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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  April 21, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news heading. >> now at a google is taking a step back from plans to build a new mega campus in the south bay.
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>> and as the a's or maybe preparing a move to vegas. one council member unopened says it is not a big surprise. >> i think people should know that in this particular flavor think i could be covid. >> a new variant with a new side effects. what you need to know about our tourist variant of covid-19. thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 8. i'm ken wayne and i'm catherine heenan. >> the future of a google mega campus in the south bay that snow up in the air. >> kron 4 news has confirmed that construction on the 80 acre campus has been halted. project was expected to bring billions of dollars in revenue to the south bay. and though google seems to be cooling off on constructing constructing it. >> on forestry says stasio tells us the city's mayor remains optimistic. >> who just got off the phone with google's t. >> the scent is a mayor. matt mahan staying upbeat about google's plans sprawling make a campus despite confirm
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reports the project is now on hold indefinitely. google remains fully committed to san jose in the long term. >> and san jose is fully committed to google. we're very excited about the future prospect with a proposed 4,000 new homes. 25,000 new jobs, commercial space, green space. >> the multi-million dollar project on 80 acres near the essay peace center was hailed as a thrilling new revitalization for senate say called downtown west. it was scheduled to break ground this year, but that still hasn't happened. and google has with other tech companies has announced layoffs in the last few months with projected revenue. >> going down after years of posted high growth. >> you know, big projects like this, the speed at which they move forward. absent flows based on the macroeconomic situation. speed up when there's growth and when companies are contracting
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point back a little bit after a period of over hiring, they slow down capital investment. that is the natural cycle here. google has a 30 year development agreement on its 80 acres. the mayor unflinching in his confidence said any delay is temporary. >> kron 4 reached out to google who sent us a statement about the status of the campus. quote. >> as we have stated, we're working to ensure our real estate investments match the future needs of our hybrid workforce, our business, and our communities. while we're assessing how to best move forward with downtown west, we're still committed to for the long term and believe in the importance of the development, unquote. to recess stasio kron. 4 news. >> in the east bay, we're continuing to hear reactions coming from city and county leaders as the a's announced plans to move to las vegas. the alameda county, county board of supervisors, president nate miley told us today while he is still hopeful that a deal can be made to keep the team routed
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here, doesn't blame the team for green to make plans to move elsewhere. >> we're looking at their options. we all knew they're looking options. so you can be. it was a naive enough to think if they can strike a deal, a business decision relative to what works best, that's for them. they would that they would strike them. >> miley was had a decades long relationship with the a's dating back to his time in the 90's on the oakland city council says he hopes the team the city and the county can part ways on good terms. if the team does eventually secure all of its financing and other requirements to build a new stadium in las vegas. it also says he'd be willing to work out an extension to keep the a's in the oakland coliseum until the vegas ballpark is completed. the a's lease on the coliseum is currently set to expire at the end of next season. >> while us covid numbers are relatively low and they are
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going down the world health organization is keeping an eye on a new covid variant kron four's. justine waltman tells us what to look out for and where masking requirements have just been brought back. >> mask requirements just came back at sonoma county's largest health care provider. for now doctors, staff and patients must now wear a mask. at kaiser permanente, santa rosa medical center. the new policy has a new covid variant makes its way around the world. >> i would say we're all moving in the same direction even though this seems like a setback, the telltale symptom of the new covid variant is pink eye among young patients. something to look out for as the omicron subvariant xbb 1.1, 6 known as arcturus has been listed by the world health organization as a variant under monitoring since mid-march arcturus rx the b 1.1 6 is thought to be about,
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you know, 80% or so transmissible than what's going on right now. >> so it's just hard to take to if you have not covid for infectious disease specialist doctor peter chin. hong tells me the new variant has a higher transmissibility rate than previous strains. >> but does not appear to be more dangerous. he also does not expect to see a post spring break surge of people getting sick. so any crazy looking very and i think we'll do well with for the most part, they're still vulnerable people in. >> that's why the cdc and fda is approving the option could rather should recommendation, but additional in those over 65. and those are compromise just to help mitigate any damage caused by these new kinds of justine waldman, kron, 4 news. >> now to our 4 zone forecast as we give you a really nice friday evening shot to twilight time weekend upon it
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is friday night. thank heavens. all right, lawrence is here. alarm soon. sounds like will be a beautiful, warm weekend. should be very warm away from the coastline. the coast are probably going to see some patchy fog move in. but what a nice night has been. what a day around the bay area's temperatures really shooting up, saw the first 80's of the season so far. how about this from the east bay? you see the beautiful look at the sunset here in the bay area. sunset time now 7 51 here in the bay area. so yeah, looking at a nice night ahead. although a little hazy out toward the golden gate bridge, we've got some fog that is lurking just off the coastline, likely to see some patchy fog overnight. look at the temperatures today. what a day it was as we saw numbers speak finally into the 80's here in the latter part of april. 81 in lemore, 82 in concord. 82 degrees in santa rosa. even 72 degrees in san francisco. that is well above the average 72 in oakland and 77 degrees. a beautiful and sunny all day long. and san jose out the door right now we're still holding on to some warm in london. i think that
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is the place. again, you're going to start talking some 80's by tomorrow afternoon right now. very nice. 71 degrees. 66 very comfortable there in 66 also in san jose got the sea breeze along the coastline. of course, that's going to drop those temperatures a bit. 54 in half moon bay and 60 right now in san francisco. well, we are going to see some fog develop along the coastline with that more of an onshore breeze. but i think most of that is going to be right out toward the water's edge. otherwise just some passing high clouds overnight tonight looks like we're off and running with what looks like a really nice day tomorrow. high pressure. we'll kind of flatten out just a little bit of a bring a lot of sunshine with the exception. couple patches of fog coast side but warm temperatures, 70's and 80's inland. thank you, lawrence. a middle school student is in custody after police say that student brought a loaded gun to school. >> it happened at hoover middle school today. that's not far from downtown san jose. police say they seized a handgun and there were no threats to the school investigation is still ongoing.
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>> we continue to learn more about what led to the shooting death of a home depot worker in pleasanton this week. police say the accused shooter but nation apps said she accidentally fired the gun that ended up killing a 26 year-old black. most surveillance video reportedly shows most and another storm ploy confronting naps. who was a ledge allegedly trying to steal a tool box. prosecutors say a struggle and id with maps shooting most in the chest point-blank range. people who knew blake mohs are still in shocked at 18, he became an eagle scout, highest ranked possible in the boy scouts program. people who knew him say he was very much liked and respected. a friend said most had dreams of becoming a police officer and was set to be married. this coming august. the woman known as the los gatos party mom was in court today were current and former high school students at times, tearfully
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urged to santa clara county judge to send her to prison with a maximum sentence. we've got video here of shannon o'connor at an earlier hearing. she is accused of throwing secret alcohol-fueled parties for underage boys and girls and pressuring them to have with each other. at today's hearing, victims told stories about how connor be friend of them through her 2 teenage sons and social media. several girls told investigators they were sexually assaulted while extremely intoxicated. and while o'connor watched. a coalition of more than 60 progressive grassroots groups claiming to represent more than 100,000 californians. >> sent a letter to senator dianne feinstein asking her to resign. the groups argue that her extended absence has held up president biden's agenda. feinstein was announced she will not run for re-election, has missed senate votes since being diagnosed with shingles in february. her absence is
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being felt especially on the senate judiciary committee, remains deadlocked without her vote. kron 4 is your election headquarters. president biden is expected to formally announce his bid for re-election within the next few days. sources familiar with the president's plan say the announcement will likely be in the form of a campaign video which could be released on tuesday. that day marks the four-year anniversary of his entry into the 2020 race for president. president biden is 80 years old and as the oldest sitting president in u.s. history. >> coming up at 8, the supreme court issues its latest ruling on the abortion issue. what today's order could mean for the future. >> plus, the state is stepping in to help san francisco fight. the opioid epidemic. governor newsom calling in the national guard hoping to curb the city's supply. >> but first, the new plan to add patrols and protect small businesses in the city sunset district kron. 4 news district kron. 4 news continues after the break.
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(water splashing) hey, dad... hum... what's the ocean like? ♪ are there animals living underwater?
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♪ is the ocean warm? yeah, it can be very warm. ♪ you were made to remember some days forever. we were made to help you find the best way there. ♪ i'm karen. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. i really like the flexibility. and for me, it's one less thing to think about while traveling. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems
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or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. >> san francisco's sunset district will have more law enforcement on patrol. the city's police department added 10 new community ambassadors today. these are all former police officers. they've come out of retirement to help fight crime kron four's. rob knows but has the story. for about an hour. the sunset district, new community
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ambassadors went store to store along are being street joined by mayor london breed and police chief bill mayor london breed was all smiles friday afternoon walking along san francisco sunset eating store owners customers and getting the chance to introduce them to the city's 10 newest community ambassadors. all of them retired police officers coming back to the department to have eyes and ears on the street. >> to make sure that they're looking out for the things that people are concerned about and that we're doing everything we can to serve and protect the community in the best ways possible. when the program started 2 years ago, there were 8 ambassador ys, it's since grown to 74 friday was the first day on the job for retired officer. but clinton. >> ready to both prevent and report if we see any crimes in progress, we have immediate communication. we just you know, when will call it out to have responding units, police officer come to the scene. chief bill scott says the new hires were made possible by the new supplemental budget
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approved by the board of supervisors. the sunset district is represented by supervisor joel engardio who says residents are on edge and want more police protection dealing with a lot of property crime. a lot of businesses are being broken into homes are broken into catalytic converter thefts are big in the sunset. really city leaders and law enforcement all recognize that the majority of those crimes occur at night after community ambassadors have ended their shifts at 08:00pm. we have to make some adjustments. yeah, i know that we can be a everywhere, but we do see vandalism and broken windows and things overnight. chief scott says the city's approved budget will help the police department hire more full-time police officers to staff overnight shifts when more serious crimes are happening late at night and early in the morning. >> in san francisco, rob nesbitt kron, 4 news. >> the california national guard and the highway patrol are coming to san francisco to help with the city's fentanyl epidemic. governor newsom made the announcement this afternoon. the governor says the agencies will work alongside san francisco police and the district attorney's office and focus on disrupting
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the supply of that deadly drug. the governor's office says san francisco seen a 40% increase in overdose deaths from january through march of this year. and the majority of those deaths were caused by fentanyl. san francisco police chief bill scott says the state's involvement will only help his department better serve the city. >> that we're going to police the way we police and that's with dignity and respect. and work with our communities and work with our leaders of the city and do what we need to do to make things better. and these resources are needed. they're helpful. they will help us do what we need to do. we make a rest day in and day out, but it's really hard to hold ground. and we need to get it under control. and that's exactly what we plan to do. >> san francisco police say they're still working out the details and how the different agencies will be involved. kron four's dan thorn is working on the story. we'll have a full report coming up tonight on kron. 4 news at 9. >> now that the lifesaving overdose medication not can is available over the counter.
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the drug-maker emergent is hoping to set the out of pocket price of less than $50, which is roughly what some government agencies and nonprofits and first responders already pay. the wholesale price is $125 emergence as it wants to keep rising consistent with public interest. however, retailers, they point out can ultimately set their own prices. and we're following the fentanyl crisis across the nation and the bay area on kron 4 dot com. you can scan that qr code. it will take you to our website and you can track the latest information and see the stories. our reporters are working on. >> now to our 4 zone forecast, san francisco from sutro tower in the city listening on a friday night. 10 is kind of not lawrence is back on to. lot of people will want to take advantage of a nice, warm. >> weekend. yeah, they're going to be able to go just about anywhere they want in the state and not have to worry about the one exception
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maybe up in shasta. but otherwise we're talking about dry. >> and yeah, the warmest temperatures we've seen all year long, it looks like it is going to be a beautiful weekend for most of bay area. and the couple patches of fog may floating along the coastline to keep you cool there, but otherwise clear skies in the bay in the valleys sites like this. how about yosemite falls? the sun is setting. boy, it is raging out there on the waters. watch out for that. that is one thing. rivers running very high and they're also running very, very cold. but beautiful sights out there to be had the tahoe area. you're looking dry up there right now. a couple high clouds floating up above. hey, if you're headed the monterey bay, not bad at all. we'll see temperatures in the 60's in santa cruz will be a little bit cool in downtown monterrey about 54 with some patchy fog, partial clearing in the afternoon. 55 in carmel about 61 degrees and sunny in salinas in the afternoon. southern california. you're talking some 80's and even some 90's about 83 in downtown los angeles, 90 in pomona. 76 in san diego. and if you plan to head to the sierra should be a nice right up there. of
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course, roads are open and clear. there's still plenty of snow to ski on up there. planet some slushy conditions, though, into the afternoon. as you can see, a bit of snow temperatures nearly 60 degrees and tracking about 56 degrees in south lake tahoe. if you had all the way over to reno, we're talking warm temperatures in the low 70's. so looks like a nice weekend ahead and the high country back to stick around. we got a lot of sunshine coming your way with some warmer temperatures as we head towards sunday and then cooling down slightly on monday. but staying dry throughout that period. so it's that time of year, a lot of folks have had to stay indoors. it's been just storming. seems like nonstop almost every weekend. but this weekend, a nice weekend to get out there and enjoy the entire state roadways are open and clear. there you go yeah. and you will see people all over the plate. everybody known out there to enjoy. yeah. thank you, well, water officials are increasing the supply allotments going out to public water agencies. that's because of the snow melt. >> the fact that reservoirs are nearing capacity. it means 100% of requested water supplies. and that's up from
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75%. the water agencies served. 27 million californians 750,000 acres of farmland. the last time the agency allocated 100% was in 2006. emergency water bypass line is successfully operating in benicia a month after a hillside collapsed damaging the city's main water source. people have to reduce water use by 40%. now it is 20%. the new bypass line will continue to be expanded to accommodate summer water use, but finalizing all the repairs to the main line could take more than a year. >> for your money tonight, bay area officials are holding a hearing next week to discuss a plan to toll highway place tolls on highway 37 in the north bay. the toll would be between sears point and mare island in sonoma and solano counties. officials say the highway floods on occasion,
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rising sea levels could completely submerged the highway in 20 years of the solution isn't found. one plan is to create a raised a highway which is estimated cost billions of dollars. the proposed toll would help raise the money needed to create the project. still ahead tonight, at 8 o'clock, a free way to enjoy some of california's natural beauty this weekend. >> also, elon musk took away verification from people who refuse to pay for it except for a select few. the famous users elon says he'll pay for himself.
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>> trader joe's in oakland's rockridge neighborhood is the first california store to officially unionize. workers voted 73 to 53 to do so. today, the store on college avenue will join trader joe's united. that worker founded union dating back to last year. it is the 4th store in the country to join along with locations in massachusetts, minnesota and kentucky. cruz is heading to court. the driverless car company filed a lawsuit this week saying it should not be held financially responsible for a 2019 accident in san francisco, cruz argues the company who supplied human test drivers should foot the bill. the crash in question happened in september of 2019, a cruise
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car allegedly ran a red light injured. a man who was on a scooter. that man later sued crews. crews in turn is suing the cowpany that employed the vehicle test operator saying that employee and the those are the people he said financially responsible. >> twitter owner elon musk says he's footing the bill for some celebrities to keep their blue check marks on their twitter accounts. musk claims he's paying to keep the check marks for lebron james. stephen king and star trek star william shatner. it's not clear if musk is actually paying. his company were just waiving the fees for those celebrities. jameson king had previously vowed not to pay the fee. yesterday, musk stripped the blue checkmark from accounts that didn't subscribe to an $8 month fee that happened earlier this week. >> next today, the supreme court preserves access toe widely used abortion pill least for now. what today's ruling could mean for
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continuing court
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>> on the eve of earth day, hundreds of students are demanding elected officials take more action to confront climate change. the group marched on san francisco city hall today. they're calling for california to reduce its use of fossil fuels. organizers say that can happen in various ways that with limits, for example, a new gas and oil extraction permits and by holding private
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corporations accountable for their part and ecological disasters. the group also hoping that the march will inspire other young people to get involved in the cause. if you're looking for something special do outside on earth day, national park week also kicks off tomorrow. >> entry fees will be waived at parks to give everyone a chance to enjoy them. national parks will be hosting events over the next 9 days to celebrate and encourage visitors to learn about nature. you can take advantage of the free entry tomorrow at yosemite sequoia, joshua tree and death valley reservations are not required unless you plan to stay overnight. >> all right. time for another look at the forecast as we look live at sfo what's going on? a nice sites out there all day long. sunshine around the bay area. the temperatures really jumped outside today. tomorrow could be very similar in the valleys. think along the coastline. you little bit with more of an onshore breeze and a couple of patches of
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fog. so, yeah, kind of feel the season out there as we're going to see a return of some patchy fog tonight. me i've got mostly clear skies. some high clouds up above and a couple of patches of fog trying to flirt with the coastline, looking toward the golden gate bridge, some high clouds there, but no fog just yet. but that will likely change as we head throughout the night tonight, temperature wise, you're still looking at some very nice number. 66 in san jose right now. 71 in dublin in concord, 72 in pittsburgh and brentwood about 7 in cloverdale. 69 in santa rosa. cool 50's along the coastline. looks like we're going to see return of some patchy fog developing along the coastline overnight tonight. but i don't think much of that gets inside the base. your skies going to be staying mostly sunny and clear all weekend long except for the coastline. that's where you'll find some of the fog and some of the cooler weather 50's and 60's in the san francisco for tomorrow plan a 50's 60's along the coastline. but that patchy fog. but inside the bay start to warm up with a lot of sunshine. 71 redwood city, 73 in mount view. lots of 70's, almost 80 degrees in campbell. 79 in
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saratoga. 76 in milpitas. 83 degrees get warm in livermore and pleasanton. 83 also walnut creek about 80 in orinda. so the idea, you know, the east bay hills, those temperatures really warming up in a hurry, in fact, place like santa rosa up in the 80's by tomorrow afternoon, too. next couple days, we're going to keep those temperatures on the warm side. cooling down a little bit on monday, only to warm right back up the middle of next week. thank you, lawrence. >> coming up later in sports, the a's haven't had a lot of great news the last few days on the road, but they met up with bruce bocce and his rangers tonight and gave them a fight. hey, has not the details. coming up. "the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar?
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at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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>> now at 8.30, the u.s. supreme court is allowing the popular abortion medication to remain on the market while a legal challenge to its approval goes through the court system, that co is mifepristone. it is used in more than half of us abortions. >> more than 5 million us women have taken it. so it's it was approved more than 20 years ago. today's ruling blocks a lower court ruling put restrictions on that pill. for more now on the legal battle ahead, we're joined by jessica levinson, professor of law and director of the public service institute and journalist law school. >> at loyola marymount professor, thanks for being with us. i guess when this court overturned roe v wade, we thought it would be up to the individual states to decide where things go with abortion rights in this country. but this just got a
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lot more complicated. did didn't with. now the fda is involved in it could affect even states. it have no bans against abortion. >> well, that's exactly right. we're talking about a nationwide injunction on the fda's approval of mifepristone almost a quarter century ago. and that would obviously affect states where there is access to abortion as well. and so i think you're right to point that out that in dobbs, the majority said, okay, now we're getting out of the business of litigating these abortion issues. we're going to leave it to the political branches and the dissent said, of course not. this is just going to bring up more questions. we can possibly even think through at this moment. and i have to say, given all the litigation that we've seen, i think the dissent was right on that point. >> professor expense suggested that if the court had gone a different way, it would have been chaos. is that hyperbole? would it have been chaotic? >> i think it would have been at the very least extremely
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confusing because let's remember, it's not just a single federal judge saying to the fda what you did 23 years ago and then the changes that you made in 2016 2021 to loosen the restrictions on mifepristone. it won't just be wiping those off of the books. we also had a competing ruling almost exactly the same moment i think was 15 minutes later from a federal district court judge in washington states that ruling applied to 18 states and that judge said fda don't do anything, don't change the status quo. don't make it more difficult to obtain mifepristone. so at least for those 18 jurisdictions that are covered by the washington federal judge's ruling i think there would have been enormous confusion as twitch ruling to follow. in addition, the fda does have something called enforcement discretion. and i think there would have been confusion as to whether or not
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they would decide to enforce this texas district court judge's decision to add to the complication and confusion with the fda being this potentially could affect every drug that the fda >> has to approve or not approve. so individual judges could start cherry picking drugs that are out there on the market already and say, hey, i want to challenge this or with the supreme this only applies to these specific abortion drugs. could they do that? >> well, this court can't say it only applies to abortion drugs, but it can say it only applies to the way that the fda didn't allegedly follow its procedures when it approved this abortion drive. i think you're playing for your question is really important, which is it doesn't just stop with mifepristone recently, a single federal court judge can say what an executive agency in this case, the fda did. >> it's inappropriate and
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undermine even our understanding from decades ago that makes drug companies very anxious and it's not going to be the cholesterol kedication that's challenge. it will probably be something much more controversial like vaccines. and we can imagine plaintiffs picking the types of medications that they don't like and shout saying this is the case that i can point to to give me a pathway to challenge the next thing that is unpopular. >> professor, how likely is this to land back at the supreme court? >> exceeding way. so all the supreme court did today was say we're pushing pause. we're maintaining the status quo. that's exactly what you should do when a case is still being litigated is still being appealed. so what's going to happen now is the 5th circuit. that's that intermediate appellate court in between the district court in the supreme court. dale, he'll hear oral arguments in this case on may 17th. then i expect that whoever loses that case. we'll
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appeal back up to the supreme court. then it's a question of how the supreme court will rule on the substance on the merit. not just on whether or not they should push paused temporarily on a right? so the >> whoever loses the case with the 5th circuit is bound to appeal. goes back to the u.s. supreme court. now they're not talking about overturning roe v wade. this is a whole new set of legal arguments involving the fda and and its authority. correct? >> that's exactly right. this is not about whether or not the constitution protects the right to obtain an abortion. the court has said that it is not it made that decision in the dobbs case that overturned roe v wade. this is really an administrative law case dealing with exactly what you said, the power of the fda and who can challenge that. >> justices thomas and alito made a point of publicly dissenting today. what if anything, do you make of that? well, i think we can suspect what they will think about the
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merits of this particular the fact that they were comfortable with this texas district court judge's ruling going into effect. >> i think gives us a pretty clear indication of how they will ultimately vote when the case comes out to them and they have to consider the merits of it. professor jessica levinson, it's always a pleasure to talk to specially someone who knows what they're talking about on such a complicated issue. we really. >> really appreciate your insight here. thank you very much. thank you. still ahead tonight on kron, 4 news at 8, how aspiring bay area singers are turning their dreams into a music career. >> with the help of grammy-winning artist.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> oakland a's fans are still reeling from the news that the team is entered into an agreement with the property in las vegas and cease negotiations with the town. but for the players, the game must go on. so the a's were in texas tonight to take on the best in the west rangers where former a's fan favorite marcus semien was celebrated with a bobblehead night. and that looks pretty close sometimes those things are way off. that's not that. all right. let's go to the game. so nice to see bruce bocce back on the field. >> long half, though, bruce. anyway, his rangers are on a four-game winning streak and they put 4 on the board in the first 3 runs on one swing of
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the bat from jonah heim, his 4th of the season. >> made it 4, nothing rangers, but they stick to what? and tied it in the 6 on this seeing eye single to left by a state ruiz that tied it up at 4. a piece and it stayed that way until the top of the 9th. when a diaz hit his first homer of the season that gave the a's a 5, 4, lead and they held on to beat the rangers in the first game of the series snapping texas is winning street. depp's fans are still flying high after last night's 114 to 97 win over the sacramento kings. it was the kind of balanced effort. it's really been alluding the warriors often this season. steph curry was masterful ce shows shot 6 threes. >> dropped. 36 points on 12 for 25 shooting. didn't miss from the charity stripe and his teammates played their best ball when it counted even without their 2 best defenders in draymond green. and gary payton, the second they held
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the kings to just 23.4% from beyond the arc come looney was absolutely clutch with a whopping 20 rebounds. and after the game, curry said he's glad the dubs finally showed the kings. what they're really made of. >> and consider how the first 2 games went. you know, on the road with our road struggles all year, we still had a chance to, you know, get game here was there. game 2 is tie. would 4 minutes left from a was. so we've shown that, you know. this might are self-inflicted wounds with turnovers and you know, give offensive rebounds. you know, we're capable of beating that team monday night. it's just nice to us on the show for now. so, you minutes and i'm out there just be assertive, aggressive. you know, take care of the basketball controlled the pace. you know,
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like the moment and that we created tonight, we just got to take advantage of. >> all right. how boston eastern conference action. the celtics are feeling good about themselves after taking a 2 game lead over the hawks on there, home court in boston. but the series is down in atlanta. now. time to see how those beantown boys, dew on the road will go right to the 4th quarter. and this one celtics down 5 jason tatum. out on top. flies to the hoop. he's fouled and the soft touch banker falls in celtic's within 2.29 points. 10 rebounds for tatum. >> trae young answers for the hawks buries the corner 3 so hawks go back up by 5. now less than a minute to go hawks with the ball up 3 young. drives into the lane. and hopes floater that did it hawk. take the celtics down at home one 30 to one. 22 young led all scorers with 30 points. and now they trailed
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them in the series by just one single game. all right. the cavaliers and knicks are tied at one. i take that back. we're going to go right to the live tour action. they're playing down under this weekend in the grange in australia. hey, this is a virtual unknown american. he's really lapping the field down there. taylor shot a 10 under 62 today. >> he's got a 4 stroke lead after the first round as he nails the long birdie putt in the first hole. and of course, you could see if 31 year-old can hold onto his lead. tomorrow. tomorrow morning right here on kron 4. this one is on tape delay to the time. difference. we'll be showing it beginning at 10:00am. and finally comes pitcher jurors smiley had a perfect game into the 8th inning against the dodgers. it ended in. >> one of the worst ways possible. oh, gosh, look at this again. so david peralta. >> this is swinging bunt down the 3rd base line. smiley
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picks up the ball about to fire first base. the catcher yan gomes trying to make the play as well. so they crashed into each other and in the perfect play and the perfect game, just a heartbreaker for smiley boy, he knows you may only get one shot at a perfect game in your career. but hey, his consolation prize, probably he got the win over the dodgers. 13 to nothing right. giants fans, of course, always happy when dodgers was as well. >> that's it for sports kron. 4 news at 8 is back after the break.
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>> rehearsals are underway for a special concert showcasing some of the bay area's best musical talent. that's on the brainchild of nar to michael walden. one of the most successful recording artists in the bay area. >> it starts with the i'm a singer and songwriter and writing since i was there on 9 years old and i love it. >> turning that dream into an actual music career is the challenge in turn are to michael walden, grammy and emmy winning musician and producer who has a studio in marin county. how talented bay area very town. you know i hope a lot of carlos santana brothers. >> cold cold blood. i mean, is
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goes all the great journey. all good. bass huey spotting wrong. untrained talent can be elusive. vocal coach cc carter knows there's >> what we call the goose bump. the chill factor. so generally there's a voice that you hear is not a 7 person, but you hear the voice. so when you hear certain point, you just know the potential is there. they may not know it. but as a coach, you recognize that voice and what first motivate me was the lack of musical schools programs. >> i was part of a grammy board every last year, locally years ago that music schools is going away. >> i didn't like >> learn something exactly like yours. that is stores day. we learned saw exactly like the same and they >> these aspiring singers will appear together on stage in mill valley, rockport and theater to showcase their talents. some performing in public for the first time.
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i'll be back by an 11 piece band with strangers all under the direction of norton. michael, >> now it feels so much more comfortable on stage and i feel like if i do make a mistake, i feel like i can overcome it. and i feel like i have the skills and the resources i need that, you know, will push me to just continue to keep going and also perform tonight. maximum ability. >> love the opportunity to be able to give to the children so he said we would encourage me bridge. and i believe in that i believe that god gave me everything to work with a wreath that would be the greatest singers of all time and here. and here we as family have been times. they've always little kids time to help other kids now and other people i want to do good. >> the spring fling with strings concert will be at mill valley struck morton theater tomorrow afternoon. it starts at 3 o'clock. it's so nice to see young people having that chance and somebody like him willing to
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spend time. you know, he did. whitney houston's first you how i know want to dance with somebody he used in and put those songs together for whitney. so can you imagine having that kind of tudor what i hope you through a resume and fact, that is during that is great. yeah. he's a super guy. that wraps up kron 4 news at 8. but the vicki is here, i am well ran. will be joining us shortly. ok, happen to grant. yeah, but i want to know more my brother's keeper now have an idea he should be for those but yeah. >> michael and of well, martin, michael, like an art of michael dyslexic, but a jam. yes, we'll get through the bay area and really nice guy. yeah. and needs to when the more you learn about him, the more you appreciate what he can do. i mean, he said with journey and and produced a lot of they're in. >> you're talking rock and roll r and b, i mean, it's kind of covers everything. yeah, could be retired now, but he still working the next generation. right. guys,
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here's what we're working on for kron. 4 news at extra help on the way to deal with san francisco's fentanyl epidemic. >> governor newsom announcing today that he's sending in the state's national guard and the highway patrol. we're going hear from city leaders tonight about what that cooperation just might look like. plus, we continue our coverage on the supreme court's ruling on the abortion pill what the decision means for people's access in the future. and spring finally decided to show up today. but what will that we can look like? lawrence will be here to tell us all about it. that's next on the property is
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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at known. >> 9 u.s. supreme court gives the green light allowing continued access to the most common method of medical abortion. thank you so much for joining i'm vicki liviakis and i'm grant lotus. this comes after a federal judge in texas ordered the fda to >> roll back its approval of the drug. the fda approved the use of never pressed own more than 20 years ago. nan since then, more than 5 million women have used it. so now the pill remains available in the u.s. at least for the next few weeks and likely longer. vice president kamala harris reacting to the ruling tonight saying in part, quote, we welcome the supreme court's decision to grant a stay in alliance for hippocratic medicine ves


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