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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  March 28, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> well, today storm is not nearly as damaging as last tuesday, certainly, but people are still suffering and kron four's haaziq madyun was in coma. today were a chunk of a busy road was closed by flooding >> the rain overpowered storm drains and cause some roadway flooding tuesday here on southbound junipero serra between sierra boulevard in
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south gate right across from the scera center of the town of coma. call. the police temporarily closed a section of the road so that city workers could clear the drainage system. >> and it's unable to drain in the foliage there. and so it's running off into the roadway is called a public works. crew was on the scene. efforting to clear the storm gained as the rain relentlessly came down to. >> as you can see, traffic was diverted away from this area here. it looks like a funeral procession had to make a u-turn to avoid the flooding. police sergeant done machetes says these atmospheric rivers of 2023 taking a toll of this malta. so we've been a little bit busy with the. >> a lot of road closures, a lot of trees down. >> and just trying to, you know, keep the roadways open and safe for people. >> her advice for anyone thinking about taking the risk of driving through standing water, doing a store. >> please don't. there are a
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lot of dangers with it. you might not realize how deep the flooding is and you could get yourself caught in there and, you know, injured or car flooded in stock so if you see standing water, try and avoid it took a little over an hour for call. the public works to clear the drain and reopen the 2 lanes on junipero serra. in caldwell. has it made you cry on for news? >> after already being closed today, the oakland zoo is announce they're going to be closed tomorrow, too, because of the storm. if you have reservations, you'll be refunded automatically. they say refunds usually take 3 to 4 weeks to process the oakland zoo. they've had it rough had to close quite a bit since the start of the year because of all those atmospheric rivers, 13 of them in january, you may covert gave way to big sinkhole, opened up right by the entrance. couldn't even drive in. that took a little more than a month to fix. they were closed all time. the last week a downed tree fell on the zoo's bird exhibit several exotic birds escapes. that's
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what this picture is all. but one bird has been found and returned to the zoo. >> time for another look at the forecast as we're looking live at the golden gate bridge in form seem like a little bit of sunshine. >> this almost feels wrong. i know this. the sun can come out after. so you're saying this storm is going to persist through tomorrow. we'll just get breaks of sun like this. yeah, we're going to get some sunny in between those clouds. look, sunny breaks are really what's going to give the atmosphere energy to maybe crank out a couple of thunderstorms around the bay area. so unsettled weather to go here. going to be really interesting in the next 24 hours, a few scattered showers continue in just some pop-up showers. now, the main cold front pulling out of town, leave behind some sunshine out toward the golden gate bridge right now. but you see that low still spinning off the coastline. some of that rain now head into the monterey bay and further south toward point conception in los angeles. but that low has a lot of moisture wrapping around and it's going to continue to bring more showers our way. you see the rain moving through the bay
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area today. some heavy bands rolling on through some of the mountain tops over 2 inches of rain down the urban areas about an inch or so an hour left, some scattered showers popping up outside. the things begin to taper off quite a bit long range forecast for you here. you see that big swirl just off the coastline. now that low, it's going to continue to sag to the south as it does. it will bring more showers our way and then moving all the way down los angeles. so if you're headed that way in the next couple days, be prepared. lot of rain headed in their direction, too. they're going to be a little bit of a break on thursday and on friday. but then you see another weak cold front beginning to get a little bit closer, bring at least a chance. a few scattered showers as we head in towards saturday. but then kind of just staying unsettled that we could see a few more showers on sunday night. i think we could to break a monday. but then as we get late next week, how about that? that could be another significant storm impacting california as we head in toward the following friday. so yeah, let's tomorrow will showery day on and off. maybe couple rainbows out there. temperatures will be remain cool, though. highs only in the low to about the mid 50's.
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thanks, laura. it's some hoops. just 6 games left in the regular season for the warriors. sand things are tight. the standings, every single game is really crucial. >> when it comes to the dubs playoff hopes and kron four's. kate rooney is live at chase center. is the warriors are getting ready to take on the pelicans tonight? kate. >> grant hi catherine. yeah, you said it. the warriors are in 7th place in the western conference standings. and what that means is that if the season ended today, it would have to play a play-in game to move forward in the playoffs. so when we say every win counts, we mean every win counts. and that is especially true of tonight's opponent, a fellow western conference foe, the new orleans pelicans are currently just half a game behind the dubs in the western conference standings in the 8 spot after an up and down season with a lot of injuries. the pels are getting hot at the right time. they have won 5 straight games. second best
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current streak in the nba. the warriors, meanwhile, are coming up. their first loss chase center since february 11th. and they haven't lost back-to-back games at home since january. so for that and a number of other reasons, they're hoping that tonight is a win. here's steve kerr. >> we recognizepobviously that was a big, big game in and disappointing to not pull pull the game out. but i love the mean we competed like crazy. we just weren't good enough offensively. you know, you give give minnesota credit. they're they're playing well right now. and they they earned that that win. so now it's up to us to make up for it. you know, we've got to go out and play well tonight and then look, you know, look forward his last games and then go out and compete and play well every night we've we know what's at stake. so and our fans aren't the only ones who are upset. we are too. >> so you heard steve kerr
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said he wasn't happy with what the team did offensively. that's a change. they've actually been on fire offensively. steph curry doing what he does. jonathan kuminga has been playing well. jordan poole had a couple really hot games. so tonight they're going to need to continue that and also locked down on defense. that's been an issue for the warriors all season and one that they're going to need to shore up if they want to improve their playoff seeding and advance in the playoffs. grant catherine. >> yeah. high stakes. kate rooney live for us tonight from chase created kate. would you try? is meatball. try it like he did. scientists say it's made with the dna. >> of an extinct animal. >> also after advisors set to discuss whether to allow the sale of an over-the-counter birth control pill. details birth control pill. details after the break.
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♪♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work.
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when that car hit my motorcycle, i'm a big advocate of insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> fda advisors will meet in may to consider whether to allow an over-the-counter birth control pill pill has been on the market since 1973, it's available only by prescription. if approved. it will be the first over-the-counter bop shun. the request coincides with the legal battles over women's reproductive rights following the reversal of roe versus wade supporters, including the american medical association reporting up this move would
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mean much easier access to contraceptives. let's start up company. >> has used ancient dna from a woolly mammoth to create. that big old people. australia's vow food. that's the company says it creates lab grown meat to reduce the impact on our planet. well, how did they do it? get this. the scientists started with the genetic code for mammoth protein which gave them information. they say on what it should look and taste like they filled in the gaps with elephant dna, then injected that into a sheep muscle cell, allowing them. i know ken's look at me like i have 3 heads just reading it, allowed him to grab to grow this meat in the lab. that means the meatballs actually made mostly of lamb. the land muscle cell got injected and the sciences have. and yet to taste it because they're concerned, they say about potential food allergies. where do we go from here?
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>> i'll tell we'll talk night centre-left the meatballs be the mandate. meatballs. niners head coach kyle shanahan. might have another mammoth quarterback problem on his hands. brock purdy just got the surgery, but he played really well. and then they trey lance, the high traffic than they signed. sam darnold, a former high draft pick as well. what gives scott for darren wilson joins us live in studio with the latest after shanahan spoke at th
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>> i take a live look out. ran says chain controls are in effect for anyone headed to the sierra. this is a live look at interstate 80. and castle peak man. so much snow, fresh snow on the roadway. fedex. big rig. still trucking along. people are being warned. it is tough going, though. gusty winds likely at times creating whiteout conditions. caltrans chp asking people to avoid traveling to the sierra if possible, warning that they could get stuck for hours on end and their cars. yeah. and we're hearing things might improve later this week. to more on that, here's lawrence looks like the kind of whether people could get stuck in the goods. yeah, you know, that should hold some >> headed up eastbound a cold facts as we're seeing a lot of snow, heavy snow coming down this year. that is so the roads covered in. that will be
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the case overnight. tonight, more of that snow will continue to roll on through tonight with some gusty winds. you see some periods, some whiteout conditions, a tough time to travel, dangerous time to travel up in this year that especially if you're trying to go up there in the cold. look at the signs here. almost just covered in all that snow that's been coming down and they're going to see another 2, maybe 4 feet of snow. so here it is right now. you can see all that snow. in fact, much colder storm system. so that snow is dropping all the way down to about 2000 feet as we head into early tomorrow morning. so, boy, it's going to be tough traveling up there. you've got the gusty winds and then you've got travel through all that snow for a long way. and well, intense storm system rolling on through and that continue to bring all that snow up there. a lot of rain here in the bay area. winter storm warnings now have been extended until 05:00am on wednesday, expecting some heavy snow there in the advisories up even further along the foothills all the way down to 2000 feet in that because the storm is so cold are seeing snow down some unusually low level. so tomorrow, again, more snow in the sierra nevada thursday. we
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finally catch a break. friday looks pretty good. but i think overall the pattern is unsettled. we could see some more snow as we get the weekend to see right here. the storm system coming through. then we get tomorrow. we've got more snow on the way continuing in the afternoon and evening. then a little bit of a break on thursday and friday. but then a weak system comes in a baby, bring another round of some snow. so if you're traveling up, there doesn't look like a a significant storm on saturday into sunday. but and let's just keep going as we head in toward monday into tuesday of next week and wednesday. i mean, it's getting pretty impressive to watch the storms come by. but this is pretty impressive storm right now. that's probably the most significant storm of march. this late that we've seen in quite some time. this is more typical of what you'd see generally in february. so, yeah, looks like we're going to start to catch a break tomorrow, more scattered showers and thunderstorms is going to be on and off rain tomorrow, especially to the morning tapering off in the afternoon. cool temperatures too. here's a look at your next 7 days. we're going to see a break in the stormy weather on thursday and
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friday. slight chance of more rain on saturday. thanks. alerts today. niners head coach kyle shanahan provided an update on his number one qb at least for now. >> brock purdy. and while answering questions about the last pick in the 2022 draftee. >> addressed to will fill in for the breakout star quality recovers from that elbow surgery. >> kron four's erin wilson joins us now and has the latest. hello and hello. hello. well, well, a little bit living rather in that unknown area for the last 2 months and the last couple of days, we found out a lot about the quarterback room for the forty-niners. now monday, the niners gm, john lynch made it clear they feel that brock purdy is the guy no matter his health. this moment, no party had surgery about a month ago. so now the big question is when will he return in which of these guys behind me, trey lance or sam darnold we'll be holding down the fort until brock's back now today. well,
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in the coaches meeting down in phoenix, coach kyle shanahan loosely answered both questions around 3 months. post-surgery shanahan says that's when they'll better understand his timetable a return, rather this closer to the 6 month surgery or the 8 month mark that said he mention a slight chance of him being able to be back for training camp, a better chance that he could be back to return by week. one. but if not, either those a chance that parties return could be around week 4 at the latest in his words, while he heals the other 2 quarterbacks that are healthy will be competing for the spot. >> should be got hurt and open it up for brought play games a one all and played extremely high level. and we're very excited to have level of the players we believe me that i think one of the last year the state good thing for him is what her to start getting opportunity try to regain everything. it's all so we
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brought in the can be said for sure abroad because you never know how the injury logo. we think it will up to the scene about it. but right now that's on hold this opportunity for trey in for sale to come in and show us what they have. >> so at this point, listening to both lynch and shanahan is pretty clear that brock is the guy. as we said, he is qb one. but either those guys could hold that place until he gets back. if he's not able to return at the start of the season with this trey, lance or sam, donald will find out here soon. back to you guys at the thank you, aaron. >> police in southern california are trying to find 4 young man who took part in a social media stunt. it sent a young woman to the hospital. yes, at situation, this kind of stunt is trending on social media platforms like tiktok on 4 correspondent rachel menitoff spoke with the victim. >> on sunday afternoon, lana clay monaghan, a new mom of twin boys was shopping for baby supplies when she was completely caught off guard
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for teenagers. waited until she was alone in the aisle, tossed a bucket over her head. then started recording and eventually ran out of the store. >> i was looking at some baby. so i leaned down and then my whole world changed. everything went dark, quiet. and there really was no air. i flipped off. what was put over me and around my neck and i turned around and looked over my left shoulder and to my dismay, it was a group of individuals who were filming atlanta is a 30 year cancer survivor and developed epilepsy later in life. she says the assault deprived her of air and she fainted soon after she was rushed to uc irvine medical center. >> she says this had a physical and psychological impact. i keep looking over my shoulder. >> i'm a nervous wreck. i cannot believe that in my community you could go to target the in target may be a mere 10 to 15 minutes and someone would find it amusing to come and strategically find
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a female by their self in the baby aisle and think this would be funny or laughable for likes tustin. police believes this stunt may be part of what's known as the stranger bucket challenge. a trend surfacing on social media platforms like tiktok. >> the idea is people speak upon an unsuspecting person, put a bucket over their head and film their reaction. obviously in this can how some pretty bad but at the end of the day, it's a crime. it's an assault and battery. >> another person and we're going to to get it that way. >> for lana, who is still recovering from neurological side effects. this was anything but funny. and this needs to be. >> you know, an example families can talk about now and say, look, you see this on social media, it's not appropriate to do that. and again, those individuals need to come forth and be held accountable. >> it was rachel menitoff reporting so far. police say they have not come across any social media post showing this particular incident at the store. well, they are
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reviewing surveillance video. they say they're also collecting witness statements. >> up next, an illness caused to northern california piano prodigy to lose his ability to play a doctor's work to get a better and get his skills better and get his skills back.
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this van just hit me out. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to . i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team . they took care of me like a q. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me. if you've been in a seriousacci. call jacoby & meyers, justic.
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>> a 15 year-old piano prodigy from placer county is thanking his doctors after rare illness
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caused him to forget how to play music really good. devin hines learn play the piano both by sight. >> and by year. >> and that started at the age of 5 when he just kind of taught himself the place for his church, even as a job playing music at a local restaurant. but last month, evan started having health issees and had trouble remembering simple things. on february 27th. i started getting some weird symptoms. i just forgot things. and on the first of march. >> i completely forgot how to play piano and my mom knew that it was time for me to come here. so i stayed here from the first to the night and was diagnosed with a rare case of encephalitis. >> yeah, the had to be frightening. evans family took him to sutter health in rockland for treatment for and satellite. is that a virus that causes swelling in the brain? devon, forget things. evan began recovering over the next 8 days. and this is a great little bow on this story as a thank you to his doctors
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and others haven't went back to center medical center just yesterday. >> to play music for pediatric patients. there and the entire medical care team came to us. check it out. and here, evan, do what he does so well. less than the kind of listen to your body, right? think i will say that this had to be kind of deeply frightening to not be able to do that. >> for that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. being with us this hour. but stick around. a lot more news to get to on kron. 4 news at 6. pam and ken are here with a look at that. hello. hello, catherine and grant. thank you both. coming up next, at 6 o'clock concerns continue to grow over a mudslide in nevado after heavy rains swept through the bay area. today we are live with details on how the crews are responding. plus, san francisco getting a break from the rain right now. but more is coming. kron 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow standing by with the latest on
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