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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  March 6, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at all. >> tonight at 5 students in santa rosa skipping out on classes to demand safer schools is changes in charges are announced against the teenage suspect accused of stabbing and killing one of his peers in the classroom. that was last week. thanks for joining us tonight on kron, 4 news at 5 from grant lotus vicki liviakis students and teachers. >> return to montgomery high school in santa rosa today.
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less than one week after a fight in an art class turned deadly. 2 students were stabbed. one of those students died and we learned today the 15 year-old suspect is now facing manslaughter charges as the school increases. security students are calling out high school leaders for how they handled the incident prep for rays he you reports. >> students here at montgomery high school in santa rosa staged a walkout, demanding more safety and security for themselves and justice for classmate. jaden, beyond that. >> it was 11, 15 monday morning when students begin leaving class and filling the quad area outside of school for we don't want change. we need change rally. parents were also in attendance wearing justice for jayden t-shirts. last wednesday, 16 year-old jayden pn to was stabbed to death by a classmate during the fight on campus. another student was also wounded during the
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incident. santa rosa police arrested a 15 year-old fellow student as the alleged stabbing suspect in the case previous alleged incidents involving the same student prompted parents to alert school staff about their concerns. however, the students here at the rally say montgomery high did not do enough to protect jayden pierre to be a candidate is the 3rd fight with another could have been. >> it was not to come by. >> we face as parent are calling on the school administration to make sure they're doing everything possible to prevent something like this from happening to other students. it's very important when i go to work every morning, i feel like and dropping off my kids and they're going to be safe for 7 hours. and last week that wasn't the case. and it's really a frightening. >> feeling as a parent on monday, the sonoma county district attorney's office filed a petition against the 15 year-old suspect for felony involuntary manslaughter. among other charges, current law precludes the teenager from maine charged as an adult in the state of california.
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>> now officials here at montgomery high school say that students have the right to protest. >> and officials also made staff available to make sure that the students exercise this right safely. >> at one point, students and their families kneeled down for a moment of silence in memory of jayden pierre in santa rosa. has it made kron 4 >> developing news now on the north bay. a tae kwon do instructor in sausalito has been arrested and charged for sexually assaulting one of his 10 year-old students. and police say that there could be more victims talking about. 35 year-old joshua boys here. >> he was taken into custody yesterday after police say he admitted to the charges against him. kron four's rob nesbitt tells us what led up to the arrest. sausalito police say the 10 year-old victim came forward friday saying that during her taekwondo classes here at the sausalito rec center, it was her instructor who was having inappropriate relationships
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with students. >> according to police, it was during wednesday's tae kwon do class at the sausalito rec center. that instructor joshua boys sexually assaulted a 10 year-old female student. the girl reported the assault to police 2 days later during an interview she disclosed additional related the crimes to be mister for the 35 year-old martial arts instructor now sits at the marion county jail. >> charged with having lewd acts with a minor and oral copulation with a minor. >> sergeant brian mathur says assault allegations are always taken seriously, especially when it's a child. you have structured its self-defense and you have somebody you trust with the children. >> there's you know. and it's always disturbing. boys worked as a private contractor that was hired by the city of sausalito to teach taekwondo at the facility. >> i reached out to the city manager for comment but have not heard back. police are concerned that there might be
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more young victims and are urging families to come forward if they believe their child had inappropriate contact with boys, make sure that people are with this team than this. boys. first court date is scheduled for tuesday at 09:00am reporting in sausalito. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> the man charged for firing blank rounds here at a synagogue. you see him on the video in san francisco is in court for a preliminary hearing today. the d a >> says 51 year-old dimitri mission went into the sheriffs in center last month in san francisco and pulled out that gun and started shooting the blank rounds. mission faces 2 felony charges now related to making threats that obstruct the exercise of religion and 6 misdemeanors related to pulling out a fake gun and a chip disturbing a religious meeting. the da's office also requested a gun restraining order against him. if approved mission could be banned from
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having or buying guns. the preliminary hearing is scheduled to wrap up tomorrow. police are looking for a suspect involved in a shooting in san jose. it happened in the parking lot of the popular top golf. >> on saturday, police say that a woman was shot at least once before being taken to the hospital for a non life-threatening injury. they say that the gunman ran off anyone with information is being asked to call police. and in the east bay, the california highway patrol investigating a freeway shooting happened in oakland just after 11, 30 yesterday morning along 8.80, southbound direction. just north, a 5th street. deputies say 2 adults and a child. we're victims in that shooting. they were not injured, though. the chp thinks that the incident was probably the result of road rage. they say the victims described the suspect as 2 men who were in a white nissan sedan with paper plates. officers have not found those suspects yet. a popular hiking
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trail in the south bay is closed tonight after a tree fell on a woman and killed her terrible. the victim has been identified as 44 year-old. >> you know, all of san jose, it happened yesterday morning on the stephen first rail. that's in cupertino at the rancho san antonio county park. crews responded to calls of a fallen tree that landed on the woman who is with the group hiking officials have confirms that all was a parent on a boy scout excursion when the tree fell. park officials say. fallen trees on this trail are rare. >> have the foot hills area. it's not so has it been that big of an issue which is where we are now? it's a tragedy. it's super rare. >> you know, we do have card commence in art, actually casing for people hiking on the trail system here. trees falling. yeah. that's super super rare. >> rangers sad that the tree may have fallen due to the
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saturated soil with all the rain, no additional injuries were reported. speaking of that rain, weird weather day. another one here as we take a live look at the golden gate bridge periods of heavy rain and then sunshine, maybe mixing a little hail rainbow or 2. >> and people are they've had enough they've had up to here, boy, they're going to get for mother nature has something else to say. it looks like we've got a long way to go. we've been talking about some of the forecast models. >> pointing to a very wet march. well, that may all come to pass. we have to wait and see on that. still scattered showers around the bay area right now. mostly just some pop-up showers outside. so not just a wide swath of rain moving across the entire bay area, but more that on the way overnight tonight and tomorrow morning, probably to see a few more scattered showers, maybe even wednesday as well. temperatures outside running well below the average of packed snow levels down to 2500 feet locally. we've got
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write out their side right now in the 50's around the bay area. that is about it. but all this cold air continues to swirl in the bay area, even while to really organize front, you can see a lot of moisture moving through a couple of bands start organizing the back sides. the white clouds out there. that system is going to come through a little bit later. but right now you see the scattered showers just kind of popping up throughout the day, have some sunshine and some beautiful weather. and all of a sudden when the thunderstorms come wandering by all of a sudden you're by a lot of rain on top of your home. more scattered showers out there right now. some heavier cells moving through right across the mid part of the bay. you can see some of the cells moving on in right now in some of those areas in yellow there, some heavier amounts of rainfall moving through. probably some thunderstorms rolling on by to go along with that that continuing the east bay as well. you see just to the east of oakland now right up to the oakland hills, starting to see some of those pockets, some heavy amounts of rainfall toward or render right now. more that on the way. in fact, boy, it's going to be really interesting. coming up here, we've got the potential for return of some atmospheric
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river events that could be very dangerous, especially at this time of year. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. >> thanks. alerts in the east bay community activists and families of homicide victims met in oakland to demand mayor sheng tao reinstate former police chief leronne armstrong. yeah. they addressed armstrong's firing saturday at the lighthouse community school on hegenberger road. >> many of the supporters there from families he has developed relationships with over the years as he climbed the ranks of the police department. this group also voicing frustrations with mayor tao who they say has ignored their requests to meet in person to discuss the former chief's dismissal was handled supporters of armstrong say that the city needs his leadership. this mayor has defined his character. again. how do you go from sergeant to lieutenant to deputy chief? >> to chief of police and you're character has been
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tainted. we need him right now. that man was at crime support victims, families. this step because he's family. >> armstrong was fired without cause following the federal monitors investigation into the former chief's handling of to police misconduct investigations. he is appealing that decision by mayor sheng tao to terminate him. we reached out to the mayor's office for comment and so far have not heard back. >> fresh powder continues to fall in the foothills and in the sierra. we'll have a live report coming up on how communities some of them are still in the dark dealing now with the latest big storm. >> and the dog gone is now dog back home after its owner's car was going with the canine. still in where the search now stands for the party. >> and governor newsom says he's not playing why he's taking aim at walgreens.
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>> story tonight, governor newsom says that the state is cutting ties with walgreens. yeah. know where the move comes after the pharmacy said it would not ship or sell abortion pills to 20 conservative states that it threatened the company with lawsuits. kron four's dan kerman has more. on the heels of walgreen's decision not to sell an abortion pill by mail. >> in 20 conservative states that threatened the company with lawsuits. if they did so. california governor gavin newsom says california is cutting ties with walgreens.
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in a tweet the governor said california won't be doing business with walgreens or any company that powers to the extreme miss and puts women's lives at risk. we're done. and while said they won't ship the drug to those states, walgreens is in the process of getting fda certification, allowing the company to dispense the drug were ever. it is legal. while greens is basically trying to hedge their bets here. so it doesn't want to take any steps right now that if things could potentially put them in legal jeopardy. >> but then it's also saying we want to go through a certification process and where we're absolutely sure belt and suspenders that it is legal to provide abortion pills, then we will do jessica levinson teaches constitutional law at loyola law school. she says the remains unresolved questions about whether federal law supersedes state law speaking. there are a lot of life issues concerning what controls a
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federal policy that says pharmacies. >> you can become certified and you can provide abortion pills, 4 states that say we ban abortion in the state, including abortion pills and mailing abortion comes. that is a real conflict between federal and state law while green to saying we want to stay out of the conflict. ultimately, legal experts say the conflict will be resolved in the courts, possibly by the same supreme court that overturned roe versus wade. we reached out to the governor's office to find out just how much business california does with walgreens and what it would cost. walgreens if the state backed away. >> we're still waiting for those answers are also waiting for a response from cvs pharmacy about what their planes are in relations to those states and the abortion pill. in san francisco. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> as more snow keeps falling, people across the sierra parts of the foothills, some of them are still in the dark, dealing with the aftermath of
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snowstorms from the past. we still trying to dig out car for >> correspondent karma dickerson live for us up in nevada county. he karma. how's it going? it's not snowing, at least for the moment right there. it's actually pretty right? it's pretty clear right now for the moment. so we're doing okay. but really the conditions have been changing so much since we've been out here. we've gotten some hill like conditions. we've got snow. we've got that weather grapple. all of the things we've seen just in the time that we've been out here today. and that's one of the things that's proving challenging for pg crews. they really don't know what they're going to be dealing with as they're out there trying to restore power. meanwhile, thousands of people still in the dark and we're talking about more than a week in some cases. >> well, they said 2 days be back in 2 days. >> 7 days later, thousands in nevada county are still without power, including sharon who says she tried to be patient. we heard and no one for like 5 days.
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>> but finally made her first complaint called the pg monday morning. >> the gao was very nice. i wasn't nice. >> because time is running out. i think we have maybe a 15 to 20% left. >> many people who live in the foot hills are prepared for some level of extreme weather. for example, the pierce family, they have generator. they have propane, but those are short-term fixes. and as we're now on day 7 of no power there, fuel is running low now they did think ahead they parked their car in a way that they're able to go get more gas for the generator. however, the propane has to be delivered. this driveway and they say the truck simply can't make it. so they fear they're on their last of their propane the last day of heat. >> and without the propane unit, yes. so this needs to get fixed today yet. >> pierce's shortly after calling pg a crew showed up and started working yards from her home. they talked us through the challenges they
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face with restoring power to the pierce is about 6500. other customers still in the dark. >> to restore power, we first need to reach the area and assess the damage. the genie said they found more than 1000 points of damage to their equipment in the nevada county area and have a shortage of the heavy equipment necessary to access the areas to fix it. then crews go out and make those repairs. and in both cases, snow is deep. roads are often blocked by snow. when we spoke to piers, she was optimistic because she could see a crew working just outside of her home. if i didn't see him, yes, i would be very wary. >> it's just warning about. the propane. so hopefully today. >> and it actually turned out that it will not, in fact, be today. by the time we got off the pier says property and check back in with pg new just at the end of her driveway. they were also leaving and they basically said that there was so much damage back into the mountains that they really
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cannot get in there. they did not have the heavy equipment they need on hand right than to do that work. and they said that they do not believe she's going to power restored today. they're not sure about tomorrow. overall pg e is trying to restore the power of all of the customers in the nevada county area by wednesday. but in terms of who's going to power restored on which day, it's still unclear at this point reporting from nevada county. i'm karma dickerson. kron, 4 karma, all the services that we we take for granted >> why they really matter. thank you for checking in on those and state stay dry. >> so target nevada county, huge area. yeah. the grass valley and of course soda springs truckee. i mean, yeah. those folks in the cold to right. that's been the thing. snow levels been going really low. 2500 to 1000 feet in the foothills. i mean, so i mean, all that area just been vast. now we may see some atmospheric river events raising that snow level up to 8,000 feet. and we've got a whole different story getting into the latter part of this
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weekend next weekend. so that could get real messy. but out there tonight, boy, it's a rough go on the roads, the eastbound, the closed down. some the roads here i-80. you can see the boy, the signs they're just starting to get covered up and all that snow out there and we've got more on the way the snow falling up there right now. we've got more snow showers continuing tonight. it's going to be on and off to the next few days. in fact, we could have 2 more feet of snow across some of the higher peaks. a winter storm warnings remain in effect until wednesday morning at 10:00am. and then everything is going to change after that. that's when we start to talk about those atmospheric storms, those much warmer storms coming out. the tropics that could cause a severe snow melt and the possibility of some flooding. here's the heavy snow, though, over the next few days across the peaks of snow levels still running low down to about 2500 feet or so even lower than that in spots, maybe one to 3 feet of snow above. 2500 feet still can 10 inches at 2000 feet. and then as we get the high country, well, you can expect some a major delays, i think, through this period and occasionally some whiteout
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conditions with some strong, heavy snowstorms and the possibility some gusty winds to go along with that over the next few days. you can see those cold temperatures as we get through tuesday and wednesday. then on thursday, you'll notice all of a sudden that temperature starts to rise. and that's a sign of a much different air mass coming in. you see here as we head through the night tonight, more showers continuing into wednesday. then we get into thursday and there you go. if this holds true, we've got an atmospheric river event coming the possibility of major flooding in california. >> all right, lauren, still ahead, another recall from tesla details on the model. the company says not safe for passengers and how to get it fixed. >> plus, the department of transportation is trying to make sure families can sit together on flights for free. the new tool now available to parents who want to fly with parents who want to fly with the kits.
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♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255 to ask for medication to treat covid-19. >> if families want to fly together without paying all those extra seating costs will now they have a a new tool to help them out. the department of transportation just rolled out a new dashboard that allows travelers to find free family seeding. hannah brandt explains how they hope this effort will make a difference. >> surprisingly, parents lined with children aren't always guaranteed seats next to them. this is ridiculous. it's absurd. aviation expert bill mcgee says he knows of situations where kids as young as one were assigned seats away from their parents. now, the department of transportation is pressuring airlines to let families sit together for free. so far 3 airlines have agreed to do it.
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>> alaska, frontier and american. we're calling on all airlines to do that. on monday, the department ruled out a dashboard to clearly show travelers which airlines guarantee free family seating. one of the ways we found we can get the best results from airlines is just through transparency. we certainly want to give credit to the department of transportation for taking action on this. but we also want to make it very clear that this will not be enough advocates point out the guarantees from airlines aren't necessarily permanent butter, just changes they made to their customer service policies may could be amended on an hour's notice. so it's sort of written sand when he wants to see both federal legislation and regulations from the transportation department requiring free family secretary buttigieg says his department is working on those regulations. my message to the airlines is don't wait for our regulations to be complete to just do the right thing to do it. now. right now, mcgee advises families to be vigilant about securing seats together. the onus for now until we get
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these regulations in place is on the passengers and secretary buttigieg promises. we're going to keep pushing to make the passenger experience better. and in washington, i'm hannah brandt. >> next up, prices going up, the costco, not necessarily for the items you buy, but for that annual membership. the timeframe for that price plus, we're learning that the oakland ransomware attack, it's actually getting worse. now what's being released to the public? >> that's supposed to be private. >> and a bunch of americans have been shot and kidnaps right after driving into mexico with the feds think may have happened in the travel warning tonight for americans.
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developing news tonight at 5.30, the fbi is reporting 4 americans have been kidnapped in mexico in. >> what may have been a case they say of mistaken identity federal officials say that the americans had just driven into northeastern mexico. >> from texas when they came under fire from unidentified gunman. the attackers then forced the victims into another vehicle and drove away. the victims were driving a white minivan with north carolina plates. according to a u.s. official, they may have been targeted by mistake and we're not the intended victims. the fbi $50,000 reward for their safe return. >> this all happened in city called mauro cyst over the border near


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