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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  March 27, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> our top story tonight at 6.30, san jose police offer new details today about a
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standoff last week that involved a man allegedly holding a family hostage in their apartment, which ended when an officer shot the suspect dead. that mother and her 2 children were held hostage. they weren't physically hurt. >> well, for us has the money and has the latest details on the investigation. >> at the rear of the apartment emerge. officer saw the family kneeling on the ground. with the suspect standing over them. holding a handgun. in one hand and the machete and the other. >> san jose police chief anthony mata is describing what he says one of his officers witnessed before fatally shooting. 34 year-old elliot berke gonzalez after he allegedly broke into an apartment last wednesday here on now avenue chief mata says his officers were dispatched to the location to investigate a fight. but later learned from the woman's husband that his wife and their 2 young boys were being held hostage by a armed with a gun.
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>> officers continued to make announcements in english and spanish attempting to get the suspect to surrender peacefully. >> the chief says the tense situation lasted about an hour with officers never receiving a response from the suspect due to the suspect's actions and erratic behavior. officers believe that the situation was escalated. it also believed that the family's lives were in immediate and moral danger. the merge officer observed the suspect raised the machete towards the family. and fired at least one round striking the suspect. >> chief says the 2 machetes were very real, but the handgun turned out to be a fake. and although elliot berke gonzalez and the victims of the home invasion lived in the same building, investigators say they were unknown to each other and that he was recently evicted from his apartment. the chief says that may be why the suspect, but he broke into the manager's unit. >> based on no facts that we know was looking for certain.
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we know that. >> evicted. the dollar's role, joe was pronounced dead at a local hospital. the mother and her 2 children were not injured. >> as for background information on the suspect, police say that he is not known to law enforcement, nor does he have a criminal history. investigators say they do plan to release more information, including police body-worn camera video of this incident in the coming days. in san jose haaziq kron. 4 news. >> in a span of the oakland police officers association is threatening to sue the city over its response to the ransomware attack. that happened last month. the union says the city is released. limited information about the ransomware attack and says litigation may be the only recourse for victims. oakland president barry donelan released a statement that reads in part the city is truly broken with city employees were more about the release of their confidential information from the media. then their employer whose incompetence and sloppy security allows these data
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breaches to occur. the appeal way said it first wrote a letter to the city administration back on march 6 trying to get information on how city employees would be affected by the breach. but they say they didn't receive a response. we've made our own calls on this and the city did respond today. they referred us to the city website which was last updated last wednesday. according to the update, the city of oakland sent notification letters to current and former employees whose personal information was affected. >> this check on our 4 zone. weather forecasts. a live look outside looking out over san francisco. it's a little hazy and gray out there because we know what's coming up 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. here to give us the details here. this could be another good storm. there's no getting around it seems like we have that nice little spring break over the weekend. even today it felt good. but now here we go again. so yeah, we need to get ready for this one. this one, a pack, a punch as it comes onshore. begin to see that now. that's a rather
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large storm moving along northern california right now, the center of the low still off the coastline. as we head through the night, though, we're going to watch the system slowly dragged into the bay area and that low. >> we'll continue to spin off the coastline the next couple days. so it's going to be spinning up showers giving us on and off, went through that period as well. some that rain now making its way into the north bay as we speak. you see towards santa rosa start to see some scattered showers there right now. more that come overnight tonight, though, only start to pick up as we head through the night and move further and further south. but really, this is more of a daytime event for most of the bay area tomorrow as the rain will take some time coming on shore. so here we go as we head just before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, you know, to heavy rainfall still mainly located in the north of this is likely the front that you see in orange here. see that rain, though, beginning to pick up around the rest, the bay area, then it kind of rolls on through. and here you are as we head toward about 11, 15, the front line across much the central part of the bay area as we head toward the afternoon, then we get to the back side. so by about 2 o'clock or so dry up in the
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north still some showers moving through parts of the central bay and further south. some heavy rain in the san jose that front moves through the weekend that scattered shower activity. and that's going to be on and off. that will be really interesting, too, because with that low off the coastline, there's a possibility we could be talking about some thunderstorms popping up around the bay area and even more snow on our local mountain ranges. so the next couple days, very gusty winds. rain will be heavy at times and expect more showers continuing through wednesday. >> thank you, lawrence. a silicon valley nonprofit is celebrating a important milestone. more than 70,000 meals delivered in less than 9 months. hunger at home works with local convention centers and hotels and sports stadiums to collect excess food and goods after events and deliver those items to people in need. in fact, last july, the who partner with both doordash to help expedite the process and the san jose earthquakes to help raise awareness. a nonprofit ceo says this partnership is paying
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dividends. >> the reach of this partnership allows us to provide meals to seniors and individuals with dishbilities who are facing food insecurity. family sues worker childcare would prevent them from coming not able to come to our our distribution. so we bring it right to you. >> san jose mayor matt mahan and earthquakes player shea salinas personally delivered meal number 70,000 100 home host, a drive-thru distribution every week at paypal park. and whether you want to give your time as a volunteer or money to support these important efforts, the group is always in need of help from volunteers and donations. next up on kron, 4 news at 6 pop star taylor swift fans are taking ticketmaster to court. >> the accusations that it's kicking company faces. taylor
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swift fans are taking ticketmaster to court. swift fans called swifties gathered outside the courthouse in los angeles today. a number of the fans are suing both ticketmaster and its parent company live nation saying that. >> they both violated anti-trust laws and made getting tickets to swiss era's tour. nearly impossible. the fans say they want answers about how ticketmaster handles major releases such a swift current or >> i sat at my desk for 9
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hours, got nothing and like. for what you know. so then the next day i joined the ticket capital, one presale. and i waited 5 hours that day. we want answers. we want know. could they have prevented it if they if they could have, why didn't they? and what can we do to make sure that it doesn't happen in the future? and if that means breaking up ticketmaster and live nation, then we want to do >> last week fans of the rapper drake filed a similar lawsuit against ticketmaster. >> today the man suing actress gwyneth paltrow over a ski crash took the stand to tell his side of the story. retired optometrist terry anderson sanderson rather says his wife suffered a serious setback ever since that crash in 2016. sanderson accuses paltrow skiing out of control and crashing into him from behind posh ski resort. the crash left him with a concussion, broken ribs and life-altering injuries. he says how show
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says he crashed into her. her lawyers are expected call her children to the stand later this week. coming up next in sports, nfl owners met in phoenix today and forty-niners general manager john lynch. talk to reporters about brock purdy and the quarterback situation for next season. >> sports director jason dumas has reaction from lynch coming up.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the nfl owners meetings began today in arizona and we got a lot of clarity on the niners murky quarterback situation. john lynch basically told us that when everyone is healthy, brock purdy gets the rose thing is we won't know for sure when he will be healthy. the forty-niners are hoping it will be before training camp. but as we know, everyone's body health in feels differently. and at a different rate now, most people assume brock would get the chance to start given his success last year. but it was interesting to hear lynch come out and say take a listen. >> brock has earned the right with the way he played that he's probably the leader in the clubhouse at that. you know, it kind of make those kind of decisions. but i know when we i think brooks probably earned their right to be that guy. the guy, if we were all i know he probably take that first. and but our hope is he's ready to go in training camp. we'll see how everything goes from. we're going to do what's right for brock because that's right for
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our organization, you know, to be aggressive with what we do. but bus will be really smart. and, you know, we were insulated with other guys that we have a lot of belief. so brooks now ready hold it, hold down the fort until he thinks, oh, yes. >> and love rock. the does have had a few really bad losses this year. when i say a bad loss. i mean, one of those cells that absolutely should not have happened take last night. for example, the warriors we're up to with the ball with under a minute to go. then jordan poole took a bad shot as you see right there. that give the ball back with 27 seconds left up one left. can't do that. he turned it over despite minnesota trying to fathom that leads to karl anthony-towns knocking down the tray. and that was about all she wrote. now, despite the execution issues last night, steph knows what the warriors are capable of and their confidence does not
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waive it. >> just as of late, we me at home, want a couple big ones were then seen that we had any life and found a way to come back. you know, with huge run down the stretch obviously our road struggles had they went in dallas. that game went down to the wire. so i know we've been in that situation plant either. and here we did execute didn't take advantage of those opportunities motion we could have. but our confidence in what we're able to do shouldn't take you know, because we were capable, you know. >> the stanford women's season ended sooner than anyone could have expected. but it hadn't slowed down the cardinal players from being recognized today. cameron brink with names wbca defensive player of the year break average 10 rebounds and 3 and a half blocks per game to go along with 15 points per game. she's very good. now another word came in for a bay area athlete brandon crawford has been name the 2023 lou gehrig award winner. this award goes to the
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player who best exemplifies the giving character of hall of famer lou gehrig. and we know brandon is a bay area boy who takes great pride in being a giant and representing the bay area. crawford is the 3rd member of the giants to win the award. barry zito won it back in 2012 and buster posey, one in 2019 crawford will accept his award at oracle park. all lou gehrig day friday, june second, prior to the giants game against the baltimore ravens. all righty. that is your look at sports. back to you guys. thank you, jason. now let's take a look at to. well, this is not hunter not even about 250 miles away from donner lake that that that looks like what our defense like coit tower, lot of clouds there. but we do understand a winter storm warning is in effect for the sierra tonight. there we go. there's downer lake in well, don't see the lake, but it's close to daughter. closer than it was definitely interstate 80 with a.
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>> ton of snow there. all right, lawrence, what's ahead for the c? lot of snow again, adding to what has been really a snow season for the sierra nevada and they're going to see another 2, maybe 4 feet of snow in the high country out there long, 80 right now and 50 for the most part, things are open and clear. if you plan on traveling that direction here in the next 48 hours or so well, be prepared. in fact, maybe this next week and that snow going to continue as well. right now. overall, just some partly cloudy skies across much of the south lake tahoe area. although you can see some of radar returns showing some snow just to the north as well. so not far away before things get going. now the storm system that's going to pack a around california, not only the high sierra nevada, but of course, here in the bay area, much of northern california before the system moves onshore. so winter storm warnings going up starting 11 o'clock tonight, expecting some heavy snowfall overnight tonight and tomorrow is going to be a really rugged day in the high country. probably
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some whiteout conditions there with the winds and also that snow coming down very heavy at times through tuesday night. alright, overall, though, here we go. that snow moving in. it will continue into wednesday with some colder temperatures. then finally, we'll dry things out a little bit on thursday. but i think now we've got a chance. some more storms on the way. see it right here. here's the forecast to see that storm system rolling on shore. you see all the snow begin to pile up in the sierra nevada and the blue and the white and well, just kind of continues on and off for the next couple of days. and then that low begins to move out of town. we get a little bit of a break on thursday that we get into this next weekend. here we go again. another weaker system drops in bringing more scattered showers are more showers from another system, keep things on and off and possibly more snow monday, tuesday, wednesday in the high country of next week. thank you, lawrence. in the aftermath of the tornado that killed 26 people in mississippi and alabama. >> the cleanup and the recovery is now under way. the
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e ef 4 twister packed winds of up to 200 miles an hour. that obliterated about 2000 homes. fema and volunteers are in the tornado zone. they're there to help all of the people who have lost everything. >> reporter ryan bass was in silver city, mississippi, where a 73 year-old woman managed to crawl ouw of the rubble. >> i was you could say grace of god. i'm with a sheet. >> survived its seen hill is one tough woman. the 73 year-old silver city native was in tears on monday witnessing what was left of her home of nearly 3 decades were underneath the rubble. she survived friday storm. she was too shaken up to speak on camera, but her lifelong friend helen recalled the she went through crawling out of her shattered window moments after an 4 tornado tore through her 109, jackson avenue home. she end up in the highways. somebody the deal. >> he said what's weighed me. and so it took a a sting.
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that's one of the thousands now homeless after a tornado ripped apart room, mississippi. >> and the deep south on friday night killing dozens, injuring over 50 people and obliterating more than 2000 homes. fema said there are a lot of people that are really good people that didn't have a lot before the storm. they lost everything they had on monday morning, a group of volunteers sifting through the rubble helping ernestine salvage what she could dresses jeans, boxes of sneakers in stilettos, even a few appliances, whatever she could fit and helens suv. she had a lot of that she just wanted these about. she always can replace day. what matters fema and red cross officials were in silver city this morning surveying the damage in speaking to locals, including ernestine. we want to make sure that people are starting that process getting in the system so we can start getting as quickly as possible. helena nurse tina been friends for nearly 60 years. >> helen said she'll keep her
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safe until she's back on her feet down with me. so everything ok? a new letter. stay with you. as long as she only see need. now the mask only see me. >> that was ryan bash reporting for us tonight. coming up. >> the oakland zoo saying goodbye to one of the longest tenured animals. after the break, how officials are honoring lisa, the african elephant.
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>> tonight, the oakland zoo is mourning the loss of one of its elderly african elephants names lisa yesterday, lisa was euthanized after a battle with progressive arthritis. the zoo says that is disease. quote, progressed to a point where we didn't want her last day to be her worst day. it was time to do the most humane thing and to let her go. lisa came to the oakland zoo back in 1979. she recently celebrated her 46th birthday. resume keepers presented her with a large spread of treats enrichment tend canada filled with her favorite elephants to live quite long. and they have such rituals when a family member and an elephant family so it's interesting. i'm curious what's happening. >> they never with. >> all right. well, that wraps up kron. 4 news tonight at 6. we'll see tonight at 8 o'clock. and we'll keep you posted on the storm heading our way with good night. good
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: elementary school shooting. speak a little children. preschool age children attend the school. >> announcer: what we have learned about the shooter. because she is a 28-year-old woman.


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