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tv   KRON 4 News at 430am  KRON  April 5, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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>> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news on a wednesday morning. we're inching ever so closely to the holiday weekend, celebrating with friends and family. john travels back with us this morning. where miss you and john me, my family want to know, can we plan things or easter outside? we got to be easter passover sunday looking absolutely great. we are going to be looking at good weather
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for getting out there outdoors. if you do have some allergies, do watch for some higher pollen levels on that day. >> friday, saturday, those are the days to watch out for a few light showers possible, especially on friday. now, as far as we go this morning, no showers out there. just clear skies continue a trend of comfortably. cool weather that we've enjoyed a lot lately. it's maybe a little too cool this morning, but we do get nice this afternoon. right now it's 30's 40's out there, redwood city, livermore and dublin at 38 degrees. santa rosa and petaluma at 39 right now. a lead at 36 napa sitting at 37. so we're definitely looking at today that starts cold but gets more comfortable. frost advisories for marine sonoma, napa and solano counties. freeze warnings for lake and mendocino counties. all extended through 09:00am as temperatures up their fall to miss some, especially low conditions. now, right now, skies are clear on radar. we should stay that way today should stay calm to with calm conditions in london by the
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bay shore. only breezy spots really being up and down the coastline today will bring sunshine just as we've gotten used to the past few days. high temperatures eventually climbing into the low to mid 60's that are very warmest of more about what to expect as we move into the holiday weekend. still ahead right now. >> about 7 minutes traveling into the city this morning, maze to that fremont street exit. our san mateo bridge going to take you a little under 13 minutes. no major issues. our richmond center fell bridge 7 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minutes on a wednesday. our top story of the morning. former president donald trump says that he is innocent of the 34 felony crimes. he's being carly charged with trump addressed supporters in florida late tuesday hours after his historic arrest. anna wiernicki is in washington with more on that. good %orning. former president
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donald trump once again denied any wrongdoing when speaking from his florida home last night. >> calling the justice system lawless and out to get him. >> in his first speech since pleading not guilty to 34 t lony counts. i never thou anything like this. could happen in america. former president donald trump told supporters he did nothing wrong. the only crime that i've committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it. just hours earlier, trump saturday, new york courtroom and heard the charges against him for the first time manhattan district attorney alvin bragg says trump conspired to undermine the 2016 presidential election by trying to suppress information that would hurt his candidacy. us keen to buy and suppress negative information to help mister trump's chance of winning the election. bragg says the hush money scheme paid off 2 women who claim they had affairs with trump
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and to a trump tower doorman who said he had damaging information about trump. the criminal charges are for allegedly lying about the payments in business records. it is 34 false statements and business records. we're concealing criminal conduct. but trump says it's all a ploy to end his political career, which he says his main focus right now is winning back. the white house is radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement. we can't let. trump's lawyers say they will fight this case to drop the charges. the next in-person hearing is on december 4th. >> for now in washington, i'm anna wiernicki. back to you. >> well, here in california, the political world weighing in on trump's legal problems, including bay area congresswoman and candidate for senate bar really. she says she hopes this is just the beginning. >> you know, we've got to hold him in does make sure that all
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of these investigations move forward because once again, no one is above the law, down trump. >> california party chair jessica milan. patterson took a very different approach, writing, quote, this is a reckless display of political vengeance by a radical da who should instead spent his time tackling the surging crime. permeating new york city today in quote. congressman adam schiff, also a candidate for the senate led the prosecution of former president trump during his first impeachment trial. he says it's important that all criminal cases be treated the same. >> some breaks along with every president, the former president or an ordinary citizen, they should be held accountable even though it will certainly cause consternation among some of the country. the bigger danger will be, frankly, establishing a precedent that if you're powerful enough, you can escape indefinitely. >> it's important mention that all of this is taking place. is candidates gear up for the 2024 election? california's
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primary is less than a year away. that's set for march 5th 2024. drug overdoses continue to be concerns on bart trains. the daily crime long shows an overdose every day for the last 5 days. bart spokesperson tells kron 4 that crisis intervention specialists are trained to respond. the specialists are with the bart police department don't carry guns, but instead they use their background in social work to help people through out the system. >> we've had narcan is part of pd since 2019. it certainly proved to be a valuable tool and it is common occurrence for officers to come across folks, nurses, barnott support staff to decrypt come across writers in our system who are in we're struggling with drugs. >> bart's goal is to have a seat at the table working with city and county governments that of social services to help on house populations. bart says they can't just arrest people as a solution. they say the biggest challenge they face is that barr is not
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eligible for state funding to help solve homelessness. well, what to do with the castro theater interior. the question really lingers after live music company called another planet entertainment took over, saying they would remodel in sight. supervisor aaron peskin told company that they have 2 weeks to come up with a plan to strike a compromise with the community members who are concerned about honoring the theater experience. the was built in 1922. and it's considered one of the best preserved movie palaces in the country. it was actually design. it was designated. also a register landmark. back in 1977, another planet entertainment partnered up with its owners to revamp the site to bring in more business. they're behind other live music venues in town like the independent and the fox theater. but nonprofits like the lgbtq cultural district and san francisco heritage. they worry over plans to cut out the seats. they are stressing the
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importance of maintaining the iconic site as a space where people can continue to go for film screens. now the stakeholders, they have not sat down with these groups to discuss, get supervisor. aaron peskin imposed a two-week deadline. >> secret sauce here is that they need to get into the film business or finding operator and the community has offered to operating the when they're not using it for entertainment as a film really what is at stake is also the opening of that theater for more 100 in, you know, half of the year. so one of the new proposals for that theater. >> in the new business plan is to actually be closed half the year. and that is what the community is curious about. you know, can we keep this state and this building open more often to show films and keep it that historic character.
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>> another planet entertainment did not respond for comment, but has this pledge up on their website saying a p e recognizes that sentiment remains at the heart of the castro theater and is dedicated to keeping film and encircle component of the theater's programming. if he pledges that 33% of programming at the theater will be devoted to film screenings and film festivals. so now we will have to wait and see what happens after that two-week deadline is up. all right. let's switch gears because the city of san francisco, they're taking steps to ensure there's no war falling glass in the next storms as you might remember, windows came crashing to the ground from a handful of buildings last month. now the city is requiring many newer high rises to be inspected sooner rather than later. well, for us, dan kerman has that story. well, never ending rains and gusty winds during last month's storms caused a variety of issues. >> those who live in work in san francisco also had to deal with this falling glass effect from march 14th to the 23rd
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windows failed in 6 high-rise buildings, including the millennium tower and sales force east. >> if there's one silver lining and it is actually a miracle. nobody got seriously injured or killed. >> and while the window failure in those 6 buildings triggered immediate inspections, there was no such requirement for other high-rise buildings completed after 1998, the way the law was designed. it required inspections of older buildings. first. >> and newer buildings post a 19 9 were not required to get their first inspection for 30 years after the date of completion. >> now supervisor aaron peskin has introduced legislation which dovetails with an emergency declaration from the mayor requiring buildings, 15 stories or higher completed after 1998, have their facades inspected before november. first, this is all about
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making sure that francisco's downtown, does not need any more problems, is at least say from falling glass. 71 buildings fall into this category. >> and they're expected to receive notices from the department of building inspection in the weeks ahead in the meantime, inspection reports from those 6 buildings that had failures are doing at the end of the weekend. peskin says what they learn from those reports could lead to changes in the building code. >> in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> a lot of and then to love the city of millbrae pay tribute to the victims of a tragic plane crash 65 years ago, the city unveiled this monument to the pan am flight 7 in 1957, the boeing 3.77 crashed en route from san francisco to hawaii. 36 passengers and 8 crew members died. 15 of those people were from the bay area. the crash of pan am flight 7 eventually let in part 2, the federal aviation agency which later became the federal aviation administration or the faa. the
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new memorial site just outside the millbrae city hall is open to the public. coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. >> back in action as the playoff race heats on up going to highlights last night's game. and did you feel it wait near hollister being felt all over the bay area. we talked to the homeowners who now have to deal with the damage will to deal with the damage will be right back. after my car accident, to deal with the damage will be righti wondered what my case was worth.
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so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised.
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>> in the east bay, a winter of stormy weather left several rolled over there in contra costa county in a state of disrepair, dips and erosion taking a toll on some pablo dam road public work. crews are trying to fix what they can while the sun is still out. but first, has that story. >> traffic along san pablo dam road near the reservoir boat launch reduced to one lane throughout the day tuesday as contra costa county public works. crews know sobrante ward and compacted fastball on top of a 30 foot long 50. why did it? >> and he's continued to see since january about time is being. >> public works says underground pipes failed, causing a hazard with some have had to navigate on their daily commute, says the damage to a car. >> this great my back in my car as a frustrated. yes, it has been frustrating and this will public works has held off the repairs to allow the area
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to dry out. the asphalt is a temporary fix and more extensive work will require excavation and replacing the pipes. it's going to be a relief. >> it was deep debt. which all of us hadn't appeared a few miles down the road jean, prompting public works to shut down one lane of san pablo dam road at la junta. road. >> the pavement, splintering cars and splits on the side of the roadway. >> while at canyon road also remains closed ocean. >> and slide repairs. but there is no timeline for when the area will be fixed. for now, crews are responding to what they can. >> well, the weather permits right know there covering the damage writers should proceed with caution in contra costa county believe all kron 4 >> well, well, and now we just have to guess saying, wait and try to figure when he next storm is going to roll on to friday. they're getting those roads fix, though, because
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that has been rough out there traveling around with all those potholes. and yeah, a little rain on friday should result in too many damages out there. >> it is specially not going to be nothing to worry about compared to where we were last month with all that heavy rainfall. that march brought us april has been a little quieter so far. we do have an almost full moon, eliminating the bay area this morning that actually reach full stage overnight tonight leading into tomorrow morning, but still plenty of brightness in this view from your berkeley hills camera, seeing some cloud cover to the north and west of us. although the bay is crystal clear this morning, it's clear it's calm and it is cool. we actually a frost advisories for a whole lot of the north bay as we get things started. so make sure that you are bundled up for the start of the state. today will be a comfortably. cool afternoon. a few passing clouds towards the late afternoon into tomorrow. another dry day for us before we do see that opportunity for some lighter to moderate showers come friday. now this is going to move in during your morning commute on friday
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to do expect a bit of a slick drive to work for your last commute of the week, lingering into early saturday morning. rainfall amounts from this one at most around a half an inch, a quarter of an inch, 2 tenths of an inch for most of us. so yes, as i mentioned, compared to some of our previous of rains, this is nothing to necessarily be too concerned about, but could mess up your friday plans a little bit. as for your future cast of winds, we will stay calm for most of the bay today, a little breezy at the coast, but pretty much everyone else going to be seeing a really nice and joybell afternoon ahead. daytime highs will rise into the 50's at the coastline and then the spread of 50's to low to even mid 60's elsewhere. some of our warmest spots today will be in the south bay with san jose. up to 64 degrees for your daytime high. 61 for the tri valley as well as union city and fremont holding on to the upper 50's in oakland, berkeley and richmond while reaching into the low 60's for sonoma. allay fairfield and santa rosa. here's a look ahead all the way through easter passover this weekend. both looking
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absolutely great, especially sunday being our warmest of the forecast. nicely time there with highs reaching into the low 70's on sunday, the worst day of the weekend for any outdoor plans will be friday. not that it's going to be excessively stormy, but those showers may keep you inside more so than not right now. i'm john, thanks for that. let's check on those bridges. 87 right for you. >> traveling into the city this morning. how about the san mateo bridge chat about 12 minutes there? a richmond center fell bridge 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 20 minutes on this wednesday. well, did you feel it? a 4.5 magnitude quake rattled parts of the bay. now the quake happened yesterday. just south hollister saw everybody talking about on the internet. was justin campbell reports from the epicenter where at least one house there was damaged. >> this crack is right at the moment. the window kathy hill showed us the cracks in her was at her house in hollister.
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she and her husband hearing. we were inside when a 4.5 magnitude earthquake strong tuesday afternoon. ironically, i heard coming into it. it sounded like a. >> like a large, heavy truck highway or freeway. the hill say the earthquake lasted about 10 seconds. so this belief that whole room that we're sitting in right now just shaking the whole house shook and as a 94.5 sarah minson with the united states geological survey says tuesday's earthquake hit 5 miles below the surface. but the shaking was felt as far up north as san francisco. not how strong shaking is. it's how the launching area of the fault move. no one was injured, but none since as we should all be prepared. for more of the smaller earthquakes, i'll more might happen much more often because they happened so much more often. they all main tossed a pass out to the think you want to be prepared for. >> all the small the hills are safe and sound but will have cracks in their wall, reminding them of the power of
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mother nature. >> reporting in hollister, justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> heading to the warriors. a job taking on the oklahoma city thunder at the chase center. lawyers were trailing by a couple points in the first 2 quarters in the 4th quarter. they tie at 115.7 curry with the shot to get them ahead. and the camp pushing for it does with the wind won. 36 2025 hear from head coach steve kerr. >> it's so much fun play at home in front of our have such a you know, with what has happened here over the last decade think we thrive off of the energy in this building in front of our fans and you can see the competitiveness. they the force that comes from draymond and steph in jordan and clay getting of the other we feel like isn't in the game. >> well, still kerry's taking a shot at acting deadline
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reporting that the warriors stars cast as himself in a new nbc comedy called missed a throwback. the mockumentary comedy follows a sports memorabilia dealer who's down is look, he's reaching out to a childhood friend for some help friend grew up to be guessed it. four-time champ and the best shooter of all time is to steph curry will also produce the show. curry shot at friend will be played by adam poly. you might know him from the mindy project or happy endings. we're not sure when that shows coming out. but the offseason is just around the corner. so filling will probably start some time after the lawyers wrap things up this year. i will be watching. a former soccer stars, allie wagner, brandi chastain, alan daniel slayton and leslie osborne, all join forces to make this happen for the bay area, bringing the 14 team of the national women's soccer league right here to the bay with the expansion. also, including the return of the utah royals, san francisco base investment for 6 street is the new teams. majority
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investor putting 125 million dollars towards that new women's soccer team. 6 street also has investments in the teams like the nba's san antonio spurs and soccer clubs like real madrid and barcelona. all 4 of the former players and the founders have ties to the bay and they spoke about their excitement to bring the in w s l's 14th and newest team to newark >> this is just the beginning. it feels sometimes like we won the marathon already. just to get to this point. but we're prepared because of all the work that we've done and we're looking forward to the next chapter. and and really doing this with all of you? i think our and our with of impact can be. >> not just in the 9 counties along the 9 bridges but really globally is with allen and 6th street that make these things are possible. these are not hypothetical as they're not. i hope so. but it's slow. it's going to happen. listen, okay.
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4.56. and we are looking outside at a nearly full moon. i've been enjoying watching it as it. >> about to make its way down the horizon here in the second really lighting things up on such a clear morning. love to see that for wednesday morning. you've got an easy commute to work. as far as weather goes long as the car heaters working. all right. because it is kind of chilly.
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we have frost advisories for the north bay right now, including areas like novato santa rosa. napa in vallejo, all down in the 30's for your current temperatures after such a cold morning, we do reach some really comfortable afternoon highs, san jose all the way up to 64 degrees today. oakland, you'll top things out at 59 while san francisco. 57 to look forward to later on today. right now. >> that will still got a lot to get to in the next hour. >> talking about the tech executive died after staff in san francisco will tell you more about that. those details in a live report and an armed robbery following victims robbers. fallen victims to their homes in the south bay. we're talk about who police say the robbers were targeting. and the crisis, the east bay police department is facing is they face to many officers to a shortage of them, how they're dealing and they're going to be consolidating their patrols. we'll be right back. don't go anywhere.
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are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. (imitating chicken clucks) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying... (clucking) nobunny knows easter better than cadbury.
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>> breaking news this morning. the creator of cash app is killed in a stabbing in san francisco's killer. still on the loose. live with details. plus, former president donald trump pleads not guilty to 34 felony charges against him carry what he's saying about the case this morning. and the record rain this winter sparking a major spring allergy season. coming up, how you can manage symptoms.


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