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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  April 28, 2021 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> format now very is howling at the moon. we've got john in the weather center kicking off the hour with the guys can help it to how out of a little bit. just like instinct like the london clock tower to its not. but it seemed to me the transamerica yeah. oh yeah. does or bigger version, san francisco. >> we're going to be looking at another bright morning thanks to that. do that is not just a little bit bigger than normal. but also a little bit brighter than normal because we are looking at it just post full stage now looking outside at a different perspective here. not quite as bright. looking for mercy church tower cam, but the conditions are certainly clear, at least from this view. we do have some fog that is formed across further southern portions of the bay itself. >> visibility in areas like hayward mountain view and san jose is actually predominantly good. but there are pockets out there. we are seeing some dense fog having form. so just watch for that radar is
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looking clear and dry and that's the way we're going to be staying this forecast stays dry from start to finish rounding out what has been a dry month of april with the same weather that we started with 40's and 50's for current temps, berkeley conquered san francisco and alameda under spots right now in the 50's reyna. john, thank you for that. will yesterday around this time. we're pretty busy, especially in the south bay. not tracking any major delays are hot spots this morning. >> as you're hitting the roads heading into the city right now. a little under 8 minutes to make it to that fremont street exit heading across towards the peninsula. things are looking great. they're just 12 minutes for you to make that commute. the richmond sandra fell bridge starting to pick up just about 7 minutes for you to make that drive out of richmond and looking at the golden gate bridge as you're heading into the city just a little under 90 minutes there. we'll have more on that throughout the morning. but for now darya and james, back to you. >> all right, ryan, thank you very 5. '01, one of the big stories we're following out of the east bay and clues newer involves new police body camera video which shows the
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moments leading up to the death of 26 year-old mario gonzales, who you see right there he died in alameda police custody last week on april 19th. now it all started when police received a 911. call about gonzales standing in a homeowner's yard. >> to head right over i'm over here. we want to fall down, ok, are going where it's going to put your hands but know, it is. it's hope. >> that. well, several minutes after police arrived and talk to gonzales. they. >> as you see here tried to detain him gonzales falls to the ground. one point as grabbed and handcuffed police body camera video shows an officer did put his knee on mario is back for a time while he was on the ground paramedics that point then took martin to hospital. but it was there that he later died due to what police say was a medical emergency now since his death criminal investigations are being
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conducted now by the alameda county sheriff's office and another investigation is also underway by the alameda county district attorney's office. we'll let you know what those investigations by the family of mario gonzalez held a news conference yesterday condemning the officers involved. they say the video proves that mario was not violence. >> and did not deserve to die. >> still reasons. you know, when you know at no point. was he violent or out of control. the police killed my brother in the same manner that they george floyd. >> the city of alameda has also launched a 3rd independent investigation into gonzalez. his death. elevate as interim chief confirms to kron 4 that the 3 officers involved. our eric mckinley, who's on the force for 3 years. cameron early. hey, also on the force 3 james fisher who has been on the police force for 10 years. all
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of the officers involved right now are on paid administrative leave. >> well, new this morning in the south bay, we have the santa clara valley water district asking people now to voluntarily conserve water voluntary for now hoping to avoid mandatory later. yeah. and this is because the state is wondering what are we going to do. we're seeing the dry conditions now kron four's camila barco. >> live in san jose with details. good morning. camilla. >> good morning, daryn. and that's right. santa clara valley water district is asking people to do. they are part before these conditions get worse or they're trying to be proactive about this and this means that people must conserve their water to do so and they are asking residents to and conserve their water usage by 25%. this is not mandatory, but voluntary. they have created incentives to get people to do this. people will get $2 per square foot instead of a dollar for replacing lawns with drought tolerant
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landscaping experts say it will be a very dry year according to the u.s. drought monitor santa clara is in a severe drought now right now, water supply conditions are adequate here, but they want to plan ahead. these dry conditions continue and some tips to conserve water. i know we've heard this before, but a quick reminder on how to conserve your water, you can do so by watering your lawn between 09:00pm to 06:00am if you're going to brush your teeth, turn off that fossett and then also. if you want to. conserve your water, take five-minute showers and also the finally throughout your house may want to fix those cars. that can also contribute to this story. james, back to you. all right. all good tips. thank you very much. camila. >> and east bay mud. they voted to declare a stage. one drought at this point. that's means customers are being asked similarly voluntarily reduce your water usage by up to 10% starting may first east bay mud will begin informing customers about the drought
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and ways to reduce their water use outdoors and indoors. east bay mud has posted some tips already to help you conserve. and here are a few ideas. camila mentioned some of them, you you can also run the dishwasher and the laundry. when you only have a full load. don't do a half low. don't run the waterway, russian that east because that's what marty always says. never let the water run and they recommend taking shorter showers. that's what camilla just said. 5 minutes should be plenty if you have outdoor landscaping and you must water do it early in the morning or after 07:00pm. don't be like sometimes in the yeah, it is all business. all also this morning, fully vaccinated. people don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they're in a big crowd. at least that's the word or recommendation from the cdc and that is causing some confusion. >> because guidelines vary depending on the state and depending on the county
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governor newsom says california is going to align with the cdc. >> so that will be the situation covers will tran is live in alameda now with more on this will i know i was just out walking yesterday and people had best song in the wilderness kind in the middle of nowhere. i didn't. and then i was feeling like i needed to be able to. plus a vaccinated. you know, i. >> i i think we do need t-shirts. >> i think this change that you're right. you might want to like i'm vaccinated. i'm ok or you might be shamed into wearing your mask. but the bottom line is you can say, well, the governor of our state says it's ok if you are not wearing your mask so long as that. you're in a small gathering. so try to use some common sense and the governor all along has said he's being powered by science. and in this particular case, california has the lowest positivity rate as far as covid-19 is concerned. so he says it's time to align with cdc those experts who they spend all day and night thinking about this and the governor says if it's good
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enough for them, it's good enough for us. so take a look at your screen. these are the things that you need to know. think small. think large. so on the left side, no mask. small gatherings outdoor dining. so long as that small, i would suggest you continue with your social bubble. and on the right side of your screen when you should wear your mask and sporting events like the warriors and the giants are already requiring people to wear your mask. so if you go there. whether you like it or not, they will make you wear your mask live events. i know some concerts are coming back slowly but surely and of course you will be surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of those people. so once again, that is try to use common sense. governor newsom says so far in california. 28 million people have either received their first or have been fully vaccinated and those are people 16 years and older. so it looks really good. and he says 6 million of those shots
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have already been administered at some of the hardest hit areas with in california. he claims the future has never been brighter as far as turning the corner. we've got a chance to track down some people. here's their reaction on mask or no mask. i mean, even still wear with the vaccine depending on the crowd and you know how crowded is. >> because you just don't know and you have to really take care of yourself to they feel more comfortable going out without their mask and fine. i prefer to keep my on. >> so the bottom line hit it. it's still up to local municipalities to decide whether or not, but i'm sure once the numbers continue to go down. they probably too well aligned with governor gavin newsome. so he runs the entire state mayor breed ryan san francisco. you get the mayor's run each town. so be up to them. but the bottom line is it looks like it's getting to a point where you can decide. i love your idea. daria wear a t-shirt that says i'm fully faxed. leave me
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alone. and i for one, if you're curious i don't care. i will continue to wear a mask you or anybody within 6 feet of me. i am scared to death. and because i get full coverage, you guys are talking about the moon yeah. that the shot up for that. thank your eye like a big pizza pie you can it. >> you could let go like this and just squeeze it with your fingers. if you got gotten the shot. hey, want to ask you. but here's thing. it go on over over. there you go. we'll let you do run. and and i think that's a big point is a lot of people. there are so low running their solo bike riding right there. bicycling and that is when people use your mask, it's difficult and you don't have to. >> now you don't have to. and when you run more than likely you outrun anybody anyways, right? are you a bit as far as i run, if i see somebody coming down. yeah, go around them. i'm not getting any close. sure. i want to have a t-shirt that says after covid-19 are not continue
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social distancing from me right and stay away from a okay. thank you. will. >> time now is 5.10. we will take a quick break, but still ahead on the kron 00:00am morning news. >> a role model for the trans community stabbed to death we'll tell you who's facing charges now in that crime. plus, some elections officials are warning newsroom recall election could be one of the most expensive elections in state history will explain why. coming up after the break. and also president biden is going to be giving his first joint address to congress that will be happening tonight. we'll tell you what he's expected to go over in a live report from washington and talking some warm weather, some sunshine in the forecast ahead of us after a cool start to this morning. daytime highs today rise into the 70's. >> and in the 80's for many of our inland spots. breaking it down in your forecast. and as you leave your house this wednesday morning. we'll take you a little under 9 minutes to make it to the fremont street exit. >> from the east bay into the city look at more bridges and your drive times coming up your drive times coming up after the break.
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get this season's styles for you... ...and you... and you... with the best bargains ever... ross. yes for less! >> happening today, president biden gives his first address to a joint session of congress. he's expected to outline next. major initiative. their legislative priorities that he wants congress to focus on, including a trillion dollar package focused on child care and education for middle america. let's go to washington, dc and talk to
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jesse turnure. she's got a preview. good morning. >> good morning, daryn. james, president biden has sat through many of these speeches during his 36 years in the senate and then 8 years as vice president. now that it's his turn, though democrats and republicans have different expectations. >> we have begun in a very good way. democrats make the case that americans are better off now that their party controls the white house and congress delivery shots in arms, money in pockets. >> people in jobs children in schools and so much more michigan congresswoman debbie dingell celebrates the accomplishments of president biden's first major legislative win. >> and senate majority leader chuck schumer looks ahead to possibly the next one. an infrastructure package or a second plan the president will unveil tonight that includes paid family leave and free preschool and community college as big a bold. the plan is we can get. we're going to get. but republicans like louisiana senator john kennedy remain united in their opposition against president
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biden's proposals. >> and the tax increases. he's floated to pay for them. he clearly believes that he can tax spend and regulate our country prosperity. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell argues the president ran as a moderate calling for unity but has not governed that way. the biden bait and switch. white house press secretary jen psaki says president biden will also focus has address around police reform, immigration and gun safety certainly recognizes the important opportunity that this offers south carolina senator tim scott will give the republican rebuttal an actual outline of what our party to be the direction of the country. >> and due to the pandemic. only a select number of members will be able to attend tonight's address. but those that are say that they do feel safe doing so following january's deadly insurrection at the capitol and other threats that have sense stemmed from it. psaki did say that right before his speech, the president will be meeting with capitol staff members who
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were there at the time live in washington. i'm jessi tenure. thanks, jesse. >> time now is 5.16. and don't forget, we have complete coverage of the president's address to congress tonight. we've got a special episode of inside california politics. it will be streaming right after the president's speech join catherine heenan and 3 of our political analysts, michael yaki, jonathan madison and david mcewen. that's tonight on kron on. we'll be talking with david q and the q and a little bit later on this morning as well. time now is 5.17. oh, i don't want to forget the kron on app with her little code saying >> you scan it with your phone if you haven't downloaded the kron on app that qr code take you right to the app store. you can download it for mean, james what i'm explain that during the break now. now technically, do first, my do even have to open the camera because i think kind of you don't you just point it iphone, you're able to just scan your phone just goes right? yeah. ok, my phone. i
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got an android phone i need an app that scans qr codes and then that'll although it most okay. do was just to apple sees point the phone. that's just it just works. the actually don't think he needed at james, you have an old injury. okay. you'll open up my camera and i tried it didn't work. and like i know. okay. can we bring that back up are all like your is it your grandmother calls every product, every everything a box another >> but yeah, can be a little tricky to figure that out. this forecast not going to be so tricky to figure out. it is crystal clear out there for much of the bay area this morning. >> looking outside at our camera network view of berkeley right here. skies are looking nice. we definitely are looking at any rainfall ahead. this forecast. that's something that we're not going to be seeing well into the start of may now just days away as for visibility. there are a couple spots that are
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actually proving to be a little on the foggy side. that includes the south of the bay right along the bay shore itself. so do watch for some visibility impacts in areas like san jose on the dumbarton bridge or 92 high pressure is firmly in place now warm and sunny and that's the way we're going to stay. another sea breeze kicking up this afternoon. that's actually going to provide some relief as temperatures only get warmer. that sea breeze is going to bring a welcome cool feel to some of our inland areas that rise into the 80's 60's and 70's for your highs in san francisco down peninsula on down through burlingame in millbrae. we actually have one 80 popping up on the peninsula today. that's redwood city and even more of those across the south bay with san jose 82 campbell 81 fremont snow over into the tri valley. also low 80's with mid-eighties back in play now for concord, 84 oakland richmond, 74 degrees for your highs. upper 70's to low to mid 80's elsewhere across the north bay until you get to the coastline. at least. find your 60's back in stinson beach and point rays. lots of sunshine
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today. not all that windy beautiful day to step outside tomorrow. we're going to see more of that as well. friday, we begin a little bit of a cool down not going to be in the 80's anymore. by saturday. your first day of may will be kicking off the new month on a dry but windy note as winds pick up on into the first day of the new month reyna tom, thank you for that. we do have some problems happen now to los gatos. we'll get to that in a moment. but let's get a look at the bay bridge heading into the city. no major issues or delays. a little under 9 minutes for you to make it to that fremont street exit. >> the san mateo bridge, although starting to pick up still at the limit just under 40 minutes for you to make it across towards the peninsula. there. can a look at one. oh, one as well as to 80 not tracking any major accidents or delays in the south bay as a driving in the park just had a solid 27 minutes for you to make that commute. also looking at this traffic collision highway 35 northbound between highway 17 southbound and bear creek road in los gatos. the downed wires in that area. all lanes are closed due to that. so we'll have more on that coming up.
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for now. daryn, back to you. thanks, laura. 5.20, and governor newsome, as you know, facing a likely recall this year and some officials are warning it could be. >> one of the most expensive elections in state history. a group of officials says that the governor's recall election could cost 400 million dollars. it's unclear if the state will reimburse counties for the election costs. officials note the state did not reimburse counties for the cost of california's last recall in 2000, 3 of governor gray davis. >> very large deficit. too many county budgets and local county board of supervisors and have been very difficult decisions as to what to fund. >> recall. supporters say that the money is worth it. they criticized the governor's pandemic related policies on businesses, schools in the billions of dollars in unemployment benefits that were paid out to fraudsters. >> coming up on the cross morning news. i predicted baby boom turns up baby bust
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california's birth rate during the pandemic took an unexpected turn. we'll explain.
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cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again!
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aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> welcome back. 5.24. and when the pandemic first hit, there were predictions that it would lead to a baby boom. but it turns out. it was a bust.
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the birth rate in the state has been on a downward trajectory for a number of years. california had get an extreme decline in 2020 one bay area doctor says the uncertainty of the economy, things were shutting down there was an employment the shelter-in-place you are getting on everybody's nerves. haha on and on and on. honey, not tonight. >> a physician. i can tell you a lot of my patients are requesting an desiring, a delay and their pregnancies and using more long-term contraception additional factors for example, a lot of fertility procedures for counting elective procedures. so they were canceled march. april may guthrie schedule pushback. and that's a major contribution to the birth rates and our nation that added more reason to crease and >> the doctor explaining all
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these variables and people putting off expanding their families and he anticipates that the pendulum will swing and there will be. he thinks maybe next year as the economy starts to reopen. >> some type of a resurgence in our desire to have kids. sarah. >> drought conditions are up so much concern that sonoma county has filed a local drought. live with all the details and what's of most concern coming up after the break. get your spring on at ross. yes! with brand-name looks at prices that say it's on. yeah, it is! get this season's styles for you... ...and you... and you... with the best bargains ever...
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that and see church. our view. let's pull that one up and you can see that little bit of blow out there in the distance right behind the city skyline of san francisco. now, although san francisco is nice and clear. there are some spots, a low visibility further south right along the bay shore. it's really just pockets of lower visibility. most of us are hanging out just fine as far as you're driving to work goes skies are dry and that's the way we're going to stay. no chances of rainfall. as we round out april, we're start may just around the corner oakland and san mateo, egypt. 48 for your current temperatures alameda berkeley san all in the 50's right now. so not even that cold of the morning compared to some of our mornings recently reyna don, thank you for that. will traffic is starting to pick up on this wednesday morning. but we're still. >> pretty much at the limit. you can see here at the bay bridge, not turn the meter lights on just yet. so traffic is moving 8 minutes to make it to that fremont street exit as yet across towards the peninsula there still lot of solid 13 minutes. we had no major delays here yesterday. hopefully that's the story for today as well. looking at the
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richmond, sandra fell commute as you head out of richmond, a little under 8 minutes for you to make that drive. and another traffic has to tell you about here los canales highway 35 southbound. that's between bear creek road and highway 17. there's some downed wires. the air. so all lanes are currently closed will be on top of that. we'll have more coming up the for now. darya and james, back to you. let's get back to the big story that we're following with the drought emergency has now been declared in sonoma county. yeah, and that's going to have some consequences. the county's board of supervisors now asking the governor to see. >> presidential disaster declarations for sara stinson live in sonoma county now with the story. good morning, sarah. >> these conditions are of so much concern sonoma county supervisors and they're saying not only do we need the state's help. we also need the help from the federal government. they're hoping we can get some kind of help with resources and funding so that we can survive this because it's looking really bad with our reza reservoir levels. and this is no surprise to
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governor newsome. he actually saw it with his own eyes on a visit that happened on april 21st. he then proclaimed a state of emergency in sonoma and mendocino counties due to the concerning condition seen in the russian river watershed lake mendocino is at 43% of target capacity in lake sonoma that 62%, both the lowest they've seen say officials declaring a local drought emergency provide sonoma county with more resources. as i was set saying that they really want to support the agricultural and the economy. wheelchair industry could really be impacted by they're hoping maybe even some funding would help one supervisor even said this drought could even have larger impact than just drinking water and conservation efforts. this could really affect our local agriculture, meaning we could see less crop. we can also see cost to local producers and that would have an effect on our entire state in our country. while these local leaders seek federal funding
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everyone at home has to do their part. and now it's about saving every single supervisors saying there's no water to waste. so after the declared this, there's a lot to be done. now the governor has asked federal officials for this funding for these resources and the next update on what happens next should be around may 11th. but in the meantime, we all hearing this right now we have to do our part reporting live in santa rosa. sarah stinson kron 4 news. thanks a lot to her. >> 5.33. the time in the south bay. a man now facing charges after investigators say he stabbed his transgender girlfriend to death. kron four's. dan thorn has the story from milpitas. >> well, this loss has been heartbreaking and stunning for the family. they considered italia a role model for those in the trans community and they're hoping that her death brings awareness to domestic violence. >> full holding back tears cra old. the remembers her best
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friend and cousin italia to is able to anything. the 24 year-old transgender woman was killed last friday in milpitas her boyfriend now facing charges in her death she cared about everybody no matter what they did to her. she always forgave everybody. she was a gray that my best and we did everything milpitas police had found lopez had been stabbed several times at a home on hillview court. her boyfriend elijah sugg was arrested after he was seen in the apartment with blood on his hands lopez's famely says she was a beloved drag artist who entertained mostly in san jose. >> but also did shows throughout the bay area she literally was just like such amazing performers. you can just said she just natural ally since the young age. she did that literally for years old. he says natalia was a victim of an abusive relationship. >> that took her life. the pain never goes away. >> with time. it that pain is less, but it never goes away.
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>> margaret petro says the executive director of mothers against murder. the los altos based organization is helping the family with the burden of the tally is death. petros says this case is another tragic example of the need. for more education around domestic violence. i think we don't talk enough about it. only one. >> tragedies like this happen. they need to be any sources. >> programs out that tell you as families saddened by her killing is seeking justice. anderson has so much. >> the family has been raising funds to pay for funeral expenses. prosecutors have not given a motive in this killing. and so gore is set to be back in front of a judge on thursday reporting in milpitas dan thorn kron 4 news 5.35. is the time in santa cruz. convicted killer adrian gonzalez was sentenced. >> for the 2015 kidnapping rape and murder of 8 year old
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maddie middleton. >> he was 15 years old when he killed are now he's 21 and he got the maximum sentence. he could receive as a juvenile. which is when this happened. so he could go free now turns out when he's 25. gonzalez apologized to maddie's family before he was sentenced. area. it's just >> gonzalez was going to be tried as an adult, but a
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controversial 2018 bill mandated that 1415 year-old must be tried in juvenile court going forward. he will be registered offender for life. >> the owners of restaurant say that they're the victims of a hate crime after someone smashed a window at the lebron restaurant. now, the co-owner says that they also found a disturbing crumpled up note near that broken glass. >> they see saying. >> asian people go home. but in more derogatory terms, you can break my window. we can do whatever you want. but lebron will prevail. the body is the good in french the good will prevail no matter what. >> and no arrests have been made yet and no suspects have been identified. >> it's 5.37. and still ahead, san francisco is expected to move into the yellow reopening tier and. >> and we'll tell you what changes that will bring for your everyday life. plus and
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oakland teenager killed by a stray bullet and the plea from his mother is coming up. and another delay in the scott peterson case. what happened in san mateo court th
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>> we're back. time now. 5.40. there's been another delay now in the scott peterson case peterson appeared at the hearing remotely from san quentin's death row where he's been behind bars since his conviction back in 2000, 5,
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the california supreme court, though, overturned his death sentence after mistakes made during jury selection. a new jury now has to decide if peterson should be sentenced after an original juror. rachel. nice failed to disclose a restraining order. now nice has previously denied keeping information back just to get on the jury defense attorney pat harris says he doesn't think she would have been seated, though, if she had been up front about her past. she was an alternate to begin with. and when she came into the jury room after. >> she was actually put on the jury. one of the jurors is sake. she walked in the room and said, ok, now let's get justice for that little baby connor. before she ever deliberated before she ever did anything, which i think indicates a mindset that could very well be based on her own experience. >> the next hearing is scheduled for late june. the judge wants the matter of whether peterson is granted an entire new trial. wrapped up by the end of the year.
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not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ is the time san francisco now looks like it will likely move into the yellow tier reopening status next week is all based on the current case rates. and while this means an increased capacity of up to 50% for places like gyms and movie theaters and entertainment centers. the main change will involve bars and live
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performances. proffers taylor second has more now on what you can expect. >> you may notice some changes to san francisco in the next week or so. if it slides into the least restrictive yellow tier status as expected, having people. indoor says a big deal. >> and not having to eat food is a big deal for our community because serving food is not what we're good are good serving drinks monitoring situations and you know, dealing with crowds and all those things for bar owners like ben bleiman in the city. >> it will tear status would mean they could open indoors without serving food at 25% capacity for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic for businesses venues and event centers moving into the yellow tier would mean that outdoor gatherings could expand to 200 people without a negative test or proof of vaccination. all guests are tested or vaccinated capacity then expands outdoors to 400 people in the yellow tier indoor gatherings will also be
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permitted for up to 200 people. if all guests are tested in show proof of vaccination. the possible to change for san francisco comes after the state updated its reopening metrics for the yellow tier to an adjusted rate of 2 covid cases per 100,000 residents compared to the previous yellow tier threshold of one case per 100,000 residents unlike any other time. wait. >> we would open up and be more cases. and then we closed out open close down. >> difference now is very palpable because of immunity because that's what vaccines do they be sick. we prevent the surges again and so opening up its very indicated when you have this level of immunity infectious disease expert doctor monica gandhi says 70% of san franciscans have received at least one dose of the vaccine and says it's time that san francisco moves to the next reopening tier while these activities would be allowed under state guidelines. it's ultimately up to san francisco, if it will allow some or all of those activities. i reached out to
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the health officers office on tuesday. and while they couldn't decide what they would allow or wouldn't allow. they did say they are working on yellow tier plans. >> in san francisco to lead the psac ii kron 4 news. >> 5.46 right now. taking a look at the weather just every time i look at this shot, i see the glow over a year. >> left shoulder and it's funny. we can see the transamerica period up it really clearly not these clouds that the moonlight as a or is this just the brightness of the moon is totally the bright. i know it kind of looks like clouds or fog. yeah. looking at it like is that but it really is just some really bright skies this morning right above the bay area. there is some cloud cover further south in the bay itself. but san francisco's really looking at much of that this morning. you can see at half moon bay. we've also had a really bright view. we're starting to see some more sunlight contributing to these brighter views at this point. now. but that moonlight is still certainly a factor on why we have been so bright last night in the night before
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that as well. now conditions today will be dry yet again. that's no big surprise. we only one day of rainfall. this entire last month and we're going to keep the dry trend of weather going into your final days of april ahead of us high pressure firmly in place now and temperatures are going to warm up because of a warmer conditions today all across the bay than where we were yesterday. that means the sea breeze that kicks up into gear this afternoon. much as we saw yesterday and monday mornings sexually going to be really welcome. it's not going to be excessively windy. so this cool breeze is just going to help those inland 80's feel a bit more comfortable. it will be to the 80's we go today for conquered livermore. fremont san jose redwood city and then across much of the north bay to in the meantime, areas like hayward, oakland and san francisco solidly placing ourselves into the 70's today with hayward at 78 tomorrow's temperatures much like today's we we do see today and tomorrow being our warmest days of this forecast just a touch cooler, but still warm come friday and then come saturday or windiest of this
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forecast. this is winds when winds will pick up more than just a sea breeze. it's actually going to be a a pretty a rough one out there as far as those peak wind gusts go temperatures remain warmer than average conditions. certainly remain drive all the way into the start of the new month. reyna don, thank you for that. i know we were talking about it earlier. but now we have an update for those of you taken bar. >> because of that earthquake overnight in the east bay. bart is telling everyone that they're going to be 10 minute residual delays throughout the day through out bart system because trains had to operate at a reduced speed because they were inspecting the tracks from that earthquake. so again, if you are taking part today, just expect some delays also report of a fire. this is an oakland westbound 24 5.80, westbound. the air just seen a little slow down from that fire. also looking at an accident here in san jose northbound to 80 at stevens since creek boulevard as we head into the city. get a look at the bridge this morning about 12 minutes for you to make it to the fremont street exit looks like the
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meteor lights still have not been turned on yet. so traffic is moving up the limit. the san mateo bridge as you head across towards the peninsula still under 14 for your drive time. there. look at the richmond, sandra fell commute. as you head to richmond just a solid 7 minutes. the traffic hazard. this is out in los gatos. all lanes are closed. howie 35 southbound between bear creek road. they're keeping a close eye on that. we'll have more coming up for now. darya and james, i'll send it over to you. >> thank you very much. five-fifty is the time and in the east bay, the city of oakland is seeing one murder every 3 days and now one mother's pleading for the violence to end after losing her son dimitris fleming davis and his friends were on their way home when they were caught in the middle of a shootout. demetrius was hit by a stray bullet and died. his 2 friends were uninjured. the shooting happened just 2 weeks before his 19th birthday long 68th avenue and international boulevard back on april 10th 3 homicides occurred that day making it one of the deadliest days in oakland. so far. >> i have lost my heart just
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you know, that was my baby. and he was a good boy had a future. the needs help out here. not just afterwards. we need to be doing something now. >> now we need to be investing on the front end of crisis on the front end of trump instead of investing in law enforcement, right. more law enforcement. let's be investing in trauma workers in folks that can deal with mental health in economic pathways, in education pathways. let's get to the gun before the bullet flies instead of stand yet to get 1, 1, mother and my heart goes out to all of the mothers that have lost and their children. >> a $15,000 reward now being offered for any information leading to an arrest in this case. >> 5.51, back with more in just a few minutes
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our hillshire farm craftsman start the day slow roasting turkey for incredible flavor. then double seal every slice for freshness. the results? they speak for themselves. hillshire farm. made right on the farm.
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>> 5.54 and you have more time to get a real id asleep. that's a license photo. have one yet. >> homeland security extended the deadline for changing your license to the real id from october. first to share. now it's a 3rd of 2023 got a lot of time. the pandemic already led to the earlier delay at this point. 43% of all a california driver's licenses and id ease already are real id compliant. that's not even
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half. on the other half. yeah, i got mine to right. all right. take a look at the new attraction at. >> paso robles new light towers. these 6 foot towers made of more than 17,000 i think there are a lot of yeah. each of them. as you can see the line with those fiber optic cables yet more foot the music being played sullivan. there's change in the light pattern change is pretty both installations open through the end of september. if you'd like to see it just go to kron 4 dot com. we've got all the information there, including links on how to buy tickets. and everything else. if you're looking for something to do. they stay here. >> car head out there. you can do burnham. and i'll tell you you can't. yeah. 2021 event canceled just like everything else and just like last year to the festival in northern nevada. desert is not happening you know why the pandemic organizers say they're just too many uncertainties right now to resolve before this year's timeline. burning man had been scheduled for the end of august through the start of september. but the ceo says the focus will now be on bringing the evek in 20
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22 next year. all right. maybe next year. 5.55. and coming up on the kron 00:00am morning news dry conditions around the bay leading counties to ask you to conserve water. >> the new rules in california falling in line with the cdc. and that means you can lose the mask in some cases. we'll tell you when and new body cam video from police shows the moments leading up to the death of mario gonzales. while tell you why his family says that he was in violence and he should have been dying because of this. attention, california. new federal funding of $3 billion is available to help more people pay for health insurance — no matter what your income. how much is yours?
5:57 am
julie and bob are paying $700 less, every month. dee got comprehensive coverage for only $1 a month. and the navarros are paying less than $100 a month. check to see your new, lower price. the sooner you sign up the more you save. only at covered california. this way to health insurance.
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron 4 morning news at 6. >> and thanks for waking up with us and aria false. and i'm james fletcher. we've got john trouble standing by in the weather center. a harvey in the traffic center. we'll get to her and half a moment. but first let's talk about the weather and the move things have calmed down over your show. that was bright. is unified. shot behind us. how are your live shots? look at the looking good. a lot brighter. all across the bay now because before it was
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james, that was glowing because the right behind him. >> we are looking at conditions out there. yeah, definitely bright more because of the sun now. but we did see a really bright evening because of a move that is working its way just past its full stage. so it's not going to be quite as bright in the evenings ahead of us as we do gradually cr supermoon becoming less and less of a thing looking outside this morning in our center tower view obviously beautiful clear skies over san francisco. we're going to be looking at a really nice day today. winds that would be just enough to provide cooling effect as our daytime highs get even warmer than yesterday. skies. no surprise here are going to remain dry today. temperatures right now. maybe in the 40's and 50's. but later on it's going to be 70's and 80's. we're talking for most areas. i'll get to that. still to come, john, thank you for that.imaybe you felt it. because i felt it last night in the east bay, a pretty small earthquake over there. we had that this has affected bart for all of you taking part this morning. there are 10 minute residual delays throughout the morning. and


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