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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  March 27, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. gun violence has once again rocked the country. 3 children and 3
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adults are dead after a woman entered the elementary school nashville and opened fire. the shooter is now dead shot and killed by responding police officers and police have just released the victims names and their ages. the 3 children killed are evelyn house haley shrugs and william kenny. they are all 9 years old. the 3 staff members killed mike hill. a custodian said the apk substitute teacher and catherine kuntz, the head of covid in school which is the small private christian school in nashville, tennessee, that serves preschool through 6th graders. police have also identified the shooter as 28 year-old audrey hail, a transgender woman who may have been a former student at the school of croc forestall bello. joining us now live from the newsroom with more on what was just revealed from police in the last hour and a well, i i just feel sick overall. plus today, it really is heartbreaking. just seen it was a pretty quick press
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conference that officials just k, but they gave us quite a bit of information. >> and that last hours you mentioned, we know the identities of all involved in. >> while a motive has not been released, officials say during a search of the suspect's home, they did find a manifesto at some other writings that pertain to today's mass shooting. they say there were also maps drawn of the school in detail. police say they've made contact with hale's father and an investigation is ongoing at the residence. they do believe he'll gain entry to covenant school by shooting through one of the doors. calls came in about the shooting around 10, 15 local time. as you mentioned, it is a private christian school just about 200 students there. so it's a very small community. you can just imagine how everyone is touched by this officials do believe hale was a former student at this school years of attendance are unclear at this point during the press conference, officials were asked if the way hail
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identifies has anything to do with her motive of targeting the school. >> some theory to that. we're investigating all the leads. and once we know exactly, we'll let you know, thoughts and prayers go out to the family when we send our kids to school well to any place of safety. we expect them to live learn, have fun and come back. from that day days experience. we don't anticipate things like this. >> i think everyone across the nation can identify with that sentiment. police say hale was armed with 2 assault style rifles and a pistol, at least 2 of those weapons were obtained legally and locally. and nashville, they say it took police 14 minutes to respond to the school. officials say 5 officers immediately want n and hail was killed. just seen police will eventually be releasing the body cam video of their response. but as as you mentioned, it's just it's chilling to hear these details live in the newsroom. noelle
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bellow, i'll send it back to just, you know, these kids are 9 years old or 3009th, 4th grade potentially. yeah, it's very sickening to to hear. thank. you know, i will continue to follow this. and president biden has just called today's school shooting a family's worst nightmare and is once again calling on congress to take action to prevent another tragedy like this. >> from happening again. >> to do more to stop gun violence. it's ripping our communities apart, ripping soul of this nation. repents a very we have to do more to protect your school. samara turned into prisons. you know, shooter the situation reported we had 2 assault weapons. crystal to make a 4 years. so i call on congress again to pass my soul of unspent. it's about time that we begin to make some more progress. >> california senator alex padilla echoing the president's sentiments. they're saying in part, quote, gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in
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america. we must end this madness and we will continue to follow the story throughout our newscast right here at 3. coming up at 3.30, we'll have a live report from nashville to see how the community there is dealing with this tragedy. welcome back. now, though, to the bay area because we're learning more now about an incident involving a mother and her 2 children being held hostage during a home invasion that ended in a deadly police shooting in san jose kron four's haaziq madyun has the latest. details now. >> at the rear of the apartment emerge. officer saw the family kneeling on the ground. with the suspect standing over them. holding a handgun. in one hand and the machete and the other. >> san jose police chief anthony mata is describing what he says one of his officers witnessed before fatally shooting. 34 year-old elliot berke gonzalez after he allegedly broke into an apartment last wednesday. here on boy now avenue chief mata says his officers were dispatched to the location to
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investigate a fight. but later learned from the woman's husband that his wife and their 2 young boys were being held hostage by a armed with a gun. >> officers continued to make announcements in english and spanish attempting to get the suspect to surrender peacefully. >> the chief says the tense situation lasted about an hour with officers never receiving a response from the suspect due to the suspect's actions and erratic behavior. officers believe that the situation was escalated. it also believed that the family's lives were in immediate and moral danger. the merge officer observed the suspect raised the machete towards the family. and fired at least one round striking the suspect. >> chief says the 2 machetes were very real, but the handgun turned out to be a fake. and although elliot berke gonzalez and the victims of the home invasion lived in the same building, investigators say they were unknown to each other and that he was recently evicted from
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his apartment. the chief says that may be why the suspect, but he broke into the manager's unit. >> based on no facts that we know was looking for certain. we know that. >> evicted. the role, joe was pronounced dead at a local hospital. the mother and her 2 children were not injured. >> as for background information on the suspect, police say that he is not known to law enforcement, nor does he have a criminal history. investigators say they do plan to release more information, including police body-worn camera video of this incident in the coming days. and settles a has it meant kron 4 news. >> we will talk now about our weather forecast as we're taking this live look outside here from our mount tam cam. and it's sunny and warm out there now. but it's not going to stay that way for much longer. meteorologist kyla grogan standing by here with the latest on our forecast. and when this next storm it's set to arrive. i know. here we go again, right? we've done
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this so many times are going to do it again. you can see this low pressure system. this is what's going to happen. it's going to kind of turn right down the coast that will bring us rain, wind and of course, here snow along the way. >> it is an active pattern that we are in right now. still even at this in the month. but it is beautiful out there. we've had a really nice day, in fact, quite warm out there as well. check out san jose right now. it's 66 degrees. we're at 60 in oakland. 61 in livermore, concord and 50's for the rest of the bay. as you can see here. but a pretty nice day out there. the wind has also been nice and calm that is going to change are going to actually see that pick up from the south to the north as will see a southerly flow move in as we get into the overnight tonight. and it's all courtesy of this low pressure system that, as i mentioned, will be dropping down along the coast. can see right now it's already delivering some rain to the north of us. i think we're okay. and the north bay, until about 10 o'clock tonight. and that's likely we're going to start to see some of that moving in. so tonight it's going to be about the increasing clouds and that will let us know that that system is on the way that rain moving from north to south
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tonight. temperatures are relatively mild, by the way, at sfo. last night we tied a record from 1972 to get down to 40 degrees tonight, i think will be slightly warmer than so no worries about any frost advisories or anything like that. that would be upside to the system moving in. this would be the downside. we have got a wind advisory going up and it is going to be going up tonight at 11 o'clock and parts of the north bay. but for the peninsula will be more lcke 05:00am tomorrow. but the point is we're all going to see some of this wind gusts expected upwards of 40 miles per hour, particularly if you're out at the coast of the wind is going to be a sticking point here with this system. so the north bay, as i mentioned, we'll start to see the rain first tomorrow morning's commute is going to be exceptionally difficult because of rain, ponding on the roads and also heavy wind. and then, you know, the impacts are going to have tomorrow. we're going to be possible power outages and trees down kind of going through this again. when i come back in the track, this for you hour by hour and last also talk about when it's all done back to you. good. thanks so much. we're going to go now to the north bay where cleanup and repair work continues.
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>> following some a mudslide in nevado. but with more wet weather coming tonight, the worry is this problem could just get worse. kron 4 s charles clifford has the update. >> well, here in marin county on monday, the weather has dried out a bit allowing crews to get in and do some cleanup and repair work following a mudslide here in the bottle along redwood boulevard. but with more wet weather in the forecast, there is concern that this problem could get worse. last tuesday, a mudslide here along redwood boulevard damaged portions of the roadway and threatened to pg gas line that runs underground along the boulevard over the weekend pg e installed a bypass gas line around the slide. but the utility remains on scene as of monday afternoon testing the new bypass and preparing to remove the old gas pipeline. portions of highway 101 also closed over the weekend. but all lanes are now back open. >> the county of marin is now responsible for fixing redwood boulevard in stabilizing the hillside. but on monday, a spokesperson for the county told kron 4 that they are currently in a holding pattern until pg finishes their work. they also say the hillside is
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too unstable for crews to start making repairs. they are planning to wait until after the next round of wet weather before moving forward with any repair work with rain expected to return late monday and continue through at least wednesday afternoon. there's concern that the slide could get larger. all the work continues here along redwood boulevard. the roadway will remain closed until further notice. there's also still no access a police state park and a bike trail through the area remains closed as well. and finally pg and e says that in the overnight hours from monday into tuesday, they're going to replace a section of gas pipeline that could result in some natural gas being put out into the air. neighbors nearby may smell natural gas, but pg e says that guests will dissipate quickly and they don't anticipate there will be any danger to the neighborhood. >> but for now in the north bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> happening now, wildcat canyon road is closed to all traffic stretching from san pablo dam road to inspiration. point a photo shared by contra costa county. public works
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showing us the roadsides asphalt lifted and cracked after a landslide. part of the roadway also appears to have slid down the side of the hill. crews are asking everyone to avoid this area. it's in orinda and san jose. police are investigating after a woman was killed and a child injured during a hit and run. this happened about 7 o'clock on sunday night near blossom hill road and we avenue just 2 blocks away from the high school. police say that they were walking a dog in a marked crosswalk when they were hit by a car which then left the scene, officers attempted to save the woman, but she died there. the child went to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries will work on an update on the story as well. uc berkeley police are looking for man who they say was chasing a child and what appeared to be an attempted abduction. investigators say a 9 year-old child was walking home in the area of gooding way and a loaded village around 7.30, last night when they say that man begin chasing the child.
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police describe the man as a white male of average build about 6 feet tall. witnesses say that he was middle aged wearing a fedora style, had a blue or green shirt and black pants. the man left in an older black 2 door car. if you have any information that could help investigators, please call uc berkeley police. coming up here during kron. 4 news at threes. silicon valley bank's bailout has officially led to a buyout details on the purchase >> of svb and what it means for all the existing bank customers. but first, a major milestone for a local nonprofit. the partnership that helped feed tens of thousands of families when thousands of families when they needed it. the most
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>> the former branches of silicon valley bank reopen today as first citizens bank because the deal has been reached for citizens is buying 72 billion dollars and svb loans for 16 and a half billion dollars in a deal that was brokered by the fdic. the agency took over silicon valley bank earlier this month after a run on deposits left it basically bankrupt. it had been looking for a buyer since then and now confirms a deal was reached with first citizens bank over the weekend. all customers of svb are now automatically customers of first citizens and all commercial loans are now assumed under this new back. we have a lot of questions about this. ana joining us now to discuss how the situation may influence the way banks are regulated in
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the future. and also what customers should know as the chair of economics at cal state east bay are best the thank you for joining us. thanks for having me. so if you up excuse me. if you're a customer of svb or your customer of first republic, what do you need to know about your money right now? >> nothing really changed. these into the bank, changed ownership. so there's going to be a new management and there may be new commercial practices, but your money safe in the bank that and everything should be going small team moving forward. >> so you don't worry about going to the bank and having there be no money there for you to take out. >> no, these concern as it to be taken care of by fdic and the federal reserve bank. when the announced and decided that the even over $250,000 would be fully so the was to i think even taking care of now. they're just take a new
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ownership far for the so that's that's going to it. >> so that if i was in svb customer, i just go to for citizens and say, like my debit card still works there. my checks of people still even use those to work there. just you just transfer over to the new location. no problem, correct. that should be the case. all right. sounds good. that seems pretty seamless. and if you're a up. customer of first citizens, first republic. i'm saying right? have first citizens bank. if your customer there, should you be worried at all that what happened as we be could be happening to your bank? >> not so for this reason, the bank but out essentially city come back. bank is a bank that has been expanding and has been expanding by purchasing out there bangs that went through a seam in our bank sees as has b b in the and so he's actually i think the cash each bank that is the knicks pending. happening for the
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spanky's that they're reaching out of type of that that they didn't have before in the city come back. yeah, michigan, be any change for them either. >> how did the markets react to this today? >> it was a positive reaction. they go, you know, for example, first bank of san francisco and the stock not. but these was seen by the markets as i have move and the i would say these a healthy move essentially being there was a process off bankruptcy that that went on for bank and the fdic staff searching for a buyer for some of the loans that the city can. buddy bank had a new test sets and finally found the found a buyer with cheese. i have the >> could what happened to silicon valley bank happen again? >> well, he's as you know, is that out? of course, so in theory with the the lending facility, lending a program
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that the fed has put together and we defected now in pc 3 deposits about $250,000 insured in fury. unlikely that something like will happen again at the same time. you know, banking business is that, you know, theory ski, nothing but a clues that the me and you can try around the bay what's likely to happen in the future is that there will be tighter regulations on banks. for example, we may see a more stringent and move frequent stress test to that. i mean, the of the queen etn the level have of the assets of banks moving forward and an even smaller banks may get acquired 2 new. so there's definitely going to get discussion the policy worried about these topics. >> thank you so much for joining us professor at that written and they're just the chair of economics. a cash cow
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some about economy because it has been a most of president just want to make sure i had the title. right. thank you so much for joining us here. professor. no, thank you. still ahead here at 3 o'clock, mississippi hit hard by a tornado will take a look at the damage and the latest on the search and recovery efforts. >> but first, lawmakers are spreading the word about a critical medicine shortage critical medicine shortage here in the united states.
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>> are spreading word about critical medicine shortages in the u.s.. a report from the senate homeland security committee explains how dire the situation is with the u.s. seeing in nearly 30% increase in drug shortages since 2021. researchers blame the shortage on multiple factors, including complex global supply chains with nearly 80% of the facilities making america's medical ingredients based overseas. >> are reliant on china when it comes to these drugs has really exploded since the turn of the century. >> military also is very vulnerable to these drug shortages. the defense department telling congress it is wholly dependent on the commercial market when it comes to securing medications for its own personnel. ongoing shortages of baby formula. still a problem. and house
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republicans now want an investigation. baby formula shortages began in february of 2022. and a year later, many stores still cannot keep up with the formula demand. house republicans have opened an investigation into the fda's role in the shortage. the department of justice and to other agencies are also investigating abbott investigating abbott laboratories. this van just hi. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to . i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team . they took care of me like a q. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me. if you've been in a seriousacci. call jacoby & meyers, justic.
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have to talk about our forecast because we are about to get a lot more rain here in
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the bay area overnight tonight. meteorologist kyla grogan here now timing out this next storm. looks great out there now. i know it's been a beautiful day. no doubt about it. as we take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. but that is all about to change tonight as we see those clouds move in and then the rain move in overnight. the wind is coming as well. so unfortunately, tomorrow morning is going to be an incredibly difficult commute. >> because of the rain and the wind, it's all courtesy of this low pressure system that you can see spinning off to our north and our west. so the thing to do right now is to think about being weather aware, right? because behind this cold front, we're also have thunderstorms that will linger later tuesday night into wednesday. this is very similar to our last system. so let's time this out for you show. you are going to get into this evening. that is about 10 o'clock tonight. that's what some of the lighter rain starts falling in the north bay. now we're getting the heavy rain. that is 05:00am. so we're going right into that commute. time. and there it goes right across the bay area. notice if you look up towards clear lake, you see some snowflakes, too, at some of our higher elevations and some of our peaks. now, this is about 4
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o'clock. and you think, ok, well, now it's rolled through. yes, but yes, but is look at this in the evening. we're going to have another line of what could potentially be thunderstorms start moving through and then that will be picking up on wednesday morning as well. so that's why things are going remain unsettled because with thunderstorms, you get heavy downpours, you get the potential for hail and even lightning by the time we get into our overnight into thursday morning. that's when things will finally start to clear out how much rain are we talking about? it's pretty impressive. you can see we're looking out for between, you know, one to 2 inches of rain and some of our coastal mountains could get even higher numbers than that. and then there's the wind. this is future when showing you tomorrow morning, especially at the coast. we're going to see that wind kicking above 30 35 miles per hour and even getting higher as we work our way into the day. finally, that will start to calm down as well as we get into our wednesday morning. so it's a lot coming at us. if you look at your extended forecast, you can see that tomorrow is just going to be tough day. there's really no way to sugarcoat it. it will continue into wednesday in that spotty shower. potential thunderstorm
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way. but then by thursday, we're clearing out looking pretty good on friday as well. but then saturday, yes, you do see a shower chance in there. so just take a deep breath. if you can avoid traveling tomorrow, i would certainly advise that because that, you know, wind, especially in some of our bridges can get really tricky. really quickly back to you. thanks, kyla. back now to our top stories. 6 people, including 3 children were killed at an elementary school in nashville today. >> reporter dallas parker joining us now live from the scene with the very latest here. dallas, thank you for joining us. can you give us an update? >> good evening. i'm here at the woodmont baptist church. now this isn't the actual location of the school to come in schools about 2 miles down the road. however, this was the location parents were told to come to be reunited with their children. of course, we know 3 of those babies didn't make it home to their families here today, the 6 victims have been identified by metro nashville. police department has 9 year-old and evelyn
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house haleigh scruggs and william candy. they're all 9 years old. cynthia peak 61. catherine coats age 60 and mike hill. 61. those are that 3 staff members who died. >> today now the covenant school is a private preschool through 6th grade institution. so these are babies that we are talking about. metro nashville police. we're learning more about the actual shooter. i'm here today. they've identified 28 year-old audrey hail. now kale is set to be a former student of the covenant school. a police say that she gained entry to the by shooting through the door is going up on the second floor where opened fire on the students and administrators in the building and investigators have found out at hills home, detailed notes max and surveillance of the covenant school, though they say they're not really ready to release a possible motive just yet. >> was literally moved to tears to see bills and kids as
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they would be in a shoot out of the. that we would never have the situation. that if we ever did. we would not wait. we would immediately go in and we would immediately engage the person. perpetrating this whole time. >> now police do say they responded to a call at 10 13 far as active shooter was -% concerned by 10 27. that shooter was located inside the school shot and killed by a team of 5 police officers here in nashville. the chief of police, of course, scheduled to get more updates as the night goes on. and we promise to bring that to you guys. when we get the information for now. a national on dallas parker. a dallas police also said earlier today that they were going to be releasing some of their body camera footage that they were wearing when engaged with the suspect. >> just wondering from your sources that you're hearing from there on the scene, what they're saying about what that footage might show, what we might learn from it.
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>> i'm not too much. we haven't heard too much about that just yet. but we do know that those officers responded really quickly. i know that's something that people have kept at the top of mind since school shooting incidents like the one in you know, it took a little while for the police to at and this situation. it sounds like police were on as soon as they got the call of the units were dispatched to the covid school here in nashville. >> and the shooter, the accused shooter here is also a former student of the school. that's what the police have saying. that's a former student. but again, this person is 28 years old. so the school is preschool through 6th grade. so that was some time ago when this person attended the school had to been on on. that serves me correctly. we don't know a possible motive. the police say they're not ready to really us. give us a motive just yet. but they said they found quite a bit evidence. >> at hale's home here in
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nashville. >> well, your community is hurting and suffering tonight. you know anything about planned vigils for this evening or tomorrow. >> i think it's still maybe a little soon just for in advance, you know, in the community. but of course, we will keep our to the street and find out what's going on. you know, it's it's a tragic day for this community here. they thank you so much for joining us. just hard to. >> i've kids the same age. so it's like really hard to kind of process everyt ing. and so we're we're thinking of you and your community tonight. >> also, now, search and rescue efforts are ongoing in mississippi after a e ef 4 tornado hit the state on friday. there are now more than 2 dozen people dead volunteers and heavy equipment are now being deployed as search and rescue teams are digging through, flattened homes. they're still searching for more survivors. this devastation started on friday night with a twister that just
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ripped through the town of rolling fork. and then it traveled the with of the entire state. houses homes. everything i can see some state of. >> sunday. president biden issued a emergency declarations sending homeland security and fema to assess the damage. u.s. officials are responding after military leaders say a drone strike in syria wounded several u.s. service members and killed an american contractor. the pentagon says the drone was iranian officials. they're not saying now that they do not want a direct conflict with iran but will respond when these strikes likely will happen like this happen. that response comes with a retaliatory airstrike by u.s. warplanes. a militia targets following the drone attack. officials say that initial strike was carried by iranian-backed militia groups operating in syria. it
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happened last week and 5 american service members were wounded. and an american contractor was killed. the americans were operating in in syria as part of an anti terrorism group. the u.s. is already sanctioned. i ran for providing attack drones to terrorist militias groups. and this weekend lawmakers said the u.s. will always respond when attacks like this happen. i think was appropriate. and i think if they continue, they ought to. we got up the ante in terms of the strikes that we send back. but remember, we have a couple 1000 troops both iraq and syria working with the kurdish forces who still are in the process of wiping up the final remnants of the isis folks. well, i think we should be concerned that our deterrent posture vis-a-vis iran is crumbling. we can't afford. >> another failure of deterrence like that, which we saw and ukraine. >> lawmakers say they do not anticipate direct conflicts but are prepared to use more force to protect american work
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for merck, american workers in the region. 3 months almost after it killed him. actor jeremy renner is happy to have his snow plow back. he celebrated the return on instagram sharing these photos. he says the snow plow got a police escort and is now on its way back to his nevada home. he broke more than 30 bones when the plow rolled over him on new year's day while he was trying to help dig out a relative's car. a silicon valley nonprofit is celebrating a major milestone. more than 70,000 meals delivered in less than 9 months. hunger at home works with local. convention centers, hotels and sports stadiums to collect access. excess food and goods after events in the deliver those items to people in need. it was last july that the group partnered with both doordash to help expedite the process and the san jose earthquakes to help raise awareness. the nonprofit's ceo says this partnership is paying
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dividends. >> the reach of this partnership allows us to provide meals to seniors and individuals with disabilities who are facing food insecurity. family sues worker childcare would prevent them from coming not able to come to our our distribution. so we bring it right to you. >> san jose mayor matt mahan. earthquakes player shea salinas personally delivered the 70th 1000 meal hunger at home host a drive-thru distribution every week at paypal park. whether you want to give your time as a volunteer or some money to support their efforts. the group is always accepting donations. coming up here, a warning for researchers discovered a troubling connection between the food that we eat. >> and a possible infection. and as we head to break, we do have a programming note for viewers who watch kron 4 through an antenna. on wednesday. kron four's changing frequencies. that means to lead to free scan your tv. after that day. so you can continue to receive from for over there. if you're
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watching us on cable satellite or streaming, no action is or streaming, no action is needed. but stay r
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>> for your health this afternoon, older americans who use cannabis to treat some illnesses may find that it can lead to other health issues. the report from the wall street journal says there's an increased use of cannabis among middle aged people in seniors for pain, sleep and anxiety. the use is a risk
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factor for some other problems such as falling getting injured and confusion. emergency room visits for those over 65 increased. more than 20% in 2019, seniors may also be on multiple prescription drugs and smoking or eating marijuana might interfere with that. e-coli tainted meat could be causing nearly a half-million urinary tract infections every year. that's the warning from researchers at george washington university. their study focused on chicken, turkey and pork samples from 9 major grocery stores in flagstaff, arizona. they compared those blood and urine samples from people who are hospitalized for urinary tract infections in the same area. 8% of those e-coli ut eyes were tied to meet. researchers say with and a bionic resistance rising these infections could turn deadly in high-risk individuals and they believe meat producer should take stronger measures to prevent the bacteria from entering the food chain. still ahead here at 3 cyber
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criminals are hacking facebook and instagram accounts more than ever. >> have tips on how to keep your onlin
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israel's judicial overhaul legislation is being put on hold until after the passover recess in april following massive protests over the weekend. tens of thousands of
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israelis poured into the streets across the country and anger after prime minister better than that. not you fired his defense minister for challenging the plan that yahoo argues the unelected supreme court justices had too much power and wants to give the governing coalition more say over judicial appointments. parts of israel have been brought to a standstill as the country's largest trade union. the federation there announced a strike to protest the planned shutting down transit services, restaurants and retailers. congress here will return to washington this week with a packed to do list. lawmakers have scheduled more than 100 hearings and markups, but many revolver on one single issue. our washington correspondent basil john, has the details. >> it's budget season on capitol hill and the biden administration plans to tout its plan all week. it's a contest and compared to gop priorities. but to the the deputy director of the national economic council says
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president biden's budget plan works for all americans. there's 100 billion dollars worth of tax relief for middle-class families and families with parents. >> over the next 10 years of the president's plan would largely do that by raising taxes on the wealthiest americans. house republicans have yet to release their counter budget. let's eliminate. >> inflation, let's help the banking system by not having inflation continue to grow. let's not continue this runaway spending speaker kevin mccarthy is demanding severe cuts to spending and return for raising the government's borrowing limit. >> right now, the treasury department can only guarantee the federal government has enough to pay its bills through early june. i think america it's too important to play games with. mccarthy blames president biden for not negotiating, but the white house says mccarthy is the one failing to offer specific alternatives are to have conversations with a guy can explain what they're for. the president will head to north carolina tuesday and we'll talk about the gop. these tax proposals. >> reporting in washington,
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i'm basil, john. >> it is sunny out there now. but rain is moving in pretty quickly. meteorologist kyla grogan has our forecast. it's a yes. been a gorgeous day banner day. i would say right if we didn't have the stormy weather coming, i would think we were on a pretty good roll. >> and you can see the temp difference in temperatures. it's already 9 degrees warmer than it was this time yesterday in san jose. in fact, take a look at these temperatures. san jose right now at 66 degrees. we're at 65 in dublin. you can see a 60 in oakland. 63 in nevada. you get the idea. it's nice out. if you've been outside, i'm sure you've been enjoying some of that gorgeous sunshine out there, too. but it is all set to change. unfortunately, can see some of the rain rolling to the north of us right now. as we zoom out, you see the bigger picture here, which is this low pressure system that's going scoot right down the coast and bring us rain. and also this year, some snow. so they're under a winter storm warning that kicks in 05:00am tuesday till 05:00am wednesday. we could see, you know, 2 more feet of snow above 7,000 feet. and this has
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been such a banner year for that. we'll be adding to those totals. also, wind a huge part of the system. you can see wind advisories up all across northern california and that does include us here in the bay area. so get ready for it because this wind is going to pick up. that is 05:00am tomorrow. now, think about this. this is rush hour about to show you. and if you're on a bridge and you're dealing with, some of these gusts are going to be happening in addition to the rain, it's going to be exceptionally unpleasant things get better for us as we work our way into tuesday night. but let's just show you futurecast how this plays out. here's the rain rolling in at 06:00am. there's your rush hour, right. heavy rain and you can see it rolls right through the day. so it is going to be a tough one. and on the backside of this, we have the potential for some thunderstorms coming in with some of the south cells that are behind the front as well your extended forecast shows you it's going to be rough couple of days. then we have a nice clear out thursday and friday and the potential for a little more rain as we get into the weekend. back to you. thanks so much. the latest scam could used chat gpt to lure you into handing over your facebook log-in. >> rich demuro explains in today's tech smart.
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>> hackers will do anything to get a hold of your facebook credentials. the latest scam involves fake chatgpt apps and websites. and once you log in your account could be compromised. >> coming up, put it up. do. general act is desperately trying to get her facebook account back. it's just this is awful. the online marketing specialist who moonlights as a dj woke up the tour count. i have e-mail that says you changed your password on facebook and i was like, no, i did it. and then it said lily collins next to it. and i was like, oh, no, this is not good. although she isn't exactly sure how it happened. the effects quickly snowballed, the thought of having to start all over and then also losing all those memories. she also lost access to are linked to instagram account and since uses facebook's advertising tools for work that was impacted to
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my boss had to get involved and that didn't feel very good. so i was extremely frustrated like on the verge of tears, cyber giving, those tend to keep back of, you know happened. he loved the new brand. >> and then tried to use those grants to create and phishing attacks. >> talk about it did with right now. scammers are especially interested in creating fake chatgpt websites and apps. >> with website urls similar to a name you recognize because chad dbd is still go to then do use it. so that was the end feeling. >> you know, for us to me on problem been great, afford it. people do what they should be looking for to protect yourself. use 2 factor authentication and unique, strong passwords bit. warden norton and others offer tools to generate them. oh, my gosh. it went well. jen still works on fully recovering her account. she says she's learned a lot from the
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experience. make sure that the web sites that you're going to are actually credible. >> if you see something or sing, something is too good to be true or suspicious. don't open it. don't click on it. >> jennifer tells me she was finally able to regain access to her account by going to facebook dot com slash hacked. but it took several tries and now she can change her name. go live or advertise for at least a few weeks. keep in mind the only way to access chatgpt right now is through the open ai website. i've got all these details on mine. just go to rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> coming up next, the planets are aligning for our viewing pleasure. details on when you can catch a glimpse of the solar system
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>> tonight on newsnation, the bryan kohberger cases captivated the nation. but how is this family handling the fallout? exclusive information on how even those close to the accused killer could become victims to brian entin guest host tonight on dan abrams live. plus, is the accused idaho killer getting death threats behind bars? banfield has the exclusive reporting tonight and don't miss the premier of elizabeth vargas reports next. monday, 6, 5 central on newsnation. >> there is going to be a
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planetary parade in the sky this week. astronomers say mercury, venus, mars and jupiter and uranus while being a straight line under the moon. the best time to see them would be tomorrow night just after sunset. the display will also be visible on friday and for a couple of weeks after. >> mercury in this might be the hardest to see since they don't shine that bright, especially in places where there's a lot of light pollution and kyla, i'm going to assume in placss like here in the bay area where we're going to have storm clouds overhead. yeah, i think that's going to tough one, but you never do. you make a little clearing and we do have some beautiful clearing out. there. now is take a live look at the barca. dare you can see everybody out and about enjoying the sunshine today. >> but this is what awaits us tomorrow, right? these are the rain totals were looking out for. you could see some of them are pretty impressive. and again, we have saturated ground out there. so that means that we go through the same round of troubles that we had the last system. so this is the low pressure system that's going to be working its way down the coast. it is already bringing some rain as you can see to the north of us here, so about how to get about 10, 11 o'clock tonight. we'll get that rain into the north bay. and that's going to track from north to south
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bringing rain all across the bay and wind. unfortunately, you can see where we do have a wind advisory that's up. we could see things gusting upwards of 40 miles per hour. so this goes into effect tonight in the north bay. at 11 o'clock. and then for the peninsula and the east day as we get into 05:00am tomorrow morning. so rain, wind, we see the potential for power outages and certainly for trees to be down. we've done this dance a few times just to make sure you're being safe. and if you can avoid traveling tomorrow, not a bad idea. that's for sure. take a look at your center forecast tomorrow and wednesday are going to be little tough. and then thursday and friday, thankfully looking a whole lot better. i know no one is excited to see a little rain on the weekend that it is just a shower chance right now. so we'll see how that holds together as we get a little bit closer to it. but just for tomorrow, just i think it's important. people just take precautions. be safe. make sure you're watching out for yourself, especially if you have to we'll just deal tomorrow and then we'll deal with the weekend. one storm in a time. >> thank you so much for joining us here during kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. really appreciate your time and we'll see you right back here tomorrow.
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