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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  April 4, 2023 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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>> when fun time from the bay
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area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news heading. >> now, a former president trump's first address tonight following his arrest earlier in the day. in his remarks. instead of going on the defensive, the president sounded like he was more on the campaign trail. thanks for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 8 o'clock. ken and pam have the night off. i'm grant lotus. i'm justine waldman. president trump addressed a crowd of his mar-a-lago estate. >> around 5.15, this evening. the crowd included supporters like his family failed arizona gubernatorial candidate kari lake and longtime ally roger stone. the former president's tone was stuff i and he spoke for several minutes springing up past issues that >> he considers to be unfair treatment, including both impeachment trials. the 2020 election ballot boxes being stuffed. that's before finally addressing today's proceedings, calling them a
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political witch hunt. former president trump surrender to authorities at a manhattan courthouse around 11 o'clock this morning. pacific time in total. >> he was in the courtroom for about 70 during that time. trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records tied to hush money that was paid to multiple people during the 2016 presidential campahgn. the judge is not imposing a gag order at this point, but is now asking both sides to refrain from comment that could lead to civil unrest. he specifically singled out trump with that comment. the former president is set to return to court in december, presiding over today's historic arraignment was judge won marshawn. >> his caseload is feature charges against the trump organization and some of the former president's closest associates in business and politics. now he's taking on this hush money, prosecution of mister trump himself. the judge is a former manhattan prosecutor was 16 years on the
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bench. the 6 year-old was heavily involved in the tax fraud case against the former president's company. and it's long time finance chief allen weisselberg, which ended with weisselberg's guilty plea under the deal. he received a 5 month jail sentence in exchange for agreeing to testify against the trump organization. now, former president trump has claimed that the judge, quote, hates him. but one attorney that we spoke to disagrees. just mercy on is known to be a judge with an even temperament. he's a thoughtful judge. he knows the law, although trump may say he thinks that this judge hates him. >> there's no evidence or no prior history in the record to show that judge marshawn has any animus, the donald trump, in fact, during the weisselberg trial, he appeared to be a pretty fair judge. the judge emigrated from colombia as a 6 year-old grew up in new york city and earned a law degree from hofstra. 1994. he worked in the state attorney general's office before.
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>> then mayor michael bloomberg appointed him as a family court judge in 2006, 3 years later, he was assigned to the new york supreme court. now, let's take a closer look at the pattern of payments trump allegedly made one of them he made involve the national enquirer. the tabloid was a longtime trump ally. the enquirer is accused of paying $30,000 to a former trump tower doorman. >> who claim to know trump had a child out of wedlock. the publication later reported the claim was untrue. and then the tabloid made $150,000 payment to karen mcdougal. a playboy playmate, mcdougal wanted to sell her story of an affair with trump during the 2016 campaign and the final payment, which is the focus of the indictment here, involved $130,000 deal between trump's former lawyer and fixer, michael cohen and star stormy daniels in the final days of the campaign. the money here. but daniel silence about an affair she says she had with trump a decade prior. trump denies any wrongdoing related
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to these payments. one of the big questions is where these payments part of a scheme to undermine the 2016 election. and for more on what is next and what just happened. we're joined by loyola law school professor jessica levinson, who also hosts the passing judgment podcast. jessica, appreciate youretime. i know you've been super busy when you drop your next podcast, how would you sum this up? >> i think this up by saying it's about what we expected, but it's a little bit broader, as you described in the introduction. this is not just about stormy daniels. this is about a pattern and practice of behavior where the former president is former attorney michael cohen and the former publisher of the national enquirer basically entered into agreements, were going to buy up stories that would be bad for you. not bad for you, donald j trump in your personal capacity or in the business world, the bad for
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you for the campaign. and that's where campaign finance laws kick in. i think the other big takeaway here is that alvin bragg did not give us more than what he needed to. he gave us a fairly bare-bones indictment. that's not a criticism, but it's fairly bare bones. and as we expected, the crux of all of this is based on the false a vacation of business records. the idea that when the former president was repay and michael cohen, he said they were legal expenses and they were not and that we're moving up to a felony. because what alvin bragg is going alleges that that's also patient was done in further its of trying to commit or conceal other crimes and that they knew it was illegal. exactly that you need that intent to commit or concealed the crimes that you can't have accidently stumbled into illegality. these are intent based cracks. now there >> was a lot that happened today. a lot of circus with the media and the flying of the plane and back to
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mar-a-lago on the rally. but our next court date that we're going to be covering here that president former president trump will be present for is in december. that's a long way from now. what happens between now and that? >> i think probably in earlier court date, the judge basically said i will see you if not sooner on december 4th, but i think that there will be motion practice in this case. i think the former president's attorneys will try and get the case trone out. they'll try and say that there's a statute limitations issue which i don't think is insurmountable even a huge issue to be frank. i think they'll claim that alvin bragg, many overreached and doesn't have the power to hook this falsifications business records to a state crime because we're talking about a federal candidate or conversely to federal crimes because we're talking about a state prosecutor. so that's a long way of saying i think we could certainly see that there would be a number of legal arguments and motions filed that could force the parties back sooner than december.
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4th. i think there's some people out there who think, yes, no one is above the law. >> but this might be the weakest case against trump. when you consider the 2 federal cases involving the documents that were taken to mara lago. the insurrection and then also the finding votes in georgia. are you concerned that if this case doesn't work, those other cases, the prosecutors might be reticent to pursue them. >> yes, i am. i actually wrote a column where said that basically i'm concerned that this looks like from the outside the weakest case and because it's going forward first, obviously there's an even greater weight than if it came 3rd or 4th. we always know that historic first just bear more scrutiny. i am for that reason. i circumspect about this case, but i think that all of the other prosecutors will and should look at their cases on independent basis to them involves different facts and
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different loss. this case today, does it? does it feel like a strong case? so it feels like we don't know everything. i will say that there are certainly you can point to them some challenges for the prosecution. i think that there are challenges that they can pass. as we talked about some of the thresholds, this statute limitations issues. the issue is proving intent and issues involving what the other crimes might i think that a prosecutor again could prove all that. but i don't there is in all cases there's a big difference between indictment and conviction. and we're going to see that. >> the da said today that there were some additional evidence that led him to move forward with finally bringing this is, quote, tom, be case because it still for so long. what was that additional evidence? >> so we we don't know for sure where that additional evidence was. i think in part it was talking to michael cohen and finding him to be credible. i think in part it was talking to david packer
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and he did come, i believe, last or second to last in terms of witnesses before the grand jury showing that he will be important to this case in finding that this again was not just about the payments to stormy daniels, but that this was about an agreement to, quote, unquote, catch and kill the stories that would be bad for trump leading up to the elections. so i think part of it part of that is what really convinced alvin bragg care. david packer, of course, the publisher of the national choir >> jessica, can you kind of lump the 2 issues together and give us perspective. you have the political side of this. obviously the former president is now a candidate again for president. and then you have all these legal issues that are coming to the forefront. how do you see the next? i don't know, year. plus going when you might have a trial during, you know, an election year. >> so unfortunately, i think we're always viewing these legal issues to our political and i think for people who
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support the president, they think these are basically bookkeeping issues and that it's a witch hunt. i think that for people who are critics of the president, they look at this and they say it looks like a strong case to me and it looks like the president was trying to hide information from the american public in terms of what happens next politically, i think it really depends on what we talked about before, which is are there other indictments? >> and as well, the former president has been able to fund raise a lot in the short term off of this particular indictment. >> if he does get the republican nomination again, he's going to have to appeal to a much broader audience. and i just it's hard to imagine that this indictment would be a plus for independents and moderates. >> the former president has now raised some 10 million dollars since thursday when the indictment was released. his poll numbers are up just trying to like step back from all the legal aspects of everything. there might be some short-term games for the president as far as fundraising and poll numbers. but will this hurt him in the
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long term or is this really going to work and his advantage because republicans are going to rally around him. >> well, i think your question, it is clearly helping with his base, at least in the short term. we don't know how big that base is. if it really encompasses the entire republican primary but there's some indication that the party is absolutely continues to be with him, that he's still very popular in the republican party. and therefore, it's you know, his narrative really has been i am a victim of political witch and this he's trying to show is an example of and so again, the primary, it could potentially be helpful. but i think the general election is just a different world in a different audience. indeed. we have to leave it there. we're out of time. jessica levinson, really appreciate your time tonight. she is the well law school law professor who also host the passing judgment podcast. thanks a lot.
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>> keep it here with kron four's. we continue our coverage of the former president's arraignment today. you can scan the qr code there on your screen. that will take you right to our live team coverage as well as expert interviews development posted on kron 4 dot com and our kron. 4 news app coming up tonight on kron. 4 news at 8, a woman is taking alameda county to court over the death 8 year-old grandchild. >> why she says sophia mason should still be alive today. >> plus, a warning for would-be prank callers. the fbi is getting involved in one call that claimed the shooting was happening at a high school and an earthquake shook the bay area this afternoon. how big it was and where it started. that's after the break.
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>> well, did you feel it? a magnitude 4.5 earthquake struck south of the bay area near watsonville just before 3.30, this afternoon. grant you felt that you were in the newsroom. sure. people felt that, you know, all around different parts of the bay, not everybody, of course. but the strongest shaking certainly was in the south bay here in the kron 4 news room, san francisco, right? exploratory and there we certainly felt it wasn't big, but a little bit of shaking for a few seconds. fortunately, no reports anywhere of any damage. tonight. kron four's any hong is with us now. and he did you feel the earthquake today? you know, i think i felt a little bit, but it relies things were shaking until after people like a guys feel, let's say, yes, i felt a little bit. >> that earthquake stronger
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south of the san jose area around the hollister area and salinas. >> and then it hit 4.5 at 3.23. this afternoon, a little bit later than we had a little aftershock that was measured about 2 point, oh magnitude. but again, nothing too major. after that, we can still expect some aftershocks of special later tonight and into tomorrow. we did see the u.s. the quake strikes just near the san andreas fault line earlier this afternoon, aside from the shaking earlier today, we did see some windy conditions again, not as strong as yesterday, but still breezy at times. temperatures are going to be cold once again specially far north bay interior valleys you see is areas in blue. that includes sonoma wine country. napa fairfield, chilly conditions for you. a frost advisory in effect for early tomorrow morning. temperatures in the 30's maybe hovering just above the freezing mark overnight lows look like this. a lot of 30's and santa rosa. 34 37 in napa. 42 in san francisco and far south for a friend's temperatures will be cooling down into the 40's from
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mountain view and also san jose. current winds still a little breezy just in some parts of the bay, especially along the coast, saying winds at 80 miles an hour, half moon bay, 17 and san francisco, 14 in fairfield and also 14 for our friends and oakland. temperatures right now. a cool night once again in the upper 40's for happen. bay to low 50's for oakland, hayward and 49 in fremont san jose year. 52 degrees at this hour. we do see some high clouds entry into the forecast iere popping this couple of days by thursday, potentially. we could see some showers come back to the bay area. maybe even bringing some snow once again for from those skiers and snowboarders. we're thinking maybe thursday and friday. more details on the timing of that storm and also the warm-up headed this way. back to you. >> thanks any the grandmother of a little girl who was killed is now suing alameda county and 3 of its employees. 8 year-old sophia mason from hayward was found dead last year and more said county.
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>> her mother and the mother's boyfriend have been charged with her death as kron four's terisa stasio reports. now this lawsuit alleges. >> countless failures by the county led to sophia's death. >> amount of money in this world can bring some people back and no, no person would want to be filing a wrongful death lawsuit over the death of their loved one. but the family from the get-go, from the moment that they spoke to me has been really focused on figuring out how we can prevent this tragedy from happening to another family attorney currently sanchez's representing sophia mason's grandmother, sylvia johnson. >> the 8 year-old live with their grandmother in the east bay for most of her life. but in the fall of 2021, johnson told the authorities her daughter showed up demanding sophia to live with her 8 months later, the little girl was found dead. her body decomposed in a bathtub in merced county. >> the evidence points to the
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fact that i would mean a county absolutely had all the information it needed to know that this child was being abused and tortured. they knew that the abuse was escalating as time continued and they looked the other way and chose to do nothing about it. then shes says sophie's grandmother and other family members tried to get alameda county social services to intervene, alleging neglect. >> and abuse. sanchez says that one of the most troubling findings, a hospital worker called county workers about extensive bruising on mason. >> indicative of assault. as we know. there's reason to believe that she was severely sexually abused. >> the alameda county department of children and family services and 3 employees are cited in the suit that asked for financial damages. kron 4 news reached out to the county but no one returned our calls or emails. these cases are not in a vacuum. this is not a one-off situation that's happening in
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alameda county and from my perspective and i believe from the family of from the perspective of sophia's family >> there's grave concern that in general, the children in alameda county are not safe. these if these practices are being followed. sophia's mother, samantha johnson and johnson's once boyfriend dhante jackson now face multiple counts, including murder. >> their preliminary hearing is set for june. theresa kron. 4 news. >> the city of alameda is reporting. get this more than 2 catalytic converter thefts a day on average state of from recent 30 day period shows 65 deaths and at least one incident involved a suspect with a gun. police have a limited description of that suspect other than what you see here, alameda police dispatch got a call about the crime while it was in progress and sent a patrol car to the scene responding officers say they decided against pursuing the suspect vehicle because
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that person was driving recklessly in the city. instead, investigators say they will check the city's automated license plate readers to try to help track down the person behind the wheel. anybody with info is asked to contact alameda police in the south bay. 2 men are now facing charges for a string of purse snatching that appears to be targeting. >> the asian american community, 19 year-old ellie asked mubarak's and 21 year-old michael pruitt, both from oakland were arrested and charged with multiple felonies by san jose police. the robberies happened between march february 24th and march 29th when the 2 were arrested last week. police say they also found $10,000 in cash, illegal firearms and equipment used to make ghost guns. kron four's amanda hari spoke with police and said that there could be more victims. central have more details coming up tonight during kron. 4 news at night. in the north bay. police are investigating a swatting incident at a high school swatting you may know is when someone calls in a
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crime that would instigate a large police presence or a swat team response and there was no crime at all. and this time it happened at sandra fell high school and police are working with the fbi to find the people responsible. kron four's gayle ong has the latest >> it was quiet at centerville high school tuesday afternoon. but the day before students say they saw several police cruisers on campus, according to sandra fell police officers responded to a call of an active shooter at the high school just before 02:00pm monday, a caller reported students were injured. officers found no such incident. they are now focusing the investigation on the source of the call while responding our dispatchers in consistencies from the color and began to be suspicious that perhaps the call. >> was a hoax. a hoax is known as swatting. it's when law enforcement respond to reports of shootings at schools. >> which turn out to be false type false call.
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>> that's not only the public at risk, but also the first responders. we're going to the call because we treated as an emergency and it also a lot to when are we can focus on other real emergencies and sergeant justin graham with the center field police department says the agency is working with the fbi. >> investigators have so far traced the call from the same number that may reports to police agencies across the state and country this school year. i saw the news this parent of a freshman at the school relieved. i do understand people are what happened. i don't know why hot hop in the mine. the principled stand or fall high school sent a letter notifying parents about the hoax. >> it reads in part, quote, please know the safety and well-being of our students and staff is a priority. we take all reports of potential threats seriously and make every effort to ensure students and staff feel safe. >> and falls calls are forwarded to the marin county district attorney's office. prosecution of the offenders
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reporting from center found gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> still ahead tonight on kron, 4 news at 8, our coverage of former president trump's arrest continues with a live report from the nation's capital. plus, a judge steps in to decide if san francisco is allowed to clear out homeless clear out homeless encampments.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255 to ask for medication to treat covid-19. >> just into the kron, 4 we're learning about a recovery operation for a missing boater. the slot of county
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sheriff's office says the boater was reported missing just before 8 this morning in the waters around dutton island and snag island crews have been searching throughout the evening. nothing has turned up yet. so they're saying now they'll be back out in the waters tomorrow searching for this missing boater and san francisco police are asking for your help to find this woman. 33 year-old alaina marie adams, adams as a tourist and was supposed to board a cruise ship at pier 27 on monday. but they're saying she never showed up. you can see her here in these photos. we're told by police that she has tattoos behind both years and a tattoo on her right foot so if you see her, please call 9-1-1. still to come tonight on kron 4 news today, we have snippets from a president trump said tonight addressing his supporters, is ours. >> after he was arrested in new york, plus, teenagers charged for shooting that left 2 brothers dead last october and then from the star of the
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warriors to the start of the silver steph curry is in a new tv show. can
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>> tonight, former president trump is insisting he's innocent of the 34 felony crimes that he was charged with today. he spoke to a crowd of his supporters at mar-a-lago just hours after his historic arrest in new york kron four's washington, d.c., correspondent hannah
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brandt has more now on what he said. good evening. had a >> grant. justin, good evening. well, this really sounded like a classic trump campaign speech. he talked a lot about how he believes the nation is in decline and also how he thinks that these criminal charges are just a political ploy to stop him from becoming president. again. >> anything like this. could happen. >> an american former president donald trump defiantly denied any wrongdoing in a primetime speech from mar-a-lago. the only crime that i've committed it is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it. just hours before that, he sat in the courtroom and pled not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg says trump orchestrated a hush money scheme to kill stories that might have hurt his 2016 presidential campaign including payments made to 2 women who claim they had affairs with trump and to a trump tower dormant who said
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he had damaging information about trump. the criminal charges are for allegedly lying about the payments in business records. it's not just about one payment. it is 34 false statements and business records. >> we're concealing criminal conduct. the former president and his supporters say the case is politically motivated and meant to hurt his 2024 presidential run. but bragg argues it's just the opposite. everyone stance equal before the law. no amount of money and no amount of power changes that enduring american principle as this case plays out. the former president says he's still focused on winning back the white house. now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement. >> we can't let. and even if he is convicted constitutionally trump is still allowed to continue his run for president. >> and even to hold the office again, if he wins live in washington, i'm hannah brandt.
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>> hanna, thank you. here in california, the political world is weighing in on trump's legal problems, including bay area, congresswoman and candidate for senate barber lee. she says she hopes this is just the beginning. >> come you know, we've got to hold him and that is make sure that all of these investigations move forward because once again, no one is above the law, down trump. >> california republican party chair jessica millan patterson took a different approach, writing this. this is a reckless display of political vengeance by a radical da who should instead spent his time tackling the surging crime. permeating new york city today. congressman adam schiff, also a candidate for senate led the prosecution of the former president during his first impeachment trial today. he says it is important that all criminal cases be treated the same. >> if someone breaks along with every president, the former president or an
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ordinary citizen, they should be held accountable even though it will certainly cause consternation among some of the country. the bigger danger will be, frankly, establishing a precedent that if you're powerful enough, you can escape indefinitely. >> and stay with us here on kron. four's be continue. coverage of former president trump's arraignment scan the qr code on your screen to watch our live team coverage on our expert interviews. it's all on kron 4 dot com and our kron. 4 news app. >> new tonight at 8 and east bay businesses dealing with a series of break-ins costing the owners nearly $6,000 to fix the damage. this is surveillance camera footage from km cash for gold. that's in el sobrante. you can sail bush people, 11 of them breaking in tearing the place apart. the owner telling us his business has been broken into 5 times since april of last year. the last 2 break-ins happened. then february in one day, nothing was stolen from all of the
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break-ins because the owner says he get the jewelry inside a safe. the owner says he believes the same group is responsible for all these break-ins because they were similar clothing and keep trying to get into the safe. the owner says he said to pay out of pocket to fix all the damage done to the door, windows displays and safe. a teenager. he's being charged for the homicide of 2 brothers who were shot and killed at a house party last october. we reported on this when it happened. oakland police have arrested 2 juveniles for the shooting but announced today only one would be facing charges. so clint police say 15 year-old jaycee and his 17 year-old brother angel sotelo. we're about they were with about 30 other people at an airbnb that was rented out to have a party. several people were injured that night during the shooting. but angel jc were the only 2 killed. airbnb says the house that was being rented out was not authorized to host parties. a federal
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judge has denied a motion by the city of san francisco to suspend a preliminary injunction that prevents the city. >> homeless encampment sweeps. so that means the city of san francisco cannot conduct homeless encampment sweeps for the time being. the city is appealing an earlier decision and had asked the judge for a temporary stay as the appeal works its way through the courts. earlier, the judge had ruled that the city could not sweep homeless encampments until they had enough shelter beds for all unhoused residents. >> still ahead tonight at 8, how bart officials are addressing the bay area's opioid crisis after seeing 5 overdose deaths in 5 days on their traits. >> and showers could be headed this way. then a warm up. 1, 4, 7 day forecast is coming up after the break.
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>> police in san francisco are trying to take steps to ensure there's no more falling class. the next time the city gets hit by a windstorm, you might remember some windows came crashing to the ground from handful of different buildings last month from march 14th to the 23rd windows failed in 6 high-rise buildings, including the millennium tower and the sales force tower. the window failure. and those buildings triggered immediate
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inspections, as you might imagine. but high-rise buildings completed built after 1998. are not required to be inspected under current regulations. supervisor aaron peskin is introducing legislation, though, that could change that. >> bottom line is, we've come do everything in our power to make cure it's not going to be raining glass and san francisco's downtown. >> not sure. i-71 buildings fall into this category and are expected to receive notices from the department of building inspection in the next few weeks. the months of stormy winter weather is leaving several roads in contra costa county in the state of disrepair. dips erosion are taking a toll on san pablo dam road in el sobrante. the road is down to one lane la junta road. the pavement splintering and is causing some splints in the side of the roadway. wildcat canyon road also remains closed due to erosion and slide repairs. but today crews put a layer of asphalt over a
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30 foot-wide dip. but that's just a temporary solution to holdings over. this dry period. they're hoping they can get this all situated before the next storm. next storm. but next storm comes for is joining us live now with that. and hopefully it's a little baby store. >> yeah, a baby storm. little spring storm may be some showers headed this way over the next few days. but temperatures are also going to be warming up in the next several days. right now, temperatures are cool out there. maybe even chilly in downtown san francisco. 51 for our friends in oakland and 50 right now in san jose stormtracker 4 showing us. yes, we do have another storm that could bring us some more wet weather this way. i don't think until like thursday night and maybe for friday's morning commute, we could see some wet weather that looks like temperatures are also in a warm up after that. a live look at the golden gate bridge. we have mostly clear skies tonight. the weather pattern will change here for some showers will arrive. but
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we'll see partly cloudy skies tomorrow with a little bit of warming through your wednesday after a chilly start question the north bay, then showers potentially for thursday afternoon. more like thursday night. right now and into friday morning not expecting anything major, though. here's a look at that future cast going to time out when the rain is going to be headed this way. so again. dry for tomorrow. don't need the umbrellas for your wednesday. but thursday later at night, you see the rain coming in. the green indicating a light rain. the yellows and oranges kind more moderate rain again, i think most it's going to be pretty light. friday morning's commute looks to be wet. but i think by the afternoon things will start to dry out under partly to mostly cloudy conditions. how much rain can we get a whole lot maybe up higher amounts up in the north bay, maybe 7 about 3 quarters of inch of santa rosa and 3 tense for nevado. all right. here's a look at your 7 day forecast. so maybe some showers thursday and friday, dry on saturday, warming up for sunday for that easter egg
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parade and hunt that your kids are all excited about. minor excited and then mild through early part of next week. back to you. testing. >> all right. thanks so much, next up in sports after missing the last 22 games, dogs forward. andrew wiggins made his first appearance since late february sports director jason dumas checks in
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>> kron four's putting the focus on fentanyl and here in the bay area, drug overdoses
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continue to be real concerns, especially on bart trains were daily crime logs. their show an overdose happened every day for the last 5 days. a bart spokesperson tells kron four's rob nesbitt. >> about how crisis intervention specialists are now being trained to respond. >> narcan was able to revive 3 of the 5 overdoses on bart trains. but since march 28th, 2 people have died because of the narcotics in their system. 5 overdoses in 5 days on march. 28, the woman died on a bart train at the 16th street station in san francisco. >> a man was found dead on a train sunday at the daly city station in possession of narcotics. there were also overdoses reported by bart on march 29th, 30029th and early monday morning. bart spokesperson chris filippi says narcan was a lifesaving tool used to reverse those overdoses. we've had narcan is part of part pd since 2019. it certainly proves to be a valuable tool and it is common
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occurrence for officers to come across folks, nurses, barnott support staff to decrypt come across writers in our system who are in are struggling with drugs. what philippi means by non-sworn staff or the 20 crisis intervention specialists with the bart police department. they don't carry guns but instead use their background in social work to help people along 130 miles of track and at 50 stations and they'll see them once twice. 6 times, 10 times over that experience, they're building a connection there. opening a door to where that person crisis will eventually be open for help. but it takes time in january. bart police chief ed alvarez announced the department's strategic homeless action plan to address homelessness and mental health issues. they're coming to part because it's safer than they could be here for a few hours. they could be out of the elements, especially with all the rain that we've got, all the rain and wind. they can escape all of that for a few hours to come here. but we want to do is we want to help bring the services to philippi says bart's goal is to have a seat at the table working with city and county governments that
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have social services equipped to help and house populations. this is a a crisis that's larger than bart. and it's one that we can't just arrest our way out of. we've learned that certainly i think over the last few years that we need more long-term strategy. philippi says the biggest challenge as the transit agency is that barr is not eligible for state funding that goes towards helping solve homelessness. reporting the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> and we're following the fentanyl crisis across the bay area on kron 4 dot com scan the qr code on your screen. it will take you to our new focus on fentanyl page where you can track all the data. listen to the stories. our reporters have been uncovering and all of our communities. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> we're live at chase center warriors taking on oklahoma city thunder right now in this game is getting tight in coming down to the wire. the warriors need a win because
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the lakers won their game against the jazz tonight in overtime. so if the warriors don't pick up win tonight, the lakers will have supplanted the warriors for 6th place in the western conference right now. the scores 104 to 100. the thunder up by 4 points. again, the warriors need to win this game and they don't want to fall into the play-in scenario of the nba playoffs. and we know back is dicey but you know what could help them win going forward. long-term andrew wiggins. and guess what? we got him back today. when i say we the warriors because the warriors said it was a family affair. wiggins is back for the first time since february 13th. that was the last time he played. he missed the last 6 weeks about 22 games. don't quote me on that. he was pending to a family matter and week spoke to the media before the game. here is what he had to say. >> it was all just love and support. a lot of the team is
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just, you know, hitting me up and you know, saying saying their love and their prayers. you know, i just appreciate all, you know, just goes a long way. you know, it's more basketball. i thought, really good. you know, before i last game. but was in rhythm. making shots behind hopefully i'll be right back where i left off. >> the giants, they're coming off a big time win against the white sox in chtcago yesterday. anthony di school funny look pretty solid in his season debut and that means a lot because if you remember, anthony missed most of last season with a right ankle injury, that injury required season ending surgery. he threw 6 shutout innings yesterday and struck out 4 after the game. gabe kepler, he was impressed with his pitchers return. >> obviously the biggest challenges like guys
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dominating like that. you want to let them keep pitching in loss. he started to dip a little bit there at the end. that was the right time to get him out of there. make sure that when i got his work in. what is encouraging that we you know, those 2 guys pitched as planned. you know, we won the first game of the series and go into an off day feeling good about ourselves. >> it is one of my favorite times of the year and the beginning of the calendar for the golf season. masters week. masters weekend. coming up. and guess who is back at augusta? tiger woods last year with his first here at augusta since his horrific car accident where he almost lost his leg. anyone into last year saying, hey, i want come here, but i didn't believe i could win with very competent this year. there's a little more humility to tiger course. he's always want to have that fiery edge. that's what makes him the best golfer ever. but he was more reflective this season. hear what he had to
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say as he goes into thursday's opening round. >> to be able to come here and at augusta national, it's it's such a a special place and it means so much to me and my heart to be able to come here and play this golf course just appreciate the memories that i've had whether it's in competition or the practice rounds of the so much of my life has been here at augusta national and just so excited to be back here and be able to played. >> that's definitely a sports bucket might get to augusta national golf course. but back here, the warriors, they needed to get it together. they're down by 4 at the end of the 3rd quarter. as i said at the top of our sportscast, the lakers won. so if the warriors lose this game tonight, they will fall into 7th place. that is that playing bracket. no one wants to be involved in that. no one's have anything to do with that. hopefully the warriors
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eat this one out soon as this goes final, we'll have your full highlights. but for now we're live. >> at chase center. i'm jason dumas. we'll be right back after a quick break.
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>> well, get ready to go back to the swap. shrek 5 is in the works. fresh off the success of the oscar nominated in boots. equal dreamworks is planning more stories in the kingdom of far, far away. the
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ceos of illumination animation told variety a deal to bring back the original voices, including mike myers, cameron diaz and eddie murphy is in the works. this would be the first movie in about 15 years and its trek is in for you. the illumination ceo also let some details slip about other sequels. >> 2 different story set in the secret life of pets. world are in development. so is saying 3 and the studio's latest project super mario brothers hits theaters tonight. >> steph curry is taking a shot at acting deadline reporting today. the warriors star is cast as himself and a new nbc comedy called mister throwback. >> the mockumentary comedy follows a sports memorabilia dealer who is kind of down on his luck, reaching out to a childhood friend for help that friend grew up to be that guy. the four-time champ, count
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them out there. the best shooter of all time. staff will produce the show as well. and there haven't said exactly when it's going to be coming out. but, you know, people are going to be. >> tune in and anything the mister knight nights doing that night. i 9 a lot more ahead here during kron. 4 news ahead here during kron. 4 news in prime
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when that car hit my motorcycle, ahead here during kron. 4 news in prime insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at known.


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