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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  March 20, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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remix your routine. ♪ make it a hidden valley ranch night. ♪ >> today on kron, 4 news at noon. the 2 people who accuse who are accused of kidnapping baby brandon last year in court today we are live outside the courthouse. plus another violent incident unfold on a muni bus in san francisco. this time a shooting. the suspect is still at large and evacuation orders across central california as the state prepares for another round of heavy rainfall. more on where we could see major flooding. >> from the bay news station. you're watching kron. at noon. >> thanks for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm noelle bellow. it was nearly
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one year ago 3 month-old brandon quay are was kidnapped from inside his san jose home today. the couple charged with the baby's kidnapping is expected to learn just how much time they'll spend behind bars proper. charles clifford joining us live now from outside the courthouse in san jose with the very latest charles. >> yeah, well, as you mentioned, we are expecting that both 43 you say want to pay ramirez and jose roman por will both be sentenced today in connection to the kidnapping of baby brandon. less than a year ago. it's going to take a look at some video now. both appeared in court today. ramirez is facing up to 14 years in prison. she has pled no contest in this case essentially confessing to the crime. rose a roman por who is accused of assisting ramirez in the kidnapping. he made a plea deal with the court is expected to receive a lighter sentence up to 5 years in prison. now they are both as i mentioned of trying to kidnap. then 3 month-old brandon quay are back in april
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of last year. the young boy was found after a three-day search. they have been in custody ever since late last year. they pled no are guilty to the crimes and they have been able to skip a trial and now move forward to the sentencing hearing today in the courtroom, the family of the victim was allowed inter statements. the mother of the young boy said they are fearful that if ramirez is freed from custody, that she could seek revenge on the defense attorney for a mere as said that she came from a broken family. but she's not beyond redemption and he's trying to get her a lighter sentence. also, ramirez and a poor tee. you are allowed to make a statement just before the lunch break, which they just broke for lunch just before the break, ramirez spoke for almost 40 minutes. tearfully apologizing for the crime saying that she regrets her actions. we'll have to see this afternoon. if por tu is going to make a statement. and some point later today, the judge in this case will hand out the sentences. but for now in san jose, charles clifford kron, 4 news entire bay area
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was transfixed on this case when that baby was a >> take end last year. charles, we will continue, of course, to update everyone here on kron 4 here at noon as well as 3 o'clock in our later shows it goes on. thank you for that live report. right now. san francisco police are still searching for a missing toddler. they say caspian to malevich was abducted by his birth mother. >> who has no custody rights over him. the one year-old was taken from a facility of ashbury street friday around 05:30pm. his mother, chelsea to malevich is described as a 38 year-old woman. she has blonde hair and brown eyes. she was last seen wearing all white clothing. caspian has brown hair and brown eyes. as you can see here in this photo as apd has not provided a clothing description. a big story we're following today. police looking for the person responsible for shooting a man on a muni bus in san francisco. the victims recovering in the hospital kron four's. michael thomas has more from san francisco.
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>> that shooting happened just before 6 o'clock sunday night. and one witness on the bus as it all started because 2 riders on the bus had a disagreement which led to multiple shots being fired. take a look at all happened near mission and 13th street. san francisco police say they arrived on the scene shortly after the shooting and found one man injured from a gunshot wound who was rushed to a nearby hospital. as of today, their conditions are unknown. as of now, there have been no reports of other victims, but officials say the suspect in question will he ran away from the shooting shortly after it happened. they've been on the run since last night. we spoke with one writer who says they witnessed everything. they did not want to go on camera, but they describe the scene in detail. take a listen for 2 men arguing on the >> when i got 16 the mission and i'm time we got to this they were other names and that shooter had challenge the other 2 get off the bus to fight and so the purse, the
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victim did make that move. >> and as soon as he got close the door and the door open. >> this is the second dangerous muni bus incident that happened in the last 5 days just last week, a 12 year-old was accused of stabbing a 15 year-old on a muni bus near union square. that victim is still recovering from life-threatening injuries in that 12 year-old that was arrested. will there be no investigated for another stabbing in another robbery? san francisco police say they are still looking for that suspect in last night's shooting on the bus and ask that if you have any information you come forward by contacting that. i did reach out to see if there was an update. >> on the victim status or do you have any update on the description of the person who is currently being looked for? but i have not heard anything back as we get more information. we'll continue to keep you updated very latest. turn to francisco. i'm michael thomas. i will send it back in studio. >> happening today, san francisco police beefing up patrols at stonestown mall following several recent fights involving teenagers.
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san francisco supervisor myrna melgar tweeting on sunday. the altercations result in physical injuries often after school lets out, she says, quote, we must support the kids and keep them safe along with everyone else. she's asking parents to monitor their children's social media and follow what they're doing. another storm heading our way, getting a little bit of a break today on this first day of spring. taking a live look outside this afternoon. kyla grogan is standing by with more on what we can expect to see a little bit of blue sky but like it. it is the first day of spring. i thought we've got to take a minute to acknowledge that and acknowledge the fact that we are getting a little blue sky out there. frankly, a lot of blue sky if you're up in the north bay. >> certain spots are getting some clearing. and right now the 50 degrees in san francisco. good about 53. 54 in san jose. low 50's in livermore. >> and conquered center is about 51. i was just checking the door cam on mom's house up in day and it looks like they
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are getting some good sunshine out there. wind is relatively calm as well. you can see a little bit of a delta breeze there in fairfield, but 70 miles per hour. that's going tomorrow. it's all about this low pr ssure system. kind of the dance between that and the high pressure to the south. and you can see that stream of moisture coming all the way back from hawaii and say it with me, everybody. it's an atmospheric river. i know we've all gotten a little too well versed in knowing about these things and it is going to drag a lot of that moisture into california. now looks like it's going to be focus more on central and southern california as we're talking about last week when we kind of first saw this coming together. but right now we're getting kind of the calm before the next storm, right? a little bit of clearing, as you can see, some of those other cloud syncing to the south of us and the other low pressure system, not quite having an effect on us yet. so what does that mean today? we're going to stay cloudy, but dry. it is that first day of spring temperatures will be limited because of that cloud cover. we're nice and mild this morning, though. so a lot of low 50's around the bay and then upper 50's even a 60 degree or 2 possibly get spots like san jose. and then there's this. we're going to
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talk about this when i come back just a bit. the rain that is headed our way along with the wind will track that in just a bit for you for now. send it back to the desk. kyla. thank you. there are evacuation orders across central california already due to the threat of heavy. >> rain and more potential flooding. hundreds of people into larry county have been ordered to leave their homes over concerns the roadways could become impassable, leaving them stranded further north people living along the san joaquin river have also been ordered to evacuate. authorities say the river is already in danger of overflowing and they're concerned the rapidly melting snow melt could cut access off to the area. meanwhile, residents of paro may have to wait even longer before they return home. monterey county officials say flooding from the broken river levee damaged a sewer main serving the city and will need to be repaired over 2000 people were forced to evacuate when the levee burst on march 10th more than a dozen trucks have been collecting and delivering sewage to a local treatment
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plant while the pipe is offline. crews say they are hoping to finish those repairs sometime this week. marin county fire has deployed a crew to help people across the state who have been trapped during these recent storms. for the last 2 weeks. the team made their way up to mendocino county before then traveling down to monterey county and now they are currently performing rescue operations into larry county, the 16 person water rescue team has mostly been assisting people out of their cars after being stuck on flooded roads. they're also helping folks who are stranded inside their homes. >> really, if they sell it to the folks out of their cars when they try to drive through getting water, which is one of the most dangerous thing we can do out there. it critically important you know it the foot of water to car off the road. >> it. currently right to educate the public that that could be at if the fed continues unfold.
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>> big reminder, turn around, don't drown. if you see flooded water. the state has a mutual aid system which does allow counties to help one another out during wildfires and flooding. cal oes has 13 swift water rescue teams located all across the state ready to jump in at a moment's notice. >> back here at home, new at noon. if you take bart, you might start seeing more police officers on your commute at a news conference today, bart police announcing a change in their deployment strategy. >> several officers are being taken off a vehicle patrols and they'll be patrolling the trains instead. bart police chief ed alvarez says this will result in anywhere from 8 to 18 additional officers on bart trains at any given time on top of the officers already stationed there. the move is part of a larger effort to bring riders back amid concerns about crime within the system. >> i want to riders and employees to know that we're listening. bart riders have
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expressed frustration with the current state of our system. and it's time we take back the trains. >> in addition to more police officers on trains, bartz also hired more cleaners and increase the number of times their cars are cleaned each day. some developing news this afternoon, amazon planning to cut 9,000 more jobs. this on top of the reported 18,000 employees. >> the company said it would lay off in january. the company ceo sending a memo to employees today stating the second phase of the company's annual planning process led to these additional cuts. jassy also says the amazon will hire in some strategic areas marking this, of course, marks the second largest round off round of layoffs in the company's history. meanwhile, disney reportedly planning massive cost-cutting, includes layoffs as well. reports say managers, we're told to proposed budget cuts and identify candidates to be let go with at least 4,000
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positions on the chopping block. the cutbacks are expected to take place sometime next month. the company reportedly wants to save billions of dollars by restructuring and cutting content from disney. plus, espn and 2. >> on trevor shirley in washington, former president donald trump says he expects to be arrested as soon as tomorrow on charges out of new york. but there's no official word that this is actually going to happen. i've got all those details coming up ahead. >> plus, an earthquake hit peru and ecuador killing more than a dozen people injuring hundreds. what government officials say played a role in the collapse of the majority of the buildings. and a trans woman of verbally attacked at a san francisco restaurant all while patrons and restaurant employees just watched. she tells us how it all went down.
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>> are you at wow. >> transgender woman verbally attacked at the cheesecake factory in san francisco. the incident captured by lincoln and a now viral tiktok from earlier this month. in the video, an older woman is heard off-camera, demeaning can t know about being transgender kron four's. dan thorn has more from the victim.
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>> transgender woman eating at a cheesecake factory in union square, getting berated by an elderly woman on camera. lily county now says she was live streaming the video on march 9th when the unknown lady began harassing her and at one point threatened violence. >> she threatened to hit me come a dog stupid. and i did not feel any physical threat from this woman in a walker. so i knew i wasn't going to hurt tino says the woman was doing this randomly and mentioned she was a turf which is an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist trans people. an at-risk population. i happen to be six-foot. i happen to be pretty athletic and strong. >> but it there's a lot of people out there who want to hurt us can t know is a
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full-time content creator and shared this video with her followers on social media. >> as of sunday evening, it has more than 11 million views. many commenters apologizing for the transphobic behavior. others curious as to why no one from the chzesecake factory stepped in. conte, no says her meal was eventually calmed, but that was it. i would love to hear from the cheesecake factory. i would love an apology. i would love to hear how they're going to make sure that never happens again. conte, no hopes to continue to spread awareness about protecting trans people, but she says businesses and the government need to do better every day that this happens. companies need to take note and figure out how they're going to deal with the rising tide of transphobia in the country because it's happening and it's happening. in public in restaurants. so i think when you do about it, got to be something. >> kron 4 did reach out to the cheesecake factory for response. they said, quote, no guests should ever be made to
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feel unwelcome done. one of our restaurants, we are sorry to hear of this incident. time to get a check of your fork. a forecast this afternoon taking a live look outside once again across a san francisco. we i think that's alcatraz down there across from meteorologist kyla grogan is standing by. she's got details on what's going on. we dealing with some winds. i feel like there's just a plethora of things to talk about all the time. yeah, i just think i feel like a broken record lately with all this. but we are going to have somewhere. they contend with today's going to be pretty calm. but late tonight, things start to change, right? so we're going to have a wind advisory tomorrow. as you can see, it's for the east bay, the south bay and the peninsula. so the north bay is not in this. >> kick senate tuesday, 07:00am until 09:00pm tuesday night. and that's because we could see some of this wind gusting upwards of 40 to 45 miles per hour. so taking you into future when no one start off tomorrow morning because a lot of you might be, you know, trying to commute. we've got rain coming down and we're going to have this wind. and as you know, we get into 09:00am you can see continues
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when you're on bridges, right? it gets really tricky. really fast. when you've got wind combining with rain out there. so this is 1 o'clock. and i know my point is to show you that this continues throughout the day. it isn't until we get later into the evening. then it finally wraps up and it has everything to do with this low pressure system that's going to set up right off the coast, creating this wind gradient as it tracks right near the bay area. and then, of course, is going to draw in some of that moisture from the atmospheric river. and that thankfully is being pointed a little bit more directly at central and southern california that it is northern california. but that doesn't mean we're not going to get the rain. it just means we don't get totals as high as places to the south of us will. so still looking at for about an inch of rain in san francisco, you can see those higher numbers heading down to big sur. but i do think the santa cruz mountains are going have a very rough rides. just a time this out for you to get you ready tonight. we're just going to see clouds overnight. that's when some of this rain comes in. and by the way, some of these could be thunderstorms that 06:45am to 10:00am. so that is rush hour tomorrow. and i would not want to be on road. i didn't have to be. this is tuesday evening. there is a little bit of a back side on this before it all slides to the south and
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then we start to see some extended forecast shows you that today we stay relatively calm tomorrow. be a rough day. scattered showers start off on our wednesday. but then we start to clear out a little bit right. chance of showers on friday. but the weekend actually looking, okay. they're a little cool, though, but i like the idea of a dry weekend to noel. back to you. as do i kyla. thank you. former president donald trump says he expects to be arrested as early as tomorrow. >> he's calling for protests over what he says are politically motivated investigations. washington correspondent trevor shirley has more from dc. >> former president trump made that claim over the weekend on his social media site. truth social just feels like a politically charged prosecution. here he's been under investigation by the manhattan district attorney for alleged hush money payments. 2 former adult film star stormy daniels. nobody's above the law. >> i think it's very important for the manhattan da to look into this thoroughly. the former president denies any wrongdoing.
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>> and said the investigation is a political witch hunt. trump also called on his supporters to protest in the streets. if he's arrested, folks always are out there protesting what they see as an unjustified, a restaurant, unjustified indictment. but you want to make sure when it's peaceful. we don't want history to repeat itself and an overly negative ways. violence is never the right answer. and i always worry about it. >> but this is another case of donald trump just trying to advance the interests of donald trump, not of the rest of the nation. so far. there's no official word that an indictment will be handed out the manhattan da's office declined to comment on the possibility of an arrest. that was trevor shirley reporting for us. chinese president xi jinping is meeting with russian president vladimir putin today. >> this this is she's first visit to moscow since russia invaded ukraine more than a year ago. some view the trip is a symbolic sign of chinese support for russia without
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antagonizing the united states. who is china's biggest trading partner. the trip also comes just days after an international court issued an arrest warrant for putin accusing him of war crimes, russia, china and the united states are not members of the court. meanwhile, vladimir putin did make a surprise trip to the ukrainian port city of mariupol over the weekend. >> video shows him driving a car through the streets. there it was his first trip to ukraine since moscow illegally annexed the country in september. still ahead, snapchat under fire once again as more lawsuits come forward alleging the social media platform has a role in drug overdoses. >> plus, alarming data showing a new strategy as many americans face hardships due to inflation. what experts warn not to do with your warn not to do with your hard-earned retirement funds.
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when a truck hit my car, warn not to do with your hthe insurance company funds. wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible.
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authorities from ecuador and peru are working to assess damage left behind after a strong earthquake shook areas. >> of the 2 countries on saturday. the 6.8 magnitude quake hit the ecuadorean coastal province quien es around noon on saturday as well as towns in peru around the northern border. at least 15 people have been killed. more than 460 people were injured. officials say many of the homes and buildings suffered damage because they were often old and not up to current building codes.
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>> so yes. even >> the earthquake was caught on camera during a live show. the prisoners were trying to figure out how severe the situation was. the building they were in started to shake. one of them was yelling, keep calm. it passed it passed. but then as you can see in the video, the shaking got even worse to a good reminder when watching something like if you do experience an earthquake, you should duck cover and hold coming up next, the city of oakley honoring the life of alexis gave us her family celebrates her 25th birthday. >> plus, an unexpected announcement from governor newsom. details of his plan to fight back against the opioid crisis across the state. and 5 million dollars to every eligible black adult in san francisco. one of more than 100 recommendations made by the city appointed reparations
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committee. we'll speak live with one of the supervisors after the break. welcome
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back. >> reparations. it's a hot topic across the country and there's a proposal in san francisco that's turning heads. the idea includes a 5 million dollar lump sum payment to every eligible black adult in the city. the board of supervisors officially considering this idea among several other recommendations that have been brought to the table
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supervisor shamann walton. joining us now to talk more about the controversial idea supervisor. thank you for joining me here this afternoon. i think the first question on everyone's minds here is how serious is this proposal? >> well, i think first people need to understand that the reparations task force, but this report together provided updates on 111 different recommendations. and one of the proposals, the cash payment. that's just one of many recommendations. and we still are waiting on the final report in june. and as a body of water supervisors and city leadership, there's a lot of work to do in reviewing all of the recommendations and siding with strategies to support moving forward. >> all of the recommendations, of course, said that i've seen they do involve some sort of payment here. i know a chicago suburb recently succeeded in making reparations available to black residents. they'll be using tax money from recreational marijuana sales to make payments to black households. any idea where the
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money would come from for san francisco reparations plans? >> yeah, again at the time right now, we're just looking at the latest update, of course, preparing for the final update in we are excited to say that we will introduce something that the board of supervisors tomorrow us in press release to let everyone know what that is. but we're definitely going to be focused on funding the strategies that come from the reparations task force. but at the end of the day, we don't have the final answers in terms of where resources are going to come from because we haven't even received the final report. it. >> do we have any idea what you're looking at in terms residents being able to receive reparations here in francisco. >> so if you look at the report of a talk about some of the criteria of warning san francisco between a certain time period, family, maybe just place a loss of property redevelopment did to our communities. there's a few criteria in there that is out
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line. but again, the committee is still having conversations about what the criteria may look like and what they need to do. so until the final report is received in terms of eligibility, we don't know and understand exactly what that's going to look like. >> i san francisco, of course, very black population. of course, one sword here today, fewer than 6% of the population is black in san francisco. however, black people make up nearly 40% of the city's homeless population. clearly there's a need to help the population. just when you look at statistics there, what would you say to someone who is against reparations in any form? >> well, we just say at the end of the day, we have then unfortunately press here in san francisco are fronting for decades. when you go back to redlining, when you go back to the fact that black families actually pay for education of other families without being able to even go to schools here in san francisco. when you look at the fact that we have courts have been held back from the the riches of
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san francisco in the inequities that exist in the wealth gaps that exist were overcome allies. to your eppoint, we are over represente in the unhoused population and those are just 2 of the issues that plague us as a community. there's a lot more that we need to work on. it needs to be addressed so that we could have and equitable playing field here in san francisco that has never happened in city, owes the black community. and so we're going to continue to fight to move forward. >> the i didn't mention, you know, that 500 million dollar proposal. that's the one that everyone's kind of clicking on. the stories about naacp has come out against that idea. are there any other suggestions in the proposal that that you know of that that you are considering and are interested in hearing more about. >> my job is to look at all 111 recommendations and make sure that we come up with a plan that's going address the inequities that exist for the black community here in san francisco. that addresses, of
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course, the wealth gaps and that exist for us here and going. that's what i'll continue to focus on looking at all of them. coming up with the best solutions for black people. >> all right. so walton, thanks for joining us. >> thank you so much for having me. >> let's talk a little bit about our forecast this afternoon. taking a live look outside 6.80. i believe this into east bay. you can see those hills are green, green green. they usually are brown. kyla. i it never gets old to see the green right. and lived there for a long time. heading over that wannacry. kerry will tell you that it used to be green all the time. right before we got in so many a drought situations that we have had these years. >> i want to take us up to the sierra because that they're getting some blue sky out there, too. and you can see we're looking at donner summit right now in all of the lanes are clear. we've seen traffic rolling through there. >> so no problems if you're driving to or from the sierra today, that is going to change. however, just as we're going to get some rain, they're going to get some snow. it's not a big event for them. we're talking about maybe one to 2 feet up at the
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ridge is kind of up above 7,000 feet. everyone else probably getting just in the inches there 6 to 12. but they do have, as you can see, a winter storm watch in winter advisory that are up. and so the timing for when you kind of avoid travel, be 05:00am tuesday until about wednesday. that's when they're expecting some of that snow to come in and just to track that for you kind of show you, you know, again today as 5, but by 06:00am, you see some of the snow flakes starting to show up and some of this rain rolling in. this is an atmospheric river system. so we'll have that rain snow component that makes for that heavy, wet snow. so there's 9 o'clock on your tuesday and then it just kind of get spotty as we head throughout the day versa, tuesday, into wednesday before kind of wraps up. so all of this, of course, is courtesy of the same system, bringing us some rain. you see the low pressure system that is right there. that's going help to steer some of that atmospheric river moisture they can see right now is pretty well pointed at southern california. and we do expect that kind of raise to the north a little bit as we move into tomorrow. but right now we're doing pretty good as we take a live look here. you can see a surge tracker for we're getting some nice breaks
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out there. some sunshine, even you can see as we take a look at alcatraz here and looking out on san francisco, there's certainly plenty of clouds out there, too. but we should stay dry today. so the clouds made for a little bit of a warm start to the morning about 54 in san jose right now. 53 in oakland. we're not going to get too terribly warm today, although you can see 60 degrees in brentwood bit about 55 right now. nevado in santa rosa just at 51 degrees. and so we go throughout the day today will be another below average day. we've gotten used to lately. a live look at the golden gate bridge shows you those nice blue skies. but 50's is about all we're going to see today rate. we should be kind of in that mid 60's range. but you can see the highs today. san francisco, just 52 could see a 60 degree mark there in san jose. but still below where we should be this time of year. lots of 50's on the map. so when i come back, we're going to talk more about this. this is the system that's going to bring us us some rain and a little bit of snow to the sierra time that out for you. when i come back in just a bit, we'll talk totals as well for now. send it back to the desk. kyla, thank you. >> friends and family of alexis, gabe gathered for her
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birthday in oakley, dedicating a park bench in her honor this weekend. >> let's mean the agency to the paradise may to welcome you and take you to double the city. you to know. >> the ceremony happened in civic center park friday city of oakley installing a plaque on the bench, reading in part, quote, for as long as you remember me, i'm never entirely lost. more of games remains were found after a search earlier this year. she's believed to have been killed by her ex-boyfriend. marshall jones officials believe more of games remains are still scattered over parts of northern california. 3 juveniles injured over the weekend by fireworks at ocean beach. officers say a group of about 20 to 30 kids. we're around the beach fire on saturday when several of them started lighting off fireworks. the 3 injured kids were taken to a hospital for treatment park. police say 2 of them suffered serious injuries. to the east bay
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where a pedestrian was hit and killed by a car near livermore. the crash happened last night on the westbound off-ramp of i-580, near isabel avenue, california highway patrol says they received calls about car swerving trying to miss something in the road. they say they found 2 people down in the roadway. deputies say this could possibly be related to a report of an uber driver being assaulted. they say the driver wasn't at the scene when they got there. the investigation is ongoing. an elderly man rescued after he suffered a medical emergency while fishing in pacifica. this happened saturday just before 04:00pm near mori point. a chp helicopter responding and hoisted a pacific, a firefighter to the man's location. he was later then airlifted to safety. it is unclear if he suffered any injuries. more grieving
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parents are now suing snapchat, hoping the social media platform will do more to stop the sale of drugs. 9 families are part of a new wrongful death lawsuit brought by the social media victims law center. the lawsuit claims snapchat's features like disappearing messages, encourage illegal drug sales. the law center's founder says in total they represent 35 parents who have lost children to fentanyl-laced drugs bought on snapchat. >> really think the more parents know about this. the more frank conversations they can have with their kids, the more lives will be spared. >> snapchat says its updated technology to detect and remove drug dealers and released a new tool for parents to monitor and report any concerning activity. coming up here on kron, 4 news at noon, more on how farm workers and market vendors are struggling to recover. >> as we deal with these relentless winter storms. plus, governor gavin newsom pushing a new plan supposed to
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improve mental and behavioral health care in california. we'll tell you what it entails. >> future journalists gather for the student television network convention. see how technology is changing the way they gather news. i'm rich they gather news. i'm rich i'm karen. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. i really like the flexibility. and for me, it's one less thing to think about while traveling. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions,
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>> on day 4 of governor gavin newsom's statewide tour, the governor introduced a new plan he says will improve mental
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and behavioral health care across california. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has a look at the plan and the response from republicans. >> well, the governor says his proposal raise money to in his words, modernized california's behavioral health system, all part of a plan that will ultimately need final approval from. >> you. the voters we can fix this. governor gavin newsom speaking with a sense of optimism as he announced his intention to place a multi-billion dollar bond measure on the 2024 ballot. one he says will help the state reach people experiencing mental illness. substance use disorders and homelessness. we have to address and come to grips with the reality of mental health in this state and our nation. >> it's unacceptable. what we're dealing with at scale now in the state of california. that's why newsom says he's proposing a 3 to 5 billion dollar bond measure. the exact figure still in the works. he says it will create mental health treatment campuses across california. >> there will be home to a combined a minimum of at least
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6,000 behavioral health beds. in his words, the sickest of the sick would have priority to stabilize individuals that are in cute states people are self-medicating with drugs. prop all addictions were fully in ourselves. and if we don't address the fundamental need, that we can turn this thing around, it had the impact that we continue to promote. speaking in san diego, that soon-to-be psychiatric crisis unit. the governor is also calling for changes to the mental health services act passed by the legislature some 2 decades ago. his plan would amend the act to ensure 1 billion dollars and already generated state funding goes toward behavioral health services, including help for u.s. veterans. promises that we promote all the time about how much we value our veterans as it relates to these issues. a big component, the bond is getting serious about that and taking it to the next level. in a statement, republican assembly minority leader james gallagher responded to the governor's plan saying will need to make sure that those suffering from severe mental illness and drug addiction actually get the treatment they need, even if they don't volunteer for it. that's the
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truth. behind the governor's latest shiny object. and as for the proposed bond measure, it will need at least two-thirds approval from the state legislature to qualify for the 2024 ballot. >> reporting at the state capitol wallace kron. 4 news. >> the governor's tour continues today and let valley near the salton sea in imperial county. the areas known for providing essential materials to build batteries for 0 emission vehicles. now following a visit to the san ysidro port of entry, governor gavin newsom has released his administration's master plan for tackling the fentanyl, an opioid crisis as well. he's a master plan, provides a comprehensive approach to saving lives. it builds on the governor's 1 billion dollar investment to tackle the crisis, including an expansion of california national guard supported operations which last year led to a 594% increase in seized fentanyl master plan provides a comprehensive framework, including a new cao r x effort
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where california will seek to manufacture its own opioid overdose reversal. drug naloxone, california will further planned through an additional 96 million dollars in funding in the governor's 2023. to 2024 proposed budget which include 79 million dollars for the naloxone distribution project meeting, increased demand and to provide more naloxone to communities than ever before. along with 10 million dollars for grants for education testing recovery and support services. 4 million dollars to make fentanyl test strips more widely available and 3 and a half million dollars prop 98 funding to provide overdose medication to all middle and high schools. other news this afternoon, the bay area has seen a rise in attacks on postal workers this year. there have been several reports of workers being robbed at gunpoint and having their mail stolen. postal officials held a news conference today condemning these acts of violence.
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>> no letter care should have to come to work, if this is the day he or she should would be robbed. you know, i'm just doing their job. there will be no stone left unturned. >> in our efforts to identify, find and arrest anyone who would sink so low as to rob a carrier on the route. >> robbery of a usps postal workers punishable by up to 25 years in prison. officials are urging people to remain vigilant and report any threatening activity. they see they're also offering some advice to protect your own mail, including having it sent electronically. when you can. we're having it delivered directly to the post office or a p o box. rain will start back up tomorrow. but communities on the central coast are still recovering from last week's storms. it includes the farm workers to supply food to bay area restaurants and farmers markets kron four's gayle ong takes a look at how the farming community is coping. farm workers have been caught a break since the january storms. usually they look
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forward to rainfall in the winter, but it's been too much lately. >> and to date, some cannot make it to the weekly farmers market, which is a major source of income for so babe. a very hard times right now. >> roberto gonzalez owns golden rule, organics farm in san benito county. he says he lost a lot of produce this winter from all the rain storms. but he was spared from last week's heavy rain that battered the central coast because his farm is on the hill. >> but neighboring farm, they lost an a live report feet water on their spots sat empty at the berkeley farmers market saturday. >> market manager in says they are not the only ones we've had been enters snowed for, you know, at the roads box. they couldn't get into their arms to get product has several vendors impacted in monterey and san benito counties. >> are dealing with flood damage on their field leading to crop loss and an uncertain
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season. earlier this week, governor gavin newsom was in monterey county touring the flooding area near the small farming community of pajaro miles of farmland remain under water after a levee breached along the river in the meantime, for those who were able to make it to the local markets, please come and support are always open rain or we're always here. it's the farmers. want to be here will be here to the market. >> some of the farms impacted by the storms are raising money for repairs to support their workers. but it also will be a long road to recovery in the newsroom. gayle ong kron, 4 news. with that. let's talk about our forecast taking a live look outside. we're looking at the beach this afternoon. i believe that area ocean beach looks beautiful out there. today would be the day to get up there and enjoy it on this first day of spring. kyla grogan here with more details on what we can expect as we move through the week. hey
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kyla. yeah. boy, you know, hearing a story about the central california farmers. i hate to say this, but the rap see more rain that's going come in and kind of make that problem even worse. temperatures right now around the state. 61 in los angeles. 61 in fresno. >> eureka, about 49 degrees and we're sitting in the 50's here. you can see some of those blue skies starting to make their way into san francisco catching a little bit of a break before our next system rolls in. temperatures will be below average today. you can see right now we're sitting in those low to almost mid 50's there. san jose about 54 degrees and the wind is nice and calm, right? we've got about 17 miles per hour fairfield and that's about it. but that's going to change as this low pressure system does track to the south, setting up a wind gradient in tapping into some of this atmospheric river moisture. that's going to start rolling towards california. unfortunately, the place it's going to get the brunt of it is central california and southern california. so that means that we're going to get some rain, but they're going to get some higher totals. so just to show you what i'm talking about here, we're looking out for, you know, potentially about an inch or so of rain in and around the bay area. but you can see we get to ben lowman. that number hops up to 2
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inches. 2.8 in big sore, big sur and in santa barbara at 3.2, 5 inches or a 2 run to 7. so that's that's a rough ride there. so let's see how it works out here in the bay area tonight. we just have some clouds, but then in the overnight hours, by about 3 o'clock, we have some storms rolling in and you can see how heavy they get about 06:00am. so that could be some of these have the potential to be thunderstorms and very heavy downpours heading our way. that's about 8.45. so exceptionally difficult rush hour tomorrow and then we get kind of an unsettled scattered shower day until we get into our wednesday. and then this finally starts to track to the south and move out. and that's when we'll kind of be clear of it. so we also have wind coming with this because of that pressure gradient that's being set up with that low pressure system dropping to the south. so as you can see, everywhere with the exception basically of the north bay and solano county under that wind advisory throughout the day tomorrow. so tomorrow will likely see as we take a look here from mount tam, a lot of these, you breeze is blowing right tomorrow. a lot of that high wind up in elevation. we do start to clear out, as i mentioned as we get into our
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midweek timeframe and then just a little bit unsettled as we head through thursday and friday in a pretty good looking weekend. but notice temperatures are seeing pretty chilly as we go throughout the week. back to you. kyla. thank you for your money this afternoon. egg prices have skyrocketed. >> more than 70% over just the last year. and they could go even higher as the avian flu forces farmers to shell out more money to keep their birds safe. egg farmers across the country investing thousands of dollars and biosecurity measures to protect their flocks from the bird flu. it is estimated farmers have lost more than 1 billion dollars because of these issues. >> but a far one of my forms, big production facility like my delaware location. a cleanup like that would cost probably 15, 18 million dollars. >> for those buying eggs, limited supply and continued demand means we are still seeing and prices at grocery stores up. 55% over last year. with so many facing hardship
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student flay shun a shaky economy. some are turning to their retirement funds early, according to data from voya. people without enough savings are 13 times more likely to choose this option. despite the potential tax penalties for early withdrawals. according to fidelity and vanguard withdrawals rose to nearly 2 and a half percent last year, which is up from 1.9% in 2021. >> do not catch that catching out should be the absolute last resort in the most extreme circumstances as base like you've been working for this, some company for in our data on average 6.6 years been contributing. your employer's been contributing and now you're back at square 0. >> a record number of those cash removals were hardship withdrawals to help with emergencies like medical care or possible evictions. students from across the country gathered in long beach over the weekend for a student tv news conference in today's tech. smart rich demuro takes a look at how technology is changing how they gather news.
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>> chances are some of your favorite news. reporters started out like this. attention, seniors, just a reminder that your senior write ups are due today. yeah, that's me doing the morning announcements at my high school for many the love of journalism starts at an early age. i think it's just like. >> the being creative and like getting to talk to other people and showing are showing a different at the student television network national convention. nearly 3,000, middle and high school students meet up to learn. >> compete and get inspired to me. it's a really great networking opportunity to get to going come and compete with all my have a great time outside of our classroom for once. we have schools here from florida from texas, california, hawaii, missouri, connecticut. but just the infield called cas has been involved with the organization for 20 years. now they're true
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professionals learning to be better professionals in their field. what's cha1ged most is the technology. >> news gathering is more nimble these days. everyone carries a camera mikes are wireless and editing is easier than ever. it's easier. it's not easy, but it's definitely easier because you can have it all like one spot and you see easy to like pull things together, telling a story well, is still the toughest part. i think it's really important for these students. are these young people to really understand that are how to put together a proper news package and tell a story. maglio runs a start-up called ot on that sponsors the convention all times the cloud based production tool that allows people to all of their footage in the cloud and then share it with multiple collaborators anywhere in the world were coming out. you know, the kind of prove ourselves tools don't make the story. but having access to cutting edge tech is moving journalism forward to working together kind of boring bonds and really showing what we have is like the best part of
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this. >> opportunity. i'm rich demuro and you tech smart. >> coming up next, the company that brought you the slogan be kind rewind is leaving a cryptic message online. stick around to see what some people think. maybe it come back for blockbuster.
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>> the mysterious flying objects spotted over northern california friday night was
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likely debris from an old international space station mission. this is video taken from davis, which shows at least 5 objects flying through the sky viewers in concord, richmond and petaluma also reported seeing ms on friday night, the chabot space and science center says the debris could date back to 2009. we spoke with astronomer gerald mckeegan about all this. >> was not an ally and fein hitters, as you as you know, that this is actually a piece of space hardware, space junk, if you will. it was originally a communications module that had been installed on the international space station back in 2009. they used to it up until about 2017. and then twenty-twenty they detached from the space station and basically just let it drift in orbit. >> mickey can adds there is increasing pressure on satellite operators right now to d orbit satellites when they're no longer useful in order to try and keep us little junk in space as
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possible. back here on earth at the happiest place on earth to town officially open again at disneyland. disney imagineers refurbished the area with more inclusivity in mind as well as adding some new characters like pete who will welcome families to the land. the land will offer a softer color palette, more wheelchair, accessibility as well as com or music. even mickey is getting a more casual look there. and to town. finally, blockbuster may have shut all of its stores except for that one or again. but their web site seems to have come alive this weekend, a message in blockbusters, iconic blue background, yellow lettering reads, please be kind while we rewind now owned by dish network. the company's website has remained largely unchanged for the past decade or so until now. so olivia horton, i think that means we could be seeing a blockbuster come back. i'm telling you it might be the comeback of the


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