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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  March 31, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news far. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us at 5 o'clock on a friday. i'm sorry and i'm james fletcher. obviously we have lots of news to cover today. you can see there on the left monitor. former president donald trump now indicted and now there's growing security concerns as new york braces for protests. plus the san jose police union executive we told you about accused of smuggling fentanyl set to make her first court appearance and we're following and then major bar closure set for this weekend in the east bay. we've got everything you need to know to get around. but first, we'll start the
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morning with a check of weather and it looks clear. beautiful out. there is a chilly day. >> while james and darya. good morning. good morning, everybody. i'm not as cold as yesterday was, but you know, it's still a bit on the cool side. there's quite hour for you. nice view that we have to start the day we still have that mention of a passing shower over the weekend. but it's fighting through some dry air. so it's one of the situations where we almost have to say on the radar, if it pops up, may not be seen what actually use that you see on the radar. all right. here's what's going on. storm tracker 4 to some scattered clouds that will be remaining the case throughout the entire weekend and really early in the next week as i've been mentioning, we're looking at a drying trend with the modelk going forward, which means if we do get something that looks less than before and the hits look less impactful up, most of them at readings, as you can see in the 40's to 37 palo alto. 41 meanwhile for san jose in mid to lower 40's east bay, the winds single digits to calm conditions. at this hour. we don't see a real when pop happening just yet might get one as we get into monday. however. and for today, again, a mixed bag of sun and clouds
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today. 54 again, drying out as we did from yesterday. but it will be a little bit more in the way of saturday and sunday. want to wait for that little passing shower. it looks like that may happen saturday afternoon favoring the north bay. we'll track it for you, but tracking traffic right now. we don't. yeah, we're off to a really good start on a friday. always hope it stays this way. >> 7 minutes for you traveling into the city this morning maze to that fremont street exit. maybe you're taking the san mateo bridge right now. 12 in iran, 80 to 101 for all of you heading across towards the peninsula. riches ever fill bridge about 7 minutes. their tolls to 101. it's going to be traveling at a richmond that golden gate bridge about 20 minutes. 37 to the tolls and some of our highways still pretty green moving up the limit along 1, 0, one. 27 minutes. 35 up towards the park are james, back to you. >> thanks a lot. rain. it's 502. and for the first time in american history, a former president is charged with a crime. donald trump accused of making hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels prior to his 2016 presidential
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campaign. and the charges all stem from that. yes, the president is facing unknown charges at this point because if i did just yeah, they're sealed, but we're waiting. multiple news organizations, however, report there could be as many as 30 charges in connection with falsifying business records. henry rosoff rosoff has the very latest now from new york. >> and criminals who are corrupting justice system will be defeated, discredited and totally disgraced former president donald trump has waged a renewed war of words as the grand jury heard testimony in lower manhattan. >> related to the hush money payments he allegedly made to adult film star stormy daniels. daniel says she had a brief affair with mister trump who denies the encounter. by contrast with caught only brief glimpses of the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, the man prosecuting the case. he's spoken through carefully worded statement, quote, we contacted mister trump's attorney to coordinate his surrender to the manhattan
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da's office for arraignment on the supreme court indictment which remains under seal. as for what we do know about the sealed charges. the key witness in the case is mister trump's former fixer and attorney michael cohen, who was convicted on a federal charge related to the daniels payment. mister trump and his allies have been assailing cohen's credibility. the grand jury also heard twice from former national enquirer publisher david packer, who said to be a key figure in the hush money payments. we may not find out specifics about the charges until right up to the moment when the former president is arraigned perhaps early next week, which will look like this, the fingerprint id be photographed and then taken to a courtroom. >> to be of good people for supreme court judge to be arraigned on the actual document veteran new york defense attorney arthur aidala says there will be a high degree of coordination with the secret service and as a result, handcuffs may not be necessary. >> he also says cases like these tend to end in a plea deal with no jail time. but
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the former president and leading candidate to be the republican nominee in 2024. is already fundraising off this and trying to score political points. he may let it go to trial because the risk is not too sure about this. i do not see any judge. >> putting donald trump in jail. >> on like these charges. remember that legal stall scholars do believe that the grand jury proceedings both in georgia and at the federal level tied to january 6th and the 2020 election far more serious might risk a jail there. but back this case with existing charges, congressional republicans standing shoulder to shoulder mister ttump. now speaker mccarthy reiterating his pledge to investigate bragg as a result of this indictment. >> that was henry reporting for us. the former president responded and you can see part of that here, quote, political persecution and, quote, election interference at the highest level in history.
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that's part of his statement. it reads, the democrats have lied, cheated and stolen and their obsession with trying to get trump. but now they've done the unthinkable indicting a completely innocent person and an act of blatant election interference and quote. >> well, there are serious concerns that the former president's indictment could lead to unrest in new york city. specifically. katie corrado tells us how the city is preparing. >> good morning. the barricades are up. the nypd is in place. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg received a multi car police escort out of the building thursday night. all of this part of an elaborate security plan that we're now watching play high and nypd presence surrounding manhattan criminal court thursday following the announcement of former president donald trump's indictment. but the security plans go far beyond the uniformed officers on the street. >> it's important to have a show horse, but a lot of the work that is to ensure security is done behind the
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counterterrorism work the work other rethink rob medical. we'll support 2 sanitation last week. mister trump predicted on social media that, quote, death and destruction would follow an indictment. >> and posted a now deleted picture of himself holding a baseball bat next to a photo of manhattan da alvin bragg. bragg has received hundreds of threats, including a fake powder scare. the former president denies inciting any violence. nypd veteran and criminal justice professor doctor keith taylor says every security threat is planned for federal, local and state level working hard to. >> come up with a plan that >> considers. >> any and >> possibilities of probabilities regarding what can. and how to prevent those things from happening in the first place. physically getting mister trump to the courthouse will require the
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upmost coordination between the secret service and courthouse staff. >> you just choreograph it when where you exchange cell phone number. so, you know, when the person is going to be arriving here, the secret service is going to be involved. so it's really going to be secret service coordinating with the court offices. >> and a spokesperson for mayor eric adams said in a statement, quote,fthe mayor is in constant contact with commissioner sewell about all public safety issues affecting the city. the nypd continues to monitor all activity and there are no credible threats to the city at this time reporting outside of manhattan criminal court. i'm katie corrado. >> all right. happening today back here in the bay area, the executive director of the san jose police officers association is going to be making her first court appearance. >> on drug charges yet, as we told you yesterday, she's accused of ordering fentanyl to her home and agreeing to distribute it for several many years covers michael thomas has been following this from the start. now he's live in san jose with the latest. michael.
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>> yeah, good morning, everyone. you know, the 64 year-old is set to appear in just a few hours and she could be facing up to 20 years in prison. you know, the feds say that allegedly she spent almost a decade of her career. the san jose police association dealing drugs from around the world and using the associations office and its computer. take a look. this is 64 year-old joanne suh govia. currently she is the center of an internationally produced drug shipment case facing drug charges for importing and exporting opioids like fentanyl across the bay and across the country. she's also the executive director for the san jose police association and has been since 2003. now the feds say she's been getting packages filled with thousands of illegal narcotics from places like hong kong, and india. since 2015, then it's not just one or 2, but we're talking 61 packages, an average of around 7 packages each year each that could be filled with thousands. they say now where were they being shipped to and distributed from? well, her home in san jose in her office at the san jose police association using
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the association's computer and it's ups account. the packages would arrive with labels. the things saying like wedding favors and gift makeup favors in gifts that could land her 20 years behind bars. in fact, the feds say that they asked her about the package is back in february and she denied the allegations and said that they were supplements. the nothing out of the ordinary. and then she ordered another package in march. agents say she was getting payments on cash app and was using her work email for that account. but how did the police association not catch this? well, here's what they had to say. >> i am just an angry. it's a huge, huge letdown. >> to all of the men and women that are a part of our organization. it's just so hard to comprehend. person has been really the grandma of the peel away. it's not the person that we've known for well over a decade.
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>> now that was the president of the san jose police association. and coming up, we'll hear from the silicon valley debug who says that somebody at the association had to know, but she set to appear in court at 11 o'clock. you know, this case is really made national headlines. so we will e continuing to bring you the latest of what is said in that courtroom. but that's very latest here in san jose. michael thomas, it will send it back to live in the studio. >> michael, thank you very much. it's 5, 10 and in the east bay, 2 people have been arrested in connection with a shooting that killed 2 teenagers. oakland police say that angel and jay z garcia were shot and killed in october last year. they were at a big birthday party at an airbnb rental on app. our street, the shooting the police say was related to a conflict that may have started in school. and the police say this is not gang related. the department has not released any information about who they arrested other then that the arrested in the arrests happened on wednesday and they
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plan to give us an update early next week. so we'll keep you posted. it's 5.11, and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the oakland a's getting another win in court. why a judge greenlit their environmental report on their proposed new stadium. >> starting this weekend that be bart stands for buses for thousands of writers. i'll explain why coming up in a live report. snow in the sierra breaking records. there's a live look right here. >> at 2.67, in kings beach, we'll talk more about what tahoe has gotten, how it's going to extend the winter season. >> on the home front, we're looking at some scattered clouds throughout the day today. those high temperatures into the 50's. we have a little shot of rain coming this weekend but don't wait up for it >> we are getting off to a pretty great start on a friday morning. still friday, light keeping a close eye on things tracking that morning commute
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>> 5.14, and uc berkeley, sierra snow lab is reporting. >> record-setting snowfall. yeah, the lab there has seen more than 700 inches of snow this season. the most in what, 70 years. so much snow as a matter of fact, that the snow lab has boarded up at home with its to prevent them from breaking under the pressure of the high snow banks that are pushing up against that could happen. yeah. also say this year is second only.
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>> 2, 1952. when it comes to snow back that year, it was 812 inches of snow recorded. haha. okay. well, who knows? we could be adding more to the snow-packed we've seen already. yeah. and with winter, you know, i think there's some some coming in next week. plus as dave. yeah, good morning, guys. good morning, everybody. we could see a little passage of but it's going to be pretty weak as we're looking at. probably the better news is we're not going to be major falling going on because that we don't want to hear about. so no heat spikes. a little warm up phase, but nothing too crazy because there will be a lot of melting. other can't take it right now. >> storm tracker 4 is variable clouds going on for today. just like yesterday. temperatures pretty close to that, although we're off to a better start. we're all the 40's now at this hour. at least palo alto still coming. 37. but 41 also santa rosa, lower to middle 40's. a little cooler inland that along the east bay shoreline. that's just the climate control from the bay futurecast for again, we stick with the kind of that variable cloudy scenario. the suns here clouds fill out. hear that 4th. we'll do that thing again tonight. now
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tomorrow there's that shot of rain i mentioned and that looks to be favoring the north bay and it's very, very weak. so this gets in the kind of a nuisance rain a little bit somewhere. we just might be under a little shower going on here. and then 5 minutes later, it's gone type situation. so here's by the afternoon. you can see it barely covers the cloud, cover the entire bay. but again, we mix it out a little bit as we get into sunday. longer-range forecast gets a little bit more tricky, but it is trending drier. every time we look at a variable clouds today. still cool near about 60 for the high. i mentioned cool because there's a bit of a warm up towards the end of this week or in the end of next week this weekend. it's a partly to mostly cloudy mixture, depending on the time is the passage of that system. all of the bite. it's going to help leftover it is going to be some cloud cover a passing shower north bay possible. but it's going to some dry air then into next week. variable cloud shot of showers are few there. a question mark and then warm and late in the week as we get to the upper 60's in spots here, we don't want to hurt 80's rethinks. 56, san
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francisco. 58 going on for open 62. meanwhile, 4 san jose ultimate highs will get to near about 60. well, the 4 zone forecast to check into things. write check traffic, right? what's going on? yeah, we're off to a light start on a friday. we're hoping it stays this way. >> traveling along, this morning, crockett down towards the maze. about 15 minutes for you. no major issues along 6.80, traveling to martinez, conquer or walnut creek. about a 8 minute drive for you traveling into the city may so that fremont street exit meteor lights are still off the san mateo bridge. 12 minutes, a 80 to 101 traveling across towards the peninsula south bay. 27 minute. drive up 1, 0, one. 85 him apart to 37 in 82. not seen any issues there. 8.80, san leandro down in milpitas about 20 minutes. 5.80, travin deliver more. hey, we're smooth sailing. just back past. that is where you're seeing that slight delay. and along 6.80, through san ramon. and so no traffic still moving at the limit. we for 14 minute ride, antioch, into conquered. and if you're
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taking 24 walnut creek down 5.80, about 11 minutes. dr. james, back to you. andrea. thank you. bart's, regular yellow line service through or end. it is going to be delayed while they're doing some major track work. yeah, we were trying to get the warning out right now. so nobody caught off guard kron four's will tran standing by in orinda. >> to help explain what exactly is going on. good morning. well, >> good morning trains are running just fine. it is tomorrow and it will be for 5 weekends. so you buckle up. if you're riding bart because we're talking their busiest line, the yellow line that will begin tomorrow because they have old equipment that they need to replace renda and rock ridge, which is just a stop next to us. but that means that they have to get the passengers off of the bart trains here renda and then reconnect them to rockridge and they say for that to happen, they will have to use not trains. of course,
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but buses. take a look at your screen. these are the dates that we are talking about and thousands of people rely on this particular line to go from the east bay into oakland and into san francisco. the dates swell. they start tomorrow. april first, april second. and then once again, april 15th and 16th may 13th and 14th 27. 29 in may. and they will wrap things up. june 10th through the 11th. so lots because this also will impact their line all the way through antioch. some lines will have to be canceled. we will talk to passengers and get their reaction. the good news is guys, they have chosen and they specifically obviously choose certain dates that are not as busy like weekdays. they will choose weekends starting this weekend. but still we're talking thousands of people. one fortunately will have to get to a friend. get off hop onto a bus drive to rockridge meant hop back on
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to a trait. >> give yourself plenty of time to do all that. okay. thank you very much. well, it's 5.20, right now. and berkeley unified could become the first school district to offer reparation payments to black students. a meeting was held yesterday to create a task force that will eventually give recommendations to the school board. the task force will be comprised of 15 to 20 volunteers from the community who will explore how the berkley school district should offer these reparations and how to pay for it. it will be facilitated by berkeley school alumni, a cat smith who says the hope is for the school district's reparations to supplement and align with any other reparations that could be approved by the state. >> many bay area cities are considering reparations for black residents who are descendants of slaves. and so in the state of california, that would cause the estimate about 800 billion dollars members will decide on a workable model and debate
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where that money will go, who it will go towards current students. previous students, both all of this will be considered and discussed. it is 5.21. in pittsburgh. police are looking for a 3rd suspect for a killing of a store clerk. 2 people have already been arrested. police arrested jessica russo wednesday afternoon at a home in antioch. she's accused in the deadly shooting. a 44 year-old abdul ruoff. and police say that what happened was real for shot and killed last week while working at the easy stop food stores, a power avenue. there was apparently a confrontation in the store and then shots were fired. one of the people was taken into custody shortly after the shooting and charged with that. police are still looking. so that's 2 arrests for the 3rd suspect, which is here. 37 year-old gregory ross not an anybody with information is asked to contact the pittsburgh police. >> all right. take a look at
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this. a wooden shed is a total loss in napa county after a fire broke out. cal fire shared these pictures from the scene on silverado trail out in last night. they say one car and a motorcycle were destroyed in that fire. nobody, though, was hurt. >> it's 5.22. and coming up on this friday morning, the a's and the giants kicked off the baseball season. we'll see how they fared against the angels and the yankees. how about
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that baseball? let's talk about an exciting opening day for the a's they were taking on the angels at the and you can see here in the video as we get to the play itself, the a's offense woke up in the 8th inning. they were down by a run and that's when the a's would score twice at that point to take to wake up before the 8th inning. that's ok. that's what adds to the drama because >> yeah is when by final of 2 to one. and here's what a starting pitcher kyle muller had to say after the game. >> i mean, it's also my whole thing was when i was, you traded to come over here was to, you know, make the most of my opportunities. and, you know, obviously getting the ball on opening day is a big deal. and i you know, i want to make sure i went out there and play hard for the team got off to hot start. >> and you go. yeah, things in goes well for the judge and fortunately they did not get off to a hot start this season. they were in new york taking on the yankees. aaron judge was on on deck. yeah, it
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wasn't well, giants fans remember they were hoping the judge was going to be in san francisco this season. that didn't happen. now. judge didn't waste any time reminding everybody why the giants were desperate to get to sign. that is offseason because he was pretty good very for sending. in fact, judge goes deep to center field. >> and that was a home run like right out of yeah. that given one-run lead. that's all they needed. giants could get the offense going in. the yankees win it. >> 5 to nothing. shut out. both giants and the a's off today. they'll be back in action on saturday. are going take a break here as we come up on 5.27. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news gop lawmakers calling trump's indictment a political stunt. why they say they're going to continue defending him. >> plus, the antioch police department put more officers on administrative leave. we'll have the latest on the investigation and what it means for the department as it struggles with already low staffing.
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>> 5.29 right now right out of the gate. >> no problems for me this morning. didn't notice to hold was got out trouble to kind of nice. hopefully the rest of the day flows just the same. i know we're looking forward a fairly nice weekend ahead. although there might be a hiccup, we're told saturday day was hinting about that was find out that still on track. good morning to well, good morning, guys. good morning. everybody is a little chance like a little shower. but, you know, one of the things, too, is that anything we get all off way up there?
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>> has to fight through some fairly dry air compared to what we've been through. so that man rob us of any potential. but we'll probably best to say it because of all we've been through here, we'll call it a nuisance little shower, rather than opportunity was to get excited about. so in stormtracker 4, there you see some variable clouds kind of work. and that will be sort of the case that we saw from yesterday. add another day. so cal's all cleaned up now after a they had the unsettled weather going on from yesterday. we're not as cold this morning as yesterday morning. no frost advisory talk. most readings you will see lower to middle 40's. it's a little bit higher around the water. obviously is a climate controlled. 47 meanwhile, for san francisco winds kind of drifting out of the south but single digits to calm conditions. we have this hour. so for the breakdown today, again, noting those variable clouds today, temperatures pretty much in the middle to even upper 50's at that. and we're going remain in this pattern. it looks like throughout the next say 5 days, we do have a couple systems are kind of watching him. we'll find tune as we get closer. but might have to getting some warmer
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temperatures towards the end of next week. what's going on with traffic right now? well, traffic is moving along there. lot of people. >> already heading out for the morning commute. an 8 minute drive for all of you traveling from the east bay over into the city this morning. metering lights are still off. some things still moving pretty fast. our san mateo bridge around 12 minutes, a 80 to 101, on the peninsula side along 1, one. things are still pretty much moving at the limit. not seen accidents are hazards to slow you down the bridge. 7 minute ride. that's great news. golden gate bridge around 19 minutes. if you are going to take in some of our highways over in the east bay, we're checking on 5.80, right now and 80 crockett out towards the may 16 minutes. 24 maybe wanna creek down to 5.80. you can do that under 12 and we're in the green along 6.80, wanted creek. martinez r james, back to you. thank you. reyna 5.32. let's go back to the big story that we're following this morning. washington lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are weighing in after a grand jury. >> indicted former president donald trump. yeah. that indictment stems from the probe into his alleged role in
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making hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. >> during his 2016 run for president and our washing correspondent raquel martin takes a closer look. >> well, democrats are releasing several statements calling for a fair legal process. we know republicans are siding with the former president. they're calling this indictment purely political and are promising to go to bat for him on capitol hill. makes me the most innocent man and the history of our country. former president donald trump is now the first u.s. president to be criminally indicted a manhattan district grand jury u% voted in favor of charges against trump for his involvement in a hush money payment scheme to adult film star stormy daniels. >> they were made during his 2016 bid for president. in a statement trump calls the indictment political persecution, maintaining the position he took during last weekend's campaign rally. got nothing. they've got nothing think of and republicans are lining up in his defense on twitter. speaker of the house kevin mccarthy vow to hold
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manhattan's da alvin bragg accountable. what we see before us. he's a political game being played by a local look ae just as this. this is a new york city. this is just the manhattan. this is just the borough, d a. >> south carolina senator lindsey graham called the da's actions which come during trump's 2024 presidential reelection campaign. quote, the most irresponsible decision in american history by any prosecutor. following the news, trump supporters rallied outside his mar-a-lago estate where the president currently resides and after trump called on his maggie bays to protest is looming arrest. barricades have been erected around the manhattan district attorney's office for days. the da's office says they are working with trump's team to coordinate his surrender. trump is expected to turn himself in tuesday. house republicans who do have subpoena power have promised to investigate the investigators. in this case, they've already demanded the da overturn documentation relating to this
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investigation. >> the da at this point is refusing to comply for now in washington, raquel martin, back to you. >> it's 5.34, in the east bay. the police department has now put more officers on paid administrative leave during a city investigation. antioch mayor lamar thorpe says an internal investigation found potential breaches of city policy. the bay area news group reports another 8 officers are on leave 4 offensive text messages according to the east bay times. the message ers were found during a federal investigation that put it 8 other officers on leave for alleged misconduct. that was last year. the mayor says that the officers have been taken on and off duty this week and they are separate from the federal investigation. but he warns losing more officers may make services risk in terms of response times. >> if we have to ask for mutual aid, whether it's from
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the sheriff's department or local agencies, that's what i'm willing to do as the mayor. once i'm briefed, i think we'll have a better understanding of what the way forward will will be. the federal investigation has left the task force now with 98 officers. >> it is authorized to have 115. >> in oakland, a fired police chief is dismissed. captain, i should say a sergeant and several other officers on paid administrative leave. all of this now has led to the police department to be hit with a scathing report. so the department appeared to be on track to end 2 decades of oversight last year. but the new report by federal monitor says the department failed to show that discipline is imposed in affair and consistent manner and quote, and that report suggests that it could be sometime before the department gets out from underneath the watchful eye of that federal monitor, the firing of police chief armstrong has divided the community. some argue his rightful. he's rightfully been held accountable while others
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say he's being unfairly blamed. >> it's 5.36 and another win for the oakland a's. we're not talking about on the field which they did yesterday, but this time in court, a judge ruled against a challenge to the environmental impact report on their proposed new stadium and oakland, a san francisco appellate court ruled in the team's favor regarding an environmental review of the project that the new stadium would have limited impact, 2 air and water quality. the unanimous decision is in opposition to the lawsuit last year by a coalition called the east oakland stadium alliance. they claim the city did not adequately study the project's adverse impact. oakland mayor sheng tao applause. the judge's decision. >> so that what that means is that we're going to continue upgrading our infrastructure so we can support sustainable and resilient communities in promote up, course, economic development. and we're now one step closer to reaching that goal. >> in a statement kron for the
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a's also celebrated the decision. they say we are pleased with the appellate court's decision which affirms the significant and thorough work completed on our environmentally sound visionary waterfront ballpark project >> mayor tao did not go into detail on the negotiations with the a's. only saying >> that they're doing well and getting better. we'll keep keeping our fingers crossed that it happens. 5.37 is the time. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, one east bay district attorney's accomplishments are being highlighted after their controversial time in office. and after the break, ftx founder sam bankman-fried. he's pleading not guilty. now to a string of new charges will explain. it gave some scattered clouds in our forecast today and into the weekend might s e a little passing shower with that in a. >> we'll drop temporary temperatures right now. you have before you hit the roads this morning. you need to know what your friday morning commute is going to look keeping a close eye on things keeping a close eye on things fo (imitating chicken clucks)
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everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying... (clucking) nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. bill loveless: i came to the lord at the age of about 42. while others may keep trying... dr. charles stanley has been so important in my life, just his teachings. one of the life principles is that brokenness is a requirement for god to use you greatly, is when you can become that conduit of what god wants to do through you to get to other people. it's just amazing of what god can do with you.
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and new this morning, the embattled founder of ftx is pleading not guilty. >> to 5 new charges among them allegedly bribing a chinese official. officials say that sam bankman-fried, who's from the bay area paid 40 million dollars to at least one chinese official to get frozen accounts on blocked the bribery charges. the most recent in a long list of criminal charges that the 31 year-old is facing. he had
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already pleaded not guilty to fraud and conspiracy for allegedly stealing billions of dollars from fdx users to cover losses and his hedge fund alameda research. he is facing decades in prison if he's convicted, he's currently confined to his parents home in palo alto on a 250 million dollars bond. >> will some new details now involving the shooting case between rappers tory lanes. and megan, the stallion lanes is now trying to appeal his conviction. it was back in december that lane's was found guilty of shooting megan thee stallion in her in her feet after leaving a party back in 2020, his attorney accuses prosecutors using his song lyrics against using a tattoo that he has a gun. >> to paint a picture that he has a fondness for weapons lanes is facing up to 22 years in prison when he's sentenced next month, making a stallion has not commented on the
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>> it's 5.42. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, a new bill is trying to create a national park that would honor cesar chavez and the farm workers movement. we'll see where it is.
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lowe's knows the biggest savings are found at springfest. so hurry up and get top deals on the top brands online and in-store. so you can make the most of the season on any budget. backed by lowe's price promise.
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>> it's 5.45 and here's a shot of the airport. if you're shopping somewhere today, wherever your journey takes weekend i hope it's safe, satisfying and wonderful mom to ride and we've got day what
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looks like a pretty nice forecast for today. if you're traveling or this weekend for that matter. dave, good good morning, james and darya. good morning, everybody. and no delays out of sfo. by the way, as we start the day, there's the golden gate bridge for you. don't pretty some variable clouds, though. we'll have to mention really all weekend long. >> with all of that, that means you get a bunch of sun and maybe the clouds will interfere here every so often we are looking for a passing little shower here and trying to narrow down the time. you're a little bit for you as well. lower 40's up to the north bay. so not as cold today as yesterday inland spots in the east bay drop off along the east bay shoreline, holding more mid 40's to even upper 40's at this hour. back to future cast for in terms of those scattered clouds kind of remain opening up nicely in the afternoon. and then will return again for tonight. now tomorrow, that's what we're watching for that little shot of. maybe your risk of a shower going on. this kind of painted on the north bay and into the afternoon. but it's going through relatively dry air with all of that. so even if we do see something on radar, it's no guarantee it
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reaches the ground. it was kind of like almost a nuisance rain. playing it out. we actually clear out in time for your sunday morning. so the timing is number one, just watching the surface moisture with this. we see things dry out again, just like yesterday, although not as much mid 50's for those humidity levels. drop a always in the morning hours. that tend to be pretty high. must be a fire season that some dangerous going on the 10 about the overnight, the recovery, that this is what's going on tomorrow in the afternoon. notice in the north bay, it's notice will be higher that some of that moisture spring down to the south, as you will notice, there are. so here's what we got going on. the longer range forecast models, the passage of that system, it will bring some cooler temps on the backside of everything. and still some leftover showers kind of remain getting into the early week. but it's the latter portion week we're watching for all that traffic out to sea. it looks more and more that the models are trending more dry. 4 zone forecast for you. 56 slight moving in temperatures today. you know, mid-fifties we see a little bit of warming to the south. 58 for burlingame, 59 foster city, along with palo
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alto in the south bay. we've got lower 60's and we'll see much the same saturday. but it's that little frontal kind of bring temps down just slightly off the tri valley. 60 livermore pleasanton. 59 also along the east bay shoreline, upper 50's concord checks in at 59. 56 from lake o 57 for nap and 58 for santa rosa. so much the same with that little drop in temperatures. once the front does pass and rain in and out shot, i should say towards the the week, a little bit of modest warming to look out for and looking out for traffic. any problems right now. what we do have a disabled vehicle. this is on the eastbound side of the bridge right near that treasure island exit. so you're seeing a slight delay there. >> hopefully they're able to get that bridge that car up and moving again on the westbound side, though, no issues. so if you're heading into the city, you can make that ride in under 10 minutes. there. our san mateo bridge also nice and light for you about 12 minute commute. richmond center fell bridge golden gate bridge, both looking nice and light for you. that's all i want to one here in the south and along the peninsula site 30 minutes.
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85 up to menlo park. you traveling to santa tale. stanford, not seeing any major issues also looks nice and light as well. let's check on things in the east bay crockett down towards the maze. 60 minute ride. if you're traveling along that maybe you're taking 8.80, right now say lander down in milpitas really, really tiny, tiny slight delay in hayward. 23 minutes for you. if you're traveling holly, for to concord, 15 minutes and if you're taking 24 walnut creek traveling down into oakland, going take about 11 minutes. all james, back to you. thanks, lauren. a >> all right. 5.48 is the time in the east bay. a new report is highlighting the accomplishments made over the for 75 days of alameda county's new district attorney pamela price. and this comes as the da pushes back against some of the controversy surrounding her with kron four's haaziq mod-yoon with a closer look. >> the transition team for alameda county district attorney pamela price held a press conference to present a 75 day report of what they say
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are unprecedented reforms by the county's first black district attorney highlights of the first 75 days in office include the first-ever comprehensive survey of the office's victim. witness advocates trauma informed support training and information about restorative justice strategies and creating an automated system to enable law enforcement, child protective services. and the district attorney's office to share and track reports of child abuse. we're here also 2 clarify and and, you know, rebuke some of the >> some of the narratives that are that have been recently spoken about. >> transition team bobbitt is referring to reports that district attorney pamela price eliminated criminal sentencing enhancements. he says that's not true. >> and what she did, she just changed it to wear. you have to have approvals for >> and so that's a different. the fact of the superior court
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judge. >> has said i will not abide by a plea agreement is a huge criticism. civil rights and criminal defense attorney paula canny has been keeping an eye on the controversy surrounding the new d a. >> and explains why she believes price focusing on plea deals and reducing sentencing has caused some to be concerned after the da's for 75 days in office. it certainly can happen parents of being, you know, soft on crime. and how does that impact? >> community safety. so people are freaking out because they think that her policies are going to make their community less safe. >> which is a reasonable concern we all want to live in safe community. >> but the da's transition team argues that just because district attorney pamela price is a criminal justice reform or does not mean that the community is less safe and there's this narrative that she doesn't. >> you know, care about victims, you know, as an
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african-american, that is nice talking. we're all victims. you know, we have people who been, you know, hurt. we have people would die. we have people who were deeply affected. so it's offensive as for why the district attorney was not at this press conference. the transition team says that pamela price was busy. >> preparing for a general assembly meeting of her entire office. and oakland haaziq kron. 4 news. it is 5 51 and in honor of cesar chavez day a group of state congressional leaders introduced legislation to create. >> a multi-state national part honoring the latino civil rights leader. the plan would preserve several sites associated with chavez and his legacy in california and arizona. it would form the cesar chavez and the farm worker movement, national historic park and the bill would also require the department of interior to honor the 300 mile farm worker march route between delano in
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sacramento made in 1966. every march 31st. since 2001, california celebrates cesar chavez day, which falls on his birthday. it is 5.52. and coming up in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news, the wall street journal reporter arrested in russia and u.s. officials are repeating now they're warning to all americans who live there now. >> what is the next step for him? and what is the worry for the rest of the americans?
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>> happening tomorrow, fairyland is opening up the park for an alice in wonderland. immersive experience. it be? >> this event is only for the 21 or older. i the alice in wonderland themed event. >> includes a bar with alcohol infused, cold and hot and also a fully loaded dessert bar. i like but trucks and live deejays la. it really is going to be quite the trip. if you take it over there for the alice in wonderland event, which happens from 6 to 10:00pm. i'm get dizzy. and was he just going around a little look, there's a mushroom like it. i like for the parents. so i his 6. >> we'll take a break. coming up in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. former president donald trump making history by being the first former president to be criminally indicted. we're
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going to take a look at the case from all angles and live interviews and statements from politicians as well. so back with that in a moment. meanwhile, a woman linked with the local police agency now accused of trafficking fentanyl. she's due in court today. we'll have details coming up after the break. and if you're planning on taking part this weekend, give yourself plenty of time. major traffic delays as a result is also some trackwork that's going to be done with all the details for you in just a details for you in just a moment.
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us on a friday. i'm daria and i'm james fletcher. as you can see, we have a lot of news to cover here on the kron. 4 morning news. we get big news nationally. former president donald trump indicted. now there's growing concerns about security in new york as they brace for possible protests and the san jose police union executive. we told you how. >> she's accused of smuggling fentanyl and dealing it here in the bay area around the world. and she is set to make her first court appearance. we're following that. and they're also digging in the latest with bar to get major track work going on this weekend. it's going to cause lots of delays for you if you're not prepared for it. >> so everything you need to know and they really in your way weather wise. we're going to talk about that right now with dave spahr, beautiful shot here


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