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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 10, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> the bay area's local news stations. now with breaking news. >> our breaking news tonight at 6 or 2 scandals happening in sonoma county. first the former mayor of sebastopol was arrested this morning on suspicion of having with the teenager between 1415 years old as well as other crimes with minors. robert jacob who is 44 years old, was booked into the sonoma county jail. he's being held without bail on a variety of felony charges. the allegations started in 2019 until march of this year when police started
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their investigation. kron four's amanda hari is unsurpassed of. all right. now getting more information on this breaking news story and we'll have a live report for us starting during crawford is in prime time at 8 o'clock. you can also stay up to date on this breaking news story by following along on our website. kron 4 dot com. the other story we are following the saturday night tonight. we've learned that a 5th accuser now accusing. >> current windsor mayor. dominic foppoli for pulling, i should say, of assault allegations. this comes after a report in the san francisco chronicle. this evening with claims once again of 5 separate accounts of alleged abuse. the most recent victim coming forward today. sonoma county officials say that the mayor should step down right away while the investigation is underway. a number of folks following the story. we have reached out to. mayor. off of pulleys in los angeles to try and get a statement from them concerning these allegations
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and this new 5th victim as soon as we gather more information and get a statement from them. we will pass that information along to you. >> we knew it was coming. there was no way that that wasn't eventually going filter to us. it's going be a bump in the road. but not a drop off the cliff. >> other top story tonight at 6 as counties across the bay area, open up vaccine eligibility. we're also in having to deal with now a shortage of doses. thank you so much for joining us here on kron, 4 news at 6. i'm justine waltman. i'm jonathan mccall. folks as young as 16 now eligible to receive the vaccine in some parts of the bay area. but. >> the state of california is set to see their vaccine supply dwindle in the coming weeks in the east bay in contra, costa county, folks, 16 and older now eligible for the vaccine. it comes after county health leaders gave the green light to let more folks get vaccinated at the mass vaccination site at the oakland coliseum that side which was set to close tomorrow will remain open for at least the next 4 weeks. we
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have more details on how you can book your appointments online at kron. 4 dot com. >> and the south bay santa clara county has also joined other california counties and expanding vaccine eligibility to younger adults. again, this is all days ahead of the state's schedule, which is supposed to be an april 15th. but now everyone in santa clara county, 16 and older can sign up for an appointment at last check. there were more than 1 million vaccines that had been administered in santa clara county, which is the most and any bay area county. but as eligibility is expanding, it might be harder to get an appointment. santa clara health officials also pushing for people to continue being tested for covid. they say testing rates over the last 2 months have dropped by 34%. it's important they say, to continue testing so that health officials can know where the virus is spreading, especially since new variants continue to spread in the bay area. facebook has now turned
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a building at its headquarters into a covid-19 vaccination site. this clinic opened up today making doses available to underserved neighboring communities that have been hit hard by the virus during this pandemic. kron 4 subject. all reports people are taking advantage of this walk up site. >> the struggle to book an appointment to receive a covid-19 vaccine is over for the hundreds who waited outside facebook headquarters in menlo park saturday very fortunate to be in the line today. i thought we would never lie. good. no appointment necessary. residents living in the belle haven neighborhood in menlo park north fair oaks and also encouraged to walk up for the shot to the law is hill. >> here. which was it right now. facebook is partnering with local federally qualified community health care center readings would family health network to host the clinic and administer the vaccines so big deal i'm around a lot of elderly people so i don't even
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want to get. nobody said ravenswood says the san mateo county public health department is supplying the vaccines, including moderna and johnson johnson doses. >> and that shots to vaccinate 1200 people for the day by vaccinating them we can reduce >> the they in all of the disease in the community and hopefully people will be able to get well, go back to work. >> back to school. the school worked with governor gavin newsom's office to identify communities throughout the state hit hardest by the virus. similar community clinics have opened at several locations in the central valley in southern california. well, facebook will work with nonprofits to vaccinate 10,000 people in the next few weeks. after all, facebook really want to support the equitable distribution a vaccine. they are helping the >> which is very beautiful. could we are in part it's really nice yeah. it's a blessing. the cities of east palo alto and menlo park also working with the tech giant to
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provide free shuttles for those who need a ride to the clinics in menlo park police today all kron 4 >> another reason it could be more tough for to get a vaccine in the coming weeks is because health leaders across california are being told to expect fewer doses the golden state received 2.4 million doses of the covid vaccine this week. that number is expected to drop to 2 million next week in under 2 million 2 weeks from now. the lack of doses being largely blamed on a factory in baltimore, maryland. that mixed up ingredients and some 50 million johnson and johnson single dose vaccines that had to be destroyed. tonight. the new york times is reporting that states can expect fewer jnj. one shot vaccines and that it will be extremely limited until that plan is approved by federal regulators to produce that drug. >> we knew it was coming. there was no way that that wasn't eventually going filter to us. it's going be a bump in the road. but not a drop off the cliff.
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>> doctor peter chin hong with ucsf says there is some good news, though. he says the majority of the population most at risk have already been vaccinated which reduces the strain on hospitals. he also says that anyone who received their first shot of the pfizer or moderna vaccines. we'll still be able to get their second shots. there's a new lifeline for small businesses here in san francisco who have received little to no federal or even city funding. mayor london breed approving a nearly 11 million dollar program to fund additional grants and loans to provide immediate financial relief to businesses. the city already accepting applications for the program. we have a link on low you can apply right now at kron 4 dot com. >> restaurants were clearly hit really hard during the pandemic. but this weekend they're hoping for some community business with san francisco. >> restaurant week. a lot of business out of their way. it is a great idea, but it's not going to be easy for thomas with the golden gate restaurant association shows
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us how tells us what things will look like this year. >> that we are not out of the woods yet. in fact, i saw today chicago's thinking about closing down indoor dining again. so we need to be super careful out here. and so that means it outdoors. we still have limits on the tables, you know, parties or 6 or less. wear a mask if a server approaches a bus or approaches and that's for their safety as well as your safety. >> thomas is reminding folks taking part in restaurant week tormake sure you follow the rules of the restaurants. 6 people per party indoor dining still at 50% capacity and make sure you wear your mask when you're not eating or drinking. >> now our 4 zone forecast as we take a live look outside at the city of san francisco from our sutro camera. it is a nice night to be outside, do some outdoor dining, some just outdoor anything well, you to fill out there. make sure you stay inside to finish this. oh, yeah. and you can is just
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yet. and you can go outside. make sure you're back in time at 8 o'clock, though. >> i'm meteorologist mabrisa rodriguez here tonight with a look at how warm things are today and how warm they're going to get for the rest of the weekend. yeah. we saw widespread low to mid 70's in our inland valleys just even jonathan. so warmer air mass is currently in place for us here in the bay area. not a cloud in sight. we are still going to notice the shallow marine layer to start our sunday morning, but an even warmer air mass is on top for the 2nd half of your weekend and already tracking double digit warming for most of our valleys in the east bay and south bay livermore. the winner right now nearly 15 degrees warmer than where you were just 24 hours ago. that's why you're in the mid 70's. so enjoy those 70's out there right now for you and conquered pleasant temperatures for san jose. nonetheless. and you're also tracking a double digit warm-up at 67 degrees. check out berkeley, though flirting with 70's right now at 69 degrees not getting that cool
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sea breeze influence like downtown san francisco and oakland currently in the low 60's with santa rosa and napa. both at 68 degrees. and if you love today's forecast you're in for a treat to cnn. jonathan bring up that kiddie pool because you're going to need it tomorrow. tracking widespread 70's. find out when we'll cool down. and if any rain is heading our way in my full forecast in just a few minutes. back to marissa, thank you so much. still to come tonight. >> we're going take you live to los angeles after a heartbreaking scene discovered there this afternoon. 3 children stabbed to death. >> and then how the drought in the north bay is not only creating dangerous fire conditions, but it's also sources and some of them are starving to death. what is being done to try and save them. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6.
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>> now to a video, but it's quickly going viral and army lieutenant is now suing to virginia police officers over a traffic stop that happened in december in which the officers pointed their guns at him and used the term to suggest that he was facing execution. the video was showing second. lieutenant car on with his hands in the air outside of the driver's side window telling officers that he's afraid to get out of the car and that's when an officer told him that he should be and then pepper sprayed him this incident started when an officer stopped for 2 did
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windows and not having a rear iicense plate. the officer said that he had been eluding police in the video stresses that he just drove until he could find a well lit area. >> still to come tonight here on kron. 4 news at 6 o'clock a live report on the los angeles tonight after 3 children found stabbed to death. let you know who authorities now have in custody tonigh
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! [ squawks ] how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops! [ laughter ] good evening! meow! nope. oh... what? i'm an emu! ah ha ha. no, buddy! buddy, it's a filter! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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>> another big story we're following tonight is the 3 children who were stabbed to death in southern california just a heartbreaking story unfolding there. tonight. the woman believed to be responsible for the violent scene is in custody. but the question of why this happened still unanswered tonight. carlos saucedo with our sister station ktla in los angeles live tonight in receded with some of the answers into this just horrible story. carlos. good evening. and this story just beyond tragic. 3 young children found stabbed to death. >> inside their apartment behind me here in the suspect, the children's mother. authorities say they found her attempting to get away 180 miles north of here now take a look at this. is 30 year-old lillyhanna who is described as the sole perpetrator. authorities say that they got radio call at 9.30 this morning of a possible death at the royal villa apartments in and police got here. they found 3 guns, children dead. a
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3 year-old 2 year-old and a 6 month old. the children's grandmother had just gotten home from work and found him dead. the mother nowhere to be found. korea fled north attempting to get away. now. police did put out an alert asking for the public's help in catching her authorities listed her as armed and dangerous. she reportedly committed the carjacking in the bakersfield area and was seen driving a stolen silver toyota pickup hours later she was found and arrested him ponta rossa, which is a small town into larry county detectives expressing how difficult of a scene it was for some of the officers to find the children. are the incidents or will it impact as a police officer. >> did the captain david grimes is here behind me. he is monitoring the well being of our officers responded to the scene. we folks from a behavioral science services division. we're here to assist officers. given the impact
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that that this has on on you as a person, as an individual. >> originally police said that the children were fatally stabbed. then later said a cause of death had not been determined the corner, of course, will make that final determination a cause for this has not been established. but of course, this investigation is still in the early stages. i'll send it back to you. all right. live in los angeles just a heartbreaking scene there. thank you. >> tonight. back here at home, oakland police say they're dealing with a surge in violent crime this week. they say 3 people killed in a span of 24 hours. on wednesday. a day later, officers responded to some 32 robberies in another 24 hour period. opd offering some tips in order to keep you safe. they say if you are involved in a car crash, make sure you pull into a well-lit area like a gas station or a business of possible. but you do not get out of your car if you do not feel safe and when approaching or leaving your car always be
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aware of your surroundings have your keys and sensible at all times and never keep your car on occupied with the motor running. >> 2 people were rescued from a fire in half moon bay earlier this morning at the historic san benito in 2 people were trapped and leaning out of a second-floor window when the firefighters first arrived. this is according to cal fire crrws had to raise a ladder to the get to the 2 guests who were trapped and 9 other people had to be rescued and had to be. safed. 3 people were treated at the scene. but did not need further care. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> sea breeze along the coast for the 2nd half of your weekend allowing for warmer air mass. that's going to warm up temperatures from coastal valleys. find out how much my full forecast after the break.
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>> all right. let's talk weather this saturday at 6 o'clock. a live look outside courtesy of our camera on top of mount temple, pious and it's been a picture perfect day is hot, but we need some rain in school. get a little bit warmer. let's check in now with mabrisa rodriguez. >> yeah, let's take a look at daytime highs today. in we're going to be about 10 degrees above average. so as we take a look at the temperatures tracking widespread mid to upper 70's for most of our inland valleys and but along the coast we actually saw a
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cooler forecast for those of you, especially in oakland just warming up to 63 degrees. thanks to mother nature's air conditioning system working into high gear today. we did see gusts upwards of 30 miles per hour or less downtown san francisco. exactly where you should be at this time of year. but about 10 degrees above average for those of you in livermore concord and santa rosa. so a big warm-up for inland valleys. double digit warming for most of the east bay and north bay taking a live look outside from the east bay over berkeley very shallow, marine layer. and we're going to wake up to shallow clouds for your sunday giving way to a warmer and drier air mass. we're we're going to warm up to above average highs along the coast, reading into our inland valleys and temperatures out there right now. widespread low to mid 60's for most of the bay area shoreline with at 54 degrees. mid 70's right now for livermore and even conquered at 73 degrees and santa rosa and avato in the mid to upper 60's and
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overnight lows. tonight, widespread mid 40's. but 2 outliers going to be pretty mild night for those of you in antioch in the low 50's and santa rosa chillier cooling down to 39 degrees. but tomorrow's daytime highs above average even for downtown san francisco warming up into the mid 60's upper 60's for those of you in oakland and hayward flirting with 80's once again for inland valleys in livermore and conquered and santa rosa vallejo. not that far behind at 76 degrees and taking a look ahead at your next 7 day forecast. i wish i could bring rain into the next 7 day outlook. but chances slim to none. in fact, we're going to be very dry. mostly sunny skies for inland valleys and even along the coast going to see some breezy winds on monday and tuesday. so far no word yet on any fire danger concerns. but because of our lack of rain and returning to drought conditions. we unfortunately are expected to have possible severe drought
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and extreme drought in the coming months. and that's just going to increase our fire danger threat to year round conditions. but warm. i know for inland valleys, it's toasty out there. so how do you guys like to stay cool. growing up. i had a slip and slide which was very painful. i've got to get one of ago will thanks recent alright. turning to politics right now. for nearly 6 years. alex padilla served as california's secretary of state. >> but now he's answering your questions as california's junior senator. it's all part of an exclusive town hall interview inside california politics coast, nicky lorenzo and frank buckley have a preview. or more than a year into the coronavirus pandemic and this weekend on inside california politics. senator alex padilla joins us for an exclusive statewide town hall. >> senator, discussed with us key issues including covid-19 relief and the push to give americans recurring direct payments. we have to make it clear as long the pandemic lasts. >> the federal government will be there to support american families and small businesses.
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>> another big national discussion right now. vaccine passports. we asked senator pda. >> if he supports the idea that think we need it get that follow when it comes to public health guidance of the public health scientists and experts here. they said that we need a mandate for a pet that the passport we also asked senator to make a promise to voters about at least one issue he will acc1mplish before running for office again in 2022. >> for our full town hall with senator alex padilla. make sure and watch inside california politics this weekend and every weekend broadcasting statewide. and you can watch this exclusive town hall with senator alex buddy. our next right here on kron.
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>> breaking barriers and pushing for change in washington now california's new senator alex but is answering your questions on the issues that matter across our state. covid-19 relief. gun violence. immigration reform. voting rights. all in an exclusive statewide town hall event. >> across the golden state. this is inside california politics. >> thank you for joining us for this inside california politics town hall on frank buckley in los angeles and i'm nikki laurenzo in sacramento on


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