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tv   KRON 4 News at 430am  KRON  April 14, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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of plans i want to make, you know, but i need to know what the weather is not address. you know what i'd say. layers are always good recommendation of the bay area, especially during the spring months when we do see the return of some fog. >> which can sweep through during morning hours and back into the late afternoon, the middle of the should be able to get away with the shorts and a t-shirt for a little bit. looking outside from our coit tower camera mount tam cam down towards coit tower and the rest of san francisco skies are crystal clear. nothing going on out there. as far as fog goes this morning, we are seeing a couple spots trying to form along the bay shore as well as the coast and up towards santa rosa. but not being super successful in doing so. and zooming out just a little bit. you can see how clear skies are across the region. current temperatures are mostly in the 40's right now. oakland, you're at 49 degrees. alameda. 48 a few 30's up in the north bay. very similar feel as to what we had yesterday. so get out there with the layers on this morning. winds not to make it
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feel brisk out there, especially towards the coast, but not an exceptionally windy day. in fact, winds calming down as compared to the past few days. skies clear a little on the chilly side. not a bad way to start of friday morning commute. a comfortable afternoon ahead of us. a lot of us making it well into the 60's, if not a couple of low 70's, i'll get to those numbers. still to come rain. all right, john, thank you for that. check in on those bridges this morning. headed into the city right now. 7 minutes, macy that fremont street exit our san mateo bridge looking good. >> a little under 13 for you 80 to 101, richmond center fell bridge push. you had a 7 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the toll is going to take in 19 minutes on a friday. police officers in the bay area are meant to protect our communities. but more than a dozen officers in antioch are actually named in a scandal that involves racially charged text messages. many of those messages are about the very people they are supposed to protect kron you has the details on that. very
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disturbing report. >> the investigative report that contains racially explicit text messages between antioch police officers is shocking even for civil rights attorney john burris who says when it comes to police corruption in the bay area heath. but he has seen it all until now. i feel a lot even open was not this bad. >> and it would stop. but it wasn't racially derogatory. this language and photographs are horton this. 21 page report, you cannot show most of it on tv. >> here's a look at some of the dozens of text messages in the report. i'm only stopping them because they lack that same officer writes, it doesn't matter. some gorilla killed another gorilla. on page 19, you see actual photographs of guerrilla sent between the offices page. 10 sergeant evan says this reply. that's right after she called me a racist cop. one minute later, he text. i never said i took offense to it on page 11, you fine officer an app that
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texting but we kill more mexicans than anything else so blacks can feel safe. then there's a photo that i can't show you of george floyd with the naked african-american men sitting on his neck and that one officer wrote back and said, i mean, you should stop >> why don't mean i don't i don't think this is good. we should act this way. it's unbecoming. an officer represented the underage victim in the 2016 oakland police scandal. he's also one of the attorneys who won the civil rights lawsuit against the oakland police department in the infamous ryders case. >> that would lead to opd losing the right to manage its own department. instead languishing under the authority of a federal monitor for the past 20 years. he says these text messages reveal anti at pd is also a candidate for federal oversight money, candidate because the conduct of engaged in is pretty consistent. >> with other departments that i have read who are under federal oversight, 14 officers
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involved to sending the text messages are among at least 2 dozen anti out either quit arlen admin leave because of a joint antioch police misconduct probe by the fbi and the contra costa district attorney's office. >> has it made cry for regarding the investigation into the race is homophobic, sexist and derogatory text messages. >> allegedly involving about 14 antioch police. our legal analyst michael cardoza said this makes people lose trust in the police department even after those officers were fired, they could still get hired again in other police departments. >> and when you have good officers out there, there are marred by these bad office. should there be a federal monitor overtop salute absolutely. that can seem to straighten it out. even oakland with the federal oversight has problems. so should they? absolutely. they showed a heartbeat. >> quarters also said it was surprising that the managers at the police department did not know about how these police officers were talking to each other. there. police
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chief steven ford released this statement regarding the text messages reads in part, quote. i condemn in the strongest possible terms the racially content and incomprehensible behavior being attributed to members of the antioch police department in media reports on behalf of our organization. i apologize to the antioch community for the hurt caused by this hateful speech. a promise to hold accountable. the officers expressing racist or bigoted beliefs, bias and sensitivity and those boasting about harming members of the community. well, switching gears because newark police are investigating a carjacking that ended with one of those suspects dead. that happening around 3.20 thursday afternoon in the area of maui avenue and cedar boulevard. police say during the encounter with 2 suspects, officers ended up firing their weapons. one suspect died in the other was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. no officers involved were injured. well, in developing
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news, california's senior senator dianne feinstein facing calls from some in her own party to resign. she served in the usa for more than 3 decades. but recently he's been expressing health issues. it has been absent from key committees. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports on the different reactions from some bay area. members of congress. >> but long story short, feinstein is not stepping down, but she does acknowledge he's been away from washington due to medical reasons. heard now propose a solution for all. >> she's california senior senator, a powerful position. democrat dianne feinstein has held since 1992, but now some colleagues from her side of the aisle are calling for her to resign as she continues. what so far has been in nearly 2 months recovery from shingles at her home in san francisco. senator feinstein, is it sport or distinguished career? she simply unable shoulder duties. in an exclusive interview with news
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nation in the hill, fremont congressman ro khanna says feinstein has missed important votes in the senate where democrats hold a very narrow majority. but more than that, he says he's especially concerned about her absence from the senate judiciary committee in charge of approving judges. president biden nominated to serve on federal courts. it's sad to see >> it's sad to see her in the state where she is missing votes were not being able to confirm a judge is because of her absence of the judiciary and i just think we should have someone in that can do the job right now. but feinstein who announced earlier this year she will not seek reelection in 2024. makes clear right now. she is not resigning and is instead asking senate majority leader chuck schumer to appoint another democrat to the judiciary committee. >> as for feinstein's work representing california in the nation's capital, she had this to say, quote, i intend to return as soon as possible. once my medical team advises that it's safe for me to
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travel. in the meantime, i remain committed to the job and will continue to work from home in san francisco. she should not resign and no one should call upon her to resign. long time. northern california congressman john garamendi says feinstein should serve out the remainder of her term. if somebody were to replace your next 20 months, they would get nothing done. but feinstein brings that do not have a toss. she brings an experience. she brings that friendship to the issues. >> that are critical over these next 20 months. we need iran. she needs our respect. even so should find side to side to one day resign. the power would then fall on governor gavin newsom to appoint a new senator. something here ready did with alex padilla. this is another place where governor newsom couldn't really leave his mark. >> and really drive the direction of the senate potentially for years to come. and we reached out to newsom for comment. his office did not have anything to say directly on this matter, but referred us to a previous
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statement which newsom praised feinstein. as for the senate judiciary committee, its chair senator durbin says he hopes to get the ball rolling soon on nominees. but to do that, he'll have to find a temporary replacement for feinstein. and that will not be easy because he'll need at least 60 votes from both democrats. >> and republican reporting in sacramento, eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> a small business known for baked goods is leaving the bay area for good. the owner of misfits bakery says the cause is way too high, operate. now he admits while his nationwide customer base has been really strong, there's not been enough support. others in the local culinary world mean omicron is an immigrant says prior to the bay area, you never stay longer than 14 months now after living in san mateo county for 14 years, he's moving across country. he started experimenting with low-carb, gluten-free, baked goods in 2015. that is idea. took off after a positive response from the farmers market and it turned to the business. it is today called misfits bakery in palo alto.
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macron describes his bacon styles. alternative and says he's and he's closing of the shop is moving florida because culinary communities not been supportive. an a it has been really tough to break through. >> networking is is. at the core of growing any does this mean 10:00am right and not just having that community of customers? it's, you know, the other business owners and giving advice and helping staff. as soon as heard the words, gluten free. everybody down. >> well, he says he can count on one hand. how many businesses of extended a helping hand in the last 8 years of operations that coupled with the opportunity to be in near family and operate at a lower cost. macron's says a bakery in florida will be half the rent is here. and the bakers last day in palo alto will be saturday.
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>> it is playoff season for the lawyers and in honor of the playoff run. that mayor london breed raise the flag outside of city hall on thursday many other landmarks in the city join in on the celebration. look at the top of cells forced hours. well, as the symphony hall. >> all lit up in blue and gold. >> and look at this. some lawyers led also fly at san jose city hall last night. that's a postseason action starts saturday against the sacramento kings game one is in sacramento. is set for 05:30pm. still ahead of the cuomo morning news. the future of reproductive health care remains uncertain. break down the new hurdles if a sun coming up.
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people are always like, “what's retta short for?” mother teretta. [ angelic sound ] i'm a papertarian. it's like being a vegetarian, only i don't chew paper, i choose paper. because it's made from a renewable resource, which means it's the smart choice for the environment. and i should know, i used to do science. [ wink ] how many times i gotta tell you? i emptied it! empty, flatten, then recycle. i cannot with these interns. i need this job.
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welcome back to the kron from morning news. we're going on 04:44am. >> it's a we've been waiting all week for this day. john sowa because general, please, when it comes to the forecast today. yeah. nothing. too dramatic going on for that drum roll, but it is coming down a little bit, which is nice because it has been kind of a breezy. >> middle of this past week, you can see out there at the east bay hills, just how nice and clear the skies are today. not as windy. little on the chilly side. so just make sure you've got those jackets ready to go this morning. a couple spots of fog are trying to
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form south to happen bay at the coast in the santa clara valley as well as up around petaluma. aside from that, those skies are crystal clear out there and we are seeing a high pressure ridge building back in now, replacing that cool dip in the jet stream which really drop temperatures middle of the week. this is going to help us to remain pretty clear overall and continue to keep us dry. also, temperatures a little bit warmer in the days to come to futurecast showing today, sunshine tomorrow morning. i am expecting a greater dose of fog than what we've got this morning, which is obviously quite clear conditions. saturday clears out nicely after that. and another start with the fog into sunday. now, as far as winds go pretty calm for most of us, a little bit of a sea breeze kicking into gear later on today. that's going to be that cool ocean air and fog sweeping in on into the evening tonight giving us that dose of fog tomorrow morning. so other than the sea breeze, we're doing pretty good. as far as winds go. as for temperatures, it's 50's 60's for san francisco today. 50's right at
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the coastline. certainly our coolest spots. and then really the vast majority of the rest of the bay area in a solid range of 60's, either mid to even upper 60's. san jose at 68 today. fremont 66 same for you in pleasanton livermore and dublin. well, oakland and berkeley at 63 concord in pittsburgh, getting close to 70. well, antioch in vacaville are 2 spots today hitting that 70 degree mark, more of us will be up in the 70's come tomorrow and sunday. not a bad one, either with lots of sunshine this weekend and mild daytime highs will cool off into monday of next week with a slight chance of a sprinkle or 2 on tuesday. aside from that, this is a dry and cool but comfortable forecast ahead, right? all right, john, thank you for that. we are checking on those bridge cams. >> if you're headed into the city this morning, no major delays about 7 minutes to make it made to that fremont street exit. our san mateo bridge also looking really good. 13 minute ride a 80 to 101, richmond center fell coming in
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at 7 minutes tolls to want to one and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minutes on this friday. well, the future of reproductive health care remains uncertain. and the justice department announced thursday it's taking the abortion pill fight to the u.s. supreme court. well, forces in walton has the latest. what that means for the people here in california. >> this is really complicated. but mifepristone is still available available. but now pit is much harder for many americans to get the abortion pill. the fa press tone. it is part of a 2 drug dose that is used in more than half of the abortions in the united states. >> a federal appeals court sided with a federal judge in texas with this ruling on thursday. it sets the clock back to 2016 when the fda added guidelines that limited access to the pill, that's according to constitutional law. professor jessica levinson, if this ruling stays, women will not be able
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to get mifepristone through the mail. >> they will not be able to use mifepristone up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. instead, only up to 7. they will have to see a doctor and have in-person appointments for prescription less than an hour after that ruling, a federal courtroom in washington state ordered the fda to stay the course. the judge blocked the fda from curbing the availability of the pill in 17 states, including california. >> and the district of columbia filed the lawsuit, professor levinson says the confusion and court chaos has a chilling effect even if ultimately we sort this out. >> just for this period of time, people be unsure of what to do. and we know that means that in the end, that access will be limited. well, that was the scene lawman reporting for us this morning. and the justice department said it will ask the u.s. supreme court for an emergency order stop the lower courts from ruling to take effect and that move could actually happen at any moment this morning. if it doesn't bring it to you live.
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governor newsom is slamming florida over its abortion ban measure approved on thursday. the son tweeted, quote, this is not what freedom looks like. the florida house passed a measure that would ban abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy. instead of the initial 15 weeks, the bill does have some exceptions, including to save the woman's life. and for pratt is ease that involve rape or incest. governor ron desantis is expected to sign that measure into law. each year in the u.s. more than 350,000 people experience cardiac arrest outside of a hospital. millions witness it live on tv with damar hamlin's heart stopped on the football field. what they also saw was how he was saved. and now you can actually save a life to kron four's. vicki liviakis tells us how. >> in a packed stadium we watched as a healthy 24 year-old football player when into sudden cardiac arrest. seconds. >> count because 46 minutes without talking to the brain,
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the brain starts die and lucky for damar hamlin, cpr and aed got his heart beating again. sometimes the difference between life and death gets down to mere seconds. so the question is, would you even know what to do? this person is going to die in front of you doing something is better than doing nothing. jeff hardy is a firefighter who also runs heart start cpr here in the bay area, teaching people how to do cpr. you cannot hurt somebody by doing chest compressions, period. former firefighter chip baker says oftentimes bystanders are just afraid to jump in as a hesitation. >> hesitation because i don't want to do it wrong. i'm not sure if i know what i'm doing in the next minute. they'll show us step by step what to do before help arrived first in class in front of us cardiac arrest. we're not trained, but we can help. strong enough to help and do chest compressions. we get 9-1-1, activated. we chest compressions on this person. >> you're right. we know that corporate ad with chest
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compressions and doing cpr continue this. i cannot stress most help see this person give them a greater chance of survival rather than just sitting back and watching doing nothing. the idea is to buy time. >> all of this is backed by the american heart association. first call 9-1-1, immediately start cpr on the teen or an adult by pushing hard and fast in the center of the chest from 100 to 120 compressions per minute. at least it takes energy. so you may want to switch out if you're getting tired. the atd gives uber but the guidance on how sitting but it sure doesn't hurt. when do we stop? when we stop, i don't know. when we stop? when help arrives for the person is showing signs of life. signs of life is gratifying. beyond in oakland, he would kiss. >> kron, 4 all right. well, think he looks like she's ready every year. sudden
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cardiac arrest happens to more than 7,000 kids under the age of 18 recently damar hamlin went to washington to highlight the access to ad zach give schools the funds to do cpr training. it makes aid is available to schools across the country next week we will show you how to save a child from choking. you won't want to miss that. everyone should take a course in that. she was actually doing it in the bag.
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>> welcome back. let's get another look at weather before we get to the 5 o'clock hour. if you are leaving the house here shortly, do know that you've got a chilly morning ahead of you. so definitely get those jackets ready to go. skies are otherwise pretty clear. those pretty inviting friday morning commute otherwise half moon bay, you are going to see the return of fog into the evening tonight. right now, little bit of a low grade in the distance. but overall visibility is holding up pretty well for your friday morning commute. 40's for most of our current temperatures conquered freeman, antioch at 47, oakland and hayward at 49 degreee right now after such a chilly start, we've actually got a really nice afternoon to look forward to san jose. you got 68 with plenty of sunshine, oakland, low 60's and even san francisco getting up to 60 degrees this
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afternoon right now. all right, john, we'll guinness world records. just name this chihuahua. oh, my goodness. >> as the world's shortest dog pearl is 2 years old and is sure than a popsicle. stick. she only weighs a little over a pound and it's just over 3 and a half inches tall. she's actually related to the previous record holder who died in 2020. john, you've got a little a cute little doggie. she lot smaller than graham. so is half chihuahua have both this started as a so cute. >> she might be slaw the pearls owners to it. she's a bit of a diva. we love the diva all right. we've got a lot to get to in the next hour. coming up, we're talking about the battle for northern california. it begins. >> when the one years take on the sacramento kings in the first round of the playoffs. that means excitement growing around the bay. we'll have a live report coming up. the bay area bakery closing or misfit
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says fit to follow. also. and the man accused of killing a tech executive is due in court for his first court appearance. we'll have a live report right after the break. lowe's knows the first step to motivation is inspiration. so, we've got new everything. new flooring, new paint, new patio sets, new pillows.
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i can keep going if you want me to. you got this. and we got you. we live our lives on our home's fabrics. and though we come and go, our odors stay. it's called odor transfer. left untreated, those odors get trapped inside fabrics and then release smells into your air. eww. you need new febreze fabric refresher. its new formula is proven to deliver longer-lasting odor fighting power, so you can enjoy longer-lasting freshness - even hours after spraying. the more everyone sprays... ...the fresher your whole home stays. new febreze fabric refresher. asking the right question ...the fresher your can greatly impact your future. - are, are you qualified to do this? - what? - especially when it comes to your finances. - are you a certified financial planner™? - i'm a cfp® professional. - cfp® professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfp®.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the
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kron. 4 morning news far. >> good morning and happy friday to you. i'm darya and i'm james and we are waking up on this friday morning to some pretty nice conditions out there right now is where reporting to once again live from the new serb as we're waiting for construction to be little or student. just want to let everybody know that was a little bit different this morning coming in now. john is just over here. it was very clear this morning and the moon was just kind of a yellow. we. >> laying face. i always loved areas, tactical movement yeah, it's nice and clear out there as you're going to get a great view of the hanging moon this morning. don't go to sign it. hit the bay bridge. san francisco looking nice and clear. absolutely. easy morning commute for your friday. start not as windy as we have been either, which is just another plus to all of this at the coast. you're free of fog inland areas, too. you are seeing it trying


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