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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  April 21, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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when they even brought up anything she bailed. she either gets on a program of medication and therapy, or she needs to be gone from the house. okay. [applause] >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching 4 news at all. >> we do that this was an incident. >> where officer hall killed without lawful, excuse a justification. >> just one day after a jury found former police officer derek chauvin. guilty of murdering george floyd new charges, 7 filed against the bay area officer for his alleged role in the 2018 shooting and killing of an unarmed man. thank you for joining us tonight on kron 4 news at 5 everybody. i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis
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has been more than 2 years since the fatal incident. but now contra costa as district attorney has completed investigation and has decided to charge the danville police officer with voluntary manslaughter. as it turns out, just last month. this same officer fatally shot another suspect kron four's. dan kerman is live tonight at the da's office in martinez with the latest. good evening, dan. good evening. we asked the district attorney about the timing of all of this. she says it is purely coincidental that these charges are coming. now she says. >> they had to revamp the office in terms of investigating officer shootings and that is why it has taken so long and they see the timing of the show. then verdict had nothing to do with this. they had just completed their investigation and they deem. the charges were necessary in this case. contra costa county district attorney diana becton is charged danville police officer andrew hall with voluntary manslaughter in assault in the fatal shooting of let him or a
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relay to this case. we believe that officer hall hill. >> without lawful excuse or justification. >> it was november. 3rd, 2018 when officers tried to pull are bullied over. he didn't stop but chase ensued and then our belated approached a parked police cars. he slowly drove between them. that's when officer andrew hall opened fire on the vehicle hitting belated 9 times. >> officer halls options underscore the need for a continued focus on de escalation training and improved coordinated responses to individuals that are suffering from mental illness. fairly believe the shooting should not have taken place. ut john burris who represents herbal latest family is pleased charges have been filed. >> mr abbott that it was time to squeeze by. that playing card. he wasn't trying to hit anyone. any reasonable person would have seen that and this officer who could have easily put himself in a position of safety decide to shoot into this car. >> 9 by one on mann.
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>> though burris wishes the charges had been filed sooner. ask is that taking place earlier. >> this officer would have been off the street and he would have been in position to kill my my greatest client that feel a little bad about that. it turns out the same officer charged with killing our belated in 2019. >> killed another one, a versus clients last month. 33 year-old tyrell wilson a civil rights lawsuit has been filed in that case while the dia reviews criminal charges. >> now the attorney for the officer has indicated that they find the timing of these charges to be suspect an overtly political, but they say they will continue to defend him in these cases. you can also tell you that if convicted this officer would get up to 22 years in state prison. live at the da's office in martinez. dan kerman kron 4 news. >> thank you, dan. by the way, we first brought you this news
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conference on our 24 7 streaming news app kron on you get up to the minute live and local updates there 7 days a week. plus, all of kron four's newscast. streaming live just grab your phone open the camera and hold it up to this code here on your screen for kron on it will take you right to your phone's app store to the east bay now where an investigation is underway after a man died in police custody. it happened on monday in alameda. >> 26 year-old mario gonzalez from oakland died while police tried to restrain him. officers say they did not use any weapons during the confrontation. but police say gonzalez suddenly had a medical emergency gonzalez was taken to the hospital where he later died. the cause of death remains unknown pending an autopsy. the 3 officers involved in this case have been placed on leave. our first theresa stasi will be bringing us a full report tonight with reaction from family members. >> the oakland police department is responding to derek chauvin's conviction. police chief leronne armstrong says they're actively working
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there to decrease the number of stops. police make an since this new policy went into effect 4 years ago. he says they've seen a dramatic decrease in the number of stops of people. the african-american and latino communities. >> good entry point to any police contact is the initial stock. and if you can by space stops or stops that actually are not fruitful. they actually are not connected to a crime or some criminal that you're investigating think there's a real opportunity that's being missed it. so what we do know that the only police department is practice. what we call intelligence led policing really encouraging officers to make sure when they make stops despite raise. that is actually connected to some type of criminal investigation or some follow-up to crime. >> and coming up tonight at 5.15. we'll have a live report from washington, dc for the latest on the reaction to the guilty verdict in the derek chauvin trial. governor
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newsome says he's still not ready to declare a statewide drought emergency but he is declaring emergencies and to northwest counties. >> directing state agencies to prepare in the event that conditions become extreme. our ashley zavala explains. >> this particular lake standing in what should be 40 feet under water. governor gavin newsome declared drought emergencies in mendocino and sonoma counties. wednesday you can focus this state. >> has a one size fits all solution. meaning we have to target our solutions. regionally. parts of the state or in extreme conditions like this. other parts of our state are not fixed very in sync, the kind of extreme conditions that we're experiencing here. ote governor noted both county lake capacities are extremely low prompting the declaration. if you're in a different part of the state. you probably need to know that thisill one day happen to you. >> so that's to the point of where all californians here we all need to be doing our part
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when we have such widespread conditions. but wednesday marked the 3rd time in about 2 weeks. the governor said he's not ready to declare a statewide drought emergency. i anticipate. >> being strategic and targeted in terms of the formal emergency declarations as needed. wait will be strategic based upon conditions as they take place. newsom's administration is preparing for extreme conditions. another drought year could bring. >> the governor signed an executive order wednesday which includes identifying watersheds, natural resources and communities at risk. >> and planning for potential drought response. some republican lawmakers who have urged him to declare a statewide drought emergency said wednesday the governor's actions fall short. in a statement state senate republican leader scott wilk said in part is the threat of a recall holding him back from helping our food producers and the rest of the state. california deserves action. now. not this unsteady leadership. the governor said he would provide more funding to deal with these drought related issues in his upcoming updated state budget, which is expected to be released within the coming weeks.
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>> reporting at state capitol. ashley zavala kron 4 news earlier the governor declared a drought emergency in mendocino and sonoma counties and announced a larger effort to deal with drought conditions statewide. >> after 2 dry winters, california's water supply is under strain. but so far most water districts in the bay are not planning any drastic water use restrictions like the ones that were in place during the previous dryers. newsome says that the state may take further action to deal with the drought in the weeks ahead. we don't know yet if that action will impact what local water districts are doing. meanwhile, marine county became the first bay area county to impose mandatory water restrictions today. some of those. >> include not washing your cars at home. if you're vehicle is dirty, you want to get a cleaner you off to go to a commercial car wash that recycles water also no watering your lawn, your plants between 9 in the morning and 7 at night. no. refilling decorative water
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fountains. you also can't power wash here home or business and if you don't follow the rules you could be fined up to $250. that is after a warning. and after a lesser fine. all right. switching gears here as we take a live look outside. this is the bay bridge toll plaza on a wednesday little a little bit of cloud cover there. it's been. it's been patchy throughout the day, some fog, but obviously with all the drought talk. our eyes are on the chance of rain this weekend. but really big picture where we are right now. yeah, those clouds don't seem to amount to much yeah. big picture. not good not only for this year but last remember, we've hardly had any rain last year. and then you combine that with this year, this tour of the driest periods. >> on record. so, yeah, that's we're dealing with right now. so not good news, although we do have some rain in the forecast for this. where we sit right now. just put together all the totals. now here we are percentage of normal all around the bay area. in fact, it is very,
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very dry. this on top of yet another dry year. the past year we will see 8 inches of rain in san francisco. that is 39% of normal san jose. only 5 inches of rain. usually they have 14 inches of rain by this time of year, only 35% of normal oakland over 7 inches of rain. 39 1% of normal. look at santa rosa. 12 inches of rain. usually they have 34 inches of rain by this time of year. they're sitting at 38% of normal. also in hayward great beaches of rain that is 49% normal and livermore. 38% of normal 5 inches of rain. so could stream lea dry but also very dry in the high country too. we're for that feels lot of a reservoir and that's a problem or 9 that we have the snow pack that we'd like to see up there. so drought conditions all across the bay area. severe drought conditions in the north bay. we're trying to get a little rain going here and there's a system that's off the coastline. watch what happens here will put this into motion. this looks like a pretty decent storm that's knocking in the drought. but it's going to be a nice decent storm looks like as it put
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itself together dry over the next couple of days. then as we get the weekend, the clouds begin to roll in on saturday. and there you go. that should be a nice little soaker. the only real significant rainfall that we're likely to see in april that will be rolling on through sunday making for stormy day behind that we start to dry things out. there's another system that gets close, but that one looks like it is going to fall apart. staying it mainly far northern california and not affecting the bay area. so how much rain might we see from that storm system. not a huge amount but not bad. how about this maybe about a quarter of an inch, maybe a half an inch. plus, especially in parts of the north bay. so certainly looking like a very nice soaker. but again, we're so far behind from what we need this year. that's just going to be too hard for us to catch up. looks like we're going to dry day tomorrow. maybe a little drizzle along the coastline. that's about it. but on some 50's and some 60's around the bay and coast. you'll see some 70's in the valleys. we'll take a closer look at that storm that might be moving in this weekend and affect your plans coming up in a few minutes. all right, lawrence along a problem play
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during a plaguing cities across the bay area, illegal dumping. >> it's back on the agenda at city hall in san jose. even as some residents are cleaning up the messes on their own. the city will soon be taking a look at a proposal to quadruple the fine for illegal dumping to $10,000 for a first offense. for is a rough lot has details now from san jose. and it looks like somebody dumped construction materials. rob. right, vicki. all kinds of stuff here. i'm at a vacant lot here off alum rock avenue in east san jose. >> this is an example of what we're talking about. the neighbor over here tells me this stuff showed up here night before last is to take inventory for you. we've got a little mini fridge over here. big ball of old in the box here. there's a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 gallons of either addy freeze or perhaps motor oil is more trash off to the side here. the says this is a this
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is an ongoing problem. they've been neck trying to crack down on this recent years. but now as the problem gets worse, a couple of a city leaders say the only way to do something about this is to hit these illegal dumpers hard in the pocketbook. here's more. >> the couch alongside the road in san jose could soon cost more than a new one. the fine for illegal dumping right now is $2500 for a first offense and $5,000 for a second. hoping to convince the city council to increase the fine fourfold to $10,000 for a first offense is san jose city councilman sergio jimenez along with san jose planning commission. vice chair along so a $10,000 fine is intended to feel steep. >> because we want you to think twice before coming in our communities illegally dumping, particularly when the city house programs are available to pick up garbage from from your home. there are as many as a 160 legal dumping hot spots around the city. >> a new reporting app, an illegal dumping patrols. we're
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making progress before the pandemic but the problem has worsened with new hotspots turning up every day we're seeing this in every part of san jose. >> some neighborhoods more than others here in east san jose. we are literally saturated with illegal dumping. >> these are photos of the alum rock village action committee cleaning up illegal dumping on their own. residents are fed up, says organizer jesse this is just blatant. >> and we're just we're just tired of it because it just happened so frequently in the east side, it's just something that we just don't want to see anymore. but mia's shows the dumpers are getting more brazen. >> he says much of the trash in and around homeless camps is actually the result of illegal dumping last fall. the city along with the railroad spent $300,000 to clean up a huge illegal dumpsite here on monterey road. it's time to get tough, says bonia. >> we recognize that this tool alone is not everything. but we also know we have to force this conversation because right now with the public is
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hearing is just live with that live with that live with it. and to me that is unacceptable everywhere. >> now the proposal will go before the city's a rules committee later this that this we are this month rather. and then on to the city council for consideration, but he is hopeful that that this could possibly become law by summer. live in san jose. rob fladeboe kron 4 news. >> thank you, rob. still to come tonight, just minutes before the derek chauvin verdict was announced in ohio. police officer shot and killed a 16 year-old girl will hear from a former fbi agent weighing in on whether or not that officers actions were justified. plus several big sideshows in the east bay took over the city streets. why police they're not able to stop. >> and federal police reform is back in the spotlight on capitol hill. >> well, the live report from washington dc on the latest developments on the progress of the george floyd justice in policing act.
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>> and now turn our attention to ohio where protests took place last night after bodycam footage was released of the moment. an officer shot and killed 16 bryant who was seen on the video with a knife in her right hand. we now know the officer who pulled the trigger is nicholas riordan who has been on force now for 16 months. jonathan jackson talked with a 30 year veteran
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of law enforcement and asked him about reardon's actions. and we do want to warn you that some of this video may be disturbing to viewers. in this body cam footage released by columbus police shows the moment officer nicholas riordan shot and killed 16 year-old mckay bright. >> you can see, brian in the black t-shirt and jeans with what appears to be a knife in her right hand moving toward a person wearing pink. >> it appeared like maybe the victim was caught up in the moment and was so focused. on perhaps trying to hurt somebody that. sort of just like that former fbi special agent harry from by this says the moment officer arrives on the scene. >> he tries to de escalate the situation by asking individuals what's going on. but in the video, a fight is already taking place between a group of people 11 seconds after arriving at the scene. officer riordan fires his weapon at bryant. we're authorized to do that to protect our lives and the lives of other people in. >> matter of fact, it's a
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duty. it's it's not an option from biden says officers are trained to not only analyze the situation but act at a moment's notice and they see someone is in imminent danger. >> how could a different nonlethal method of force been used instead, trump. biden says in that short time frame it's highly unlikely taser use which we know may or may not be effective as far as what i can tell when when you see somebody. you know, with a knife. i mean. that gun is coming out. >> and that was jonathan jackson reporting for us tonight is we bring it back here to the bay area. taking a live look outside our studios in san francisco. you cloudy grey embarcadero. yeah. it's very deceiving, though. they look like they might amount to something. nothing. >> just drive along the coastline. that's that's about it. but looks like the dead of summer doesn't and seriously kind of like we switch gears. we've already moved into that right now that fog. >> and low cloud cover surging
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on shore right now. you see making its way through the golden gate bridge. that looks like a summer's day. maybe in july in the bay area and well. we're going to see more of that overnight tonight. that is rolling in right now. you see it kind of rolling along the coastline that mueller brought some thunderstorms. actually the parts of the north bay that is now kicking to the shoe. see making its way through nevada taking in for a closer look, though. now you can see some of that fog along the coastline. certainly plenty of it out along our beaches right now and thick enough. we've had drizzle often on along the coastline today while clearing up in the bay and many of the valleys turn out to be pretty nice day there. but the winds not a strong today member. we have some very blustery winds out there yesterday just more of a gentle sea 15 miles an hour to san francisco still 23 mile an hour winds into of little 22 into fairfield temperature wise numbers. not bad. you've got some 60's and many of the jury about us to 72 in cool 50's out along the coastline and then we get ready for that fog overnight tonight. it's going start surging back on shore throughout the night and moving inland. coastal drizzle continuing again for tonight,
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you're stepping outside. of course you might want to grab a jacket specially anywhere just inside the bay along the coastline is that sea breeze will continue to ramp up a little bit overnight tonight, the fog and low clouds certainly hugging the coast with the drizzle models begin to pick up on some of that as well as we head through the day tomorrow. beginning to break up. looks like the fog is just going to settle right along the beaches. so if you plan to head to the really warm clothes are going to need is good stay cool. then as we get friday looks like more clouds on the way. then we kind set things up for the weekend the weekend, but heading how things are working out. looks like we've got the clouds rolling in on saturday, then that chance of rain on sunday. tomorrow highs. 71 degrees in san jose about 75 nice and cocker cool to san francisco about 58 degrees. the next few days. yeah. it looks like it will be some pretty decent weather getting the weekend. the clouds roll in that looks like a pretty good chance of rain, most significant chance of rain. we've had all month long on sunday. ice. thank you, lawrence. we mentioned the police shooting in columbus, ohio. a few moments ago, there
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was another one yesterday on such a pivotal day in this country that was in north carolina. both of those shootings are now drawing national attention and federal police reform is back front and center on capitol hill after yesterday's chauvin verdict, the former minneapolis police officer, of course found guilty of murdering george floyd the floyd family is calling for the passage of the george floyd justice in policing act. >> and democrats say they're ready to act. raquel martin reports now from washington. >> george floyd's tragic death will not be in vain. democrats say they're ready to pass federal police reform following jury's decision to convict former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin for the murder of george floyd. we will not rest until the senate passes strong the floyd family democrats and president biden are all calling on congress to pass the george floyd justice in policing act. no one should be above the law. sweeping police
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reform bill aims to hold police more accountable. for wrongdoing it bans police chokehold, mandates, body cameras and eliminates qualified immunity. >> making it easier to sue officers. but while republicans say they're open to reforms. i think police reform would be a good think for us to engage the vast majority strongly oppose the push to eliminate qualified immunity i i cannot support something that would take that away. i think that would just leave our cops out there on the line with no support with no backing. think their job is hard enough wednesday press secretary jen psaki did not rule out a compromise leaders on the hill. >> need to have discussions among themselves about where they can find agreement good morning. in the meantime, attorney general merrick garland is taking federal action of his own public safety requires public trust ordering a justice department investigation into the minneapolis police department. >> that was raquel martin reporting for us tonight. still to come, the latest developments in the kristen smart murder case, including the judge, reducing the bail
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amount for one of the suspects and a car goes flying off a cliff in southern california. what first responders credit for saving the driver's life and how a marine came to the rescue. after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. at the barnes firm, our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible.
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>> tonight. a man is in the hospital after his suv. what flying off this cliff into the ocean. this is down in carlsbad. yeah. ashley jacobs explains how a former marine came to the rescue.
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>> the fact that the patient is still alive, especially after going into the water. it's shocking to everyone first responders. the crowd that gathered and witnesses who saw this white suv flyover carlsbad cliff. it was pretty scary to look at. according to the carlsbad fire battalion chief. an older man was driving westbound on palomar airport road and didn't of iran to carlsbad boulevard. instead crashing through this guardrail and over the fence and these guys say they saw it happen. he was cruising northbound and then he looks like he's going to merge in a is kept on going left. >> and then bus you through this guardrail, you try to stop or anything slow down. they didn't put his brakes on it just went right off the drop to the sand is hundreds of feet back to the patient survived is a testament. >> the probably the engineering of the car. >> that subaru forester is now
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totaled as the driver is recovering at a hospital possible injuries. >> to be a possible legs pelvis and chest area california state parks is leading the investigation because the suv landed on state property. but they're working closely with several agencies including police lifeguards and the fire department. >> yet there is one person everyone wished had state around. so they could say thinks we did have a marine corps man. >> former marine and that went down there and actually pulled the victim out. i wish he'd hung out you deserves a lot of ashley jacobs. >> well, quite a story. still to come tonight. if you're headed to the giants game tomorrow. >> there is a new special seating section. the giants are separating certain fans because of covid. plus, it is the first day back to school for a lot of south bay students will get reaction from them and why are police officers stopping more east bayside shows we have that and
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