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tv   KRON 4 News at 10  KRON  April 25, 2021 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news >> it would be ok and next thing you know, my wife is on the floor we thought dad tells his daughter and santos his daughter's boyfriend. the family said. >> tonight at 10 o'clock, a family now demanding action after police. after a new video shows police knocking a woman unconscious to the
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ground. welcome to kron 4 news at 10 o'clock this sunday night. i'm jonathan mccall and i'm justine waldman. a this started with the family calling police, they say for help with the. >> domestic incident back in october. but months later, the family tells us they're still rattled about what happened. enforcement harry is live now after talking with the family and got some answers from police. >> just seen. the family says they're still scared. all of these months later and they're trying to figure out what comes next. but they're hoping that this video can shed light on exactly what happened. >> video showing the moment a fairfield woman was thrown to the ground and knocked unconscious by a police officer. you can see her legs fly up in the corner of the video. then the camera pan down to the woman on the ground. that was kind. >> shattered our belief system a little bit around here. the woman in the video is diana santos. her husband, edward
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chavez was there as the incident unfolded we. asked for help. >> what we got was my wife injured in my kids jail. the family had called fairfield police for help after a domestic incident between santos daughter and santos. his daughter's boyfriend. the family says it led to the scene you see on your screen. the help came in. we've got we'll be ok and next thing you know, my wife is on the floor. we thought dead. >> santos's ut john ambrosio says she's being charged with 2 misdemeanor counts, one for resisting arrest and one for obstruction. he says the law firm just found this video of the incident which happened in october of 2020 on social media. they don't know who took it. >> i request the body camera footage of the and the police reports, however, that video came to light. i guess it illustrates a lot more done.
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you we can. our pleas for count. ambrosio says they had their first hearing last week. >> this week. he's meeting with the district attorney. he hopes they'll dismiss the case. santos has another lawyer for a civil suit. they filed a complaint against the fairfield police department that level violence and brutality is. >> i can't can see how that could be justified. >> i did reach out to fairfield police for comment and they haven't gotten back to me just yet. >> so amanda, how santos feeling physically after all of these months. >> she says that her body is feeling ok now, but there's still a lot of questions. she still nervous she's still scared and she can actually remember the instant happening after hitting her head on the ground. she just lost consciousness and she's members. the police showing up and then waking up later on to
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medical attention live. amanda hari kron 4 news. >> thank you so much, amanda. people have been coming together holding rallies to show their support for the asian community. kron four's gayle ong takes us to the latest rally in san jose and tells us what people there want to see more of. >> here. proud to be asian. >> a show of support filled plaza de cesar chavez park sunday joining in the mission to stop discrimination and violence against the asian community need to stand together work together. we are unstoppable force deputy lau of cupertino every attack is personal. mike president a relative in on paul to see. and back in jail. and so this was early last year. he wasn't picking up some food hall up putting her baby in her car. >> and then someone threw glass bottle was like go home in santa clara local elected officials and pastors held a
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prayer rally called united. we stand calling for unity to all groups in the united states. the things that we believe in our hope. >> and care and kindness for our communities. and when we're faced with a lot of competitions are struggles, whether it's with the virus or the virus of hate that we are able to unite our community when we work together, whether it's coming together at the church or park. >> it is an encouraging sign for many. it energizing to see other people fighting. >> we believe in the same thing. and just to try to raise more awareness. all groups acknowledge there is so much work to do people at this rally say it's time for more solidarity. better education and tougher laws and enforcement. >> the normal is violence against our grandmas and grandpas. the old normal. black lives don't matter. the old normal is silence. it's deportations. it's time to walk away from that past and forward something new.
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>> and the call for action is not a notice. the u.s. senate passed a bill denouncing discrimination against asian communities in the u.s. something advocacy groups are helping but happen sooner in san jose. gayle ong kron 4 news tonight. the number of bay area health officers are reassuring people that the johnson johnson vaccine is once again safe for them to administer. >> the regional health officers from 8 of the 9 bay area counties sending out a joint statement today agreeing that the risk of developing the rare clotting disorder that caused the initial pause of the vaccine is extremely low. san francisco's top doctor doctor grant colfax says that the j and j vaccine is once again safe to administer here in the bay area and he expected to be back in the rotation in san francisco next week. but with additional warning labels. >> resume mean jj. once we get a final materials from the state. we educational
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materials that are costly appropriately with strictly appropriates of people and that the benefits far outweigh the risks. >> san francisco has the ability to administer 20,000 vaccines today. doctor colfax says they're actually starting to see vaccine supplies, slightly increase from just a few weeks ago. so far, 2 thirds of folks eligible for the vaccine in san francisco have received at least one dose. >> now to our 4 zone forecast on this sunday night. no more rain in store for quite some time. it sounds like temperatures are about to warm up. but yeah, kron 4 meteorologist mabrisa rodriguez here tonight to get you ready for the start of your new work week. yeah. and we're going to notice of cool down before we warm up again in the bay area. so that storm that brought us light rain to the bay area is starting to exit, but it is going to leave behind a fairly chilly air mass already under way out there right now because of that lack of blanket of storm cloud cover.
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>> starting to dry out and clear out. so most bay area cities. so about a quarter of an inch of rain or less doubled those amounts for highest peaks and mountains and we're noticing double digit cooling. for those of you at half moon bay, 11 degrees cooler with widespread cooling for everyone else by a few degrees. happ moon bay currently at 43 degrees. so noticeably chillier out there right now. as his pacifica also in the mid 40's with dublin and livermore upper 40's for berkeley cooling down to 47 degrees so grab that thicker coat. for those of you heading out for your sunday night and petaluma and santa rosa both in the mid 40's and overnight lows tonight going to stay in the 30's and 40's. so near freezing temperatures for our coolest valleys in the north bay with santa rosa and napa cooling down into the mid to upper 30's. and we're tracking even a below average start for your work week monday 5 to 10 degrees below normal until we start to warm
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up 5 to 10 degrees above average by wednesday whether rollercoaster ride continues. i have your full 10 at 10 outlook. coming up, find out if anymore. but you needed rain is heading our way back to you, jonathan justine and on the heels of that, the east bay mud board of directors will decide at their next meeting of customers will have to start conserving water. >> for the rest of the year. the decision will be made this tuesday after east bay mud gets a new report on how much water is available right now as well as how much of a water deficit there. it if the board decides to begin conserving water. they'll be asking residents for a voluntary reduction goal of 10%. there's also a new lawsuit that is moving forward against the san francisco unified school district. and this one is over their attempts to change the admissions process at lowell high school. one of the attorneys behind the lawsuit says that it's not more about the admissions process, but.
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>> instead they are of said that no member of the public was involved in the decision. he says it's not the first time that this sort of thing has happened with the school board. >> it is very really analogous to what else another important decision that the school district did an improper way and that was renaming all the schools throughout the city which a judge threw out because they didn't give the public proper notice of what they were doing. they didn't go through a hero, correct process. instead they just unilaterally made a decision. so it just like with the renaming they're going to they have to go back to the drawing board. we're really saying the same thing should happen with the admissions process at all. the school board says they have changed the admissions process at little to try and increase diversity. >> but have not yet commented on this lawsuit directly happening tomorrow supporters behind a recall effort of windsor. mayor dominic foppoli
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are expected to formally file paperwork asking for that recall. >> according to the president crash in santa rosa, the chair of the recall foppoli campaign now leading the effort to remove him from office foppoli remains under investigation of 4 claims that he sexually assaulted 6 women, including a windsor councilwoman after facing pressure to step down. 4 police said that he would recently said recently that he would step back from duties during the investigation. foppoli has denied the charges against him saying that he never violated any of the women and that any interaction was consensual. the united states has now started to withdraw troops from certain parts of afghanistan tonight putting on leaders say that afghanistan security forces must be ready to take over this comes almost 2 weeks after president biden announced an end to the nearly 20 year long war saying that the conflict no longer aligns with american priorities. there are concerns that the drawdown of american troops
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would cause the government in kabul to collapse and allowed the taliban to return back to power. >> president biden marks 100 days in office. this weekend. so far his approval rating is in positive territory. this is according to new polls from several networks, including abc, nbc, cbs and fox. the president's approval rating 3 months and is not historically strong. however, most presidents in the post world war 2 era had higher approval ratings at their 100 day mark. that is except for former presidents. trump and eisenhower. and coming up this week, president biden will deliver his first primetime address to congress. that's coming up on wednesday. nasa's mars helicopter ingenuity flying faster and farther than ever before. >> a look at how today's 3rd mars test flight went and what it means for future space exploration. >> also cosco announcing some changes that guests are we
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think pretty sure to be happy with, especially if they're hungry when they go shopping. >> but first, the 93rd annual academy awards held tonight down in southern california. a look at how organizers managed to put on a covid safe award show without zoo appearance since election day.
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>> the 93rd annual academy awards taking place tonight in los angeles. hopefully you're watching us and not necessarily, you know, that other channel. but if you weren't things definitely were different this year because of covid-19. i mean, critics are saying the award show is pretty boring and i would say we're we're not them. yeah. i would say that. let's go live now to los angeles and our reporter chris wolfe is standing. >> i'm very solo. red carpet tonight. he's been covering the words for us all evening and you told us last hour that you think that you've got a shout out from one of the award winners. i definitely did. john and i definitely didn't. we have that clip for you tonight. we'll get to that in just a few seconds. but normally i would be coming to you from the elton john oscar party. >> but because of the coronavirus pandemic, there are no big parties this year. no. after parties, no pre
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parties. but we still wanted to bring you some what of the fantasy, a little bit of the illusion. so we transform our courtyard here at ktla into an expansive sprawling red carpet experience with some gold and glimmer around me and getting back to what you said earlier. i am thrilled to announce that best actress winner tonight. frances mcdormand decided to give me chris wolfe, a shout out this evening. we have it for you. here's the how check it out. we give this one to our wolf. hail and howls to the big winner of the night. nomadland. >> best picture, best actress frances mcdormand and history making best director chloe zhao who becomes the first asian woman to win this award. welcome to the 93rd annual academy awards. coronavirus edition. >> the pandemic has forced some changes this year. so
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this was not your father's or even your grandfather's oscars instead of dolby theater in the heart of hollywood hosting all the gold glitz and glamour. the ceremony was moved to a sprawling venue at union station. a major transportation hub in downtown los angeles organizers say the places cavernous enough to host a limited event with presenters nominees and their guests appropriately physically distance from each other. while following other safety guidelines. the academy wanted to recruit big name presenters to usher in a semi return to normalcy with theaters, reopening and fans getting back to the big screen movie going experience luminaries such as angela bassett harrison ford regina king rita moreno brad pitt, reese witherspoon and send joined the party. best supporting actress nominee for hillbilly elegy. glenn close. >> lost her chance for oscar
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gold for an 8th time. but many say she won the night breaking out to shake her. >> and in a surprise turn the late chadwick boseman did not win a posthumous best actor award for ma rainey's black bottom. instead the best actor academy. gold went to british powerhouse. sir anthony hopkins for his turn in the father as a man who refuses all assistance from his daughter as he ages. >> though. no. but my loved one who they could should go whom. >> great performances all around. indeed. other big winners tonight. daniel kaluuya, best supporting actor for his role in judas and the black messiah. and finally young jong eun best supporting actress for her role in minari. she becomes the first south korean woman to win that award. frances mcdormand takes home her 3rd best actress oscar tonight. congratulations to her. and again, i want to thank her for honoring me this
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evening. reporting live in hollywood. i'm chris wolfe. justin and jonathan, back to you. it was definitely for you. definitely. definitely. thank you, chris. >> all right. let's talk weather tonight. chris, with the after party of one tonight, new we're dealing with some rain that we saw earlier today. but it's all gone away. >> so what will the rest of the week look like. this is here with the answers. >> that's for you, jonathan. and just eat and christopher will, thank you so much for showing us all your celebrations behind the red carpets or your man made red carpet there. do you guys like that? you guys laughing because we're kind of like sorry now. anyway, i have a pink moon that i have to show off in just a few minutes. but all do another wolf is okay. and also christopher will okay. all right. whatever. just trying to catch up over here tyler was right. you guys
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need to wake up tonight. >> let's take a look at our radar for we're tracking scattered showers and also some snow showers throughout the highest peaks at mount hamilton in the south bay. so we are know to seeing some light scattered rain. mainly throughout our highest peaks. but clearing out and drying out in the bay area. and with that, a cooler forecast tonight, widespread 30's and 40's in daytime highs tomorrow. not going to warm up all that much. we're going to stay about 5 to 10 degrees below average downtown san francisco and marina district in the mid-fifties with mid-fifties for daly city but el granada in the low 50's for you millbrae and burlingame 57 degrees and upper 50's for san mateo and san carlos paulo alto 47 degrees so bundle up there for your monday afternoon highs. low 60's for san jose in the south and cupertino also in the low 60's with livermore at 62 degrees hayward and union city 58 degrees widespread 50's 60's
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when we should be in the mid to upper 60's along the coast and low 70's for inland valleys, concord and walnut creek. 62 degrees and richmond low 60's for your afternoon highs and delay host 62 degrees. but check out benicia 63 degrees and also in the mid 60's for nevado and santa rosa after being in the low 60's today. so here's a look at the supermoon ready. you guys. >> thank you, jonathan. he actually played along just teens, ignoring us cause. she's too cool. let's take a look. >> our pink moon forecasts are noticing clear skies monday night and this is going to be the second super moon of the year. so it is going to appear bigger and brighter just teens really excited about that right. >> i do think from right here. >> i knew i just by how it's going to mortifying. it's cute when you do it. >> surprise the fcc has it
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taken us off there various lee. we were way more fun than i mean, there's a reason that sports night live comes on at 1030. haha. >> they kill a half warming drying. thanks, recent. all right. for your money tonight. if you are. >> one of those folks who plan your weekends around trips to costco for the free food and those samples don't worry. it is coming back. so this is awesome. >> costco has started bringing back menu items like ice cream and smoothies now adding churros what the company is also bringing back tables and chairs to stores that have shut down seating areas indoor dining is scheduled to resume as covid-19 safety restrictions are loosened. the company is also planning to bring back samples of cooked items for members to taste as they shot. you got me a true roads. that's that's all i needed. paying attention. i was for the >> foods of all. >> all right. still to come tonight, new records for nasa's ingenuity. we've got a
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look at the most recent mars test flight. still to come. an,e to me than hiv. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen... to help you reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed...
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and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its ingredients... or if you take dofetilide. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while taking dovato. do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening. serious or life-threatening side effects can occur, including... allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. your doctor may prescribe a different medicine... than dovato if you plan to be pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed during the first trimester. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control... while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea,... diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did.
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>> you sure want to crack at this. no all right. so nasa's ingenuity, continuing to set records flying faster at further during its 3rd test today on mars today. it flew faster on its 3rd flight than it has ever before, including during. >> test. that happened back on earth. it rose 16 feet and zipped down 164 feet reaching
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a maximum speed. >> of 6.6 feet per second nasa's jet propulsion laboratory in southern california is already digging through a trove of information that's been gathered during this 3rd flight that will then inform not only additional ingenuity flights but also possible mars rotorcraft in the future. but ago ingenuity. >> way to go way to go to have you back tonight glad to be back at some time with the kiddo. >> a fun. now this play the strip, right. that does it for us here tonight. 10 o'clock. hopefully we will be back. the bosses will get that still still debatable. i always i'm surprised in my badge. building. you're right. we both. thank you so much for joining us here this weekend. i'm justine waldman of jonathan mccall kylen and jason. up next with sports night live. don't go anywhere to continues right there. at chewy, we know it's important for your pet to feel good inside and out.
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that's why we have everything you need to pamper them. save on their favorite shampoo, grooming tools, and even treats to make their breath fresh. chewy's got it all - delivered right to your door. save 30% on your first autoship order at chewy. protect your pet this flea and tick season with chewy. find everything from flea collars and sprays, to prescriptions that keep pests away. chewy has what you need to keep tails wagging and pets itch free all season long. shop pet prescriptions and more at today.
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another edition of sports night live it was a busy day in the bay area. warriors a's giant sharks, all in action today. and we've got it covered. i'm jason dumas. >> and i'm kylen mills. what an exciting time. jason, you just mentioned all those teams in action. also fans. just welcomed back to the chase center yesterday or rather on
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friday, mardy getting the days mixed up. but fans back at the chase center fans. welcome back. for the earthquakes.u they're going back to sa peace center to watch the sharks tomorrow. just an exciting time. yes, also, i just realized that my jumpsuit, his pockets. so this is a very exciting night for me personally as well. >> so we've got pockets. we got van behar. we are fans at shea says we said and tonight was only the 36th time this building has been blessed with nation's presidents and it looks like steph right here shot from that line where tough and work, you know that staff or you just going up. but the warriors were down 2 after the break. let's go to the 2nd quarter right now. nation. let's get to the next video here we go. let's scroll up on the prompter a little bit too. so we can get right to that stephon with another 3. >> he was definitely feeling it tonight. no doubt staff
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dropped 37. i think by the end of the game happened is michael motor feet from the corner right there. dubs within 3. but the median sniper was not done. another trey motor finished with 11 points warriors up to at the end of the 3rd. that's 4th quarter warriors up 3 tyrese haliburton. >> gets to the rim gets the layup. now, this was the wacky a sequence of the game curry. track. he throws away to buddy hield wide open. have to take the lead. but. the fumbles it away or is dodge the bullet great, great. their final possession. 7 seconds left harrison barnes. it's a good look at it 3, though, no good rims out warriors. hang on to beat the kings won 17 1.13 the final step finished with 37 points. one quick note, steph hated 83rd 3 pointer this month. he now has 85 of them. that's the most 3 pointers in a calendar month in nba
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history that breaks james harden's record of 82 in november of 2019. he just keeps on breaking records and guess who was there to witness it all our very own kate rooney. okay. it wasn't pretty. but like steve kerr said, a win is a win. >> to win. this one was definitely an even one, but the warriors do escape that spot in the win column. if you could look at the recent slate of games. this team has been playing to the level of their opponents a little bit. they beat philly at home. the moves to washington beat denver then barely escaping with the win over the kings tonight. and this is an important one because they're still jockeying for that postseason position. a spot in that play in tournament bracket tonight. it will be good, though, if they can clean up some of those things in the next few games before they do get to that postseason clear. steve kerr. >> there was not our finest particularly the 1st quarter. you know, when we give up 39 points. i sacramento played extremely well. they were really well prepared and and attacked a son really took it
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to us from the our defense improved you know, we're able to squeak it out but that was a really difficult game and we're lucky escape with the win. we're in a good place and we have a chance to to make a push an get into the playoffs. we're excited about them. >> well, it wasn't exactly a pretty windy like just talked about. there definitely were a lot of missed opportunities, kate, for the warriors. what did you see from your vantage point. well, yeah, i mean, a whole variety of things that could have been done just a little bit better as good as steph curry was. he also had some mistakes in that final stretch, especially in the final couple turnovers and one on a double dribble. one, a lazy pass. it buddy hield ended up taking to the other end of the a missed free throw, which is really uncharacteristic for him, but it wasn't just you know, throughout the game. >> there were a lot of missed
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layups for the not locked in on defense as they could have been so those are the types of things that this team knows that it can do better and it should be able to do better against a team like sacramento in particular yeah. like you say. can't you probably wanted to see the warriors run away with this one in this juncture of the season. >> unfortunately, they didn't do that. but a win is a win. and one thing you can look at, though they did attack the glass really well. they had 16 offensive rebounds. one off a season-high. so that shows the effort is there even though the execution might not always be there. they're playing hard. that's the thing that separated this game tonight the dubs had 52 rebounds sacramento only have 38 and this is coming from too. >> of the worst teams in the league sentiment is actually dead. last and the warriors are last in offensive rebounds. but like you said, jason, they attacked that offensive glass tonight draymond green had 14 rebounds
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vallone head of crucial stretch to he he had 8 rebounds total. but for back to back. so and that was really important. i think the difference maker, if they had not won the battle of the boards, then i don't know that they would have been able to close out this game because there's so many other things that didn't go their way. >> well, thank you, kate and stand by for us. we'll be right back with you once hoops session starts in a little bit. that's kate rooney live from chase center all righty. >> so to the diamond a streak is over after the break, we'll show you what went down in the charm city this afternoon and hear from the skipper after the game. >> and a big week coming up for forty-niners fans. we hear from an nfl quarterback coach about 2 of the forty-niners top draft prospects. stick around.
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i'm morgan, and there's more to me than hiv. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen... to help you reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its ingredients... or if you take dofetilide. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while taking dovato. do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening.
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serious or life-threatening side effects can occur, including... allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. your doctor may prescribe a different medicine... than dovato if you plan to be pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed during the first trimester. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control... while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea,... diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did.
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>> welcome back to sports night live. the a's have been the talk of the town figure and literally over the past couple days. yeah. the town has been alive and well a's fan super excited. sadly, though, they say all good things must come to an end and that includes the a's massive winning streak. but could they make it to 14 winds before that happens. let's head out to baltimore to check this one out. bob melvin and company looking to sweep the orioles today. let's go to the top of the 4th ramon loriano much at the plate drives this one deep to center field and into the
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orioles bullpen. there it goes. a solo shot game tied up 1. one that's lauriano is 3rd homer of the season. but in the bottom of the frame. austin hays gives the leads back to the o's with this 2 run shot off jesus luzardo 3, 1, baltimore. and by the way, it wasn't a good day for and just over 6 innings of work. broken. open the 8th with 5 more runs tre mann cnn grounds. that one right to the hole at shortstop to run score and the orioles ran away with it. they went on to win 8 to one snapping oakland's 13 game win streak after the game manager bob melvin was asked about his team's huge turnaround after starting the season one and 7. we got off to a tough started. >> did not go away and it was ugly for 6 or 7 games in. and when just the opposite after that. so when you have a veteran group that has been through it before. they really don't get too down. they got more upset than anything else. i think after the first, you
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know, week. and then we went on a nice run. so try to start again tomorrow. >> kind of lost in all of the a's hoopla is the fact that the giants have been playing great ball to. they've won 5 of their last 7 games. coming into today's game against the marlins. there was some rain early as park but held off just enough to get game in washington. little nippy out there to start this game had to be logan webb. not only did he pitched 7 innings of shutout ball. but he also had the key hit to the game right into triples alley to score a couple of runs it was the first hit of the season. for giants. pitcher go to the top of the 9th marlins with runners at the corners and. it down only a run. but the submarine specialist tyler rogers who the ground out to end the game. san francisco hangs on for the 4, 3, win. both them and the a's have identical records at 14 in 8.
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all right. we're less than a week away from the nfl draft and forty-niners fans are on edge by now. you know, they've traded up to 3 and all indications are that we'll take a quarterback. you only have to go back to 2017 when the niners we're in identical spot and took solomon thomas, at 3 over the likes of patrick mahomes and deshaun watson. i'm sorry, i'm bringing a bad memories there are a number of names connected to san francisco at 3 this time around. and i caught up with someone who currently trains 2 of those names and also happens to have a relationship with kyle shanahan. here's john back quarterback coach for both justin fields and trey lance. a great athlete helps but doesn't need somebody. that's like a super athlete, but he does want somebody that's athletic enough. >> they have to be athletic enough to run his offense to get out on the edges put their feet in the ground and if the safety cuts and things are happening. you know, you can take a shot from. they can show that same action of people put their foot. the ground deliver something downfield. so so to me, you
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know, cow the full thing when it comes to quarterback and he's not looking for somebody, be a statue back there. but you want somebody that can stand in the pocket and deliver really accurate passes. >> you know, you've been working with justin fields. what are some specific skills that he has that you will translate and make him successful in the nfl. >> well, i think he brings a lot of those things that i describe the look. was looking for the table. strong arm athletic can make a wide radius. rose has the ability to make those throws within the same timing and also from small spaces. so to me he checks all those things are looking at from an athletic standpoint, you know, when you sit down and you get a chance to work to offense is with them and talk about things i think he understands the game well, in those ways when planes are designed. he knows why their design. this is something that's really important to the ohio state offense and to any offensive coordinator. another prospect that you've been working with recently as trey lance, what sets him apart.
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>> he's very athletic for how big he you know, you hear guys size, right to tell you all the 6 parties this year that but trace a big guy and he's very athletic for being that big of a guy as well. you know, when you ask him to do athletic it shows up. it doesn't surprise me was a multi-sport athlete to me. i would say that was probably the number one thing. you know, you get a chance to see a guy on tape. you have an idea of what you expect. but then when actually walk out on the field shorts and t-shirts. the first thing i thought, wow, this guy's big and for how athletic some of his plays were on tape. and it's it's great to have somebody that size, you know. and that's probably why a lot of teams very high on right now sitting there at 3 which quarterback that's available. still you think can help forty-niners the most knowing kyle how you know him. i think i was going to go through an evaluation process with all the guys that are on the table, right. so, you know, it's not just the 2 that i'm familiar with. you know, there's other guys on the table there as well. that kyle will take a really, really hard look like and i know him. he's very thorough. it matters a lot to him. he's
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very driven. so he's not going to have made a decision quickly just because well, i want this time to do that is going to take his time. so you see john kind of ducked my question i asked if you take, i pressured him the next question and he started laughing and he was like. >> you're asking me, is it like this is like a question. where is like, who is your favorite son right favorite child. i can't answer that. so who knows. you know, you've got those 2 mac jones, right. you know. it's going to be anybody's guess at this point. i mean, they've done a good job. the forty-niners of keeping the poker face strong. so i've really seen any big leaks from the organization just rumors mostly and. >> are we sure are. we definitely sure that is going to be a quarterback. >> got to be right to our our guide grant cohn, who's joined us all. season. >> he's just certain is going to be kyle pitts. the tight end out of out of florida. i hadn't even seen that. but i feel like grant likes to rabble rouse. oh, that's ou


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