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tv   KRON 4 News at 430am  KRON  April 6, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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>> all right. well, welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news as we get closer and closer to friday. now already got family, john plan and easter and this weekend, some just try to figure out what all we can do. good morning you know, everyone's trying to get that down and had a lot of people messaging me being like is sunday. okay. and sunday is looking absolutely great. even saturday is going to be really solid as well. it's tomorrow. you got to watch out for especially during the morning hours. >> as we will see some showers in the middle of the morning commute for your friday. not so much today, though. we have the clear stuff out there for now. looking at some clear skies to get your thursday morning started right now. temperatures not as cold as they were yesterday, but a few 30's mixed in with what is 40's for most of us petaluma. you're at 41 oakland and alameda at 47 hayward sitting at 45 all dublin livermore. each at 42 degrees right now.
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now skies are relatively clear for now, but will become increasingly cloudy towards the afternoon. and there's your next storm system really spinning off shore of the pacific northwest and western canada. that will plunge into the bay area tomorrow leaving with its heaviest of rainfall in the north coast, not nears significant of rain for us here locally, but enough to get things wet tomorrow. as for winds today, another com, what, in fact, we're repeating a lot of the same factors as yesterday. calm conditions. cool morning. and overall, mostly clear skies, especially towards the middle of the day. looking really nice this afternoon, we will see some increased cloud cover, but temperatures nice and comfortable. i'm going to be breaking down. everything you need to know as we do move towards the weekend. still to come right now. all right, john, thanks for that. let's check on those bridges this morning. if you're headed into the city right now, a smooth 7 right? no major issues or delays here. san mateo bridge about 12 minutes, 80 to 101. our richmond center fell bridge about 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the
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tolls. the taking 19 minutes on a thursday. all right. well, we are getting a closer look at what's happening on some of the trouble streets of san francisco such as so much and the tenderloin last year in the city had nearly 500 people. dinah, fentanyl overdoses, a kron four's theresa stasi will talk with the man who says he's on a mission to help the city. we get a cell phone video captures what appears to be an open drug market. >> at 7th and market streets in san francisco around to wednesday morning. people approach the person recording the video asking him if you want to buy it's very dangerous for myself >> put myself out there like this on on the front lines. i'm in the trenches of san francisco it's it's not pretty. their install cup says he's on a mission to expose drug use in the city, especially fentanyl. use. >> he calls himself a citizen
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journalist. i want to first and show the world what's happening in san francisco. the real side of san francisco. and what's happening in san francisco is. >> it is a humanitarian crisis. he says that he has lived in the tenderloin district for the past decade and says those years have been pretty rough. go to sleep to the sound of i wake up to people at all hours of the day and night my partner's broken into 3 plus times a one-year has had to fight off burglars with my own their hands. he says, despite pleas from his parents and family, he is a moving and we just want to make a positive impact. we reached out to supervisor matt dorsey whose district is shown in this video. a staff member said that he was unavailable for comment. >> still cup says that he understands the dangers but says he's committed to continue to show others what he sees hoping to make a difference. theresa kron, 4
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news. well, we're following the fentanyl crisis across the bay area and kron 4 dot com. >> you go ahead and scan this qr codes. going to take you to our new focus on fentanyl page. well, santa clara county is seeing a higher number of homeless people dying on the street compared to this time last year. kron four's justin campbell reports from san jose with more on that. >> 57 on house people have died on the streets in santa clara county since the beginning of this year. according to the county coroner that 6 more compared to 51 at this time last year. it's it should have been that it's lower because we up an emergency evacuation centers. we kept people in 10 cities. the county is giving out so much rain gear and like warm items. it should have been that were lower than last year, but instead were higher. shawn carter right is with unhoused response group. homeless advocacy group. she blames the problem on the city of san jose saying official sweep homeless from one place to another without a permanent
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plan and the weather this year hasn't helped. we showed up and found people just outside in the pouring rain. i mean, there's no reason that mayor matt mejia and has pledged to end homelessness in san jose tuesday, san jose city council unanimously approved a partnership between the city and valley water for a flood protection project in coyote creek. the water district will split the cost with the city and contribute 4.8 million to evacuate and rehouse 120 to 200 people living along the creek. but cartwright says the plan and needs more work to end homelessness. forced migration of these people into tiny homes that nobody wants to be in. but they're only going to be a 90 to 120 days and they're going to be right back out. >> because there's no permits causing people to be it reporting in san jose. justin campbell kron, 4 news. >> well, pretty sad story because a guy with a big heart. that's how those are mourning the loss of oscar
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laredo. they're calling him amazing person. laredo was shot to death early monday morning, right outside of farrington far in pleasanton and pleasant hill. witnesses say he was trying to break up a fight. friends say the gunman who left the scene in a car is a frequent patron and both very intense and vinny's where laredo also worked. >> we'll be into his friends. he was into a family. and he was the person that sony's of the next time you see him come give make you feel like part of hey, my brother. he's always every time i was seeing you of eli had play a icu. >> you know now that was my boy man. >> i'm so sad. well, benny's owner vincent barker says vinny's will be hosting a fundraiser. they're trying to help cover funeral costs. that's going to thursday as saturday night. now, lou reda was attending business school and he had aspirations of owning his own varland. that's
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what, years because open city leaders say more data from a recent ransomware attack has been leaked on the dark web. the first attack was reported in february. kron four's amanda hari has reaction and advice from a tax expert. oakland's ransomware attack is going beyond city employees. city officials say hackers have leaked more information stolen from the city's server on the dark web. >> this time the includes information of some city residents. the city said in a statement, quote, we recently became aware that the same unauthorized third-party claiming responsibility for the ransomware incident has posted additional data allegedly taken from our systems. >> during the incident in february, 2 website, not searchable via the traditional internet. the group claiming responsibility is called play. they first exposed personal data on to the dark web in march. that league only include information of city employees. this time exposed data includes that of residents. now there really
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is. >> the information which is 60 times 60 time when they have released before the city says they're sending letters to people affected. tech expert in san jose state university professor ahmed, the says if you giving your information to the city of oakland over the last decade, >> you should take precautions. number one chain, get past what completely make sure that all the passwords that you have with your system, our change, an updated implement that. fact, i think to patients it's even educations. just in case somebody tried to access your account. number 3, monitor your account if you could get a count and see if there's somebody trying to open a credit card, get a loan by a car, even buy a house. you know, add you as part of that. >> you know, all of these things would be an indication that your data is being used by aspen affa. if he has any idea why hackers leaked additional data. the indication here is the following. >> the city used to pay the ransom ware. the oakland police officers association has filed a claim against the city over the leak.
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>> we've seen avalanche all of that energy reports also seen amongst police officers with our information out there. officers found that and credit cards have been opened in their name. what an officer it's 6 social security numbers been hijacked. is asking the city for $25,000 per officer affected. >> they say mayor sheng tao agreed to meet with them more than a week ago but has yet to set up the meeting. amanda hari kron. 4 news. >> well, bart police chief and or as is retiring after 4 years of leading the department, alvarez has been more than 25 years at the department and was appointed chief in 2020 under his leadership, the department, they were able to double police presence on trains. he also ban officers from using choke hold. his last day will be may 1st. i will more self-driving cars could soon be on the roads in san francisco right now, the company's cruise and waymo are allowed to operate during off
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peak hours. but they want that to change to 24 7. both companies have face controversy, including an incident last year where crews car drove away during a traffic stop. there will eventually get to that. all right. and just last month we're talking about a cruise car that rear ended a bus on haight street. no one was hurt. it's not clear what caused the car crash or how fast the car was going. but if you look closely, you see the hood of that was bit from the impact. there's be careful are able is distracted driving awareness month and authorities are reminding us to slow down, put down our phones and pay attention to the roads. they say agencies across california looking for distracted drivers. what does that mean? that means if you're just in your radio, are your gps or applying makeup or even eat or train key? >> in my eyes missing answering that tax for that call isn't what you're going to regret. because of all those stories that i know. i can tell ya. you read that
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answering that call are taking that text. that's going to take someone's life. >> they say if you have to send a tax pull over and park. santa clara county supervisor, cindy chavez may be leaving the bay area for an executive role in socal chavez who represents the district to on the board of supervisors being consider for the san diego county chief administrative officer position, a job that requires overseen day-to-day operations of the county. move would close the chapter on chavez's more than 20 year. a political career in the south bay. chavez says she's honored to be considered for the opportunity. former vice president mike pence team says he will not appeal a federal judge's decision to testify before a grand jury investigating january 6 insurrection fans will have to testify about things. former president trump said and did after losing the election. however, the judge also ruled that constitution protects pence from bean the pill to talk about his official actions that day as he oversaw
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the counting of the votes. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. if you plan on visiting hawaii in the future, john, you may know something like that. >> you may have to pay some fees in order to make up for your environmental costs. will talk more about that and more. california is out of the drought. but one socal, our son now targeting the trees. we'll have the details after we'll have the details after the break.
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this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong.
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ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. want a worry-free way to kill bugs? zevo traps use light, not odors or chemical insecticides, to attract and trap flying insects. they work continuously so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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>> alright, lawmakers in hawaii are considering some new legislation that would require tourists to pay it eco tourism fees. so under this bill, visitors will have to purchase a year long pass or license to visit state parks and trails. so, john, you just got back from hawaii. that's not in place just yet. but what are you thinking about that? i think it's a good idea over tourism is actually super damaging to the environment. so this is a good way to. >> moderate the effects of for the state to be able to help preserve some of that unique ecology which i think is cool. absolutely love the idea as well. and while it doesn't think it's than that in a way to protect the environment is great. now during the campaign last year, governor josh green said tourists should pay $50 to enter the state. the fund to help pay for repairs of environmental damage caused by travelers. another travel story. have you ever wonder what happens to your luggage that goes unclaimed? well, it might not in that where you think it does because most of
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the luggage actually ends up in a store and alabama. kelsey cursing has that story. i'm baffled that some people never claim their luggage. >> after 90 days, they're often sold to an unclaimed baggage center in alabama. but what does that mean to you? major discounts on everything you can think of. >> it's a finders keepers kind of mentality and it's a big loss in unclaimed luggage welcome over a million >> every single year. we're kind of a bucket list. destination, if you will, is worth the travel is worth the lines worth everything because >> it's the thrill of the hunt. you never know what you're going to find. don't grab your bags at the airport. the airline's sell it. but like this doesn't go unclaimed very often. in fact, 99.5% of bags are reunited with their owners. millions of passengers flying every single day. that's a lot of bags. never reunited with their owners and the unclaimed baggage store.
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workers say they witnessed some pretty wild even though shocking thing we've ever an impact with rattlesnake that was back in the 90 we have found real human struck in >> all of our at the impact for all of the ancient there's even an online website. if you want to see it for yourself, unclaimed baggage dot com and it is bargain shopping. they have stuff. >> for everybody, the story stock 7,000 items, every day as i'm surfing through this, all i can think is that was in somebody is luggage and they have everything from wedding dresses. diamond sports gear and all types of clothing, even electronics. >> so it's actually pretty cool. these items get a new chance at life with a major discount. so if you'd like to shop at the store had to scottsboro alabama or check out unclaimed package dot com. >> that's where those sandals went to a home. and that was kelsey kirstin reporting for us right? let's get another
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check of weather with john shrable. hopefully you'll have to travel if you do maybe consider carry basic economy all the way. never but the yet we are looking at a good travel forecast. if you're just staying here in the bay. >> don't need to travel to get some sunshine. we've got plenty of it just around the corner here in a few hours. obviously still dark out there. but nice and bright in this view from your berkeley hills. we've got a full moon this morning. syria notice as you make your predawn drive to work that conditions out there a little bit on the bright side, low pressure area spinning off to the north and west of us is going to result in heavy rainfall from the northern california, oregon, washington region's. but for the bay area, we're kind of a little too far south to be getting the direct hit from this one. we are going to see some rainfall overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. but the heaviest of rain staying to our north right up in areas like humble del norte, say trinity counties further towards the oregon border here in the bay area. things are nice and clear this
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morning. cloud cover does generally increase the later we get in the day today and we will see the chance of a couple of sprinkles right before sunset today. but most rainfall holds off until overnight hours tonight, especially for the north bay, which is going to have consistently rainy conditions through the overnight into tomorrow morning. now, as for the start of the day tomorrow, we are going to have some wet conditions for your friday morning commute. the only commute this week that is really bringing those slick conditions. so do mind you that start to the day tomorrow. that looks kind of wet skies will generally clear out the later in the day. tomorrow. you're talking and by saturday into sunday, dry skies for the rest of the weekend. rainfall totals from this next system. not going to be super significant. the big winners will be the north coast. santa rosa, you could see a half an inch of rainfall. most of the rest of us, a 10th to a quarter inch of rain. winds will stay nice and calm today. much like yesterday in fact, we're repeating a lot of the same factors that you may have enjoyed about yesterday. some
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50's towards the coastline. some 60's for both are bayshore as well as our inland areas and a couple spots getting up to 70 degrees. notably san jose getting right up to 70 degrees. well, fremont at 66 hayward at 64 degrees. oakland at 62 walnut creek and concord, each at 66 antioch, 68 degrees or second, warmest city today. a nice one to be venturing outside and enjoying that comfortably. cool feel tomorrow. we start the day with showers but those showers move out by midday and should be looking at nice, dry conditions the rest of the day. good news for your giants. home opener saturday and sunday. nice and clear for any plans you may have for passover easter with mostly sunny skies for sunday in our warmest day of the week after that will start to cool down a little bit back to the 60's by tuesday and wednesday, right? all right, john, thanks for that check in on a bridge camps this morning heading into the city right now. 7 minutes right? >> so that fremont street exit our san mateo bridge about 12 rajan 101. your richmond
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center fell bridge an 8 minute drive out of there and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the 19 minutes. well, police in socal, they're looking for a suspect who they say he's been lighting up trees in los angeles county. a lot of people worry the crimes could escalate. rachel minutes off reports from l a >> fire erupts outside of walter moguls home. his cameras were rolling and he believed it was intentionally set. it was only later when i was being interrogated by the police and firemen. >> they said, i think think it started. somebody came by with a cigarette or something says noses looks like you have an arsonist in the neighborhood. >> walter was alerted to the flames only once he heard a crack in his front window. the good news is firefighters responded quickly and the flames didn't spread but walters well aware the outcome could have been much different. >> i don't know how many feet away it is from home, but it freaked us out. i thought i'd lost my home. basically i was thinking, neighbors in and
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around mount washington in the adjacent silver lake communities are understandably unsettled. lafd says 19 fires have been set only minor damage. >> has actually been done. it warns it could be the work of a serial arsonist. it's putting us really at an feeling just like last night we were home. >> and when we heard a car pull up to our driveway, we immediately went outside to see who was in our driveway and that that never happens in this neighborhood. julie casey says throughout the month of march, someone has been driving around with a possible accelerants and is lighting cypress trees ablaze. the theory is that these trees are an easy target because they're particularly flammable. you can tell there's a lot of fear about. >> and my next do i go to bed tonight? should i stay up and keep an eye every day? a new report seems to pop up on facebook or neighborhood digest. adam kurtzman is another victim. total panic. you know, it's los angeles and fire. it's a bad i'm just hoping he doesn't here. she
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doesn't make repeat performances in the same neighborhoods. >> i don't want to lose our house. >> scary situation. that was rachel menitoff reporting. we'll be right back after the break. peppermint foia. welcome
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back. it's 4.55 about to be hitting 5 o'clock. and if you're heading outside here in a minute, you're going to notice that we have a nice calm start this morning. another chilly start, though, looking outside at half moon bay. pretty bright out there. we've got a full moon this morning. so lighting things up as you're getting outside. now, 40's for most of our current temperatures. we don't have frost advisories not quite as cold as yesterday was. and as we make our way into the afternoon today, pretty comparable conditions to what we had for your wednesday. so if you liked yesterday, feel like today, too. some mid 50's at the coast are cooler areas while inland and bay sure spots will mostly be rising well into the 60's. so get those light jackets on and enjoy another dry day rain. all right, john, thanks to that. right now. >> peppermint oil can actually help you. stay calm while you're driving. that's according to researchers in england who say the scent can reduce stress and aggression. they say that peppermint oil sues the brain curry feeling of depression and james, he pointed out, which made really
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good note. it's distracted driving awareness month. so just be mindful, don't you know, take off when you're driving. make sure that you do this before you do that. they're showing that this actually reduced a depression and aggression while we were driving on route 17%. coming up in the next hour, sandwiches, the police are still trying to find the person who killed. >> tech executive probably going to break down what the police are now asking for the public in a live report and london police are officially launching an investigation into the san francisco drag queen. this death will talk more about that. and one homeowner in the east bay says he's being targeted after fireworks just exploded outside of his home.
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lowe's knows the first step to motivation is inspiration. so, we've got new everything. new flooring, new paint, new patio sets, new pillows. i can keep going if you want me to. you got this. and we got you.
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news far. >> good morning. and happy thursday to you. i'm sorry and i'm james and it's a thursday morning. that's dry. maybe tomorrow. this time that might be different story. but at least today and here we go again, it's yeah, definitely be wet tomorrow morning. but nothing to be too alarmed about. >> compared to where we've been earlier this season tomorrow is going to feel pretty easy, breezy this morning. definitely really nice. we're repeating a lot of factors we liked about your wednesday, which does include a little bit of a chilly start. so just make sure to be getting those jackets ready to go before you step outside. right


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