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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  March 1, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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>> from the bay local news station. we now with breaking news. >> that breaking news tonight is in santa rosa where a 16 year-old student has died after being stabbed by another student at montgomery high school. good evening, everybody. thanks for being with us tonight on kron, 4 news at 5, i'm grant lotus vicki liviakis. well, police are investigating the search for the weapon continues tonight. police say the student used a 4 inch knife.
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>> it happened about 11 o'clock this morning at montgomery high school. police say it started with an altercation. the teachers tried to break up the incident. clearly upsetting to some students. one of them spoke directly to officers about what they saw. >> kind of call 9-1-1, right? nobody else. yes. we it. >> you think? >> now, students, the whole community, they're understandably shaken, upset after what they heard about or actually saw what happened in only imagine to get the latest now on the investigation. >> let's go ahead and go live to the scene where current first theresa stasi, you is standing by for how is the school handling this what? well they can grab. there's a lot of anxiety here. parents and >> students tell me that they are very, very >> shaken up about what happened that they are uncertain about going back to school. now, classes have been
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canceled for the day here at montgomery high school as police are trying to figure out what happened. this is what we know right now. this is video students leaving campus after police and emergency crews arrived responding to 9-1-1. calls at a news conference in santa rosa. police chief says that the stabbing happened in an art class. 2 male students, both juniors entered the class and started fighting with the freshman. the freshman then pulled a knife and stabbed one person 3 times. the other person once the freshman with a knife then fled campus. although both students were rushed to the hospital, the injuries were sadly to substantial for one of the victims. >> our medical staff arrived here on the scene and quickly started treating the students and they were transported to a local hospital. unfortunately, one of the students who is a 16 year-old male and a juvenile. here are a junior here at the monte campus passed away at that hospital.
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>> this is truly a sad day. the tragedy that happened here today is heartbreaking. our thoughts are with the students involved their families, friends, classmates and staff of montgomery high school. right now our focus is on meeting the immediate physical and emotional needs of our students and staff. >> reporting live on it's 7. >> now the freshman student who police say stabbed both victims was later found hiding near church in the area. he's been taken into custody. there are no names that have been released. all 3 of these people are minors. the police chief says that there were 31 students, including a teacher in the classroom. they are talking to everyone involved. they're also prowling surveillance video cameras that are all around the school to try and see if that they captured. what exactly
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happened again, we have been talking to parents and students. they tell us that there has been some altercations between these 3 in the past and they're just trying to figure out exactly what happened. they're also really trying to figure out how to prevent something like this happening again, we're supposed to find out at 6 o'clock today. weather classes are going to happen again tomorrow, but we will let you know, we were continue to stay on top of this reporting live here in santa rosa and theresa stasi. back to you guys. yeah, theresa, before we let you go, i we understand that the teachers tried to break up the altercation. they were successful. what happened? >> well, i mean, there's one teacher, right, vick inside the classroom. there are. >> 30 students. and so i you know, i can't imagine what it would be like to be that one teacher trying to break up 3 male students. so and especially if there's a weapon involved. so as you can
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imagine, it was a very chaotic situation and just overpowering for that one teacher. i mean, i would imagine it's very lucky that that teacher was not stabbed as well as that teachers stepped in to try and stop what sadly took place. >> theresa does that school of metal detectors or an officer on campus all the time. >> good so there are many questions to the police chief about whether there was a resource officer here, which is basically a police officer states here on campus back in 2020, the school district decided to not have any resource officers here on campus. so there was no police presence here on campus. now, some of the students that we spoke with said that it is time for those resource officers to come back on campus. there are no metal detectors. i asked if there was anything in place to check and see if anybody has weapons when they come to campus. but the superintendent said that
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there is no such thing. there's no metal detectors here. she said that they're going to be going over their protocols and talking to students. but as it stands now, it's just an open campus. anybody can walk in with anything on their person. grant. well. >> well, that may change the future. all right. thank you, theresa theresa stasi, reporting live for us from santa rosa. >> meanwhile, some parents and students there in santa rosa are now demanding more action be taken to try to keep these kids safe, as they say is to saluda to. they have seen more and more fights happening on campus. >> i don't usually feel unsafe, but now that it's like a very surreal moment. and just feel like there's always been like a lot of fights worse than last year. and it's like, oh, well, you know what? if something happens to me or one of my friends, i worry about my children every day. there they safe stepping out of the house. >> i never really felt unsafe here. it's been a lot fights going on. progressive leave. and since my daughter went here 4 years ago, things that
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have been in the last outside but never. has something of this magnitude happens. >> and stay with kron four's. we continue to follow this tragic news for the very latest details on air as soon as new information comes into our newsroom. also post updates online at kron 4 dot com. a developing story now. murder charges have been filed in connection to the mass shooting that happened outside an oakland gas station. it was in late big group was filming a music video and all the sudden people started shooting at them. 18 year-old mario navarro was shot and killed. 7 other people were hurt. according to oakland police. 21 year-old bryan crews of sen leandro was arrested in connection to navarro is death. he's being held without bail at the santa rita jail and is expected to enter a plea next month. >> the man accused of beheading his ex-girlfriend with a sword appeared in san mateo county in the courtroom
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today. jose landeta is charged with murdering his ex-girlfriend. 27 year-old karina castro. it happened in september in front of castro's home in san carlos. according to prosecutors, lend a to attack castro with a samurai sword after an argument today, the court decided the case will move forward to trial to has pleaded not guilty to murder. and during today's hearing, his defense attorneys implied that he may have acted in self-defense. his next court appearance is set for march 23rd. disgraced theranos ceo elizabeth holmes is continuing her fight to stay out of prison in her latest effort. she argues that her prison sentence should be delayed because she just had a baby that is according to recently filed court headed for hearing next month. kron four's justin campbell spoke to legal experts about. >> what type of message this might send to the public. >> elizabeth holmes has given birth to her second baby, but lawyers didn't say when in
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last week's court filings in an effort to keep her out of starting 11 year prison sentence, the u.s. attorney's office patients is growing very thin with elizabeth holmes. attorney steve clarke says prosecutors want to show there is not 2 justice systems. message is going to be set here that. >> if you are convicted, you start your time. just like everybody i think they want to boost send a message to ms holmes into the community at large that the justice system is working fairly for everyone. but attorney paula canny says homeschool was convicted on 4 felonies may have a chance of staying out of prison. i probably. >> would grant her. >> bail on because it's a nonviolent felony. but can he does acknowledge if it was anyone else? they probably would have been in prison by now, which is what prosecutors are trying to achieve. nothing about this.
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>> is ordinary reporting in san jose. justin campell kron. 4 news. >> my weather time now as we take a live look outside. there's downtown san francisco and there's the sun. >> what a stunning day cropper is. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow taking a little bit of a breather here for how long is the question? yeah, let's let's enjoy it while we have it. it's not going to last forever. here we've got storms already on the horizon that we're looking at right now. but so nice to see that sunshine today. finally catching a break from all the stormy weather. and how about that beautiful sunshine all around the bay area now and looking good as we head into a very cold night, a freezing night around the bay area. clear skies looking toward the golden gate bridge as well and looks like it's going to stay that way all night long. and that's why it could lead to some cold temperatures. most of california getting a chance to dry out the white that you see on the mountains there. that's not clouds. that is snow covering the sierra nevada and much of the shasta areas. well, even into southern california, a lot of snow on the mountain tops there, too.
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but we are finally catching a break from all the stormy weather. and of course, we've had our snow in our mountains as well. looks like that could make a return. i think, especially in the latter half of the weekend, maybe more maybe more local snow on mountain tops too. and the temperatures, boy, it's going to be cold out there tonight. numbers not too bad. just yet. 40's and 50's around most of the bay area. frost and freeze warnings going up. we'll talk about that and also couple records tied today. more on that coming up in a few minutes. thanks for its all bay area, car owners with catalytic converters are welcome to stop by. >> a free what they call and catch event. that is tomorrow in livermore novel title of the las piscinas college automotive department is teaming up with police to make. >> the device is easier to track their stolen kron four's philippe to reports. governor gavin newsom signed a bill last year requiring catalytic converter recyclers to keep detailed records and only allows for used catalytic converters to be sold by
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authorized parties. yet thieves are still ripping them off. >> the exhaust emission control devices are not serialized. so one way to make them easier to track is to have right. here is a typical catalytic converter off of a vehicle. >> here you'll notice we've got the livermore police department badge spray painted on with high heat resistant pain and then we engraved the license plate number of the vehicle on the catalan cover. so it can be identified. brian had both thevend is a professor right on a motive and a program coordinator at the college. his students will perform the similar to the first event held in november when 150 driver showed up on thursday from 8 in the morning until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. >> drivers can show up to the automotive department on loop road behind building 800 and have a student drive their car onto a lift and ex their catalytic converter. we constantly get the honda accords in the prius is in the livermore. police department is co-sponsoring the event and
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10 says for other departments if they do come across the is. >> having been stolen off of the vehicle to be able to contact all of my police department and that way, there's some sort of ownership in tracking mecca, method to >> the kind of murder itself. governor newsom has stated studies show catalytic converter increased by 10 times since 2018. >> in livermore, philippe djegal all kron 4 days. >> what a great program and what a great beard. coming up kron. 4 news at 5. the dubs optimistic about the timetable for seth curry's return when the team hopes to have their superstar point guard back on the court. >> plus, fury during a rally against san francisco. brooke jenkins, why she's being accused of not doing her job. >> and then following record snowfall, one of the most popular national parks is closed indefinitely. after the break, we'll speak live with somebody who works yosemite about how soon that park might reopen. well,
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hey, take a look. these photos, an avalanche hit a 3 story apartment building in olympic valley. >> happened about 7 o'clock last night. the bottom 2 floors of the building were engulfed by the avalanche of the placer county sheriff's office was one of the agencies to respond. they say the avalanche was 200 yards wide. 25 feet deep. all of the residents of the apartment building. they are an injured. they got evacuated. tahoe
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nordic search and rescue crews assisted with those evacuation effort and they use their canines to search for any other possible victims right now. everybody, though, is accounted for. deputies say several surrounding streets were evacuated because of the risk for more avalanches. an evacuation center is open at the community recreation center. entre key way in truckee scare. >> and meanwhile, yosemite national park is closed until further notice after yes, record snowfall. beautiful pictures. look at that. almost up to the roofs. park officials say they've recorded up to 15 feet of snow in some places. the park first closed saturday was expected to reopen today. but the closure has now been extended indefinitely because of all that snow. >> well, we want he 70 national park officials. scott gediman. he joins us now on the phone. hi ranger scott. you know, not a good time to take that drive to be a 70
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>> not that or tomorrow how long you expect to be closed to the public. >> well, it just depends on the weather in a region that that we're doing it. and with that huge amount of snow or working on clearing roads, getting power rested. clinton most from tops of buildings they're still out of work to be done and we're doing it safely, of course. and we work open as soon as we can. >> i love you worked at that park and have you seen anything like this? >> i have been a national park ranger for over 30 years. palin. 27 of those have been here in yosemite all of our years here. i've never seen this much snow. well, back in 2011 among rangers, we call that snowmageddon. and now we're kind of talking each other saying what we call this. this is far the biggest amount of snow and and all of my time here, you know, we're showing a whole bunch of pictures there and the snow is right up to the right now.
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we've got a live shot. actually, it's quite beautiful. >> those previous shots showed pretty much like if you're in that building, maybe your getting out. are you able to get out? >> i was able to get out and it just depends. it's been so interesting with this storm because, you know, we saw some of those photos germany valley, crane flat harsh in with people that literally have to themselves out of their houses and show everybody is doing well. and the best part about this whole incident, no one's been hurt. there's no accidents. so clearly a lot of people that are cold and don't have power, but people are safe and that's most important thing. >> i imagine you and your colleagues lived there. what is the day today like these days? >> well, the last few days have just been on a road crew getting out there and up and clearing the trying to get our custodial crew up and just basically trying to get everything ready for visitors
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to have visitors in the park your money like all our national parks belong to the american people. but at this time, we're all just 100% of our time on just just getting things ready. clearing snow, making sure powers on clearing things like grange, wastewater treatment plants, all of those kind of things that we really need up and operational before we're able to welcome visitors back, right? what i like all of us, we're at the whim of the weather right now. we were looking at some live shots there with a little patch of blue skies. so >> we wish you well ranger scott. >> that's got to before you go and i we will hold you to it. but what what's your best guess of when you'll be able to open to visitors? >> o i i don't it will be a little while. we'll see a little surprised? people surprised, people. all right. meantime, just a warm, good
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reality show. range or scott is going that is just amazing. this is a live look up in the high country. interstate 80 at king veil where they finally have the roadway cleared eastbound 80. in fact, just reopened. folks trying to get over the hump there. and that was only about an hour ago. i mean, passenger vehicles trying to get up the mountain eastbound on 80 have been stopped for a little many hours of yesterday. it closed yesterday at some point. i mean, it's been a great night, but, you know, looking lawrence at live shots with a beautiful blue skies, it would be tempting the head on. >> out. yeah. i mean, just a lot of folks want to get up there. they tried to get up there during the snowstorms. now. >> for the roads just opening up things going to be very icy there tonight. incredibly cold weather has made its way not only through the bay area across much of the state, the sierra, nevada. they're just seen a ton of snow up there. and how about this? this is castle peak. this is the look. now you can see i-80 there you
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see all the snow over there. you see even the signs getting covered up by a lot of the snow. now, occasionally you'll see some cars going by. still some gusty winds across the high country in the see some of that snow low by as well. but now we're looking at things drying out in the high country. they're catching a little bit of a break in the chance to try and dig out from the snow. the problem is, though, to the temperatures are saying so cold, the snow is not melting. in fact, you get in and around lake tahoe. they've had a ton of snow and now you're looking 21 degrees right now in south lake 17, an incline 23 in truckee. that snow is going nowhere anytime fast. and that means a lot of folks just kind of piling up on the side of the roads. and that's why you're seeing some incredible pictures with people just driving through what looks like mountains of snow. temperatures by tomorrow afternoon. yeah, we're look at the numbers. partly cloudy skies should warm up a little bit in the 40's overnight lows tonight, though, all the way down into the teens in the high country. more snow expected this weekend. all right, lauren, still cdc
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issuing a warning now about a drug resistance stomach bug. >> pretty nasty bug. how to keep yourself safe from shigella after the break. for
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your health tonight, a warning from the cdc. the agency is nitori the spread nasty bacteria called shigella. it's causing gastro intestinal infection should gala. the problem is become resistant to
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common antibiotics aron four's. rob nesbitt spoke with about the drug resistant infections and who is becoming sick. >> shigella infections are not new in our most common among young children. but the cdc says last year about 5% of inections were strong enough to resist treatment. doctor peter chin. hong from ucsf says the concernat the resistance will continue to trend upward people taki care of in videos with shll >>have to realize some of the treatments that we take for granted will work. the symptoms of shigella includ diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps. doctor chin-hong says about 40% of people who get it have to be hospitalized, but that most get better on their own. >> the cdc has seen an increase of spread among and bisexual men as well as others ms less people >> immune compromised individuals and international travelers. doctor chin-hong understands the frustrations of these groups after going through the covid pandemic, an increase of m-pox infections
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last summer and now she gala. he says it's important for anyone with symptoms to contact their doctor and get tested early. it should i clinicians now know that if the individual is sick enough to be treated, that we may need to work with the cdc and and bring out some all 10 there by the won, said to be commonly use, according to the cdc, should dell is usually spread when infected fecal matter, enters the nose or mouth. it's why the simplest way to prevent infection is to practice in the hygiene habits that will preach during the pandemic washing hands has made a comeback. and i think should go as one of these places where it can also be helpful in san francisco. rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. up next. kerry >> was almost ready to cook again. promising update. we just got on the for your superstars injured knee. >> plus, the city of oakland still hampered by a recent ransomware attack. what it means for tax season and when things might be back to normal and an unarmed man killed by a san francisco police officer.
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>> the
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>> breaking news tonight at 5.30, a 16 year-old boy has died after being stabbed in a classroom at montgomery high school in santa rosa during the school day. the incident happened about 11, 15 this morning. just horrible, according to police, 2 juniors barged into an art class that was happening and attacked a freshman student


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