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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  April 13, 2023 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us here on thursday morning. april 13th and i'm darya here with john. >> a small crew in the newsroom for this hour. good morning. yeah. we decided to come a switch. things up a little bit on ya. not a lot of switch ups in the weather today that we're keeping things pretty steady compared to yesterday. today will be a little bit calmer and a little bit warmer, which are 2 things i think you're going to enjoy as you're venturing out golden gate bridge, a little less wobbly, the camera anyways because there's less wind pushing around this morning. you've got all the sunshine still across the bay area from the coast to our inland areas. now, as far as temperatures go, we started the morning with some 30's and 40's. right now it's back up to the 40's and 50's. temperatures are climbing pretty quickly. and
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are these clear skies that we're enjoying san mateo in concord at 51 oakland at 53 degrees. breezy spots include the delta out into solano county and portions of sonoma county. still pretty windy. most of the rest of us calming things down pretty nicely at this point. i'll be talking about where we're headed into the weekend. still to come, getting a look at your bridges this morning. right now, the bay bridge. we are looking at a little bit of a backup there. if you're pretty typical commute time getting into the city, though. san mateo bridge enjoying that sunshine and things are moving along a little bit on the slower side. so anticipate an extra few minutes to get yourselves on over towards san mateo and the rest of the peninsula. as for the richmond center fell, things are doing just fine there. still a bit of a backup at the the toll plaza, but it's not going to take you much longer than usual. and the golden gate bridge. you've got the clear skies and a really easy drive across it. daria. >> thanks. a lot of 901. we want to get the breaking news that we've been following out of oakland. one person is dead. they were shot and killed in freeway shooting.
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that happened around midnight on 5.80, near lakeshore avenue and look at the bullet hole in the front of the wind chill. the truck. that's the truck that was hit by bullets. 5.80, was shut down at 14th street for about 3 hours from midnight to the wee hours this morning. police are investigating now. it is already open in the area now, but we don't have any more details yet about the victim or about the circumstances surrounding that shooting. i know you probably want to know if it was random or well. a lot of people are concerned about freeway shooting. so we're going to try to get you more info. stay tuned to kron 4 for that. another big story that we're covering a bay area. congressman is calling for senator dianne feinstein to resign. silicon valley democratic congressman ro khanna says that feinstein can no longer fulfill her duties. she has been absent and miss dozens of votes since getting shingles in february and without her, the dems don't have enough votes to advance their judicial nominees. khan emphasized in a statement, let's take a look. quote, the ruling by an extremist judge in texas has made it clear
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that democrats must act with speed and urgency to confirm judicial nominees who will protect the right to an abortion. senator feinstein is unable to fulfill her duties and for the good of the people she should resign. end quote. feinstein, however, is not stepping down. kron four's will tran is live in santa clara with more. will. duryea. she's not getting a lot of support from the bay area as far as the south bay roe represents santa clara. and that's exactly my location. >> talking to people this morning and some of them are saying if you are sick at your job in could not do your job for a certain amount of time. you 2 should be replaced if not even stepped down from your job. this is what's going on with senator dianne feinstein. she's been in office since 1992 as far as the job of sen she wants to finish job through 2024 and retire. she's 89 years old and she's not been at work since
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february. and during those 2 months story and she's missed 58 votes and there's no timetable on when she will return from are shingles. and that is a lot has a lot of democrats concerned. some people are saying it's about time regardless her injury or not. the fact is that she has served her country and they say it's time for her to retire. career politicians. i think. >> definitely shoots and term limits. i think if you hear if you grow up wanting to be a politician for ever, i don't have the for the people to play more for yourself. i think we should see more average people just like your didn't like europe that returned, you know, do your civic duty. so you think it's time for her to step down? definitely. >> so this is what the senators sent to us late last night. and so take a look at your screen. we want to show you her statement. she is, by the way, in san francisco and
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not washington, d.c., as she recovers. she says i intend to return as soon as possible. once my medical team advise is that it's safe for me to travel. in the meantime, i've asked leader schumer to asked the senate to allow another democratic senator to temporarily serve until i'm able to resume. my committee worked. i did talk to a lot of people, as i mentioned, aria and some are saying it's one thing to have another party safe for her to resign. it's another thing to say when your own party thinks it's time for you to step down. back to you. ok? thanks a lot. we'll. >> 904 is the time. and we have some breaking news from overnight. a federal appeals court has preserved access to the abortion pill. the pfister from the court's ruling reduces the period of pregnancy when the drug can be used and says that the pill cannot be sent out in the mail. this really just came down late last night and it comes after a judge in texas completely blocked the fda's approval of this drug. the
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festa prone is the most commonly used method of abortion. the case may now be headed to the u.s. supreme court. it's 905, and in the south bay, san jose church has to pay more than a million dollars in covid fines because a judge ruled that they violated covid policies during a lockdown kron four's. michael thomas is live in san jose with the latest. michael. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. this is, you know, a years long process. the santa clara county and the calvary church, which is behind me, been going back and forth. and now the court says they're not only going to be charging the church finds, but they're also going to charge them entranced. let's get to some video that i took of this church this morning. according to a press release, put out by the county, they see that calvary church in san jose's order to pay 1.2 million dollars in administrative fees, which includes interest and it all leads back to 2020 when the santa clara county says the church blatantly violated public health orders
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during the covid-19 pandemic. now they did so by continuously holding large indoor church services and not requiring face coverings of people along with little to no social distancing. now the church in response to the times says will those orders preventative from exercising its religious freedom and violated the constitution? but those claims were rejected by the judge in court. take a look at says, quote, it should appear to all that regardless of religious affiliation that wearing a mask. but we're shipping ones. god communing with other congregants, a simple and obstructive giving way to protect others will still exercising their right to religious freedom. unfortunately, defendants repeatedly refused to model gesture, end quote. now, this decision from the superior court's comes after a federal court dismissed the church's claims against the county and left the remainder of the case. >> to be ruled by the state courts in santa clara county went on to release a statement saying ultimately this entire battle was really to hold the
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church accountable for their actions during that time, adding that their biggest concern is the safety of the people here in the county. i reached out to the church to see just exactly what their next move would be or what you know, response ultimately to 1.0, 5, 1, 0.2 million dollars was they have not responded as we get a response will keep you updated. that's a very latest here in san jose and michael thomas. and back to the street. ok? thank you, michael. it's 907. and today the man accused of attacking a former san francisco fire commissioner. >> is going to be in court. we want to warn you, we have video of the fight that you may find disturbing it because in it you can see garret doty using a pipe to hit former commissioner don carmignani. that's a metal pipe. this is the marina district where this was happening, dodi, because of this faces charges, including assault with a deadly weapon. the former commissioner says that this fight started after he asked a group of men including dodi to move away from the front of his mother's home because he said they were out there using drugs and being aggressive to people who are passing by. but
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do these lawyer says that car and got he actually started this by threatening them and then pepper sprayed dodi first dodi faces 7 years in prison. if he is convicted. it's 908, in the east bay. 2 people were wounded in a shooting that happened yesterday afternoon in east oakland. we're looking at the map. it shows you the area where it happened. brookdale avenue near cap street around 4 in the afternoon. 2 people were shot are both recovering now and we don't have any information about the suspects or what led up to the shooting. it's 908, and antioch, mayor lamar thorpe is speaking up after the release of racist text messages that were sent between police officers. one of the tax even targets. the mayor, says magoon has the story and we want to warn you some of the language may find offensive. >> i will bury that n word in my field. it was a heart are on purpose, unquote. well,
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make these inwards beat expletive. you're looking at just 2 of the text messages containing racially explicit language allegedly sent between some officers of the antioch police you know, these are not alleged text messages. these are the text messages. >> in terms of the public, you know, i can only continue to reassure the public that we're working towards building a stronger, better department. antioch police officers are witnesses in a murder case in contra costa county. the text a part of a 21 page. investigative report by the da's office. >> filled with derogatory, homophobic and sexually explicit language and photographs. last friday, a contra costa superior court judge read the names of the 14 antioch police officers into the record and ruled in favor of disclosing the information in the report to the defense kron. 4 has obtained a copy of the report and one text exchange and apd officer
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writes he will by prime rib dinner at the house of prime rib if they shoot. mayor lamar thorpe with a less lethal projectiles. >> a resident should be concerned. absolutely. this isn't funny. this isn't a joke. this isn't we're at a serious crossroads at the city of antioch. you're either with racist or you're not. antioch. mayor lamar thorpe wants the city council to have the police department's internal affairs did you want to audit? let's get an audit of your text messages. some in attendance during tuesday night's council meeting took issue tempers flared between this man and thor during the public comment portion dog whistle racism. >> i apologize for >> want to go so i just want clarify what happened there. >> well, let's start with >> clarify, i ask anybody to step outside. he said let's step outside and i responded with we want to step outside. responding to him.
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>> however, despite major concern about the text messages by officers in the police department, some of those same officers are also the subject of an fbi probe and the tension surrounding the subject race in antioch. we have thorpe says he remains hopeful. >> i have confidence that this city has and has gone through a lot and it's 150 year history. >> has it made you run for news? >> it's 9.11 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, san jose police have arrested almost 2 dozen people for assaults. we're going to show you them and talk about the fear that police have that there could be more victims out there. and then also after the break, as more people are calling on senator dianne feinstein resign in her own party, we're going to be joined by our political expert to discuss the implications of this move. it's 9.14
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and nasa is sending 4 people on a mission to mars, but they won't be visiting the red planet. instead, they'll be spending one year at the johnson space center in the mars habitat. you can eat sleep and exercise just as if they were in outer space. the simulation habitat is about the size of the 3 to 4 bedroom house. nasa is not going to be able to simulate mars gravity. they have, though, come up with a solution. >> so what we've created here a space where we can simulate a virtual reality space walks
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are mars walks also simulate a variety of expect a task that we might see on mars such as geology, removing dust from your space suit or solar panels to repairing the habitat. >> i think i already saw this isn't the movie with matt damon did. did they grow potatoes? do you see movie, is this. what they use for the for crew guys are going to be in it that says they're going to be limited communications. a family and friends just like matt damon. this is like the real-life version. and i saw that workout. i give you more comfortable at this version, though, that that like a cozy here. but a little on the purse if you want to get back outside today, staying here on earth, this is what you've got to be greeted by beautiful, clear skies. love it. >> another beautiful day. and this i'm actually a little better than yesterday. even a little less cool and a little less windy. so we're adding in some more favorable things today to look forward to as you get outside. we have seen
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this dip in the jet stream cooling things off the past several days. wind speeds have increased partly because of it, but now we're going to be in the midst of some really clear dry conditions and increasingly common to the weekend, too. as we move into the afternoon today, increasingly com into tomorrow morning. you may notice a few spots of fog near the coast, the santa clara valley and up along 101, in sonoma county that will burn up really quick. and then it's right back to the sunshine a bit more fog into saturday start but then clearing out as well towards saturday into the afternoon future cast of wind showing still breezy conditions into the delta solano, sonoma and napa county still windy. most of the rest of us have seen conditions calming down a bit of a nice note. there. not as windy at the coastline today as we move into tomorrow should be even calmer yet across the bay area. so a lot to look forward to there. still under a high wind watch for solano county that's set to expire here very shortly. just a couple of hours. temps today will be in the upper 50's to low to mid 60's for the most part, not quite as chilly as yesterday. not quite as windy as
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yesterday either. so as i mentioned, we're just getting a little bit more improved into your thursday. the weekend looks even better yet. mid 60's for the south bay's daytime highs today as will also be the case for most of the east bay. some of our warmest spots will be walnut creek and concord, antioch, in pittsburgh, as well as vacaville fairfield over to santa rosa. all at 68 degrees tomorrow, saturday and sunday, some low 70's inland just in time for the weekend. not as warm as last weekend, but still pretty nice. next week. we cool things right back down into the low 60's. as for a bridge is still a bit of a back up there at the bay bridge. it's been a little bit of a slow or go. metering lights just turned off, though. so that backup is definitely loosening. and your drive time is improving. one of the roughest bridges has been the san mateo bridge still just barely crawling there as you're heading westbound, nothing close to the limit does look like we have a tow truck trying to make its way across. we saw those bright lights on that tow truck just a second ago. as for the richmond center fell bridge, you're fine. and the golden gate bridge doing okay as well. daria.
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>> all right. it's 9.18, right now. and we're continuing our coverage now on the house. democrats calling for u.s.. senator dianne feinstein to resign. and because of that, her saying she wants to be replaced temporarily anyway on the judiciary committee kron four's political analyst michael yaki joins us to talk more about what's really going on here. good morning, michael. >> we're going i just want to say that that mars simulation seems like a great place think the moon landing in 1916, >> don't open that all right. let's let's let's get to the real like what's really going on with this die 5 thing because is it remarkable that democrats would call for the resignation? the early resignation of, you know, the oldest senator and someone who's already said she's going retire. and in 2024. >> they've been doing for quite some of these folks come in quite some time. i think think really are. and this is
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the person who is after all the cars moving from south. is the co-chair of congresswoman barbara lee are run for the u.s. some. obviously has a vested stake in it because governor newsom has said if senator feinstein were to resign early, he would black woman to that position. obviously barber. lisa, we fit that bill protectively. so you have to put that into perspective. i think the bigger issue is are the issues that grays by not kind of a others on progressive left, which is. she's not sharing its the committee that approves and trying to make up for the fact that during the trump years it was just it's the of right-wing conservative. lawyers judges out there as he was like for the one you just of course, people, for these are the things that that they're trying to counteract and not having in moos. these counties
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are spotlight with one difference, right? so if you want democrat deadlocked, you can move things forward. now, i think that what senator feinstein did last night and actually kind of believe of this. i'm on truck. sure, because he's from seems earlier if you're going to so an important committee, they should have a process in place where you can appoint a temporary replacement during that period of time, which is what they're going to be doing with senator feinstein now the republicans could object. it would require a 60 a 60 vote. aye feeling there enough republicans to have our i would understand the frailties of of life and you thing about senate, you hear a lot of people getting who are sick your out for extended periods of time. you know, this is something where we probably should have prepared for this a long time ago. and it's unfortunate that senator finds shingles, which as we all know, you're not one you would not wish on your worst enemy. think it's that it's that kind
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of illness. so i think that they're they're going to remedy that situation. hopefully calm down what it really only 2 voices in congress and then answering echo to the group progressive left that are educating for senator feinstein to leave i mean, she's 89 years old. it's got to be difficult to battle chang gulls, you know, let alone at that age. and yes, she's been missing. >> votes which >> you would think, though they would be doing this maneuvering behind the scenes and not just out in public because that doesn't help the democratic party as a whole either. does it? >> really it's not a it's not a great look. the fact is, if you're sick, you're sick. it's oneoof those things. if you're senator president, if you're just you know, you're working at retail place. you don't want people to say when you're sick out your get rid of this person. you know, we've got to we've got to move out. it's not it's not that kind of thing. and this is someone who really i know it's over states. and it was interesting, too, the right to just can. and i think that you
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made the wise decision with trucks. you want to get a replacement. you can it because that is really the locus of where are you have kamala harris still to help breaking tie. vote there. but there are issues that go beyond dianne feinstein becomes the operation of the u.s. senate and blame it all on her. the sighting on her. i think it's just purely. political in the sense out again, roe conn a co-chair of congressman barr released campaign. yeah, i'm wondering, quite frankly, had as much they admired and respect comes shortly what she's thinking about, what real kind of just yet, because i think that that actually may not help her in the upcoming campaign being associate with that kind of remark because it just expect add some of the divisions even more right. all right. >> all right. well, thank you, michael. not say bad things about james at all, who's called in sick today. was called in sick. on the mars
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management as of yet no send me there. we'll see michael. me there. we'll see michael. thanks for life is uncertain. it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried or frustrated. calhope can help access, calhope free and secure mental health resources today. call our warm line at 833-317-4673 or livechat at with woolite, jill feels super confident in her favorite sweater. so much, she marched up to her boss and said 'dan i want a raise'! his name is bob. woolite protects your favorites from fading, pilling, and stretching. so you can wear them as long as you love them.
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this week, a judge denied a motion asking to serve him electronically the process server says they've tried dozens of times to deliver in person. shaq has denied any involvement in ftx saying that he was just a paid spokesperson for a commercial. >> it's 9.26. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. the wife of our kron, 4 security guard who was killed in oakland says she doesn't trust the alkmeda county da to prosecute those accused of prosecute those accused of killing her husband.
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>> 9.29. and it is just a gorgeous day. shaping to be another sunny. pretty warm one and getting warmer towards the weekend. a look at the towards the weekend. yeah, there's day. >> yeah, we're almost there. we're getting at this point. and yet we're getting better as the days go by. yesterday was the coldest day of the forecast. also yesterday being the windiest today, a little less windy and a little less chilly to golden gate bridge. sure does look good. and are these clear skies that we're enjoying so far this morning? we're going to continue to see clear skies all day long today. so get out there. definitely enjoy it. keep the light jacket with you. but at times you won't be needing it. now 40's to 50's for current temperatures. temperatures are warming. we started the morning in the 30's for a lot of areas. nobody there anymore. we're definitely lifting san francisco in concord at 51 degrees right now. winds the most problematic up in solano county, calusa county, napa
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and sonoma counties atlas peak vacaville and fairfield seeing winds gusting anywhere from 30 to 40 miles per hour elsewhere. it's a lot calmer and should continue to get calmer throughout the course of the day. now, as far as our bridges go, we're seeing all right. conditions on the bay bridge. we metering lights turned off at the bay bridge. so using imagination and now your actual eyes. you can see out there that we do have still a bit of a backup out there as people are trying to cross the getting across that right now. as for the san mateo bridge, we did have a backup there. i saw the tow truck making its way through just moments ago. it does look like things are moving along a lot quicker now. so things are starting to loosen up out there after what was a bit of a slower go just over these past few moments. so good news for you. needing across the san mateo bridge. that's for the richmond center fell doing okay there. no backups whatsoever. not a lot of traffic. honestly, the golden gate, nice and sunny as well with crystal clear conditions in the skies. pretty clear conditions on the roads as
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well. daria, thank you. john is 9.31. and kron. 4 security guard kevin issued his widow is speaking out saying she doesn't trust alameda county da pamela price. >> to get justice for her family. cheetah was shot while on assignment in oakland. kron 4 sarah stinson reports on da prices response to the criticism and the allegations against her. >> it's been a year and a half since losing her husband, kevin, to a shooting. virginia nishita says she wants alameda county district attorney pamela price off the case. kevin is the victim where the victims, the survivors, a cabin. >> and he needs justice. i have no confidence or trust pamela price that will happen. so she does need to be recalled. kevin nishita was a security guard for kron. 4 news. he was shot and killed while protecting one of our reporters in oakland. >> in november 2021, 2 of the
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3 suspects have been arrested for the killing shuttle mitchell and hershel hale are awaiting trial. virginia tells me she's worried about what's to come as she still hasn't heard from price's office. and that worries me. >> nancy o'malley was in office, i was getting calls once a month or more. >> a spokesperson from the da's office says misses in the cheetah should be in contact with a victim. witness advocate advocates are there to support victims throughout the court process and keep them up to date. and that price has not had the chance to review the issue. case as there are thousands of cases, the office is reviewing on a case-by-case basis priced in an exclusive interview with kron 4 news, virginia says she became even more upset after hearing price on pursuing alternatives to prison time and not adding enhancements when charging defendants. imagine if you. >> we're a new manager coming into a retail store and you found that people were giving
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refunds to everybody. and you said, wait, let's have a policy about who gets a refund. and before you give a refund, let's have you check with your supervisor. woman's life was more than a refund policy. >> but pamela price, you need to hold these criminals. they have long records. they have done crime. they have been doing crime for years. they need to get off the streets so that people in alameda people in the bay area can feel. >> virginia says price seems to be advocating more for the defendants and she is for the victim's family. >> this has what do you think? spare? because this is his life now right here. so you tell me those 3 guys, should they have 75 years to life? yes. the answer is yes.
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>> that was kron. 4 sarah stinson reporting. there's a status hearing next week for the 2 men accused of killing the cheetah the also district attorney pamela price. if you want to hear the full interview and her defense of criticism, etcetera, you can see all of that on our website. kron 4 dot com. time now is 9.34 and we have some breaking news that we're following. the capitol in sacramento is being evacuated right now because of a threat and town wallace is there. so we want to see what's going time. tell us what's happening. what you know. >> well, darren, good morning. all we know right now, according to leadership, some sources sino here inside the capitol is that this is a, quote, credible threat. that's all they're saying right now. here's the entrance to the capitol right here. you can see the rotunda right up there and the entrance is blocked off. now, here's the interesting thing, daria, is that if you look around, it's just a normal day. there's not a lot of police activity. in fact, the california highway patrol still says events outside the state capitol are
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going on as usual. so things here right now actually pretty calm except inside. everybody's been evacuated. now, keep in mind, this is still in the morning here. so some people are not at work at the time of the evacuation. so it was already pretty quiet inside. now, just about a block that way is the swing space, the swing spaces that part of the that's actually off the capitol grounds where all of the members have their offices. so i've been told, as they've all been asked to stay in their offices, a block that way, the actual capital course is the older building where they have the chamber. they do the floor session. that right now is all on hold. but outside things actually pretty common fact is even a rally with few 100 people will just around the corner over there. so, yeah, overall, these outside aria. okay. but inside capitol under evacuation for now. no session for now. yeah. i mean, i'm looking at you and you're able to be right up against those stairs. so
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>> get so they're not up for. i mean, it's like a threat but not is right. what is it inside? was it called in? is it a package? do we have any idea? great question. well, they are not saying any details right now as for that. but what we do know is that >> the members of of the leaders here inside the capitol are keeping very open at this point in the sense of open. i mean, outside is open the side, though, clear. so very a strange situation and just hear, you know, sometimes in these situations, you know, they block it off yesterday. and, you know, the california high patrol, by the way, runs the outside of the capital, not inside, but outside. right. and i just spoke with a just walking by and he told me, well, things at least outside carrying on as usual. so that's great thing. thing, daria, you get guy just walked over your shoulder and i think he in to do you missed it. >> so you're there all the time. i want i want to ask you because, you know, we're here in the bay area. so
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>> you're in that building all the time. is that behind you? is that the only exit and there are several ways in and out and you've seen people streaming out. here is a guy coming out now and you see people coming out and everybody is out now. >> great question. yeah, everybody's out right now. in really the only behind here are just some of the security folks who run the capital you so when you walk in, have to go through security. so they kind have you go through those metal detectors and you walk right and they as i tried to walk in just a few minutes ago, said no, no, it's it's blocked optic active in that way. but overall outside, yeah, things still going on. so we're trying to figure out exactly what the threat may be. in you know, i'm going to be the shadow here. little tough to see because this is actually a computer. i can't really sue meant, but it's a street that there are a few ideas. see the california highway patrol just on their bikes as usual patrolling near. so it's just part of seems like a usual day here, except for the fact that right now things are on hold and people evacuated from the
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inside of the building. now, remember, though, the inside of the building is under remodel. a lot of it construction on that part. you can see all the construction here a little bit tough with this and there. but that is because it's under a 5 year remodel. the governor's office used to be and all the members 120 80 in the assembly, 40 in the senate used to be right here inside the capitol. but because of this remodel construction, a 5 year construction project, they've all been moved to the swing space. so that's where they all a block south of in their normal office says that they will have for the next 5 years while this is under construction. so if you think about it, there's still her offices in the normal heart and this week's baseball, this place here is under evacuation. this only right now used for floor session and the official and some committees. but the overall mainly just for session at this point, got it. all right. and the takeaway here is everybody safe at the moment appears to be the case. thank you so much. a time for that live report. live report. >> thanks to
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9.41. and president biden is set to announce his administration is expanding health care access to thousands of immigrants. >> brought to the u.s. illegally as children. the action will allow participants in the daca program to access government funded health insurance such as medicaid. the 2012 daca program was meant to shield children brought to the u.s. illegally by their parents. shield them from deportation. roughly 58,000 people. we're still
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enrolled in deck at the end of last year. a formal announcement of the new health care policy is expected later today. it's 9.42. and still ahead, coming up on the kron 4 morning news. >> a middle school teacher faces federal charges for students say she allowed them to fight in class. we're going to have details on this real
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>> 9.45 and metallica is back.
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72 seasons is the first album in 7 years. >> for the rock and roll hall of famers, the title refers to the first 18 years of a person's life. the album delving into with the band calls the cruelty of youth and the dangers of growing up. the album drops tomorrow. still rocking it. it can't be that half of live here. 9.45. right check the weather for those in metallica that are watching right now before they go out of their hat and sunglasses. so they're not recognized winter felt like 72 it's 72 atmospheric rivers but yeah, we are looking at some very dry conditions comparatively now, nice clear out the embarcadero. >> all that winter weather that we saw obviously having a big impact on the drought and quite the drought monitor. update this morning. we started the season with 99% of
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the state in some sort of drought conditions were at 8% now, which is barely the northern tip of california and our eastern desert still holding on to best moderate drought, most of the bay area as well as central valley and sierra completely off the map. now. so we're going continue this dry trend, a well earned dry trend, getting a little calmer and a little bit more mild today. yesterday was kind of cool, kind of breezy still breezy of our inland areas, but coastal areas, you've been off too much calmer. start and clear. start this morning. tomorrow we will see a little bit of fog at the coastline as well as the santa clara valley to start the morning shouldn't last for long in your friday will be nice and clear as well. those will also be the case as we move into the weekend with some foggy conditions during morning hours in clearing during the afternoon, windiest of areas has been out of the delta this morning, vacaville 31 miles per hour winds right now. that was peak. 23 miles per hour. a little calmer elsewhere. we should see winds relaxing towards the latter half of the day and through the weekend,
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getting calmer to still under a high wind watch for solano county. as for our net as next several hours, temperatures will continue to rise under the sunshine and a lot more of us will actually be in the sixties today. yesterday was a lot of 50's on the peninsula today. it's mid 60's in mountain view up to redwood city and san carlos, south bay temps also back up into the mid sixties east bay numbers. pretty similar mid 60's for most of us, all the walnut creek and concord getting close to 70 same from antioch, pittsburgh, over to vacaville on over to santa rosa. all at 68 degrees tomorrow into the west. rest of the weekend were low 70's inland, beautiful. and just in time to enjoy lots of sunshine this weekend. aside from some morning fog, we cool down into early next week. so enjoy those 70's. what we got as for roads, still a bit of a backup at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights just turned off minutes ago and we are still seeing just a touch of a slowdown getting through there. but at this time, pretty typical commute time. as for the san mateo bridge
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had a disabled vehicle in the middle of the road. tow truck is already retrieve that vehicle and conditions have improved getting close to normal yet again, richmond center fell. you're doing great. nothing to hold you up there. and the golden gate bridge. love a sunny morning and a morning without traffic either. daria. >> thanks a lot of times and to san francisco supervisors are trying to get a measure on the 2024 ballot that would help increase police staffing. the plan aims to establish a fully staffed police department within 5 years, the measure would appear on the ballot next march. and if it passes, it would establish minimum police staffing levels and a minimum funding level to ensure that at currently the city is short. more than 500 officers supervisor matt dorsey says this plan is in response to the closure of the mid market street. whole foods store as we told you earlier here on the kron 4 morning news, they announced that they are closing the called it a temporary closure. but they said because it was employees
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safety concerns about the stuff that was going on just outside the market. they didn't feel it was safe. it's 9.49. right now at and the first rule about fight club is, you know, the movie is you don't talk about fight club, but students in a florida middle school are talking about it because they say there was a fight club sanctioned by their teacher in class. brooke shafer has the story. >> a middle school teacher in florida now facing criminal charges accused of hosting fights in her classroom. 6th graders at griffin middle school near tallahassee told authorities 23 year-old teacher angel footman allowed preplanned fights to take place in her class. reportedly telling students they could have 30 seconds. no screaming, no yelling, no phones, even still videos of the fights reportedly made the rounds to parents and school administrators. the leon county sheriff's office said in videos foot man was seen
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standing near or sitting at her desk. she doesn't intervene or call for help. and he's heard only telling students no screaming, no nothing and stop pulling hair. some students according to authorities, said their teacher even asked 2 girls if they wanted to come back later for a rematch. fighting in schools across america is up. federal statistics show classroom misconduct is up by 56% since the pandemic last month, a school safety expert told news nation she believes leniency is a factor. a lack of for behavior in school. >> and a lack of has a problem that people don't feel that they're going >> to have any serious consequences for fighting. that was brooke shafer reporting for us this morning. pretty disturbing story 9.51.
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new this morning. a new pipeline has been installed under the oakland estuary and we have pictures of crews installing one of the 4 water transmission lines long mitchell avenue and alameda east bay mud. officials say they replaced an old pipeline from the 40's with a new line which they say can withstand an earthquake. and in the coming months, crews they plan to expand the pipeline to both oakland and alameda. it's 9.51 and the warriors are getting ready for the first round. >> of the playoffs and you can see there on the core practice and that was yesterday getting ready. >> for the opening round series against the sacramento kings. the main questions surrounding the series has been the status. andrew wiggins. he has not played with the team since february 13th. he's been away but whole head coach steve kerr says that it looks like he could be ready to roll on saturday. >> he's really look good this week and he's wrapping up the conditioning. and dennis, i talked to him today, said he
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was a little sore from yesterday, but otherwise feeling feeling good and a lot of good positive have come out of this past week and we'll just play it by ear as we get ready for saturday. >> i'm getting ready for saturday, too. this they call blue and there's going to be a whole thing going on in san francisco. >> at city hall today, mayor breed is going to raise a warriors flag and address warriors fans on the steps of city hall. and there's going to be a giveaway to first come first serve and that all starts at 10 o'clock. oh, my starts at 10 o'clock. oh, my gosh. i have 7 minutes to ge i came here to find love. but instead, i found a best friend. señor snuffles, you stole my sock, and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone
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as a symbol of my love? ♪ more dog ♪ (dog bark)
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i came here to find love. but instead, i found a best friend. señor snuffles, you stole my sock, and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love? ♪ more dog ♪ (dog bark)
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>> 9.55 is the time in the world video game hall of fame is going to install a 20 foot donkey kong arcade cabinet designed to be the biggest in the world on my gosh, that's pretty cool. the machine is nearly 40% larger than a real normal original machine. and it actually fully playable. and it's going to be there in july. currently, the world record is held by the texas arcade cabinet, which is 16 feet. this was going to be 20 feet. nintendo is helping with this project donkey conference hit arcades. >> back in 1981, 1981. haha. >> i was just ahead a baby. then john. and that you have seen the mario movie. they've
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got donkey heavily feature that. so now everyone knows donkey kong us even those little gen x'ers. it's definitely nice and clear out their great day to get out to the ocean yesterday i happened. bay was little bit on the windy side. >> this one not so much that we're going to stay clear through the day. winds still for solano county. most of the rest of us calming things down and our daytime highs later today pushing upwards on into the 60's mid-sixties for most of the bay area. even close to 70 for concord, antioch, napa and santa rosa beach at 68 now the weekend ahead. looks great. we've got some low 70's expected for friday saturday and sunday. that's before we cool down into early next week. so definitely get out there. capitalized on the mild next few days. daria, you know, you got outside yesterday for some, but a ball and it wasn't that bad. but it's getting even better. excellent. it's a great day to show your warriors pride to remember it is blue and gold day. >> if you can, if you haven't got dressed yet. >> grab some blue and gold show little spirit. that's what's going on in san francisco. go warriors will
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francisco. go warriors will see no matter what type of dog you have... or, cat you have... frontline® plus lets you take them everywhere... no matter how you define it. frontline®. the #1 name in flea and tick protection.
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chestfeeder, birthing body. by being more trans inclusive, are we erasing women? women are female and men are male. it's ok to say that. having female anatomy and being a woman are two different things. but what is a woman then? i'm a birthing parent. only female humans actually give birth.


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