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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  October 8, 2019 6:00am-6:59am PDT

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are remembering the two years since of the devestating and deadly "north bay fire storm." we have team coverage all morning long on what areas will be effected and what you need to do to prepare... (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(james) and i'm james fletcher. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic...
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no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( james )(áááchroma keyááá) a big story we're following
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this morning-- hundreds of thousands of people in the bay area could lose power this week as fire danger grows. the potential for high winds has forced p-g&e to warn everyone of possible power shutoffs in cities all across the bay area. this is a map from the national weather service showing the areas at risk of losing power. from the north bay ... to a large section of the east
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bay and also the south bay. if a shutoff does occur ... ( darya ) we have team rrow coverage on the possible pg&e could see the power shutoff at midnight. sara? 40-thousand pg and e customers here in contra costa county will experience this power outage if the power company does in fact decide to shut off power.take a look at the map of the east bay and where pg and e is monitoring current weather conditions that could cause a public safety power shutoff event. others parts of the east bay impacted include alameda and e anticipates the shutoff would begin four wednesday morning and last through thursday mid day.the possible shutoff is due to severe dry wind event seen in the east bay creating high fire danger. pg&e has already started calling customers warning people that once the power is to be turned back on ... it could take some time because each power line must be inspected first".
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people to be prepared for 48 to 72 hours after the but our crews must inspect those lines to make sure its safe to turn power back on.alameda county resident:i think its a good thing to stop the spread of wildfire which is so rampantit not a bad idea, i think its needed i think its better than an increased risk of fire>it's important to prepare for an outage so you're not left in the dark - you should have flashlights and candles ready,
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non perishable foods, unplug electric appliances and equipment and get a portable charger for your cell phone. make sure food stays cold by keeping your fridge and freezer closed.we will continue to monitor this power safety shutoff - as pg and e continues to monitor weather in lafayette, sara stinson, kron four news.### thanks sara. sara. thanks sara.
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(á2 shotá)( james ) the threat of wildfires brings up memories of the north bay firestorm. today marks two years since the fires devastated santa rosa and other locations throughout wine country.( darya ) 44 people were killed and thousands of homes were lost. (áboxesá) kron4's will tran is live in santa rosa where people are still recovering. will?
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thanks will.
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( james ) stay connected to kron on ... are 24 hour commercial free news app. we will be covering the 2 year anniversary of the north bay fires all morning long ... and keep you updated on the possible power shutoffs across the bay area. go to to start watching now. new this morning. this wildfire in napa county is now 100 percent contained. it broke out east of american canyon sunday
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afternoon. it started with 30 acres and quickly expanded to 526 acres. the flames destroyed one outbuilding and burned several wooded fences in the area. ( darya ) in the south bay-- someone is setting fires in sunnyvale and police are asking the community to help find who is responsible. here's a look at the possible suspect. homes along jena terrace, toyama drive, morse avenue, and konstandz avenue were hit. there were a total of nine fires-- and in each case, someone accessed the porch area and set fire to grill covers, umbrellas, and other flammable items.
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between the person in the photo and the residents. luckily no one was hurt. ( james ) a big story we are following out of the easgew driving on a freeway in hayward. kevai flloyd says she was grop..kissed and even had her eyes covered while she was driving. and the attacker was another woman. flloyd was heading back to sacramento- doing some late night rides in the bay area... because she says she can make twice as much money in the bay area. that's when she picked up a younger woman who she says was drunk. ( james ) uber officials called this case deeply disturbing and say that they are working with the c-h-p on their investigation. ( james ) still ahead on
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the kron4 morning news... we continue our coverage of high fire dangers and potential powershut offs. here is another look at the map showing where the power could be shut off. ( john ) and i am tracking your bay area forecast.
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( james ) fleet week is well underway. there are a lot of activities planned for the week. today the navy band will be performing at a number of locations across san francisco. and starting tomorrow ... people can tour several navy ships in san francisco. then on friday there will be a naval parade of the ships at 11am. the big air show, featuring several planes and the blue angels will be held from noon to four pm on friday, saturday and sunday. planes will also be seen throughout the week over the bay area's skies as they practice. as many as 1 million people are expecting to visit san francisco during fleet week.
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we have a full list of we have a full list of activities on our website kron4 dot com. ( james ) you can catch all the action of fleet week right here on kron-4 ... the home of blue angels live. its a two hour special gives you a front row seat to high flying stunts from the comfort of your home. the fun starts saturday october 12-th at 2 p-m right here on kron 4 (darya)(james) welcome back. lets get a check of weather and traffic this morning.
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wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from t101
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( james ) in the south bay... a duffle bag full of snakes was stolen from a car at a san jose parking lot. the breeder says he just finished a presentation at the martin luther king jr library.... and was packing up in the parking lot -- when somebody took one of his duffle bags. four snakes and a lizard
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were inside that bag. luckily,since the snakes went missing on saturday, two of them turned up in a dumpster. ( james ) the stolen snakes are worth thousands of dollars but the owner is most concerned about the saftey of the animals. ( darya ) a developing story out of southern california-- áanother horse has died at santa anita park. this is the 33-rd horse death at the track since last december. officials say the horse died of an apparent heart attack on saturday. a necropsy will confirm its exact cause of death. santa anita park closed for evaluation back in march after more than 20
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horses died over the course of three months. the park has since made changes in how the horses are treated. the e r is investigating trainers to see if they had any role in the string of deaths. (darya) coming up on the kron 4 morning news ... the 49ers are now 4 and 0 for the áfirst time since 19-90. highlights from their showdown against the browns, coming up. (darya) and then... school construction projects across the state will get billions of dollars thanks to a new measure governor newsom signed. ( darya ) and we will continue covering the high fire danger across the bay area. here is another look at the map showing where the power could be shut off because of high winds. we'll have more in a live report.
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pigs are destroying yards and public parks in the east bay.( james ) pepole in lafayette say the the pigs are costing them thousands of dollars. kron4's dan thorne shows us the damage they're causing and what's being done to try and stop them. piles of torn up grass and dirt have popped up at lafayette community park..the damage done to the soccer and baseball fields..the culprits-- are these two dozen feral pigs seen stampeding late at night.. sot: the night that we were out there with the pigs we saw
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the pigs arent supposed to be the ones to be here. jonathan katayanagi is the parks, trails and recreation director for lafayette. he says the city has dealt with pig problems in the past but this year it's gotten worse..sot: this is the first time in our history that the pigs have come for the fields...local soccer teams have been forced to move pratice elsewhere because of the mangled mess.. and the city had to pay $5,000 dollars to put in this temporary fencing..the more permanent chain link solution will cost even more..sot: this grass and dirt has been chewed up because the pigs are hungry and they're looking for grubs and other bugs and this isn't just happening here it's happening in neighborhoods too..sot: i grew up in a farm in iowa but these are different kind of pigs-- they're more destructive..this was marlys (marliss) randick's yard last year when the wild pigs trampled her well groomed grass in search of food..she had never seen such a sight in 40 plus years of living in lafayette..sot: we tried everything water sprinklers light meters to scare them away nothing worked..the randick's yard was returned to normalcy and they too put in a fence. it didn't come cheap but these pigs aren't pushing them outta town..sot: we've raised our daughters here and
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we all love it you know we just love th e property so we plan to stay as long as we can. ( sara ) ( sara ) there are high fire dangers across most of the bay area today... which means pg&e is considering shutting off power to thousands. ill let you know where and when... coming up in a live report. you know when you're at ross and your new fall look just keeps getting better? check this out! that's yes for less. score a head-to-toe look you'll love and save 20 to 60 percent off department store prices. at ross. yes for less.
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the way you triumph over adversity. and live your lives. that's why we redesigned humira. we wanted to make the experience better for you. now there's less pain immediately following injection. we've reduced the size of the needle and removed the citrate buffers. and it has the same effectiveness you know and trust. humira citrate-free is here. a little change can make a big difference. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your doctor about humira citrate-free.
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here's to you.
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and you get first dibs on that brand... that price? that's yes for less. seriously, get the fall brands and styles you love and save 20 to 60% off department store prices. at ross. yes for less. (darya) lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the atr.weathe.
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( james )(áááchroma keyááá) a big story we're following
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this morning-- hundreds of thousands of people in the bay area could lose power this week as fire danger grows. the potential for high wds everyone of possible power shutoffs in cities all across the bay area. this is a map from the national weather service showing the areas at risk of losing power. from the north bay ... to a large section of the east bay and also the south bay. if a shutoff does occur ... it could happen early tomorrow morning through thursday. ( darya ) we have team coverage on the possible pg&e power outa kron4's sara stinson is live in lafayette where the fire danger is extreme and people could see the power shutoff at midnight. sara? thanks sara. sara. thanks sara.
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( james ) stay connected to stay ( james )
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(á2 shotá)( james ) ( james ) ( james ) stay ( james ) stay connected to kron on
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... are 24 hour commercial free news app. we will be covering the 2 year anniversary of the north bay fires all morning long ... and keep you updated on the possible power shutoffs across the bay area. go to to start watching now. ( james ) one person is in police custody after making a threat against cal state university long beach. this aerial
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video shows a woman who being detained by police. it is unclear when the threat came in or how it was made but the campus was put on lockdown yesterday for about an hour. police believe the woman was acting alone. ( james ) a mental health "call line" is now available to everyone in california. state senator scott wiener and san francisco assemblyman phil ting say the state will spend 10-point-8 million dollars to operate the "warm line" call line for three years. people can reach a 'warm line' counselor by calling to texting 855-845-7415. to start ... the line will be open from 7 in the morning until 11 at night on weekdays. seven a-m to 3 p-m on saturdays. and seven a-m to 9 p-m on sundays. the line is expected to be open 24 -hours a day, 7 -days a week by the end of the year. ( james ) happening today. governor gavin newsom will be in oakland to sign a series of bills which aim to tackle the housing affordability
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crisis. yesterday the govenor signed a measure that would place a 15-billion dollars bond on the ballot for school construction projects across the state. the measure would help modernize schools ... address drinking water issues ... and help update buildings to safeguard earthquakes. the governor says a lot of the money will benefit low income school districts. ( james ) the measure will be on the march 2020 ballot. today in oakland ... the governor plans to sign the nation's strongest statewide renter protection package, and a number of other bills to address the rising costs of rent and housing. ( darya ) the city of oakland could lose the a's if they don't drop the lawsuit over ownership of the coliseum. oakland is suing alamada
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county because the county agreed to sell its half of the coliseum complex to the a's. major league baseball commissioner robert manfred wants oakland to drop the lawsuit or the team could move out of the bay could possible new home for the a's but oakland city leaders say the deal between the county and the a's violates a state law regarding publicly owned land. < "what happened we have been in negotiating with the county for months, for over a year trying to purchase the land but at the same time the oakland a's went around the city of oakland trying to cut a deal with alameda county">( darya ) alameda county supervisor nate miley disagrees with the city. he says the county's $85-million agreement to sell
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their share of the coliseum site to the a's does not conflict with any state laws. ( darya ) now to bay ( darya ) now to bay area the football. the 49ers are now 4-and-0 for the first time since 1990. they dominated the browns last night at levis stadium. the niners got off to a hot start after running back matt breida rushed 83 yards for touchdown. the niners punished the browns defense with the run game. and brieda would score again on a diving catch later on in the first quarter. in the 3rd quarter ... jimmy garoppolo connects with tight end george kittle for a 22 yard touchdown. the niners defense was also lights out. the 49ers beat the browns 31-3. they remain undefeated on the season. up next the niners will go on the road to take on division rivals the
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los angeles rams this upcoming sunday. ( james ) still ahead on the kron4 morning news... we continue our coverage of high fire dangers and potential powershut offs. here is another look at the map showing where the power could be shut off. ( john ) and i am tracking your bay area forecast. how do i use better than bouillon?
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...sauces. just whisk it in... ...brush it on... sauté it. it adds a "cooked all day taste" ...that doesn't take all day. better than bouillon. don't just make it. make it better. don't just make it. the business of hard work... ...hustle... ...and high fives.
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modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at (á2 shotá)( james ) the threat of wildfires brings up memories of the north bay firestorm. today marks two years since the fires devastated santa rosa and other locations throughout wine country.( darya ) 44 people were killed and thousands of homes were lost. kron4's will tran is live in santa rosa where people are still recovering. will?
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thanks will. ( james ) supreme court is evacuated due to a suspcious package left outside.
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no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 (á2 shotá) ( darya ) happening
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today... the u-s ambassador to the european union will be ánotá be on capitol hill to testify today... after the state department ordered him not to appear. it happened less than an hour before he was scheduled to testify behind closed doors in the impeachment inquiry into president trump.( james ) ambassador gordon sondland was on a text chain released last week that appeared to show the trump administration placing pressure on ukrain to investigate joe biden. now house democrats are considering extreme steps to protect the identity of the whistleblower who filed the initial complaint against president trump. that includes the possibility of using a secret, off-site location for members of congress to interview the whistleblower. new subpoenas have been issued to the pentagon and the office of management and budget for documents tied to the freezing of foreign aid to ukraine.
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president trump has continued to deny any wrongdoing. ( darya ) the impeachment inquiry is clearly split along party lines... but the same is not true about the president's decision to pull troops out of syria. he is getting criticism from both republicans and democrats. john lorinc has more. president trump with a bombshell announcement....u-s forces are pulling out of northern syria.president donald trump/no font needed "well we've been in syria a long time. and it was supposed to be a very short hit and hit on isis, but it didn't work out that way. they never left."this extreme shift in foreign policy.....effectively gives turkey the go-ahead to strike the u-s backed kurds.mike rogers/r-former house intelligence chairman"they're going to try to kill as many kurds as they possibly can, this has been a festering would with the turks a long time."the kurds have been a long-time u-s ally and have played a strategic role in the fight against isis in the region.rep. elaine luria/d-virginia"my colleagues on both sides of the aisle are very stupefied, i mean where did this come from?"jen psaki/former white house communications director"he's sending a message to our allies and our partners around the world that you can't rely on us, you can't depend on us." senate majority leader mitch mcconnell urged the president to reverse the decision, releasing a statement saying....."american interests are best served by american leadership, not by retreat or withdrawal."house speaker nancy pelosi releasing a similar statement....saying this action "poses a dire threat to regional security and stability."lt. gen. mark hertling (ret.)/cnn military analyst"it will lend to a greater surge within the isis opportunities to continue to attack. this is devastatingly bad."i'm john lorinc reporting.
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( james ) ( james ) and we will continue covering the high fire danger across the bay area. here is another look at the map showing where the power could be shut off because of high winds. we'll have more in a live report.
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>>welcome back to the kron 4 morning news and back to the traffic lots of it we have a full house here at the bay bridge toll plaza meaning your cash lanes are fast track lanes they're all backed up and this goes all the way back through the maze so just be prepared for that a lot of break tapping going on here from the spot free.
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we'll check some more slow downs coming up for you in just a bit james. >>thank you time. 6.56 and coming up in the next hour. high fire danger, that's our big story over the next 24 to 36 hours pgd threatening it may have to shut off power to prevent a wild fire if the winds really pick up like they're expected to do and so that's going to our big stories we're tracking it throughout the day today, we'll let you know when pg makes that call and all of this comes on the very day 2 years ago the north bay was ravaged by wildfire. and you can see in some of these pictures are just how hectic it was and how tragic it was we have a live report on the
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6:59 am
>>coming up on the kron 00:04am morning news at 07:00am since the deadly fire storm devastated the north bay. >>and once again high winds and warm temperatures are threatening the bay area. thousands of people now in danger of having their power shut off e complete team coverage starting right now. >>for joining us, i'm darya folsom and i'm james fletcher and we will get to that team coverage here in just a moment that the kick it off we do need to update you both weather and traffic because we have big stories on both fronts you had a hot spot earlier yes, it cleared. i'm tracking residual delays on 5.80 all lanes are open okay so the big news is the
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weather. >>and the wind and he fired salute lee we've already had the heat in the dry conditions but we're adding in some pretty strong winds skies. these next couple of days. >>as we all know can be the he apidly spreading wildfire. so that's why officials are taking these next few days so seriously now this morning. calm winds are seen across the bay area a very calm start to what wi very day calm enough and it winds that we've actually had a then marine layer scooting through the golden gate this morning making for a nice view out the golden gate right now. again look at these calm winds now we advance through the day and what's going to happen is wind speeds are going to increase dramatically into the evening tonight, this is just irwin's us a


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