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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  October 14, 2019 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>>4 morning news i'm darya folsom and i'm james fletcher at 06:am let's find out what the weather is like outside with the traffic is like on the roads before you step out. >>i have a hot spot yeah, it's commute direction. one oh one heading into mountain view just getting word of a car on its roof, blocking and backing up traffic to early way too early for this right. it is blocking we do have emergency crews rollint to t scenea someo here. it's northbound want to one at the moffitt boulevard exit. we have some other ell so far the left lane crash is blocked and it's already stacking up traffic from to 37. so here's a crossover turn north when i want off it, here's to 37. so this is right in the middle of that commute traffic heading northbound on one oh one it will definitely add to the backup we're putting it at all step out of the way 33 minutes and growing from san jose to menlo park and you also have the usual little pocket right through san jose between 8680 so keep that in mind too we're checking the bay bridge and
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it's not so bad, but it's definitely busy so the drive into san francisco, already stacking up your cash lanes fast track. lanes it's feeling back to the bottom of the maze but very quiet so 10 minutes to make it in. we'll check more bridges coming up john. well robin crystal clear. >>there this morning a smooth commute to work as far as weather is concerned at least you can see across the golden gate bridge that conditions do remain relatively fog free to kick off the new week 40's and 50's for your current temperatures. the exception being or 30's up in the north bay san anselmo at 38 right now say alina you're checking in a moment ago at least at 39 degrees conquered europe 45 while oakland at 48 degrees. so cool enough for jacket that's really all you got to worry about this morning. later on today, you don't even have to worry about that it will be a comfortable one under sunny skies. 60's 70's and 80's for your daytime highs. darya. >>thanks a lot of 1, east bay community is remembering a catholic priest. he died in a
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car crash in caloosa county father matthew vehlin call he was 61 years old and he was riding with an archbishop from india who is visiting from india who was also killed so too of church leaders killed in this car crash. and there were additional that were injured covers gayle ong has more. >>and the pastor as a joyous person, we're told he was on a hiking trip up in colusa county that's something he loved doing. >>i and depressed ever since. you know whether not. we had been everywhere together. >>most new father matthew valley call as a priest, but ernie lopez knew him as a person. >>he had a sense of humor like crazy, when i hike with him it and that whether it's the very first time we hike or 2. he did not stop telling joke after joke after joke. >>yellen column known as father matt love telling jokes. he wrote a book about
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them. lopez says the pastor was also a skilled magician he was and on stage. >>he was in with the association who so good. >>dylan cal was killed in a car crash thursday in caloosa county just east of clear lake the pastor was riding with an archbishop visiting from india who also died in the crash. another piece father, joseph part caught of state and parish in walnut creek survived and is recovering at a santa rosa hospital, the diocese of oakland shared news of the crash on facebook though in cal worked at saint bonaventure church in concord he joined the diocese in 2002 after coming to the states from india. he served 2 churches in concord and 2 churches and fremont father matthew going call with 61 years old who's just a giving person everyone. >>nothing who's getting it from during that he just brought joy. people everywhere he went. >>the oakland diocese says the funeral plans are pending at
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this time reporting from concord gayle ong kron 4 news. >>well stafford is warning students now after a female student was drugged in student housing. it happened at a place called the row an alert went out to students to say the victim lost consciousness after drinking something at a party and the next day she took a drug test and it came back positive for drug known as ghb which is often used to incapacitate a person without them knowing that they've been drugged officials say there's no indication at this point that the victim was assaulted after she lost consciousness. surgeon awaiting trial on charges that he sexually abused children has been found dead in his santa cruz county jail. the sheriff's office says that james cohan was found alone in his cell medical examiners are investigating the cause of his death but authorities say up a limb and airy autopsy indicates that took his own life. kohat has been in jail since may of 2017 when he and 2 women were arrested on suspicion of running a child-sex ring. watsonville police say they received video images implicating all 3 of
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them. a month later the state medical board revoked his medical license. >>the nays pay one person was killed in a car crash in oakleigh and 2 others were injured and you can see the wreckage here. this is the car that they were in and the chp thinks they're going about a 100 miles an hour. before the crash. the 2 people were injured actually treated at the hospital and then released began one person was killed. this is on delta road east of brentwood boulevard. the family of a missing utah tech executive has called off a search for her police found a body in a parked car in san jose and the family confirms that it was the body of the woman that they were looking for erin valenti is her name and she was an executive at tinker ventures app development company based in salt lake city. her family started to get worried because she missed her flight home last monday after a business trip. and so they began searching for her. but then
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this body was found in the santa clara county coroner's office is now working to determine the cause of death. >>it's columbus day today and san francisco police are searching for the person who vandalized a statue of christopher columbus equate our take a look somebody threw red paint on the statue and the people who live off of telegraph road se they've actually seen this actually vandalized before. but never this badly of vandalism happened sometime saturday night. and they also road. >>kill all colonizers on it. >>worker in this beautiful city that would never have been possible were it not for our civilization in our in our country and our armed forces were surrounded by the beauty and and grand juror of the civilization and yet there's people who just we openly but there's other ways to get your point across this was unnecessary and as dollars got to clean the
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>>you made the mess to realize us to come out of your pocket. >>police are now looking over surveillance video to see if they can catch the vandals. well forget about having to pay it. make a reservation to drive down that crooked section of lombard street is the big worry. and that's what he decided covers will tran is more on why this idea was shot down. >>he said it just wouldn't be fair calling it a social equity issue meaning there are those who might be able to afford it others who will not be able to afford it. he wants everybody to enjoy lumbered street nice as i know all too well about the problems in this neighborhood because i one time was san francisco supervisor. and this was my area. 2 million people drive down the cricket st. the world's most famous cricket street, and it causes all kinds of problems noise.
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pollution congestion. litter all kinds of things that the neighbors simply don't like in the city of san francisco did not like that they pass legislation that would exempt charging people to use a public street trying to ease some of the problems and it actually reach the governor's desk. the governor vetoed it saying this is i know there's a problem but this is not the way to do it and that legislation james darya it was going to charge people between $5.10 depending on the day and it would forced tourist actually reserve it in advance before they came down hdre so it became a logistical thing for tourist had this past. but the governor said no they will revisit this as far as trying to help out neighbors in this area. but he said charging people. it's just too much of a slippery slope back to you. thanks a lot. well. 6 oh 8 and also the governor signed a bill giving child sexual-assault victims more
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time. >>to file a lawsuit up until now people in california who were sexually abused as children had to file a lawsuit by the time they reach 26 years old, but now they're extending that to the age of 40 and it also gives people outside the statue of limitations a 3 year window to file a lawsuit. >>shaming is now against the law in california governor, newsome sign the legislation over the weekend and we're now hearing from the boy here in the bay area who helped inspire that new law in may 10 year-old ryan kaye ot. donate his allowance to pay off school lunch debt for his 3rd grade classmates. ryan's act of kindness caught the attention of state lawmakers, including governor gavin newsome and while applauding right for his empathy newsome signed the lunch shaming ban into law on saturday. this law says that students cannot be denied a meal of their choice or treated differently from other students just because their parents have an outstanding debt with the cafeteria. ryan's mother now
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wants the federal government to get involved in solving what she calls tionwide injustice of school lunch debt. she says they plan on meeting with members of congress to discuss the issue. well firefighters in southern california are making progress in fighting the saddle ridge fire burning in la county this now 42% contained, although it's grown to about 8,000 acres in size that fire broke out thursday night we carry live coverage friday morning for you it's destroyed 32 ied ding so far and a man of a heart attack during that fire. all evacuation orders for la county have since been lifted so nt least some progress on that front meanwhile neighboring riverside county has a fire they're dealing with as well. 2 people have died in this one. it's called the sandalwood fire. it started as a trash fire thursday afternoon and then it ripped through a mobile home park
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damaging or destroying at least 90 buildings. the fire scorched more than a 1000 acres. it's now 86% contained. >>firefighters put out a grass fire at lake merced here said the smoke and the flames they battled on sunday afternoon. it was only about an acre though, and now they are investigating the costs. >>6.11 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, and survive ives after being hit by a car and just left they're in the middle of the road. as that car speeds awful have the details who they're looking for now and rallies all across the country calling for the president's impeachment as several key witnesses get ready to testify on capitol hill. plus after the break. the community is outraged after a woman was fatally shot by police and own home.
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>>6.14, let's get to the house, but the popped up so early round, yes and now a singular in place and i was able to pull up a caltrans camera so we have a picture of it behind us that is one oh one in mountain view. yeah, it's an overturned. if you look over to the left you can see the flares. is all traffic being diverted off island only the 3 left lanes it's only a still shot so the traffic on the right is squeezing by in the 2 right lanes there being forced out of the 3 left lanes so they are able to get by you're not being forced completely off freeway but there's an accident here it's between shoreline in moffat and one of the cars flipped over on its roof, it's a little dark out there so i'm
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still looking for the car that has flipped over, but it's ly right there near chp cruiser but a big mess we have on our hands right now a step out of the way you can see it's pretty much at a crawl northbound want to one between shoreline and moffett so for those of you traveling from the south bay to the peninsula ypu're going to be stuck in this back up here it is on traffic tracker and shows you the backup which is out to to 37 so it's a mess right now leaving sunnyvale as i zoom out so you can get the big picture we have san jose. we have mountain view right here you can see that it's ok through san jose until you get to sonny bill on to 37. you're just crawling into mountain view because of that crash will 40 minutes for your drive time san jose to menlo park i'll definitely stay on top of it for you we're checking the richmond center fell it's coming to a crawl. when we checked was fine now we have a lot of heavy traffic squeezing through the tolls but only 8 minutes to the north bay and then the bay bridge traffic 80 west cash lanes fast track lanes they're all stacked up and yes this is spilling out to the bottom of so a pretty
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slow drive up to the toll plaza, it's picking up a highway for 6.80 and. we're now up to a moderate 26 minutes from san leandro to milpitas will check back in on that hot spot coming up in a bit john robin a few low. >>across the bay this morning but once you head above those clouds this is your view from the lick observatory this morning with clear skies overhead something that has these low clouds that you're seeing for parts of the bay area burn off throughout the course of the morning going to be seeing a lot more of a mostly sunny day ahead of us and a comfortable one at that as high pressure sits in place we're going to stay nice and calm for the day ahead and a pretty fun free for most areas just a touch of fog out along the coast later on 60's and 70's for our coastal temperatures today elsewhere we're going to be seeing daytime highs for the most part in the 70's and then a few low 80's mixed in there too. today, one of the warmest days of the week ahead, so if you're a fan of some warmer temperatures. today's a good one to enjoy campbell san jose
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in milpitas each at 78 for highs much like the tri valley will also see union city 72 for your high low 70's and oakland berkeley and richmond while low 80's in walnut creek concord on up through napa and sonoma over to vacaville and pittsburgh. santa rosa also at 80 today elsewhere in the north bay expect 60's and 70's today into tomorrow, you're to warmer days after this starts to feel more fall-like as daytime highs begin to fall into the 70's for inland areas. low 70's right along the bay and 60's out along the coast. as we do see temperatures beginning to slide a conditions will remain sunny and dry. so a nice forecast on all to lead us through the week. james, all right, thank you very much john. well it could be a big week in washington for the impeachment inquiry into president trump later today, the president's former top adviser on russia will be questioned behind closed doors and then later this week the us ambassador to the europhan union gordon someone who you see there. >>is expecd to answer
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questions as well. now he's expected to tell congress that the president told him that there was no quid pro quo in his dealings with ukraine but he's also expected to say that he doesn't know if the president was telling the truth at the time. now we should say the white house doesn't want someone to testify, but he is defying that and respecting congress a subpoena so he says he will testify before lawmakers and at issue is his text message to the top us diplomat in ukraine who raised concerns in that text message chain about the us withholding nearly million of military and security aid to ukraine in exchange for some sort of public announcement that they will be launching an investigation into joe biden his testimony is expected on thursday. impeachment rallies were held across the country over the weekend with organizers demanding change in washington. they say they're fed up with the president and his leadership and one of those rallies was held in san francisco just off the embarcadero here you can see people gathered voice their concerns over families and children in custody at the border. and the way they're
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being treated. and honestly unite a country and that's really >>consulate being transpired i want fair and country. >>san francisco's rally was one of about 57 rallies held across the country. >>time now 6.19 for san mateo county sheriff's deputies have been cleared of violating department policy after a man died last year when he was taste. here is body camera video of what happened a deputy attempted to stop. chen. udo koby for jaywalking. he resisted and officers ended up using their tasers. colby don died as a result. the deputies were previously cleared of criminal charges by the san mateo county da's office colby's family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the san mateo county sheriff's office now as well. people in fort worth texas are demanding answers after a police officer fatally shot an african-american woman inside her own home. to see on a
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fferson was killed early saturday morning. a neighbor had called the police for a welfare check. he was worried because he saw the front door of her home was open and the lights were on. so you can see that there's this is heavily edited. but is body cam video shows the police arriving and they're searching outside of her house and then one officers seas the figure of someone through a window and he's heard telling to put that person put your hands up and then opens fire killing the person. this all happened in 4 seconds again that person turned out to be the woman thpt they were there to check on. >>the officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. why he did not announce police will be addressed as the investigation continues. >>in addition to this edited video police released 2 photos of what they say is a firearm that was found inside of
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jefferson's house. but at a news conference yesterday they declined to say whether the officer who shot jefferson believed. she was armed at the time. and most and least 2 people are dead after a hotel collapsed in new orleans and more than a dozen people are hurt. take a look their cell phone video of the moment that this thing went down at a construction site at the hard rock hotel in new orleans. and it came crashing down this shut down entire city blocks in that area and prompted evacuations of buildings and also they had to suspend the streetcar service there in new orleans, ause it's unclear. what the portion of that building to come down. >>it is 6.21 coming up here on the kron 00:04am morning news governor newsom was busy signed several new laws aimed at ending gun violence. everybody's happy about it though the van gogh.
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to harrison, the wine collection. to craig, this rock. i leave these things to my heirs, all 39 million of you, on one condition. that you do everything to preserve and protect them. with love, california. belvita breakfast biscuits to get you through your nine, ten and your eleven-a.m. team mixer. made with a delicious blend of grains. get 4 hos of lasting energy to outlast your morning.
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and welcome back to the kron 4 morning news and back to our hot spots in mountain view it was originally reported as north moffat. >>now they're saying it's a little bit closer to shoreline. but we know it's between those 2 points. it's an overturned several vehicles involved but one has flipped over. >>and it's on its roof, so the 2 left lanes our clothes that's the latest update from chp they've issued a special traffic alert with no estimated time of clearing. so it's backing you up on 2 nb on highway 2.37 as you work your way out of sunnyvale here's
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your drive time 42 minutes and growing because of this spot from san jose to menlo park will check more trouble spots coming up john. >>well robin no troubles in the weather today at least we're this morninth clear skies but chilly conditions so don't forget the jacket we are relatively fog free, although there is a layer of cloud cover sitting right over the bay and the coast this morning that you'll notice as the sun comes up this afternoon day time highs some of the warmest that they're about to be today and tomorrow will see 70's and 80's for eyes after this point we begin to cool down with most highs dropping into the 60's and 70's by the upcoming weekend as i mentioned it is a chilly start to your day low 40's to upper 30's in the north bay, well, 40's and 50's for the rest of us. james. all right. thank you john 6 25 is the time and good news for parents everywhere. for tonight has been down for m an 12
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>>the >>game held a special event at the end of its 10th season on sunday, but there was an unexpected twist. the game's map was pulled into a black hole sunday morning that left users with nothing to play >>for hours and kids to be for us not just kids grown-ups play this game to apparently i did >>now it didn't necessarily mean the players went did something else with their time instead for more than 10,000 of them apparently spent hours just staring at an almost entirely black screen waiting and waiting and waiting not clear exactly how long the outage will last but it still the case this morning from what we do now. >>6.26. still ahead on the kron 00:04am morning. jimmy g says home.
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>>really busy over here so and >>it was very quiet and then all of a sudden someone flipped over on one oh one that car on its roof blocking 2 lanes of traffic. so we have a special alert in place this is mountain view they updated the location they've changed it to northbound one o one just before shoreline, so it's between shoreline in moffat but the 2 left lanes are close enough overturn crashes. they take longer to clear you have to get a tow truck out there to get a pride and out of your way that we may have some other vehicles involved too.
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so here's across 2 left lanes shut down. here'sour baup. this is a funny bill area you see how it's spilling over to 2.37 west and backing up beyond to 37, so you hit that heavy tffic as soon as you enter sunnyvale approaching to 37. this is the normal traffic on the san jose side between 6.80 and 80 so that's just a little pocket, but it's 46 minutes when you put it all together from san jose to menlo park. so definitely stay on top of it. no estimated time of clearing. this is not going to clear any time soon this is the bay bridge traffic. we have a full house, it is packed for the cash payers, the fast track or spilling to the bottom of the maze. but it's quiet on the upper deck. so that's good 12 minutes to make it check more bridges coming up john well robin skies are clear unlike some of >>roadways unfortunately this morning looking out the golden gate, no fog out there what we do have is some cloud cover that sitting right overhead that you'll begin to notice as the sun comes up in a few minutes, 40's and 50's for your current temperatures
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oakland and hayward each up 48 conquered at 45, san francisco sitting at 52 while and san anselmo definitely our cool spots in the 30's right now later today expect temperatures to not be cool at all in fact one of our warmest days of the forecast ahead, we'll still be in the 80's for a few of our inland areas bayside areas in the 70's. well at the coast. some 60's. james r. >>all right john thank you 6 31 is the time let's go to the east bay, we have some traumatic video take a look at this. a man hit by a car in his own neighborhood in antioch. and then it just left there on the road. the man says he was walking his dogs the morning of october 2nd when that white car slammed into him and then look it just drives off. now the victim is telling his story to kron 4 news hoping that the driver will be caught. kron four's dan thorn has the story. >>a horrifying video shows an antioch man being struck by a white car while he's walking as huskies clark. stevens says he was left for dead just a day after celebrating his 69th
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birthday. >>i've never. i had to experience anything like that before. >>the hit and run was caught on camera on the morning of october second and herrin way the video from a neighbor shows the suspect driving around stevens and then taking off right after striking him steven says he couldn't believe he was just left there in the street it seems surreal. >>is probably the best description. >>doctors say stephens has a severely bruised hip. ankle and thumb. he also was a subdural hematoma which is a collection of blood on his rain. his head going into the car's windshield when he was hit. >>i'm just lucky. i am here because they have sort of broken banker probably sort of been broken. >>friends of help share these flyers of the car believed to be a white toyota or honda. they're hoping to spread the word as much as possible. stevens says whoever is responsible doesn't belong in his community but he is thankful to be alive and that is dogs jojen sweet pea
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weren't hurt. >>maybe i was left here too. how somebody realize it was their duty to come forward. and maybe maybe they they need to learn a lesson. >>reporting in antioch dan thorn kron 4 news. >>well for many outlets go to the peninsula now where police have made an arrest after reports of an active shooter at kaiser permanente in redwood city. this was friday morning with several reports of an active shooter armed with a handgun. all those calls coming into the redwood city police department they responded within 2 minutes. and here's video showing the suspect identified as 56 year-old thomas smith police say there's no evidence of any shots being fired. but smith was armed with a knife and he was threatening the staff. >>there were no shots fired, but the initial reports indicated, there were several callers who believe they heard shots fired and during some of the initial report, dangerous he had chased several
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employees around the lobby of the emergency department threatened to kill them. >>as smith now facing charges of attempted murder police say it is possible that he was under the influence of drugs if taken tests are waiting for those results to come back. >>new developments in the case involving last year's stabbing in oakland bart station that killed 18 year-old neal wilson, a judge has allowed the defense attorney for the man accused to file a motion to dismiss the case and the seal it from the public 29 year-old john lee cow is charged with murder and attempted murder. the investigators say that kowal stabbed wilson and her sister on the platform of the macarthur bart station, cows attorney filed a motion to set aside the grand jury indictment against powell and to keep it sealed. and if this motion is made publicly judge the attorney says the information could prejudice potential jurors. the judge agreed with that and that now means that this certain evidence is not going to be allowed in the upcoming trial.
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you have video just out of a wrong-way driver colliding right into it just smacks into a chp vehicle. it happened in costa mesa over the weekend. the chp was on the scene of a crash investigate a crash when that white suv just came barreling down the road in an emergency lane in the wrong direction. hit to actually several chp vehicles but nobody was hurt. the driver of the suv told the officers he black doubt in this crash. she was arrested for dui. >>the genie meanwhile is defending his decision to shut off power for more than a million people in northern and central california. this all comes as the company faces scrutiny by its customers, many of them saying the company was under prepared when it began to shut off
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power. utilities website crashed as we know when customers complained about being kept on hold for a long time when they called in ceo bill johnson admits they could have done a better job on a number of fronts. well after the shot off the genie found 50 cases actually of damage power lines and 100 locations caused by those rastructure strong storms leading many to speculate that had the power been running some of those incidents might have actually sparked a fire. the recent power blackouts by the way are highlighting a growing income disparity in california with genie warn customers last week that it would cut power many rushed out to buy portable generators. others had solar panels and batteries installed in their homes to keep them going but many families impacted by the blackouts couldn't afford to buy backup generators are solar panels for their homes and that is raising alarms about how these
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power outages are impacting people differently based on their income. >>has avoided jail time of because he pleaded guilty in the college admissions scandal, 54 year-old peter jan. so is from menlo park, he's the owner of a san francisco based a lioness food specialties and he was sentenced friday to one year probation. for pleading guilty in the college cheating scandal. he paid $15,000 to fix his daughters, a c t test in 2017. and his lawyers argued for leniency because he was the first parent to plead guilty. in the scandal. he's also now the first to avoid jail time. 6.37. a noose inside a stack of bills aimed at strengthening california's gun violence protection laws among the 15 bills that he signed on friday, 5 brought in california is gun violence restraining order policies making the state the first in the country to allow teachers employees and co-workers to
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ask for restraining orders that would stop someone from getting a gun. the governor also approved money to help protect communities from gun violence like places of worship. an area's disproportionately impacted by violence. >>and just really our this tool have. major bipartisan support many states department started introducing it. >>the nra calls the governor's move an assault on the second amendment saying these new laws will be ignored by criminals. starting in 2023 the sale and manufacture of fur is going to be banned in california the governor signed legislation making california the first state to have a fur ban. although the law does apply to use for or 2 for for religious or tribal purposes. the governor also signed a bill that also bans animals from circuses making california the 3rd state to do that no more elephants, rodeos
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are exempt and so our domesticated dogs cats and horses are still allowed. >>the company will be providing electric scooters around san francisco. the sfmta issued permits to jump lime and spin. so those 3 now are authorized to deploy up to 500 scooters each and then come december that will be raised to 750 and then all the way up to a 1000 scooters for each of those companies in february. the sfmta also issued new permits to scoot they'll be allowed to operate up to a 1000 scooters. >>and the san francisco 49 ers are undefeated yes we are. >>i say yes, you lose. that's right so they want to get they didn't meet the la rams yesterday so that >>i've been over the first time in nearly 30 years. let's get to the highlights, there's a number to talk about niners down 7 in the 1st quarter ted.
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>>jimmy jay there. lot of an atlanta yesterday pile. his is fine daryn areas celebrating spiking the ball he's having a good time. neither defense point they were really crushing it look at this. another. eyewitnesses 78 yards that's how much she was limited to in terms of total, passing yards. so that's kudos to the teeth, the defenders of men down passes left and right 20 to 7 the final score. jimmy g spoke to the media afterwards and tried to cool and exciting, although everybody is pretty they were its always good to be undefeated you know it's hard to win games in this league, so. >>whenever you get the opportunity to go out there and i when i mean we've been taking advantage of it so just keep this thing going you know it's a good start said, but we're long way to go. >>from the bottom of the pile all sweaty and then ease off
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take stuff like george clooney and it's amazing fair i they face washington. i watched by the way has. >>won one game so far this season so should be an easy victory if we don't go in over confident, got to play like we're behind the whole game. all right on other headlines. pope francis got into got in on the nfl action this weekend accidentally. his tweet was really about newly canonized saints in saying yes in hashtag the word st. he meant seem like a real say a us and because of nfl's partnership with twitter hashtag the name of any team them automatically gets added to the message which >>for their favorite horse in the race of crime. that's why the saints beat the jacket our settle some are saying 13 to 6 to. i was speaking to some of the niners 6.41. still ahead. bay area soldier returns home
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to surprise his family's. and details on a temporary sales ban or again has place now on the cigarettes and the efforts underway to make that. and a cool start to your morning but other than that it is looking good out there, i've got your monday forecast ahead. >>and i'm tracking your commute it's busy the drive into san francisco backed up heavily. >>at the bay bridge tolplaza and. turn cross still this is you shopping.
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>>it's 6.44, let's get update things get any better crash is clear alert canceled traffic is moving again the problem was when they take a long time to clear out so that was not the case on the situation got out of the way but traffic is recovering surprise this was like overturned car said was so head clap for emergency crews been out of the way quickly we're checking in on the bridges for some sets out of the way no longer a big update on 92. this is your drive out of hey we're all it's coming to a crawl all much much heavier compared to the last time we took a peak at 18 minutes to make your way across the bridge and off to one on one so very slow commute here into foster city. we're checking the bay bridge from oakland to san francisco, you're back up spilling into the maze for the cash payers for the past records are all stocks. so if you want to join him 16 minutes to make your way off to fremont street. here's overturn north one o one between moffett and shoreline out of your way and
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one point we had 3 lanes shut down so it clear they alert nceled. look at the commute out of sonny bill it's beyond to 37. it's filling out a fair oaks it's also backing up on west to 37 so very slow murder as you spill over to northbound one on one and then i all out you can see the sandals a 5 to that that's a little busy as usual. so when you put it all together 53 minutes because of that earlier overturn crash from san jose to menlo park really quick peak at highway for a little busy to pittsburg bay point inter in concord 26 minutes off to 2.42. give you one more we'll check out the meme it's getting busy from to 38 to 92 31 minutes from san leandro to milpitas more drive times coming up john. well robin plum to you. >>sunshine already seen in the east bay as you get that first light of day. there's really no cloud cover inland to be blocking it out. it's the coastal parts of the bay area
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and right on top of the bay, where you are seeing some low clouds that have just pushed in overnight. no really resulting in much if any fog out there. but that cloud cover is going to be seeing less and less into the afternoon and then as this high pressure builds up overhead. all we're going to have today is nice sunshine and much like yesterday and saturday, some really calm clear conditions to enjoy. temperatures today will be among the warmest that we're going to see them for the week ahead today and tomorrow our highs in the 60's 70's along the coast and then 70's 80's elsewhere across the day. so if you're a fan of the warmer weather today and tomorrow are your chances to enjoy just that before cooler temperatures around the corner, upper 70's for the south bay with san jose and surrounding areas at 78. well here at 75 the tri valley will also be in the upper 70's walnut creek concord yuri to 80 degrees for highs today. much like that some of the spots in the north bay will be like sonoma napa vacaville in pittsburgh. also each had 80 degrees. temperatures in santa
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rosa peaking in the 80's. well if you head out to the coast expect some 60's today and tomorrow are warmer days after this feels a lot more like fall cooler daytime highs comfortably in the 70's and those evening lows will be nice and crisp as our evenings get longer with cool clear conditions expect lows in the 30's 40's and 50's james and darya. >>now let's take a look at a special ier here in the bay are army private first class carlos roberto all right hold is from san francisco check this out he surprises little sister after school. and as you can see she was. to see a return back back to the ground. data given says and his rock and he was excited this year, he's been gone for the past 11 months. they actually came back for his mom's birthday, but decided he wanted to surprise her at school. and here just just a fun reaction to see yeah good
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for them and we're glad he's home safe and sound and we wish the best for all of our servicemen and women overseas right now if they all come back so. the effects of vaping are becoming a growing concern across the country. >>lisa ballack reports in oregon. they stay just took action to curb vaping. >>a temporary ban in oregon on selling flavored vaping products goes into effect this tuesday october 15th, natural and artificial flavoring liquids no longer for sale in store as well as online for tobacco and cannabis peeping the main reason try and stop teens from vaping manufacturer don't inhale it and you know it it's a brainer for and the most important thing that we have for the safety of the people in this some people watching the vote today were small business owners, local vape oil companies. you say the decision is devastating, i will have cut my staff by 50%.
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>>and >>these products at this point our core competency and represent 78% of our revenues, retailers will get calls from the state starting tomorrow about the band coming on tuesday. >>and there will be undercover inspections to make sure businesses comply. i asked the work and public health officer one and all the pink products. i found out that was a recommendation that the governor initial recommendations that went back included a full band that upon further discussion. >>it's a term and to remove the products that are most attracted to newer naive users. >>enforcement though could be tough with an estimated 4,000 retailers and flavoring sale supposed to stop in less than a week. >>we we can stop the black market we never could i hope we can make it safe for the people in this state to go into a store and get a product that they can rely. >>after the 6 month man the state will evaluate and could put a permanent ban in place. >>hundreds of students in one florida school district were
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able to have their lunch debt paid off all thanks to the help of one man and the power social media. it started with a facebook post made by school parent back in august and in that post was a plea for help she asked for donations to help cover the school's lunch debt for more than 400 students. well that post eventually reached andrew like levi and he said he instantly made the decision to help these children. >>that that we're in debt. we're going to eat not eat. >>you know they would get just cheese sandwiches. i thought that's crazy food. it's something that you shouldn't have to think about you know children shouldn't have to learn hungry. >>well his act of kindness started a chain reaction and after the school posted thank you to him on their facebook page a lot of other people began asking how they could help too. of social media doing so. our take a look at this a simple doodle on the wall of a new york bar could be worth a fortune. the
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japanese artist drew several doodles on the wall of his manhattan bar 10 years ago. but they're now getting new attention after one of the artist's painting sold recently for more than million. the bar has put plastic over these doodles now to protect them. i represented from southern these auction houses actually i'm already estimated the price. he says could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. but for now anyway both the bar's owner of the arsts say that they're not interested in monetizing those tools is amazing how sometimes an artist not known when they make it all the sun comes ice and you know that kind of thing and i love that i never think oh gee i wonder if some day they must >>i just think it's kind cool to yes the word cool on how to put little >>check the big board this morning always keeping an eye on the numbers as we have a trade talks with china and the us. wrapping up last week we had some optimistic words from president trump that the trade deal is right around the corner, however, it seems over
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the weekend. the chinese representatives sort of tempered the optimism on that front. so we're waking up this morning, a slightly negative numbers on wall street we'll see where they go. coming up 7 o'clock on the kron 4 morning news, a big weekend ahead for the impeachment inquiry into president trump. >>we'll tell you what key witnes announcer: time magazine reports: "the new american addiction. how juul hooked kids and ignited a public health crisis." other news outlets report- juul took $12.8 billion from big tobacco. markets e-cigarettes with kid friendly flavors and uses nicotine to addict them. 5 million kids use e-cigarettes. juul is "following big tobacco's playbook." and now, juul is pushing prop c to overturn e-cigarette protections. vote no on juul. no on big tobacco. no on prop c.
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hey, shaq. it's a 30 second tour. no man it's like... now it's 26. welcome aboard. ocean! skyride. mini golf. relax! relax! relax! you take this man to be your husband? i do. married. no time for basketball. pool. carnival. choose fun. they give us excellent customer otservice, every time.e. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure
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every year fact this is the 46th year, the growers have come together to compete to see who has the most gargantuan gourd the winner of the way off will get $7 for every pound that their pumpkin weighs as well as a grand prize of 30 $1000 if anyone sets a new world record with the pump. things get going in st a few minutes from right now gates open at 7. so 4 minutes away and it will last until 11:00am in we'll see the winner is and how big the pumpkin as. >>there is no longer any plan in the works to charge you going down the cricket section on lombard street will tell you why the governor decided to scrap the idea and the statue vandalized near coit tower right on this very day columbus day who did it. and in east bay community is mourning across. took the life of 2 priests one see here will see how they're being remembered. humira patients, you inspire us.
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into the perfect color to transform your room with the project color app. explore the most popular colors and trending palettes to find yours. then get everything you'll need. like behr ultra interior rated #1 in customer satisfaction by j.d. power. now just $29.98 at the home depot more saving. more doing. >>darya folsom and i'm james fletcher 7 o'clock is the time hope you're doing well we've got weather and traffic checks to start the hour we had cost
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but really be say it's gone, yes, it cleared within mountain view that was an overturn accident was blocking several lanes so that's out of the way. >>it's still slofouse all talk about the residual delays finally did wash the car. i'm hoping couple i know i watched my last week so we've got our fingers crossed. >>for the season for you for the season want every not even exaggeration. >>they're just yet across the bay there some low cloud cover that is pushed in overnight. you can see the lights of san francisco between some of those clouds from up abov- here at our sutro tower cam do expect clouds out along the coast but further inland you're not seeing any cloud cover right now just clear skies as that first light day grows a little bit little bit brighter 40's and 50's for your current temperatures for most of us well san anselmo definitely the icebox of the bay right now at 37 degrees. later on


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