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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  October 2, 2019 5:00am-5:59am PDT

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yesterday. yeah. >>was a great afternoon yesterday we've got more nice weather today tomorrow and friday before the u. >>sets and for the weekend. today we're going to be a beautiful afternoon ahead of us with daytime highs just a little bit warmer than what we did have for your tuesday yesterday to kick off the new month, clear skies across the bay area so we're already crystal clear and we're going to stay that way even on into the afternoon ahead of us right now temperatures are in the 40's for most of the day you're noticing a few 50's in san francisco berkeley and oakland. but then also a few 30's sprinkled in there up in nevado petaluma napa you are in the 30's moments ago now having seen temperatures rise over the past couple of minutes. as we make our way into the afternoon temperatures are going to do a lot of just that rise well out of the 30's 40's and 50's back into the 70's for most of the bay area today it'll be upper 70's for inland areas with a few low 70's even out towards the coast. i've got the details on what to expect as we make our way to the day
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still ahead, robin it's getting a little busy out there folks are hitting the road heading to work and we have a crowd. >>and on the san mateo bridge. let's head over to the flat section here that's what's backed up just west of the toll plaza. so it is filling and quickly but i don't have any major prom sell 13 minutes off to one o one filling in quickly at the bay bridge toll plaza as well for the cash payers for the fast trackers but it's a great trip on the upper deck and then your drive times look great coming out of the east bay on highway 4. >>6.80 south amendments wide open and then from the south bay, you're looking good at 28 minutes, san jose to menlo park i'll have another traffic check coming up james darya thanks a lot rob and 5 oh one in our top story workers in santa clara county are getting ready to strike they say that they are the victims of unfair labor practices on the story for us this morning as kron 4 sarah stinson she's live in san jose where workers there will be forming picket lines. >>and what about an hour from now sarah.
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>>riken protesting law all start right here. a santa clara counties. family and child services department was in san jose. >>and again they will be here trying to prove a point we're excited to talk to them about what that is and what they plan to accomplish with this but take a look at your screen we've listed out some of the people who will be here and their professions whether it be a public health nurse janitor or. people in about a dozen different departments will be out here in large crowds trying to make a point. they want to be treated and paid more fairly these employees worked across the county providing health care at hospitals and clinics at valley medical center. they maintain roads. they provide mental health services at county jails they protect children and elders from abuse and they even work in law enforcement plus much much more. but these are people we will be talking to him about an hour now to see to get of th when this truck was. and when
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they sent us the information they said that it starts today, the strike and there's notoe determined so we've can't wait to talk to them and learn a bit more about what they plan to get out of this protest again it starts at 6 o'clock so join us right here on the kron 4 morning news and we'll show you what's happening here on king road. now live in san jose sarah stinson kron 4 news okay. thank you sarah. >>5 oh 3 in the east bay oakland police are looking for a hit and run driver who killed a woman and injured a younger all the accident happened near the foothill blvd and 22th avenue intersection tuesday morning i was yesterday. the driver hit the 45 year-old woman and her 4 year-old niece as they were walking home from school. the woman died at the scene the girl is recovering in hospital. the victim's husband is frustrated that the driver was able to take off and get away. come police have not released a description of the driver or the car. but they are offering a $15,000 reward
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for information that leads to an arrest. in the a driver faces charges for hitting 2 people in a park in cupertino one of them died from their injuries. this happened. also yesterday afternoon at the rancho san antonio preserve. the driver of that black audi hit the 2 best friends and then took off. by deputies at the entrance of the park. one of the people struck died in the hospital the other victim was treated at the scene people on their daily walks couldn't believe what happened. >>but obviously we're shocked. i work from home so i heard all the sirens go. >>what was going on our thoughts are with the victim. and public safety is always the highest priority for mitt pan and all of our preserves. and we appreciate the public's understanding. struck the pedestrians was at also taken to the hospital and once released by doctors that driver will go to jail and
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faced murder charges. >>the name of a man who was shot and killed in antioch that shooting happened monday on east 16th street police found one zambrano suffering from gunshot wounds ended up dying at the hospital. police arrested. our new new flow. dano in connection with that shooting they say it happened at a nearby home. police also found a fire and a large amount of heroin and mass as well. this is an iraq's night homicide of the year. happening now authorities are searching for kidnappers who took a man from his home in santa cruz. the body has since been recovered with kron four's rob fladeboe now with the story. >>as of late this afternoon santa cruz county sheriff's deputies were still working to separate crime scenes in connection with the kidnapping. one here in town the other 70 miles away high in the santa cruz mountains. this was the scene early tuesday morning here at 32th in east cliff drive in the santa cruz county neighborhood
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known as pleasure point. the sheriff's forensics team could be seen coming and going from the home. this man 50 year-old to shar all trey was allegedly kidnapped early this morning, according to sheriff's spokeswoman ashley can so around 3 o'clock. >>this morning, a person inside. >>the missing bmw and a deceased personmmediately ident >>and we have not identified pers and there are a lot of moving parts to this investigation and investigators are still.
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>>the sheriff's office says it is hunting more than one suspect. but offered no details about a possible motive for the kidnapping or whether any weapons were involved. i spoke with several residents of pleasure point popular with surfers. but none were acquainted with to sharra all trade but he was not. as a precaution, a reverse 911 call went out this morning along so cal san jose road in the vicinity of where the deceased person and the missing vehicle were found. but deputies said theto the general public even though at least 2 suspects in this case remain at large. is santa cruz rob fladeboe kron 4 news. >>new this morning, a mountain lion and was spotted in 3 separate areas around mill valley seen near water cannon
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and glen drive and and sarah drive so police are telling people who live or hang out in that area to be careful. if you're out walking the police patrolling too. >>because said humane society. so they can relocate him if he's caught. another big story of hollies in washington dc and holding later this morning. speaker of the house nancy pelosi will hold a news conference and she's expected to address the impeachment inquiry into president trump this all comes of course a day after the state department inspector general. >>made an urgent request, a brief several house and senate committees on the whistleblower report that's unclear exactly what he plans to provide congress during this private an emergency meeting but sources say apparently there are some documents now related to this ukraine investigation that have come to the attention of the inspector general and and so that inspector general called this last heels of secretary of state mike pompeo accusing house democrats of bullying state department officials by calling them in
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for depositions. and all of this again related to that whistleblower complaint accusing the president of pressing ukraine's president to investigate his potential 2020 rival. joe biden. house by the way in the east bay for representative eric swalwell town hall to discuss the impeachment inquiry that james logan high school asked whether there was that was was there ask questions about the president's actions. and the details of the whistleblower complaint and the impeachment process and everything in between so they discussed a wide range of issues. he was joined by watergate prosecution witness john dean. >>hundreds of hours of i heard next and then all and circumstances saw the dark side of it. rose garden. think it's the simplicity. >>of act here in that we have a confession. the president he's we did guilty and i think in many ways the biggest
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question where the country will be what is the sentence. >>so all over turn to the washington. the area last night after the town hall for today's inspector general's briefing. we'll see what comes out of that. >>5.10 right now. we'll see we'll see what comes out of the big wild card game tonight in oakland. it's so win or go home playoff and we'll have a live report. plus states are taking action against the cigarette says more deaths are now linked to vaping and a republican lawyer is suing california and the dmv. living voter registration laws. we'll tell you what that's about coming up john and we're continuing with our trend of cool mornings and comfortable afternoons chilly in the north bay with a few 30's nevado at 39 right now. >>your forecast is ahead. d i'm commute around the bay area this morning already busy on our bridges bay bridge traffic backed up in the cash lanes and the fast track lanes so the slowdown s fall sale on the
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sleep number 360 smart bed. you can adjust your comfort on both sides your sleep number setting. can it help keep us asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. and snoring? no problem... and done. so you can really promise better sleep? not promise, prove. and now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only $1,399, save $300. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time. only $1,399, save $300. plus 0% interest for 24 months
5:12 am
wit looks like jill heading offe on an adventure. jill has entresto, a heart failure medicine that helps her heart so she can keep on doing what she loves. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. eit helps improve your heart'st helping peopability alive to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto, for heart failure. where to next? entrust your heart to entresto. over here! (shrieking)
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is that the only peanut butter that you have? what? i can't. ♪ ♪ jif peanut butter. it's that jif'ing good, you'd brave the apocalypse for it. 5 13 is the time right there are pregnant pause >>often wednesday morning during idol monday was dramatic. it was what nothing too dramatic as far as weather built up for kind of an anti and this weekend's going to be extra war while will be i'm so glad he's to go to ac go and
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yes as we're probably going to need it for a lot of areas this weekend as temperatures work their way back up into the 80's today tomorrow and friday though we're good it's going to be beautiful out there certainly as chilly this morning with a few spots such as in the north bay down into the 30's crystal clear skies, calm conditions and chilly conditions we're continuing that trend that we've enjoyed throughout the week which has been jacket where the mornings and then just really comfortable days. high pressure is still continuing to be built up across the region and that is going to result in temperatures today a noticeable about warmer than yesterday for san francisco, this means a couple spots back into the 70's site includes mission and financial districts with 60's in areas like marina district down the sunset district near 70 degrees for your highs in daly city as well as half moon bay, sterday was and ler than at 74 degrees south bay temperatures also warmer than yesterday is nearing 80 degrees in morgan hill most
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gatos well 77 for much of the south bay 70's solidly, from hayward down through fremont and on over into the tri valley. some of our closer spots to the 80's include danville walnut creek in concord but not quite getting there today, we're saving those 80's for the weekend today we're keeping in this trend of comfortable and 70 degree highs by the coast expect some 60's in stinson beach in point rays. while 77 from sandra fell through santa rosa. now today tomorrow and friday, your best days to get out there really enjoyable weather overall with mid 70's for your highs on thursday and friday now take a look at the weekend and next week too. it may be october and maybe fall and we may have had some chilly weather the past few days in some cases, but there is some hot weather ahead of us in this forecast, no 90's but easily upper 80's for your daytime highs inland to come saturday and sunday in a few spots and with an offshore flow bringing the hot dry air out towards the coast. we're also going to be looking at 80's right alongside the bay
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with some mid to upper 70's. alongside the coastline. so hotter weather around the corner today tomorrow and friday you're better days for outdoor activities. although this weekend just planet right and you'll be just fine too. robin. >>all right, thank you jon, i just got off the phone with chp trying to get more information about the sick alert for the richmond sandra fell bridge. they not giving up any information right now what they're saying that all lanes are blocked eastbound on the richmond sandra fell bridge right around mid span. so this is impacting your commute from the north bay to the east bay counter commute directions. they've issued a special traffic alert all they're telling me is that it's an ongoing police investigation, but they're not saying why so for now looks like we can say that the richmond sandra fell bridge is closed on the eastbound side until they release the traffic and let folks through let you know when that have happens. meanwhile, it is not impact acting the westbound side westbound there's a minor weight and some of the cash lanes but overall a great trip from the east bay to the north
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bay once again the trouble spot is eastbound at pilling be this line is growing but it's very quiet. so 13 minutes to make it in. we're looking at more numbers and we're freeways and they look good and 15 minutes for the east shore rocket oakland, 24 spot and so is 5.80 and the nimitz wide open from san leandro to downtown oakland james. thank you very much. >>robin time now 5.17 republican lawyer in san francisco is filing a federal lawsuit against california secretary of state and the head of the dmv she says they're failing to verify those registering to vote of whether they are us citizens violating the national voter registration act in this all comes after a state audit found the state's motor voter program experienced technical problems that may have led to discrepancies in voter registration. now the suit wants a judge to rule that state agencies use the data they already have to determine
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voter citizenship. >>we have already asked state were you doing. a student told we're not doin verify citizenship. we done something to verify felon status. we are doing something to verify non with kids and people who moved we're just simply ignoring this part of the statute that states position. >>the secretary of state responded by saying of the lawsuit isn't underhanded attempt to bring voter suppression to california. appeal a federal ruling that blocks a law aimed at forcing president trump to release his tax returns. the law requires presidential candidates to disclose income tax returns before there name can appear on the state's primary ballot. but a federal judge blocked that law saying it likely violates the constitution. secretary of state alex padilla says that he will appeal that ruling. he says the law is fundamental to preserving and protecting american democracy. 05:18am. >>of the boat that caught fire and killed 34 people in southern california is
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suspending the entire fleet of boats. the truth aquatics company says it will dedicate all efforts to make sure that it's boats comply with all safety regulations work with the coast guard and national transportation safety bureau, authorities are still investigating the cause cars of the fire that killed those people most of whom were sleeping, they were all actually sleeping under the deck when it broke out. another big story that we're following at least 16 people have died now because of vaping-related illnesses nationwide and states are pushing to ban if not already banning the cigarettes reid binion has more. >>the cigarette sales really driven by these flavors. in regard to young people. >>ohio governor mike dewine calling for a ban on flavored e cigarettes and vapor products in following in the steps of new york and michigan by doing so. >>we can interrupt the cycle of really use. and if we do
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that we will reduce the health risks and we'll save watch. >>at least 13 states are now reporting vaping-related deaths in the last 2 months with new jersey's health department reporting their first death saying in a statement quote, this death underscores the potential dangers associated with vaping on the same day, virginia also confirmed the death. the health commissioner saying in a statement quote i am deeply saddened to announce the first death of a virginia resident related to this outbreak. both victims only described as adults flavors improve the taste in mass, the harshness of tobacco products. >>now democratic congresswoman lauren underwood who co-sponsored the reversing the youth tobacco epidemic act is ramping up the bipartisan call to ban flavored tobacco in the cigarette products given the fda. >>complete failure to effectively regulate these products. the exact. >>now before it's treading repo
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kron 00:04am morning news, a man tries to steal a coin machine from a car wash in the east bay, but he doesn't get very far we'll tell you why. outraged parents speak out now after they say a teacher showed a documentary to middle school students with contained pornographic imagery. more on that to come here is a quick live look outside got a bay bridge approach camera show you the traffic all stack up here at the toll plaza as folks try make their way from oakland into san francisco will have your complete commute check and y come try my really big chicken sandwich combo with two patties for $4.99, or three for $5.99, or four for $6.99. that's an amazing deal, jack! hey, thanks, stanley. ow. ...wait, what's happening? stanley! you're deflating! hold me, jack! only at jack in the box.
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symptoms chwith your doctor.s well. two breaded chicken patties plus fries and a drink for $4.99. three patties for $5.99. or even four for just $6.99. four patties? well, tickle my elbow! no thank you. try my really big chicken sandwich combos. starting at $4.99.
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>>welcome back to the kron 4 morning news and over to the richmond sandra fell bridge. that's our major hot spot i pulled up a caltrans camera so you can see the traffic here at a complete stop. we have an ongoing police investigation east found before mid span again chp a call they're not giving us any information about the lanes being close what they're investigating if it's connected to a crash or something else. but at last check they were trying to open up one lane so that traffic can get through but for now we have all lanes closed eastbound on the richmond sandra fell bridge before mid span because of this ongoing police investigation they've issued a singular you already see that traffic is crawling from the west end of the bridge so be prepared for that. this is not impacting the westbound commute westbound which is the commute direction looks great. no delays at the toll 6 minutes to the north bay, but you're not getting through eastbound, i'll keep my eyes on this and
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we'll check more slow downs coming up john. >>well robin, no hot spots in the weather that's for sure at least not this morning temperatures in the 40's for most of the bay area right now with especially cool conditions up in the north bay where napa and santa rosa as well as nevado have worked their way in and out of the 30's really over the past couple of hours as for your current conditions, it is chilly but it is also com and quite clear this morning so nothing really too much to worry about as you're stepping out the door as long as you've got your jacket in hand back to you. thank you very much. 5 25 on the clock, a father in stanislaus county is outrage now after his. >>12 year-old daughter was shown pornographic images after middle school was all part of a documentary called the mask you live in it's directed by governor gavin newsom's partner jennifer siebel newsom and it's meant to be a thought provoking documentary about toxic masculinity it was recently shown to middle schoolers at creekside school in paterson now bill springer says that his daughter came home,
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apparently upset after she and her peers watched, she described as pornographic images that were inside that documentary. >>all the topics being discussed in the documentary it was just the fact that she was shown graffiti the teacher had shown it previously in an edited version but left a link. >>for an unedited version and that's how those scenes left the room. >>well the district says the movie should not have been shown without permission. the father wants that teacher disciplined. >>with the oakland a's, it's their favorite season. season as they take on the tampa bay rays here at the coliseum will tell you everything you need
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♪ oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) if eligible, you may pay as little as $25 per prescription. ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. and it's a slow ride all from the north bay to the east bay, the richmond center fell bridge is blocked. yeah still trying to figure out why call a said hey what's jonathan back. yeah we say we've got show they're just all look like a frozen shot at first, traffic at a standstill. that special alert has been issued but it is eastbound and that is counter commute direction, but traffic is at a crawl. out of the north bay getting on to the richmond sandra fell bridge. here's a thought well that's a snapshot. a caltrans camera that i pulled up these folks are stuck in the backup. it's 80 excuse me east 5.80 before mid span. it's a police investigation that's all we
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know they are working on. opening up the right lane. so there's starting to let some of the traffic on the right get through, but we still don't know why this closure is and place and we don't know how long it's going to take so if you put and traveling from the north bay to the east bay get out there early traffic's already backed up to the west end, it's not going very fast here you see the sensors its backing up toward san quentin for the eastbound drive. this is not impacting westbound traffic that's the commute direction. and it's fun and for now in wide open up that whole 6 minutes to make it to the north bay, the bay bridge traffic pretty busy pretty crowded your stack to be on 8.80 over crossing so off to a slow started to san francisco, it's spilling all all the way back to west grand. averaging 10 minutes. so that's good will check more bridges coming up john. well robin skies are crystal clear on likes of a bird. >>roadways this morning. we are seeing clear conditions at the golden gate bridge as conditions out there prove to be free of fog for the 3rd morning in a row now it is
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also another chilly morning though 40's and 50's for most of us across the day, although we've seen a couple 30's in the north bay right now petaluma you're at 39 degrees. napa you felt that the 30's earlier this morning. now sitting at 42 may be a chilly start but we are in for a really nice afternoon just around the corner and that's really good news for those of you attending the a's game later on as they take on the rays we are going to be seeing temperatures in the 60's to 70's during game time and are abundantly clear skies i've got more near forecast. still ahead back to you. >>well speaking of baseball in a baseball tonight. >>the october baseball out well. i told her second they could we're not sure just biggest cost for what happens tonight. so the a's can get into the rest. hosting the tampa bay rays so we've got kron four's will tran at the
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coliseum. >>well last year the a's tried in the wild-card game didn't quite make it, let's hope for better this year right. >>said a key word. hosting last year they went to gotham new york city and got blown out by the new york yankees, but they're at home and they've been rock solid at home all season with the 52 and 27 record so less than 12 hours from now, sean and i am a boy will take the mound right behind me. he's arguably the a's best pitcher back in 2018 he threw a no-hitter he had surgery this year. but he is ready to roll on this is basically a game 7 do or die, it's win or go home. the a's if they win they go ahead and face the houston astro's which about a month ago, so they are chomping at the bit to take on the houston astro's but first things first obviously to beat the rays who only have one. if
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you are winds days they did this year they won 96 games, the a's won 97 games. >>this is their second year in a row. this is the first time in 6 years that they're playing at home in the playoffs the a's are battle tested as far as making it. asked a regular season into the playoffs. the question now is can they go in advance last year they had arguably even a better team than this year. so hopefully. the second now will be the charm. we got a chance to track down the starting pitcher and bob melvin our ace pitcher and the manager of the year last year bob melvin here's what they had to say going into tonight's game. >>you know a lot lower kinda you know getting here is a was was crazy heart but are here you know, i'm i'm glad to that he has a premium. i'm going to say for up to so much for >>have played well here this year a record would suggest that we do play well here in.
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you know we've had this game a couple times on the road that has worked out very well for us so you know we know are going to play in front of our fans here it's going to be you know football type crowd and i hear mount davis is going to be open and you can get pretty rockets here soil. you know we're excited about having here. >>ok so you heard bob melvin talk about mount davis there are some tickets still available if you're thinking about going to tonight's game jump all over it because there's still some there reportedly starting at around $34 or so and then as the tickets get more and more scarce. those prices will go up as far as the a's, the rays the a's on the series this year. they won 4 games to 3 games, but the tampa bay rays they're rolling out their best pitcher and they this picture morton has been extremely tough on the a's and hopefully they are passing this out for that fans the show up the rally towel and i told them hopefully they won't have to do this to rallywin handily and
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on on thursday to play the houston astros will be here throughout the morning, we'll talk to a executive go a's, i mean all season as been bruce bocce but in the shadows >>these were yeah nominal team that's lanes right all right, thank you very much well i am and the a's fans and players get ready for the big game in the city of all. battle in alameda county over the coliseum the city filed a lawsuit to stop the county from selling the coliseum to the a's. the team in the county agreed to an $85 million deal where the team will by the county's 50% ownership. the city of oakland owns the other half and they claim that the surplus land mandates that publicly made available for affordable p spaces. >>in a playoff week we're going to hosting 50,000 fans wednesday. this is not the timing to be actually in urpris
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action it >>absolutely prudent for the city to preserve their rights. i hope we can place that on pause and really focus on working together. >>thing on pause really. and then before you battle over this ugly terrible stadium. it's a dump and everybody wants it rebuild everybody wants a new stadium so can we all just get along every time they take a step forward is 2 steps back >>5.36 right now and the east bay also a man tried to steal a cash. sheen. loaded with money. happened yesterday at the so quick car wash in concord. so let's check it out once you get he's going to corral it he's corralling it you know like with it i think is at you like a cowboy think that you change around it. yeah. take a pitch you can so that when we're not against their will. so the only thing we've seen so far that works is that guy over the a. a
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museum where he's going to happen all that often a sudden had patrons all there was a at good plan gone awry actually was pretty lame plan is by himself. he's got little shocking that little snap heroes we watch snap again, to 3 he's just wrapped all car could have it's this although the justice and know and they're not. >>and santa cruz county we have surveillance video showing thieves now smashing it will walgreens scotts valley that to steal the atm there they actually just back to the a k actually took off with that atm took him less than a minute. to pick to smash through the front hall off the machine and extra flow. the other i was on his own this is true. >>the question is can you get any money a lot of times they haul the machine away and then they can't get look at fault. that story let you know there's any updates from the police on that. meanwhile we'll take a quick break it's 5.37. get to still this
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morning in fact police and gil right now investigating an incident involving a high school football team, we'll tell you about the school being tight lipped about what happened. but we'll tell you what we know so far also the gilroy community coming out now to celebrate police months after that mass shooting at the garlic festival. and a violent assault caught on doorbell camera showing a man dragging a woman from the front door of the home will have more on this in a minute and a chilly morning again with temperatures in the 30's for a few spots in the north bay. i'm tracking where we're headed next on this wednesday still to come. >>and i'm tracking a major hot spot i pulled up a camera on the richmond sandra fell bridge. it shows you this ongoing police activity east found before mid span the left. traffic is getting through will have an update on this investigation and the backup after the break.
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♪ are you ready? are you ready for some fun? ♪
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♪ are you ready? we can't stop, we've only just begun. ♪
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♪ oooooooooo...i'll show you something neeeeeewwww. ♪ ♪ i'll show you something, i'll show you ♪ ♪ and welcome back to the kron 4 morning news, the richmond sandra fell bridge is still our hot spot. >>about 40 minutes ago chp issued a traffic alert east found before mid span for a police investigation. we don't know what they're investigating no details just yet but we know that they are allowing some traffic through so we've gone from having all lanes closed to now just the left lanes so traffic squeezing by it's still slow. it's backed up to the west in and we don't know how long this investigation is going to take if you have to travel from the north bay to the east bay do expect delays but at least you're getting through. this is not impacting
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westbound traffic, you're good westbound across the span at 7 minutes to one o one. we'll check more bridges and drive time coming up after the break stay with us. come try my really big chicken sandwich combo with two patties for $4.99, or three for $5.99, or four for $6.99. that's an amazing deal, jack! hey, thanks, stanley. ow. ...wait, what's happening? stanley! you're deflating! hold me, jack! only at jack in the box. let's get down to business. the business of atlanta on monday... ... cincinnati on tuesday. ...philly on wednesday. ...and thursday back to cincinnati . modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business keeps going, our business is you. gwe know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. even a- (ernie) lost rubber duckie? (burke) you mean this one? (ernie) rubber duckie!
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(cookie) what about a broken cookie jar? (burke) again, cookie? (cookie) yeah. me bad. (grover) yoooooow! oh! what about monsters having depends. did you cause the accident, grover? (grover) cause an accident? maybe... (bert) how do you know all this stuff? (burke) just comes with experience. (all muppets) yup. ♪ we are farmers. ♪ bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum when it comes to scent, helen's motto is, "the more the better." so when she tried gain scent blast detergent, she loved it. her son loves it, her husband loves it, too. and the delivery woman? awkward! gain scent blast. it's our most intense scent.. matching fabric softener and scent beads too. two breaded chicken patties plus fries and a drink for $4.99. three patties for $5.99. or even four for just $6.99.
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four patties? well, tickle my elbow! no thank you. try my really big chicken sandwich combos. starting at $4.99. over here! (shrieking) is that the only peanut butter that you have? what? i can't. ♪ ♪ jif peanut butter. it's that jif'ing good, you'd brave the apocalypse for it. >>and welcome back to the kron 4 morning news and back to our hot spot. it's the richmond sandra fell bridge. we have police investigating something eastbound before mid span. they're not saying what but about 15 minutes ago they issued a traffic alert they shut it down. there is a snapshot of the caltrans
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camera and we're hearing the traffic is squeezing by in one lane only so we've gone from having all lanes blocked to one lane open. it is stacking up from the entrance of the bridge. so now it's not a good time to use it if you can hold off. ju just that if not make sure you get on out there early. it is not impacting excuse me the westbound side there's a minor way and some of the cash lanes this is the commute direction which is doing fine. 7 minutes to make it to the north bay so i'll definitely keep my eyes on it also keep in mind of the bay bridge traffic a lot. almost tweeting back to the bottom of the maze. so a very busy commute into san francisco. if you use the bay bridge every morning here you see that right if you don't it's normal checking in on what i want to cross the golden gate 19 minutes novato to san francisco. that's a great drive time and we're looking at somewhere freeways numbers and they look good and we have traffic picking up on the nimitz 25 minutes from to 38 to 37. i'm tracking smooth
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conditions on 5.80 livermore to dublin and 6.80 suing great dublin to fremont we'll check some more numbers and check back in on that that's 5 coming up. >>well robin skies, crystal clear this morning conditions com and it's back to some chilly temperatures as we start this wednesday, skies looking nice and fog freeze you look across the bay to san francisco just as we remain throughout the evening and will remain throughout the day today with crystal clear conditions and high pressure building back into place. temperatures will have the opportunity to rise a little bit further than they did yesterday. well back into the 70's for most of the bay area today that includes a couple spots in san francisco with mission in financial districts back into the low 70's. 60's elsewhere in san francisco today, 60's right along the pacific shoreline and then elsewhere in the bay area we're talking solid 70's mostly a range of mid to upper 70's, a couple of spots getting close to the 80 degree mark today but we're saving that range of numbers f tcomfor
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anymore. but on the toasty your side meatoday tomorrow and friday enjoy temperatures like what you're looking at on the screen right now which will be solidly range of mid to upper 70's as i've been telling a santa rosa down through mill valley all 70's today, well 60's out along the coastline. now tomorrow and friday not much different we're keeping with the sunshine. it will be a bit breezier tomorrow though come saturday sunday monday and tuesday this is when are hotter temperatures settle in with daytime highs inland well into the 80's and with an offshore flow drying in some of the hot inland there out towards the coast. we're all in for a warm up with a tease alongside the bay for the weekend and some mid 70's along the pacific shore daria. >>thanks a lot john 5 47 in the south an investigation is continuing in gilroy after an incident involving the gilroy high school football team kron four's michelle kingston has the details.
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>>students tell me a lot are rumors are circulating around school in that no staff members have told them exactly what's going on another parent tells me there may be a video of the alleged incident. >>answers your high school with the district not saying much about an investigation into an alleged incident involving the football team. the district notified gilroy police who say they're investigating reported battery. they're still combing through details but tell us there's a chance that the charges will be different than a simple battery but at this time we do not have conclusive information to say one way or the other they tell us they're on aware of the possible. students a lot of people are talking about what happened but that they don't kno exactly what occurred. >>i mean it's not like it's
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taking me like i kind of feel bad because like it's affecting him. >>big your unified school district released a statement that read in part. it's safe and welcoming environment for all students said all of the district's campuses they say all the appropriate and immediate actions were taken after being notified. >>and that they hope the alleged incident does not affect the football season in gilroy michelle kingston. >>the police department hosted its national night out in downtown gilroy last night the annual that was postponed after the garlic festival shooting the night focuses on community building the goal to create partnerships between local residents businesses and police. >>i think the series july. show you know actions are meaningful. and people coming together to support
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department. >>the chief says that he is proud of the community for all of the perfect for up a support and all of the cooperation that he seen since the shootings. video captured by a doorbell camera in southern california shows a woman being beaten and dragged away by a man. >>it happened in arcadia and here's the video it shows that woman being dragged by her hair watch as she screams for help and then just right away, he's since been identified as 27 year-old robert michael mendez officers were able to locate him the next day after getting a tip from neighbors that this was a couple that lived next door. >>several police car and he was in handcuffs and she was taking a way in i care medics. >>james right next door to a very disconcerting to me. >>now the woman suffered major injuries and was taken to the
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hospital police believe mendez held her against her will from sunday night until monday afternoon. next hour the east bay man charged with being a chinese spy is set to make his first court appearance today. we'll have more on that story coming up the next hour. time now is 5.51, we'll be right back. oh! oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c
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of less than 7 and maintained it. oh! under 7?may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? (announcer) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk? (announcer) ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not share needles or pens. don't reuse needles. do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to ozempic®. stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. tell your doctor if you have diabetic retinopathy or vision changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation.
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some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i discovered the potential with ozempic®. ♪ oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) if eligible, you may pay as little as $25 per prescription. ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. >>5.53 as you get ready to step outside this morning do
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anticipate the cool weather chilly temperatures, especially for the north bay. but later on today all that's going to change and in fact are actually going to see some warmer daytime highs than what we had for the day yesterday. did this afternoon expect upper 70's for some of our north bay area's in inland spots. well tomorrow, temperatures leveling out back into the 70's. the weekend is just around the corner changes this up a bit as we rise into the 80's for the weekend and also take us into next week to so some toast year temperatures are around the corner, nothing toasty about this morning with low 40's and santa rosa and napa and nevado well 50's in oakland, san francisco. fremont an antioch winds presidents but not too terribly windy, anywhere from 5 to 10 miles per hour for your gusts this morning just enough to give that air a bit of a bite back to you. >>all right, thank you john well better news will some good news because we have all lanes open now on the richmond sandra fell bridge eastbound 5.80 before mid span. ago there was some police action
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that had all lanes blocked a short time later they open one lane for traffic. so they've just wrapped up that investigation. they have cleared the scene all lanes are open. so they've canceled a traffic alert. but we still have a lot of heavy track i think entering the bridge. so if you're coming from the north bay do expect delays and now i'm getting word of another car, problem eastbound. in terms of the bridge 3 to 4. westbound opposite side was never impacted by that police activity but now we're starting to see some commute traffic pick up its cross calling for right around town. also got word of an accident looks like they may have moved it off to the parking lot yet there it is we had a crash are at the toll plaza as well they moved off to the lot and now we have a backup at the pay gates. i think slow from the maze quiet on the upper deck and your drive times look good for for 6.80 and. >>time is 5.56 take a look at
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this a surprise snowstorm swept over spokane washington giving one couple, quite the wedding. photo the the couple was actually hoping for fall foliage as the breathtaking backdrop, instead he got a winter wonderland as you can see in fact it wasn't until the actual wedding day. when the weather turned on them the forecast called for 75 and sunny. and so everybody was prepared for that, but then when the big day came they had a blowout record breaking snowstorm. and that ended up holding up the ceremony inside but that took advantage of the outdoor wonderland for their pictures now is pretty cool. all right time now is 5.56 still ahead on the kron 00:04am morning news. excitement at the coliseum the a's getting ready to host a wild card playoff game tonight. we'll have a live report for you from the ballpark. and oakland police are looking for the driver who killed a woman and injured a 4 year-old have mornings actually what happened there. and the search continues for the people who kidnapped a tech executive in santa cruz we're going to hear from the sheriff's department. to the outside world, you look good,
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but you don't feel good. with polycythemia vera, pv, symptoms can change so slowly over time you might not notice. but new or changing symptoms can mean your pv is changing. let's change the way we see pv. you track and discuss blood counts with your doctor. but it's just as vital to discuss changing symptoms as well. take notice and take action. discuss counts and symptoms with your doctor. visit
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>>thanks for joining us on this wednesday morning the second day of a lose track at after october arrest well >>yeah we're midway through the week let's find out what the weather holds in store got john trouble standing by to kick off the hour morning
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john. >>and good morning to you guys to october definitely hasn't been so bad so far it's actually been a really nice start to the month and we're going to keep that going today on through the remainder of the week you look outside from the lick observatory always our first light of day and you can see those skies are crystal clear out there that's not just the case that the lake but all across the bay area with abundant sunshine expected after the sun does eventually come up 40's and 50's for most of your current temperatures, although a couple of spots in the north bay, i r r either in the 30's or have fallen into the 30's earlier this morning. petaluma right now you're at 39 degrees. so get those jackets ready to go as you are venturing outside today, you're gonna need of this morning but not so much this afternoon. daytime highs today are going to be warmer


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