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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  April 13, 2023 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> and thanks for waking up with here in the newsroom today. i'm darya. i'm reyna and we are excited the rest of the day. almost a little gusty i have to hold on everything yeah. we talked to sean that. >> yet another breezy one, but we are seeing winds coming down for a few spots, not as windy up here at a mount him looking down at the city yesterday was excessively windy cameras moving a little bit less just as bright, though. and really nice clear
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morning skies will remain clear all day long today. sunshine across the bay, the sierra, the rest of northern california. nice to be tapping into these clear skies. but it's also cold. so sunscreen and jackets on a day like today, redwood city fremont as well as dublin in the upper 30's right now, mountain view. our meet in oakland in the low 50's. so quite the variety of temperatures. a lot of that could be attributed to the winds are calmer spots tend to be our colder spots. breezier areas. that's where you're not quite as chilly but still brisk, vacaville fairfield as well as sonoma, our windiest areas this morning. we'll be talking about a pretty nice weekend just around the corner. still to raining. all right, john, thank you for that. let's check on those bridges this morning. hey, heading into the city right now. 17 minutes. >> so that free month's g exit, thankfully, no major accidents or on average this morning, our san mateo bridge looking good. 17 minutes, 80 to 101. so he's consistently been that since the last hour, a richmond center fell bridge 13 minutes. if you're heading out of richmond and the golden
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bridge. 37 to the tolls going to take about 24 minutes on this thursday. 801, is the time. and we do have breaking news that we're following oakland, one person. >> was shot and killed in a freeway shooting. that happened after midnight and it's on 5.80, near lakeshore avenue that this happened. look at the front windshield there. you can see the bullet hole in it of that truck that was hit by bullets. 5.80, was shut down at 14th street for about 3 hours after midnight. while police are investigating. it's since reopened. so it's open now, but we still don't have the details on the victims and the circumstances surrounding this freeway shooting. we'll keep you posted when we get more info. another big story we're following a bay area. congressman now calling for senator dianne feinstein's resignation. >> so looking valley, democratic congressman roe conn and says spice and can no longer fulfill her duties and should resign. find sign has been absent and miss dozens of votes since getting shingles in february and without her,
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the democrats don't votes to advance judicial nominees. roe conn has emphasized in a statement, here's the quote, the ruling by an extremist judge in texas has made it clear that democrats mu act with speed and urgency to confirm judicial nominees who will protect the right to an abortion. senator feinstein is unable to fulfill her duties and for the good of the people she should resign. well, what feinstein says she's not stepping down, not get will tran live in santa clara with more. so what are you learning? a lot of people are reacting this morning saying that she should stay, that she should be allowed and others are saying it is about time. senator dianne feinstein is actually waking up in san francisco. >> and not washington, d.c., and according to roe conn other people. that's the problem that she is not at work and pushing the democratic agenda for them. and she's actually getting in the way as far as judicial nominees being confirmed as
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federal judges since february. and that's when she stepped away because of shingles. she has missed 58 votes and there is no timetable on when she will return. got a chance to get reaction. a lot of people are saying it's about time for her to retire. career politicians. i think definitely shoots and term limits. i think >> if you hear if you grow up wanting to be a politician for ever, don't have the for the people. buy more for yourself. i think of we should see more average people just like jury didn't like europe that returned, you know, do your civic duty. so you think it's time for her to step down? definite. >> senator dianne feinstein has been a senator since 1992 and she would like to go all the way through next year and then retire. that's our intention. take a look at your screen. this is what she said
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late last night into the overnight hours. she said i intend to return as soon as possible. once my medical team advised us that it's safe for me to travel. in the meantime, i've asked leader schumer to ask the senate to allow another democratic senator to temporarily served until i'm able to resume my committee work and that committee is the judiciary committee. now, schumer, he has said that he will try to the fill her request and he will look into it but is not that easy because it's a multi step process. one is that they have to pass a resolution that goes to the floor and more often than not. it has to be bipartisan and republicans. they are fully aware that without feinstein or somebody fulfilling that role. but the democratic agenda cannot be fulfilled the way they would like it fulfilled. back to you. ok? thanks a lot. we'll breaking overnight. a federal appeals court has preserved access to the abortion pill.
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mifepristone. >> but the courts really reduces the period of pregnancy when the drug can actually be used. and they say that the pill can be sent out in the mail. now that ruling, which came down late last night comes after a judge in texas completely blocked the fda's approval of the drug mifepristone is the most commonly used method of abortion. the case may now be headed to the u.s. supreme court. >> it's 805, in the south bay. a san jose church has to pay more than a million dollars in covid finds. well, a judge ruled the church violated covid-19 policies during the lockdown. we have kron four's michael thomas. >> live in san jose with the latest. good morning, michael. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. you know, this is the latest ruling after this battle between santa clara county and calvary church, which is right behind me. and ultimately the judge says the church is wrong. it's not only asking them to pay more than a million dollars, but also charging the church interest. let's get into some video of the trips that we took this morning. now, according to officials have a press
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release, they say that calvary church in san jose is ordered to pay 1.2 million dollars in administrative fee fees. >> along with excuse me, which includes interest. now it all leads back to 2020 with the santa clara county says the church blatantly violated public health orders during the covid-19 pandemic. now they did so by continuously holding large indoor church services and not requiring face coverings for anyone along with little to no social distancing. >> now the church's response as those orders preventative from exercising its religious freedom and violated the constitution. now those claims were rejected by the judge with the court saying, quote, it should appear clear to all regardless of religious affiliation that wearing a mask. while we're shipping ones and god and communing with other congregants is simple. an obstructive giving way to protect others will still exercising your rights, religious freedom. unfortunately, tefendants repeatedly refused to model much less enforce this gesture, end quote. now, this
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decision from the superior court's also comes after a federal court dismissed the church's claims against the county. i left the remaining of the case to be ruled by the state. now santa clara county did put out statement saying ultimately that the pursue this entire thing, pretty much of partying to trying to keep the church held accountable for their actions of not wearing those masks. i reached out to the church, but they've kept a tight lip so far as to what their next plans would be anything else. as we get more word from we'll keep you updated. but that's very latest from san jose. i'm able assist in the back to live in the street. >> thank you, michael. >> it is 807, and happening today, the man accused of attacking a former san francisco fire commissioner is going to be in court and we want to warn you the video you might find disturbing of this fight. investigators say that garret doty assaulted former commissioner don carmignani with a metal pipe in the marina district. and you can see that here, dodi, because of this is facing charges, including assault with a
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deadly weapon. the former commissioner says that this fight started after he asked a group of men including dodi to move away from the front of his mother's home. he says they were outside consuming drugs and being aggressive to people who are passing by. but do these lawyers says that it's common. it actually started it by threatening them and then spraying dodi with pepper spray. dodi faces 7 years in prison. if he's convicted. well, it's been one week since tech executive bob lee was stabbed to death in san francisco with police. >> are staying tight-lipped about the investigation and now there is a renowned detective who is weighing in on the case conference talk to him and has those details for us. >> i can't figure it out right? i've given a lot of thought to mister lee's case like so many former san francisco homicide inspector frank bales on has been puzzling over the death of bob lee. >> the well-known tech executive was found stabbed to death in san francisco last week 1000 says how it all happened. doesn't sit right
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with him on this. this was a >> 6 iconic killer that killed just for the sheer joy. i can't figure it out 1000 spent 22 years investigating more than 300 murder cases in san francisco. >> the infamous zebra killings among them and recounted in his latest book, san francisco homicide inspector 5 henrys 7 along with the arrest of richard ramirez. the night stalker. >> we released the information, put his picture page on newspaper and news channel in the state of california within. 24 48 hours, heiress was arrested and we put. a serial killer of over 19 homicides to rest. >> but in bob lee's case, one reason he says police might be withholding information. you cannot release. >> ensuring the investigation stage things that. will hurt. you be no reason to share the information they have. that
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would point to a suspect at this stage unless they deem it necessary. but sometimes he says different departments and agencies involved in an investigation will disagreed. i remember when we're working. >> the nice stalker case and detectives down in los angeles wanted us to. not really star information and we refuse. the daily mail obtained exclusive surveillance video of lee's last moments. >> police have not commented and as to whether or not they may have more footage. >> they know what's on those films and hopefully there's some graphic evidence and they know who could possibly have done such a a crazy, insane active stabbing somebody. >> no reason has for potential witnesses. what i'm seeing in san francisco. >> there's a lot of street people out on the street. constantly. if there's any of that kind of activity in that area. >> i would think these would be people that the investigators would be talking to. somebody saw something.
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one thing he's confident and his former departments team of investigators. >> they're the ones couple put together a picture. and once they have that picture, you will know who their suspect is because they will need your help. 2 real men. >> and i did ask pounds on about what he thinks. the biggest technological edge police have these days that dna evidence he says it's like a fingerprint and some think he is confident stands a good chance of helping police track down bob least killer. and we did reach out to sfpd again. still no updates, but that's found on says that shouldn't be surprising. gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, we're talking about security guard, kevin, that she does she's speaking out who she says she does not trust. plus, we're talking pa pa regulations and that could change the way you drive your car. we'll have a live report on that from dc john and lots of sunshine out
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there. we are keeping around a bit of a breeze, not as bad as yesterday, especially along the coastline. >> this afternoon, a little warmer than yesterday and that sunshine back out in full
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>> welcome back. it is a 15 right now and we're looking at another gorgeous day, very clear out there. when i started the day and now john is tracking since 02:30am, in the morning. just a few hours. yeah. just been talking about the so trying figure out if that's an issue for us. and
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not as big of an issue as it was yesterday, at least for most areas. coit tower right now sitting under much calmer and still nice and clear skies that has been the best. the highlight of the forecast is really been the sunshine we saw yesterday today and we're going to see more of this weekend. dip in the jet stream has kicked up those winds as mention today that spread a little bit further inland, though. so a little bit less of that action near the coastline. much better day on the peninsula didn't towards the coast in general, still breezy out into the delta, especially now today it's nothing but sun from start to yinish. we do have a little touch of fog at the coast as well as in the santa clara valley. tomorrow morning. other than that, tomorrow clears really quickly. and then it's another day full of sunshine a little bit warmer than today and a little bit calmer than today, too winds the biggest issue out towards fairfield vacaville as well. sonoma elsewhere, definitely calmer and will continue to see winds relaxing through the day today. setting us up for an even calmer and warmer weekend. just around the corner just in time for the
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weekend. second weekend in a row with good conditions. the solano county area still does have a wind advisory in effect through 11:00am after that expiring. so where will our temperatures be today? a little bit warmer than yesterday. not a huge change. i'd still keep the light jackets with you, but for a lot of us, you'll be able to get outside later on today and maybe even take the jacket off. as for palo alto, 64 for your high san jose. 66 degrees east bay temperatures mostly mid 60's, although getting close to 70 for a few spots like walnut creek and concord at 68, similar in napa, antioch, as well as santa rosa. here's your look ahead. tomorrow, some low 70's back on the map and will stay that way through sunday. like i said, just in time for the weekend, some of our warmest and calmest conditions. we'll cool down into next week back into the low 60's rain. all right, john, thank you for that. sunny and breezy sounds good to me. if you're traveling this morning, maybe you're heading into the city a little under 22 minutes to make that drive this morning.
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>> mateo bridge, all of you all heading across towards peninsula. 18 minutes day we've been consistently around 18 for most of the morning. a center fell bridge still at solid 13 minutes there. and if you're taking that golden gate bridge right now, 37 to the tolls are pretty light about. 22 minutes. well, happening today, justin pearson is actually expected to be sworn in. county commissioners in memphis voted to reinstate pearson to the tennessee state house. you might remember he's one of the 2 lawmakers gop expelled last week following a gun control protests on the house floor after the elementary school shooting in nashville. representative justin jones was also expelled that the national council unanimously voted to give him back his job on monday. >> it's 18 and we have more details now this morning about the leaks. pentagon documents. yeah. reports say one of the files marked secret. >> reveals about nearly 100 special forces from the u.s. and its allies are currently
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operating in ukraine. kellie meyer has the details. u.s. special forces in ukraine. that's reportedly what leaked documents from the pentagon reveal. >> special forces from the uk and other allied countries are also on the ground. according to the documents. but they don't reveal what the forces are doing. there. national security council spokesperson john kirby telling newsnation there is a small u.s. military presence in ukraine providing embassy security services and accountability for weapons getting sent there. president biden has insisted u.s. troops will not engage in combat in ukraine in order to avoid a world war. >> our forces are not and will not be engaged in the conflict with russia in ukraine. >> the pentagon has previously admitted to u.s. troops being stationed at the u.s. embassy in ukraine. >> not on the front lines. we've been very clear. there are no combat forces in
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ukraine. no u.s. forces conducting combat operations in ukraine. these are personnel that are signed to to conduct security cooperation and assistance as part of the defense attache office. >> ukraine's defense minister now says the reports of nato forces in ukraine outside of those associated with protecting an embassy are not true. amid the fallout of the documents, defense secretary lloyd austin meeting with ukraine's prime minister. >> will this war. >> it's 8, 19 and in national news, new environmental regulations could change the way we drive the biden administration just announced set of proposed rules that would put a lot more electric vehicles on the roads. our dc correspondent hannah brandt has details. >> if the biden administration has their way, 10 years from now, most new cars will be electric. but in order for that to happen, carmakers are really going to have to speed up their green energy timelines. >> we're fighting for your
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future. the biden administration has a new ambitious plan to drive up electric vehicle sales. they're proposing strict tail pipe emission limits that would require around two-thirds of new vehicles sold in the u.s. to be electric by 2030 to today's actions will accelerate our ongoing transition to a clean vehicles. future. >> tackle the climate crisis head-on and improve their quality, put communities. they say this could be a major step in cutting greenhouse gases. but republicans called the proposal problematic. that's overly aggressive in its counterproductive. the american petroleum institute argues it would hurt both companies and consumers. it stifles competition. it stifles innovation and it really takes us on a path toward a ban. >> on the vehicles that americans rely on today. the epa can't legally mandate that companies sell a certain number of electric vehicles, but their proposed emission limits would force automakers to sell a certain percentage of 0 emission cars to avoid pricey penalties. they should
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step back and actually look at it. what's possible within the marketplace. the biden administration insist their goals are achievable and follow market trends. this is the future that the consumer demand is there. the markets are unable in. it. >> the epa says they'll have a public comment period before any of this becomes official. but they expect to finalize the rules next year in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> it's a 21. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco's board of supervisors is calling on the mayor to meet with them and find a solution to the city's drug problem and how to make neighborhoods safer. we'll take a look at
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numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen.
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help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. >> well, new this morning, the biden administration is wrapping up a week's long pushed. they're highlighting infrastructure projects as part of the president's investing in america tour. and this last group of funding got nearly 300 million dollars. that's going to give in to help repair or replace more than a dozen bridges nationwide. now the tour featured more than 50 events. 25 states saw touting infrastructure, climate manufacturer laws that were passed in the first 2 years of the administration. >> and more than a million americans are missing out on money from the government tax refunds is it's not because of the filing this year. it's from what you filed in 2019. the irs says that they still have nearly one a'd-a-half million unclaimed tax refunds from the 2019 tax season worth
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a total of one and a half billion dollars taxpayers have until july 17th to file their 2019 return and still get a refund that 2019 check may get held up, though, if you have not filed taxes in the years since. >> prices are starting to move in a better direction for consumers. the consumer price index dropped in march for the 9th straight month. prices still went up last month, but in a lower percentage than they did in february, overall, food prices went down about a 3rd of a percent. and that was largely because of eggs, which are a little bit cheaper now, that's good. economists say lower prices could signal a good direction for the economy. president biden is actually set to announce that his administration, they're expanding health care access to thousands of immigrants. >> brought to the u.s. illegally as children. the action will allow participants in the dhaka program to access government funded health insurance such as medicaid. now the 2012 dhaka program was
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meant to shield children brought to the u.s. illegally by their parents from deportation. roughly 58,000 people still enrolled in dhaka at the end of last year. a formal announcement of the new health care policy is expected later today. coming up on the kron 4 morning news mayor antioch speaking up after racist text messages from police officer released. >> one of which includes an attack on the mayor himself. we will right back after the break. people are always like, “what's retta short for?” mother teretta. [ angelic sound ] i'm a papertarian. it's like being a vegetarian, only i don't chew paper, i choose paper. because it's made from a renewable resource, which means it's the smart choice for the environment. and i should know, i used to do science. [ wink ] how many times i gotta tell you? i emptied it! empty, flatten, then recycle. i cannot with these interns. i need this job.
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>> it's a 29. we'll take a peek at the weather before you head outside to see what kind of a jacket you need this morning. jon kyl going hiking today. they're not do it to it. you got to enjoy the sunshine because we do have a lot of it in the forecast. but it's definitely com or at the coast. and it was yesterday. so the wind kept inside more. so yesterday. >> winds are starting to become less and less of a thing today. half moon bay just looks gorgeous. now where we're going to be sitting all day long is under the sunshine. so, yeah, definitely venture out there. do the sunscreen and the jacket, too, because it is kind of chilly this morning. we are down in the 40's and 50's after having fallen in the 30's, though this is an improvement that sunshine is starting to warm us up now. concord at 46 degrees, oakland and alameda at 50 51. so temperatures are moving up. our windiest spots around the delta vacaville pretty breezy right now. 34 miles per hour wind gusts definitely on the calmer side. elsewhere. so, yes, get out
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there. but with the roads, be that getting so far. so good. okay in that. like if you want to hike in the city, it's going to take about 18 minutes, though, may so that free much the exit once you get there. >> maybe your guard had over cross towards peninsula. you want a little hike over there. 18 min around 80 to 101. now you're richmond center fell bridge. thankfully that is going down. that looks really good. 11 minutes. their tolls to 101. and if you are going to have it on the golden gate bridge, 37 to the tolls. take you about 22 minutes on this thursday morning. it's 8.30, and kron. 4 security guard kevin nishita's widow is speaking out saying she doesn't trust alameda county da pamela price to get her family justice and the shooter was shot while on assignment in oakland, in da pamela price. >> continues to face criticism even after sitting down with kron 4 news to talk about the recent allegations that are mounting against her kron. 4 sarah stinson has details. >> it's been a year and a half since losing her husband,
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kevin, to a shooting. virginia nishita says she wants alameda county district attorney pamela price off the case. kevin is the victim where the victims, the survivors, a cabin. >> and he needs justice. i have no confidence or trust pamela price that will happen. so she does need to be recalled. kevin nishita was a security guard for kron. 4 news. he was shot and killed while protecting one of our reporters in oakland. >> in november 2021, 2 of the 3 suspects have been arrested for the killing shuttle mitchell and hershel hale are awaiting trial. virginia tells me she's worried about what's to come as she still hasn't heard from price's office. and that worries me. >> when nancy o'malley was in office, i was getting calls once a month or more. >> a spokesperson from the da's office says misses in the cheetah should be in contact with a victim. witness
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advocate advocates are there to support victims throughout the court process and keep them up to date. and that price has not had the chance to review the issue. case as there are thousands of cases, the office is reviewing on a case-by-case basis priced in an exclusive interview with kron 4 news, virginia says she became even more upset after hearing price on pursuing alternatives to prison time and not adding enhancements when charging defendants. imagine if you. >> we're a new manager coming into a retail store and you found that people were giving refunds to everybody. and you said, wait, let's have a policy about who gets a refund. and before you give a refund, let's have you check with your supervisor. woman's life was more than a refund policy. >> but pamela price, you need to hold these criminals. they have long records. they have done crime. they have been doing crime for years. they
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need to get off the streets so that people in alameda people in the bay area can feel. >> virginia says price seems to be advocating more for the defendants and she is for the victim's family. >> this has what do you think? spare? because this is his life now right here. so you tell me those 3 guys, should they have? so the 5 years to life? yes. the answer is yes. >> well, that was kron 4. sarah stinson reporting for us this morning. and now there is a status hearing next week for the 2 men accused of killing issued a trial date could be set for then. virginia says she plans to be there for every single court hearing until justice is served. and here the district attorneys defense of the criticism that she's facing. you can go to our website at kron 4 dot com. it's a 34 and other developing news this morning. san francisco's board of
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supervisors president wants to invite mayor london breed to discuss the rampant use of drugs on the streets of san francisco. aaron peskin the president of the board of supervisors wants to host the board's next mayor q a session at the united nations plaza, which is where he says there's a humanitarian crisis. this after the whole foods market that you see there on market street was closed down because they were so concerned about safety. peskin says that they have resources to make the city safer. approving 25 million dollars in police overtime. and he says now is the time the board needs to hold the mayor accountable. >> we need to do more than just declare that something is a crisis we need to act like it's a crisis. the focus public attention of the media attention on the loss of many lives due to drug overdoses on open air drug doing by bringing the board of supervisors and the mayors of this location it is going to help make it safe.
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>> peskin expects the meeting to happen. he sings on may 23rd. it could be sooner though. he says and he's open to moving future meetings to other areas in the city like 60, the mission, which has similar problems. in the east bay may and i mayor lamar thorpe is now speaking up after the release of races. text messages. >> allegedly sent between police officers, one of the tax even targets. the mayor crawford says magoon has the story and we want to warn you some of the here we find offensive. >> i will bury that n word in my field. it was a heart are on purpose, unquote. well, make these inwards beat expletive. you're looking at just 2 of the text messages containing racially explicit language allegedly sent between some officers of the antioch police you know, these are not alleged text messages. these are the text messages. >> in terms of the public, you know, i can only continue to
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reassure the public that we're working towards building a stronger, better department. antioch police officers are witnesses in a murder case in contra costa county. the text a part of a 21 page. investigative report by the da's office. >> filled with derogatory, homophobic and sexually explicit language and photographs. last friday, a contra costa superior court judge read the names of the 14 antioch police officers into the record and ruled in favor of disclosing the information in the report to the defense kron. 4 has obtained a copy of the report and one text exchange and apd officer writes he will buy someone a prime rib dinner at the house of prime rib if they shoot mayor lamar thorpe with a less lethal projectiles. >> a resident should be concerned. absolutely. this isn't funny. this isn't a joke. this isn't we're at a serious crossroads at the city of antioch. you're either with racist or you're not anti out. mayor lamar thorpe wants the city council to have the
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police department's internal affairs did you want to audit? let's get an audit of your text messages. some in attendance during tuesday night's council meeting took issue tempers flared between this man and thor during the public comment portion dog whistle racism. >> apologist for what's absolutely want to go so i just want clarify what happened there. well, let's start with >> clarify, i ask anybody to step outside. he said let's step outside and i responded with we want to step outside. i saw responding to him. >> however, despite major concern about the text messages by officers in the police department, some of those same officers are also the subject of an fbi probe and the tension surrounding the subject of race in antioch. we have thorpe says he remains hopeful. >> i have confidence that this city has has gone through a lot and it's 150 year history.
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>> has it made you want 4 news? >> time now is 8.38, coming up. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. a wife in southern california caught on camera appearing to put drain know in her husband's morning tea. we'll take a look at the explanation that her defense explanation that her defense is making.
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at olive garden, nobody loves alfredo quite like we do. we make it from scratch so you can enjoy it poured, twirled, or dipped. with our one-of-a-kind alfredo the possibilities are endless. white house is sounding the alarm about a dangerous new form of fentanyl. >> that is spreading across
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the country. the new drugs are mixed with an animal tranquilizer called xylazine it's a medication that is used by veterinarians and now it's found its way into illegal drug market. experts say that it can slow breathing and heart rates to low levels that it can kill someone. in fact, it's been linked to more than 3,000 deaths in 2021. alone. the white house is now calling this mixture of drugs, an emerging threat. and that designation will allow the federal government to devote more time and resources to stopping the spread of that drug. well, we're following the fentanyl crisis across the nation and the bay area kron 4 dot com. you can. >> go ahead and scan that qr code on your screen. it's going to take you to our new page called focus on fentanyl. there. you can actually track the latest information you can see stories that our reporters are working on over on that website. still to come on the kron 4 morning news. i'm talking about those winter
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storms. >> it created a lot of potholes in the roads around the bay area. we'll show you the progress. caltrans is making trying fix them. we'll be right back.
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(swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) affordable design. endless possibilities. ikea. >> well, this year storms of actually turn the bay area roads into pothole central. you've probably seen them. crews have been working and trying to fix him around the clock kron four's. dan thorn reports thousands of actually been fixed already. >> well, if it feels like this year is worse for potholes,
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you're probably not wrong. caltrans says they've had to fill more than 4200 just here in santa clara county alone. and nearly half that amount in alameda county >> a pothole here. another one there. this year's series of atmospheric rivers putting a pounding on bay area freeways and roads more than 14,000 potholes have been filled in the region in just over 4 months in the bay area. we have seen an impressive amount of starting earlier this year until last month that this makes for challenging conditions to our transportation infrastructure. pedro quintana with caltrans district 4 says even rare snowfall in some areas created challenges for crews. the numbers since january show, a huge amount of potholes that were reported to and filled in by caltrans santa clara county has had more than 4200 alameda county. nearly 2200 solano, almost 2100 and the list goes on from there in total, more
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than 14,000 of the tire popping problems have popped up. as for the drastic amount in santa clara county, tim thomas says there's a few factors, including reporting by drivers safety, he says is their number one priority. it's our highways are causing you know, headaches for motorists were to go out there, respond, make sure that those repairs right away. >> the dry stretch we're in now makes it ideal for caltrans crews to do the repairs. >> but that does not mean all potholes have been filled in the agency suggests drivers pay attention while out on the roads and continue reporting any issues. i think many motorists who will drive our we know what they see. >> there's visual it so much asked them to please just go out there. for those calls for us. >> as for people whose car or motorcycle was damaged by a pothole on a freeway or a state highway, they can file a damage claim with caltrans
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online, but there is no guarantee they will be paid reporting in san jose. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> all right. well, they were saying they had to wait, you know, to we've got good weather to fill the panel. continuing to get good weather, potholes central. that's an interesting turn edge on some call it spring. some call it. is whether it really has been a lot out there. one spot. i don't think we dip too many polls as the golden gate bridge. at least i hope not because it looks gorgeous this morning for anyone making a crossing there. the potholes were the downside. all that wet weather. the biggest positive was the drought improvements. and it's thursday. so, you know, that means a new drought monitor released. this was the start of the season. mind you. 99 1% of the state was under some form of drought. >> now only 8% of the state is and that includes just a little bit of drought hanging on across the northern tier, california in the eastern deserts. most areas like the valley, the bay area and the sierra completely out of it and seeing a little less due to a few showers that we had
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last week, which help the drought monitor out even further. now, skies are clear. so we're not going to be seeing any chances of rainfall in this forecast, at least for the rest of the week. probably not a lot of updates to the drought monitor for next week. just clear, cool and breezy yesterday was especially windy. today. we're actually going to be a little bit warmer and a liptle less windy. so your forecast is steadily improving as we make ourselves a little closer to the weekend here tomorrow, you could see a few spots of fog towards the coast of the santa clara valley. couple of pockets up around 101, in sonoma county. but those skies will clear really quickly. and friday's going to be another really clear day saturday, a few clouds to start the day and then clearing later on in the day saturday, talking about winds calming down already at the coast and along the bay shore areas like vacaville fairfield, sonoma, our windiest spots this morning. even those areas will see a relaxing of winds towards the afternoon. and as you can see, solano county does still have a wind advisory only through 11:00am this morning. as for temperatures today, a little
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less cool than yesterday. so temperatures up only a few degrees. that's enough to get lot of the peninsula back up into the sixties today. areas like san carlos in mountain view, you are in the upper 50's yesterday. today it's mid 60's south bay temps also in the mid 60's for your daytime highs as will also be the case for most of the east bay walnut creek and concord. among our warmest spots at 68, same in antioch, napa, as well as santa rosa. looking ahead tomorrow as temperatures start a trend of low 70's that continues through the weekend. lots of sun this weekend and then a bit of a cool down into early next week as fe drop back into the low 60's by monday. all right, john, thank you for that. we're checking on those bridges this morning for all of you traveling into the city. look at this. we're down to about. >> 60 minutes. that's really great news there. our san mateo bridge, you are building a looks like we have a little disabled vehicle there, left lane. 21 minutes for you. traveling from a 80 to 101, or to center fell bridge. put you at about 10 minutes, steyer, and taking the golden gate
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bridge. 37 to the tolls. 22 minutes on this thursday. >> it's a 50 and a california dermatologists is accused of poisoning her husband and she came face-to-face with him in court. and it's right. that has been set up a camera inside the house called his wife in the act. yet nancy loo with that story, the evidence at the heart of the case. images of doctor emily, you pouring liquid from a bottle into the morning. tea allegedly served her husband on at least 3 occasions. >> jack chen at set up a hidden camera in the family's irvine home recording hours of video last summer after suspecting she was tampering with his daily drink. he started to experience a like a roth wrote. >> and just general stomach upset and all which was a new set of symptoms for him. okay. >> the estranged couple in court together on tuesday for divorce proceedings captured by the daily mail dot com
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along with a contentious divorce doctor. you is also facing 4 felony counts after a grand jury indictment last week by having battle into 3 counts of poisoning themselves. but also recognizing. >> but it's an act of domestic violence and they've actually charged her with that. that is account. >> but doctor hughes team questions why chen went to a divorce attorney with his recordings before going to police. they claim doctor, you was actually using an unconventional method to deal with an ant infestation. one attorney tells newsnation. the video is no smoking gun, but actually a set up by chen that he had instructed you to mixed and sugar to leave out in order to attract and drown ants. the attorney adds is not a covert poisoning agent. it has a strong smell and taste and is highly caustic. doctor us looking forward to her day in court when the truth will finally come out. well, that was nancy loo reporting for us now. emily, you is set to be arraigned on april 18th and
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actually faces more than 8 years in prison. it's 8.52. and coming up on the kron, 4 morning news middle school teacher, there is one that is now facing a federal charge after her students say. >> she would allow them to fight in class will have details on the real-life fight club. people are always like, “what's retta short for?” mother teretta. [ angelic sound ] i'm a papertarian. it's like being a vegetarian, only i don't chew paper, i choose paper. because it's made from a renewable resource, which means it's the smart choice for the environment. and i should know, i used to do science. [ wink ] how many times i gotta tell you? i emptied it! empty, flatten, then recycle.
8:54 am
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and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. >> 8.55 and the warriors are
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get ready for their first round of the playoffs. here they are practicing yesterday prepping for their opening round series against the sacramento kings and the main questions surrounding the series has been the status of andrew wiggins. he hasn't played since february 13th as he was away from the team. that head coach steve kerr ready to go on saturday. ld be - >> he's really look good this week and he's wrapping up the conditioning. and dennis, i talked to him today, said he was a little sore from yesterday, but otherwise feeling feeling good and a lot of good positive have come out of this past week and we'll just play it by ear as we get ready for saturday. >> and the game is in sacramento at five-thirty. but we're showing our spirit right now today because it's also blue and at city hall said it does go today. it is mayor london breed's going to actually raise of lawyers flag and then address the warriors fans on the steps city hall. going to be a good day. and the lawyers are also going to surprise fans with a giveaway on the first come first serve
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basis. yeah, that starts at 10 o'clock this morning. don't poke an eye out. it's 56 right now. coming up, more calls coming in for senator dianne feinstein to resign. we're going hear why some democrats wanted to. >> and the san jose church has to pay more than a million dollars in fines. we'll tell you why in a live report. plus, a federal appeals court has preserved access to an abortion pill, but there are a lot of stipulations.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us here on thursday morning. april 13th and i'm darya here with john. >> a small crew in the newsroom for this hour. good morning. yeah. we decided to come a switch. things up a little bit on ya. not a lot of switch ups in the weather today that we're keeping things pretty steady compared to yesterday. today will be a little bit calmer and a little bit warmer, which are 2 things i think you're going to enjoy as you're venturing out golden gate bridge, a little less wobbly, the camera anyways because there's less wind pushing around this morning. you've got all the sunshine still across the bay area from the coast to our inland areas. now, as far as temperatures go, we started the morning with some 30's and 40's. right now it's back up to the 40's and 50's. temperatures are climbing pretty quickly. and
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