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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  November 9, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news.
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>> now at 5 police activity is creating a rush hour nightmare on the bay bridge. 3 lanes had been closed. 2 lanes are back open, but you still have a lane shut down and you see all those cars at the toll plaza waiting to get across. thanks for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. we start this off with that breaking news at the bay bridge. we were just showing you a live look of the traffic all backed up again. 3 lanes were closed. >> due to police activity, 2 of them have since reopened. but again, a lot of traffic happening there. there is a person under distress on the bridge. that's the latest we're getting from officials. negotiators are on the bridge now trying to get that person the help they need. we're going to continue to follow this story. we do have a crew headed out there. it's the westbound lanes of the bridge are seeing all of this back up traffic here. and we're going to continue to bring you details as we receive them
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this our other big story tonight that freeman woman arrested for exposing her toddler to fentanyl. >> he's now facing charges, including manslaughter. she is being held at the santa rita jail. rob nesbitt reports this is 26 year-old sophia gastelum-vera who was booked into the santa rita jail tuesday. >> charged for the death of her son who police say she drove to the hospital on october 18th. the toddler was unresponsive, not breathing and would later be pronounced dead. a talks report later showed the boy had high levels of fentanyl in his system. it's heartbreaking. >> obviously nobody wants a child to die. mary, as the director of overdose prevention policy and strategy for the national harm reduction coalition. >> i asked her about the charges against the fremont mother of involuntary manslaughter. willful cruelty to a child possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. she would rather see some form of social services intervention rather than intervention of criminal law. >> the criminal law does not prevent future acts. usually
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it punishes people for previous acts. but this woman has been punished enough. so it's i just find it all disheartening. still has been a longtime advocate for evidence-based harm reduction and treatment for addiction. the harm reduction specialist says the landscaper overdoses take place is as unpredictable as fentanyl as deadly when it comes to the toddlers death, she wishes gastelum-vera had access to narcan when the boy was found unresponsive. fentanyl, an opioid are all and we're seeing overdose epidemic like we never could have imagined. during a search of gasoline bears home, police discovered items associated with illicit drug use in a bathroom with a toddler was found unresponsive. >> those items would later test positive for fentanyl in fremont. rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> in the north bay for sonoma schools where forced into lockdown earlier today because of what's being called a credible threat. the sheriff's office says sonoma valley high and creekside high school.
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we're both threatened and put on lockdown around noon. the lockdown has since been lifted, but the school share a campus along broadway south of mcarthur street. and then you have a dell harrison middle school and pressed wood elementary. they were also placed on lockdown because of their proximity to the 2 high schools. snow injuries have been reported in. we're working to get more details tonight from police. >> this just into the newsroom. santa clara county sheriffs have released images of the suspect and car connected to a hit and run and a possible hate crime on stanford's campus. we do have a sketch of the man believed to have hit an air of muslim student with a car. the victim describing him as an an shaved white man in his mid 20's. this is an image of a car similar to what officers believe that man was driving. it's described as a black toyota suv with the tire mounted on the rear of the car. officials say it should have the front. a passenger
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side bumper damaged from the collision. the incident happened last friday. the victim telling the department of public safety the driver made eye contact with them, accelerated to hit them and yelled a racially charged statement at him and then drove off anyone with information and about this case is asked to contact california highway patrol. today. driverless ride share company crews which gm owns is laying off workers. that's in addition. >> to cruise suspending its driverless operations nationwide after having a series of safety issues in san francisco, including car stalling in the middle of the road, hitting other vehicles and most notably dragging a pedestrian in a statement kron. 4 crew says it plans to lay off contract workers employed through third-party vendors and staffing agencies. it is not clear just how many people that effects workers who will be let go include people who cleaned charged and maintain the fleet. according
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to forbes, the company ceo says the layoffs are necessary. this comes just a day after general motors announced a recall of all 950 cruise cars. and just last month that pedestrian who had been knocked into the past of a cruise car by another vehicle was then dragged by a cruise car about 20 feet as it was trying to pull over. the victim was critically injured as a result, gm says it did this recall so it could update software to make sure incidents like that do not happen again. prior to that, though, the california dmv suspended crews. carson driverless testing permits altogether citing an unreasonable risk to public safety and a lack of transparency from the company and now state sen dave court as he is investigating just how cruz was able to get a permit in the first place to operate and test its driverless cars in california. >> let's get you a check of your forecast. taking a live
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look across san francisco. it was a little cooler out there today and we're just kind of waiting for the rain to come back. noticeable change in the pattern. yeah, although the weird thing, lawrence is i guess it's going to get warm and sunny again this weekend. first before the rain next week. yeah, that's right. so that ridge of high pressure kind of breaking down a bit today going to build. again, i think as we get toward the weekend, only >> to completely disappear by next week, an open the door for some rain. but out there this evening, the sun slipping into the sea. yeah. the sunset just after 5 o'clock in the evening tonight. what a nice evening out there right now. you've got a couple high clouds up above. turn out to be a nice day. but those clouds kind of gathering, especially late in the day. we'll see more of that. >> overnight tonight and into tomorrow morning. so that's probably the keep the temperatures up a bit. right now. you've got some mild spots against 64 degrees in concord is 62 in santa rosa. 61 in napa right now. some partly cloudy seies and 63 degrees in san jose. we do have that cold front off the coastline that will produce some of the clouds today. you can see most that moisture headed up in the pacific
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getting pounded up towards seattle. also in a portland. but for the most that is going to stay well north of the bay area. there's one little branch of moisture. you can just begin to see right on the backside of this storm system that is going to get close to the bay area's justice to swipe at right here. that is a little low that's developing on the backside. going to be some clouds our way, maybe even a chance of a light sprinkle or 2, not going to be much for your friday and then we're off and get ready for the weekend. we'll have more on that forecast. and next week. chance of rain coming up in a few minutes. thanks, lawrence. for reparations are underway for that apec summit in san francisco talking about 20,000 people. >> including president biden and several other world leaders who are expected to attend next week. so security will be tight. here's a look the areas in red around the school in the center and several blocks around the fairmont hotel will be restricted to the public during the 4 and in the green area only authorized and inspected cars will be allowed. city officials are
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also expecting protests because of a pack. >> we respect people exercising their first amendment rights, but we will not tolerate violence and we will not tolerate property destruction. i want to make that very clear. >> they're going to be a lot of eyes and ears from law enforcement on the streets. both uniform and plain clothes to deal with many of the challenges and to ensure the safety of not just the people who are part of a pact, but the residents all over san francisco. the heightened security is scheduled to last through next friday night. >> some security measures are already being put in place a little earlier than scheduled kron four's. dan kerman has been checking all of that. he joins us live from san francisco with the latest. am. >> well, the problem with this security measures being put in place like this fencing along the roadway is that they have closed the part of the roadway. one of those temporary closures and they failed to tell anybody about it in advance. we're here at mission and 4th street right there. you're looking at for
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street admission. the next street is howard mission. and howard, that's where 4th street as close and as a result of this, let me step out of the shot for a minute. so you can get some idea of what we're looking at here as a result of this traffic is backing up all the way down for street across market street in stockton. it has been like this all day long and the city has failed to communicate this information with anyone in advance. that horn you hear is likely the sound of anger and frustration due to thursday. surprise closure of 4th street between mission and howard street. and this temporary closure is either indication san francisco is not as prepared as it should be for a fact or its ability to communicate with the public has failed. this one-block stretch of road, which is a main artery to southbound highway 101, was shut down about 08:00am so crews could put up security fencing in and around 4th
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street near the nice enter where the conference will be held. the problem is no one was alerted to the closure in advance. no mention of it on the city's apec website. not a word on sfmta is website. >> yeah. i mean, it's obviously super i think it's, you know, cause lies and obviously trafficking issue. the results were obvious with vehicles forced to turn from 4th street on the mission street not only did missions slow to a crawl, but traffic backed up down 4th street across market and in to stockton street, taking many nearly an hour to go just a few blocks. >> holland been sitting here 20 minutes when you think i think it's ridiculous. they should have that night. go one block one block and i'm still not through that block moving slowly. the city has said there would be temporary road closures leading up to the massive ones next week. >> but never once did the city suggest drivers would be on
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their own to figure out what streets would be closed on any given day. and the real key question is what's next? where is this going to happen next? and how can people prepare for this? if the city isn't communicating? >> down to the city about 5 hours ago, we asked him a few key questions. one, what is this one block? closure going to end? they have not answered that question. we asked them why they failed to communicate the fact that this one block would be closed with people in advance of that. no answer to that question. either. and we asked where is the next temporary closure going to be in the city? what block so people can come prepare for the next one. again, still no answer from the city of san francisco live at 4th and mission. come back to you in the studio, dan, that area's already can be a bit we just lost his shot there, but definitely a headache. for drivers today. >> we continue our team coverage on a pact now u.s. treasury secretary janet
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yellen met with her chinese counterpart in san francisco today for the start of 2 days of high-level talks. it is considered a critical prelude to a pac which is expected to include a meeting between president biden and china's president kron four's. catherine continues our coverage now. she is live in the newsroom. good evening, catherine. tai what reporters were allowed to see today granted just before the real talks began. >> very carefully scripted. it was low key. a treasury secretary, janet yellen greeted china's vice premier posing for and welcoming hughley fund to san francisco. the meeting is considered critically important a way to lay the groundwork for next week's meeting between president biden and chinese president xi jinping in a room filled with marigolds and reporters and a lot of stafford's from both sides, both yellen and the vice premier talked about progress in relations and through
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translators. they made it clear there's still a lot to be done considering the fact they feel they do need each other. i've said. >> the united states has no desire to decouple from china. a full separation of fair economy proof the economically disastrous for both of our countries the world. we a healthy economic relationship with china to benefit both countries open time. when we have concerns about specific economic practices such as those prevent american and workers competing on a level playing field. communicate them direct has had on i said, the flu. >> another important task a meeting today to implement the important common understandings between president xi jingping and president biden.
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>> well, this since relations between china and the u.s. are very fragile disagreement on trade, on human rights, economic practices. china's refusal to condemn the russian war in ukraine and both sides are deadlocked on things like spying, accusations. so what janet yellen and her chinese counterpart are talking about today and tomorrow really could matter and might go a long way and holding things together before the bigger apec meetings next week. back to you. >> high-level talks. thank you, catherine. coming up on kron, 4 news at 5, the largest medical worker strike is over. but did employees get everything they wanted? the negotiations that will bring kaiser permanente workers off the picket line. plus, the fallout from racist text messages allegedly sent by a former police officer continues. >> in san jose now potentially putting hundreds of criminal cases in jeopardy. but first, the trial begins for the man charged with breaking into the
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pelosi home and assaulting the former house speaker's husband. how the defense and prosecution >> have begun arguing the >> have begun arguing the case.
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my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early.
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talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at >> today, the trial for david de pap the man accused of trying to kidnap nancy pelosi and assault her husband. paul pelosi got underway in the san francisco federal courtroom, but the prosecution and the defense outline their case before the jury this morning is opening statements took place. the defense admitted that to pat did injure paul pelosi yet argued that is not what is the issue here. kron four's terisa stasio reports.
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>> holding an evidence bag containing the hammer reportedly used to strike paul pelosi several times in the head fracturing a school u.s. attorney argue defendant david pap had a plan that day he broke into the pelosi home last october that violent plan to quote, kidnapped the evil liar and leader of the pack, referring to nancy pelosi. instead, the prosecutor said want to pack realize the former speaker was not home. he took his anger out on her husband, paul pelosi. the prosecution also told the jury a pap has started his planned months before collect the weapons to kidnap the speaker, including ropes, a sledgehammer and zip ties. the chilling video showing the moment of the attack on paul pelosi was played in full and included the moments where he was sprawled on the floor covered in blood reportedly experiencing breathing where the body is grasping for
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oxygen and near death. attorney is going to point to the very vicious nature. >> of this crime and they're going to want the jury to be very angry with mister de pap. and they're not going to just say this was an assault. but look the instrument allergies that he brought with him to the crime. he was capable of committing a kidnapping. if nancy pelosi had been president. stephen clark is a legal analyst and former prosecutor and now defense attorney. >> as for dcip happes attorneys in their opening statements they dug in, portraying dip happens. delusional at the time they admitted the assault was horrific and terrifying yet they told the jury their client was innocent of the federal charges of this case. they argue their client was fixated on several targets, including the actor tom hanks and california governor gavin newsom. not just a speaker in her role in congress and because of that fact, the federal charges they argued
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are not applicable, saying that the jury had only one option in this case defined the pap innocent. >> is demonstrating that through the statements that made to the police and afterwards and they're saying he's someone who is unhinged. he's someone who is still lucian. all and these were not threats that were to be taken seriously. >> following the statements the prosecution got right into their case bringing in 2 of the officers that we're responding to the 9-1-1 call to the pelosi residents. they talked about how the situation at the house quickly escalated into a dangerous situation. the court is not going to be in session on friday, but it will resume next week and the newsroom, theresa kron, 4 news. >> with that, i'm here as we take a live look outside. just a beautiful view there. the transamerica pyramid during the twilight hour in san francisco. sun started to set
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now. we've got lawrence karnow here with more on what we can expect in the next couple of lawrence? yeah, we're getting ready for the weekend. want to have a nice one-two. it looks like weather wise. we're going to be lucky here. i think we're going to see a high pressure kind of just sneak in ever so slightly for the weekend. one, the temperatures up a little bit. but today we saw a change in the weather. we saw those clouds begin to move in. well, it helped knock down the temperatures a few degrees. here's a nice live look out toward ocean beach right now. you see the window out there. traffic along ocean beach right now. some waves out there on the water and some folks out there for a walk to. why not? it's a nice evening out there overnight tonight, though. >> there's a slight chance we could see some light sprinkles here in the bay area that look like much. but certainly there's that possibility as we head through the night tonight and tomorrow morning. so we've got changes coming our way. as it looks like a high pressure is going to try and get out the way as we look toward of the golden gate bridge. nice out there as well. we have just a gentle breeze blowing the flags around the kind of bridge busy out there on the bridge on this evening. but staying dry for now, a 54 degrees in pacifica and half moon bay 60 now in san francisco. it is 58 in berkeley and 60 degrees in sonoma. 55 degrees in about it
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will get a little chilly overnight tonight but not bad. we look toward the night, partly cloudy skies. we've got that a front that's off the coastline. that's going to be spiraling a little bit closer. we'll be a little cool in some of the interior valleys tomorrow, partly cloudy early. and then i think partial clearing as we head toward the afternoon and then the clouds swerving to see a mix of sunshine and clouds over the weekend, but should stay dry. temperatures mild to warm outside. but yeah, right now you see is strand of high clouds over the bay area. not much though. and then on the big picture, you can see the rain moving in the far northern california up toward oregon and also into a parts seattle area. they're seeing some heavy rainfall there. but the pacific. yeah, it's getting kind of active out there. eventually one of these storms is going to punch through. and i think that is going to happen next week. we'll try and track that down for you. the forecast coming up next. looking forward to that. thank you, larry. 70 today bart has launched a listening tour. they're calling it across the bay area. so >> the transit officials can hear directly from riders about how the agency is doing when it comes to passenger safety. the tour kicked off in
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oakland and will run through mid december. bart officials say meeting with passengers will help them measure the effectiveness of the recent increase in train patrols and schedule changes. bart officials are making 8 stops during the busiest times. they say at each station, here's where they will happen. if you happen to find yourself at one of the stations during the tour. we're being told to look out for bart officials holding signs that say meet me at the station. >> still ahead, a bay area city increasing police presence in an effort to curb crime. those plans in place. >> but 70 million dollars will be funding career opportunities for students a
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>> it is officially a done deal for more than 85,000 kaiser permanente, health care workers in california and in 7 other states, people who took to the picket lines against the hospital chain have now ratified the new contract. they walked out to get. but union members are calling a landmark deal includes a 21% pay increase over 4 years. and a one-year accelerated hiring process to cut internal delays for external hires. kaiser workers walked out in the beginning of october and head issued a second 10 day notice for another strike to start this month right before the final deal was reached. california is giving more than 70 million dollars to 4 regions creating careers opportunities for students.
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the bay area's regional k through 16 education, collaborative grant program as it's called, will receive little more than 18 million dollars. the program creates partnerships between businesses and institutions to help improve access to higher education and work opportunities. >> coming up next here at 5 plans to honor the late senator dianne feinstein at san francisco international airport are now in the works, how they hope to keep her name immortalized. plus, no deal inside the u.s. house. republicans spending plan. it's a new obstacle as the government shutdown looms. plus calls to throw out the case after police officers case after police officers accused of sending raci when dry eye symptoms... keep... coming... back... inflammation might be to blame. over the counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra... can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra.
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