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tv   KRON 4 News at 9  KRON  March 23, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at known. >> tonight at 9, they're coming back home nearly 2 weeks after a levee breach inundated the monterey county town of evacuation orders are finally being lifted in that area. thanks for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 9 o'clock. i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis the lifting of the evacuation order. kind of a mixed blessing for some who may not have much to return home to. and ironically, many are without drinkable water. our first justin campbell reports >> and feel walking us through her home filled with mud in the rain or oman says everything is ruined and mold
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is growing on the furniture. she is only taking her family pictures and memories. can explain are going to to start over? and to get rid of all our stuff. rome on him for other family members are now living in a motel 6. they were forced to evacuate in the middle of the night after a levee broke in early march left some parts of the town under several feet of water. they had a long time. >> to work. >> on this levee and they didn't do it. this is my second flight. >> 6 homes were red tagged by county inspectors, meaning they are too dangerous to enter and why the county is allowing people to return to their homes. they are being told to do at their own risk. there is no potable water and toilets can be flushed. businesses are also won garcia owns a convenience store. he spent thursday shoveling out mud and trying to figure out how he can get financial help.
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bexar county people show up >> information to answer our questions. >> everything's reporting and pop idol justin campell kron. 4 news happening now. the search continues for missing surfer. >> in pacifica that a coast guard begin searching around 7 o'clock tonight after a surfer reportedly disappeared at linda mar beach in pacifica. we don't have any details about the surfer who they might be. your what they look like. another surfer reported seeing someone go under the water and never resurfaced. it is not clear if they had a leash attaching themselves to their board. we know at least one helicopter, as you can see here is taking part in that search. we don't know how late into the night that crews plan to continue to look, but we will certainly keep you updated as we learn more. >> and that search in pacifica comes as the coast guard has called off its search. at least 4 tonight for a missing
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7 year-old boy in monterey county. the child was first reported missing around 8 o'clock last night. get this. officials say a 3 year-old boy was found alone on the beach last night, told a passer by he's mother had gone into the water and didn't come back out. this is in the area of moss landing the boy later told first responders once they got there that his brother was also in the water with his mom. this morning, the sheriff's office said the body of the mother have been found. the search for the 7 year-old continued for nearly 12 hours today across 5 square nautical miles. it is not clear how or why the mother and her 7 year-old were in the water. an investigation is underway. there. >> is the north bay officials in marin county are dealing with a big mudslide that caused the road there debacle. as you can see, a redwood boulevard and remain shut down in novato after teddy's tuesday's rains rather took out part of the hillside. they sent it under the road, just ripping it apart. the
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landslide adjacent to the own poli a state park is about 100 feet long and 15 feet wide pg and e. now working to repair the damage and stabilize the hill. but there are concerns about what's going to happen during next week's storm. >> in livermore, emergency repair work is under way along a busy section of vasco road here. after all, the rain this year chunk of northbound vasco near dalton avenue was washed away, including several feet of land under the road. crews are building frames and pouring concrete to try to get the road stabilized. the work is expected to take about 2 days. >> the cleanup effort the widespread damage from tuesday's storm continue today in san francisco kron four's haaziq mod-yoon has that part of our coverage. >> take a drive to san francisco and it won't take long to notice the lingering impact from tuesday still owed. that includes downed trees, tree limbs and power
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lines. traffic signals not working at some intersections, sidewalks, close and danger. keep out. signs posted outside popular walking don't go go him that because you know you the department wrote the. >> brown is a very stable. if you walking around people back to the city as well. >> oscar aguilar, there's of the mount sutro neighborhood near the medical center way trail. the trail has been an emergency closure since march 6 due to fallen trees and other weather related hazards. according to the sign the emergency closure was scheduled through march 13th. however, since then, there's been more storms. and as you can see, the trail is still closed. >> it's very heartbreaking because it's a very, very nice trailer. and you know, because you can't go down, really goes to how dangerous the storms have been, because seeing all the trees that have been pulled out and it is a similar situation elsewhere in the city where in some locations like here on treat street near 17th, a pair of downed trees blocked access for residents
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and drivers. 2 trees came down and >> just kind of amazing. one car got like their window broken, but kind of amazing that none. >> no cars were likes. most are. and there's people that kind of live like all among the trees and they were okay. so. we're we're lucky. >> as a public works, crews are continuing the clean-up effort. in fact, officials at the san francisco department of public since tuesday. they have received more than 600 reports of downed or damaged trees and tree lives in san francisco. i think that you on for news. >> many people up in the berkeley hills and surrounding areas. they're still waiting for their power to come back on tonight. that's after a big tree fell on power lines during tuesday's storm pg. e had hoped to restore power in kensington by wednesday night. but cleanup and repairs are taking a lot longer than initially thought the area where the trees fell still closed off as work continues.
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>> like free report came down. it is just >> purely the when, you know, just too much. >> and they were loud. >> fortunately, nobody was hurt when those trees fell and crews are working round the clock to restore power to the folks there. >> days after the storm and still thousands in the bay area remain without power. more than 13,000 pge customers in the bay area. in fact, still using flashlights again tonight. 3rd straight night, the majority of the outages are in the east bay. this is the kensington area and the berkeley hills near uc berkeley, big tree came down there. you have more than 6,000 pg and e customers in the east bay that are still without power peninsula is the next hardest hit locations. still almost 5,000 customers on the peninsula without power. and in san francisco, a little over 1500 customers without power south bay, 1100 without power. and in the
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north bay fairing the best just 154 customer still powerless. tonight. >> a tragic end to the search for a missing a 94.0. 9 radio host j v. investigators found his body wednesday in the water near pier. 39 jeffrey vandergrift was last seen leaving his home on king street one month ago today. police first reported the discovery of the body just before 5 yesterday evening. and say that there was no evidence of foul play. jd in beard himself to listeners for decades on his radio program. the jv show in a statement on social media. well, 94 9 said, quote, that we are devastated to know the jv is gone. please keep his wife, natasha, his family and close friends in your thoughts and prayers. jb was 55 years old. >> new details tonight in the south bay. we're learning san jose police shot a man who had barricaded himself in a home last night had a machete. they
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say and 3 hostages as well as a woman in 2 children. he later died at the hospital. it happened last night at home on boynton avenue near point high school. police say officer shot the man after hours of negotiations fail the woman and the children were not injured. police did not say if they knew the suspect, the officer who fired the gun is on administrative leave now, which is standard protocol. and iconic houseboat in sausalito is a total loss. the houseboat that looks like the taj mahal was destroyed in the storm tuesday. its owner telling us it's sinking. kron 4 sarah stinson spoke with other boat owners said that marina who are just devastated to hear it will soon be gone. >> the beloved taj mahal houseboat here in sausalito is sinking under water right now. this after the latest storm, they're going to have to demolish. it makes me sad think tracks. a lot of tourists and good energy. so sad to see that happen.
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>> the taj mahal is a 3 story house boat built in the 1970's. it's been floating at the end of this dog in sausalito serving as a private residence and a attction. and n seen sinking with 4 feet or more of water inside after tuesday storm brought choppy waves, heavy rain and intense wind gusts storm a few days ago. it was it was wicket alan polin are has been a boat owner in sausalito for 20 6 slips away from the top >> so >> i look at it every day. and i'm very on to start. he said he spoke with the book keeper about how the beloved houseboat flooded, but also has the windows that are just the. >> a couple of feet above the sea level and they broke and that's how the war came in and flooded >> pulling ard says he's upset to hear that the floating taj mahal is unsalvageable. >> fruits because i don't
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believe they can. they raise the submarine and they can do that. that's beyond. >> comprehension for me. that sentiment being shared by all of the boat owners we spoke with in this area. it's really devastated because it's all part of. >> it's been a socially do it. it's a shame. i mean, this is landmark. it's been here forever. i'm not willing to concede it's so i hope that it can be repaired and brought back. i spoke with the family on the phone. they say they're ok and grateful for all the support from the community. the family tells me right now they're focused on getting their belongings out of the flooded house boat. they even have scuba divers. they'll be going down there to gather their things. >> and they said they don't believe they can lift the houseboat up and restore. it is the only thing they believe they can do moving forward. >> is demolish it. i'm sara stinson reporting in sausalito. back to you. >> a town hall meeting is calling attention to a rash of break-ins at many of open small businesses. and we've
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been reporting on those burglaries in jack london square all week long and now 7 stores in china town. they've been hit overnight as well are for sale. so the moeny and spoke with the chinatown chamber of low. what are they doing in response? >> well, vicki, they are calling on a town hall now. the thieves have been relentless, not giving small businesses in oakland a break, making their rounds about town. take a look at the map. carl chan with the oakland chinatown, chamber of commerce tells me that overnight, as you mentioned, 7 businesses reported that they were burglarized. this happening along both 8th and harrison streets and now take a closer look at the damage. shirley, tens of thousands of dollars worth of vandalism, 2 front glass doors and windows metal doors inside and the safes inside, including whatever was stolen. he tells me that these are just mom and pop shops that they're barely getting by and now they have to deal with this crime. there are at their wit's end and don't know whether they want to stay rooted in oakland anymore. and
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he's spoken with other business owners outside china town, too, including the owners of everett and jones bbq, who we spoke with this week. all of them now in solidarity to try to figure out what to do next. the other concern that i have a piece of businesses i'm not talking about only they know when chinatown >> public, so many business owners. so i think saying that the they have enough and some some of them talking about moving away from oakland. so i think we all we need to really focusing on how to support small but i do want to encourage everyone, please come patronizing, you a small businesses in it not only only chinatown, i was seeking a brooklyn. >> and chan has planned a town hall meeting tomorrow welcoming business owners to take part. they're going to air out their grievances that the asian cultural center at 3, 8, 8 9th street suite, 2.90, at 10 in the morning. oakland police captain clay virtual be in attendance in the newsroom. ella sogomonian kron. 4 news.
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>> thank you, ellen. san francisco's rec and parks department has been busy with all the trees on the ground. but park workers have also had to deal with manmade destruction. donuts on the grass at golden gate park. you know, cars kron four's. dan thorn has the story. >> doughnuts and not the good kind spun into the grass. it's san francisco's golden gate park. >> the move is often associated with celebration, but that's not the case here for someone to do this. >> it's just it's just stupid and then understand the recreation and park department spokesperson tamra barrick at burton says the unknown vandal left the tire marks at 2 locations in the park. the spinouts were first spotted saturday morning after 10 says crews have had their hands full with storm damage. and this destructive act is unfair to park goers. it a bit of a downer our crews are working so hard cleaning up after the storm and making sure that the parks look good and are nice
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for that someone would do. this. park regulars were also annoyed to learn about the muddy mess. me trees been coming down lately. i'm sure the parks that is really overtaxed. >> so it just adds to that workload. i ju t there's things that with their time the damage, green spaces at port meadow and 47th in fulton are getting some help from seating in top dressing. it will take some time for the grass to re grow. but after 10 says parks and the people who appreciate them are resilient. and we're already. >> repairing it. it's on its way to looking good as new again. >> these destructive doughnuts are under investigation, but park workers say their number one focus was to get the park looking good for people to enjoy reporting in golden gate park, dan thorn kron. 4 california, really branch by storms this winter. and according to the newest
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drought monitor map, most of the state is wechnically drought free. >> if you do take into account the state's groundwater levels of the colorado river, it's clear that water conservation is just as important as it was before all the recent storms. >> number no, the so-called experts said. we're going to need a lot of rainy seasons together. drought mother nature said watch this case. amazing. yeah. bring it. bring it all together. the right that we do have to be careful of always got to conserve dropped to just part of what we live with your in california. so this year the has been exceptional. in fact, boy, what a year it's look back in october and you can see all the deep bread here across much of the state. all the southern miraculous range really kicking in in late december and january and then again in march. and here we sit now most of the state, not a dry conditions. look at the rain totals. now we're above normal across the board for the entire season for the entire bay area. so we're waiting for one lag or that was san jose. there been
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hovering just slightly below the art and now they push above the average for the entire year. this what we expect to see an entire season on average since the 1800's this what we've been looking at. so temperatures going out over 30 inches of rain. the average just under 23 inch of rain. so you're talking temperatures go 158% of normal 121% of normal. now in san jose and counting 184% of normal in oakland. there. it almost 29 inches of rain there average. it's just over 18 and a half. santa rosa now almost to 40 inches of rain will probably get there. i think with the next storm. but look at hayward 219% just some amazing numbers all around the bay area. in livermore, 157% of normal. all right. i want to give you a look at this next storm system that we're dealing with kitchen. a nice break right now. but no big ridge of high pressure building in that means we're keeping things dry out there. now i put on the iso bars here in these are lines of equal pressure. this is for the surface. watch what happens as we roll through time here as we head in the next couple
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days here, keeping things dry into the afternoon on friday. you're looking good as we'll see some dry conditions there. the weekend looks pretty good. the couple waves are moved through the top of that ridge. but man, chance you can see a sprinkle or 2, but not much saturday. the same thing sunday about the same thing. and then all of a sudden you start to see this low dropping down of the gulf of alaska. and you can see the center that low also begins to tap into a little subtropical moisture here that atmospheric river possible feed rolling in there and then it rolls and right along the coastline. that's what makes this storm system dangerous like the last one was that center that very deep, very low pressure came right over the bay area. this one too, looks like by monday afternoon is getting close to bring some rain. then watch what happens again. the low center rolls over the bay area. that could be a problem. we could be talking about another round of very significant winds around the bay area. so we're keeping our eyes close on that one looks like to move all the way down to southern california the following day still well out in the forecast. but this that time to clean anything up. down. some branches. you don't
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want those to blow around possibly come through a window or do some more damage during that next storm. guys, back to you. good advice. thanks, governor newsom's latest plan to go after oil companies which he says are price gouging. california's >> is quickly making its way through the legislature. in fact, the proposal was approved in the state senate today. the governor originally asked for a windfall tax on oil company profits and >> his request says of all from their kron. four's karma dickerson explains. >> if you're looking for consensus and polarized times, try asking californians how they feel about gas prices as prices and saying even as those prices have dropped from last summer's high of $6.44. a gallon to $4.83 a gallon in california. it was definitely stream and it's still extremely just going everyone we spoke with was aware of at least this much of california pays more than any other state in the nation. but when it comes to what it will take to change that. >> california's democratic
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leaders are hoping the bill passed thursday in the state senate will make a difference. >> s p. next one too. help us hold big oil accountable to prevent future excessive profits at the expense of california families sbx 1, 2, is the most recent version of governor gavin newsom. special session effort to address california gas prices. >> the goal to understand what factors drive up. gas prices in the golden state and potentially penalize oil companies found to be gouging customers. the bill will give the california energy commission some oversight over the petroleum industry as well as the ability to gather data about pricing practices and the authority to impose penalties on oil companies found to be taken advantage of consumers. my major opposition to this right now is. >> how the legislature is handling it by jamming it through on a short notice. >> without a real robust public debate. >> senate minority leader brian jones and other republicans criticized the
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bill being fast tracked the legislative process. while democrats argued the speed that the nature of the special session. >> we're using expedited process because we have a duty to act on this huge issues like. that hit tremendous impact on the lives of our constituents. republicans also believe any penalties on oil companies will eventually be felt by californians increase fees, increase taxes. >> that gets passed onto the consumer when the governor's proposal passed the senate, the governor issued a statement thursday saying in part. >> with this proposal, california leaders are ending the era of oils outsize influence and holding them accountable. the bill now moves to the assembly for consideration reporting at the state capitol karma dickerson kron, 4 news. >> it's almost here when and where you can take home. one of the bay area's most anticipated beer releases tiktok ceo is answering questions today defending the world's most popular social media platform. members of
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congress, some of them want to shut tiktok down and storms cause some rare birds to fly the coop this week at the oakland zoo. the latest on the efforts to >> tracking next. "the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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rough winter for the oakland sue. it's been closed now for
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2 months so far in 2023. due to all the storm damage. >> and now it's missing. some really rare birds. 6 birds escaped from their home at the zoo after this week's storm just knocked a tree into their enclosure. tonight, 3 are still m i a including oliver who is an endangered could vulture. he's apparently circling over the zoo along with a 2 pied crows the that that have been recovered are being treated by the zoo's veterinary team. and this is video of the damage caused by a massive eucalyptus tree. the zoo ceo thinks that it's going to take some $200,000 to repair and replace the birds enclosure. the focus now is getting those birds back home. >> but they're definitely not a threat, not a threat to able to do that. too people and again, this is their this is where they have grown up. this
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is where they have food and shelter so they're really looking to get back and we're doing everything possible to make that happen. >> it's a team effort. the birds that are circling over the zoo and around around. they're not a threat to the public other animals or the zoo. wildlife are being told, but part of the african savanna exhibit is going to be closed during the repairs. >> legal proceedings against former president trump are still forging ahead, but probably not until next week will feeling on the latest there. plus, bart is moving ahead with its 90 million dollar plan to increase security at gates. how much that move is expected to save the transit agency every single year. and then the stormy season. yeah, it started off as a dream come true for drought stricken napa valley wineries. but as the cold weather drags on, could freezing weekend temperatures put a damper on this year's harvest.
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>> freezing overnight hands could mean disaster for the wayne winegrowers us since this is the time of year when certain great brian will start to grow their little but frost can hurt the new spikes and prevent the stock from producing clusters. can force theresa spoke with a grower about how the race is on to try to limit the damage. >> and hide vineyard estate in napa county, chardonnay, grapes and pinot noir are starting to grow buds. that's
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great news for wine makers. but the extreme cold temperatures in the forecast pose some could be. >> and that damage that that shoot, which would carry potentially to custer's throughout the season. >> david wilson is a wine grape grower for rancho jimmy, less a family owned and operated farm supplying grapes to several wineries in the valley. wilson says that everyone is watching the weather patterns closely. >> growers frost protect and is that people will be taking where they a in some cases cost, which is it the right time. >> wilson says that the wicked winter has been challenging. fortunately, the snow came while the grapes were dormant. but the rains of uprooted trees and blocked access routes to care for the vineyards wilson has despite
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the harsh conditions, the downpours are welcome. compared to several years of drought. >> very beneficial such as as a name, an wilson says that while the upcoming frost could make for some long hours of work. >> it comes with the territory. >> every phase of the season brings with the highest priority were the highest purdy. i checked has. just get chance. just just going you know, whether it's huge wave every day. frost it's just become territory. >> terry says stasio kron. 4 news. >> national news. the new york city grand jury considering criminal charges against former president trump has paused proceedings until next week in an online post last week, president trump said he
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would be arrested tuesday this past tuesday rallying his supporters. but the arrests ever happens. the grand jury has been hearing evidence about hush money paid to adult film star stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign. trump's former lawyer lawyer michael cohen says he paid daniels $130,000 for her silence. cohen says the money was paid at the request of the former president, but then paid cohen back. >> and capitol hill, the chief executive of tiktok making his case before congressional lawmakers over 5 hours on just why the controversial social media platform should not be banned. lawmakers are pretty concerned about tiktok's ties to the chinese government and the usage of the personal data of over 150 americans and their children. you're going to continue to gather data. you're going to continue to sell that. you're going to continue to all these things. >> and continue to be under the ages of of the communist
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party with a lot of respect. american social companies don't have a good track record with data privacy and uses security. >> a u.s. ban on tiktok. i would be unprecedented and it's really not clear how the government would actually enforce it. >> new fare gates are coming to a bart station near you. the agency says it is design these gates to cut down on people getting in without paying. but the project is not cheap. budgeted out at a whopping 90 million dollars can force gayle ong reports on thursday. bart board of directors announced bar will be moving forward with purchasing new fare gates to be installed systemwide. >> it's part of the next generation of fare gate project, an effort to bring riders back and overhaul safety in the system. the new gates are designed to make it easier to get through. if you are in a wheelchair or using a bike. >> bart says the new design has not yet been finalized. the gates will have clear swing barriers. that will be very difficult to be pushed through, jumped over or
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maneuvered under fare evasion, cost the system millions of dollars in lost revenue every year. right now there are prototypes at the richmond conquered and embarcadero stations. but bart says the designs will be different having gates on. yeah, that's fair for them. this part writer says the new gates would make him feel safer is kind of dangerous. was somebody can just pop over. >> and they could just have like anything on them. checked. >> the project will cost bart 90 million dollars. the transit agency says 73 million is already secured. thanks to park funds, county transportation funds and state and federal funding the bay area council who helped advocate for funding for the project is applauding bart. a statement reads in part, quote, replacing bart's, obsolete and ineffectual fare. gates is critical to addressing serious writer concerns about crime safety and cleanliness bringing more riders back to the system and helping ease the system's fiscal challenges. as for the next steps in april, part will begin its preliminary design.
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start delivering the gates in the long term. the project calls for all stations to have new fare gates by 2026. >> yeah. kron. 4 news. >> governor newsom wants to give california's film and tv industry more reason to keep productions here in the state by letting them convert a portion of their state tax credits and a cash payments. this would plan this new plan would essentially create a tax subsidy for hollywood, a perk. no other industry receives. newsom argues the plan would convince productions to stay in california thus keeping blue collar jobs here in the state. additionally, it's meant to incentivize studios to diversify their hiring. opponents, however, argue the tax savings would replace or postpone cash for clean energy, low-income families and childcare services. >> if you're looking for a whole south of market spot that will take you just north of the mediterranean. look no further than tonight's dine. and dish, want take you out to a few chief after the break.
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>> and a couple raindrops popping up around the bay area. now, how much more can we expect? we'll talk about that forecast is coming up.
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>> maybe i was looking for a fresh an happening restaurant in the city. there's a really good crop of new spots. so tonight on dine and dish, i
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want to take us to a new addition to the city's south of market area. a feat she future as san francisco's soma neighborhood gets back on its feet. there's a brand new restaurant is called >> fiji and thanks to chef. >> recover the pg and is like the word for aficionados. so the first are to find a restaurant names of middle. >> fiji is part of the alexander steakhouse group, but it's really stand-alone american cuisine with italian and french this is fine dining that's local, seasonal and authentic. chef eric upper is italian. by way of the bronx. he cures meets for charcuterie and whips up handmade pasta. oh, >> with a new low alone in that. >> the chef even harvest his own caviar. i mean, who does that a lot more work in the
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first time why the york county that's just the start. >> to land inside i am arrives at your table. this before serving. your sommelier will recommend a perfect pairing are if you just want to sit at the bar and soak up the cool vibes, a fiji is good for any aficionados into francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> yes. so there you go. kind of a pleasant surprise with that cool spoke feature about that. they've servant and then yeah, i get some curbs on there. so uses the meet with a little bit of smoke and a little bit of that. as if bring, right? it's just
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anyway. it's a little extra, very unique. any does all his own charcuterie whole animal lawrence tonight learned that word about a month ago. sure you guys are all about the what i can. i can forget ex-football party. you're in one a lott it can't be my being that the nothing you can do to it, which she has never me. battling to the end of an amazing sweet 16 matchup tonight. >> crazy game. erin wilson has the nail-biting and crazy conclusion. a march madness classic. washing down some be done.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, tonight was the first and last time this season at ucla and gonzaga made up some exciting matchups tonight in the men's we 16 battles. but this matchup came down to the final seconds in deep, deep threes. a little flashback. i know for the bruins to the 2021 for final 4 matchup. and i know it stings just as much this season. let's talk about it. classic west coach matchup in the sweet 16 mark few in his 3rd ranked gonzaga team and they cronin second ranked ucla ucla teams coast game until about 6 minutes left in
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the they down 2 year. but jamie, to quit with the steal and a breakaway eurostep laying there. >> all part of a 13 to 2 run and they gave the bruins a 46 to 33 halftime lead. but then drew timmy, bring the zags bet a little later with that. but you just south 65 to 61 at that point back come, the bureau is down. 75 73. look at this shot. just 13 seconds left when he made we thought of stairs of the game was won with the bruins. well, the zags had a chance in from the logo stop their pools up. it's only 1.1 seconds left. he knocks down the 3. that was pretty much the dagger that did a desperate shot here to try and tie the game. but it was a no-go. the elite 8 is where gonzaga is headed. 79 to 76 was the final score now does and you taking on rick barnes and tennessee in the 2nd you down by one michael
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force here, he knocks down the tray from the wing here you see it fall on it. no problem 11 points off the bench before us. then a little later you abide by the 3 here while ago. they take it the length of the court late in here. boyd lays that one is and that would be the dagger 12 points and 8 boards avoid you upset tennessee, can you believe it? 62 to 55. they is to take on kansas state in their early days. now, let's talk about kansas and his 7th ranked michigan state against third-ranked kansas state and another nail-biter 2nd half action here tied at 52. the spartans aj hoggard drives in able to lay it in witthe left. he actually gets the foul as well. that was a part of an 11 to run spartans up. 55 to 52. but look at this guy. know he had a night ballots throws up the 3 able
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to bake it off the backboard against the bank was open today. he gets 3 to 5 and now the spartans are down. 82 to 80 with 12 seconds left and they make it a game. he drives lays it in here. ties it up. 5 seconds to go. now we're going into overtime. they came down to this play, though, this next. and i'm about to show you out. it's up 96 to 93. they're trying to spark the trying to find open shot, but they are being clamor to know at the end he's able to pick still here. he takes it whole way of the quarter. you see him there, lay it in to put the dagger in the coffin for the nail in the coffin. whichever way you want to call it. 93 to 98 was the final score as kansas state moves on 20 points 19, this is a record and 5 steals including that game saving play from noel tonight and thwest region. let's talk about arkansas taking on uconn and this one will not much of a game today. uconn up by 5 here, andre
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jackson. jewel year down to claim he's able to throw it up. they got was a jam there for clinging active bill murray and attend his and he liked that play. see it their all respect and whatever he was doing with his arms. just a note from way downtown here buries the 3 from the logo 14. oh, run. uconn wins. this one. big 88 65. they'll face gonzaga and the elite 8. now the warriors they acquired gary payton, the second in a 3 way trade earlier this year. he was unable to play because he couldn't pass a physical due to an injured, right abductor will today. good news coming from the team is they released an injury update saying that pain is expected to participate in practice this saturday. that means that practice will determine his saturday, status, rather for sunday's matchup. >> against minnesota, obviously defense has been an issue throughout the season for the warriors and of course, hey, these additions could be a much needed help as
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the timberwolves only trail the warriors by one game. >> in the western conference standings, here's coach steve kerr on paid. >> he's doing well. so he's, you know, he's rehab is going well. so you know, i don't know exactly what's planned ahead, but because things are going well, you know, we're hopeful that he's going to be out there on the court before too long. >> exciting day in basketball, where out here, i'll toss it back to you guys at the dais. >> appreciated there as we take a live look outside here. but this is kind of how lawrence is feeling after the ucla loss. >> what kind of was going to say, lou? me. yeah. so absorbed with march madness. it's everywhere. even in the a modern that is it that is it? what an exciting game, though, and that all part of the matter is what? what a for that game, too. so, hey, we've got a lot of clouds around the bay area's to snow falling in
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the sierra nevada. it has been coming down up there. so yeah, grab those change. if you're headed up in the high country specially tonight, going to be rough. go continue to see some of that snow coming down here is look at dawn or something. some cars going by occasionally. but still a lot of snow out there. and you can 18. you got right here. you see the snow coming down. 50 of got the snow out there as well. so tonight, you know, actually got advisories up there for that snow, maybe as much as 10 inches of snow coming down overnight tonight through about 05:00am tomorrow. but then we should start to clear out your skies. i think a pretty good weekend to get up there and do a little skiing. i would bring your change just in case the pattern still remains open and active outside. in fact, you see the clouds here in the bay area. now the raindrops pushing through once the clouds clear out tonight, we've got some cold temperatures going to be settling in the frost advisories going up for much of the north bay and then get the lake county and some of these temperatures may be dropping down the 20. so that's why farmers in the napa valley. they're concerned usually not getting cold temperatures this late in the season that could affect across. that's for sure. overnight lows down about 36
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in napa. 32 in freezing in santa rosa. you can see some 40's inside the another chilly night. no surprise. there has been pretty cold for much of the winter season and now spring well out there tonight. we do have a couple of scattered light showers moving on through taking to the south bay. you see some of those showers moving on by right now towards sunnyvale and sir toby into san jose and a couple of showers popping up along the peninsula. looks like tonight. yeah, going to see some of that unsettled activity. but for the most part that's going to slide on through behind that probably will see some gusty winds. i think by tomorrow afternoon, little blustery out toward the beach is going to be on the cool side to these numbers staying way down. so tomorrow it into san francisco. yeah, blustery conditions, maybe highs in the 55 but feel a lot cooler than that with some of the winds kicking up, maybe some 30 mile an hour. plus gas along the coast. 59 degrees in concord about 59 in napa at about 58 degrees in san jose. so let's take a look at the 7 is an important one. so we get through the next couple of days. i think you'll see a couple of passing clouds and some sunshine temperatures.
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i'm going to stay cooler than normal. but at least it should stay mostly dry as we get into monday. the clouds start to roll in. and i think the chance of showers late in the day on monday. i think stormy weather as we look toward tuesday of this next week, rain, some very gusty winds, real possibility, maybe even some thunderstorms as we head into wednesday to this could be another kind of an extreme event coming through the center of that area of low pressure moves right across the bay area. again, we saw what to do that last storm, but doesn't look as strong as that one. right. but it still looks potent. and so we'll keep our eyes on. hopefully it doesn't come overhead like lost more, not looking at the glass half full. we're looking at the glass totally full just over spilling. i know they were overflowing everywhere. now they hope it will kind of blame you when stuff like this get. it's gotten so bad. we drop the kids off to school yesterday principal opens the door to let the kids out. she's like. >> can you make this what do the west, right, right, right? she did with. yeah. that's right. yeah. sorry about that. yeah. i hear all the about i'm
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going try to bring it to that's all we need to know. but for real, thanks a and coming up after the break, close encounters of the asteroid kind this weekend. just close the space rock is expected to come.
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>> sometimes barely seeing something. even a shade of blue can be a good thing, especially when that something is an asteroid. small, not.
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you can see right there. the arrows pointing it is a recently discovered asteroid set to win is by the earth this weekend. it will just miss our planet by about 109,000 miles. sounds like a lot. but that's really in the scheme of things. a close shave. the astronaut called 2023 dz. 2 is just discovered last month. it's 305 feet in diameter. that's big to wipe out a major city if it were to impact our. nasa says it is rare for an asteroid that large to come quite this close. blink and you'll miss it. tomorrow fans will be able to. >> take-home bottles of one of the most famous beers in the bay. russian river brewing company is gearing up for its official 2023 pliny the younger release. it's a triple ipa that is typically only available for a couple weeks every year draws in thousands of beer enthusiasts. there you
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see video from last year's release at the santa rosa location. whole lot of people lining up as early as 4 in the morning. some of them the brewery doesn't open until 11:00am. so you get the idea dedication required, maybe even some tailgating while you're waiting. and status tomorrow. and that wraps up kron. 4 news. we're you know, >> at 9 o'clock delicious, delicious. catherine and ken are here with what's coming up. have a question to people over scalp from. >> get in line and hold we hold a place in line, not saying the should. i'm just asking, well, we should do it. ken mean week for i wasn't going all right. coming up at 10 o'clock more help and businesses being burglarized this time in the city's chinatown, how the owners are now teaming up with community leaders to try and protect each other. plus, a disturbing sight at san francisco's golden gate park. look at
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that. >> somebody did some doughnuts on the there leaving tire marks all over. and this is just adding to the clean up the park has been dealing with after the big storm on tuesday and another round of stormy weather headed our way. lawrence will be telling us about that. the news at 10. >> coming up next.
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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron4


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