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tv   KRON 4 News at 6  KRON  October 11, 2019 6:00pm-6:28pm PDT

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>>breaking news, the genie holding a news conference updating customers on the status of the power situation. let's get right to that news conference in downtown san francisco that is bill johnson, the ceo of pg >>the biggest risk of our equipment in these conditions is a vegetation attacking distribution which causes admission cause a spark. and can lead to a fire. so did experience that rest are in this p s p s event. yes, we did it. the winds we experienced like the winds happening in southern california. we're such speed. that gives blue branches and trees into our power law. about this risk of ignition. but thankfully, those lines are not energized. few pictures here of some of the
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so this is the kind of thing i'm talking about. this is a tree branch that has blown into the line. and the potential admission of a. this is another example of the same thing. base from a tree when she made up he'll have a few more pictures and tell you a little more. each of these is the potential to come a significant fire. that said last night it was an extrfo us to make. and it conti cause hardship for some of those people who are still not. but given the choice we
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face choice between hardship and safety. we chose safety and safety will always be our first choice. as far as where we are tonight life is returning to move normal for many of our customers. we've been able to get the lights back on for hundreds of central california in fact about 96% restored here in the bay area. and about a 9%. 98% complete by the close of business today. no one including me is going rest easy until the last customers restore. and again will give you a little more a little more detail on that in a moment. i want to assure you that we have an army of personnel. energizing them. 6300 men and women in the field and supporting them. we've got to make sure those lines are and
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good repair before we energize them. to make sure there are no tree limbs or other vegetation on them before we can energize them. emergency operations center remains in full operating capacity. our website is functioning correctly our customer call centers are operating with augmented staff with a average wait time of 30 seconds. want to publicly thank all the teams for this difficult work under stressful circumstances. focused on the same. getting customers restored to safely as quickly as possible. also want to make a few comments about how we have pga can get better at this. event going forward starting with communications. this is the area where we so we web site and call centers to handle a much. here's our goal
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to provide you with accurate timely information about whether and when customers will be shut i will say if your customer who would potentially be affected. we will con had to direct. if we have your contact information you'll get a call. a text message and email. communication is best in prefer. if we don't yet have your contact information. no better time than right now to provide that to us. you can do that on pg dot com. even give you phone number 8, 6,3, 6, 5, lurch to you will i we may narro scope is weather approaches with various adjustments to our great. so all this is to say is we ask for your patience and flexibility. let
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me also say a word about narrowing the scope of future events. and we'll continue to narrow the shut out using all the tools at our disposal. and we'll get better at that as will the tools. these tools include more weather stations so we have more precise local weather data we now have more more 600 of them. we're also continuing to add sexualizing devices on our system. these allow portions not affected by at first weather to remain in service. so we have a. one. as i'd like to speak we can help our customers anot we offer our customers a wealth of information on how to prepare themselves. they were dedicated safety website. safety actions center. pg e dot com. and more information is available at www. pg e dot
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com. the take away is we urge everyone to have emergency plan. to have an emergency kit supplies of water medication and not perishable food. is a real earthquake risk is real. and unfortunately the potential for power shut off. israel in california. in addition we can and will get better preparing with our state and local governments and agencies. there is to meddle in helping these events proceeds smoothly. i want to thank them for all the for given conditions and risks we face. to provide an operational and thank you for joining us again. want to touch on a few
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additional items. more than 6300 employees and calm. arline inspection work. safety inspection work. and restoration. of the impacted customers have been restored. continuing to do. ah the good work out there to continue to minimize the impact to our customers and our communities.
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voltage lines that carry power. work closely with the cal, iso to ensure we continue to maintain system system stability. part of the restoration process. in regards to some of the specifics and that progress we've made in the various areas with the north valley. sarah foothills. customers have been restored. customers have been restored. customers have been restored. so what
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this means is as of approximately 05:00pm. 84,000 of our customers remain without power and as bill stated. restoration times, sure. areas. so for example in the see winds and experience wins. do the safety inspections until later this afternoon and the same holds true for the southern. also within the north valley, we have some air space because of the number of helicopter patrols fly. in those areas we have 44 helicopter so we have dispatched as a result of this as some of the rugged terrai
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our teams are facing to do the safe inspections of the lines into restoration. so that's contributed to some of that the delays in the areas that we've discussed. and we're going continue resume the work. daybreak in the morning, there's a lot of work that's going to happen tonight as well and throughout the the work that we can do a safe manner so that we continue to minimize. the impact. other things that bill had discussed an few photos in regards to the damage that we have experienced and observe so far. safety inspections continue. so this is a snapshot in time of the information that we have captured. nearly 30 areas of damage. 2 of those bill shared with you. 21 is to say is in the east bay on the south bay. what you see on the right.
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with the blue color shading. which were the areas impact with the p s p s. which basically show the areas where we've identified the damage itself. and a lot of the damage includes vegetation. coming in contact. well the line itself. finally on every iterate so we really appreciate our customer and a community's patience during this one event and the subsequent inspections, they were conducting. fully understand the impasse. going to continue. we've been listening to some meat saying one of the senior corporate officers at pg e describing the latest on the situation.
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>>within the company as it works to restore power to the bay area in california. as mentioned as of 05:00pm 96% of area and had their power restored. 89%. statewide in the entire pg e's system have been restored and they expect by the close of business tonight to have 98% of all their customers back online. but as it stands right now 84,000 pg e customers still do not have power. >>they also acknowledge that website and the full call centers are up and running at full strain for wait times on the call centers at 30 seconds for the wait times 30 areas of damage identified over the last couple of days from the strong winds that rolled through northern california they showed pictures couple of instances where trees fell on to power lies just too. indica customers of what's been going on and what they are still dealing with in terms of trying to repair and restore. electricity in areas where
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people are still waiting and one thing that they did say moving forward that they are going to try to do a better job of contacting the genie customers if a you could be affected by a future. >>power outage and they are asking customers if they don't already have there information provided to pg need to give them some contact information and you can do that by going through their website which they say is functioning right now we will continue to monitor the comments comi
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>>due to evacuate please evacuate. >>in southern california. one person is dead 100,000 people have been forced to evacuate after the saddle ridge fire continues to burn thousands of chance to interstate freeways and so far has burned more than >>hundreds of firefighters are working together net try to put out the flames who want to show you a live picture from la county where the fire is still burning the area was under a red-flag warning when the fire started several homes have been destroyed officials say the victim who died was a man in his 50's who started having heart problems while he was talking to firefighters. but you can see the flames burning in the mountains of the need to hide. power lines in southern california. this is an area interstate 5 meets with the a one 18 freeway in
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the north end of the sand or san fernando valley near sylmar porter ranch, north and northeast side north ridge area. paul vercammen reports from los angeles now with the very latest. >>the fire menacing it tore through here the foot hills and granada hills california can see what's left of this house right here one of the big concerns is look at those ash piles. they always worry that the winds will whip up these ashes the ash will come down somewhere else and restart a huge wall of flames sometimes blocks away sometimes much just a mile away. 10's of thousands of people under mandatory evacuation orders after the saddle ridge fire exploded overnight. in the san fernando area of the wind the wildfire spread major freeways car so.
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officials are already starting to evaluate homes have been lost to the fire and they say residents should not wait for someone to knock on their door to leave. >>so if you choose to disobey russian to back away is not a personal decision. you're putting first responders at risk. >>yet despite the strong santa ana winds and the evacuation orders. some residents are staying put. >>i just decided to stay my brother's side at stake. our neighbors decided stay. >>hoping to protect their homes a little longer. >>i know us a notice posted like i to leave, you know the minute is going to about not believe the fire started around 09:00pm thursday growing rapidly. >>engulfing more than 7500 acres critical fire conditions are expected to continue through friday. and as you
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look at this house one of 25 that they say are damage that number could go up they're also now saying. >>that the red flag warning has been extended. >>into the evening on saturday reporting from granada hills california. i'm paul vercammen. >>picture again from southern california where thousands of people have been told to evacuate you can see apparently the winds are not as strong right now as they had been overnight, but nonetheless much concern as fire crews try and battle back against this fire. our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here to talk about the weather conditions dow>>when di backing off and did it shift to southern county that what we call a pressure gradient really tightened up over southern california. so all a sudden you get the strengthening of the winds there that's what they had overnight some very strong gusty winds across the mountains over 50 miles per hour. now not a strong you can granada are not hills 8 miles per hour santa clarita to
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about 12 to 13, but you can imagine over the mountain those hills there. >>that's about 3,000 some of those almost 4,000 feettit's going to be much stronger over the tops of the mountains, but this will continue as we head through the night tonight, the fires got a long way to go and the dry conditions continuing there as well at the same time. we'll also see some strong santa ana winds ds that come out of the northeast and they will continue to drop in over the top of these mount, so that will likely bob lowe more embers and ash right nhat will continue overnight some of those gusts approaching 55 miles per hour. as you can imagine red flag warnings continue to remain in place there for tonight until tomorrow evening that looks like those are conditions will begin to ease a bit and it looks like finally a sea breeze starts to make return late on saturday night and into sunday, the bay area though, and we had our share we have those strong gusty
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winds of course a few fires a nothing terrible year. but now things are changing and we're going to see a change for the weekend too more of a sea breeze going to start kicking but today or just a gorgeous day around the bay area 78 degrees in san francisco, 76 in oakland 81 in san jose 79 degrees in livermore 81 in concord in 82 degrees. in santa rosa all these numbers well above the average bit of a sea breeze in the san francisco pacific of 40 miles per hour there. still sin benicia temperature wise great evening outside what a beautiful fall evening here in hedegrees in san jose still 68 in pacifica 76 in san mateo 74 degrees in oakland still $70 80 degrees in concord at this hour, 70 degrees and about on 80 degrees and saying only that we're going to be off with a really nice start to the weekend lot of sunshine. beautiful day all around the bay area plan on lots of 70's and 80's with some 60's at the coast. thank lawrence new details now on the death of a man during the fijian he shut off the el dorado county
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coroner says. >>the man did not die because the power was turned off an autopsy revealed the cause of death was coronary artery disease. the man also had a history of pulmonary disease officials say the case is now at 06:45pm tonight governor new a dozen gun violence bills set to strengthen protections and regulate firearms sales in california. >>but up next taking to the skies above san francisco bay to show you what the navy's at 2 in the big show this weekend. the van gogh.
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to harrison, the wine collection. to mateo, my favorite chair. grace, you get the beach house... just don't leave the lights on, okay? to craig, this rock. to jamie, well, let's just say, enjoyhe the rainbows to the proud. the almonds to walter. the beaches to the bums. and the fog to, who else, karl. i leave these things to my heirs, all 39 million of you, on one condition. that you do everything to preserve and protect them. with love, california.
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in the bay area and people from all over the bay area all over california getting ready for the big air show quite a we're in san francisco on friday fleet week 2019 kicked into high gear. >>11 o'clock in the morning, the parade of ships came underneath the golden gate bridge led by the san francisco fire department. >>fire boat guardian. there are also ships from the navy of course and the coast guard as well as the ship from the canadian navy. >>now the. 30 in the afternoon with the navy leap frogs parachute team bringing in the stars and stripes the air show started shortly thereafter. will continue 4 in the afternoon. their show will also be repeated on saturday and sunday from noon to 4. the highlight of course will be the navy blue angels, a fleet week is expected to attract
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about a million people over the course of the week most of those folks will be here in san francisco. >>on friday saturday and sunday officials are asking that you want to come to flee we keep in mind that you're going to drive in there's going to be a lot of traffic. it's me tough to park. they're advising people please take public transportation. if at can also to the navy ships on saturday and sunday they'll be parked along the waterfront here in san francisco. but for now in san francisco charles clifford kron 4 news. >>and it can make it into the city for this event you can catch all the action of fleet week right here on kron 4 the home of blue angels life it's a 2 hour special gives you a front row seat to all the high-flying stunts from the comfort of your own home. the fun starts tomorrow afternoon. 02:00pm right here on kron 4 i will be your host dancing well and still ahead. >>action to show you as we said the blue angels are ready and there's more going on for the weekend festivities will give you the details after the break. >>up next a 6.30 84,000 pg e customers still without power
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right now, we'll have the latest on when it will be restored after the break. >>latest forecast cing up in a moment and your getaway forecast our 18-year-old
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>>continue to follow breaking news out of southern california that's where a wildfire. has been 11 square miles in less than 24 hours. now the governor has declared a state of emergency in los angeles and riverside counties because of several fires burning the rapidly spreading saddle ridge fire has forced
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100,000 people to evacuate their homes and so far, 25 homes have been damaged what destroyed. authorities have yet to update that tally since this morning the fire started burning around 9 30 last night


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