contact the redwood city police. in the east bay of san pablo man has been arrested, accused of killing his wife and mother-in-law who he said took off san pablo. police say the man you see here on your screen, he faces 2 counts of murder for the disappearance and murder of the 2 women. they've been missing since september when he called and said that they took off in a car after an argument he thought they were headed to southern california. but police ended up finning their car in oakland and he was driving it. they gather more evidence and now they believe that he was involved in disappearance and murders his wife and her mother. their bodies, though, have still not been found >> 8.36 and now to developing story. we first brought you yesterday morning on the kron.
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4 morning news for sheriff deputies were injured in a shooting just outside of saint rose. and one of them is in critical condition still in the hospital right now. kron four's rob hesbitt has more. >> the shooting between the gunman in the sheriff's deputies ended in a crash behind me. you can see the fence that the suspect drove his vehicle into. police are trying to figure out if it was the crash or the shooting that killed the suspect. flashing blue lights lit up several streets in west santa rosa monday morning. according to the sonoma county sheriff's office, deputies responded to reports of a man holding a rifle on todd road. >> when they arrived on scene just after midnight, the suspect fled in a vehicle at a pursuit occurred. gunfire was exchanged between the suspect and police injuring 4 deputies. according to sheriff ed ian groom to with hand injuries. one shot in the leg and one deputy in critical condition from a head injury. as you can imagine, i'm concerned about my and your deputies. >> out, they'll make a full speedy recovery. this has been chaotic incident after shooting at police. the gunman drove away and crashed his vehicle in stony point road and was pronounced dead at the
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scene. timothy dimmick lives by where the crash occurred. it was bad. i woke up to one 30. >> to the sound of it, there was heavy round. it. pettit is gunfire basically on todd road. we saw we heard the shooting and crash under investigation by the santa rosa police department to sheriff vehicles in the suspect's vehicle were towed away from the scene by early afternoon. >> and stony point road was reopened to traffic officer patricia 7 says other roads with the pursuit occurred will remain closed while investigators search for evidence crime scenes to be investigated and the evidence technicians started at this location and are working their way back. >> to the area's todd road and as stanish avenue, according to the sonoma county sheriff's office, body camera footage worn by the deputies involved will be released once it's available reporting in santa rosa. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> it's a 38. and in the south and iconic diner is back open in san jose and has a fresh
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look. it was fenced off and closed for more than 4 years. the many gourmet it was a popular spot for more than 50 years, especially among the staff at valley medical center because they're just across the street. but the restaurant had to close down in november of 2019 because it was a fire. the chef and co-owner says that that led to a long pandemic-related shutdown and then even longer shutdown to renovate. >> that we have to up co because of doing with soul was built in 1960, we had to we why all electric wire. so in the chain to all of the water process needs to be fixed. so. >> yeah. and aba. >> cole had to be fix and that's what happened. >> so now you can go to them in gourmet and they are thanking you and the rest of the community for their support that they got during all this work that they had to do. >> 7 time grammy winner and singer kacey musgraves is bringing are deeper. well,
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world tour to the bay area performing at the chase center on september. 24th. it's titled after her new album that's coming out on march. 15th, general public admission tickets start on sale this friday at 10:00am on the chase center website. >> a 39 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. a wild winter weekend in the sierra. we have the latest on conditions as residents continue to dig out. and after the break, the giants newest addition, matt chapman arrived that spring training sports director jason dumas has reaction from chapman and how he's ready to go to work.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and now there's the culinary collection! italian herb for pasta... smoky chipotle for fajitas... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon! (sung) febreze! i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans. in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them and freshens!
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over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. >> a 42 right now and you probably figured this out. but all the recent storms that we've had, mean that we're going to be drought free. they think for the next couple years, accuweather is confident that there will be no significant drought conditions in california this year or next year. thanks to all the rain and the snow in 2022. and 2023 and 2024 anything to sneeze at either so far, 6 of california's most important reservoirs are currently at or above capacity. snow in the sierra nevada created dangerous conditions for travelers and for businesses. some of them had to shut down because 80 was shut down. some of the lost power and the snow just kept piling up. kron 4 has a report on that from theresa >> wicked winds not stop. snowing car crashes. just a few of the highlights from this past weekend in the sierra nevada at palisades tahoe resort. ferocious winds
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clocking in at 186 miles per hour. shattered glass windows before the cameras shut down, knocked offline on the donner summit. this was the scene friday and 05:00pm when the chp closed it all down, it remained shuttered saturday sunday and until monday morning at 9.15, due to unsafe wild winter conditions. you could still see the shenanigans. you could still see that people were just adhering to the warnings. and, you know, if you did not need to be on the road, there was no reason to be on the road. several cars and big rigs had to be towed off 80 and highway 50. >> both are now open, but it is still slow going in areas. emerald bay, which is highway 89 in the west shores still close. those are areas that just get. >> inundated with snow. so unfortunately, those are going to take a little bit more time to clean in first 3 days of march. >> that's almost 3rd of the snowfall that we have received this season. so we've got a
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lot of digging to do have we're going to get out for a little ran vp and general manager of northstar california says that they were able to welcome guests monday after the mammoth snowfall. but it will take some effort to get all the roads cleared and operations fully restored at the you know, there's that you can save may be behind me over here. >> is a, you know, just the snow that slides off the roof. and this is backed up against the windows. >> track your resident, doug appleton says it's been a mix of finding work for past couple of days. as many locals hunker down. fortunately, he says that the power stayed on and the snow was a blessing to sneak in some powder skiing. plus, a dog's also blissfully had some fun play days. >> except for white dog could disappear right you're not careful. i lost my dog. know, once a knight was for you so short and i-10. >> they come right back. and when we have the 9, 10, 8,
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however, many feet the you're going to lose a dog anyone could get last of that was the concern heading up to tahoe this past weekend. not as much of a concern anymore. look at how so this is. normally you're half dome view yosemite national park, ok? the snow is like look at those are trees normally see the whole are just completely catholic covered. credit rating cool, though? check out and what a change from last week. the northern sierras, 110% of average. now central sierra right on par with seasonal averages. love to see if this is exactly what we needed. it just came a lot at once. so understandable if it was a frustrating time for you heading up there and had to delay some trips. good news is it's going to be busy up there, but everyone can get up and enjoy all this fresh powder. a little bit of new snowfall in 80 today. just a couple inches. most of our snowfall, as you can see is north of i-80 up in the southern southern cascades. >> bay area, much the same. most of our rainfall stays just north of santa rosa here in the bay will see a few sprinkles through the day. you've likely already seen a
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couple drops of water as you stepped outside. but rain really holds up in mendocino and lake counties. that's where you're seeing all that yellow and green today. tomorrow. better chance of a few isolated showers drifting our direction. areas like san jose, santa rosa and napa could see a few afternoon thunderstorms. here's to 30 pm tomorrow. san jose getting in the mix in the afternoon. maybe here roll of thunder. er part of the afternoon for the north bay. after that thursday friday, crystal clear days and going to be gorgeous for stepping outside for the tail end of the week. rainfall today and tomorrow for most of us is just going to be a couple of drops spots like santa rosa and been moment up in the santa cruz mountains could see around a half an inch most. now for sierra snow fall that lake tahoe's actually staying dry. you head north of4tahoe, though, on up towards areas like lassen peak mount shasta, that's where we've got continuous snowfall accumulation in the days ahead. high temps will be in the low 60's today. that's actually where we're staying. the rest of the forecast. very little change, temperature-wise. and that's
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good news. we don't need any heat spikes. this means all that snow is going to stay put and be nice. freshen powdery issue ski on it this weekend. as for roads, things are definitely slow. go out there on the bay bridge right now. it's about 17 minutes. that is an improvement from earlier this morning. did have a stalled vehicle there briefly, things cleared up really quickly, though, san mateo bridge. 26 minutes right now. and we also saw some issues. there was actually a semi that was stalled in the right lane. that has also been cleared since been our slowest bridge. this morning. richmond center fell in the golden gate have been moving just fine. all right. let's move >> news now at 8.47. and a news nation reporter. >> had her car broken into year in the bay area while she was reporting. >> about robberies, news nation correspondent nancy loo and reported that somebody smashed into her car. you can see it here. this happened yesterday. she was across the street at the time interviewing someone for a segment she was doing about robberies in the bay area when
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she was hit. oh, my gosh. now they're all ok or in the crew are fine. but obviously they need to buy some new equipment that was taken. meantime, in san in san francisco alone, there are 3 props now to deal with this and they deal with the police. prop b wants to up the size of the police force n create a city taxes for it. and the mayor is champing prop e which is a wide ranging measure that would expand powers of the local police and surveillance powers. then there's prop f and that would require san franciscans and are 65 to get tested for drug use before obtaining cash benefits. state legislators are teaming up with the attorney general. now to keep dna programs going because they have solved a lot of cold case. isn't it identify missing people but they need money to fund these programs covers. dan kerman takes a closer look.
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>> the families and friends and loved ones of more than 2000 individuals. have some answers. they have some closure. attorney general rob bonta says that's due in large part to state and local dna programs that have been funded by the fines charge to criminals. that funding sources put in place 20 years initiative known as prop 69. but it's to expire this year. now bonta in state legislators are behind a new bill to keep that funding source in programs. use this technology to do many things identifying missing persons solving child abduction cases analyzing rape and assault evidence kits helping local law enforcement identify samples collected crime scenes exonerate innocent individuals testify in court and further advance research and developments in forensic science. bonta says the 12 million dollars generated each year for state and local crime labs has
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resulted in the solving of 106,000 cold cases and the identification of thousands of missing persons through the missing person's dna program. there's nothing any of us can do to undo the harm or bring back a loved one. gone too soon. we know that. but our hope is that by seeking justice for those who have who have gone missing or who have been killed by seeking justice for families last sometimes more questions than answers. we can bring some semblance of peace that we can help bring some killing some closure to their lives. if passed, the bill will supply a steady source of funding to keep those dna programs in place. dan kerman kron, 4 news, a 51 and a new edition has come to the giants pumped up for spring training. our sports director jason dumas takes a closer look. >> matt chapman was out on the field warming up with his new teammates on monday afternoon.
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he didn't play in the giants spring training last to the rockies. but he is getting acclimated to his new surroundings map. leave for the blue jays last season. but he played 5 seasons in oakland. so he knows all about the bay area. more importantly, he played 5 seasons for bob melvin and hey, that reunion is going to be great. >> i'm super excited since i've been here. you know, i feel super comfortable you know, going to the bunting offense is going through all the drills. it's just, you know, got to do it for 7 so it's writing by did make back into it. but for me, unfinished businesses like we have some really special with days. and unfortunately, that got kind of ripped our hands and broken up. so getting come back here and have an opportunity in an organization like the you know, not afraid to it's not afraid to go get free agents and you guys together and keep all the things that you expect, you know, winning franchise to do. now we have the opportunity to do that i couldn't be more
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excited to to be a part of extremely weston. excited to you know, start this new journey. >> in other news, steve kerr, one western conference coach of the month for the month of february. he led the warriors to an 11 3 record. the warriors are back in action on wednesday at home against the bucks that you look at sports. >> but wait, there's more. the giants are now going to be required to stand on the field during the national anthem. a team manager bob melvin he says that this has nothing to do with politics. and according to the athletic, the entire organization down to the bat, boys have been required now to follow suit with this rule. the mlb does not currently have any requirement for players to stand or observe the national anthem. but this is how the giants are wrong. we'll be when peter dickson led my platoon into combat giants are wrong. we'll be right back.
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8.55, do you have a favorite snack that just happens to stand out? >> well, a new report by hub score found the top snacks cross the u.s.. okay. so rice krispie treats are the top second 18 states followed by doritos and 16 states. cheetos rounded up the top 3 with la's fritos and chex mix falling behind. what do you think it is in california? we'll see. but these are different. you're mixing salt and sweet. like i krispies treats. that's not a it's different, salty. i don't think 2 different categories. okay. california's favorite and this actually didn't surprise mckay's what
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hot cheetos and love has so as i'm part of the problem. he to know on more of a shot. go with charred. ok, we're all about chocolate, california, like singer chuck, that your deli. how about some cayenne underdog truck with know that for you can't mix to be sick. a 56 right now coming the next hour. the com 4 morning news voters across california and the bay area going to polls as we speak. we've got a live report with everything you need to know. >> before you cast your ballot and there's a new effort in santa clara county to help keep the homeless off the streets. plus, berkley police are warning students and parents after a child was nearly abducted right near an nearly abducted right near an elementary school.
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>> now on the kron morning news, it is super tuesday and we're live with everything you need to know before you cast your vote. those trying to recall alameda county da pam price have given their signatures over and now the counting of those begins. berkley. police are warning students and parents about a child molester who almost got a child near their elementary school. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> on election day on this super tuesday in a minute, first are getting started. >> with a little weather and traffic, i'm along with john is in for the rain and james today, i meant


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