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tv   KRON 4 News at 530  KRON  October 23, 2019 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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table and every scales is back there also will cover. corporate security in contact them if needed. apologize up front, i'm a fast talker saw will slow down a little bit. finally we are in earthquake country and so we need to. prepare ourselves for an earthquake were i have a flight some of our head. so please be prepared to duck cover and hold. if we need to get out of this room we're going to exit through these 2 exits over here. and then will proceed to back toll plaza across the streets. and if that's not safe. we will then proceed to market plaza at the end of market. finally i'm active shooter situations are all too real. if we find ourselves on the situations we should attempt to get out. we media line for anyone on the
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phone who needs answer ask questions. that's 4, 1, 5, 9, 7, 3, 5, 9, 3, 0, and we have asian things going about 30 minutes a night like they did last night. our lineup tonight will be our principal meteorologist discuss triunfo he'll start us off. we will then comments from rpg corporation president bill johnson, also have some remarks by our deputy incident commander mark 1 one. and then we'll go to questions so with that a mascot to come out. so as a anticipated by global >>high-resolution weather models we do have high pressure building to our north and east of the territory and it is starting a period of gusty and dry north to northeast winds across a northern california. we are seeing wind speeds a start to ramp up in some locations are already gusting 30 to 40 miles
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per hour. in the north bay, sacramento valley and higher terrain in the sierra. i'm just looking at one station for mount saint clean about 3 seconds to go on my or 3 minutes ago excuse me on my mobile phone was showing us a 41 miles per hour with a really low relative humidity. a very dry air. nasa is also thought also filtering into california from the north. and right now we see numerous readings in the teens to a single digits across many weather stations in northern california. so this combination of of when low humidity and dry fuels on the surface is leading to conditions that according to the national weather service could produce extreme fire behavior. and also high risk of significant fires, according to the northern operations predictive services across vast portio northern california and into southern california. so this wind event does look like it's a california, a california wide. phenomenon this is
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expected to transition across the south half of the state. later tonight. thursday into friday. our utility to the south so cow at us and according to their website is considering a p s p s event for about 300,000 customers as well so it is a california wide. a phenomenon and a risk of a significant fires across vast portions of california. the northern california event that we are heading into is expected to peak overnight tonight. we are expecting the winds to taper off for northern california. kind of in that 10:00am to noon time frame. and at that time we'll be looking at are more than the weather stations across the territory. as well as other intel from our high-resolution cameras and also feel crews are placed strategically out in the field in order to determine and recommend an all clear so that our crews can begin to restore power for northern california across the south. it does look like to you. he sees me the
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winds are going to taper fund enough friday about from about 10 to noon. so that's when we expect to issue the all clear about and noon on friday. i'm looking ahead for all of us. we do appear to be stuck in a weather pattern that is conducive to offshore wind patterns and we are looking at in continuing to monitor a second period of offshore winds that may impact northern california saturday night through monday afternoon. some of the forecast models that we look at such as the european model suggests that this could be the strongest wind event of the season unfortunately, and potentially stronger than the october 9th through 11th, a p s p s event. we're just a word of caution. we're still several days out from that event so things could still involve the right now it's looking like potential for ease to be a significant event. the surface are
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expected to dry out with this event that we're going through right now. and so we don't anticipate any significant recovery in fuel moisture is for the second event so we're anticipating fuels to be as dry if not drier than what we've seen all year this year so could have the potential be a very significant event. this weekend. northup's predictive services is already forecasting high risk of significant fires for this weekend events they have high risk across multiple public predictive service areas in northern california and in talking with the national weather service today. they are anticipating issuing fire weather watches and red flag warnings for this upcoming events as well. pg meteorology continues to closely coordinate with our federal forecasts agency partners and i mentioned some of those predictive services as well as national weather service. and i do encourage you to evaluate check out their forecast. some of them are available at
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whether dhaka and you can find the northup's predi services out there. if you search. so that's it for weather turn back to you keith no. good afternoon, everyone, i'm bill johnson, the of pg e corporation. >>a few hours ago we initiated a public safety power shutoff across portions of the sierra foothills and the north bay. we also expect to turn off power for small parts of san mateo and kern counties. after midnight tonight probabay around 01:00am in total the shut offs will affect about 179,000 customers and touch portions of 17 counts. we made this dangerous combination of hot dry and ndy conditions. in those areas are just mentioned which together increased risk
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of sparks on the electric system which in turn has the potential to cause catastrophic wildfire. we don't ever want to any more of those. and so that's why we do these kind of things. i want to note that not everyone who is out of power will experience the strong winds that scott talked about. this is because the electric system relies on power lines of working together to provide electricity across cities counties in entire state something in the system as a large spider web of lies going in every direction. and regardless of whether you're seeing windy conditions in your location. dangerous conditions affecting the system exists somewhere that's connected to you. so that's why you might not see it, but you will experience it. our first responsibility of pg e is to keep everyone safe. our neighbors, their families communities that we share. and that's only reason we do this protect human life. we understand the hardship by the
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shut off sunday safety issues that it brings with it. but we also understand the heartbreaking devastation of catastrophic wildfire. those losses are forever. we're determined to do everything in our power to prevent them. as we do that we also want to keep everybody informed about our shot safety shut off so people can know whether they will be affected and for how long. so let me show you how we're doing this first. working in lockstep with our state agencies including hello, yes, the cpu see in cal fire. many of whom are with us here personally in our emergency operations center to them. i say thank you. we have y local and tribal governments in the impacted areas hardin briefing calls with those folks 3 times a day. our main web page. pg e dot com. which has all of the customer resources and tools such as address look out look up outage maps and downloadable
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map files is fully operational in working normally. our customer notifications via e-mail text and phone one out it 48, 24 4 hours in advance for the vast majority of customers impact. we didn't made that exact time frame it was because of changes to the forecast that caused slight changes to the scope of the event. our call centers are fully staffed with very short wait times. and overall we want all of our customers and communities to be aware of the tools and information we offer. we encourage customers to sign up to receive automated notifications with p s p s is called their community. want emphasize this point because it now scott mentioned that be another round of safety shut off this weekend and early next week, the timing isn't i'm more say at the end of the so on social. they're so story swirling that
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we intend to keep power out for the entire 2 events that will be close together so we won't restore we'll just let our be out that is not true. we expect to have the all-clear most of this area by midday tomorrow. i think in kern midday friday, but we will be getting restoration. i'm elaine intend to restore everybody before the next potential of being gets here. say something very important to the many thousands of pg employees and contractors a eve are now out in the field preparing to do the hard work of inspecting our system they were storing power. be careful. be safe. and look out for each other. i say this because earlier today, one of our employees in glenn county was the target of what appears to be a deliberate attack.
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close driving pg any vehicle when a projectile hit the front passenger window. our security team believes a projectile to be a pellet from a pellet gun. so thankfully. the employee was not injured law enforcement our own security people are looking into this, but let me say this directly. there is no justification for this sort of violence. whenever you see any of our crews anywhere in our community, your community they're there to help there's there specifically to help you. they're not anonymous strangers they're your neighbors, they're your friends. most of our front-line employees live in the communities where they work. so i understand the shut can make people have said even angry. have said pga. you don't take it out on the people that are trying to help people. with that i think turn to mark wendland for operational of that. thank you
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bill good evening, everybody, i'm mark women on the incident for this public safety power shutoff of that. >>here to provide an operational update. bill had final scope. the shot off was approximately 179,000 customers. that's roughly 143,000 in the sierra foothills, a area of our service territory roughly 36,000 and the north bay. less than a 1000 and san mateo and less than a 100 and her counties. we began our shut down shortly after 1400 hours or 02:00pm. we needed to have our system in d energize stay prior to 05:00pm or 1700. we successfully executed that plan and those sections of the sierra foothills and the north bay are now. the energized and will remain that way until the
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all clear which we believe will be at noon tomorrow to bill's point. in terms the scope and how we reduce we were able to continue to further sexualize our system and perform switching operations to limit customer impacts. we're also able to secure. backup generation for a few communities. specifically and when. placer ville. calistoga and grass valley altogether slightly above 5,000 customers are able to be restored via a backup generation. workers are in the process of executing that now. in terms of next steps for us it's all about monitoring operational period. our team will be working closely with the meteorology team to monitor the wind activity
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right now activity is as forecasted to. turned our favor and wind dropping below the a the dangerous levels and dangerous speeds of approximately 12 noon tomorrow. we will be in a posture to take action earlier. if when conditions. improve earlier than forecasted right now we have a number. field personnel in the field. and they're in the process of sexualizing our system segment our system breaking it up into smaller pieces placing it into a posture. that is safe. and more ready really available to be restored quickly. this also allows us to preposition our resources at each of those a specific locations on our system in advance of the all clear that way when we get it, it's immediate communication to the fuel resources and we
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can start a patrol. restoration process. so along that line. we have roughly a 1000 miles of distribution. overhead system to patrol and roughly 650 miles of transmission system to patrol. we intend to do that. via foot via ground and via air from a air resource perspective. we have 42 helicopters. that are in position and ready to begin that read to patrol sequence. we have approximately 6,000 field resources that will be in position to perform the ground patrols. also as mentioned last night at this briefing, we've been working closely with callaway asked to secure a fixed wing aircraft with some new technology high resolution camera with some infrared technology that allows us to see our transmission system. and night. we performed a test and
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the auburn area. yesterday the results of that were favorable so we are going back up in the air this evening and we're going to be doing more patrols of our system just to confirm. damage locations we expect the winds to pick up. over the overnight hours. we believe that we can why are transmission system and just look for obvious. damage locations vegetation blowing into our right a weigh-in impacting our facilities that will give us a and advance notice to station and mobilize repair crews to address those issues. we will of start that patrol sequence tomorrow when we get the formal all clear and then one side that patrol is complete we will restore people normal service. we are anticipating. a 48 hour. range if you will for estimated time
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of restoration. this. this builds into that estimate the potential for finding damage on our system. as you recall we identified several areas of damage about a 130 cases from last p s p s of that we expect to find damage associated with this event as well, i'm not quite as high. but just want a message to everybody our estimate fakes and time for. repair activity for any damage that we find. the customer % front. we have a sent out another communication to customers that exist in the san mateo when the kern counties just to confirm that we intend to execute p s p s shortly after midnight. we need to have those areas of the service territory be energized by 0, 200 hours. we
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intend to send a final communication to them around 08:00pm this evening. letting them know so that our customers and the agency partners can make plans. we have opened a 28 community resource centers. all of them will be open tomorrow. the hours of operation are 8 in the morning until late in the evening. we did. reach out to all of the counties that were affected. and we asked if there is any interest in opening any of those counties. earlier today we received some interest in that area so we opened 6 community resource centers. today and they'll be open until. pm. one final note before i turn it back to bill i just to appreciate the patients. behalf of ou you know power outages are very inconvenient. recognize cause
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a lot of disturbance to what normal a normal life brings we fully understand that were impacted by that as well. you have our commitment that we're working as hard as we can safely restore you to service and with that i'll turn it back over to bill. as all 3 of us have mentioned i think we continue to monitor and prepare for an additional wind event. >>starting this weekend. early forecasts show this has the potential be widespread in our region. with significant wins. we have a bit in our 7 day p s p s forecast that's available showing elevated safety shut down beginning late saturday. so we'll continue coordinate with our agency partners and preparing for this and as we think with that.
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>>hold on for one 2nd need to grab the microphone, so making area so. >>i over cbs the power going going around 3 o'clock today. we have people out there with a par now 45 minutes or were caught off guard. this in the north bay can you cannot talk about that. thanks for the question. >>i can provide some context behind that so we've been messaging that the need to have everybody a d energizing our system the energized was 05:00pm in order to do that successfully we need. too. schedule time to actually perform the switching weather world. you know operating devices in our control centers. employs a underneath switches and devices in the in the field. so we. allowed for some extra
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operating time operating margin if you will in order to do that system so our original forecast was that the sierra foothill region would started to and the north bay area start at 3. that came with the understanding that if weather conditions either for the good. but not to the good that we would adjust that timing. we're monitoring that in real time felt the need we saw a little increase in the wind conditions with our field observer there were in the field as well as the several weather stations that. >>all right we've been listening live to that press listening live to that press conferenc but the headline certainly coming out of it is that there is an additional power outage that could start this saturday and last through monday afternoon that is because they're forecasting the strongest winds of the season stronger than the winds we saw 2 weeks ago that caused some 800,000 customers 2 million people to lose power so i guess there's a chance that you could just have power. the
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out now and if it takes them 48 hours to re energize lines and they're not expecting to get that all clear uilnoon tomorrow. you do the math. it could virtually be a power outage through the weekend though the c o did his best to squash that notion, certainly they don't know what's going to happen because the forecast remains in flux but certainly an ominous warning there kind of a scary situation really with almost like a perfect storm situation is with the way he was describing it. >>this dry hot. those winds. we want to let you know that we have special coverage tonight on kron on it is at 7 o'clock be taking live phone calls from our viewers you'll be able to talk with an expert from the utility reform network. so you can learn what kind of action you can take it starts at 7 o'clock tonight on kron on right after the 6 o'clock news. you know if you don't have the app you can download it right now for free. because of this crisis
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is power crisis from the app store. we'll be right back
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>>dozens of people a couple of days, how residents are coping with yet another blackout test fire danger returns northern california is heavy winds trigger. >>red flag warnings including
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much of the van gogh. to harrison, the wine collection. to mateo, my favorite chair. grace, you get the beach house... just don't leave the lights on, okay? to craig, this rock. to jamie, well, let's just say, enjoy the ride. the redwoods to the redheads. the rainbows to the proud. the almonds to walter. the beaches to the bums. and the fog to, who else, karl. i leave these things to my heirs, all 39 million of you, on one condition. that you do everything to preserve and protect them. with love, california.
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after midnight tonight probably around 01:00am. >>breaking in
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napa sonoma and n counties pge says the outages will last about 48 hours. thank you for joining us tonight at 6 i'm pam moore vicki liviakis and for ken wayne pg e says that the. >>shot officer to prevent wildfires caused by downed or damaged power lines. and dry hot temperatures with high winds out black out 2 weeks ago affected about 2 million people in northern and central california about half an hour ago pg was holding a news conference with the latest on the outages. >>and what the company's plan is over the next 48 hours take with our state agencies including hello, yes, the cpu see in cal fire. many of whom are with us here personally in ou


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