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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  April 10, 2023 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news heading. >> now at 8, a freeway
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shooting claims the life of a little girl. the details from this latest incident as the parents of another slain toddler hold a rally against the alameda county district attorney's office. plus, new surveillance shows the brutal attack on a former san francisco fire commissioner will show you what happened as the suspect is now in custody. >> and the fog will roll back in, but not for long. we've got some winds coming our way. we'll talk about that coming up. >> thank you for joining us tonight for kron. 4 news at 8. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. pam moore has the night off. we begin tonight with a family in mourning. a 5 year-old little girl is dead after she was struck by a bullet during a freeway shooting. that happened saturday night just before 7 o'clock on 8.80, in fremont. the 5 year-old girl, eliana was taken to a local hospital where she was pronounced dead from her injuries according to information on a gofundme page, her parents were on their way to a restaurant in milpitas for a family birthday dinner.
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>> this is an exceptionally tragic any time we have any kind of loss of life, it's exceptionally sad, especially in circumstances such as this one where this close to a holiday she was with her family. she had her birthday coming that adds to the tragedy and our hearts go out to the family and friends of this little girl. highway patrol investigators have not released any information about shooting suspects or a suspect vehicle. >> anyone who has any information about this case is asked to contact to the california highway patrol. a rally was held today outside the alameda county district attorneys office for a bay area child who was the victim of a freeway shooting almost 2 years ago. jasper wu, as you may recall, was killed during the highway shooting. this was in 2021. as kron four's. rob nesbitt tells us his family is concerned that district attorney pamela price, it's not doing enough to prosecute the 3 men accused of killing just jasper wu's case that was
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talked about monday, but the families of several victims in organizer bobby says da pamela pricehis lacking transparency when it comes to sentencing. violent crimes like jasper's where she is laying the groundwork for reducing penalties for jasper was killers. >> talking about no jail sentence for murdering a 23 month-old. >> 3 men were arrested for was murder and december. trevor green, ivory bivins and johnny jackson. they are awaiting preliminary hearings. but if convicted, this group is concerned that da prices office will pursue an alternative to prison time. stuart chen with the oakland chinatown improvement council read a statement from jasper's mother and asking.
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>> for the maximum sentencing. allowable under the law. but ford was the first president of the alameda county prosecutors association but was placed on leave 13 weeks ago by da price. >> he said from the podium monday alleging that her office is not doing enough to see justice for jasper. johns was life was stolen. >> his killers don't need a version of restorative justice. killers need to go to prison. it wasn't just jasper wu's case that was discussed. but others like the murder of kevin nishita, a security guard shot and killed while working to protect a kron. 4 reporter the same year was killed. his wife, virginia says she has not received an update on the sheet is case since the newly elected da took office. i am worried as well. just like the death family that. >> are they going to take that the way is kevin going to get justice? >> i don't know. >> another chant that was yelled during monday's rally was recall price. the group says that if convicted killers aren't punished to the fullest extent of the law, the da
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price should lose her job. reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> kron four's has it bad. you sat down with alameda county district attorney pamela price. in an exclusive interview to ask her about the jasper wu case, here's a little bit of what she had to say. >> is that something that you were considering not charging the president on i that is someone who created a false narrative and took a some language completely out of context. that was not my language and put those words attributed it to me. >> to hear more on how da prices responding to the jasper wu case and defending her actions when it comes to several other cases that have drawn national attention, tune into kron 4 tomorrow night for exclusive interview at at 9 o'clock. >> all right. let's take a step outside right now. taking a live shot here of a foggy golden gate bridge during your jacket from 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow standing by with what's happened in laurence. fall rollback in showing you sign a pretty stable atmosphere
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outside and look at a whole lot like summer around the bay area right now, you can see over san francisco. >> much of that fog moving across the city now pushing into the bay and some of the valleys overnight. tonight we're going to see a thick deck as we head throughout the night, but not going to stick around forever. temperatures on the cool side. 52 degrees in half moon bay. 54 in san francisco. 55 in oakland with some patchy fog. still 60 in concord and 56 degrees in san jose. overall, though, we do have a cold front off the coastline. you see some showers moving into far northern california that front sliding through the bay area tomorrow. it's going help deep in the marine layer initially. and then on the backside of that, let's the kind of scour out the marine layer. so i think we see that away as we head tomorrow morning and then looks like the winds will be kicking up, getting blustery in spots. in fact, this front dropping through kind of a dry cold front as it moves on by just really help in the mix out the marine layer and then the winds start to pick up by tomorrow afternoon. we're probably looking at some gusts of 30 plus miles an hour out along the coastline. but at
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least it will be sunny outside. all right, lawrence, uc berkeley police are asking the public to help them identify. >> the suspects who they say are connected to to battery incidents. the campus police say both cases took place on campus. the first last wednesday. the second happened just yesterday in both cases. the suspect, according to police, touched a female student inappropriately. they are still investigating whether these 2 incidents are related. >> palo alto police are looking for a man that they say sexually assaulted a woman while she was walking her bike. it happened in a pedestrian under pratt underpass at california avenue sunday afternoon. very popular place. a woman in her 50's was walking her bike through that underpass when she says she was sexually assaulted by a man. she screamed for help. and that apparently caused the suspect to flee the scene. but not before taking the woman's cell phone kron 4 talked with the homeowners association.
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representative that association is just a few feet away from the underpass and asked about the safety in the area. >> we've not had at least to my recollection, any crime in the tunnel. it's considered to be safe. although property crime has been going up rather considerably. >> take a look at your screen. this is a police sketch of the suspect was released today by palo alto police. the man is described as between the ages of 30 40 standing about 5 feet, 5 inches tall with a stocky build. anyone who recognizes this man is asked to call palo alto police. a car went off the freeway and crashed into an apartment building in oakland this morning. here's video from the scene showing a hole in the wall. from the apartment looking out. you can see the vehicle is visible through a window. the oakland fire department says the vehicle was traveling on interstate 5.18. was struck from behind near an exit, then crashed into the rear of the apartment
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building on arkansas street. the driver's foot was injured. he had to be taken. he or she had been taken to a hospital. nobody else was hurt in that crash. >> union city police are asking residents to avoid a roadway after a sinkhole formed overnight. police say a small sinkhole appeared on his wit. good what is it that way? rather? and he's a blocked off right now. there is no estimate on when the issue will be resolved. the final round of evictions at oakland's wood street encampment are under way. the city first began the process of clearing the camp over a year ago. dozens of fires have broken out at the site creating safety concerns for the area. city officials say as many as 70 people are still living at the wood street camp, they deployed outreach teams to help those residents relocate. and we're told the city has enough shelter available for any residents who want it. we heard from residents who are not happy about this eviction.
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>> set off for 2 years waiting for them to come through on promises. and very excited about the campus. that was never to be. they brought in the money rally for money and and which both have enough money to start a cat. the fact that david and how people 300 people. >> and we to the city. >> so the average team say they have been working with residents since april of last year, offering information about housing and shelter options along with employment support. once the campus fully cleared, the plan is to build an affordable housing project in its place. our kron four's amanda hari is following this story for us. she'll have an update tonight on kron. 4 news at 9. >> the justice department is appealing one of 2 new rulings involving the most commonly used method of abortion in the united states. a judge in texas put a hold on the fda's long time approval of mifepristone friday while a
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lawsuit by abortion opponents plays out. they say the pill, which has been available for 23 years is unsafe. less than an hour later, a judge in washington state issued an opposing ruling in a separate case. he ordered the fda not to make any changes that would restrict access to the drug in the 18 states where attorneys general sued to protect its availability. the justice department asked the court in washington state for clarity since the 2 rulings were issued just minutes apart. california is creating an emergency stockpile of mifepristone governor gavin newsom announced today that the state has negotiated and purchased a surplus of the abortion medication. the estimated 2 million pills purchased more than 250,000 have already arrived in california. the governor says the action was taken to ensure the state remains a safe, affordable and accessible place for reproductive care. >> coming up tonight on kron, 4 news at 8 soccer coming to
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the south bay, the international tournament that will host games at >> the vice a new report shares the state of california is schools and the rate of violent events that involve students. also a community rattled after yet another mass shooting. 5 people are now dead, 9 injured this time. >> at a bank in louisville, kentucky. what we now know kentucky. what we now know about the suspect. we are grocery outlet and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you know and love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale
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going on now till april 11 we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because these deals won't last long. stop in and save today ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪
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>> now at 8.15, we continue to follow the latest out of louisville, kentucky. a gunman opened fire at a bank this morning killing 4 people and injuring 9 others, including 2 police officers. and the gunman was an employee of that bank. he was ultimately shot and killed by police. we also have word tonight that 5th person has died from that. a terrible shooting reporter emani payne has the latest now from louisville. >> police cars in caution tape lined downtown louisville. i'm >> obviously were fired and devastated because this keeps happening every week in the united states, old national bank. the scene of the country's latest mass shooting. 6 people killed, including the gunman and several more injured including 2 officers. one of the injured officers. 26 year-old nicholas wilt shot in the head and undergoing brain surgery. he's in critical but stable condition tonight. >> he's been on the force for less than a month. >> just graduated from the
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police academy on march 31st. i just swear him in. and his family was there to witness his journey to become a policeu officer. one of the victims killed a close personal friend of kentucky governor andy beshear, tommy elliot, help me build my law career. >> help me become governor. >> jamie advice on being a good dad. these are irreplaceable. amazing individuals that a terrible act of violence toward. >> from all of us, police say the gunman, 23 year-old connor sturgeon who worked at the bank livestream parts of the attack. he used a rifle and was killed during a shootout with police. still people who've lived in the area for years are on edge. so >> here we go again. >> well, other staying at nearby hotel say no matter what city they're in, they
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can't seem to escape mass shootings. >> but i heard all the sirens siren sirens, tons of sirens going and i've no idea what was going on until i went downstairs. and the girl in the coffee shop said there's been mass shooting like an active shooter. >> i think i yeah, i think i don't feel safe almost anywhere now. and the u.s. the mass shooting, one of 2 shootings in the city today. the second happening outside of jefferson community and technical college. one person killed there in an unrelated attack. >> mayor craig greenberg says despite a day filled with violence and an unknown motive in the attacks, he won't let his city be overtaken by fear and evil. >> we'll continue to move forward with strength. with love support. and determination. >> the louisville community saying they're devastated following this mass shooting. and as the investigation continues, planning for funerals and vigils now begin reporting in downtown mobile. emani payne.
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>> a new development out of nashville, tennessee, justin jones, one of the 2 black democrats were expelled last week from the tennessee house values been reinstated. the unanimous vote by the nashville metropolitan council restores jones to office just 4 days after republicans stripped him of his seat. this is considered an interim appointment with a special election to be held in the coming months. republicans bantshed jones and fellow representative justin pearson over their role in a gun control protest on the house floor following a deadly school shooting. pearson could be reappointed in a separate vote on wednesday. >> despite being shot by police just 4 days ago, the man charged with a deadly shooting in roseville made his first court appearance today. the placer county district attorney's office says 35 year-old eric april shot chp officer matthew hyatt near mahaney park last thursday took 2 people hostage shot. both of them killing one all
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before turning himself over to police. court documents say april used a 10 millimeter handgun was wearing a body best during the incident. and though charges are being filed, authorities say more could come. >> this is the initial charging document. the investigation is still ongoing. as you can imagine, it was a large crime scene, an extended period of time. so oftentimes charges changed or modified. some charges are added, some are deleted. i would expect to see some changes what those are at this point. i could say. >> april has a public defender who asked the court to continue the case to tuesday of next week. april remains in jail tonight without bail. >> a positive trend here. a new study from ucla has found the day-to-day violence in middle and high schools across california has sharply decreased. researchers say between 2001 2019, there was a 56% reduction in school fight
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a 70% reduction in reports of guns on campus. a 68% reduction in other weapons and a 59% reduction in students being threatened by weapons. the study found larger declines among black and latino students. researchers say the declines were founded more than 95% of the schools in each county. whole foods in downtown san francisco is temporarily closing just one year after opening citing safety concerns originally considered a flagship store by parent company. amazon. the 65,000 square-foot store. it opened in march of 2022, a spokesperson telling kron 4 news at the store could potentially reopen at some point in the future if neighborhood safety concerns are addressed. for now, though, they say employees at the store will be transferred. 2 other locations nearby. san francisco supervisor matt dorsey says he's not surprised by the closure writing on
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twitter. quote, our neighborhood waited a long time for the supermarket, but we're also well aware of the problems. they have experience with drug-related retail theft, jason drug markets and the many safety issues related to them. gold cup tournament. it's coming to the bay area. >> the governing body for soccer in the caribbean, north and central america all announced news today for the biannual tournament. the by stadium will host game since june and july. the vice stadium previously hosted the 27 team concacaf gold cup final. that's where the u.s. men's national team won the title this year's championship match will be played at sofi stadium in los angeles. the concacaf will conduct the competition's official draw on friday after which a complete schedule, including specific match new assignments and ticketing information will be announced. >> still ahead tonight at 8, a warning from the fbi that will have you thinking twice about where you charge your phone.
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might want to be careful where you charge your phone. the fbi is warning people to avoid free republic charging stations. they say. >> a group of hackers have figured out a way to use those stations to infect your phone with software that will give access to your data. yeah. fbi says that mall where can be installed on these charging stations. you see them everywhere at airports and hotels. they recommend you carry your own charger and
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cord or portable power bank to charge your phone and then use a regular wall outlet. that's the safest way. the agency's does not include a specific instances of hackers accessing devices at the charging stations. >> a new bipartisan proposal could give the biden administration more power in banning tiktok. democratic senator mark warner and republican senator john thune are proposing the restrict act. the measure would grant the commerce department authority to review and block communications technology related to national security risks. the act would apply to technology from china, russia, north korea, iran, venezuela and cuba. critics say it limits the freedom of more than 150 million tiktok users in the u.s.. you might see signs warning against the dangers of fentanyl. next time you're driving to southern california man paying to put up those billboards along freeways in la and orange counties. the signs read fentanyl is the number one
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cause of death for americans aged 18 to 45 the sign organizer says deaths from fentanyl are rising faster in california than anywhere else in the country. and it's seen an increase of more than 2600% since the year. 2015. we're following the fentanyl crisis across the bay area on kron 4 dot com. you can scan that qr code that will take you to our new focus on fentanyl page in track. the latest information and see the stories are reporters are working on. still ahead tonight the new video that shows the violent attack san francisco's former fire commissioner. >> and we've got clouds rolling in now, but the winds are really going to be
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>> now at 8.30, new video shows a violent attack in san francisco severely injuring a former fire commissioner. and tonight we're hearing from the victim for the very first time. the attack happened in the marina district last week in tring don carmignani. in the meantime, the attorney for the defendant says her client didn't start the attack. >> we want to warn you, the video is hard to watch. kron four's dan kerman has the story. the attorneys for former san francisco fire commissioner don common yanni have released this video which they say shows wednesday night's brutal attack of their client by a man with a metal pipe. coming on. his father says his son suffered a broken jaw in the marina district
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attack which resulted in 50 stitches in his face and surgery to remove a piece of his skull. the suspect garret doty now faces multiple charges including assault with a deadly weapon. aggravated battery with serious bodily injury and assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury. but the public defender representing doty says that's not the full story. mister doty did not start this altercation. >> mister. carmack nani. approach. mister doty. and threatened mister doty. sprayed him with pepper spray. >> any use of pepper spray is not seen in the segment. a video coming out. he said attorneys have released but in a statement from his hospital bed coming out, he says 3 homeless men set up an encampment in front of his mother's home that wednesday
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morning. he says my family has said prior interactions with these individuals who have made repeated threats of violence to my family members. as a result, my mother did not feel safe. leaving her home. he also says calls that morning to 9-1-1, were ignored. and during the day, he says my mother and girlfriend inform me that these individuals were still in front of her house and had been openly consuming drugs and and exhibited extremely aggressive behavior towards passersby. he says when he arrived at his mother's home that evening and asked them to leave 2 of the individuals move toward me in a threatening manner. the incident culminated with one of the individuals producing a piece of metal and striking me countless times on the head coming out. he says as a native san franciscan and lifelong marina resident, i firmly believe that the city needs to promote the safety of its law abiding citizens over those who chose to do drugs and commit violent acts in our
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streets. i am hopeful that this unfortunate incident will lead to policy changes to better protect the interests of san francisco. residents and that my attackers will be fully prosecuted coming on. e is expected to make a full recovery. in san francisco. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> take a look at this. a large fire destroyed a dozen privately owned many buses in san francisco. the buses went up in flames shortly after 10 o'clock last night. this is under the 2.80 freeway on 23rd street in patrol hill. the fire department says arriving crews found the bus is engulfed in flames. no injuries were reported. the fire was contained around 11 o'clock last night. the cause of the fire still remains under investigation. crews in benicia are testing the quality of water sent through a newly built bypass line. the original water line was damaged when a hillside near 6.80, collapse last month. >> citi says staff members are assessing the structural integrity of the newly built
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pipes which could take about a week to complete. until then the city is tapping into a secondary source of water from a herman. but that water may look and taste kind of earthy. all residents, businesses, schools and hotels are still being asked to reduce their water usage by 40%. whether time now is to get a live look outside at the bucky ball all lit up on the embarcadero. and if you're going outside, lawrence to grab something to hold on, hold off, we're going to blow bit around the bay area tomorrow. the wind's really going to kick up. i think you get tomorrow afternoon. so >> the fog moving on shore right now. you can see it sliding through the golden gate bridge. is the bridge kind of disappears in that beautiful fog out there this evening and well today the temperatures are still above the average in most spots to cool down co side. a bit of still stuck in 80 degrees in little more than a 79 in concord. 74 degrees in santa rosa. 79 in san jose, 70 in
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oakland and 68 degrees in san francisco. all these temperatures running above the average tonight, though, that fog going to move well on shore tomorrow morning, starting early with some fog. and then i think we clear out rapidly as that front comes through. that's going to scour out the marine layer and that means more sunshine. but those winds will be a little blustery into the afternoon. but building high pressure into this next weekend, i think sets the stage for lots of sunshine away from the coastline over the weekend, too. all right. we've got a little bit of an onshore flow right now. winds will calm down overnight tonight, but then tomorrow they're going to ramp up again as that front goes by all of a sudden you start to see the color still along the coastline. those winds going to be gusty coast side tomorrow, 30, maybe even a couple, 40 mile an hour gusts out toward the beaches. you watch the front move on through right here and it is dry front as it moves on by. so kind of scouring out that marine layer and then looks like high pressure tries to take over. that will bring with it. some gusty winds out there. another little weak system drops in as we head into wednesday behind that another round of some gusty winds. so the next couple of days, the winds are going to blowing a bit temperature wise
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numbers going to be down. also somewhat the so comfortable upper 60's in the valleys. you've got a lot of 60's mid-sixties inside the bay 50's co side next couple days weekly down with some winds out there as well. more sunshine into thursday. looks like warmer temperatures, though, back in the 70's by the weekend. all right. lauren said this just an all willow. pass road in concord near the bear. a little league fields are closed right now after >> a vehicle you can see there drove into a transformer. there's a fire. the yeah. causing a fire there. con fire is on the scene pg and e outage map. it does show a small outage in that area with less than 50 customers left in the dark. but we'll be updating you when and if that road reopen soon. still ahead tonight at 8, a push in the state capitol to assist college students with institutional death. what the new bill could mean for colleges across the state. >> and california's governor is once again sharing words with his counterpart from
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florida. ron desantis is response to the governor's attack on his immigration attack on his immigration policies.
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when that car hit my motorcycle, attack on his immigration policies. insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> police are 4 more straight roles. at least 3 or 4, maybe 6 are you saying that the eu would be taking part in upcoming election i was here
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on a tour the good other guy pushed brother plan right now, but we're not prepared or not yet. >> i plan on running, but we're not ready to announce it yet. must be a distinction in there somewhere. president biden offers a peek into the future that was during this morning's white house easter egg roll. the theme of today's easter egg roll was ag huge haitian first lady doctor jill biden, of course, is a teacher and she says she wanted to turn the white house lawn into a school community. >> governor gavin newsom is taking another jab at florida's governor ron desantis advising him against challenging former president trump for the republican nomination saying desantis will, quote, get rolled by trump correspondent nancy loo has more on this rivalry that could eventually be on the ballot. >> i asked ranks with rest. >> in a new video, california governor gavin newsom shared highlights from his campaign
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style trip out east last week. lot of work to build a movement. >> to counter what's happening in red states across this newsom was also in florida where he attacked governor ron desantis on various issues including immigration. >> and now newsom has publicly advised the santis you not to run for president, telling him to, quote, pack up and wait a few years. but to keep going at it, even though neither has officially entered the presidential race, they're not just making the case basically screaming each other from across the field. they keep going on to the own turf to try and speak to not just the people in that state. of course. >> but they're both trying to talk to a national audience. the political posturing comes amid the new desantis pushed to penalize those who help undocumented immigrants in florida. all in line with the conservative agenda desantis used to woo donors here in the west just last month. hello, california desantis had a packed house at the reagan presidential library where he
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attacked progressive policies. our state is where woke goes to die in line with the progressive agenda. la district attorney george gascon on has just introduced new legislation to protect many undocumented immigrants in particular. those who can help in the prosecution of criminal cases. many parts of community not trust law enforcement. >> because they are fearful that reporting a crime, maybe leave the arrest of a loved one. the proposed bill would protect undocumented california crime victims or witnesses from deportation. if they come forward yet another highlight of newsom in california versus desantis and florida. they really are kind of the pinnacle of the differences between what each of their party's is >> coming up next, in sports, warriors are heading back to the playoffs are going to take on the sacramento kings. first sports director jason dumas has reaction from the team on that
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>> student debt has long been an issue here in california. but now a new bill going through the legislature seeks to provide relief to students. kron four's capitol correspondent eytan wallace has details. >> well, here at the state capital backers came by to urge support for a piece of legislation they say is a crucial step to help students in debt. it's an issue impacting more than 3.9 million californians student
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debt as assembly member bloc but described wreaking economic havoc on many of the most economically vulnerable students across california. but now this democrat from downey is behind ab 11, 60 a bill she says will protect students are very specific kind of debt called institutional debt. >> that is money to an institution of higher learning for things like tuition and room and board. but to says that's not all. >> parking fees were talking about sometimes late library fees. students are was school. they have worked and they forget to pay fine little it's accruing interest if it coasters predator more and more fees for being on to it. and it's not hill years later that they realized they had this happens to so many students while protections are in place for students who take out loans from the federal government or private lenders. pacheco says that's not the
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case for students who owe money directly to the school itself. >> she says she's most concerned schools can place holds on the accounts belonging to students institutional debt and can prevent those students from enrolling in courses are completing a degree until a plan is worked out to pay back the money. a lot of time students having to hold off and graduations because of that, we should be encouraged to >> 2 too, to go to college is too pursue their dreams. ab 11, 60 will help students persist and graduate. marlin blas is a uc student regent and 30 year law student at uc berkeley. if students get sent to debt collections that impacts credit score and that impacts their ability to rent a place. so this is such a pressing issue impacting directly to students. but the executive director of the coalition of higher education assistance organizations expressed concerns about the bill writing, quote, schools whose registration hold as a tool to help students. it makes no sense to allow a student struggling with paying a debt.
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>> to take on more debt. that will likely also be difficult to manage in the bill heads to the assembly education committee next week reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> the real season is finally starting for the golden state warriors. yes, they just played 82 regular season games, but when your core has won 4 titles in the last 8 years. this is the part of the season. they are all really looking forward to. it's winning time. the warriors will open up their post season on saturday evening in sacramento. this will be the first time the 2 organizations face off in the postseason. of course, we have the regional familiarity with staff being under 2 hours away. but there are also some familiar faces in the kings organization. kings head coach mike brown was steve kirsch top assistant for 6 years and won a few titles with the dubs. then there is kings forward. harrison barnes who was
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drafted by the warriors and won a ring with the team. draymond green. he's looking forward to this particular matchup. >> 3, they're very good very well. a lot of young talent you know, play with great pace. great for skiing, downhill and kicking the shooters. so you know, it's been a tough challenge, but every playoff series, it's got to go and execute what we know we need do. >> with the 6th pick and the 2023 wnba draft. the atlanta dream select. haley jones, stanford university. >> stanford's haley jones will be taking her talents to the 3 time all american was drafted by the atlanta dream sixt
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overall jones left stanford as one of the most decorated players in program history. she made her name. she made a name for herself before she even got to stamp. it is a blue chip recruit out of santa cruz and archbishop mitty. i asked hailey how her years in palo alto have prepped her for her pro career. >> at stanford, i went through a lot of different had injury my freshman year and then it was covid season and we won. i've won 3 pac, 12 championships. 2 final 4. so it's a lot of winning. so just, you know, kind of having that be the standard. i think i'm going to be able to just kind of bring that energy. but i've learned a lot of learn how to work with different types of people, how to create relationships off the court team chemistry, how to have tough conversations. get the best out of your teammates. so i think i can bring a lot of different things. but i'm really just excited to get to him. and i mean, my new teammates and just kind of get busy, i guess. >> let's head out to baltimore. the a's taking on
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the orioles game. one of the 3 bit? so loriano he's in safely at 3rd and it's one nothing. bottom of the frame, though, one offer ryan mountcastle to that one left up are in a hurry. a 2 run home run. baltimore takes the lead and they never looked back a fall 5 to one game 2 tomorrow. and just down the street from our kron 4 studios. we have a a a bit of a lopsided affair at oracle park. the dodgers, our winning 9 to one. as of all right. the sharks there in winnipeg taking on the jets first period. we have a tie game. james reimer. you get initial save. but adam lowry.
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clean up the trash. it was all downhill for their from their for san jose. they fall. 62 will take on calgary on wednesday. so you guys not a not a great day for days and that a great day for the giants had a great day for the sharks. but >> asked basketball. we're going to be fun. i can't wait saturday night and they said the cheapest ticket right now at the golden one center in sacramento, 450 for saturday night. so they're excited out and sac. yeah, there will be ringing those cowbells real out. hopefully they won't like to that's what they do when they win. and nobody in the bay wants to see that. no, cool. thank you, jason.
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>> take a look video at an aerial view of the super bloom now underway. the a valley, poppy reserves in la county experiencing really special superbloom of our state flower and big orange yellow gold carpet there. it's the first super bloom in california since 2019 and is thanks to the what winners like the one we just had keep an eye out around the bay area. superblooms are expected all over california just a few days. san francisco film festival kicks off a fun time for stephanie land. spoke to
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organizers of the film festival about what you can expect. >> we have 11 days with 97 over. 37 different countries are incredibly proud of the lineup this year. we're kicking things off in oakland at the grand lake theater with california premiere of pete knicks. new film underrated cef 7 curry underrated. excuse me. so warrior fans out there. i know there are so few of them. it's beautiful story stuffs up and coming and about his rise and the 2020 to 20 warrior season and will be closing the festival with another local talent screening of boots. riley's. i'm a virgo, which is his first foray into television in the series for amazon prime so we have an incredible array of economically diverse and narratively complex phones andp something for everyone. we know people in san francisco in the bay area. our ambitious and curious and want to want
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to understand the world. and so the idea that we can continue to be able to do that and embrace more of the world different perspectives. we have a lot of young filmmakers. >> there's something incredibly exciting about it. >> the san francisco film festival a start this thursday. you find out more information on our website. kron 4 dot com. and you know, another bay area talent produced steps film underrated ryan coogler right yeah. and a bunch of other big, though. but including one called black panthers. yeah. heard of a small film but that wraps it up news at 8. but ella sogomonian is going to be joining me new looking forward to thank you. see you soon. well, for the first time we're going to be hearing from a family friend of the young girl >> killed on the bay area freeway while she was on her way to a birthday party. plus, cleaning up and clearing out what's next for residents of one of oakland's largest homeless encampments now shut down. and the people who used to live there. we'll see what plans they might have. kron. 4 news at 9 is next.
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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at known. >> nothing like this could ever happen. no family should ever have to go through this. >> now at 9 we are hearing from the family friend of a little girl killed in a shooting on the freeway. thank you so much for joining us. everybody. i'm vicki liviakis and i'm ella sogomonian. the shooting happened just before 7 o'clock on saturday night. >> on 8.80, in fremont. eliana, stumo was rushed to the hospital, but it was too late to save her life. according to information from a gofundme page. eliana and her parents were on their way to milpitas for a birthday dinner with family. this is an


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