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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  April 13, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. and thanks for tuning in and joining us on a thursday in the newsroom today because we're doing a little construction work. i'm darya and i'm reyna. we've been talking about the weather over the past few days. i've tried to get outside just about every day and our yeah, gorgeous. gorgeous. the bochy ball happened last night. john, everybody everything. because and the wind gets in the way the gulf is difficult. yeah, the golf might be a little affected by those winds which isn't as bad at the coast today. anyway, as we've seen a little bit of relaxing of it in half moon bay, which yesterday at this time was looking at 40 plus mile per hour. wind gusts. >> now it's little calmer out there. and just as clear as it was yesterday, too, love the sunshine that we've been to happening to the past 2 mornings. we've got plenty of that ahead of us for the rest of the day today as well with dry skies all across the bay
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area, the sierra northern california in general now 30's 40's for current temperatures. w jackets on kind of morning. fremont, livermore, dublin, all at 39 degrees right now. oakland, europe, 48 degrees for your current temperature knapp about our warmest spot at 50 degrees. currently. now we all are breezy, but definitely windy out there for sonoma, napa, vacaville and fairfield by far windiest spots, a little calmer elsewhere and when should continue to calm down through the day today, i'm going to be breaking down. everything you need to know for your thursday as well as the weekend. still to come raining. all right, john, thank you for that. let's hit the road today. traveling into the city this morning. meter lights on that 17 minutes. thankfully, no major delays there. our san mateo start to slow down a bit. 17 minute run 80 to 101. the richmond center put you at about 11 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the toll is going to about 21 minutes on this thursday morning. it's 701. and we have breaking news that we're following out of oakland. one
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person. >> was killed in a freeway shooting that happened around midnight on 5.80, near lakeshore avenue. look at the bullet hole right there through the front windshield of the truck. you can see it there. 5.80, was shut down at 14th street for about 3 hours early this morning. while police investigated it has since been reopened. police do not believe there are any other victims. they're still working to gather more details about what happened. we'll keep you posted as soon as we get more info. we'll share it. turning now to another big story we're following a bay area. congressman is calling for senator dianne feinstein resignation. silicon valley democratic congressman ro khanna says that feinstein can no longer fulfill her duties and she should step down. will feinstein has been absent and miss dozens of votes since getting shingles in february and >> without her, they don't have enough votes to advance judicial nominees emphasizes in statement saying, quote, the ruling by an extremist judge in texas made it clear the democrats must act with speed and urgency to confirm
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judicial nominees who will protect the right to an abortion. senator feinstein is unable to fulfill her duties and for the good of the people she should resign. and that's where we go. live outside to crawford's will trend. that's in santa clara county and say she's not be stepping down low. i'm talking to people this morning and when person that we did talk to just about 2 minutes ago, she said >> it is time for dianne feinstein to step down. but if you talk to senator dianne feinstein, she says she's not going anywhere despite the pressure mounting, she wants to retire on her own terms and go all the way through 2024 before she retires, she's been a senator since 1992. that center that dianne feinstein, she has missed 58 votes since leaving in february. and that's just 2 months with a lot of more votes still ahead and no timetable, guys on when she will return. she did say
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that she is willing to help the democratic party. this statement came out late last night. so take a look at your screen. roe is not the only one saying this. other lawmakers are also saying this. so senator dianne feinstein sent this out. she says i intend to return as soon as possible. once my medical team advises that it's safe for me to travel. in the meantime, she goes on to say i've asked leader chuck schumer to ask the senate to allow another democratic senator to temporarily serve until i'm able to resume my committee work now. the committee that she is talking about is the judiciary committee, which is in charge of trying to pass some of the democratic nominees for a federal judge. and that is important. yes, we do follow the supreme court justices, but there are other federal judges that get nominated and look to move into their positions. but without or the democratic party can not do that. chuck schumer says he will look into it and that he
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will try to but feel her request. her wishes. but it's not that easy, guys because it goes to a resolution. and once it gets into a goes to the floor where it has to be bipartisan and don't think for a second. republicans are not aware of this that her absence actually hurts the democratic party if there is a chance, ccording to some experts that they will not agree to a replacement and basically stalling all of this. we will wait and see. but i can tell you, senator dianne feinstein, she is waking up in san francisco and according to pro and other people. that's the problem. she's not waking up in washington, d.c., to go to work, ok? all right. thanks a lot for the latest update there. thank you. will. >> well, breaking overnight, a federal appeals court has preserve access to the abortion pill mife-pristone, but the courts really reduces the period of pregnancy when that truck can actually be used, says that that people
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can be sent out in the mail. the ruling which came down late last night comes after a judge in texas completely blocked the fda's approval of the drug. well, mifepristone is the most commonly used method of abortion. the case may now be headed to the u.s. supreme court. in the south bay. a san jose church has to pay more than a million dollars in covid find. la judge ruled that the church violated covid-19 policies during that lockdown. kron four's michael thomas live in san jose with the latest. michael, what are you learning out there? >> yeah, good morning. well, we're still waiting to learn more. but what we do know is that this is the latest ruling over this year's long battle between santa clara county and calvary church here in san jose. and that outcome like reyna said 1 million dollars in fines, but also they're charging the church interest ultimately saying that the church was in the wrong. let's get into some video that we took this morning of the church. now, according to a press release from county officials, they see the calvary church in san jose is going to be ordered to pay 1.2 million dollars in administrative fees which also
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includes interest and all leads back to 2020 when the santa clara county says the church blatantly violated public health orders during the covid-19 pandemic. now they did that by constantly holding large indoor church services and not requiring face coverings for anyone along with little to no social distancing the church in response said that those orders prevented from exercising its religious freedom and violated the constitution. however, those claims were rejected by the judge with the courts saying this, quote, take a look. it should appear clear to all regardless of religious affiliation that wearing a mask while worshiping ones, god and communing with and other with other congrats is simple unobtrusive giving way to protect others will still exercising their right to religious freedom. unfortunately, defendants repeatedly refused to model much less enforced. this gesture. now, this decision from the superior court's also comes after a federal court dismissed the church's claims
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against the county, but that remainder of the case to be ruled by the state court. now, santa clara county officials also said that ultimately this entire case was really about holding the church accountable for its actions during that time, adding that its always focus has been the people here in the county and their safety. >> during the pandemic, i did reach out to the church this morning. i tried to go into talks, somebody just to see if they had any responses to what their next move would be. but i have not heard anything back says we get more details regarding that. we'll keep you updated. i'll send it back to you guys live in the newsroom this morning. >> all right. thanks a lot, michael 7 is the time and happening today, the man accused of attacking a former san francisco fire commissioner is going to be in court and we want to warn you. >> the video of this may may find it disturbing. take a look. investigators say that garret doty is the one with the pipe and he's assaulting former commissioner don carmignani with that pipe in the marina district. so for that dhoni faces charges of assault with a deadly weapon.
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the former commissioner says that this fight started after he asked the men, including dodi to move away from the front of his mother's home because he said they were using drugs and they're being aggressive to the people that were passing by. but do these splawyer says the car and got i actually started by threatening the men and spraying dodi with pepper spray. dhoni faces 7 years in prison. if he's convicted. >> well, it's been one week since tech executive bob lee was actually stabbed to death in san francisco. but you have police. they're staying pretty tight-lipped about that investigation. now, a re. now detective is weighing in on the case gayle ong talk to him and has that story. >> i can't figure it out right? i've given a lot of thought to mister lee's case like so many former san francisco homicide inspector frank bales on has been puzzling over the death of bob lee. >> the well-known tech executive was found stabbed to death in san francisco last week 1000 says how it all happened. doesn't sit right with ham on this. this was a >> 6 iconic killer that killed
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just for the sheer joy. i can't figure it out 1000 spent 22 years investigating more than 300 murder cases in san francisco. >> the infamous zebra killings among them and recounted in his latest book, san francisco homicide inspector 5 henrys 7 along with the arrest of richard ramirez. the night stalker. >> we released the information, put his picture page on newspaper and news channel in the state of california within. 24 48 hours, heiress was arrested and we put. a serial killer of over 19 homicides to rest. >> but in bob lee's case, one reason he says police might be withholding information. you cannot release. >> in 2 in the investigation stage things that. will hurt. you be no reason to share the information they have. that would point to a suspect at
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this stage unless they deem it necessary. but sometimes he says different departments and agencies involved in an investigation will disagreed. i remember when we're working. >> the nice stalker case and detectives down in los angeles wanted us to. not really star information and we refuse. the daily mail obtained exclusive surveillance video of lee's last moments. >> police have not commented and as to whether or not they may have more footage. >> they know what's on those films and hopefully there's some graphic evidence and they know who could possibly have done such a a crazy, insane active stabbing somebody. >> no reason has for potential witnesses. what i'm seeing in san francisco, there's a lot of street people out on the street. constantly. if there's any of that kind of activity in that area. >> i would think these would be people that the investigators would be talking to. somebody saw something. one thing he's confident and
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his former departments team of investigators. >> they're the ones couple put together a picture. and once they have that picture, you will know who their suspect is because they will need your help. 2 real men. >> and i did ask pounds on about what he thinks. the biggest technological edge police have these days that dna evidence he says it's like a fingerprint and some think he is confident stands a good chance of helping police track down bob least killer. and we did reach out to sfpd again. still no updates, but that's found on says that shouldn't be surprising. gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> it's 7.11, and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are calling on governor newsom to invest more money in preventing youth violence. we'll have details on what they want. and san jose police arrested almost 2 dozen people for assault charges. >> and they think there may be more victims out there. we'll tell you what we know about these cases.
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wendy's $3 breakfast deal is the kind of breakfast that really sticks with you. [egg cracks!] ♪ [bacon sizzling] ♪ tyler: her breakfast. hey buddy. ahh... your choice of breakfast, croissant plus seasoned potatoes- for just $3 bucks. choose wisely, choose wendy's $3 breakfast deal >> 7.14, right now and a lot of chad has been about sunscreen when i've been out and everybody's just get used to it again the sunscreen and also those jackets show that we can't ditch just yet. and no sunscreen and jack is the sunscreen jacket kind of day. it is a little cool out there. we're in the 30's and 40's right now. but the sun is out in full force.
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>> not as windy as yesterday. look at that. just a little breeze there on the flag at pier 15. we are going to be seeing our windiest conditions today up in solano county. not so much out along the coastline. as for where we're at in the big picture set up still dealing with this dip in the jet stream. that is cool. things off resulted in the breezy conditions that we've had yesterday was a good one to be out there. i also apply the sunscreen spent some time outside today. temperatures will be a bit more mild justice. a get both the light jacket and the sunscreen back out tomorrow morning. you may see a spot of fog up and down the coastline in the santa clara valley as well as up on 101, in marin and sonoma counties. it won't last, though, and predominantly another clear day tomorrow from start to finish saturday. i'm expecting a touch more fog on the map during your morning hours. now we mentioned those winds definitely com or at the coast and along the bay shore, breezy up here in the delta 30, 40 miles per hour. wind gusts and fairfield vacaville as well as even sonoma. so still breezy in those spots
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but should calm down steadily as the day goes by. we do have a high wind advisory for solano county only in effect until 11:00am this morning. aside from that, temperatures are starting to climb. yesterday was our coolest day today still kind of cool at the coastline, but seeing more 60's rather than 50's for the peninsula. that's going bring you back into the upper 60's today. the south bay temperatures, san jose at 66 mid 60's to upper 60's for the east bay oakland at 64. what walnut creek, concord, pittsburg, antioch, fairfield, and vacaville, as well as napa and santa rosa. all at 68 degrees tied for our warmest spots today. tomorrow, saturday and sunday. we've got some 70's mostly in our inland areas. lots of sunshine and calmer weather. good news for the weekend. in the outdoor plans. you have next week will cool things down just a little bit right now. all right, john, thank you for that. let's go and check on your bridges this morning. if you're heading into the city right now. >> but a 19 minute ride may so that fremont street exit our
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san mateo bridge a little under 20 minutes, 80 to 101. thankfully, no accidents fear if you are going to be hitting 9 of those bridges taking a richmond center fell bridge a little under 14 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls and take a 21 minutes on this thursday morning. it's 7.17, and for your money this morning, restaurant prices are rising faster than grocery prices and >> how expensive is it? in california started new business. jane king is live at the nasdaq with those stories and more. good morning, james. haidar a good morning. so california actually in the middle of states for the cost of starting a simplify says. >> well, california has one of the highest corporate tax rates. it has one of the cheapest new business filing fees. california also had one of the highest average salaries for small business employees. well, restaurant prices outpace grocery prices over the past year, march food prices overall were up 8% over the last 12 months field by a jump in the cost of eating away from home. and the postal
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service is upping first-class stamp prices to $0.66 and it blames inflation. stamp prices have nearly doubled over the past 2 decades, increasing from $0.37 in 2002 and warner brothers, discovery unveiled a new flagship streaming service called max. it will combine programming from hbo max and discovery. the company's new bubble service will launch on may 23rd. it will cost between 10 and $20 a month live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king. i that another service like any at all. and they too okay. >> thanks, rob. see later right? well, tuesday versus the supervisors are trying to get a measure on the 2024 ballot that would help increase police staffing. >> that proposal would actually aim to establish a fully staffed. police department was about 5 years. the measure would appear on the ballot next march. if it passes, it would establish minimum police staffing levels as well as a minimum funding
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level to ensure that the standards are met. currently, the city is short. more than 500 officers supervisor matt dorsey said the proposal is in response to the closure of the mid market. hosso stu food store earlier this week the store announced it was closing because of employee safety concerns. well, we're talking about a nationwide study and it looked at how some cities in the u.s. are starting to bounce back a bit after the pandemic, san francisco actually came in dead last researchers looked at about 62 cities across the u.s. and canada. the study by the institute of governmental studies public policy research center says san francisco is last because it has a large number of tech workers and most of them, they still work remotely yet. really long commutes and other problems getting more workers to return to the office. so they took a look at factors such as office vacancy rates, public transportation ridership in retail spending. as for who took that number one spot.
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yeah. that with the salt lake city whose economy is considered most likely a bounce on right back. it's 7.20, and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are imploring governor newsom to extend funding for a program aimed at preventing youth violence. >> los angeles reggie jones, sawyer is the author of the bill, which is called the safe act that calls for 50 million dollars to continue funding for california's youth investment grant, which pays for services across the state aimed at reducing use arrest through interventions and diversion programs. >> recognizing that successful the wire g program has on youth communities public safety more. it is imperative that the safe act. passes this year. >> this multimillion dollar investment in california's future for youth should be bipartisan and it should be something all californians can come together on. it's common sense. and again, that this is for our youth and that they're
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going to be our future. so we should be there for them. >> the current funding for the use reinvestment grant expires in june. president biden is set to announce that his administration they're going to be expanding health care access to thousands of immigrants brought to the u.s. illegally as children. now the action is going to allow participants in the dhaka program to access government funding health insurance such as medicaid. the 2012 dhaka program is meant to show children brought to the u.s. illegally by their parents from deportation. yeah. roughly 58,000 people still enrolled in dhaka at the end of last year. a formal announcement of that new health care policy is expected later on today. coming up after the break, we're talking about e-cigarette maker jewel and they are and up in a lawsuit legend the company targeted under age users. >> we'll right back after the >> we'll right back after the break.
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most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. >> it's 7.24 on the peninsula. san mateo county is opting to not help federal officials with enforcing immigration law. the county's board of supervisors voted 4 to one to approve an ordinance that prevents county agencies, commissions and employees from using county money and resources to help agencies s ch as u.s. immigration and customs or ice. the ordinance also prohibits sharing information with immigration authorities and grande access to detention facilities unless required by a federal warrant or a court decision. the board
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has to vote on the ordinance a second time before it's officially adopted. e-cigarette maker juul labs. they actually agreed to pay over 460 million dollars to 6 states, including california. settlement comes after the state sued the san francisco company claiming that they marketed vaping products to underage users. joel is also being ordered to stop targeting young people in their ads. >> standing here today with a message to e-cigarette and vaping manufacturers. if you set your sights on our children's, we will set our sights parents in california and the nation here. this we want that the cigarette companies for children, with their dangerous marketing strategies could get away with it. >> some of the money will go towards e-cigarette research, education and enforcement and jewel not yet responded to requests for comment just yet. time now is 7.26. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the wife of kron, 4 security guard. >> kevin nishita and he was
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killed in oakland. as you know, she doesn't trust the alameda county da to get her alameda county da to get her justice. life is uncertain. it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried or frustrated. calhope can help access, calhope free and secure mental health resources today. call our warm line at 833-317-4673 or livechat at people are always like, “what's retta short for?” mother teretta. [ angelic sound ] i'm a papertarian. it's like being a vegetarian, only i don't chew paper, i choose paper. because it's made from a renewable resource, which means it's the smart choice for the environment. and i should know, i used to do science. [ wink ] how many times i gotta tell you? i emptied it! empty, flatten, then recycle. i cannot with these interns. i need this job. numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers.
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call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. >> 7.28 is the timing on a thursday morning. want to get a peek at the weather. good morning. had good morning dollar wonder why we're up here. hey, to do a little construction downstairs. so we'll be up here. you can the newsroom. easy. end of the
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city. it's kind of john. yeah, it's nice to be a little more. social cause was around everyone right now and that were also surrounded by a lot of sunshine. and we actually of windows up here in the newsroom, which is nice looking out there at half. moon bay, not fun, but those clear skies. gorgeous. gorgeous morning. >> a little calmer afternoon bay than we saw yesterday when it was so windy out there. skies clear from the coast all the way inland and we're staying nice and dry from the sierra. >> northern california down south as well as for temperatures, it is cold right now. morgan hill, fremont livermore and dublin are in the upper 30's. you've got some low 50's in just a couple spots like napa, right at 50 degrees this afternoon. not going to be quite as chilly as yesterday afternoon was. so we're starting to see conditions improving gradually warming into the weekend. our windiest spots this morning are up in wine country as well as out into the delta vacaville. 36 mile per hour. wind gusts in over 30 miles per hour. wind gusts calmer at the coast and along the bay shore and overall calming down into the weekend. i've got the
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details on that forecast. still ahead. all all right, john, let's go ahead. check on the bridges this morning. they've been slowly building about 22 minutes. last time we checked in, we're at 17 minutes. so that freeman street exit. >> if you're going to take the san mateo bridge right now, still a little sluggish. thankfully, no accidents on this bridge, though. 17 minutes for you traveling. you want to one. a richmond center fell bridge 14 minutes. so definitely slower than we were about an hour or so ago at about 10 minutes and the golden gate bridge not terribly slow along 101, in the north bay. 37 to the tolls going to about 24 minutes on this thursday. it's 7.30, in kron. 4 security guard. kevin, she does. widow is speaking out saying she does not trust alum in his county district attorney pamela price. >> to find justice for her husband on the sheet was shot while on assignment in oakland, in da, pamela price continues to face criticism. >> even after sitting down with kron 4 news too address the recent allegations that have been building against her kron 4. sarah stinson has details.
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>> it's been a year and a half since losing her husband, kevin, to a shooting. virginia nishita says she wants alameda county district attorney pamela price off the case. kevin is the victim where the victims, the survivors, a cabin. >> and he needs justice. i have no confidence or trust pamela price that will happen. so she does need to be recalled. kevin nishita was a security guard for kron. 4 news. he was shot and killed while protecting one of our reporters in oakland. >> in november 2021, 2 of the 3 suspects have been arrested for the killing shuttle mitchell and hershel hale are awaiting trial. virginia tells me she's worried about what's to come as she still hasn't heard from price's office. and that worries me. >> nancy o'malley was in office, i was getting calls once a month or more. >> a spokesperson from the
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da's office says misses in the cheetah should be in contact with a victim. witness advocate advocates are there to support victims throughout the court process and keep them up to date. and that price has not had the chance to review the issue. case as there are thousands of cases, the office is reviewing on a case-by-case basis priced in an exclusive interview with kron 4 news, virginia says she became even more upset after hearing price on pursuing alternatives to prison time and not adding enhancements when charging defendants. imagine if you. >> we're a new manager coming into a retail store and you found that people were giving refunds to everybody. and you said, wait, let's have a policy about who gets a refund. and before you give a refund, let's have you check with your supervisor. woman's life was more than a refund policy. but pamela price. >> you need to hold these criminals. they have long records. they have done crime.
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they have been doing crime for years. they need to get off the streets so that people in alameda people in the bay area can feel. >> virginia says price seems to be advocating more for the defendants and she is for the victim's family. >> this has what do you think? spare? because this is his life now right here. so you tell me those 3 guys, should they have 75 years to life? yes. the answer is yes. >> well, that was kron 4. sarah stinson reporting for us this morning. there is a status hearing next week for the 2 men accused of killing a cheetah and a trial date could be set. virginia says that she plans to be there for every single court hearing until justice is served to hear the district attorney defend the criticism that she faces jnd watch the full interview. you can go to kron 4 dot com.
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happening today, 37 year-old oscar ariana will be laid to rest after he was shot and killed last week in pleasant hill, a community memorial was held in concord yesterday for the popular bartender. police say he was killed last week while just trying to stop an argument outside of farrington's bar. we have several witnesses. they have identified a shooting suspect. no arrests have been announced more than $25,000 has now been raised for his family. it's 7.34, in the south bay. 22 offenders have been arrested in san jose just in the last month. take a look. police arrested 21 men and one woman and the crimes range from misdemeanor assault. a felony cases of assault of a minor and rape and these assaults date back as far as 2012 and go right up until february of this year. people have committed these crimes are now behind bars and it's the first step. >> towards giving those survivors a bit of hope and understanding enclosure to
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their cases. >> only 3 of the 22 people arrested were outside of san jose. 2 of them were in arizona. police are afraid there could be more victims. so they're asking anybody who has information to contact the san jose police department. you see workers took to the picket lines outside of ucsf on wednesday. it was one of a series of rallies aimed at getting higher wages. >> workers say they want pay hikes to keep pace with inflation and for the uc system to build housing near the camps where they work. you have union reps arguing that the uc system you can find money for a big pay raise. and for the chancellor, along with questionable investments. but they say their workers are among the lowest paid. >> i would like the university to divest from blackstone and you know, take over worker i live like an hour away from so
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i have to take the to come here word that >> well, the union sent a letter to the uc president last month detailing what it says is the need for that pay hike. >> $50. $100.75. dollars well, it's ridiculous. >> still ahead on kron 4 morning news. if you're planning to head to sacramento for the warriors playoff game on saturday, it's going to cost you an arm and a leg that had as we like to say in spanish. we'll be right back. also coming up, we've got some notes from the san francisco board of supervisors. they're calling on the mayor to find a solution to the city's drug problem where they want to get. >> and today we're going to be seeing slightly more mild temperatures than yesterday at the coast. a little calmer but still cool in the 50's inland areas and bayshore cities climbing further into the 60's in winds. we'll start to calm down towards the latter half down towards the latter half of the i came here to find love.
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but instead, i found a best friend. señor snuffles, you stole my sock, and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love? ♪ more dog ♪ (dog bark) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more.
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i came here to find love. but instead, i found a best friend. señor snuffles, you stole my sock, and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love? ♪ more dog ♪ (dog bark) >> it's 7.39. we have some developing news as san francisco's board of supervisors. president wants to invite mayor london breed to discuss the rampant use of drugs on the streets. aaron peskin president of the board of supervisors wants to host the next mayor q and a session at the united nations plaza where he says there is a humanitarian crisis and this is right after here's the whole foods store that we told you about that is closing
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because of concerns about the safety. it's right there on market street. peskin says that they have the resources to make the city safe. approving 25 million dollars of police overtime. but he says now is the time that the board has to hold mayor breed accountable. >> we need to do more than just declare that something is a crisis we need to act like it's a crisis. the focus public attention of the media attention on the loss of many lives due to drug overdoses on open air drug doing by bringing the board of supervisors and the mayors of this location it is going to help make it safe. >> peskin expects the meeting to likely happen on may 23rd or it could happen sooner. he's open to moving the meetings to other areas in the city like 16th and mission as well where there are similar problems. it is 7.41 and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, the mayor of antioch is speaking out after racist text messages from police officers.
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>> we're just released to the public. we'll take a look at public. we'll take a look at them and what he has to say. oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪ look at you taking the win with quality top tier gas for less. only on the jack app or online. me? yup. hi. hi? treating your car as good as you treat your dry-clean onlies. i see you winning.
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yeah thank you for noticing. i notice wins. like how i noticed you spilled a little coffee on your shirt but kind of made a cool new pattern. oh great! hey you win some and you win some am i right? you can let go now. oh sorry! ohhh your coffee. ahh it's fine you're a safe driver. take the win with quality, top tier gas for less at arco. ( ♪♪ ) (chiming) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) affordable design. endless possibilities. ikea. i just wrote a jingle for my fish sandwich. want to hear it? ♪ fish. fish. fish. ♪ ♪ look at this fish. ♪ ♪ it's a wild caught pollock from alaskaaa. ♪
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good thing i don't need jingles to sell my food. my fish sandwich is back for a limited time. ♪ it is 7.43 and time to roll out the red carpet. the 66 san francisco international film festival kicks off today. >> for the next 11 days, movie lovers from all over come into the bay area for a first look at films and to hear from the artists about their work kron four's ella sogomonian takes a look.
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>> after searching through more than 5,000 submissions, 96 projects made the cut this year. a screening committee carefully selected this year's programming specifically for the festival. so it's just a process getting together, looking at what resonates. you know, we're humans picking phones for other humans. right thing that's very unique about a festival. >> we're not an algorithm putting together what we think you would enjoy. we're looking for stories that we find to be unique and engaging and challenging perhaps ambiguous. >> of the 96 projects chosen. 37 come from outside the u.s. and more than half of the films were made by movie makers who identify as a woman or non binary. there's also an emphasis on local filmmakers and their projects. there are 15 films highlighting bay area voices, including 2 of the biggest events of the festival. it will open at oakland's grand lake theater with the premiere of the new apple tv. plus documentary stephen curry underrated produced by oakland's own ryan
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coogler. underrated follows steps live from his college david sen up to his last year's championship run with the warriors mind goes back to those places. >> and i think about we sat down with the film's director, peter, next. he tells us the film festival is the ideal place to premiere his project that screen all my movies at the grand lake theater, which is right down the street from from my to experience this movie, which so much is about family and community. >> with me so my family, my community is going to be very special. >> stephen curry underrated place at 6, 39, 30 thursday night that oakland's grand lake theater on closing night bay area. filmmaker boots. riley will show the first 4 episodes of his new series for amazon prime called. i'm a virgo. it's a dark comedy following a 13 foot tall teenager trying to navigate an awkward life in oakland that premier will take place on sunday. april 23rd at the san
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francisco siege. evie the sea gv will actually be serving as a main screening location for the festival this year. but it's not the only theater taking part. the premier theater, disney family museum and dolby cinema. will house events in the city too? and over in the east bay, the berkeley art museum and pacific film archive and the grand lake theater in oakland will be lighting up their screens. for kron. 4 news. i'm ella sogomonian. >> working on the sequel to the i'm i'm a virgo. he's 13 feet on aquarius. not 5 feet tall. how a gust. stay tuned for that. tickets are on sale for the screenings are information and ticket prices. you can go to the festival's website sf film dot org. i love said and i'm 5 foot 3 and it's really windy outside so no every college and me at. and john, how tall are i'm a 6 foot 3 more exposed to the stronger we got all or it's actually been nice to be
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shortly. we've been looking out there at these clear skies, but it has been breezy today, less windy. >> towards the coastline, especially yesterday, happened day off. really rough out there. 40 plus mile per hour. wind gusts consistently yesterday. you can see that this dip in the jet stream. is kerry down with it. some cooler air along with those strong winds that we've been experiencing. >> today, we're starting to see improvements will start to see winds relaxing towards the afternoon. and we're going to see temperatures a little bit more mild just as much sunshine tomorrow. we are going to start the day with a touch of fog at the coast. the santa clara valley possibly up on 101, in the north bay, too, won't last for long, though. and then we're off to smooth sailing the rest of the weekend. friday looks gorgeous. unclear little bit more fog on saturday morning, but also some clearing during the afternoon on that day. as for winds, it's breezy us down the delta this morning from sonoma and napa counties out into solano county, especially calmer up the coast and along the bay shore and all in all things do start to improve today. we are going to see better conditions over the
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weekend. still under a high wind advisory in solano county through 11:00am this morning. now as far as temperatures go staying cool in the city, upper 50's to low 60's in san francisco 50's at the coastline and then we're going to be talking some 60's for a lot of spots that didn't reach him yesterday like mid 60's on the peninsula, south bay temperatures also mid 60's for you today and some of our warmest temperatures will be in the inland east bay and the north bay walnut creek and concord at 68, a few more spots like any act. pittsburgh up to vacaville over to santa rosa. also getting close to that 70 degree mark up to 68 degrees. each friday saturday and sunday. low 70's for you for our warmest of spots. not as warm as last weekend but still nice and comfy for the weekend. we'll cool down into the start of next week rain. all right, john, thanks for that. let's hit the roads today and see what the traffic at the store for us. >> hey, maybe you're traveling into the city right now. looking good out there. 90 minute, right? it's hitting. we have the sunny days many accidents out there. our san mateo bridge, a 60 minute
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commute for 80 to 101 down from 17. our center fell bridge about 13 minutes. so that's pretty on par with where we were. last time i checked in and that golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 25 minute ride. all right. well, we are talking about the stores and they've turned the bay area's roads into pot hole central at actually hit a pothole that left john did the same thing. now the crews been busy working to fix them. caltrans says the frequency of the storms put a whole lot of wear and tear on bay area, transportation infrastructure. they say storms created 14,000, 707 potholes. that's why we're seeing so many caltrans filled at least more than 4,000 of those haul. so far. >> it's our highways are causing that, you know, headaches for motorists were to go out there, respond, make sure that those repairs right away. >> caltrans says a dry stretch. we are in right now is ideal for crews to make repairs. they say drivers can really help them out by
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reporting any potholes ac. so next time you see one, make sure you tell someone time now 7.50, let's talk basketball. if you're going to go to sacramento this weekend for the warriors taking on the sacramento kings in the playoffs. >> it's not just the tickets that are going to cost you. and fortunately, it is actually going to pay for place to park things to eat. erick rucker has that story. >> and actually got tickets when the kings first came to town in 1985. as a kings fan for decades, valerie martin has seen the highs and the lows, but like many others ready to rock the golden one center saturday. she never thought the price to park near the arena with get this high. it's very expensive. actually. i was finding much parking. >> and then when i finally got something, the parking lots were coming up for $50, $100.75. dollars like the well, it's ridiculous. martin says she normally pays 15 bucks to park for kings games. and when she did finally find a spot while online semi near
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the arena for $18, that apparently was a deal too good to be true. book and then got an e-mail the next day saying, oh, sorry. >> we didn't mean to put this out. there were canceling your parking. so it's like now what the web site parking wiz dot com shows parking for saturday's game around the g one. see? yeah. one prices as high as 100 bucks a spot on average most lots and garages are far more than a normal event night. we don't have any control over what i find it. lockwood due to set their pricing for. >> what they want, kings fans to pay. coming up this weekend, city of sacramento spokesperson gabby miller says while they can't control the private companies surge pricing when demand is high, the city doesn't want to remind people that city-owned garages will stay the same rate. that's one dollar for 15 minutes and 5 bucks per hour with a max rate of 20 bucks on saturday. so old, sacramento garage will be the city hall garage and then memorial
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garage. right? and that sort of area are all city-run for martin. she just wants people who already spend an arm and a leg to get inside the arena saturday to know what they'll be shelling out. just a park. you know, i get it. everyone's excited about the game and what have you. but the gunman. >> is a city yeah. so show your warrior spirit. and mayor london breed is going to raise the warriors flag. >> and address the warriors fans on the steps of city hall. and i'm sure you'll see plenty of this around town as we go in this first round of the playoffs and don't forget, all of this starts at 10 o'clock this morning. if you want a party to do all this stuff any time you want him in stuff any time you want him in weeks of after my car accident, stuff any time you want him in weeks of i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made.
7:54 am
at the barnes firm, our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ people are always like, ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ “what's retta short for?” mother teretta. [ angelic sound ] i'm a papertarian. it's like being a vegetarian, only i don't chew paper, i choose paper. because it's made from a renewable resource, which means it's the smart choice for the environment. and i should know, i used to do science. [ wink ] how many times i gotta tell you? i emptied it! empty, flatten, then recycle. i cannot with these interns. i need this job. at olive garden, nobody loves alfredo quite like we do. we make it from scratch so you can enjoy it poured, twirled, or dipped. with our one-of-a-kind alfredo the possibilities are endless.
7:55 am
lowe's knows you never come in for just one thing. so we've got to know a lot of things about a lot of things. like what makes your lawn thrive, paint that adds color in one coat and a dishwasher that handles all the dirty work.
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you got this. and we got you. >> the 7.55, and we have a 2 hikers about an increase in rattlesnake activity because of the rain that we had. researchers found mice and other rodents flourish in rainy years. and that draws in the rattlesnakes because they're out there looking for prey. the snakes usually start servicing between april and october. that person was running. can you out run a snake? and i think it's well. officials say if you encounter out saying no, no, no, don't stop. >> remain calm. haha. and then. >> just proceed in a different direction. you see these people marching on just do that.
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>> don't try to move it. touch it. do anything like that. if you have a dog, keep the dog on a leash because you don't want the dog to start, you know, charging the snake. see the. >> the snake will just run. don't move in opposite directions. i would be a runner. >> what? i know. it's a natural thing to do. >> and scream out and about doing 76 right now. coming up in the next hour, more calls now coming from democrats for senator dianne feinstein to resign. we'll hear why. and a san jose church has to pay more than a million dollars in fines for what? we'll have a live report. plus, a federal appeals court has preserved access to the abortion pill, but he's strong. and we'll tell you there are a lot of stipulations to it, but we'll give you the details coming give you the details coming up.
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wendy's $3 breakfast deal is the kind of breakfast that really sticks with you. [egg cracks!] ♪ [bacon sizzling] ♪ tyler: her breakfast. hey buddy. ahh... your choice of breakfast, croissant plus seasoned potatoes- for just $3 bucks. choose wisely, choose wendy's $3 breakfast deal
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> and thanks for waking up with here in the newsroom today. i'm darya. i'm reyna and we are excited the rest of the day. almost a little gusty i have to hold on everything yeah. we talked to sean that. >> yet another breezy one, but we are seeing winds coming down for a few spots, not as windy up here at a mount him looking down at the city yesterday was excessively windy cameras moving a little bit less just as bright, though. and really nice cl


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