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tv   KRON 4 News at 430am  KRON  March 20, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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little breezy for a few spots this morning. but coming down into the afternoon. so we're coming in clearing later on today. daytime highs in the mid to upper 50's lots of sunshine after midnight tonight is when rainfall really kicks up. and that's when we're going to be seeing some heavy rain into tomorrow morning. we're through the day tomorrow of all those details. still to come in your full forecast, all right, john, thank you for that. let's check on those ridge cans traveling into the city this morning. about 7 minutes there. your san mateo bridge, 13 minutes traveling across towards the peninsula. richmond, sandra fell bridge 8 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minutes. >> well, the mysterious flying object spotted over northern california. it was likely debris from an old international space station mission. we're showing you video taken from davis with shows at least 5 objects fly through the sky friday night, viewers and cocker and richmond in petaluma also reported seeing this friday night, chabot space and science center says the debris
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could actually day back to 2009. we spoke with an astronomer. joel, again about this. take a listen. >> was not an alien as you as you know, that this is actually a piece of space hardware, space junk, if you will. it was originally a communications module that had been installed on the international space station back in 2009. they used to it up until about 2017. and then twenty-twenty they detached from the space station and basically just let it drift in orbit. >> again, adds there is an increasing pressure on satellite operators to deorbit their satellites when they're no longer useful in order to keep a little less junk in space as possible. so don't be alarmed on the 4th day of governor gavin newsom's statewide tour. the governor introduced a new plan. he says we'll improve mental and behavioral health across california categories. one eytan wallace has a look at that plant and the response from republicans. take a
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listen. >> well, the governor says his proposal raise money to in his words, modernized california's behavioral health system, all part of a plan that will ultimately need final approval from you. the voters we can fix this. governor gavin newsom speaking with a sense of optimism as he announced his intention to place a multi-billion dollar bond measure on the 2024 ballot. >> one he says will help the state reach people experiencing mental illness. substance use disorders and homelessness. we have to address and come to grips with the reality of mental health in this state and our nation. >> it's unacceptable. what we're dealing with at scale now in the state of california. that's why newsom says he's proposing a 3 to 5 billion dollar bond measure. the exact figure still in the works. he says it will create mental health treatment campuses across california. >> there will be home to a combined a minimum of at least 6,000 behavioral health beds. in his words, the sickest of the sick would have priority
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stabilize individuals that are in cute says people are self-medicating with drugs. prop all addictions were fully in ourselves. and if we don't address the fundamental need, that we can turn this thing around, it had the impact that we continue to promote speaking in san diego soon-to-be psychiatric crisis unit, the governor is also calling for changes to the mental health services act passed by the legislature some 2 decades ago. his plan would amend the act to ensure 1 billion dollars in already generated state funding goes toward behavioral health services, including help for u.s. veterans. promises that we promote all the time about how much we value our veterans as it relates to these issues. a big component, the bond is getting serious about that and taking it to the next level. in a statement, republican assembly minority leader james gallagher responded to the governor's plan saying will need to make sure that those suffering from severe mental illness and drug addiction actually get the treatment they need, even if they don't volunteer for it. that's the truth. behind the governor's latest shiny object. and as
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for the proposed bond measure, it will need at least two-thirds approval from the state legislature to qualify for the 2024 ballot. >> reporting at the state capitol wallace kron. 4 news. well, the governor store continues today in valley. that area is known for providing essential materials. >> to build batteries for 0 emission vehicles. well, friends and family of alexis, gabe gathered for a birthday in oakley, dedicating a park bench in her honor. take a look. >> and does mean to the paradise may to welcome you and take you to double the city. you to know. >> ceremony happened in civic center park friday. the city of oakley installing a plaque on the bench that reads in part, quote, for as long as you remember me, i am never entirely lost more of games remains were found after search earlier this year. she's believed to have been killed by her ex-boyfriend, marshall jones officials believe more games remains are still scattered over parts of northern california. well, 3
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people including a pregnant woman, are recovering from serious injuries after a brutal stabbing. it happened saturday afternoon in antioch. 35 year-old victim was rushed to the hospital along with an 11 year-old girl and a 14 year-old boy. police say it happened on the wilbur avenue just before 4 when officers arrived. they saw car trying escape. they chase the suspects. car solano county. the car crashed after police deployed spike strips to stop them. police took a 37 year-old any out man into custody. >> while they out on the street, it's great player. >> well, a chp helicopter flying over vacaville was harassed by someone plan a green laser at the aircraft. it happened friday night when the helicopter was assisting vacaville police with the search warrant. the crews use their onboard camera and mapping system. find the source of the light, which is coming from a man on the
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ground shining a laser at an aircraft. it's a federal crime and can cause temporary blindness for pilots. fortunately, the flight crew in thds case they were not harmed. well over in san francisco police, they're going to beef up patrols in stonestown mall today following several recent fights involving teens, san francisco supervisor. they are numb. elgar tweeted on sunday that the altercations have result in physical injuries. alton after school gets out, she says, quote, we must support the kids, keep them safe along with everyone else. she's asking parents to monitor their kids, social media following what they're 3 juveniles were actually injured by fireworks over the weekend at ocean beach park. police say 2 of them suffered serious injuries. officers say a group of about 20 to 30 kids were around a beach fire saturday night. several of them begin lighting fireworks and 3 injured. juveniles were taken to the hospital for treatment. park police are investigating there. all the
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rain starts back up this week. but communities on the central coast are still recovering from last week's storm. that includes a farm workers who supply food to the bay area restaurants and farmers markets. crawford's gayle ong takes a look at how the community and the farmers are doing there. >> farm workers have been caught a break since the january storms. usually they look forward to reinfall in the winter, but it's been too much lately. and to date some cannot make it to the weekly farmers market, which is a major source of income for so many. >> bay bay very hard times right now. >> roberto gonzalez owns golden rule, organics farm in san benito county. he says he lost a lot of produce this winter from all the rain storms, but he was spared from last week's heavy rain that battered the central coast because his farm is on the hill. but neighboring avalos farm, they lost an average. so maybe like 3, 4, feet wide line. so they're spot sat empty at the berkeley farmers
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market saturday. >> market manager in says they are not the only ones we've had been used enters snowed for, you know, at the roads box. they couldn't get into their arms to get product has several vendors impacted in monterey and san benito counties. >> are dealing with flood damage on their field leading to crop loss and an uncertain season. earlier this week, governor gavin newsom was in monterey county touring the flooding area near the small farming community of pajaro miles of farmland remain under water after a levee breached along the river in the meantime, for those who were able to make it to the local markets, please come and support are always open rain or we're always here. it's the farmers. want to be here will be here to the market. >> some of the farms impacted by the storms are raising money for repairs to support their workers. but it also will be a long road to recovery in the newsroom. gayle ong kron, 4 news
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evacuation orders still remain in effect for rose community. there. on the peninsula. an elderly man was rescued after he suffered a medical emergency. >> while fishing in pacifica, happened saturday just before 04:00pm near more point. see helicopter respond and hoisted the pacific. a firefighter to man's location. he was later airlifted to safety. it's unclear if he suffered any injuries. taking a live look at 6.80, in snow which is now open. >> crews were barely supposed to open up and lanes at 05:00am this morning. but work has gone so smoothly. caltrans has been able to open all northbound lanes between highway 84 and bernal avenue. 10 hours ahead of schedule. that's awesome. over in the east bay, the city of dublin continue to celebrate saint patrick's day with the shamrock 5 k fun run and walk sunday morning. the wet weather didn't stop hundreds
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of people from participating. many people, of course, when green for the thing, despite the rain family stuck around afterwards, too patronize the vendors at the local farmer's market. this weekend marked the 39th year of the saint patrick's day celebration in dublin. >> and the rain did not stop over 7,000 people from participating in sunday's oakland running festival. runners are able to partake to the marathon half-marathon, the 10 k or the 5 k he's my native and pro ball running that reggie harris was the official marathon starter and inaugural oakland community kick starter organizers tell us 9 countries, 40 states and every county in california were represented. that's pretty cool. coming up next on the kron. morning news. one of the lawyers have to say about here. well, a performance lately staff is going to explain that all for us. >> and one bay area team.
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>> putting off for all of oakland, even getting motivational message from
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>> welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. if you are just waking up, you need to know what the forecast is going to be like this week. and we've been talking nothing but rain, john. so what is the sunshine going to well, today we are going to get some sunshine this afternoon is going to be a really nice day to get out their head of what will be more rainfall into tomorrow.
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we do have a couple of light showers this morning. really nothing more than a few sprinkles here and there. so take a little bit slower as you venture onto those roads. couple of slick spots. >> but nothing like tomorrow is about to be like we do have showers across central california. some snow up in the sierra nevada, just adding to at snowpack up there for the bay area. things are relatively quiet. couple of sprinkles here. and there. but as i mentioned, skies clear really nicely later today we are getting a solid dose of sunshine throughout the course of much of our monday with a few passing clouds. now, rainfall tonight doesn't really set in until well after midnight, mostly around 03:00am to 04:00am tomorrow morning. once it does, we will have some heavy showers through the morning commute tomorrow. that is going make for a bit of a rough go for your tuesday. start so give yourself plenty of extra time. if you're getting out tuesday. couple peeks of sunshine on midday tuesday that a resurgence of rainfall overnight tuesday night into very early wednesday morning. after that, we should be pretty done with that. now, if
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you breezy spots this morning, winds calm this afternoon and then pick back up into tomorrow morning as that next system pushes its way into the bay area. as for today's daytime highs, we are going to be in the midst of some upper 50's to low 60's and the act in san jose right at 50 degrees. each fremont in redwood city. 58 for your high temps, san francisco holding on to some mid 50's getting your lookahead tomorrow will be a little bit cooler. we will have rain wind. a few rolls of thunder for your tuesday morning, especially rain will kick back up into tuesday night into wednesday morning. and for the most part, we're waving goodbye to it. after that with lots of sunshine and dry skies through the rest of the weekend, especially into next weekend. not forget that today is the first day of spring and kind of feel like spring to kick off the new season with a little dose of sun later today in a few morning. light sprinkles reyna john time for this spring cleaning and i'm looking forward to it. all right. 7 ride into the city this morning may so that fremont street exit. >> our san mateo bridge about
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13 minutes there. richmond center fell bridge a 8 minute ride and the golden gate bridge 37 of the tolls, 19 minutes. well, history was made in oakland a little over a week ago after head coach at oakland high coach walk-ins preach connectivity and brotherhood all season long. one special night in the bay push the teen ago to highs. no other team has gone. take a listen. >> one way or the other. you're never going to play a high school basketball in the city of ohm. >> how do you want to remember that? will walk is is like a motivational speaking us like every game. he has his i read this piece that hype is up and he was just telling us, is this this is it like we're here in and put everything on the court. you don't want to live with no regrets. one goal when state was always on our minds. so. >> that's that was ongoing ones but 2 things stood in the way of that goal for oakland high. the first fighting to
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avoid that 4th straight loss to division-rival open tick. >> car was packed to capacity. senior point guard money. williams led the wildcats with 25 points. and anthony lacey contributing 17 more. the wildcats defeated oakland take and solidified their first trip in the school's history to a state championship. >> it felt like it was time for a room. >> they've been winning a want to make history right there. it is. >> it's like you folks on the map a little bit with one of their biggest supporters who once walked the same open holes watching every step of the way the other representing or trying to finish the job and was about to get it done radio film >> he's got a lot of tv mogul has good good giving players like on campbell, even more motivation to finish the job. >> makes it feel like i can make black a comp is going accomplish my dreams. at golden one center in sacramento taking on one of
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ensure the wildcats led by williams yet again. money dropped 22 points and snagged 9 rebounds. as oakland fans looked on from the stands of the security. 59 to 43 victory. i wanted to do was win state and we did it and it just so good. i was overwhelmed when they go way gamble adding the one thing they needed to do as a team was to stay connected. >> and after the open take game, he said it finally clicked. it feels good to remember the state sent the first a check so. >> people this is like a dream come true. >> and they now stand as the only boys basketball team to bring a state championship back to oakland, high. all right. congratulations. turning now to the lawyers. the last 3 losses. it taking the from a comfortable spot in the western conference ready to an undesirable spot, especially when considering they are find more away games this season just fine. they're now number 7 and the lawyers can beat the rockets tonight. they'll actually tied for the
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most consecutive road losses after the winning championships with the 98 99 bulls, steph curry. instead, steve curry spoke right after saturday night's game. steve kerr right after saturday's game about what went wrong against the grizzlies and how they just haven't gotten over that hump yet. >> we've got a little took some ill-advised shots and then a couple of them led to transitions threes for them. and give them credit. they made 18 three's, you know, they shot 47% from 3. some of them were transition. open. one, some of them were contested and tough shots. so i thought we had had our chances but slipped away there. and those those first 5 minutes of the 4th quarter when, as you said, we're one possession away just didn't execute at that stage. things haven't gone our way recently where? >> we have going but nothing in the game. really? no buzz to the point where, you know,
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when i prepare for it. >> the lawyers are going to be on the road again tonight playing the rockets. tipoff is going to be at 5 o'clock. >> really ask for more heading into the final day of the tournament. we have a couple of people in, hey, guess what? i'm doing live with a phil mickelson right here. phil, why have you here? how do you think this tournament has gone so far? you're still in ontention yourself. >> we're we're having a blast. >> look who stopped by live on kron 4 sunday morning golf post of all phil mickelson lefty pops in unexpectedly during a live report request was director jason dumas. days is doing his thing. just sauntered in. sounds like jason was at a really great time out there in tucson are okay. he had too much fun. saturday night was pride night at the tank with the san jose sharks host in the new york islanders. one player on the team backup goalie james remy air. did not take part in the team or months because he chose not to wear the team's pride thing. pre-game jerseys
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premier is the second nhl player this season to refuse to take part warmups with a pride thing. jersey. statement from the sharks, twitter page. he says i'm choosing not to indoor something that is counter to my personal connections which are based on the bible, the highest authority in my life. i strongly believe that every person has value worth and the lgbtqia plus community like all other should be welcome in all aspects of the game of hockey in, quote. we'll be hockey in, quote. we'll be right back after the break. when a truck hit my son, hockey in, quote. we'll be righi had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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>> welcome back. it is 4.54. thanks for joining us on this monday. start also the start of spring today. first day of a brand new season. now we've been seeing some spring showers already this morning. just a few light sprinkles out there today for the most part is actually going to be a dry one, though, are tomorrow's the one to look out for when the heavy rain gets here? this is what you got outside so far this morning. the embarcadero right there. little glisten to it because we did see some overnight sprinkles. nothing too much to note this morning. and temperatures are actually fairly mild. upper 40's to low 50's for our current temps now at the coastline today. definitely keep the jackets on hand will stay in the low to mid 50's closer to the coast. clearing skies as the day goes on now for inland areas. we do have a couple of those morning
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sprinkles. as we've noted, a few passing clouds later on. but nor the most part, some mostly sunny to partly cloudy conditions and highs reaching into the upper 50's to low 60's. so a pretty pleasant day ahead. get ready tomorrow to get the rain jackets back out bringing. all right, john, thank you for that. well, crews in yosemite working to clear the roads as the national park continues to slowly reopen. it reopened saturday with very limited services after severe weather forced a 3 week closure. >> snow piled up nearly 40 inches in some areas that actually lead to more than 20 rock slides to re flows and other failures. there. all right. well, talking about the presidio. wow life. our bloom is here and bursting with color. the spring experts are anticipating a super bloom across all of california. all thanks to the consistent rainfall we received this year. super bowls are a rare phenomena. the last 2 super blooms in california blossom to fruition back in 2017, 2019, john, we've got to go
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over there and see while they're here and take some photos. the presidio is awesome. they haven't sold nursery there. it actually plans to species of flowers that only grow in the bay got to watch out for those on still could us. i would love to see that. >> all right. well, here in california, we are. we used to goats. you clear, not our vegetation, but at one connecticut farm, they have a different purpose. they're for cuddling. it's a coat cuddling. their appeal. >> the farm even has a cuddle instructor. farmers meant to be a place where you can unplug relax with a goat. john, i would love to cuddle with ago just keep him away from the wildflowers. but yeah, they look super good to me. >> all right. well, we got to switch gears coming up in the next hour. more violence unfolds on a muni bus in san francisco man injured in a shooting. the suspect still at large. we'll tell you what we know. was 2 people charged with.
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>> kidnapping baby brandon last year. they're facing sentencing today. we'll have the latest in a live report from the courthouse. and in a now viral video, a trans woman is verbally attacked at a san francisco restaurant all while patrons and restaurant employees just sit around and watch what she says to kron. 4 watch what she says to kron. 4 will be right back.
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i used to wait to run my dishwasher 'til it was super full. now, i dish differently. i run it daily. weekdays... weekends... sometimes after a big snack. you might think that's wasteful, but it's not. 'cause even half loads use 80% less water than handwashing. saving up to $130 a year on utilities. and with cascade platinum plus, you just... scrape. load. done. so next time you're waiting to run it, just run it. dare to dish differently.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at
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>> happy monday to you. thanks for watching. i'm darya and i'm james monday is here. we're all together again and we're kicking off the week on least for tomorrow. yeah, it's good to see everybody back here again at the desk and in the weather center job because you're going to have a lot of work to do this weekend more. here we go again. it back out yet another storm to impact us on into tomorrow morning, especially. >> today we've had a couple of sprinkles out there. so not completely dry day, but compared to where we're about to be tomorrow. that's so bad. your view outside right now at the embarcadero actually in the east bay hills showed you nice perspective, looking out over the bay, a few like clouds that are starting to clear out. so you might notice roadways a little bit wet, but nothing too terribly much. we do have showers moving to the south of us now. you can see a lot of that green across central california and then a little snow up in the sierra about it, too much of the rest of the day actually clears out really nicely. and we'll get a little bit of sunshine.


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