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tv   KRON 4 News at 530  KRON  October 11, 2019 5:30pm-5:59pm PDT

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homes. the rapidly spreading so-called saddle ridge fire has forced some 100,000 people from their homes today. it's burned 11 square mile i was in less than 24 hours as we go to live aerials this is the scene right now. it is been burning on both sides of interstate 5 neighbors described the flames as a a wall of fire. they're saying it burned on all sides of them in the governor has now declared a state of emergency and both and riverside counties because of several wildfires burning >>the first heard bring right around 9 30 last night this is the northern edge of los angeles in the san fernando valley is where that one is one man as grant played out has died. firefighters say the man went into cardiac arrest and and then died at the hospital travel through that area as you can imagine, is very difficult especially with the smoke there in chp shut down sections of 2 interstates and one state highway because of this fire.
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>>and the news is not good because the red flag warning has been extended now in that area as you see that flames burn. rocky hilly terrain really tough to add access. firefighters are facing really dry conditions virtually no humidity and the santa ana winds are really whipping up the flames. it is a scary night down there in southern california in both the southern and. >>here in northern california utility companies, a cut. as you know to some areas to try and prevent these wildfires. kelly smoot has this report. >>these weather conditions. our significant wildfires and of the threat of wildfires has california residents. i've never been there by my whole life. >>and officials on high alert throughout state we are taki thursday night just north of los angeles and continues to grow we've calculated that the fire is moving at a rate of
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800 acres. >>1000 people in the surrounding neighborhoods are under mandatory evacuation orders. >>the fire has already destroyed dozens of homes in the area about 70 miles east of la the sandalwood fire also broke out thursday burning hundreds of acres and in northern california lights went out utility company pacific gas and electric had to apologize over its controversial decision to preemptively cut power to hundreds of thousands of customers this week in an effort to prevent a wildfire earlier this year pga any reached a settlement for its role in the 2018 camp fire. saying it was probable the fire was sparked after a power line touched nearby trees the fire was the deadliest in california history. history california officials do not want to repeat we've been able to stave off some of the worst. as it relates to wildfires. >>but we're not out of the woods. >>i'm kelly smoot reporting.
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>>by any stretch as that red flag warning folawrence car here back in the dicey weather. yeah we're not going to be done with a fire season until we some significant rainfall in california right now i don't see that happening so we deal with the offshore winds and the fires right now they had gusts overnight in this area of over 50 miles per hour. they have calmed down somewhat but see there van nuys to 60 miles per hour. santa clarita they're seeing some winds there are 1112 15 miles per hour. but you can bet over the mountain tops and them out range right behind it you're seeing some strong gusty winds are about 3,000 feet or so so some very strong gusty winds in that area continuing. tonight in fact the santa ana winds. those north northeasterly winds are going to blow again for tonight and as they get going again certainly with the fire already started that will blow lot of those embers out there i could see that the firefighters were trying to establish a fire line there across on the mountaintops hopefully that will hold for
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tonight in the meantime they are still looking at a red flag warning expecting gusts there in southern california again of up to 55 miles per hour. overnight tonight of the red flag warning extends you extending all the way down in san diego and the border of mexico around the bay area we've got some nice clear skies out there right now the fire danger has diminished quite a bit here our winds have settled down. and that is some good news or get ready for a good weekend temperatures going to be the 60's and 70's in the san francisco you've got beautiful 60's along the coastline just a breeze in the afternoon 70's just inside the bay we're going way inside the peninsula. you've got some 70's and some 80's should be a gorgeous weekend all around the bay area 80's, the warmer spots yowe weekend lots of sunshine. that's going to change on sunday looks like a few clouds coming our way and temperatures will start to cool down guys back to you, thanks lords, developing news tonight now that p g's public safety power shutdown is over. >>restoring our to customers is the next face. yeah
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unfortunately, turning the power back on is not as simple as flipping a few switches kron four's phillipa zebra ther mud yoon takes a look at what it's going to take to get power fully restored. >>now that the public safety power shutdown is over pg e crews are working to restore power to hundreds of thousands of customers here in the bay area. >>but it is a process we have to wait for the weather system to clear before we can go out and visually inspect the lines 25,000 miles of distribution lines and more than 2500 miles of transmission line. >>pg spokesperson told kids see it says those inspections could only take place during daylight now. >>right now we have some more than 6,300 personnel in the field working to do those inspections and they're using 44 helicopters to do this. but some of this terrain is very mountainous. some is very difficult access. some places we literally have to hike into because vehicles are not
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those areas. so it takes some time but that's why we have helicopters in the air she says so far the inspections have ofind related damage to pg equipment. pod the wind of so anything like budget haitian downed power lines damage to our equipment in any way we don't want to turn the power back on until we know that everything has been cleared and it's safe to do so. >>utilities effort to keep things safe. pg crews are helping some businesses like this target him or in city disconnect from there are external power generators and reconnect to the pg any grit. >>we appreciate the patience that our customers have had through this process and we are working to restore them safely and as quickly as possible. >>in marin haaziq madyun kron 4 news. >>always tracking local
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stories, here's a look at what's going on in your neighborhood right now will start east bay tonight where a back was found in fremont and it has tested positive for rabies the bat was found last weekend in the cities. northgate area fremont police animal services retrieve the dead bat from a driveway, vector control testid it. it has reported that the bat had rabies police say they don't believe it had any contact with a human or another animal, and if you're scoring at home the last rabid bat case reported in fremont was in 2015. meanwhile police in san leandro are searching for the driver involved in a deadly hit and run. this happened early wednesday morning on his sperry and boulevard just north of wellington ear 8.80. police say a man was walking in the road when he was hit and the driver did not stop officers anyone bars tonight he man was after police say they robbed a food truck athen pistol-whipped employee. it happened wednesday in south san francisco on victory avenue
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here several auto body and car repair shops. police say the 3 men confronted the employee in and took the cash, they say one of the man than pistol with the worker who suffered minor injuries. a witness recorded the license plate of the getaway car and provided it to police officers track down the 3 men a short time later and arrested them. happening now police are searching for. from utah after she went missing in the bay area 34 year-old erin valenti was last seen monday morning in palo alto as she was reportedly driving to the san jose area police say she never returned to rental car. and then mister flight back to utah she was supposed to attend the utah woman tech council awards. she was a finalist for that award her husband says her phone has been off since monday. police say voleti was last seen driving a gray nissan murano rental car license plate 8 l you d 6, 4, 1, the san jose police department is investigating her
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disappearance and asking anyone with info to give them a call. coming up a warning for parents after a drug bust revealed it hated kid and the what you need to look out for. and we're also going to show you there live. girls flight to promote gender equality.
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at at&t we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet. we've created access from at&t california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits.t
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>>cover girls get a look at this photo. this is from the salt lake city to houston flight last week where delta airlines took 120 girls between the ages of 1218 to visit nasa's johnson space center. it was part of international girls in aviation day. delta says the event was designed to encourage more women to enter the male dominated field. schools and got to see women. aspects of their flight. the plane had an all female pilot and flight crew ramp agents and gate agents on the ground and women in the control tower giving pilot instructions. a delta says 5% of its pilots are women. >>still ahead we continue our breaking news coverage that fire in southern california. there are few of the ones really bad we'll hear from the man who was forced from his
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>>new wildfire has ripped its way through dry vegetatihe ay this a live image above the fire you can see the flames right here crews have shut down this freeway. more than 2 dozen homes have burned since it started yesterday. at least one person has died another
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was injured at one point the flames spread at a rate about 800 acres per hour you can see how dry the vegetation is and crews are now trying to just protect homes there letting it burn in a lot of cases if there aren't any homes in the way but they want to protect homes and they want to protect lives at this point. it is burning just south of santa clarita and east of a simi valley in southern california and the fires are so bad that the chp has been shutting down sections of several freeways, not just the one. they were seeing here i 5. a man here driving on 5 near valencia shot this video and you can see how imposing that fire is he said the smoke was unli region of course on how high alert as the red flag warning has now been extended through tomorrow afternoon, the notoriously powerful santa ana winds bringing dry desert air
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to dry brush that needs just a spark to ignite it neighbors have been echoing each other saying the fire came so fast. they had no choice but to flee. one man says he'll never forget his father's reaction when they saw fire in their backyard. i heard a scream like i've never heard before my dad said. >>it's in our backyard our backyard, but in a way that i've never heard him scream before. so that's literally that that the it keeps repeating in mh head or as we speak. >>when you hear your father screaming like what did you see when you k down. >>when i looked down, i looked in my backyard, and i saw flames and i saw how close it was my number one instinct wasn't to grab any clothes oyth little brother my little sister were asleep at the time. >>just heart-stopping moments for people affected by this fire is. crews are now working on the ground in the air you can see that smoke blowing the effect of the santa ana winds really whipping the flames as
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we said firefighters working on saving properties and saving lives at this point because this fire is a beast, it's burned more than 7500 acres in about 24 hours. more than a 1000 firefighters are working this thing and they are stretched and there. several fires in southern california, 13% containment as you again it is hard to overemphasize the winds and the effect they're having you know this is a very scary time. i'm back up here in the bay area but francisco's embarcadero very still they yeah hard to believe fall. in the middle of this week in the bay area with the winds that. i guess maybe less than advertised at first first, but then they eventually with only 6070 miles per hour gus yeah, extremely everybody kind of on edge all week. long. i think we you some fun to do no doubt about your view and a letter to his goal here as we head toward the weekend for fun
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things if you want to go check this out this is the park street classic car show. >>look at those week are sitting out there if you want to go check out those yeah it's going to be great time in alameda you're going to see a lot of sunshine begins at 10:00am temperatures into the upper 70's going to be warm afternoon. there will be a little bit of a breeze of those blue angels could be flying overhead to in san jose, it is time for pumpkins in the park of course that time of year beautiful fall weather outside plenty of sunshine and some warm temperatures a few more clouds on sunday. there will be a bit of a breeze in the afternoon to if you're headed there and how about this an old fashioned harvest fair look at all the different boards out there. you have all kinds of fun things to check out an old-school from the early 1900's, sunny skies. i was plenty of food, plenty to drink temperatures are going to be running in the low 80's. and if we want to wear some sunscreen sale and of course you don't want to miss this one either how about the blue angels for tomorrow and on sunday. the weather is looking great tomorrow, sunny skies all day long the temperatures are going to be in the low
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sea breeze in the afternoon then on sunday looks like we'll see a little more of a breeze in a few more clouds but still some very nice weather for the blue angels tomorrow, hey it's gorgeous out there right now clear skies all the way the coastline looking beautiful toward the golden gate bridge. you can still see a bit of a breeze out there in the clouds or in the skies we're seeing that low around justokt the num today, a very nice outside 78 degrees in san francisco, 76 in oakland 81 and san jose 79 degrees in livermore 81 in concord in 82 degrees in santa rosa winds. you're seeing all those strong gusty winds in southern california. we have some gusts here of almost 80 miles per hour. those are long gone. in fact just a gentle breeze around the bay area to stay and it's still dry outside the temperatures are on the warm side so the fire danger still elevated that we're not talking about red flag conditions just elevated fire danger just because bone dry around the bay area. temperature wise lot of 70's 80's still making for a beautiful friday evening and tonight. you'll see some clear
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skies but he has that sunset the temperatures going to fall off in hurry get chilly with some overnight ls by day o your weekend about 72 degrees in san francisco, 78 in oakland, 79 degrees in the napa valley. in one police department is telling parents to check all the candy that their kids collect. >>because officers in pennsylvania found kenny well it looks like nerd ropes. but these were laced with 400 milligrams of thc that's the psychoactive chemical of course found in marijuana they were found during a raid this week. now drug-laced edible certainly become very popular and many are pass packaged to look very very much like regular candy. a ur lunches do both road with the blue angels
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>>it is fleet week san francisco. it's a really ke to them i britain with them, let's take a look at it. my right a couple years ago.
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astronaut yet if cuts that are where you're crying like a baby. then there was your
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mouth is. wright came this is not. dinner time can we hand it off to guys. and in the end maybe save we'll see you back here tonight for kron 4 news at 9 and if we're still friends. i think we will right, asher so i think we have extra time goin thanks to you both coming next at 6 o'clock. we are moments away from a live update from pg officials about the restoration. >>following the massive power shut off surplus we're learning the shut off costs. >>some city plus ferocious santa ana winds fueling an aggressive wildfire in los angeles county fast spreading flames that have forced a 100,000 people to flee, we'll
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>>breaking news, the genie holding a news conference updating customers on the status of the power situation. let's get right to that news conference in downtown san francisco that is bill johnson, the ceo of pg >>the biggest risk of our equipment in these conditions is a vegetation attacking distribution which causes
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admission cause a spark. and can lead to a fire. so did experience that rest are in this p s p s event. yes, we did it. the winds we experienced like the winds happening in southern california. we're such speed. that gives blue branches and trees into our power law. about this risk of ignition. but thankfully, those lines are not energized.


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