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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  August 19, 2019 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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robin the following that since when did the bay bridge start getting backed up this morning at around 4 45. i started to notice traffic spilling back into the maze and i was looking for an incident, maybe i missed the crash. >>that's maybe something happened. i call them they said no folks running back to school in san francisco. so it's just an early back up to show you have to adjust your schedule. 2 for this now yeah it kind of feels back to school ish sounds like a fall weather. what the summer left technically, you're looking outside a clear skies at the lick observatory but elsewhere it is actually a pretty grace start to this day visibility in nevado in santa rosa have been impacted by some fog throughout the morning. well for most of the bay area it's some low lying cloud cover that's been pushing through the afternoon hours are going bring plenty of sunshine and does your temperatures are going to be helping. >>aided in that boost eventually taking us into the 70's 80's later today, 50's
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and 60's for your current temperatures across the bay area for those of you getting outside a light jacket is not a bad idea on this monday morning later today, though ditch the jacket all you need is that teacher and some shorts and you'll be feeling good inland with temperatures in the 80's. i do have the return of 90's in your forecast still to come thank you john, let's head over to 92, it is going to be a very slow right here. >>across the san mateo bridge or drive leaving hayward on to the flat section is officially at a crawl it's going to stay like this over to the high rise, so it's definitely pack, but we don't have any problem so let's put it at 24 minutes over to one o one, here's the bay bridge traffic and like i said earlier you're back of started in the 4 o'clock hour. now its bills through the maze 5.80 from 24. the e sure in pockets out of berkeley in emeryville in albany, 17 minutes to fremont street and a growing back up at the richmond sandra fell bridge, spilling just be on return parkway james >>all right. thank you very
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much rob and so we have some breaking news here 71 from overnight we've discover that one man is dead and another has been injured after a shooting in san jose. it happened near the intersection of williamsburg drive and south winchester boulevard police responded to reports initially of shots being fired is around 12 30 this morning. that's where they discovered one person injured that person is expected to be ok, but again one other shot and killed and the shooter is still on the loose will update you when we find out more. >>the homeless man who attacked a woman outside her building in san francisco faces a judge today. >>despite public outcry over his release his lawyer says that he is following all of the judges orders we've got kron 4 sarah stinson joining us right now that doesn't seem to be offering much comfort though to the people who live in that area, sarah. >>that's true. i don't think they're satisfied with that because i think a lot of people just felt unsafe after watching that surveillance footage, you know these days we are going vid video of crimes that occur, and it's
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even scarier when you see it with the judge and did release 25 year-old austin been sent she waived his appearance on friday in court and then today, he is expected to show up in the courtroom. so we'll have to see how that goes and what happens but the public defender is representing than cent. he released a new photo of him take a look at your screen. they release it with a statement saying yes, you know, he is compliant everything that the judge has ordered. vincent looks cleaned up here seen the suit cleanly shaven a big difference from his mug shot people were outraged when they found out he was released from jail after seeing that video outside the victim's beale street condo no judge christine van aken says cent was follow has followed every order she has given him including participating in a supportive program living in temporary housing since he is homeless. >>and wearing an ankle monitor. the public defender representing and sent. did release a statement saying
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justice is often challenged by mental health and rehabilitation needs and jailing people doesn't always service its intended means. >>judge aiken did say in court on friday she made her decision to release consent before seeing that video but she stands by her decision. >>see that video tired of the rain it was on. she'll be. or not. >>generally played at arraignment, sometimes they are i think that. and you know what you draw your own conclusion. >>no hearing is going to be this morning around 9 o'clock soul see even sent in court. he will show up is expected to he does have that in monitor on him and he is a in contact with his lawyers he's making sure that he's on top of it
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and so office to happen stay in the courtroom. we'll keep you updated right here in the kron 4 morning news for now live in san francisco sarah stinson kron 4 news. >>ok, thank you sarah. and the woman was it. in that case she is continuing to demand that a homeless center not be built along the embarcadero near her apartment building. pennies because sorry and says the new center will bring more crime to the neighborhood. and a lot of her neighbors agree. >>but we already have multiple shelters within a mile of care, including one belt just in january and they've only made things worse. since construction started on the homeless shelter here. we've already seen a huge uptick in encampments in crime. this is salt is only the most recent.
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>>that's what the neighbors say however, san francisco city officials disagree they don't think there's a link between the homeless centers in any increase in crime safe and barca daryl for all that group has filed a lawsuit against the city over the homeless center. >>happening today paper tickets will no longer be taken to the market or a station so don't even bother unless you're good at. >>converted to a this is the big move to encourage riders to use those clipper cards kron four's will tran is live with everything you need to know why well. >>we'll talk to eric harris in just a few moments, let me give you the background a white bart is moving away from paper and going classic is that eternal question. years ago when you go through the super supermarket paper or plastic well for bart the answers, classic the reason being they want to save the environment. 2 they believe the clipper card is the wave of the future because not only can you use it for part you can use it for muni and other forms of public
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transportation. plus you can reload it at home, it's a lot faster more convenient and no paper jam says sometimes we see with paper jams at the turnstiles and that causes a backup at the bart stations. fortunately for now if you do have of a paper ticket don't worry about it as long as there's still money on your paper ticket. you can still use it at the embarcadero but once you run out of money. they will take that paper from you and then you will have to go to the machines to get the clipper cards. now as i promised, here's eric harris, one of the bart riders shroff your paper. he's so 2018 guys but he still pay for why do you like paper over clipping parts start a fan of the electronics that come along with like the supercar for what people can still kind of get some money off your car. >>seen a lot of cases where people are. disappeared off of
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the car for whatever reason so i guess i'm just archaic in way that artists. what if i told you a clipper card costs $3 and i know you love money to right right right and i really don't cover cards, thanks for reminding me of. let's play make a deal and the reason why cheaper in the long run erica's because a round-trip ticket on paper at some dollars all you need is 3 round trips that the card pays for it right, but what if i forget early mark mark, the burkhart somewhere now after pan over 3 or another. >>oh well that's the that's the problem guess you know keep in your wallet or pay pay pay. >>right and i get to pay yeah they're saying that it will be more sounds like a way to.
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>>on his way to work it was kind of up me ike are you at the markets. terry i'm mark a station today on september 3rd and moos the powell station with the ultimate goal. >>throughout the bart system clipper card only back to james and area. thanks well. >>and east bay mother is in trouble this morning after she left her baby inside of a hot car. luckily, union city police rescued the child in time factors, a picture of officers holding that one year old. it happened friday afternoonn the parking lot of the library near city hall. in fact a city employee heard the baby crying and called police turns out that child had been in the car for almost half an hour was in the mid-nineties outside the mother said she left the baby in that car so she could take her other 2 children into the library to check out a book. >>people should understand that when parents are prosecuted for something like this unless the child dies. they're not going to jail time. the judge juvenile court judge usually sends them to um. so they can learn better
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supervision and care of their children. >>child protective services was notified which is the standard protocol. time now 7. >>and a row. >>robbery suspect was arrested in a traffic stop in san bruno and here's a picture of what happened here police got a report of an assault employee at tdat and fran mall on saturday and the employee, not i was robbed of personal items, but also apparently the robber took office a merchandise from the store and got away before the police got there, but officers did eventually arrested a 21 year-old from san francisco and charged him with robbery. >>in the south bay, 3 people face charges following a robbery at a hotel in milpitas. >>and this happen in june at the executive inn on dempsey road and here are the 3 that were arrested the victim told police that 2 men and a woman assaulted him and took his wallet and other belongings. he the victim went to the hospital with minor injuries
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and identified. the woman is 20 year-old haleigh re holcomb and over the weekend police track down the other 2 men wanted for that robbery. >>still ahead on the kron 00:04am morning news one week after being released from jail of registered sex-offender ise accused of stalking and harassing bay area women. and later police are investigating a sexual-assault that happened at the bay area park. the attack are still on the loose. and after the break as thousands of students head back to school this week many will unfortunately have to deal with school bullies. we're going hear from an expert who explains how to help your child deal with being fully. and you look outside shows temperatures in the 50's and 60's up the start of the day right now later on today though we're getting warmer. >>and a warm up in your forecast ahead of us i've got more about that still the cops and i'm tracking back to school traffic a lots of it on the bay bridge this morning, this morning, 80 west still crawling from oh thaphenomenal!, that's unfair. that's so unfair. c'mon jay-bo. let's go.
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try my $4.99 barbeque bacon double cheeseburger combo.
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feels like it. >>little back to everything asked morning that we have summer last week a little taste of this week and then it's back to summer. okay so we're not like this time of year caption or toes a little bit like the spring in the late summer things kind of start to change now you say back to summer again we're talking back to what we had last week are not as hot fortunately not that okay 90's though. yeah after triple digits, we've got this 90's we can handle. i will be a longer stretch of them though are little heat up last week was short lived, but it packed a punch the one that we've got ahead of us is pretty steady. it's going to stick with us. but it's not going to be quite as hot so that's the difference that's going to be going on there as far as right now is concerned though definitely not any sort of warm up it's a cool start to the workweek with some cloudy skies overhead not just for san francisco. but over the south bay in san jose as well
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as on well on to the east bay, yourrview from berkeley is starting to clear up a little bit but there's plenty of cloud cover seen across the bay area this morning. even far inland towards mount diablo you're looking at a dose of cloud cover to kick this one off we are seeing a dip in the jet stream that is helping to keep things nice and cool and will continue to do so from today on into tomorrow as this advancing area of low pressure, not just the high pressure just enough out of the region to keep us below average after that though the highs going bill back in and temperatures will be on the rise. so for the time being enjoy this cooler almost fall like weather that we have 60's and 70's for your temperatures out along the coast in on the peninsula with some 80's elsewhere in the bay, but even where we are feeling those 80's. it's a little bit cooler than our average is barely even in the low 80's for san jose campbell los gatos in cupertino low 80's for the tri valley with mid 70's from union city hayward on up through oakland and san leandro castro valley or other conquered walnut creek and danville each in the
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mid 80's today, north bay 70's to 80's with pittsburgh, 85 fairfield 82 and out towards the coast. some 60's from stinson beach out to point rays. there's a look at your next 7 days from our temperatures below average to near average today and tomorrow to daytime highs really on the rise come wednesday taking us back into the 90's inland and 90's as we're will be for the remainder of the weekend through the weekend after that point. so warming up bu i mentioned not near as hot as last week. robin and the traffic continues to slow down. >>back to school back to work back to the heavy traffic here at the richmond sandra fell looks pretty crowded beyond return parkway almost back to harbor. that's where it's going to start and it continues right through the tolls getting on to the bridge and then it loosens up just west of the pay gates so we're putting it at 14 minutes, a decent average to make it over to want to watch for checking the bay bridge traffic, it's still there and started are early this morning in the 4 o'clock hour spilling all the way back into the oakland maze
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5.80 the east shore 17 minutes still very crowded up the incline heading up the treasure island as well so crash install free, but pretty heavy 17 minutes after fremont street, no hot spots, no major alerts right now with the number 6 continued to rise. we have 6 8018 minute speech a call to danville dumb barton bridge, 84 west that's picking up as well 22 minutes to make it to the peninsula. still a great trip livermore to dublin and one oh one is recovering from a crash. so from brisbane to 80 in san francisco, it's about 11 minutes and that's still good james. >>robin thousands of bay area students will be heading back to school this weekend. one study finds that nearly one out of every 3 students will be bullied or at least has been mandy gaither explains how you can help your child avoid being bullies. >>most schools have a 0 tolerance policy puttina stop to bullying starts at home, according to doctor,
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stephanie walsh with children's healthcare of atlanta. we'll start the conversation by saying and there's a lot of kids who say mean things to other kids do you ever experience anything like that has that ever happened to you therefore you're not making it so they have to come out with themselves to make it something that have and an is pulling its suspected. wolf says parents need to go to this school. >>our kids are watching and listening to it all the time so we're same thing kind that way teaching a child how to be kind or another. house lay's chips in also. and those are things that sometimes in this world of technology at last and this is some of those personal skills. >>personal interactions that right. >>the church is wall says. takes the shame out of it.
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>>7.19 for your money this morning you may want to start holiday shopping early this year and san francisco is a hub for young professionals. jane king live at the nasdaq now with those stories and more really fairly back to school and i have to shop for christmas, but i know. >>well there's good reason this year doria so have more on that here in a second but san francisco rank the 5th best city for young professionals of this journal says percent of population between 2534 is 23%, san francisco also got high marks for high incomes and salary growth other cities and have the same old suspects seattle austin texas so forth now finding love that comes at a cost of people seem to be ready to open up their wallets single people spend the most on dating compared to people in a relationship already that's going to get cards dot com fact they spent an average. a $146 per month on dates, 24 7 wallstreet says the average cost of the day today so to dinners a bottle of wine 2 movie tickets is a
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$102.57 and in california, the average state is just over a $106 that was the 6th highest. well w w formerly known as weight watchers has launched an app for kids the app is called by w w it's designed to help children as young as 8 reach a healthier weights know it's true that course healthy eating choices have a positive impact on anyone including kids. some say the at may do more harm than good saying it could encourage eating disorders ww slow say the app is based on 30 years experience and it was developed with the help of stand for children's health pediatric weight control program and shop early for the holidays, higher prices could come as we get closer to the holidays. tariffs on electronics and toys were delayed until at least december 15th, some will still these are scheduled to go into effect september first including sweaters winter coats and that school supplies so there could be a rush to shop between now and just after black friday live from the nasdaq, i'm jane king back to uk things a lot of >>i wanna coming up next here on the kron 00:04am morning
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news. we're going to have the story of a father of a 3 year-old boy he was shot and killed in the south and now his family is demanding. answers will tell you what happened after the break a fake a mailman in the east bay caught on camera stealing packages instead of delivering them. and here's a quick live look outside the bay bridge approach this is where robin said she noticed backup starting earlier and earlier this week as more and more kids head back to school and may have you shifting your morning routine just a bit. warner c we planned.
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>>home surveillance video shows a fake mailman not delivering packages but instead stealing them people's front porches in pleasant hill. this was on mercury way we've got shireen mortgage emmy. she says she saw this fake mailman at an unusual early hours thursday right out of routine for the mail delivery and she asked him about it and he had some sort of excuse about all the routes
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been change that's why i'm here early after talking with some of her neighbors, the off again looking at their home surveillance video and turns out. he was actually stealing packages right from their doorsteps. >>and i think the most violating part is that here is somebody who's uniform tells us something about them that we feel automatically trusting of them, and it's violated that trust. >>and neighbors say they haven't seen this person since that thursday morning. pleasant hill police are handling investigation now. coming up on the kron 00:04am morning news. now this to getting a sexual-assault that happened in the north bay park will tell you what happens.
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♪ you know when you're at ross and that cute dress gets even cuter? yes. or when you can say yes... to both? (smiling) sure. or when you find that brand at that price? are you kidding me? yeah. that's yes for less. and that's what ross always has in store. whoa. (sighs) yes... oh, yeah. it feels even better when you find it for less. get your yes for less at the new stores in west livermore and in union city.
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>>i'm just a regular old monday or affect a school that is incorrect. >>the bridges are so heavy and they started backing up really early. it's not going to get better any time soon fall just
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to a bridge check for you check some dry >>well let's just enjoy the weather then because that's all we've got great i guess you know it's nice to talk about something that's a little more normal than what we had last week so i would say back to the grind as far as weather goes. but we're ok with that in this case and we only saw it for about 2 to 3 days is today is definitely not a r one it is a cool start with foggy to cloudy conditions overhead timber on just one of many views this morning that are looking like this plenty great to start your day visibility isn't so much an issue because a lot of what we're seeing is sitting at just above us it's low lying cloud cover that's pushing in from the pacific this morning. and it's not going to stay around forever, plenty of sunshine to be seen this afternoon and with that sunshine. temperatures that will be on the rise eventually taking us to some comfortable weather as for this morning, maybe you're taking the kids out the door for school or heading to work yourself don't forget a light jacket with 50's and 60's for your current
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temperatures, something that isn't going to stay around for much longer though these 50's 60's will make way for temperatures eventually rising into the 70's 80's for most areas and i've got 90's back in your forecast not today or tomorrow, but later in the week still to come. rob all right. thank you john traffic on the golden gate looks good. >>coming in from the north bay it's going to be a little heavy on south one oh one check out your drive time. it's already up to 38 minutes, there's a crash. it's wrapping up south one oh one at north san pedro it's out of the way but it's causing some heavy traffic from 37 as you approach a sandra fell so from the bottom to sandra fell it slow that as soon as you pass the crash going to be wide open continuing to san francisco, the bay bridge traffic it's slow it's been pretty heavy for a few hours now backing up through the maze sloping inclined slow through the tunnel on the suspension as well, so it's just going to stick with you and stretches off to the skyway still under 20 minutes to make it and we'll check more slowdowns and take a look at one oh one and san francisco as well coming up james ok thank you. robin.
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>>to the south bay now we're a family is grieving after a father was shot and killed at a gas station less than a mile from his home, 21 year-old bryan castro was shot thursday morning outside the arco gas station on center road right near south san jose. he was with a friend who was also shot by the way in fact they both drove themselves to the hospital for treatment. but castro later died. >>right now was she thinking is this is a nightmare. she wishes this wasn't true. and the heart is broken into pieces right now. she wants justice for her son her son was a very good son. >>he was a father he was a brother to all and he was very loving. >>castro leaves behind a 3 year-old son. >>anti-gun violence rallies were held across the country over the weekend including in san francisco to try to push city state and national lawmakers to act in the wake of the recent mass shootings that we've seen happening
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gilroy el paso and dayton. several local leaders it ended in a voice their support for stronger gun control measures on a national level. >>it's time to pass a red flag bills and it's time to remind everyone that every day a 100 americans die because of gun violence and several more injured. >>president trump expressed support for background checks, and red flag laws in the days after the shootings in dayton and in el paso but senate leader mitch mcconnell says he has no plans to bring the senate back early from recess to try to push for any gun control, happening today jury deliberations will now enter the 3rd week in the ghost ship warehouse fire trial in oakland. it will be the 10th day of deliberate deliberations and the jury has failed to reach a verdict so far their side of the fate of max harris and eric al maina for 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter for the warehouse fire that happened in 2016 the
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deliberations resume at 9 30 this morning. >>the lyft driver accused of raping a female passenger in san mateo will be in court this morning on a cool colo took the 25 year-old woman to his residence in tracy without her permission and that's where police say he raped her. the victim told investigators she scheduled the ride because she was too intoxicated to drive so she wanted a lift from the bar where she was in san mateo to her home but ended up passing out in the back seat. the 46 year-old driver now faces 2 counts of rape and one count of kidnapping. lyft says they have since fire the driver. sex-offender is back behind bars now after he was accused of stalking and chasing several women in sandra fell over the weekend. the man is 39 year old willie jones who was released from jail on august 9th. and then on saturday morning police say he chased at least 4 women who are walking near parks and downtown sandra fell. he ran from officers when the identified in fact several
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times he tried to make his getaway ultimately they found him hiding on the roof of a local business. he ended up surrendering people we interviewed in the area were shocked to learn that he was arrested sex-offender and was harassing people in their neighborhood. >>he's definitely somebody who on our radar and we want to make sure that it stays in jail or at least his evaluated to figure out what's going on. >>jones has been charged with stocking and being out of compliance with sex-offender registry terms. he is expected in court today. >>7 35 in a south san francisco man is in jail police say he tried to kidnap a girl who was walking to school but his neighbors are wondering if it was something else 37 year-old christopher called ground a girl on palm avenue thursday morning put his hands over her mouth and officers arrested him for
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that. he being cared for at an assisted living home in that neighborhood and the people who work there say he's developmentally disabled and that he wasn't trying to kidnap the little girl. in general people live in the area say all they can do is just be aware of their surroundings. >>we just all as a community need to be a little bit more regular, you know protect the children you know they're walking to school. >>we tried to reach out to that care center. but we haven't heard back. >>there are looking for the person who sexually assaulted a woman inside of a bathroom at a park, the victim was walking out of the restroom at hauer's park to go on a hike when a man pushed her back inside and that actor officers canvassed the area on friday and then again on saturday never did find that guy he's still on the loose. runners like maria ravello say this is a reminder to be aware of your surroundings and maybe the in pairs. >>you know woman, especially if you're running in the morning all like late in the
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day when it's not as busy but as a cane is on a bit still have to be. >>the reward right now is about $2500 for any information that leads to the arrest of the person responsible. in national news 3 potential mass shootings have they diverted over the weekend police arrested 3 men in 3 different states who threatened to conduct mass shootings in each case members of the public actually alerted police to the suspects so the first a 25 year-old tristan wix he was arrested in florida after his ex-girlfriend told police that he sent her texts threatening to carry out a shooting. then in ohio police arrested 20 year-old james reardon after he threatened to carry out a shooting at a jewish community center riordan made his ideological leanings clear in a national geographic documentary about the deadly 2017 rally in charlottesville. >>i want a homeland for white people i think every region of the home their own in connecticut police arrested 22 year-old brandon wax all he expressed interest in
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committing a mass shooting on facebook in fact, authorities found weapons at his home. he's charged now with illegal possession of large capacity magazines. >>7.37 and still ahead a bay area community is coming together to donate school supplies to low income students and you look outside this morning does show some cool temperatures 50's 60's to start. >>but i've got the rest of the day's forecast to still ahead. and if you need to roll into san francisco make sure you get out there early.
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woman 1: this... woman 2: ...this... man 1: ...this is my body of proof. man 2: proof of less joint pain... woman 3: ...and clearer skin. man 3: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... woman 4: ...with humira. woman 5: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. (avo): humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b,
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are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. woman 6: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 7: go to to see proof in action. >>students in berkeley return to school next weekend over the weekend volunteers help put together thousands of back to school supply kits, the school supplies or for low income students and it was all organized by supply bank dot org with help from kaiser and the community in berkeley. nearly $200,000 worth of school supplies were organized in the more than 3,000 individuals supply kits. >>it's a lot of unfortunate kids they can't afford to buy
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your basic things that people intense. so so this is a good opportunity for me to help out everybody recognizes how hard it is to make it in the bay area right now. >>this is certainly just one of many steps that are needed to help kids ensure that they have the best experience they can in the classroom. but i think this is really more than anything just a reflection of how much is cares. >>the majority of supply kits will go to stldents in the berkeley public school system. >>7.42 coming up on the bus as the 49 ers try to up the ante to get us to care about the pre season with a fight and the raiders are still trying to wean little antonio brown off as leaguer tries a batting trick that he saw the little league world seri does your battery deliver
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monday morning back to work back to school and back to. >>foggy weather this morning, something we didn't see much of last week as you remember it was a warm and crystal clear to start our morning
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stirring a little heat wave last week very different this morning, definitely a cloudy over the south bay to plenty of clouds over san jose. now so much further east so out into the delta. your view of bethel island actually bring in a lot of sun and that cloud cover that you are seeing for much of the bay this morning is it going to last forever we are in store for a nice sunny afternoon all across the region and with those sunny skies temperatures will be very comfortable. some 70's and free my hayward redwood city in oakland and some 80's in concord livermore and san jose pretty seasonable weather really if not just a little below average come tomorrow, temperatures just a degree or 2 warmer nothing really of a change but come wednesday. it's going to be much the opposite temperatures start to skyrocket taking us back into the 90's where they'll stay inland through the rest of the week after wednesday. all the way into next weekend. that's a look at your forecast robin how is traffic doing right now this is busy busy john no better here on the san mateo bridge we're checking on
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westbound 92. >>and that heavy traffic starts in hayward back on the nimitz freeway so from the 80 connector over to 90's who you're going to be sitting in traffic and it stays like this often on over to the bay shore freeway so almost at 30 minutes off to one on one. we're checking in on 80 west the bay bridge traffic it started filling in really early with so many folks and kids hing back to school and so you're back up still strood the maze, it's stacked up here up the incline through the tunnel on the suspension and the skyway as well so no hot spots, no major accidents were just busy all around check out one on one 55 minutes from san jose to menlo park and i have a feeling that's going to go up 23 minutes for 2.80, san jose to cupertino and a quick peek at 2.37 not too bad 14 minutes milpitas sonny bill. the nfl regular season starts thursday. thank god. i cannot take any more of this preseason garbage. >>but i do like how the 40 niners and broncos are acting
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like tonight's game actually matters. they got so competitive during joint practice in denver. fight broke out on the field way to sell again eyes. i still care about. and the raiders don't care if antonio brown hates all the new helmets. they say he better suited up. brown's been acting like a baby, so gm mike mack acted like a parent telling their kid it's time to let go of the blank e. >>so here's the bottom line, he's upset about the whole issue. we have supported that we appreciate that okay but we at this point we pretty much exhausted all avenues of relief. so from our perspective. it's time for him to be all in we're all out. so we're hoping he's back soon we've got 89 guys busting their tails. we are really excited about where this franchise is going and we hope babies will be a big part of it starting week one against denver.
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>>so we better show up or else a plaque take his phone away. every parent knows the ultimatum only works if you lay out the punishment. my console the only leverage i have left is the car. the giants are hanging in there 3 and a half back in the wild-card race yesterday did the help they lost to the diamondbacks in arizona. they also lost at home against the astros but they are only a game and a half back in the american league wildcard race a's and giants folks have the day off today.lsome baseball players will do it anything to get in and check this out yasiel new stance. cc that got the best of them. is that tweet was imitating take a look this venezuela player. >>became an internet sensation crouching over the plate in the little league world series on saturday. my guess is that this is an exaggerated attempt to shrink the strikes. which
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ceo some pros actually do this. but you do have to stand up to hit it. so can the pitcher go it's not cricket. >>kick it, but in williamsport pennsylvania. >>kings play second base and she's a picture. she got her team out of gm yesterday and she hopes that your daughter is watching she told espn. i tell them to keep playing their game. always do their best. many is the first female picture we've seen since on a date is captured the country in 2014, 2014. oh my god, it's been 5 years. look at her now money is starting college ledge this year at hampton university where she will be playing softball and studying journalism. she wants to be a broadcaster and steph curry wants to get more college kids into golfing. apparently is going to take a swing at restarting the gulf program
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howard university a historically black college in washington d c i think though we're all happy that staff chose basketball at davidson but golf is his second love. ok is 3rd after i asia and right before popcorn he's a pop or not if you didn't know that we'll find out more about the gulf program at a press conference today. that's the bus.
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>>asked box office report brought to you by the new luxury lounges at century san francisco center. scary stories to tell in the dark fell from second to 5th scaring up million. >>the angry birds movie 2 opened in 4th place with 10 and a half million less than a 3rd of the originals debut. the lion king stayed in 3rd place $11.9 million gave the
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blockbuster a domestic total of 496 million was this. fast and furious presents hobbs and shaw, a lost the top spot but $14 million gave the action spinoff second place and 134 million domestic. >>this is a really pretty cpr goal. >>so the first. >>the little guys came up big good boys about 3 preteens preparing for their first kissing party debuted number one with million in hollywood. i'm david daniel. >>coming up in the next hour of the kron 00:04am morning news, a homeless man seen on camera attacking a woman will be back in court today as backlash grows against a proposed homeless. navigation center right near the apartment building where this attack occurred. and big changes going into effect today. bart stations we're going to have a live report on what you need to know to make sure you get through the gates as quickly as possible this morning. and here's a quick live look outside at the san
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mateo bridge traffic is buildingit seems earlied earlier as more kids head back to school so factor that in robin noticed a backup. much earlier this morning on the bay bridge the normal, here's your golden gate bridge shot where we've got low clouds overhead john talking about a cool forecast. coming off of last week's triple digits, but we will warm things up will get full details from him in just a moment. ♪ is it tough competing in a man's world? maybe for the men. lash blast from covergirl
7:57 am
mega volume in an instant lashes with up to 10x volume lashblast mascara from covergirl. i mean, if you haven't thought abfrankly, you're missing out. uh... the mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. your marshmallow's... get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a... whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa! oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me.
7:58 am
my bad. geico. it's easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. can i trouble you for another marshmallow?
7:59 am
>>what also i get the time. wants. regular season nfl. it's not september now has september 5th 2 makes warning about about going back to school there. yeah all right i
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knew the the schools seem to be pushing more pressure on and i was wondering all morning in the 4 o'clock hour was it so busy and so crowded at the bay bridge john said, you know the sheriff says school district setting back today. that's why it's been slow since the 4 o'clock hour oh man. so get some warm temperatures coming up here. we do yeah it's a even though i feel like september right now goes to we do eventually work early back in system summer like just around the corner of this morning though is kind of fall like we've got the low clouds we've got the cool temperatures. >>get those jackets ready to go as you're getting out there looking at san francisco, it's definitely one of those great year starts to the day skies are gradually going to come become more and more blew into the afternoon and temperatures and are those clearing skies will start to feel a little t


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