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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  February 28, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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you go by lots of titles. veteran, son, dad. -it's time to get up. -no hair stylist and cheerleader. so adding a “student” title might feel overwhelming. but what if a school could be there for all of you? career, family, finances and mental health. it's coming along. well, it can.
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national university. supporting the whole you. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6, anybody who plans on picnicking at any of the popular parks around the bay area in march. well, you better pack your umbrella. spring is coming, but it looks like the rain is going to be with us for a while. thank you for joining us for kron. 4 news at 6. i'm pam moore and i'm catherine heenan in for ken wayne. people in the south bay and the santa cruz mountains had to contend with. >> a lot of heavy rain falling trees, more power outages today that has the latest storm moved through the region. crown 4 seed meteorologist lawrence karnow. a very busy man. he's here to tell us what else to expect. mean, it has been just an incredible season so far and
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i'm looking at some long-range forecast for march now. >> looks below normal. temperatures above normal precipitation. so we'll keep a track shoes on for a while. we're going to be done because the storm just keep coming. another one coming through today. some heavier amounts of rain with the front this morning. now more scattered showers around the bay area. but this will we start getting some really interesting weather. that's when we start talking about some hail some thunderstorms rolling on through, but all around the state that cold air continues to roll in the showers and even blizzard conditions in the high sierra nevada. right now we're seeing more rain moving in, especially on the peninsula. you see some heavier bands pushing a little further to the south south bay now moving across the peninsula now stretching across the bay in the some heavier storms moving on through right now. likely see some thunderstorms rolling on through that. although we haven't seen any strikes just yet. but heavy rainfall making its way into sunday. they'll right now los altos hills, parts of woodside and stretching now into the east bay in the san jose, at least for the northern part, you can see some of the showers there and some snow showers begin to pop up over the mountain tops.
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so there's plenty more to come. i think this storm system is going to wind down tonight. i think midnight tonight, most the showers come to an end. we're going to get a little bit of a break. you better enjoy. we've got more storms lining up that could affect your weekend. we'll talk more about that coming up few minutes. >> thank you. in the sierra more than 70 miles of interstate 80 closed because of all of the snow that's been falling there, 80 is closed from applegate and placer county to the nevada state line. and you can see why just look at the road conditions in this video. the roads in the air are just packed with snow. yes, like white out conditions. not a great time to be traveling up there. not to. >> great time to be trying to get around. kron four's. gayle ong in the newsroom. she's got the latest on the conditions. gayle. catherine and pam. we're talking white out conditions, 0 visibility and strongest a caltrans and chp also had trouble earlier today on those roads during this
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inclement weather. >> you can see why it is closed down. all that snow cover on the ground. and also it's impacting ski here is video of kirkwood now in earlier today. look at this. this wind just blowing all that snow. the resort has closed for the day now in operations are unable to keep up on mitigation because of the storm's intensity. and just by looking at these conditions, you can see why it is beautiful. but, you know, also the reason why those major highways are closed. it's not even a path pass a poll from south lake tahoe highway, 50 closed, 88 89 also closed for avalanche control. spinouts. and earlier today, i was told a chp officer caltrans and a few other vehicles. we're stuck on 80 on donner summit. meantime, kirkwood mountain is asking guests to stay in place. >> with the lack of visibility and the amount of heavy equipment moving around to keep up with the snowfall. please shelter in place. stay stateside where you can don't go out less necessary if you do have to go out. wear
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reflective clothing, bring light walk single, file the side of the road. all those like extra little things you can do just to keep everybody safe is super important in these kind of conditions. >> and while the winter storm warning and blizzard warning they are expected to be expired some time 04:00am on wednesday, but it will take some time for ski resorts and caltrans to dig out. that's a lot of snow they have going on up there in the newsroom. gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> all right, gail, thank you very much. it's 6.15. we're going to check in with somebody from palisades tahoe ski resort will find out how they are dealing with all of this. >> another issue tonight, there are still lots of pg and e customers with no power. here's a look at the company's power outage map. people in the south bay are affected the most right now. the yellow on the map areas between 50 to 499 customers without power. that's right. now they are near los gatos and boulder
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creek. at this hour. it is still not clear when the power will be restored. >> and the east bay, oakland, mayor sheng hao says today that the city will be dealing with some of the road damage caused by the storms. she says that what she calls the pothole blitz program. is that going to kick off as soon as the rain dries up, crews will be focusing on fixing potholes, other repairs and that work will last through may 1st. and you can join us online as we track the storm, including a road closures, power outages in your area. you can do that by scanning that qr code on your screen. >> other news tonight, 2 teenage girls have been arrested after allegedly attacking 2 people near dolores park in san francisco. we first told you about this story earlier this month when police say the 2 girls hopped off their east scooters started punching the victims. police say one victim was taken to the hospital for factors caused by the assault. police say the 2 suspects are
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17 years old and face assault charges. the first suspect was arrested on an unrelated assault in alameda county. the second suspect was arrested after she was spotted in san francisco's mission district. >> disgraced theranos ceo elizabeth holmes says she cannot start her more than 11 year prison sentence next month because she just gave birth to her second child. that's according to new court documents filed ahead of her march 17th hearing her lawyers have been working to appeal her conviction for duping investors about the capabilities of her failed companies, blood testing technology. the new court documents did not disclose the date of the birth or the child's gender. but the news, of course, not a surprise. holmes was pregnant during her november sentencing and the san jose courtroom when a jury convicted her on 4 felony counts of fraud and conspiracy on the peninsula. a gas line fire in daly city forced people to evacuate their homes
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overnight into this morning. >> the fire was at a home on keller avenue near the intersection of king jive just blocks away from westborough middle school. >> officials say that fire started about 10, 30 last night and was burning for 12 hours in front of that home. fire officials say they believe it may have been caused by an electrical bell blowing, which then sparked a gas leak. >> essentially, i covering the pot to spoil and with a lit that congress actually helping us. it's kind of keeping the lid out. so you'll see the gas spew out along the edge of the concrete. that's when the flames >> officials say the incident was serious enough to evacuate at least half a dozen neighbors in the surrounding homes. all other neighbors asked to shelter in place. residents are now reportedly back in their homes. >> happening now after 3 years, california's covid-19 state of emergency will come to an end at midnight tonight. but of course, while covid rates are a lot lower, it is
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still here. and tonight, cloud forest dan kerman talks to experts about what the declaration did and how things may now change moving forward. >> it is in the sum total of our individual decisions that we will determine the fate of this virus. we will meet or not meet the moment i confidence will meet the moment. >> governor newsom made those comments in march of 2020 just days after declaring a covid-19 state of emergency. i >> have been in. i am now so grateful that california did that. we were the first state in the country to do that. >> uc berkeley, infectious disease specialist doctor john swartzberg says he believes the measures that went along with that made a huge difference. and he points to the fact that california has the lowest death rate amongst the large states. not to say that >> over 100,000 californians and 3 years is nothing just a terrible tragedy. but it could have been a lot worse it wasn't for the state of emergency. now, 3 years later, that emergency proclamation is
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ending most mass vaccination and testing sites have already closed. >> and while vaccines and tests and drug therapies will remain free for now come november, insurance companies may not cover. some of those costs were going to see a big problem is with the underserved. >> people who don't have. financial. means to really. have any kind of approach patient in their financial status and having to pay for certain things, maybe for major problem. >> and while life has returned to normal for many covid-19, has not gone away. there remains an average of 300 covid deaths a day in the u.s. and the fear of contracting long covid responsibilities. >> it's on us to protect ourselves. the government's to can have all these guardrails for us the government had before. and so we have to pay attention to that. we have to act accordingly. schwartzberg says that means continuing to
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wear a well-fitting in 95 or kn 95 mask when indoors, especially if you're at high risk for a bad outcome. >> he also says it's important to stay up to date on the vaccine. well, they go to offer the kind of protection would really like for preventing you from getting infected or getting mild to moderate disease. >> they really work well in preventing you being hospitalized. and they can put they do protect somewhat against getting one covid. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> coming up at 6, another close call on the runway as a jet blue flight nearly collides into a private jet that took off about clarence. the latest on the faa investigation. >> also the heavy snow, the blizzard conditions in the tahoe area. they've led to ski resorts closing. we'll talk live to someone from palisades tahoe to get the latest. plus, the u.s. supreme court may have a majority on the student loan issue which way the justices appear to be leaving on that. that's ahead after
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on that. that's ahead after the break. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx.
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talking about all this rain. let's check on our 4 zone forecast because we're looking at snow. this is a live look at donner lake interstate 80. this is in truckee the road there is still close because as you can see, it is still covered in heavy snow. how there's not much we can see there over the last 48 hours. the sierra snow lab has recorded more than 52 inches
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of snow. a lawrence is here wants you said actually running out of places to put the snow. yeah, normal. you'll get these storm systems come by. and all of a sudden is you get this time of year, we start to warm up the temperature. the snow melts. >> what goes back into the streams and back into the lake and elsewhere. but it's just too cold up there right now. so that snow is falling and it just keeps falling. just mounds and mounds of snow really with nowhere to put it. and we're seeing just a ton of snow again coming down across the sierra nevada. here's a look at i-80 at castle peak. of course close. you see some of the signs now starting to be buried in all that snow. it is really been coming down. and of course, some very gusty winds to go along with that some white out conditions across the sierra nevada. here's the very latest on the doppler radar. you can see the snow level really way down, probably going to be down about 1000 maybe 1500 feet overnight tonight. yeah, it is cold out there, too. so would be a long drive regardless trying to get up there. something to watch out for. we've had all these storms this season and now we've got another round of some very air
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moving in got avalanche warnings in effect until wednesday morning. looks like we are finally going to catch a break in all the stormy weather and what you know, what not a race to get up there. this that the snow is going to be around for a while. let's we get a major heat wave. we're talking to people keeping those resorts open, at least through may, maybe even longer. and that's i mean, really something else. one thing to worry about now that we've had so much snowfall in the sierra nevada, we don't want to see a real rapid warm-up because then you start to worry about flooding in the central valley with all that water coming down don't think all right. thank you, lawrence. well, another powerful winter storm racing across the sierra nevada today forcing the closure of a number of ski resorts in the lake tahoe area. they include palisades tahoe, alpine meadows ski resort, sugar bowl, the kirkwood ski resort. >> but joining us live tonight with the latest on what's and when the resort's might open. patrhck lacey, patrick is with. >> palisades tahoe. good
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evening, patrick. we know it's awful because that's how we've been talking about when we know it's really bad when you guys close so what are the conditions right now? >> yeah, i mean, just the storm alone. we've seen 108 inches already yeah. just with this one 38 in our 24 hour total. that was as as of 06:00am this and we have a lot more to as you can see, it's snowing right behind. you have huge snow drifts right behind me as so, yeah, this is just a monumental record-breaking season we're looking to forward to some great skiing out once all the what's all the avalanche crews have been out there and make sure everything's all say for us. so what are your biggest concerns and worries right now? also, i honestly our crews are pretty used to you know, we don't really close down very often. but so we do avalanche mitigation quite
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obviously, that there's a reason why people do ski at ski resorts are one of the safest areas to and, you know, our ski patrol and our team is doing a great job out there. we even actually helped on the highway. 89 between truckee and tahoe that actually closed today, which that does not close very due to avalanche control. rtr patrol team was out there helping them get the roads open and cleared and safe for everyone. >> hey, patrick, what about the people already up there, including a palace aides? are people being accommodated or people? we heard a couple nights ago, but people in their cars. so what's happening? >> yeah, means a lot of folks do have you know, find out, find lodging, a stay in their cars. but obviously we don't recommend that by all you know, because safety is our number one priority here at palisades tahoe. make sure to stay a warm place right now. it is chilly out here and it's pretty dangerous conditions, obviously with the wind and
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not much visibility out there as well. try to stay off the roads as much as possible. and then if you are coming up this weekend or sometime in the future, make sure check out check out the caltrans app that's going to have the most up-to-date information regarding to road conditions. >> so patrick leahy's, of course, see the pictures. but you're they're living through it. what is it like living there in the town as well as at the resort? are people able to move about all you do have enough supplies? what kinds of things are going on? >> yeah, he won pretty much stuck at home right thank goodness i was able to fill up before the but, you know, folks a, you know, we just definitely safe out there. that's all i can really recommend at this you and, you and the local community as a great community, we definitely do our best to cater. to all the and and just and people that from out of so once don't
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obviously don't come up here right now. but we will welcome you. once the roads do open and there's everything is safe a safe and all right. patrick lacey of palisades tahoe, you, by the way, are a great barometer of what's happening. just looking at you with that snow behind thank pretty insane up here. thank you. all right. >> moving on now to national news today, the u.s. supreme court heard 2 cases about whether the biden administration can legally forgive student loans outside the court. large crowds of young people were holding a rally. our washington correspondent basil john, has that story. the oral arguments starting just after 10 in the morning as the fate of federal student loan forgiveness hangs in the tuesday supreme court justices listened to arguments on 2 challenges to the president's plan. >> to forgive a portion of student loans were talking about half a trillion and
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43 million americans. chief justice john roberts questioned whether the president has the authority to approve a plan. >> with such a high cost, if you're going to give up that much amount of money, if you go into effect the obligations of that many americans on a subject that's of great controversy. >> they would think that something for congress to act on the biden administration's is 26 million people have applied. >> and 16 million were proved to have up to $20,000 in federal student loan forgiveness, nebraska solicitor general james campbell argued the plan is unfair. is it fair for someone that that paid off their debt? >> to not have the opportunity to have similarly well arguing on behalf of the biden administration, u.s. solicitor general elizabeth prelogar. >> so the program doesn't need to benefit everyone. >> any benefits program, they're going to be others outside the context of that particular program who aren't getting the benefit. >> despite the conservative majority in the supreme court, the president said monday he
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still expects a favorable ruling confident the legal authority to carry plan. is there a decision for these 2 cases will be expected by late june reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >> coming up as the pandemic winds down, how the city of san francisco plans to bring back the tourists.
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>> the faa is investigating another close call on the
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runway. this time it was between a jetblue flight on a private jet at bostons logan airport yesterday. but 7 last night, a lear jet took off without clearance while a jetblue flight from nashville was on approach. the jetblue flight took evasive action was able to climb safely out of danger. the lear jet operated by the private charter hop a jet. they've been asked about this. no comment from them yet. the faa says this was the 5th close call involving a commercial airliner on a runway this year. >> the faa is awarding nearly a billion dollars to 99 airport terminal projects across the united states, including sfo. total 139 million dollars in grants will be awarded to 8 airports across california. san francisco airport will receive 31 million dollars to improve its terminal. the faa said the grants will help meet the growing demand for air travel and invest in key areas to
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help get travelers in and out of airports. more quickly. however, some experts say it really is not enough money to make a significant impact. >> this seems like a really nice big number that the administration is putting out there. but it's getting spread out to 99. different airports and at the end of the day, it's probably not going to be transformative. >> the money will also help airports in los angeles, san diego, burbank, sacramento, fresno, and the palm springs. >> san francisco's tourism industry is continuing to work to try to bring more visitors back to the city conference. ella sogomonian hosted a panel discussion today organized by the hotel council of san francisco. the focus how the city airport and local businesses are trying to use more sustainable ways of doing business, including curbing plastic waste using less energy promoting public transportation and using cleaner airplane fuel.
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>> and i feel a requirement that we need to get out there and fix this. have 2 young children. i have grandchildren one day. to everyone, though, we need to leave this planet a safer, cleaner place for i have the privilege of working in alaska. we very much west coast focus you know, we 7 amazing cities like san francisco. we said across the state of california out to hawaii up to alaska, amazing communities. an amazing, beautiful places. some of the most beautiful on this planet and we need to preserve and leave them in a better condition for future generations. >> mayor london breed was there. she says things are looking up since the pandemic. she says conventions and cruz is beginning to come back and add to the city is committed to eco-friendly policies. >> coming up, a 6 banning tiktok in america. why congress is pushing again to remove that app. also demanding answers as to why the cost of homes and
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businesses is plus wet weather causing big problems on local rose. they will take you to the areas hit the hardest and find out how much longer this rain is going to be with us.
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>> all right. was saying on top of the 4 zone forecast, a live look outside toward the bay bridge. lot of traffic up there this evening and that lawrence is back on. so we're not out of the woods, so to speak november last couple


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