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tv   KRON 4 News at 430am  KRON  March 8, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PST

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rainfall is just going to scoot through pretty quickly. it is going to come along with quite the punch, though, right in the middle of your morning commute. >> this afternoon, we get a good dose of sunshine. so that's something to look forward to. then the atmospheric river arrives tomorrow friday and saturday. that's when you might be getting especially tired of the rainfall and really upping our flooding risk, especially for the sierra nevada this morning, we are seeing some cloudy conditions. rainfall pushing through. you see those heavier areas of rainfall centered up. a in southern at the county as well as portions of contra costa county. right now, a little bit of blue indicating snowfall up into northern sonoma and napa counties and up into lake county itself. good coverage of rain. so roadways getting wetter and wetter as the morning has progressed. just take it slow or if you're getting out there on the roads, but fully knowing that you've got lots of sunshine starting around 9 to 10:00am this morning. so just get through this morning and we'll get some better weather here shortly. 40's for most of our current temperatures, not the coldest mornings. it is a bit windy year, though. winds
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gusting into 20 to 30 miles per hour range. with some rain on the tarmac there making for some slick roads as well as a slick. take off, i suppose some 40's this morning by the afternoon. we're well into the 50's for your highs. enjoy it because we've got much wetter weather just around the corner right now. john, thank you for that, right with bridges this morning. but drive times still consistently the same. >> about 7 minutes traveling into the city right now. our san mateo bridge about 13 minutes traveling across towards peninsula. richmond center fell bridge 8 minutes there. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls around 30 minutes. francisco, saint to eri city policy will stay the same last night. city supervisors voted against one supervisors proposal they wanted to at fentanyl crimes to the list of reasons to arrest undocumented immigrants. kron 4 sarah stinson explains the debate has reaction from people who attended that meeting. >> san francisco supervisor
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matt dorsey made a proposal to the sanctuary city policy and that caused a lot of debate. he was proposing that police be allowed to target undocumented immigrants if they believe them to be linked to fentanyl crimes. a lot of people against that proposal said that it would threaten the overall sanctuary city policy. i oppose any attempts to weaken question. actually ordinance, you know, wherever we enter a restaurant whenever we enter a hotel. >> any kind of a lot of that work is done by undocumented immigrant workers. so please, please take into consideration and the right side of history. >> san francisco was among the first cities in the country to be dubbed a sanctuary city prohibiting local police from stopping or arresting people based on their national origin or immigration status. the city's policy does provide a list of crimes allowing prosecution, including carjackings, burglaries and
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shootings. supervisor matt dorsey wanted to add fentanyl crimes to that list saying it will make people safer. this is what he said at the last more. >> scapegoating immigrants for fentanyl feeling. then the 50 crimes that are already. exceptions. >> to sanctuary. but other supervisors and people against dorsey's proposal say adding an exception may threaten the overall sanctuary city policy, even if you think it's a tailored exception. >> are you going to trick or fear of the police? you're going to trigger fear of deportation, fear of broken families are being sent to countries where people's lives could be at risk. >> before supervisors voted, some people spoke in favor of dorsey's proposed exception. reasonable amendment is what supervisor dorsey has proposed. >> which is to add that no feeling has been exempt shun to our. >> our sanctuary say protections in the end. the vote nearly unanimous except
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for one no vote from dorsey. >> a proposal to legalize work was also on the agenda at tuesday's meeting. but supervisors decided to push that discussion until next week. i'm sara stinson reporting in the newsroom. back to you. >> meanwhile, san francisco mayor london breed is demanding that the city's board of supervisors approve or supplemental budget proposal of 27 million dollars to fund police overtime. the mayor says if the board does not approve the budget proposal, it's going to be impossible for the public to get needed. police officers to the community. >> i'm fighting for this city. now. we've got pushed me out of the city. i was born or racing now was going to stop me for standing up for what i believe in. >> the mayor also demanded supervisors approve a contract extension for urban alchemy, a program that put civilian ambassadors on the city streets. well, and another big story we're following the san francisco unified school district has voted to keep the
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next school calendar without reinstating the muslim eid holiday. the district voted last august to make eat a school holiday. but later revoked it after legal threats. the unanimous vote did not include any amendments to include aid as a school holiday, but instead to move spring break over to include days that we're going to include e at a rally on tuesday. the resource and organizing center said it's crucial to recognize and support thousands of muslim students at sf usd. as of right now, they either have to choose to forego time with their families on the community's most important holiday of the year or miss school together. >> what i've learned about the governance issues in san francisco, in process in general is that we engage in the democratic process, has been put in place that the school district let us know about. and and we definitely engage in every step of the way, including proving equity chirping purpose showing research around the impact on
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air and some students across the city showing minutes community support with thousands of letters and dozens of organizations, 100 organizations nationally have been supporting this i worry that. >> if we were to make heat is on holiday being the only explicitly religious holiday that would be on the calendar. that could present a lawsuit issue. >> and the board did not go into too much detail about concrete details and their decision only alluding to revisiting future conversations. >> if know, i agree we say energy. >> protesters demanding pga need to be held accountable for its deadly and expensive failures. andrew protesting in san ramon on tuesday outside of a pge sponsor conference. >> and every time there's a catastrophic fire and people die and there's a new settlement, need jacked up their rates. so basically i'm paying hundreds of extra dollars so that pg shareholders can still
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maintain a profit while pga need is killing people. every time kills people and has to pay for it, it's actually us who have to pay for it. >> released this statement following the protests saying in part the company has enhanced power line safety settings and they say it's all more than 65% reduction in reports of fires caused by their utilities in 2022. yeah. to u.s., governors who are possibly eyeing the white house in 2024, they're handling their annual state of the state addresses just a little differently this year. kron four's catherine heenan tells us how they plan to address their states this year. >> florida's republican governor ron desantis, a widely expected to run for president and california governor gavin newsom who may or may not run buddy certainly seems to be considering it. newsom is forgoing the usual state of the state address entirely in order to hold a series of news conferences around the state that's going to happen later this month when he will be touting his
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record and talking about new policies. newsom says that more impromptu speeches are in different places will be easier considering his dyslexia. others argue that just sounds like a series of campaign speeches. as for desantis. no question that he is also hoping for attention from a nationwide audience in his state of the state. today. he ran through his agenda, but he also focused on national issues promising to increase penalties for fentanyl dealers pushback on bail reform. get tough on china. frein in florida as a blueprint for america. >> we will stand strong. we will hold the line. we won't back down and i can promise you this. >> you ain't seen nothing yet. i think he's hitting all the notes that republicans want him to hit. his best pitch right now is saying look at my state, look how many people want to be here. make america
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florida. >> as for whether california voters want governor newsome to do a series of statewide appearances versus a traditional state of the state address. our political analyst michael yaki doesn't think they care very much. >> i don't think that's a bad idea. and the fact is most people aren't really listening to the state of the state all that much anymore. you're more likely get local media attention by sort of it that much more locally oriented press conference. i'm i'm issues that are important to the governor. so i don't think that's a bad idea. i mean, it's it's something that you, sir, thank you, tradition. but then you have to ask, you know, what is tradition? what good is really been lately? so, you know, more power to let's see how it works. >> photos of voters don't care much about a traditional state of the state. do they care? i asked michael about that. a recent poll. it shows that 7 in 10 californians do not want newsom to run for president
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again. yockey says not really. he argues that it is too soon to make a lot of that poll, pam. and can. >> all right. well, that was kron four's. catherine heenan reporting for us this morning. okay. let's talk about california grappling with how to respond to the homelessness crisis. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are calling for a lot more accountability for how state funds are spent to address the issue. assembly member was re. this is behind a proposal to require local governments who use state funds to publicly share what their goals actually are. homelessness. >> impacts all of our communities and our constituents want us to do something. and over the last few years, california have has invested on homelessness. but a lot of our constituents still see, you know, homeless encampments. they see, you know, not enough permanent housing being built. and so they want to know what is the state getting for the money that it's investing? well, as
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the proposal passes and local governments are not transparent are where the money is going. funds could be taken away. in the south bay. the city's sandals say they're trying to make it easier for people. >> track the city's progress in addressing their homeless crisis. so on tuesday that mayor matt mahan announcing the launch of a new dashboard on the city's website showcasing san jose's homelessness programs and funding. mahan says the goal is to improve transparency and understanding of how public money is being spent. that's what will be updated regularly. it's going to focus on outcomes such as the number of people the city is served, the specific resources they received and how many have stayed helps. >> i'll take you a curve or 2023. were innovation meets a gig, economy with everything from robots to new ways to deliver your food. i'm rich demuro. that's coming
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>> well, as people across the sierra and the foothills continue to dig themselves out of the recent snow storms officials are asking residents clear off their rooftops. they're trying to prevent cadence from happening, especially with more snow on the way. reporter zach below has that story. >> el dorado county, locals born and raised in this area say this. no, well, beautiful is extreme for this elevation. i've been here low whole life since i was 2 years old. this is probably it's almost the worst. i've seen it. and this level of snow is causing some
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new challenges for residents, their homes and even large buildings in the area. >> down at this elevation to see structural failure with the snow. this this is new to us and not something that's common at all. some roofs have already collapsed from all that built up snow and chief corderro says this isn't your light, fluffy dry snow. the snow has been a real heavy, wet snow. when you get a wet snow like we see water, you know, it's it's a pounds gallons. so. >> the weather, the snow, the heavier it is and it just e additional weight that's the input on the structures. >> el dorado county officials say buildings built after 1982. are designed to handle the heavy snow, but they say to watch out for those buildings built before that, fema officials say some signs of an overstressed roof or ceiling are sagging windows or doors, not opening cracks in the walls and leaks. a lot of the structures >> that we've had that have collapsed. the reports we're getting from folks, was it. they could hear this. you know, the building actually, you know, they described it
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moaning are cracking things that so abnormal sounds. and then if you see any type sagging, anything like that, that those are all warning signs that, you know, the building is really getting stress as more storms are predicted to hit. northern california officials are asking residents in eldorado county to prepare their homes. officials are saying if you can safely. >> put a ladder against the house, get up there with a shovel and get that snow off the roof and away from the house so that when it melts, it has somewhere to go. that will also help your roof from getting too heavy for dozier who's been out playing with this team. he says they prioritize roads and driveways. but lately they've been getting calls from roofs and when they're called on, they'll be ready if the snow comes back in. we'll just keep on falling. >> well, that was zach boetto reporting for us this morning. okay. we have to get a check of the weather because if you are going to go up there today, jon snow is certainly coming down the shore. >> lee is rain that we're looking at. snow still falling. pretty good there.
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the sea. it's a really paws and travel for a lot of people. we've got someone up there with of hazard lights on the a hopefully not stock but it is coming down. good. okay. so this guy's coming up here. i'm kind of curious, though it's going to happen. but you can see the situation is definitely less than ideal. 80 is open chain controls. definitely advised. and it looks like that guy there might just be taking a little bit of a breather. actually, i'll have to look at this and see them. what's about to happen? i'm very curious. yeah, everyone's kind of stop and right here. so that just reinforces the fact that getting up into the sierra is definitely not the easiest thing to do right now. you can see the heavy snow making its return up to those upper elevations, areas of heavy rainfall. also returning to the bay area. heavy rain right along i-80 right now from fairfield to vacaville as well as up in a salon or us contra costa county into solano county. definitely a lot of coverage. as far as this rain goes, a good soaking rain all across the bay. watch for some
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pools of water on the roadway as we are going to see continued rain over the next several hours. now, we're still in the midst of this colder air mass. but atmospheric river dragging it along with it. some warm tropical air that pushes on into the bay area. this moisture is what's going to cause that flooding risk because not only are we going to see several inches of rain here in the bay area, but that rain is going to follow increasingly high elevations in the sierra replacing areas that have been seeing nothing but snowfall. that's a lot of runoff and that flooding risk especially high in the sierra nevada come friday saturday and into sunday, especially so futurecast shows this morning's rain. this morning's rain does pack a punch, but a brief bunch moves through the bay area by 08:00am to 09:00am. it's pretty much solidly out of the region and we're going to look at sunshine the rest of the day this afternoon is certainly one to enjoy as much as you possibly can because come tomorrow, showers may be starting on the lighter side but we'll be dry gradually
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increasing in intensity throughout the course of the day on friday. by the time we reach tomorrow afternoon, it's cloudy. it's wet out there. heavy rainfall even yet into tomorrow night and friday itself. this continue ation of rain, a part of that atmospheric river that ups the flooding risk for us in the bay, but especially up in the sierra nevada rainfall amounts in the bay area as we work our way through the weekend. another 2 to 3 inches expected. you add on top of that, what we'll see next week as we continue to see this active pattern and over the course of the next week, we've got anywhere from 5 to even 8 inches of rainfall in the forecast for us. so a lot of rain here in the bay. the sierra nevada is also going to be packing up a lot of rainfall in those lower elevations. you had above 7,000 feet in elevation. and that's where you're seeing snowfall. but at lake level at tahoe, that does put temperatures above freezing. that's a mix of rain and snow. and that's going to undo a lot of the snow pack building that we have been doing. you had
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above that 7,000 feet, multiple feet of snow. and that's the winter storm warnings which are going back into effect tomorrow and lasting through sunday. so not the easiest of travel conditions up into the sierra. as for the bay area, we have our own issues. flood advisories, flood watches taking effect tomorrow through sunday across the entirety of the bay area as well as out of the central valley to so something to note as we move into the weekend by no means your best travel weekend better we can to stay at home. get some movies planned, maybe get some stuff or at done around the house. temperatures will rise as this atmospheric river arrives. you can see highs in the 60's for a lot of the bay as we move into the weekend today, bringing plenty of sun into the afternoon thursday, friday and saturday, not bringing much sun at all. still a lot of rain and that flooding potential rain. all right, john, thank you for that. slick conditions out there is a drive. slow bridge check right now. >> 8 minute ride into the city may so that fremont street exit our san mateo bridge about 13 minutes, a 80 to 101,
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richmond fell bridge tolls to 1, 0, 1, 7 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 22 minutes. well, new technologies are powering the gig economy. rich demuro has that in today's tech smart. take a look. >> the gig economy is made possible by technology, mostly apps for now. but in the future, robots and autonomous delivery vehicles. recently, i visited a daylong event called curve of or where the future of the gig economy is on display. innovation in the gig. economy is on display at an event called curb of or if you've ever walked to curb sound dined at a curb. the scene, a little delivery robot on a this is the conference for you. if you care about and about. >> apps that connect people with services, places and things in the process, create opportunity that type of freedom flexibility of being able to take a day off. take a week off. you don't you don't
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get that would allow w 2 santiago chronicles his gig economy journey on you to. i think it's still a really good way to make money. if you're willing to adapt and change because these apps are changing every day, something new. there's plenty of tech trying to solve last mile delivery. everything from tiny robots to autonomous vehicles and scooters like do. this vehicle is a self stabilizing. electric scooter gives you 100 miles range of 45 miles an this basically allows you to take some of those 5 mile trips with something other than 5 passenger car on a motto is in machine on wheels inspired by the auto mats of the 1950's, everything is electric solar, powered with energy storage liquid death. from it. no death involved. just hydrate. just uber making a bigger push into grocery delivery. there's view that only do groceries and they they really prefer that side today and they're not a few overs. they know what people in their car. and if you've ever gotten a cupcake delivered. thank candace nelson of sprinkles fame. i
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look at the food business to the lens of innovation. always speaking of innovation. how about pizza? making robot in the back of a truck? now that's stellar pizza party. sachs engineers have very, amazing job. designing all the super reliable robotics. now it's time for us to start selling in and really seeing if people want to eat rb to i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart.
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>> welcome back. it is 4.56 on this at a think about that for a second. hopefully you get to the week. just fine. we're halfway through it and things are about to switch up as we reach the end of the week ahead of us. right now, we're in the 40's out there. it's been a fairly mild morning thus far. sonoma and nevada wet. 45 oakland at 46 in san francisco, especially mild at forty-seven degrees. now, as far as we go with the weather, we are starting the day with some rainfall. but today actually does clear out really nice. and it's the only day that the rain moves out and we'll get some afternoon sunshine. so capitalize on this afternoon. the next few days. the rain just sticks around this morning. it's a line of showers that although heavy at times does move through rather quickly as of right now, some of our heaviest of rain falls along. i-80 in solano county as well as moving right up into the
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east bay hills, richmond, down to berkley, also coming down. pretty good watch for some wet spots on roads. definitely take it slower rate thank you for that. still to come in the next hour, a district dealing with demands for increased school security one week. >> after meeting with staff to death were going here from students who spoke up at that meeting. and we're taking a look at the rain across the bay area. you're looking at stormtracker 4, john, just talk about the chance of rain that we're seeing over the next few days. well, enjoy it while you can. we'll be right back after the break. another river is on the way. tell you how people in the bay area of prepping for possible flood. we'll be right back to low we'll be right back to low anywhere.
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news far. >> well, hello there. thanks for tuning in. brighton, early dark and early. whatever you want i'm and i'm james dark and wet and early too. had some showers on the way in. i'm sure everybody going to see that this morning. yeah. and more so in the next couple of days to john has the news. good morning. yet we may be talking rain this morning, but you're exactly right. it's the next couple of days where things get


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