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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 24, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> our top story tonight at 6.30, homelessness continues to be a growing issue across california with many cities looking to the capitol for solutions, others, however, taking matters into their own hands. that's charles clifford has. the latest on efforts being made by san jose mayor matt mahan and san mateo senator josh becker to solve this problem. >> well, across california, there are a great number of people who are in need of housing. the state also has a lot of empty. lots like this one here in san jose, both public and private property. there is a state senator is pushing a new effort through the legislature to try to make it easier to put temporary
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housing units like these right here onto these lots. it's absolutely heartbreaking. the california has the highest race, both homelessness and unsheltered homelessness in the country. state senator josh becker who represents portions of san mateo and santa clara county says introduced sb 6, 3, 4, signed into law. the bill would make it easier for temporary housing units such as these. >> to be placed on empty parcels of land, both public and private. he sees it as a way to help the homeless transition to a life off the streets. this bill for as an opportunity for them to get a good night's sleep with dignity and safety indoors. but housing is being built. but they get jobs and get back on their feet. san jose mayor matt mahan is supporting the bill. he says the city will need thousands of such units and every parcel of available land they can find. and the only way we're going to get there is by broadening our sights beyond publicly owned
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land to also getting our private landowners in the mix. we should make it easier. we should incentivize. >> private property owners to get into the fight to end homelessness. now the bill is currently making its way through the state legislature. we don't know yet whether or not governor newsom well eventually signed this bill into law, although we do know that confronting homelessness is a key goal of his administration. >> but for now in the south bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> at state capitol, hundreds of struggling renters are demanding help and the change state law. the group rallying today in support of 2 bill say s p 5.67. would limit rent increases to just 5% and close loopholes they claim are abused to get people evicted. aca, 10 would recognize every californians right to adequate housing. the group says with rent, skyrocketing families are being forced out of their homes and onto the streets. >> our state constitution says that property owners have a right to profit from their
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properties yet nowhere in our constitution does from the nsa says city and need to be what about >> the group included families from the bay area, sacramento on as far as the central valley and southern california. >> hundreds of business and political leaders from california are in washington, d.c., they are working to some secure some federal money and resources to bring back home. it's all part of the annual cap, the cap conference or capitol correspondent eytan wallace is traveling with the delegation. tells us about the priorities are focused on. you're looking at more than 400 business and political leaders from california now in washington, d.c., for the 51st annual cap to cap conference. >> we organized by the sacramento metropolitan chamber of commerce. the four-day event includes meetings with influential government leaders to build relationships with the end goal, to secure billions of dollars in federal funding for back home. among the leaders
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meeting with attendees sacramento, congressman ami bera. >> we've got to re. imagine what the 21st century looks like. berra said that includes investments in green energy, something he notes goes hand-in-hand with several of the 12 primary issues. attendees here are focused on including transportation, economic development. >> and air quality. i grew up in southern california and i used to be able to see the air that i breathe. things out. >> i know if were intentional about it, we can actually improve air quality because it's lot better in southern california. but we've got a ways to go. some of that is investing in cleaner vehicles, electric vehicles, some of its looking at public transportation, making sure people could live in work in their own communities and support. that really is how i would envision the future as this is a bipartisan conference. delegates also held meetings with gop lawmakers, including the office of congressman tom mcclintock, the environmental issue. he says he's most focused on. >> forest management, catastrophic overgrowth of the force. look.
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>> all of that excess. timber that a force produces will come out of it one way or the other. if we don't carry it out, nature will burn down another major issue, a cap to cap public safety. i just think it's so significant for public safety to be here in sacramento. police chief kathy lester and several of her colleagues held meetings today with the department of justice and have more scheduled with other parts of the federal government. she says these meetings focus on resources across the board. obviously we advocate for police officers, but we certainly advocate for professional staff programming for grants to support youth to support schools. so it's not strictly just asking for more. cops were talking about public safety and wellness of our community as a whole. and tomorrow, the issue of economic development will be front and center and kept a cap. attendees will hear directly from u.s.. treasury secretary. >> janet yellen reporting in washington, tom wallace kron 4 news. >> time now for 4 zone forecast says we'll give you a live from sutro tower looking south for a change toward no, no. we're looking from tam
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towards the city, i that, you know, were happy is warming up. but of course, flooding is still an issue. yeah, and more so over the coming days for this next week, we'll see more flooding in the central valley across the sierra nevada. lot of the rivers and streams walker river. you name it. >> you'll likely see some flooding. you've got a look at your 70 falls right now. and boy, it is really raging out there and all that snow begin to melt with warmer temperatures. look at the highs tomorrow around the state. 80's in the central valley. 85 degrees in sacramento. 84 reading so you can imagine a very warm temperatures over the sierra nevada and that's causing the snow melt. so here we go. we've advisories up flooding warnings along the kings river up to the north. how about that? we've got a much of the sierra nevada. now a look at some flood advisories and those will continue until next monday. 09:00am. so we've got a ways to because we'll see how that the water rolling down some of the creeks and tributaries. so something to
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watch out for, especially if you're traveling in that direction, you plan to go up there. do some some of those rivers. they are running very high and very cold. you've got to be extra careful this year. this is much different than previous years when we didn't have much snow pack in parts of the central valley, they're seeing some flooding there along the kings river. that flood warning has now been extended all the way until friday. this is played out over the last few weeks. it- will likely be extended again as they're releasing water from the reservoir. is there to try and reservoir from the impact all that snow coming down the mountains about this on the san joaquin river. also looking at flood advisories there that will continue until friday at 10:00am. so this really kind of just playing out now as we're seeing that snow pack and you can see it right here. there's not cloud cover this actual snow in the sierra nevada snowpack now starting to melt with warmer temperatures. flooding going to be a major issue right on in the next few weeks. probably in the summer 2. guys, back to you. all right, lawrence, thank you. coming up next on 4 news 6, the first person to launch a campaign to run for california governor in
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2026. >> how this candidate could make history if elected.
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>> kron 4 is your local election headquarters, little lockers, california's lieutenant governor announced today that she is officially launching her campaign for governor in 2026, the sacramento native said that
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she plans to open a campaign committee and tackle several key issues in the state, including homelessness and the fentanyl crisis. she is the only one to launch a campaign so far more challenges are certainly expected as the election gets gets near. >> if elected kounalakis, though, would become the first woman ever to govern the golden state. he has been acting as governor several times. most notably she became the first woman to sign a bill into law last year in california that bill extended a law preventing some renters from being evicted for a few months as the state was continuing its recovery from the covid pandemic. >> president joe biden is expected to announce his re-election bid as early as tomorrow. according to reports he's expected to formally announce his candidacy in a video tomorrow on the four-year anniversary of his 2020 campaign announcement, despite concerns about his age, democrats in washington are supporting the 80 year-old saying the president is up to the challenge. >> let's concede the obvious what is ages. but let's look
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at the obvious. he's an active president meeting the challenges america every day. his performance tells me he's up to the job and does it well. >> some political analysts say democrats don't have another viable option for winning battleground states. according to a recent poll by the associated press. only 47% of democrats backed the idea of president biden running for another term. the same poll found only 26% of americans want him to give it another go. right now, former president trump leads far ahead of other republican presidential hopefuls. meanwhile, president biden thanking the lawmakers known as the tennessee 3 during a white house. welcome today. the trio visited with mister biden and vice president kamala harris at the oval office. >> but in saying that it was an honor to have them there. the democratic states representatives had been calling for gun reform and tennessee following the deadly shooting of 6 people, including 3 children at a school in nashville.
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>> 2 representatives were expelled by state leaders, then later reinstated by the local authorities. after all 3 took part in a state house protest. >> you stand up for kids for. community said democratic mountains, that's all about. 3 of you speak so well. why you're doing what you did. we want to continue to. >> vice president harris met privately with the 3 lawmakers in nashville earlier this month echoing their calls for the need for gun safety. >> coming up next, in sports, the warriors and the kings. so is a thriller game 4 last night. but yesterday, actually a key injury could have a big effect on game 5 in sacramento. sports director jason dumas standing by with the details coming up.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> injuries stake. we hate to see them. but as we know, they are just a part of sports in now, the kings are dealing with an injury to their best player point guard de'aaron fox has a break in the tip of his left index finger. it all happened on this play right here in the unfortunate part actually got hurt. the play was over. the whistle had already blown. the play was waived dead. but as you usually see an mba, fox put up a shot after the whistle cove
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are in looney win over and swipes at in catches his finger. now fox is listed as doubtful for game 5 on wednesday night. but personally, i believe he will play unless that swelling is out of control. of course, we'll keep you updated as we get the latest updates on his playing status. now, there have been a few different reports over the past few weeks that the forty-niners were shopping. trey lance, the reports all made sense. san francisco have brock purdy and now sam darnold. someone is going to be the odd man out. in fact, ultimately 2 guys will be the odd man out. but today at his predraft media availability, john lynch put all those rumors to bed and he's optimistic that tray isn't going anywhere anytime soon. >> you hear and you know, we're excited about trades ability to compete and what he can do for our franchise just as we were when we drafted a tray and you know, i think the
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only thing that's changed this offseason is that rain is gone and get himself healthy was injured last year. done a really good job of doing that. he's done some different things in terms of his training. this offseason. he's very encouraged by that. and we'll see when we get an opportunity to get out there on the field with them. but we have every reason to be encouraged as well. >> lynch wasn't the only guy to speak, fred warner was also made available today for the first time since the season ended. and he talked about a few of his new teammates, mainly divine hargreaves. hargrave came over from the eagles. the team that ended the forty-niners season and knocked out not one but 2 of their quarterbacks. warner is happy to have hargrave on his side lines this time around. >> we spent some time last week together i just kind of asking house route was being on different teams like how the body's feeling going into. >> i think and so, you know, he's excited to be a part the
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team and he he knew he wanted to go somewhere where he was going to win, win right away. that was important to him. and that shows you type of guy that he is seeing stats of you. can you first, as you have so fun is kind of just like it's mind-boggling. you know, just to add that to to a position of need for you know, he's going make a huge impact for our defense. >> and in the biggest national news of the day in the nfl, aaron rodgers has finally been traded to the new york jets. the rumors have been out there for weeks now. it's all come to fruition. here's the deal is kind of a mouthful. the packers will send rogers the 15th pick in this year's draft and a fifth-round pick to the jets for the 13th pick in this year's draft. a second round pick a sixth-round pick and a conditional 2024 0nd round pick that could become a first-round pick. it rodgers plays 65% of of the season. so
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first, it was brett favre. now, aaron rodgers, too older quarterbacks trading coasts. all righty. that is your look at sports. back to you guys. all right, jason, thank you. so major shakeups in the cable news business today, fox news anchor tucker carlson and cnn anchor don lemon, both of jobs this evening. the announcements come after a series of separate controversies. john maher has more. >> they are both big time. cable news anchors, fox news lightning rod, tucker carlson and controversy prone cnn anchor don lemon, both out of a job in bombshell announcements just minutes apart. media analyst peter shankman doesn't think there's any connection. i don't think the 2 are connected. i don't think that the pr war rooms of each of each shot network talk to each other before this happened. i think that what would definitely did happen is is that fox issued press release person. 5 minutes later, someone cnn's up. so you've got to be kidding. but that did not matter to joe biden. that tucker carlson news did break first. fox
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releasing a statement saying they have agreed to part ways adding. >> we thank him for his service to the network. the news comes almost one week after a massive 787 million dollar settlement was reached between fox news and dominion voting systems. >> the company accused fox news of knowingly pushing untrue conspiracy theories about the voting machine company falsely portraying them as rigging votes in the 2020 presidential election for joe biden. damaging tax from carlson, wade prominently in that legal battle. nikki haley is in a prime sorry in the case of cnn's don lemon. the departure is more acrimonious on the surface in a tweet limon saying. >> i am stunned, adding after 17 years at cnn, i would have thought someone in management would have the decency to tell me directly, cnn fired back in a tweet saying don lemon statement about this morning's event is inaccurate. he was offered an opportunity to meet with management, but instead released a statement on twitter, cnn ceo chris slick saying in an earlier statement, don will forever be
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a part of the cnn family. we thank him for his contributions over the past 17 years. we wish him well and will be chairing his future endeavors. lemon had a string of controversies at cnn variety publishing a story earlier this month on allegations he verbally mistreated female colleagues over the course of his career. there lemon called the variety report disappointing and reckless. so i don't think they're related, but i think both anchors >> had serious flaws and had serious issues that need to be addressed. we know how it goes in the news business. don't expect this to be the end of the road for tucker carlson or don lemon. they both have large followings and long resumes. >> it's probable the pop up on another news network sooner than later. john muller. now to our 4 zone forecast as we take outside at the san mateo bridge tonight looks a little hazy, lawrence. yeah, hazy out there now and get a little hot in some spots. >> over the next couple of days, we actually may see some 90's popping up as we look toward the middle of the week.
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what a nice evening, though, around the bay area. it is hazy as pat mentioned. but we've got nice temperatures out there across most the bay area. look good out towards coit tower right now. mostly clear skies so far, but things will be changing. we've got high pressure that is slowly building in here over the next couple of days. that ridge, we're really set the stage for some much warmer weather specially in the valleys. that's we're going to see the heat. some 80's, some real possibility as we get into wednesday and maybe into thursday around the bay area. tomorrow, you look at the 6, 6, degrees. nice day in san francisco. a little cooler by the coastline with a couple of patches of fog and 50's 60's there inside the bay. those temperatures warming up 60's and 70's in millbrae and further south. you get a lot of 70's mid 70's, redwood city, 70's and 80's in the santa clara valley. tomorrow, some low 80's inland by the tri valley. look at some warmer weather to 83 in concord, 80 in hercules about 83 in pittsburgh back towards the coastline. it will be cooler the next couple days. those numbers warming up. maybe we hit 90 as we get into thursday. then start to cool things down just a bit over the weekend.
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>> thanks, lauren is coming up. how the san francisco ballet is celebrating its 90th birthday.
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>> the san francisco ballet is celebrating its 90th anniversary founded in 1933. sf ballet has become one of the world's finest dance companies celebrate 90 years valleys, holding 3 evenings of performances from may 24th to
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the 26th. it will be performing a scene from lou christensen is beauty and the beast. the shows will also include a short demonstration by students. upper-level students will perform stolen moments with pieces choreographed by the schools, faculty members to chick-fil-a location will open in emeryville this week. the stories at the old panera. bread location next to target. that's on 40th street in emeryville is set to open on thursday. >> this is the 7th chick-fil-a restaurant open in the east bay. the others are in livermore and pleasanton on the greek and 2 in 3 months. so if you have a hankering for chicken sandwich or you go, we had a lot of places we get a report on the 8th opening win the that's it for us at 6 tonight at 8 o'clock, i'm good.
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so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: tuckered out. speak of their shocking and second departure of fox news' most popular host. >> announcer: and media massacre. look who


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