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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  April 19, 2021 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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yeah. and not near as sunny as it was yesterday. i think john's in the weather center with more on how won't be quite as warm as it was yesterday either, but still great. yes, still great. just not quite as warm as yesterday feel like the weather's got just everyone so excited that yesterday was a beautiful indeed to be out there doesn't really feel like a monday specially with some more 70's and 80's to look forward to this afternoon. i know it is definitely great out there this morning. i mean, our mark and errol cam behind me does show you still some fairly gray looking conditions right above the bay bridge over san francisco and oakland for that matter. >> this is your view from the east bay hills looking down at berkeley can barely even see the city as we just have some low clouds hanging out right across the bay, especially now most of us are just fine. as far as visibility goes. that's because those clouds are sitting right above the bay city actually got a really smooth drive into work fog has not been an issue for most areas. you can see on radar those faint areas of clouds. mostly right along the coast and then in the interior of the bay up in the north bay as
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well as in the inland east bay. we're actually fairing pretty well as far as sunshine goes already seeing some bright skies up above a further inland futurecast wind some breezy conditions near the coastline and winds will increase later on today. if you're heading out to the coast to enjoy some of the sunshine and those nice mild temperatures do bring the jacket because winds will make for a cool wind chill right along the shore 40's and 50's for current temps. get the jackets ready to go this morning and this afternoon. look forward to some more t-shirt and shorts kind of weather don, thank you. we've been tracking a hot spots this morning. one across the san mateo bridge. another one much earlier along the dunbar bridge. this one looks like they just got that clear. this is on the money to westbound side. >> 19 minutes now for you to make it across towards the up to about 26 or 27 minutes or so heading into the city. no major delays for you. back down 12 minutes now there are no high wind advisories along the bay bridge is one along the san mateo bridge the richmond sandra fell commute. as you head out of richmond under 9 minutes. no delays
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here. checking on conditions along one o one. yet some accidents and some hazards along there. earlier. 31 minutes as you head towards menlo park. we'll have more of that coming darya and james, back to you. >> thanks a lot. 9. oh one and we're covering the derek chauvin trial in minneapolis and it's reverberations across american all the way here to the bay area has cities are on stand by for a verdict we're just starting the opening story, the closing arguments this morning and we know the prosecutors are presenting their case right now. >> how long these closing argurents will last is a question is point. and then how long the jury deliberation too, is also big question mark. we've seen in the past jurors come back sometimes in a matter of hours, sometimes in a matter of weeks. it all depends on how things go there. let's go to craig treadway for the latest. >> yeah, good after. good good morning. i should say guys, the opening arguments have begun. a prosecutor. steve
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schleicher is on the stand right now. still delivering opening arguments. he's been doing. that said about 9.30 this morning. let's show you some video the reverend al sharpton leading in the family members of george floyd one of them felonies floyd his brother who testified on his behalf at the during the trial rather representative sheila jackson lee from texas. one of those who arrived with the family this morning and a lot of media out here. they're all planning for a prayer service. during the lunch between the closing arguments, the reverend al sharpton will be leading that along with the benjamin crump, the family attorney. and other dignitaries. again, all of them men on justice for george floyd with the conviction of a former officer. derek chauvin. but again, before that could
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even happen. we have to get through closing arguments today and then the case will go to the jury who will deliberate. sequestered in fact, they won't be going home until they render a judgment in this case we have no idea how long that is going to take. the judge did tell them to hope for short but planned for a long haul. thank you very much, greg. >> and as you're saying, it's affecting businesses here in the bay area as well. they're preparing for any fall out when the word comes that the jury has reached a we've seen this before. unfortunately. >> their practice to add kron four's will tran live at union square this morning showing us scenes that we've seen before unfortunately. well. >> look at this. police officers, they're already on standby. i talk to them and they know full well closing arguments are happening right now, which is why they are right behind me in front of buildings. many more are walking the streets they're driving around waiting for the
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verdict to come down. could be today, could be tomorrow. but they have all been told get ready for the worst-case scenario. and you can see it's not just the officers. the businesses are getting ready for the worst-case scenario as well. so many businesses all over union square have boarded up and they've been boarded up for the last a couple of days, i'm sure as the day moves on, they will look just like this. this is macy's and they started boarding up on long time ago because it's cheaper to go ahead and spend money now. then this spent a lot more down the road just in case the windows are broken and people ran inside. they have had too much practice at this throughout the years. you remember oscar grant then there was the occupy protests, the impeachment trial. they even boarded up some of the businesses down here as well. and now we are waiting for possibly an explosive verdict to happen. and that is why they don't want to see a
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repeat performance of what we saw in the bay area last year when so many people took to the streets, not just in the bay area, but let's face it across the country. when george floyd became a household name when the nation saw the video of that officer putting his knee into george floyd's neck. so many people took to the streets and a lot of people, unfortunately when inside the businesses. they don't want to repeat performance of that officers are on standby. they have been told cancel any plans just in case the verdict could come down today or even tomorrow or days down the road. we simply don't know. but better to be safe than sorry. back to you. >> thank you. we'll 9. '06, is the time right now. and in the south bay. >> some students are headed back to class for the first time in more than a year. the evergreen school district is reopening in san jose kron 4, sarah stinson. >> is there live. she's been following all morning long. everybody is pretty sarah.
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>> yeah, very excited. you know, is that most tomato elementary school and the kids were very excited to see their teachers there. one kid. as i told you even said i don't excited i'm here. could say that. but today's the day first day of school at the end of april because of the pandemic. take a look at think we have video from last school and all the little kids are walking over there with their backpacks on and they were so excited to see their teachers for the first time and they met their principal for the first time because she's new. so it was really nice to see all the kids. they're just happy to be back at school. and so now i'm at quinby oak middle school because i had to see the 7th and 8th graders, too going back ear. joining us right now is your 8th grade yes, talked to name again. i mentioned a bomb in 8th grader here at home. the of middle school on. >> i'm proud to be a lobo. it's very exciting for us all come back on. i think it's been over a year.
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>> i'm a little nervous because i'm not i'm not a really use a house like being inside of a classroom. but, you know, it's kind of like a new thing. now. so hopefully we'll get used to it in the have fun that the new normal wearing a mask and keeping distance right. >> what has it been lik the last year doing this online. you know, it's it's i have mixed emotions about >> it was also the first 3 weeks i was like excited, always like extended summer break and it turned into a whole year. not that kind of saw. i'm happy. we're back. i've met a lot of old so yes, so right now we're very happy, i think over the past year has been a little bit gloomy, but i'm glad to be back. yeah. >> speaking of gloomy today, we have awesome, whether it's warm outside and you have your fellow classmates around. it's hard not to run up to them. and like hug people. and it is incredibly difficult of wave to a couple of people have talked to them. of course, 6 feet apart. >> but it's it's i mean, it's still not the same, you know,
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being able to play basketball during recess or lunch break and all that. of not some mild, some great teachers. 2 $1. pretty exciting. a couple people said i got taller, not made me pretty years gone by. you. definitely gotten was telling me you make it might actually be time. but you likely. >> fortunately, hopefully. >> this pandemic is behind us as you next year. going to high school. are you glad that you kind of got this over with when you're in the younger grades. >> oh, yeah, i'm excited. i high school will be a little bit different. i think when i get back their 9th grade will all get to be with each other in person. i'm glad i got it with earlier because i'm used to the school on or everyone on familiar. yeah, that's the that's the good part about this yeah. the one perk we can talk about no. but you get to class. thank you so much for joining us. >> and yes, so nice to see kids just in good spirits as they head back to school
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reporting live in san jose. sarah stinson back to you at all right. thanks a lot. sarah. those cute. how about ali? yes, all right. 9 o 9 is the time. we'll take a quick break here. but still ahead on the kron 00:00am morning news more covid-19 vaccination appointments are opening up in the south bay. we'll tell you why in a live report. >> and after the break, the police are investigating a shooting. that left one teen dead. we'll have the latest details on that investigation coming up. and we are seeing some cloud cover overhead for a lot of the bay. sfo is one of those areas still a little bit gray right now. but lots of sunshine later on today. >> not as warm as yesterday still making the 80's in your forecast ahead. >> and we've had a very busy monday morning as your commute starts to improve along the san mateo bridge. there's still a hot spot trying to recover from that. also get a look at drive times across other bridges will have more on that coming up after the break.
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>> 9.13, right now looking at more warm weather today. we are we've got john trouble with our forecast. >> but i suppose it was too hot for some yesterday, john, today probably perfect. yeah, a little step off the gas pedal as far as the still warm, though, for sure. we're going to be in the low 80's for inland areas. some 60's and 70's elsewhere and with
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the sunshine returning later on today. going to be a gorgeous one. we're seeing a mix of sunshine and clouds right now about to run skies. will gradually continue to clear for some of our cloudier spots currently lot of our inland areas. you're already clear and just going to continue to look at more and more sunshine as we work our way on into the afternoon. temperatures will also gradually climb conditions begin to clear out. high pressure in place will briefly keep us on the warmer side of things. but we are seeing a big change up here. that is actually going to dip some cooler air back across the region. so after today we settle back down to temperatures that are actually really close to our seasonal averages long gone will be the days of the 80's after this monday forecast futurecast wind gust show some breezy conditions near the coastline. winds do pick up later on today across the broader bay area making for a cool finish to your monday tomorrow will be a generally cooler one with temperatures only in the 70's for your highs. and that's
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partly due to those winds pushing in from the coast skies today will clear out nicely come the afternoon remaining dry just as we have all month long so far a couple spots of coastal drizzle tomorrow morning. skies. also clear out for your tuesday. so even though cooler for your tuesday still going to be nice clear and pretty mild overall. today's daytime highs. not as many 80's on the map is what we saw yesterday. napa santa rosa antioch unconquered. among those spots still holding on to the low 80's in the meantime, hayward san francisco falling into the 60's fremont oakland and redwood city still holding on to the low 70's for one more day. tomorrow's temperatures will level out in the 70's for inland areas compared to the 80's the past few days and we stay in the 70's at our warmest all the way through friday. we get even cooler into next weekend with a shift from the warm weather. we just finished up with daytime highs only in the low 60's by sunday. and our first chance of rainfall. we've talked about so far this april reyna john, thank you so that hot
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spot we had on the san mateo bridge finally clear. >> that down to 30 minutes. we had accident, 92 westbound there. also had one earlier in the morning, a llama dunbarton bridge heading into the city backed down under 12 minutes for your drive time, no high wind advisories along the bay bridge. there is one along the san mateo bridge, though the richmond sandra fell commute in out of richmond under 8 minutes for you to make it there. and checking on things along highway 4 because there is a hazard here along highway 4 in pittsburgh, but it's not causing any delays. if any 15 minutes to make it to conquer 2.42. we'll have more on that coming up. but for now, james, back to you. >> time to talk winners and losers on wall street with financial expert rob black. joining us is always remotely during the pandemic. good morning, rob. >> as i had my shot. so i'm looking to be invited back to the studio soon. green just crossed. salute. lee will put in a word with the boss. can't make that happen. but let's talk about markets. it looks like i see the dow is off. what more than a 100 points from its record what's making headlines for you?
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>> i took a couple days off last week and i come back and we're accident record highs. p 500, the dow which is a good thing tech is really hitting on all cylinders, but it's not underperforming either. we are in earning season. last week we had the financial stark report. were yes, they're considered value so important part of our hour mix between growth and value. coca-cola came out today and said we're back to prepandemic sugary soda which is not the best data point, but it's a good team point to say that we're reopening bitcoin was down 19% of the week. it's there's lot of this. people see how it open today. it's steady today. apple's got a big ipad of it tomorrow looks like me. we peek at some being for. virtual reality or augmented reality. but i doubt it. gamestop ceo steps down today. stocks on fire trading higher. a man named roaring. kitty has
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cashed in big time. any time i use phrase roaring kitty, makes me haha. it makes me nervous to. all right. >> that will be in history. one to follow. you know, last time we chatted with you. we talked about the fact that airlines were like hiring back all their pilots because they're anticipating a pretty big surge come this summer. once they get there, though, the travelers. they have some place. they need some place to stay talking about. you're seeing in vacation rentals and they also optimistic. >> and huge investment opportunity for new hotel and leisure is what is based the story for me. but for audience school, that's something different to be epic summer summer of 2021 we might as well get a t-shirt. 3 quarter piece so we prince going. it's going to be it will be interesting, is the case rentals are going for premium. i vacationed out of his apple, a beach last weekend air bnb kind of think it was expensive, but arizona beaches
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epic. delta and american to their use 7.87 dreamliner to shuttle us from chicago to florida, which is pretty darned cool because 7.87 dreamliner. were kind of air space nerds. it's massive huge plane. it's really meant to carry us from san francisco to or san francisco to china. so the big planes are coming domestically. we're still waiting for the international open back up. but we'll be at 7090% lights this summer domestically speaking. so again, if you're looking for good news it's right there. looking for investment opportunities. we've recovered in domestic terms. but have an epic summer. the times to apple a beach integrate coastline of california was nobody there. it's starting to go a very cold, very quickly. while the crowds are coming back. all right. >> and i love this last story. we got mcdonald's teaming up. well, really getting into it. the k pop but industry teaming
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up with bts. so i can order a bts meal if i want to. >> yeah, don't get too excited like but you use the term k pop. let's see if you know. okay, pop this, here's your jeopardy question. from erin well, it is i don't know officially. i assume because it's coming from south korea's like korean pop or something like that. korean pop okay. and congratulations for that knowledge. their big international. this the first time a what's let's call famous orders. okay. an international scope. they're going to do it in 50 different countries wants to one started with travis scott last year. it was so popular. the rapper travis scott. that they ran out of house. they had going order more beef. they went to j whose, i guess. edm dj out of south america when it just trying to stay culturally relevant. i think genius i'm not a big bts fan. you know, the song dynamite, but i'm so
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stoked the world is opening up peopl from asian people, from of color just except in the entertainment wise i accounts to just smartest thing. they're not a big promotion starts may 26 don't get excited by the to be 10 nuggets, media of soda and kind of sweet and spicy south korea type of all sauce to go with the but for that's not really point that spore kids. joint bts. the bts army is going to show strong the summer. >> wow. all right. fun stuff. rob, thank you as always. and ask rob, the question would love to answer it on air. you can see on your screen, the ways to contact him. you can find him on facebook connect with him on twitter, e-mail him directly or you can always catch up with him on our website. kron 4 dot com and watch past episodes drop. thank you much. we'll see you soon.
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garden fresh salad drizzled with our signature italian dressing or four homemade soups to choose from plus, fresh out of the oven breadsticks
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our famous never ending first course is so good you might just forget you still have chicken alfredo to look forward to enjoy never ending soup or salad and breadsticks on us, before every meal only at olive garden we're all family here. >> 9.24 and breaking news from overnight. san leandro police are investigating their first homicide of the year. leds zoom in to where it happened. 11 o'clock last night on the 300 block of dutton avenue. that's where police found a several times. he died at the scene and they arrested his roommate for the killing. we don't have any names. in the east bay antioch police are looking for 2 people for the murder of a 16 year-old boy. he was killed saturday night on shannondale drive. 2 people
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walked into the garage of a home and opened fire and then they took off. officers found the teenager on the floor. he had been shot several times and died at the scene. >> 9.24, is the time and 2 men died in a crash involving a tesla over the weekend. but the curious thing is that police say there was no one in the driver's seat. this was in houston. police say there was a person in the front passenger seat. there was a person in the rear passenger seat. but there was no one driving. investigators say they're certain that no one was actually driving the car at the time of the crash either. so how could this have happened. this was a tesla twenty-nineteen model s it crashed into a tree and burst into flames after careening off the highway. now federal traffic safety officials are taking a look at this. we'll let you know when they determined what exactly happened. but at this point. it's a big mystery. 9.25 is the time. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news today marks the beginning of first weekend. we're going to take a
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look at some of the concerns about pollution. >> in our oceans.
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[ sfx: ding ding ding ] [ phone buzzing ] [ sfx: bing bing bing ] [ sfx: bing bloop ding ding bloop bing ] the day can wait... enter the golden state, with real california dairy.
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>> 9.28 right now. and we're going to have another nice day all week. maybe i guess it looks like we've got john in the weather center talking
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about temperatures doing what over the course of the week. john, going up or what is haha look like are you doing haha ways? haha. >> yeah, this is a pretty easy fought pretty easy as far as the ups and downs of the season goes, we're going to be looking at temperatures gradually cooling and that is actually going make a big difference from comparing this past weekend to next weekend from the upper 80's low 90's that was honored for this inland areas to barely even the 60's next weekend. today is your last day that we're going to be holding on to 80's in this forecast. so if you like the warm weather savor every minute of it. it's going to be a good one to be getting back out there even with the cloud cover we're seeing across areas like berkeley this morning. we will see some increase clearing later on this morning. setting us up for a mostly sunny afternoon. you could actually faintly see all that cloud cover hanging out right across the coastline as well as over the bay itself here on radar. little clear
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already for inland areas are already tapping into that sunshine at the coast where jacket because brisk winds will be picking up, especially later on today. we'll notice those winds towards the close of the day across the rest of the bay area too, right now temperatures are in the 40's and 50's. so get the jacket ready to go already pittsburgh. you're at 62, you're starting the morning very mild already under all that sunshine that you're sitting under and we'll have plenty more of that into the afternoon. reyna john, thank you for that. looks like we're back to the limit, especially along our bridges. >> the bay bridge as you head into the city down. 11 minutes for your drive time there's no high wind advisory along the bay bridge however, there is one along the san mateo bridge. we also saw that accident about 40 minutes ago. money to westbound there. that certainly has improved there at 13 minutes. we still have a high wind advisory as you're driving. as you are taking a tease, your head in towards 5 8985, 8880. it will take a 60 minutes. the air taken 5.80, as you head towards the maze. 14 minutes for you. and then
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looking at 80's a driving towards the maze. 12 minutes of traffic looks great weather. limited. multiple areas have more on that coming up. the darya and james, back to you. thanks a lot of >> so to breaking news this morning at 9.30 a manhunt has ended this morning in austin, texas after a shooter killed 3 people is just one of many shootings that we're covering today. >> in this case, 41 year-old stephen broderick was arrested. he's a former sheriff's decade. decked detective himself and police say she shot and killed 2 women and a man sunday morning. 3 people are dead now they have him in custody. they say he's also wanted for child assault charges. here's video of the crime scene. he was just arrested earlier this morning. police believe that he knew the victims and rest of their other shootings will in kenosha, wisconsin. they have a person of interest in custody now for a shooting that happened at a bar that killed 3 people and injured 3
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others. police say that a man was asked to leave the bar. and later, he came back and opened fire. and in omaha, nebraska 16 year-old and an 18 year-old are in custody for a shooting at all it happened saturday. one man was killed in the mall and a woman was injured the police have arrested those teenagers. indianapolis police say that that teenager who shot and killed 8 people and then killed himself. he had legally purchased the guns that he used when he opened fire at that fedex warehouse near the airport in indianapolis. the gunman 19 year-old brandon hole is a former fedex worker who worked at that warehouse and brought 2 rifles that he had purchased and opened fire. and it turns out his mother had told authorities about a year ago. there are some wanted to attempt suicide by cop. so they investigated. and they found and sees a gun in the home. so it's still not
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known why after all of that he was not barred from buying any more guns under indiana's red flag law. he got a hold of those guns, though. and he killed 8 people, 4 of them. we're seek. and in the bay area, there was a vigil for them to mourn the victims. the jakarta movement as a sikh organization and they held a candlelight vigil in fremont yesterday. an organizer with the movement says this is just terrible sign of the times. >> there's no safe space for somebody to go out now work on go about their day. these are just innocent lives. every single day for out shoes were 6 from the community. but we are at last. we are hurt each and every killing. >> this was one of 5 candlelight vigils held by the groups throughout california. >> well, new this morning, santa clara county has added added, i should say thousands of covid-19 vaccination appointments this week. they were able to do that because of a large supply that just
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arrive. what would supply. that's the news you want to this is rare. we're always talk about shortages. and finally now we have enough shots for everybody. crawford's yulia 7 as. >> has the details. >> santa clara health officials say they received 10,000 more vaccines just for this weekend and as a result of that, they have more appointments available so if you're 16 and older live or work in santa clara make your appointment if you had the coronavirus and recover county officials are still recommending that you get vaccinated. so far. county officials say that more than 57% of the people age 16 and older living in santa clara county have received a first dose and more than 31% have been completely vaccinated. nationally. health officials want most of the population vaccinated by july and locally this increase of vaccines will help reach that goal. just go to kron. 4 dot com. we have a link to make your appointment and get vaccinated. in santa
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clara yulia sevice kron 4 news. >> well, kron 4 celebrating earth week by drawing attention to some of the biggest environmental problems facing the bay area. and today we focus on the sea lion population. a lot of them are getting cancer because of chemicals in the water. kron four's ella sogomonian takes a look. >> the tourists and locals flock to gawk at a healthy number of about a quarter million sea lions living along the california coast. but over the last 40 years, researchers with the marine mammal center have found the animals to be fatally sick with cancer. a recent study found 2 main causes, the herpes virus and harmful pollutants called pc be found in plastic and ddt. they were dumped in the ocean decades ago. they're known as legacy chemicals because despite being banned in the 70's. they're still lurking in
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the water today and it is lethal. so this is actually a major cause of mortality and death in california. sea lions. it's one of the highest rates of cancer. we actually see across any wild animal population in the entire world. >> researchers are using these animals as an indicator of ocean health. and in turn human health and we depend on the ocean as well. we depend on it for the food we eat, the air. we breathe. so we can learn from the seals and sea lions to understand those threats. i think it means that we need to think about how our on land. >> can impact not only marine mammals but ice in turn. that's why thinking about our use of plastics, thinking about the role of climate change and how we know that when we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil. natural gas is impacting the ocean marine life as well as ourselves. so coming together as a community to think about the solutions to issues like ocean trash or climate change can not only help the sea lions and actually helps us in the long run as well.
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>> the ecology center in berkeley, applauded, the city's recent ban on single use plastic and encourages the movement to spread because most of what we believe is being recycled is ending up in our environment instead. >> in a constant battle. against this methodology that all things plastic or recyclable and. a lot of the growth in plastic packaging in the last several decades has been food packaging in particular the local takeout and delivery. >> food wear. >> we found that that those items are not recyclable. they don't have to some degree they have been collected in recycling programs and exported overseas where they end up getting done are burned. >> bork says there's no need to wait for change from the top down with policies. people can use their voice at home school and work to curb the use of plastic and create change from the bottom up. so while we can't reverse course,
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we can make a difference health of our ocean animals e and ultimately ourselves in san francisco. ella sogomonian kron 4 news. >> it is 9.37 coming up after the break, the local police department saying no more to side shows like you see on your screen. we'll see how they plan on cracking down. >> and still a little cloudy for some of us sfo is one of those spots where again, you can see the clouds still over san bruno mountain. but more and more sunshine reaching down now. and we're going to tap into more of that later today too. highs in the 80's but only for one more day cooler forecast ahead. and after multiple early morning, hot spots. one on the san mateo bridge. another one on the dunbar tunbridge roadways and bridges are finally starting to clear up. >> we'll have your drive times >> we'll have your drive times you're strong.
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>> 9.41. and the oakland police are cracking down on sideshows. they see doing this with your spectator or participant and they are going to find you. they say they're prepared. they have funds for their task force to sees cars and arrest people. >> we have the prevalence of firearms shooting negligently into the air shooting at other vehicles site. tricks are tactics that put people at greater risk just because you don't in a citation or tow tonight. the prepared to see
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us knocking on your front door in the near future because we're taking video surveillance. we're working with community partners and we are doing follow-up investigations to do seizure warrants. >> where you may not see your car for a very long time afterwards. >> so they're putting out the word that the new task force completely funded and they are ready to make arrests. we'll be right back with more in few minutes.
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someday, looking back on the pandemic, you'll want to be proud to say i did everything i could. i found the strength. i looked out for everyone. i did what i could to keep my family safe. i will say, i did my part. while covid-19 is in the air, please, protect yourself and others. wear a mask, keep your distance, and get vaccinated when it's your turn. santa clara county. stay strong. spread hope.
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>> welcome back. we are looking at conditions out there today that are going to be nice and clear come the afternoon across the bay area, partly cloudy skies right now, though, across much of the region. you can see out there and timber on some sunshine reaching its way in timber on currently in. that's going to be something we're going to see more and more of come the afternoon. so partly cloudy start. don't let that fool you, though. we still got some sunshine and even some 80's in this forecast ahead of us today. radar shows that blanket of cloud cover. that's sitting near the coastline. some of that cloud cover has made its way into the those greater spots or areas like oakland berkeley, the bay . more sunshine for inland and north bay area's high pressure built up across the region. that's what's brought us such warm weather over the weekend that high pressure is actually
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going to have less and less of an impact on us across the day as a dip in the jet stream gradually takes hold. and that means gradually cooler weather really over the rest of this forecast. so the 80's will be a thing of the past after today and feel enjoy it winds pick up later on today, especially at the coastline. so if you're heading out to the ocean to enjoy a bit of a dose of sunshine out there. bring the extra layer. it's going to be a brisk day for coastal spots still warm for inland areas. but those winds do pick up later on today on into the evening tonight, we start to see an increase marine layer pretty dense marine layer tonight, too could expect some coastal drizzle in the santa cruz mountains as well as right along the coast itself that could make for a few spots along route such as highway, one or skyline boulevard as we move into the afternoon tomorrow. skies will be nice and clear tuesday afternoon. just not going to be quite as warm as what we're expecting this afternoon. today's daytime highs in the 50's and 60's in san francisco down peninsula along highway one cloudy to start. but you do get sunshine later today. 60's
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and 70's elsewhere in the bay area, especially right along the bay shore seeing carlos at 70 mountain view at 74 south bay temps in the mid 70's for san jose santa clara and morgan hill while across the east bay, some upper 60's to upper 70's. just depending on where you're at. livermore. you're not in the 80's anymore. like you were yesterday. today at 78 while conquered 80 degrees, oakland enrichment in the low 70's for your highs today. north bay still among some of our warmest spots vacaville 86 78 while petaluma through center fell in the mid 70's tomorrow's temperatures, noticeably cooler ike. i said after today 80's not something we're talking about anymore. it's going to be 70's that are warm us from tuesday on through friday and then the weekend ahead gets even cooler yet with their first chance of rain so far this april expected on sunday. reyna john, thank you for that. getting a look at our roadways right now after having multiple accidents across several bridges this morning, the sun detail ridge. >> the dumbarton bridge now
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conditions great on our roadways. 9 minutes as you head to that 3 months the exit for you heading into the city from the east bay also get a look at the san mateo bridge. there is still a high wind advisory in place here. so you want to be mindful of that as you're taking that hit and look at the richmond. sandra fell bridge under 8 minutes for your drive time. also just checking on some other highways force. everything's gone pretty much at the limit as you take in one. oh, one heading in the park at that 8528 minutes for you. there. 6.80. the che go to danville. 12 minutes for you and highway 4 as you head in towards conquer to 40 to 14 minutes. so we'll have more on this throughout the day before now daria, back to you. >> in the buzz. the a's are on a roll. they've won 8 in a row. but they just ran into a covid roadblock. they can't start their series in oakland today because 2 players on the twins tested positive for covid is the plan right now is to play a double header tomorrow and the giants snapped their two-game losing streak with one run. they polish off miami one to nothing and they move on to
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philly today. steph curry is in good company. curry joins kobe and jordan as the only players in history to keep putting out 40 points or more at the ripe old age of 33 steph scored 47 points in the warriors lost to the celtics saturday night that makes 4 games with over 40 points in april and 10 straight games with at least 30 points. we'll see if he can take it to 11 tonight versus the 76 ers. this one goes to 11 spinal tap. look at gates steps. not the only one keeping good company in oakland teenager has floyd mayweather in his corner jason dumas introduces us to 17 year-old david lopez. >> a big bloke even shoes bought. >> it kind of i went to the gym and my dad. my brother every day. >> i saw them praying and saying i decided to pick up the gloves one day and i that would more
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>> located came with professing his craft it takes a lot of sacrifice, a lot of dedication and a lot of my time is put into a box and. >> you know, it's hard having to balance school and walks but i find a way to do both paid off. >> on march 20 17 years old. became one of the youngest fighters to ever sign a professional contract with mayweather promotions. i grew up watching floyd mayweather a lot when i was younger. >> so for me to be signed to mayweather promotions was a big deal for me. and it's just a first up on my dream. >> the folks over at mayweather promotions believe david following floyd's footsteps. >> we just really excited about our future of where we're going. and, you know, floyd's retirement now. so it's about building that next generation of young fighters. david, no cases can be part part big part of that. >> that would be expected. david, to get in the ring for his debut as soon as june in
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the meantime, david will remain down same thing that got him here. i know a lot of spot on the inside. the motion is a big deal and have to be in the gym every day to hold my spot and i know a lot of people want. what i have is set to meet to what i had. and you know, really take advantage what i'm doing. >> watch out. david goes by dynamite. david dynamite. lope. i like that. his dad chris by lightning lopez so you've got lightning and now dynamite. yeah. so lightning. and you know, dynamite you what you can watch him. it's all it's all in the foot. so the got a fancy. yeah. and just seeing him. >> work with his trainer there. he's got some solid punches. you could hear that's that. he's going to be presidency. can't wait. so that's in june. his first fight under the mayweather contract. that's of us.
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mom needs help but, she doesn't want to move. we're mostly concerned about her safety.
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she's already had a couple of falls. we had this joke, 'oh, that's a senior moment, right? but it wasn't. i'm driving her to the doctor, physical therapy... making sure that she's eating and staying hydrated. home care with an entire support team. mom could stay in her house, as long as she wants. that would be the perfect solution. she could live independently, and do her own thing. but with support, and transportation. i can focus more on my family too and be secure in knowing that she's happily looked after. he could keep doing his vegetable garden, and get really good, specialized care. and i could just be her daughter again.
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done here on the kron 4 morning news for today. they never stopped, though, on kron on. let's go to the newsroom. noelle bellow is standing by. hi, noel yeah. there's a lot to get to this morning. the closing arguments have now are being presented now in the derek chauvin trial. the jury is soon going to be deliberating. we're going to take you to check in on some
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local businesses here in san francisco as they prepare for the verdict this week. plus, today is the day all states should be making covid-19 vaccines available to anyone. 16 and older will have the latest from the white house. covid-19 task force. we've got that and much more all day long right here on kron on. you can download the app by us getting that qr code that you see on your screen right there. we've got live local news 24 7 here on the kron on app. back to you. thanks to oil. >> so we have history in the making. not here. but on another planet and you can see nasa employees here cheering as we saw the first successful experimental flight a helicopter on the surface of mars, which is a full it's the sun tactical size. yeah. that's the camera on the underside looking down at its own gear. and then here we have in the flooding. this is from the. >> a rover itself. looking back at the ingenuity helicopter taking off. they're going to begin see a pop-up. just the amount of work years
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and years like a decade of work in the making right. and to trust that all of the engineering, all of them at all of the computer programming work flawlessly. millions of miles away on another planet. now it's just a model that's going to take us to mars no, no, but this is the model that could help us transport ourselves and put that on okay. i living there will flying around. yeah. sounds good in your space suit, you'll would drone. >> on and take off from mars right congratulations. nasa because a mars you would. that's about take up or down to that what's the weather going to be like on earth today. it's going to be pretty 70's and 80's the normal we are going to be looking at much cooler highs come next weekend, though. i hope you guys enjoyed soak in some of that sum this weekend after today we get a little bit cooler gradually day by day and then into next weekend when the 60's and guy is the first chance of rain have talked all month likely on
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sundays that will help with the allergies because i was loving the weekend till i couldn't see anymore. you can enjoy the not set to make his ring in just got to deal with get some rain. all right. that's it for this morning. you back here tomorrow a bike?
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10:00 am
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