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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 13, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's news station. you're watching kron. 4 news news at 6. >> killer has been identified, arrested and now will be brought to justice. >> now it's 6, o so proclaimed tech consultant arrested today in the stabbing death of cash app founder bob lee. san francisco. police say the victim knew the man who is now charged with his murder. thank you for joining us on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm pam moore. i'm ken wayne. it is a case that is gathered national attention. international attention. kron four's. >> rob nesbitt was at that news conference held by the mayor. the police chief and the district attorney joins us now live in the studio with
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details on that big arrest. rob. >> ken and pam, friends of baldly are hoping this arrest will bring some level of comfort to his family. >> according to police, the person arrested knew the victim likely. the suspect also works in tech and according to his linkedin profile, owns his own consulting firm. >> san francisco's mayor police chief and district attorney walked into a packed conference room of reporters thursday announced the arrest of 38 year-old many for the murder of bob lee. >> many was taken into custody without incident and emeryville, california. >> lee was stabbed to death on main street in san francisco on april. 4th chief bill scott would not comment on what happened many and leave before the stabbing. only that the suspect knew the victim. but this speaks to more about human nature. >> facts show and research shows that most people who commit homicides know the people that they kill. lee's death caused a firestorm of national headlines about the state of public safety in san
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francisco district attorney brooke jenkins criticize that narrative during thursday's press conference specifically pointing the finger at elon musk and his tweet saying violent crime in san francisco is horrific since this incident happened since waking up to elon musk's tweet. >> my office has worked hard to actually tell people not to make assumptions about this case. we knew nothing about the facts of this case immediately after it happened. >> none of us many has been charged with murder and the da's office will be filing a motion to detain him without bail because of the public safety risk. they say he poses to the public city leaders quick to use the arrest as an example of accountability and reassuring the public that crime rates are dropping to make it clear. >> that people who commit crimes in our city of any capacity will be brought to justice. that is our goal to make san francisco a better more safer city for each and every one of us. >> nice first court appearance is scheduled for tomorrow morning if found guilty. he faces 26 years to life in
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prison. reporting live in the studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron 4 news. rob, thank you. friends of bob lee are hoping that this arrest will bring some level of comfort to his family. in the meantime, those who encountered the suspect say they're surprised at the arrests. kron four's dan kerman has more. >> i feel very confident that he'll be brought to justice friends of bay area tech entrepreneur bob lee reacting to news of an arrest in his murder. so i'm i'm really happy that you know, his friends and family will. we'll be able to get some comfort out of this and probably more things go on. lee's longtime friend doug dalton says he does not know the suspect. >> the memo, many and with surprise police say the suspect in lee knew each other. also surprised bay area pr strategist sam singer many was our neighbor. >> singer says he's many in a shocked at his arrest. he says the suspect has a live work loft next to his in emeryville. ys besler building very nice fellow, very bright.
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>> the warm welcoming, typical bay area technology worker at big next to us. it has a giant pool table in the middle of the gourmet food. upscale stereo system. lots of technology putting wiring very warm and welcoming when the building. >> this is the business card singer received many before the web site was taken down. the company expand it marketed itself as a one-stop technology and security provider. and while the arrest will not bring back bob lee, his friends hope it will give those who knew him some comfort as they remember their friend. he was just. >> so joy to be around. and it's just a loss to everyone. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> in other news this evening, there is new video tonight of a san mateo woman's kidnapping in mexico. it happened on november 29th of last year.
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monica de barba kidnapped and to patent law on how the school mexico while she was walking home from work with her dog. the video depicts the kidnappers and their vehicles. you can see her confronted by several suspects and forced into a gray volkswagen jetta. the suspects then drive away and 3 different vehicles, including the jenna in another monica's dog is shown loose in the street. the dog was later safely located and recovered by a family member. the fbi is offering a $40,000 reward to help bring her back to the united states. >> police officers in the bay area are meant to protect our communities. but today, more than a dozen officers in antioch are named in a scandal that involves some very racially charged text message. and many of those messages are about the very people they are supposed to protect force as it monday obtained a disturbing report. he has the details. the investigative report that contains racially explicit text messages between
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antioch police officers is shocking even for civil rights attorney john burris who says when it comes to police corruption in the bay area heath. but he has seen it all until now. i feel a lot even open was not this bad. >> and it would stop. but it wasn't racially derogatory. this language and photographs are horton this. 21 page report, you cannot show most of it on tv. >> here's a look at some of the dozens of text messages in the report. i'm only stopping them because they lack that same officer writes, it doesn't matter. some gorilla killed another gorilla. on page 19, you see actual photographs of guerrilla sent between the offices page. 10 sergeant evan says this reply. that's right after she called me a racist cop. one minute later he text. i never said i took offense to it on page 11, you fine. officer knapp net texting, but we kill more mexicans than anything else. so blacks can feel safe. then there's a photo that i can't show you of george floyd with
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a naked african-american men sitting on his neck and that one officer wrote back and said and they should stop >> don't mean i don't i don't think this is good. we should act this way. it's unbecoming. an officer represented the underage victim in the 2016 oakland police scandal. he's also one of the attorneys who won the civil rights lawsuit against the oakland police department in the infamous ryders case that would lead to opd losing the right to manage its own department. >> instead langui%hing under the authority of a federal monitor for the past 20 years. he says these text messages reveal anti at pd is also a candidate for federal oversight money a candidate because the conduct that they engaged in is pretty consistent. >> with other departments that i have read who are under federal oversight, 14 officers involved to sending the text messages are among at least 2 dozen anti out either quit arlen admin leave because of a joint antioch police misconduct probe by the fbi
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and the contra costa district attorney's office. >> has it made you cry on for news? >> in the south a years long dispute between santa clara county health officials in a popular church appears to have come to an end. a judge ruled to the church violated covid-19 policies during a lockdown calvary church in san jose has been ordered to pay 1.2 million dollars in fines. the county says back in 2020 the church didn't follow public health orders and held large indoor church services without requiring attendees to wear face masks and the courts decided to hold khoury church countable for those violations. we reached out to the church for comment, but we have yet to hear back. >> in developing news this evening, california's senior senator dianne feinstein is facing calls from some in her own party to resign. she has served in the u.s. senate for more than 3 decades. but recently she's been experiencing some health issues and she's been absent from some key committees. >> our capitol correspondent
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eytan wallace reports from sacramento on the different reactions from some bay area. members of congress. >> but long story short, feinstein is not stepping down, but she does acknowledge he's been away from washington due to medical reasons. heard it now propose a solution for all. she's california senior senator, a powerful position. democrat dianne feinstein has held since 1992, but now some colleagues from her side of the aisle are calling for her to resign as she continues. what so far has been a nearly 2 months recovery from shingles at her home in san francisco. senator feinstein, is it distinguished career? she simply unable shoulder duties. in an exclusive interview with news nation in the hill, fremont congressman ro khanna says feinstein has missed important votes in the senate where democrats hold a very narrow majority. but more than that, he says he's especially concerned about her absence from the senate judiciary committee in charge of approving judges. president biden nominated to serve on federal courts. it's sad to
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see >> it's sad to see her in the state where she is missing votes were not being able to confirm a judge is because of her absence of the judiciary and i just think we should have someone in that can do the job right now. but feinstein who announced earlier this year she will not seek reelection in 2024. makes clear right now. she is not resigning and is instead asking senate majority leader chuck schumer to appoint another democrat to the judiciary committee. >> as for feinstein's work representing california in the nation's capital, she had this to say, quote, i intend to return as soon as possible. once my medical team advises that it's safe for me to travel. in the meantime, i remain committed to the job and will continue to work from home in san francisco. she should not resign and no one should call upon to resign. long time. northern california congressman john garamendi says feinstein should serve out the remainder of her term. if somebody were to replace your next 20 months, they would get nothing done. but
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feinstein brings that do not have a toss. she brings an experience. she brings that friendship to the issues. >> that are critical over these next 20 months. we need iran. she needs our respect. even so should find side to side to one day resign. the power would then fall on governor gavin newsom to appoint a new senator. something here ready did with alex padilla. this is another place where governor newsom could really leave his mark. >> and really drives the direction of the senate potentially for years to come. and we reached out to newsom for comment. his office did not have anything to say directly on this matter, but referred us to a previous statement which newsom praised feinstein. as for the senate judiciary committee, its chair senator durbin says he hopes to get the ball rolling soon on nominees. but to do that, he'll have to find a temporary replacement for feinstein. and that will not be easy because he'll need at least 60 votes from both democrats. >> and republican reporting in
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sacramento, eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> coming up, gunfire claims another life on a bay area freeway where it happened with the chp says occurred before the shots were fired. plus, commotion at the state capitol building. lawmakers forced to evacuate due to a credible threats bay area man authorities say is responsible. >> sunshine all the way to the coastline start to see a couple of patches of fog trying to form seymour that on the way to talk more about the way to talk more about that coming up ne
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when a truck hit my car, the way to talk more about that the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. call the barnes firm now, and let us help you get the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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>> now to a developing story in oakland. that is where the california highway patrol is investigating a deadly late night shooting kron four's philippe de gaulle tells us one person was shot and killed on 5.80, near lakeshore avenue. >> at least one bullet pierced the windshield of a mangled truck crashing onto oakland city streets just before midnight wednesday. it appears several other shots hit. the side of the vehicle was found near lake shore and lake park avenue the california highway patrol says the person inside the truck was killed. >> a second possibly involved was er andrew barclay says it may or may not be related. barclay says the shooting happened on i-5 a v then the victim and whoever else was involved exited the freeway 5.80, at 14th street was shut down for 3 hours while officers collected evidence. barclay says at this time there
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appears to be no connection to a deadly weekend shooting on 8.80, in fremont. >> the day before easter, 5 year-old eliana christmas was shot to death in her parents car. while the family headed to a birthday dinner. no motive suspect or vehicle descriptions have been released by the chp. same goes for wednesday night shooting on 5.80. the members of the city council we reached out to thursday were not available on camera. >> what councilmember noel gallo mentioned, he was in sacramento with the league of california cities advocating for more cameras on highways last year. governor gavin newsom approved funding for new surveillance cameras on several state highways, including in alameda and contra costa counties. caltrans says at least 8 of the 200 cameras have been installed in the east bay. >> philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> drama at the state capitol in sacramento today. the capitol was evacuated early today because of what
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authorities called a credible threat kron four's. catherine heenan live for us in our newsroom with the details on this situation. catherine? yeah, the chp says the man believed to have fired shots into sacramento suburbs last night as the same person who madh threats against the capitol. and we did get word just a couple hours ago that 30 year-old jackson penny of hayward has been arrested. he was taken into custody near granite bay. penny is accused of firing shots from a truck last night at the kaiser permanente, roseville medical building. also outside a business in citrus heights. and authorities say, yes, it's penny who also threatened to shoot up the capitol building. the result the decision was made this morning, too, briefly evacuate the state capitol. everybody was told to leave. some work was done in nearby buildings. lawmakers are being told to check in with each other. it was jarring and inconvenient for people who work in the building, but also for some of today's visitors to the capitol. >> you know, you just never know. it was april school it
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is like the session going to be here. we have to evacuate and you've got we have to leave. and i totally understand safety comes but it's very disappointing when you make so much preparation, your take time off in your diet. got to do is supposed to be the most safe place. and that's where we have a that's that's absolutely >> concerning. the state legislature itself gets hundreds and hundreds of >> threats. as you can imagine. so it is not something where i'm used to, is always. it's always good to be cautious. >> evacuation did not last for long. no injuries were reported in any of these incidents, including last night shootings. and of course, people were relieved to hear about that late afternoon arrest. if investigators have a theory on a motive, they're not telling us yet. the man under arrest does have a criminal record and it is not clear yet exactly what kind of threat against the capitol he's accused of making the side
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shooting and why pam and ken catherine, thank you. in national news, a member of the massachusetts air national guard is in federal custody right now. he is suspected of publishing secret military intelligence documents online. >> 21 year-old chat to taken into custody at his parents home in massachusetts today. he is set to be charged with the unauthorized removal of classified national defense information that leads material publicize ukraine's potential witnesses in his air defenses matters related to russia. u.s. allies among other classified intelligence, the justice department and the pentagon both provided details on the case. >> to share a is an employee of the united states air force national guard. fbi agents took to share into custody earlier this afternoon without incident. it is important to understand that we do have stringent guidelines in place
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for safeguarding classified and sensitive information. this was a deliberate criminal act, a violation of those guidelines. >> the new york times and the washington post have reported that the leak started on the web site called the discord, which is a social media platform, which is popular with people who like to play online games. discord says it is cooperating with law enforcement. >> now to our 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look at the 6 ad is walnut creek on a sunny thursday evening. lawrence, our chief meteorologist standing by a beautiful day today. >> yeah, a lot of sunshine, although the coastline again today, not as much wind and that made for a very pleasant day around the bay area. the temperatures bouncing back a little bit of warming up some places sneaking in to low 70's today. i think that trend it's something that will continue into the next few days. and that includes your weekend. so out there right now, skies are staying nice and clear even out toward the bridge right now. i think by tomorrow
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morning we might just see a couple of patches of fog along the coastline. not going to be a will to find a fog bank. but we'll see a couple patches of fog out there. nonetheless. still highs today, though, 70 degrees in santa rosa. 67 degrees in concord. 65 in livermore today, san jose checking into beautiful 65 degrees. 63 in oakland and 60 degrees of warming up a bit in san francisco. out the door we go. the sea breeze is blowing. that's knocking down the temperatures just a bit, especially coast side and just inside the bay. 52 now in half moon bay. 56 in san francisco. still 57 degrees. sunny in oakland. that breeze has been kicking up, though, again, not as strong as yesterday, but still some winds gusting as high as 25 miles an hour into san francisco. that onshore wind. we'll carry with it. a couple patches of fog overnight tonight and early tomorrow morning. but overall looks high pressure going to start to sneak in here now and that it's going to set up what looks like a very nice weekend ahead. high pressure trying to build in. it's going to bring with it more sunshine on the bay and looks like you see the
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beautiful snow pack up in the sierra nevada, something else. but overall looks like high pressure going to be taking over now. there's one more week cold front to come, but that ridge settling in very nicely. so i think by tomorrow afternoon, hey, on a friday, how about some 70's around the bay tomorrow could see that 70's and some of the valleys in the weekend looks mostly sunny and bright but sounds great. looking good. all right. thanks a >> coming up tonight at 6 more efforts underway to prevent restrictions on the use of abortion pills. abortions
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after 6 weeks of pregnancy could soon be against the law. in florida, the state house passed that measure today one week after it received senate approval there. the bill includes some exceptions, including to save a woman's life and for victims of rape or incest. florida governor ron desantis supports the bill and is expected to sign it into law. the policy would only go into effect. >> if the state's current 15 week ban is upheld in an ongoing state supreme court challenge. >> biden administration is asking the u.s. supreme court to settle the court case over the abortion pill once and for all. an appeals court overturned part of a texas judge's ruling which had blocked the drug mifepristone. the appeals court ruled the pill can be used, but blocks the relaxed fda rules on which its use had been in place since 2016. the court ruled
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the pill can no longer be delivered by mail. patients would have to go through a health care provider instead, the justice department is asking the supreme court to put any restrictions on hold. the drug was originally approved by the fda more than 2 decades ago. >> hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the united states illegally as children could be eligible for health insurance. president biden said today that they will be able to apply for medicaid and health insurance exchanges. this action will allow participants in the deferred action for childhood arrivals program. the so-called dreamers to be able to access government funded health insurance programs. the program was launched back in 2012. it allows dreamers to legally work in the united states. but they will still not be able to get government subsidized health insurance. this decision comes as daca is facing legal challenges. coming up next on kron, 4 news at 6. the suspect in the killing of tech mogul bob leave facing a slew of
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charges. >> our legal analyst michael cardoza will join us here in the studio to shed more light on what's ahead in that case and other. >> big cases when we come back.
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>> our top story tonight at 6.30, an arrest has been made in connection to the stabbing death of tech leader bob lee. san francisco. police say the 43 year-old founder of cash app. new the man who's been arrested and charged for his
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murder and that that suspect also owns a tech company. joining us tonight to weigh in on what's next for the suspected killers. our legal analyst, michael cardoza. michael, thanks for being here. first of all, a lot of people immediately jumped on the crime in san francisco is out of control bandwagon and thought it was a drug deal or a homeless person. a mugger turns out they knew each other, right? they did. but i want people got all up in the air and say crimes out of hand. and san francisco. >> they're not wrong. i mean, not in this particular case, other big cities of its size, san francisco's crime is actually lower than a lot of major cities in this country. okay. but it still but still. i agree it's bad. now. let's talk about mister lay. >> you know, can one of the big things is? what's the motive? right? and that's what they have to dig into. its going to be interesting to see what the relationship is or was between the suspect and mister lee. why were they together that night? and if he
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