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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  March 27, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> the national weather service says issued a winter storm warning for the tahoe area that goes into effect tomorrow morning. that's right. officials say heavy snow, more heavy snow is expected. in fact, 6 to 18 inches. the weather system will affect the roads and officials say if you must travel, take it slow and be prepared. this is a live look at highway 80 right now castle peak. officials say travel will be very difficult near in nearly impossible. >> and gusty winds will likely be a white out conditions. another hazard for drivers. officials are asking people actually to avoid travel if possible and say the drivers could be stuck inside their
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cars for hours. the roads should be better later this week. >> if you can travel up and back, ok, all the snow in tahoe is great for visitors who want to hit the slopes. but quite the opposite for a lot of locals. more than 50 feet of snow has fallen since winter. it's an amazing number creating huge piles of snow basically on top of everything including rooftops. and that is presenting a new danger for folks who live there. >> obviously, with over 50 feet of snow, it's thousands of pounds of weight on our roofs and a roof. some of those routes are collapsing and having issues. >> $3,000, i just had a buddy. tell me you got his place. normal house in tahoe got the roof shoveled $3,000. it cost him the national weather service says if you are staying in a home in tahoe and getting a lot more snow have a backup plan in case of power outages. heaviest snowfall is forecasted for tomorrow. and our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is back with us now. lawrence, this notice
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like the rain here is never ending those guys that are shoveling snow this year. they're make just a bundle of money and they've got a couple more feet leased to come. maybe even more than that. >> up there right now, the roads, they're open and clear. it's not going to stay that way. look at that amount of snow is covering up the signs now on the side of the road. there along 80 at castle peak. but overnight tonight things are changing. if you're going to see that snow begin to move in. in fact, right now, you can see things beginning to creep in a little bit closer. now you see some showers to the north. even some snow beginning to show up just north of 80 right now. and daughter, so won't be long and that storm system moving in will bring them some rain and a lot of snow. it's an impressive storm for this time of year. look how large that system is swirling off the coastline. going to bring some very gusty conditions in the high country. probably some whiteout conditions if you're traveling there as we head toward tomorrow. so winter storm warnings going up. a couple feet of snow, at least across the higher peaks, maybe more that official advisory
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starts 11 o'clock tonight can into new until 11 o'clock on tuesday night as well. so yeah, they got a lot of work to do up there. they've got a lot more snow coming in. they're going to be digging out again through wednesday and then looks like by thursday. things begin to calm down. but, you know, it's just a season that just doesn't want to. and and so here we are. you see this first storm system coming on shore. you see all the snow piling up in the sierra nevada there in the wide in the blue. it continues to see more snow as that system drops in further south. so we headed toward wednesday. then a little bit of a break. but yeah, maybe more snow on saturday. in fact, maybe more snow on sunday and monday and tuesday of next week. it just keeps coming. guys, back to you. wow. all right, lawrence, thank you. will people in the north bay are bracing for more wet weather just days after the last storm tonight, a mother says that she and her son are lucky to be alive after a tree fell into their scent and home. it happened early friday morning. linda ross says that her son was sleeping at the time but heard the tree cracking.
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>> i was able to jump out of the way before it landed in his bed. that was before the fire crews had to saw his door open in order to get him out says that she's amazed. they both walked away without a scratch. >> i'm amazed still to this talk to each other through the last. >> are you he's going. >> i'm trapped. >> neighbors say after seeing that tree fall into that home, they are reaching out to arborists to remove any trees in danger of falling down before this next storm arrives. good idea. now the east bay, the oakland police officers association is threatening to sue the city over its response to that ransomware attack. that happened last month. the union says the city has released limited information about the attack and says litigation may be the only recourse for victims. oakland's president barry donelan released a statement that reads in part this city is truly broken when city employees learn more about the release of their
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confidential information from the media than their employer. >> whose incompetence and sloppy security allows these data breaches to occur. the oakland police officers association said it first wrote a letter to the city administration dated march 6th trying to get information on how city employees will be affected by the breach. but they say they haven't received a response. we've made our own calls on this topic in the city. did respond today by referring us to the city website which was last updated on wednesday last week, according to the update, the city of oakland sent notification letters to current and former employees whose personal info was affected. the failed silicon valley bank has a new owner, north carolina based for citizens. bank shares will acquire about 72 billion dollars worth of svb's assets at a discount of more than 16 billion dollars. the fdic had been looking for a buyer
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since the federal agency seize control of silicon valley bank earlier this month after a run on deposits left it insolvent. it was the largest bank failure in the u.s. since the 2008 financial crisis. >> coming up at 5, a major milestone for a local nonprofit, the partnership and help the tens of thousands of families when they needed it. the most. >> and the oakland zoo saying the biden one of its longest tenured animals after the break. how officials there honoring the life of lisa, the african elephant. >> and a programming note to tell you about for viewers who watch kron 4 using an antenna on wednesday. kron 4 is changing frequencies. and that means that you will need to be scanned your television. >> after that date in order to continue receiving kron 4 over the air for viewers who watched trump or via cable or watched trump or via cable or satellite or streaming, martial arts is my passion.
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>> today the oakland zoo is mourning the loss of one of its elderly african elephants. lisa yesterday, lisa was humanely. houston iced after her battle with progressive arthritis. the zoo says the disease progressed to a point where we, quote didn't want her last day to be her worst day. it was time to do the most humane thing and let her go end quote. police came to the oakland zoo. in 1979. you can here. playing with the
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letters. she recently celebrated her 46th birthday keepers presented her with the the gold spread of treats and richmond, canada is filled with her. >> a silicon valley nonprofit is celebrating a major milestone. more than 70,000 meals delivered in less than 9 months. hunger at home works with local convention centers with hotels and sports stadiums to collect excess food and goods after events. and then the group delivers those items to people in need last july. the group partner with both doordash to help expedite the process and the san jose earthquakes to help raise awareness. san jose mayor matt mahan and earthquakes player shea salinas personally delivered the 70,000 meal 100 home host, a drive-thru distribution every week at paypal park. and whether you want to give your
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time as a volunteer or whether you want to give some money to support this effort. the group is always accepting both help from volunteers and donations. >> still ahead, been a heck of a year for niners quarterback brock purdy after being picked last in last year's draft. he's the odds-on favorite. the gm says to be the starter next year. one of the most storied franchises in the nfl come for wilson break it all down for us after the break.
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>> well, it was quite year brock purdy from being the last pick in last year's nfl becoming the number one option for one of the most storied franchises in the nfl. the story of 30 keeps getting better and that, yeah, it does. today forty-niners general manager john lynch said despite the injury to parties throwing elbow, he is still. >> san francisco's quarterback number one. so for more on the announcement, we're joined by well, for sports reporter aaron wilson. with all the aaron. hello, hello. well, that's the biggest news of the day. the fact that he is the number one, according to the gm john lynch. and you know, for so long, we wondered. >> who would be? >> the quarterback next season and with the unknown return date of brock party. of course, because of that injury in the training of jimmy g, it would be crazy to assume that it would have been trey lance, but it like i said after today, we now know that that
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is not the case. and that's because during the nfl owner meeting down in phoenix, forty-niners gm, john lynch said they were going to do what's best for brock because brock is what's best for our organization. and although there are other guys on the roster that leadership has a lot of faith in rob party. despite his injury is their qb one. take a listen. >> think brock has earned the right with the way he played that he's probably the leader in the clubhouse at that. you know, it kind of make those kind of decisions. but i know when we talk, i think brooks probably earned their right to be that guy. the guy, if we were all i know he probably take that first. and you know, we were insulated with other guys that we have a lot of belief enso brooks now ready hold it. hold down the fort until the thing me is rehabbing with a well-known physical therapists. keep coach are now. he's has a history of working with some top athletes. >> with elbow injury that say right now there is no timeline. as i mentioned earlier for parties return. but >> lynch also mention have a
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better idea of that timeline in the next 12 weeks, which is also when the team and party expect him to be able to throw again, no matter. lindsey brock has earned the right to be the guy. so he didn't believe that he did he showed up in crunch time and he actually played and competed in games that someone a rookie with no experience out there at that point in the season probably should have been able to play. that will so. but they still got the high draft pick, trey lance, a and they sign sam darnold former high draft pick who needed bass. he spoke a little bit on them today. just saying that he was happy about the progress of trey lance and his injury coming back from his injury. >> and then that when they did want to fill out the quarterback room just a little bit more, they wanted to make sure. >> it's donna was a guy they brought in. he said he's happy with the quarterback room with those 3. but again, property is cuba and their 3 was. thank
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you. >> all right. let's check on our weather again. a live look outside at the golden gate bridge and it's hazy out there tonight. and we were seeing the sky a few minutes ago that a lot of clouds building up the rolling in yet crystal clear blue skies earlier today. but it is. >> lawrence is back with us. this the next storm are old enough yet. here we go on this. we're going to pack a punch as it comes onshore overnight. tonight, the showers are going to be picking up in those those winds on the increase. and well, here we go again. this has been one of those years where they just come one after another after another almost seems like never ending the clouds rolling in toward the golden gate bridge right now. see the winds picking up now long. the flag around those winds really get with it as we head in toward tomorrow. so the national weather service issuing high wind advisory for some very gusty winds, especially along the coastal sections, even inside the bay and over the coastal ranges in the going to see some of the hilltops. they're going to see some very strong gusty winds, some of the gusts maybe as high as 40, maybe 55 miles an
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hour or so. so very gusty. you see here on the models, it start showed winds begin to move out of the south overnight. tonight we're going to start to crank up. so by tomorrow morning you can start to see that rain moving in. all of a sudden the winds are going start to kick up. you start to see some 30 some 40 mile an hour gusts along the coastline, especially in northern marin and sonoma counties. and then as we head through the morning, then it really ramps up to 8 o'clock in the morning or so 9 o'clock. you're starting to see some 40 plus mile an hour gust coast side. and then it really gets going after that as we head in toward 11 o'clock in these winds really start whipping. and that's when we're expected to see the strongest gust about the late morning hours. going to see those strongest rolling through likely to bring more trees down and some more power outages. by the afternoon, the front moves by and you'll notice all of a sudden you see a change in some of the wind direction here that front moves into the south bay. so you get some of those northwesterly winds begin to kick up. the winds begin to subside, but to be a rainmaker to pack some heavy rainfall likely to fall around the bay area. maybe 2, maybe 3 inches of rain across some of the mountain tops to the north
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bay, especially but even down in some of the urban areas, more than an inch of rain, we get those kind of rain race coming through throughout the day. likely going to see some puzzling some localized flooding out on the roads. i think tomorrow just to be a really difficult day to be on the roads. so overall, you can see the storm system, another very strong, powerful storm off the coastline. one thing is looks like the center of this low is going to stay off the coastline and that is a huge factor. remember that storm? we had the previous big win last week. the low came right over the bay area that are generated all the winds still still going to be gusty enough. likely see some damage outside. and it looks like we're going to see plenty of rain in the bay area. so this one coming through. i don't see another big one like this on the horizon, but i do see a chance more rain as we head into weekend. i know some believe. thank you, lawrence. okay. well, search and rescue efforts are ongoing in mississippi and alabama. that's after that catastrophic eea. 4 tornado hit those states on friday. >> killing more than 2 dozen people. volunteers and heavy equipment are being deployed
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as search and rescue teams dig through, flattened homes and businesses. they are still searching for more survivors. the devastation started friday night with a twister ripping through the town of rolling for that's in mississippi and then traveling the with of that state. houses, homes and everything everything i can see some state of. >> on sunday, president biden issued an emergency declaration sending homeland security and fema to assess the damage and help. >> take a look. i know this could happen in this way. one of the wildest crashes we've seen caught on camera in l a look at this. watch that i won't go off the truck and right under that kia that was traveling down the one 18 freeway last week. pickup truck's tire came loose. and then look, the tire comes back in adding insult to injury, just rams the key n rear end. so here it is again, look at that. so high that black tire
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just just shot off the pickup truck and yeah, here it is. again, as we replay, authorities are blaming some sheared lug nuts on the pickup truck for causing the tire to come off in the first place and get this. the driver of the kid that flipped suffered only minor injuries. that's amazing. >> coming up next, hackers are now using artificial intelligence to hijack facebook and instagram accounts in tonight's tech smart, rich demuro explains haw it works and how to keep yourself protected. that's yourself protected. that's coming up after the break.
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after my car accident, yourself protected. that's coming ui wondered whatak. my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised.
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>> well, the latest online scam is using artificial intelligence to try and lure us into heading over facebook log-in information. the latest in a i'm rich demuro explains how to protect yourself in tonight's tech smart. >> coming up, put it up. do. general is desperately trying to get her facebook account back. it's just this is awful. thr online marketing specialist who moonlights as a dj woke up the tour count. i have e-mail that says you changed your password on facebook and i was like, no, i did it. and then it said lily collins next to it. and i was like, oh, no, this is not good. although she isn't exactly sure how it happened. the effects quickly snowballed, the thought of having to start all over and then also losing all those
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memories. she also lost access to are linked to instagram account and since uses facebook's advertising tools for work that was impacted to my boss had to get involved in. that didn't feel very good. so i was extremely frustrated. take on the verge of tears, cyber giving. those tend to keep back of, you know happened. he loved the new brand. >> and then tried to use those brands to create and phishing attacks. >> it noted it did with right now. scammers are especially interested in creating fake chatgpt websites and apps. >> with website urls similar to a name you recognize because chad is still going create then do use it. so that was the end feeling >> you know, for us to stay in the play on problem been great, afford it. people do what they should be looking for to protect yourself. use 2 factor authentication and unique, strong passwords bit warden your in and others
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offer tools to generate them. oh, my gosh, you might well. jen still works on fully recovering her account. she says she's learned a lot from the experience. make sure that the web sites thas you're going to actually credible. >> if you see something or sing, something is too good to be true or suspicious. don't open it. don't click on it. >> and that was rich demuro reporting for us tonight. a lot of warnings to keeping your head about all of this. that wraps kron 4 news at 5, but don't go anywhere. we have a lot more news to get to on kron. 4 news at 6 can is here now with a look ahead at that. how you doing? i'm doing good to have a good weekend. quickly, the sun was out. it was nice to see that that's going to change. that's what we're here for. the winds are going to start cranking up tonight. >> we get ready for another storm system. kron 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow standing by with the forecast. plus gun violence once again rocked the nation. this time in nashville, 3 children and 3
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so long stinky smells and hello amazing freshness. discover the new febreze scents today! >> from the bay area's news station. you're watching kron. 4 news news at 6. >> now it's 6, another round of strong winds and heavy rain expected to arrive in the bay area coming in tonight through tomorrow and pg and crews are
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working around the clock trying to fix the gas pipelines in the vi do as well as other locations before this storm arrives. thank you for joining us on kron. 4 news tonight at 6. i'm pam moore. i'm ken wayne. a wind advisory has been issued for much of the bay area beginning tonight. >> that means we can anticipate more trees coming down as well as more power outages for meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us now to tell us what is ahead yet. another big storm. the good news is is that i think the center of the low pressure is going to stay off the coastline and that is key. so maybe not as strong. >> as the previous system still going to see some trees coming down outside. and we're still talking some 40, maybe some 55 mile an hour gust in another large storm. you can see the center well off the coastline right now. some rain already beginning to make its way into northern california, even in the bay area. a couple of scattered showers. but let's take a look at this. i to myself bars on this map. these are lines of equal pressure, the tighter. they are the stronger the winds were starting to see those winds picking up in northern california.


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