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tv   KRON 4 News at 4am  KRON  March 21, 2023 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 4. >> all right. thank you for joining us on the kron. 4 morning news. more rain coming down across the bay area right
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now live look at stormtracker. 4 radar rain is expected throughout the morning and into the evening. good morning. thank you for waking up with his bright and early on this tuesday march, 21st, i'm reyna harvey. we want to get you to work safe this morning. no matter where you are across the bay. john shea has been tracking that storm warning us about it and it's here. good morning, john. yeah, right on our doorstep arena. starting to see those showers moving in along the coastline. so >> despite the fact that we've had a dry evening now we are looking at that storm pushing right on into the bay areas like the golden gate bridge bridge dry so far. but that rainfall is on the horizon. some of our heaviest of rain. he's been up in the santa cruz mountains down into the santa cruz coastline so far this morning, showers are picking up along the marine county in sonoma coast and also starting to kick into gear right along to 80 on the peninsula, too. here in just moments, we are expecting rainfall to pick up more and more. but you can see the northeasterly trajectory
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of this rainfall as it scoots on into the bay area. it has an impact right in the middle of the morning commute. so the timing of this one is definitely far less than ideal. very similar line up to that same atmospheric river storm that we had last week, which as you'll remember, came along with the heaviest of rain during the morning. then the stronger winds later today, very similar. this time around as we're seeing, obviously the most heavy and widespread rain. still ahead of us and then winds picking up after it. current temperatures are mostly in the 40's to 50's. so it really mild out there really just focused today on the storm preps in absolutely getting those rain jackets ready to go for anyone that needs to step outside. if you don't need to, if you've got to work at home option today is the day to take that. now i mentioned winds. these will be picking up throughout the day today. you can see that were relatively calm for now. but look at what happens as we move into the afternoon with towards the afternoon leader. part of the day today, 50 miles per hour. plus, wind gusts in areas like half moon bay right along the coastline. the same areas have the high
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wind warnings stretching from the san mateo and coastline all the way down into the santa cruz mountains are very highest winds expected in these areas. gusts as high 50 to 70 miles per hour. this is likely going to result in downed trees, downed power lines, loss of power for a lot of our coastal communities and mountain communities. further south. but that potential also exists along the bay shore as well as for the east bay. so watch out and all the spots, timing of everything today. we've got heavy morning rain fall. we will be seeing winds picking up later in the day. peeks of sunshine midday. a chance of thunderstorms, dark clouds between those peaks of sunshine and then wind and rain continues on into the afternoon and evening tonight. i'm timing out for you hour by hour. still to come in your forecast rain. all right, john, thank you for that was can look at those bridges this morning. a 7 minute ride. >> traveling into the city right now may's to that fremont street exit mateo bridge about 13 minutes, a 80 to 101, richmond center fell bridge about 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the
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tolls. got to take in 19 minutes. well, people living along el camino real in burlingame say they are on edge this morning as the storm comes down during last tuesday. storm 3 eucalyptus trees fail damaging homes and vehicles. caltrans says it still determining which other trees along the roads are unsafe. so far, only one tree has been removed and several trees. even mark with that orange paint you saw there, caltrans will not tell us what they mean or how many have been determined to be unsafe. >> it makes you really nervous to be quite honest. and i think that with the power of these storms that we've seen come through here. the the trees and and, you know, the instability of them have made people really nervous. so we're just hoping that this storm will not be as bad as the other ones and that everybody stay safe. caltrans says taken down any additional trees is a bureaucratic mess. >> involving a birds survey, a
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biologist and coordinating with pg and e and the city of burlingame. meantime, the oakland zoo is closed today because of the storm. the zoo really hasn't had a full month of staying open this winter because while the storm-related damage kron 4, sarah stinson has that story. >> today is the second time this month the oakland zoo has had to shut down due to the weather and this is on the heels of the zoo repairing damage from the storms we saw in the beginning of the year which shut down zoo for several weeks. >> seeing this kind of storm, california literally decades and while we need the rain and the drought is seemingly during the it certainly has a huge national impact on it. >> the oakland zoo ceo nick to tells me closing the operation down cost $30,000 a day from loss of admission tickets. the zoo is closed all of january after storms at the start of
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the year caused major damage, including a massive sinkhole that actually cost us over to know all the time it. >> we were covid daytime and night time for our vets and the zoo is still trying to make up for the financial toll caused by covid restrictions during the pandemic. it's been a difficult 3 years and you know, with this economy where it and the failures of the banks that are taking place. >> we just need a little bit more certainty this time. one thing is for certain for dacia rain or shine, the animals are being taken care medical staff. >> animal keepers that staff working care of so the animals are going write ride a quite obviously. so. but we would love to see the zoo opened for the. >> people come back. if you're planning a trip, you can expect to see some new attractions last few weeks. we have some new york babies that were born out of, know, even
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during star where they are come out you know, see all the animals at the i honestly love seeing people as well. make sure you check the website of the oakland zoo before planning a trip to ensure that they are open. >> and if you have a reservation for today, you'll be automatically refunded. it just takes 3 to 4 days to process. >> i'm sara stinson reporting the newsroom. back to you. >> all right. you can follow our storm coverage online scan that qr code on your screen. it's going to take you over to our web page where you'll find updates on flooding. road closures and power outages in our areas. over in the south bay. nearly a year after the bizarre kidnapping, 3 month-old in san jose. the people responsible receive their prison sentences. 44 year-old you send want pay. ramirez was sentenced to serve 13 years and 4 months in prison. a former romantic partner. 28 year-old jose roman port deal was also sentenced to 5 years in prison. the pair is believed to have taken young brandon
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quay are from his grandmother's home last april. that's part of frantic three-day search anyone. brennan was found safe in port deals apartment in san jose. authorities believe ramirez had intended to raise the boys are own both and ramirez apologized in court yesterday for the pain and damage costing young brandon's family. violent fights between teens are erupting at stonestown mall. that's in san francisco and it's all been captured on cell phones. one teen was taken to the hospital last week. kron four's terisa stasio has that story. we have to warn you before we show this, you may find these acts of violence to be disturbing. >> violent brawl inside a bay area. target store is caught on video. this was at the stonestown galleria in san francisco. you can see kids aggressively punch kick and slap a young man in the green jacket. the person tries to get away. but the crowd follows in continues to attack. another video shows a
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girl going after another violently pulling on her despite a security guard, tried to pull her away. and then there's this. countless teens just pummeling one another inside the mall's common area. all of these, according to the san francisco police department happening between wednesday and friday of last week. >> motive. >> what led up to these altercations are all part of our investigation. that is san francisco police department spokesperson robert wu aca. >> he says in yet another fight, kids started spring each other with pepper spray and one was so injured. they had to be taken to the hospital on monday. city officials, including the san francisco police members of the da's office school district officials, juvenile system and supervisor myra melgar whose district includes stonestown met to discuss how to stop these fights. upping center has increased security personnel. >> and we have increased patrols in and around the shopping center. shoppers say that they have seen the videos
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and are horrified. my son is fair i think on comfortable. i just got out of time. when they all walked in after school, and i i comfortable being in 2 teenage daughters again, not hang out here a lot, but it did give me. >> was in kind of been the things. least you have to have a conversation about what to look out for to a spokesperson for supervisor mel guard tells kron 4 she plans to call for a special hearing. >> tuesday during the san francisco board of supervisors meeting to come up with some strategies that the that we we have is that >> these incidents are being recorded on on cell phone video. and so we're trying to understand how much of it of incidents are being motivated by the public display of violence. >> terry says stasio kron, 4 news. well, the very
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well-known everett and jones bbq restaurant in oakland was actually ransacked. >> by thieves over the weekend, the restaurant has been around for 3 generations and their owners vow to keep their doors open. despite that setback. now, again, the grandmother, you're in the photo open that legacy business more than 50 years ago. they're now for everett and jones locations, bay area. why this is video from jack london square. that location, burglars broke that glass of the front door at around 03:00am yesterday morning. and we're told they made their way to the office. they took off with some money part owner nita moore says their families disappointed for many reasons given their commitment to their community. >> we feed the community. we hire the we love our community and you know, they tried to rob us of joy. we were going to stay in oakland, but i just want the people to know i want to help us. they can help us. now. so when the people that they did not. the robbers that
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they did not the >> well, the executive director of the jack london improvement district says they're nonprofit stands ready to help with the clean up the cost of the repair and repair the glass there, adding that oakland's mayor sheng tao is working to organize more foot patrols by officers in this business corridor. and we're continue to track the rain for your morning commute here on kron 4. we're taking a live look at conditions across the bay area. >> right now you see the green encompassing pretty big portion of the bay area. john. she was going to be tracking that. let you know how long it's going to be out there. we'll have more all we get back. also a live look at the roads. this is in san bruno along 101, southbound where you can see drivers navigating commute seems pretty steady as of right now. but ag
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>> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news we've been talking about that storm. it is here. hopefully you're ready, if they're not, i mean, how long it's going to stick around. you know what? it's going to be a pretty much an all-day thing in the storm. the nature of it changes throughout the course of the day, too much like last week. it's at least nice to have a point of reference here. remember where we had the very heavy rain during the morning during last week's storm and then the wind during the afternoon, very similar except this time. the afternoon is
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also going to pack a punch. as far as the rain goes to in addition to the wind. so it's a lot to talk about. this is what we've got out there this morning. downtown san francisco starting to look cloudy or rain is right on the horizon for us here. barely beating it. if you're driving to your destination right now, here's storm tracker 4 in looking at the infrared. you can actually see the moisture plume stretching off shore. itn really has been a southern california event so far. but the center of this low pressure areas actually centered just off shore of the bay area. look at the circulation over the next 24 hours here. that lows just sets up shop with us right here, resulting in some really powerful winds, especially right there along the santa cruz mountains in right along the peninsula coastline. this is going to be our area. that is last by some of the heaviest rains for the bay and right along the central coast and also some of those heaviest and strongest of winds too. you can see stretching from the bay area to southern california, the scope of the system right here. right now, it's southern
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california that's seeing the heaviest of rainfall. while those showers are increasing along the santa cruz mountains as we speak, you're also seeing some activity there on the peninsula on up into san francisco, been fairly quiet so far. but we are right on the edge of seeing this rainfall really settling in with us in timing it out hour by hour. you can see that we are in for it through the course of the morning with rainfall intensity picking up around 07:00am to 08:00am very heaviest of rain. there towards 09:00am still coming down. really good in transitioning into the north bay. you'll see some pockets of sunshine towards the middle of the day. and you think you're good to go, but then we'll see resurgences of rainfall here. and there and our winds really picking up this afternoon along with it. look at this as we move to 03:45pm. we do have that low-pressure area still centered right off shore. the peninsula in these pockets of heavy rain still moving on in all the way into the evening tonight. so not just going to be a rough morning commute, but also rough drive home from work later on. this continues
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well into tomorrow morning with morning showers as we move into your wednesday, it does look like after 11:00am our chance of rainfall greatly diminishes will still have a couple of lingering showers. but for the most part wednesday afternoon starts a drier trend that takes us through the remainder of the week. we will be seeing over an inch of rainfall for most of our urban areas. areas in the santa cruz mountains over 2 inches of rainfall and for the sierra nevada, the bulk of the energy from the system is going to 70 national park southward with winter weather advisories for the sierra nevada around lake tahoe and winter storm warning south of yosemite. as for our winds, this is something that is going to be just as much of an issue from the system. look at our coastal areas. half moon bay could see winds gusting in excess of 60 miles per hour up to even 70 miles per hour. this will result in downed trees and some power outages specially on the peninsula, the coast down into santa cruz mountains. so watch for these areas. now, as far as are high
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wind warnings go, you can see those stretching from pacifica down through half moon bay, even up to daly city. we do have high wind advisories for those lighter gold areas for the bayshore and the east bay. today's daytime highs will be in the upper 50's to mid-fifties oakland, hayward and fremont at 55 degrees. san jose also at 55 tomorrow morning showers but clearing out after that. and then we have a dry trajectory for the rest of the week and into the weekend. so there's a lot of light at the end of the tunnel returning chances of rainfall into early next week. great. all right, john, thank you for that. let's check on that morning. drive a 8 minute commute traveling into the city this morning. >> may's to that fremont street exit your san mateo bridge about 13 minutes 80 to 101, richmond center fell bridge about 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge 37 to the tolls going to take in 19 minutes. a big story we're following this morning. the country bracing for potential criminal indictment of former president donald trump. he
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says the grand jury will bring charges today, which would lead to his arrest. this all stemming from the grand jury probe into alleged hush money payments made on his behalf during his 2016 campaign. robert sherman has that story. >> that's why i went in it today to tell these people the truth about who the real michael cohn is. a last-minute witness called to testify in the so-called hush money case of former president donald trump. robert costello, the former legal counsel for rudy giuliani costello was also legal counsel for the 45th president's former fixer, michael cohen. the key witness for the prosecution in this case who allegedly paid star stormy daniels the $130,000 in hush money to bury her story of an affair with former president donald trump costello testimony occurred behind closed doors in front grand jury intended to discredit cohen in some capacity. the 45th president also taking a shot at his former fixer calling, calling it, quote, convicted felon jailbird and cereal, fake story teller and liar
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declaring the whole investigation to be a quote, witch hunt in light of the for president claiming he would be arrested tuesday and calling on his supporters to protest supporters could be seen rallying in front of trump tower monday. new york police now readying barricades near the courthouse. in case things boil over. neither the district attorney nor mister trump's own legal counsel has been able to confirm that he actually will be arrested tuesday, but his attorney did tell newsnation's dan abrams, he believes the 45th president will be indicted. you know, it's becoming more probable. i think >> but the one thing i still hold on to its hope that justice will prevail if that were to happen, there are many questions about how the former president would be brought in. >> since it's uncharted territory, it will be the first time it's ever happened. >> love or loath donald trump. it's a sad day for america. mister trump will be process like anyone else if indicted mugshot, fingerprints and a dna swab included. but the secret service is expected to be there every step of the way
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guarding him and they won't go for any flare for president. trump is not going to be dragged in front of a scrum of reporters. there's not going to be a perp walk. >> he won't be put in handcuffs or shackles. he will self surrender. >> tiktok, they're going have a chance to do some damage control this week after several lawmakers including president biden, have threatened to ban the popular app on thursday during a highly anticipated congressional hearing lawmakers, they're going to get a chance to question the ceo about the data the chinese owned app collects and how tiktok could be used for propaganda. >> get in do what we a policy maker going to have the hearings going to talk to people can get the facts unless they firewall themselves. >> from the communist chinese party, they need to be banned. >> there are reports the white house they're pushing tiktok's parent company bytedance to sell the app to american owner. but the biden administration would not confirm plans to ban tiktok. if that does not happen to
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talk is already banned from federal devices in from government devices in several states as well. and we're continuing track the rain for your morning commute here on the kron. 4 morning news. >> take a live look at the conditions across the bay area right now. really see it coming down. john troubles been tracking that time and that storm out for you. a live look at the bay bridge, 80 west bound at the incline c traffic's moving along pretty nicely there. but remember, the rain continues to come down harder and harder. things down harder and harder. things are going to start to
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when a truck hit my car, down harder and harder. things athe insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible.
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>> the golden state warriors finally got their road win since january. 30th last night beat the hous-on rockets. one, 21 108 breaking their 11 game losing streak on the road. steph scoring 30 points followed by 29 by klay thompson. steph was sidelined his 3rd quarter after colliding with a falling jordan poole that luckily return for the last quarter with lawyers up by 10 with under a minute to go. curry buries the dagger for those last 3 point is that curry after the game. >> critical needs that oakland residents want to see are actually being met by projects that are viable and our shovel ready and can provide the units necessary to address this critical critical time. and we need more affordable housing than ever. >> it's a that is not the rights act there. okay. the lawyers are going to face off tomorrow against the dallas mavericks. tipoff is at 4.30.
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all right. big news for the niners faithful after tweeting. thank you, new york. that to the was confirmed. the forty-niners adding john feliciano to the offensive line on monday sign a one-year deal to come to the city. he was drafted in 2015 and spent some time with the oakland raiders before he headed to the buffalo bills. and then to the new york giants. his addition brings more veteran experience of the niners having just played about every position on the line outside of the right tackle. and we are continue to track the rain for your morning commute. remember, we are seeing right across most of the bay area. >> john is going to be tracking out. that is telling you where the heaviest hit areas are going to be how long that rain is going to be around. just prepare yourself. okay. we'll be right back. and we want to check on the roads real quickly. this is along northbound 8.80, right it to 80 17 that junction there we can see travel was moving
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along pretty nicely. but again, as it continues to come again, as it continues to come down there, you wi [ding] see that? this is the new taste of value. our all day value menu is served fresh, hot and delicious for as low as $5.99. so, when you're craving a great deal without compromising flavor, [ding] at denny's. it's diner time. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome.
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>> all right. well, welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. we're going on for 30 am this morning. we've been talking about the range on not sure if i'm ready, but regardless of ready or not, it is here. yeah, it's definitely arriving at this moment for at least some parts of the bay area. and we're looking at another round of heavy rainfall ahead of us today


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