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tv   KRON 4 News at 430am  KRON  August 9, 2019 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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yeah. >>really nice actually a temperatures in the perfect that's good weather. it. you even 7 the pulled enough right this waiting to leave it, you know 10 degrees warmer and we have but we do have a workout the foreign or you so get that cool weather back next week this weekend i mean 80's is still good enough to go to the pool is just a little cooler than we should be for this time of year and today. >>we'll also be just a little cloud years some of that cloud cover's prevented a lot of fog formation during your overnight hours. so far does not release of the day you're looking at this morning, not really something that has settled in across the day, there's definitely some low lying cloud cover but that's not anything that will block out your view. so your commute to work, it's looking just fine now look out to our west there's some green showing up on the radar might make you think that we do have some rainfall on the way there's just a slight chance maybe a few showers during your overnight hours into early tomorrow across the bay. most likely what we do have is just
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some partly cloudy conditions that if you're heading up into the sierra or northern california north of the bay is where you'll be running into that rain 50's and 60's were sitting this morning in with a brisk wind do get a jacket ready to go as you step outside for this last day of the week 50's and 60's is where will be a a. towards the 08:00am hour too with temperatures not a whole lot of a different from the same time yesterday after that 08:00am hour temperature starts to rise back into the 60's all across the bay and by the afternoon some 80's still to be seen inland. but most of us will actually be in the 60's and 70's today, i'm talking more details for the weekend and what you can expect today in your forecast as well still to come. rebecca, how is traffic this friday morning so far so good i'm tracking problem free roadways out there. yes, it is early and it's friday so 2 good things for you. >>if you are going to be a making a way out of the house soon this is what way to here at the bay bridge toll plaza just a minor weights of those cash paying lanes but it's
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going to be a really easy drive into san francisco. i'm tracking the drive time it just under 10 minutes across the upper deck and then to the freeman street accident, san mateo bridge looks good. it is smooth out of the east bay over to the peninsula an 11 minute drive time that's what our traffic sensors are telling us on the west a 92 rout and looking good here at the golden gate bridge. you know we've been socked in by the faa, the last couple of mornings. but hey this is a really nice a mostly clear shot here out of the north bay across the bridge and into the city about 19 minutes from highway 37 in novato a couple of drive times here to go over from crockett to the maze 15 minutes on interstate 80 and then a 24 out of walnut creek that's going to take you 11 minutes over to the 5 8980 splits and if you're commute takes you through castor valley and getting to the maze that's going to be easy this morning at 13 minutes on 5.80 and the nimitz freeway from san leandro to the maze only 10 minutes northbound 8 80 at this point the morning. robin
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all right, thank you. rebecca. >>well, jury deliberations in the ghost ship fire trial will stretch into a second week. the jurors wrapped up their 5th day of deliberations without a verdict. so they'll have the next 3 days off in the low return back to court on monday kron four's haaziq venue has the latest. >>co-defendants derick almena and max harris have been charged with 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. according to the goal ship pretrial instructions in order for the jury to find the defendants guilty. the people must prove 3 things the defendant committed a crime that crime was committed with criminal negligence and the defendants acts caused the death of another person in this case, 36 people died in a fire inside the ghost ship warehouse during the music event back on december second 2016 i think you have 36 counts which means is 72. >>potential. >>verdicts are each person one guilty one not guilty that's a 144. thanks to go through the
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largest number of homicide counts in any trial in american history was the oklahoma bombing case with a 168 counts this case is a second large is homicide case to go to trial in american history. >>the law says criminal negligence involves more than ordinary carelessness it attention or mistake in judgment. >>it's a state crime. >>according to the jury instructions at present at with criminal negligence when he or she accident reckless way that creates a high risk of death or great bodily injury or a reasonable person would know that acting in that way would create such a risk in other words, the jury would have to find that the 2 defendants should have known better than to host an event inside a building that the prosecution says people know notice of a fire. no time to escape and no ability to exit. >>so your state of mind to be what they call. utterly
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indifferent to probable consequences of your actions or a reckless disregard for human life. if there's 2 reasonable int law says you must adopt that one that points to innocence if found guilty derick almena and max harris could both face up to 39 years in prison. >>at the alameda county superior courthouse in oakland haaziq kron 4 news. >>appeals court in san francisco says facebook users in illinois can sue social media companies for using facial recognition technology so the lawsuit claims that facebook's collection of data in connection with its test exhibitions feature. it violates the privacy laws. so the consumer lawsuit was originally filed in chicago but was transferred to san francisco and facebook requests so facebook says that they will seek further review of the court's decis on. gration in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood
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resulted in 73 people being arrested all of the people or one in 4 outstanding warrants in cities all across the bay area. so the warrants were issued for several different offenses, including narcotics assault burglary and also domestic violence. new information this morning on the man police are looking for after he tried to lure a girl in of the lay whole department store. police say that the man on also one was wanted for a similar incident that happened last year they have released this new picture so take a look this is the man that police are looking for and the most recent incident police say the man tried to lure this young girl with money. but then he took off when he was confronted. another big story that we're following for you this morning after the recent gun violence across the la to remain at half-staff in order to urge congress to take action on gun control kron four's kelly talked to the mayor about the message that he's trying to send. the american flag flying here
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outside san rafael . >>will remain at half-staff that's because the mayor here is trying to send a message to congress to take action on gun reform for me it's simple. >>completely fed up with congress not taking action that as result and as so tragedies throughout our country 250 mass thus far this year. and i and i've been asked a number of times to lower the flag in honor which i've always done. but in this case and not to put the flags back up until i see some action by congress i think it's way past time for them to get off her diamond and do something about this matter. >>mayor philips is not specify exactly what action he thinks congress should take saying that's their job to decide at least one city resident, thanks. this is a great idea and hopes other cities follow suit
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>>the mayor says the flags will remain flying here at half-staff until congress takes action on gun reform. >>at least until september 16th. that's when he'll let city council members weigh in on whether or not old glory should be raised back up remain lower. reporting from sandra fell i'm maureen kelly kron 4 news. >>well the nation will have to wait until next month for the us senate to act on gun legislation despite calls to reconvene senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says the senate will stay in recess. but mcconnell says bipartisan discussions are taking place over the break. he also went on to say that when the senate reconvenes and we'll put the issues a background check legislation front and center. the lawmakers will also a look at so-called red flag laws souls of the laws that allow law
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enforcement or family to petition. a state court to temporarily remove weapons from a person's home. walmart is making some 22 people the country. videos that might be playing in the sporting remove signs that refer a reference combat or 3rd person shooter games and also to make sure that violent movies are not playing in the electronic section walmart will still sell the video games. they just want to on display. the company announced earlier this week that it will still sell those guns despite some gun control advocates calling on the company to stop. >>i mean a warning key in washington. one senator wants to limit your social media time to 30 minutes per day i'll have that story coming up.
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>>before we go we are taking a peek outside it is friday can you fill it it's in the air we've got that friday feeling a live look outside from the embarcadero temperatures in the 50's and 60's so we're checking san francisco at 58 degrees 59 in valais whole antioch you're usually one of the warmer spots on the map at 6460 degrees right now in livermore so we're off to a mild start and your weekend looks really good we'll check in with john and get the specifi
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>>the warning is time to check in on the forecast, it's looking really good so i'm excited about the weekend. it's like one of those weekends where we're not talking about 90's and triple digits. this is going to be playing all nice and it's always good to talk about good weather weekend not talk about those triple digits because the past couple weekends that we've had temperatures that have been maybe a little bit too warm down a lot of it was even all admit that it was too hot and the heat lover herself says too hot, you know, that's
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definitely too a look at outside this morning. we do have conditions that are definitely not too high maybe a little too chilly for some of you know with brisk winds and temperatures in the 50's and 60's right now. >>do you throw on a light jacket as you're getting outside this morning as for san francisco, the east bay and down into the south bay. this is the skies are looking at a few clouds up above but not a whole lot of fog to be taking in this morning in fact our least foggy morning. so far part of the reason for that is the cloud cover that's hanging out look to our west there's actually some activity out there out in the pacific. this is a line of showers that should be skirting just to the north of the bay area i mean keeping a very close eye on these this morning though as some of you upton's in the north bay, especially northern sonoma county could be checking in with just some light brief rainfall this morning. i want even call rainfall nothing more than just a few sprinkles our best chance of rainfall for the bay will be overnight hours tonight and again just a couple sprinkles are possible.
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as we do make our way into the evening and into early tomorrow morning for northern california as well as the sierra this is where you're seeing your best chance of rain this weekend. so maybe if you are heading up to lake tahoe, or maybe up into the redwoods of northern california. you will likely be running into just what will be some brief nothing heavy but still some brief showers low pressure's really what we're talking about here in the bay and that is helping us to enjoy some cooler than average temperatures yet again today you walked outside yesterday thought how cooler was compared to what we have been used to today you're going to feel more temperatures feeling just like that 60's for areas right along the coastline and then some 60's and 70's right along the shore of the bay. still hanging on to the 80's for the south bay as well as many of our inland areas. but barely doing so just low 80's for areas like san jose 81 pleasanton and livermore 8081 degrees each and then also some low 80's for walnut creek danville on up to concord and
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down through san ramon north bay, not seeing anything close to 90 degrees today even napa checking in with some upper 70's, how nice is that sound upper 70's as well for santa rosa petaluma downturn of otto in sandra fell today and tomorrow temperatures remaining pretty similar after 11:00am tomorrow you can say goodbye to any chance of sprinkles you've just got sunshine to enjoy at that point. sunday skies, even clear yet but temperatures starting to warm now and by monday and tuesday of next week. it's back to the 90's we go for some of our inland areas. that's a look at your forecast for becca it is friday but is the front line on the roads right now. >>it is right now one yes, it because it's friday but it's still early we're still in the 4 o'clock hour. so a pretty normal out there right now because i'm not tracking any major delays no hot spots thank goodness very different than what we saw yesterday morning right. but we're seeing a nice commute into san francisco. here's the bay bridge toll plaza ap cars there but other than that really no way to at the tolls it's going to be under 10
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minutes across upper deck san francisco. so far at this early hour in the morning. the san mateo bridge are moving well right now the right hand side of your screen of course the commute side. west bay 92 out of the east bay over to the peninsula should take about 12 minutes so far so try to leave early if you can because things are looking so good especially here at the richmond sandra fell bridge on not tracking any weight and it's going to be a straight shot into the north bay at just about 7 minutes for your commute set to one oh one a couple of drive times here you go we're in the green green means good speeds are at the limit your livermore valley commute on west bound 5.80 should take only 10 minutes to the dublin interchange right now and then from the dublin interchange an into snow into fremont i'm tracking just under 15 minutes for your commute the nimitz freeway from san leandro to milpitas looks great at under 20 minutes right now, and if you're going to be hitting at the roads for to 37 problem free accident free and only 6 minutes over to sunnyvale congr
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limit the amount of time that you spend on social media. >>so a new proposal has been introduced to ban addictive social media features, washington dc's correspondent anna war nikki has the details. >>if you ever find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your facebook feed or taking a deep dive into youtube suggested videos, missouri republican senator josh hawley says your time is up hawley introduced the smart act that would ban addictive features on social media platforms like auto-play an infinite scrolling it would also limit users time on social media to 30 minutes per day he gives you the opportunity to you said that in the extended jeffrey west wing with the r street institute says users that want more time would have to opt out of the limits every month he's trying to come in and tell social media companies you need institute always kind of. >>technical checks on what they are how users can
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actually use the platform senator holly defended his bill at the young america's foundation. he says. >>big tech companies profit off of users addiction to their platforms and need to be held accountable. >>if a product is free. you're the one being sold. they're taking your data. they're taking your information without your consent or knowledge but steidl bianco with net choice says it's not the government's job to change that i think there's plenty of evidence of people exact people know how to manage their online time. >>in a way without inviting the government and a micro managing everything they do on the internet westling agrees this isn't the right solution. but says he supports the bills call to have the fcc study social media addiction, not you know completely opposed to. >>you know looking at that and try to figure out you know what why are people using this so much so far holies bill lacks support from any other senators in washington, i'm anna war nikki. >>well there's a new celebrity chef here in the bay area and her name is sally she's a
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robot this morning on dine and dish vicki liviakis introduce us to the mechanical cook. miceli her specialties salads and we are having. >>we mention sally's a robot. >>making her appearance here at the spoke office space in san francisco's westfield know that. >>us for for the dressing. >>these techies are testing out sally's colaneri skills limited to just salad. >>tofu. >>is the brainchild of child body samarra barron says vending out there so yesterday basically you have a disability their vending machine. >>but you have access and access to fresh food. you 9 places where you wouldn't otherwise so imagine that you're nurse in the middle of the night there in a very long shift in your and you want to have fresh the meal. you know
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you have access to that through saturday, but it's nice because it customize it. so far the reviews mostly good. the only problem is if you're like the food and the service we've got a tip. sally germaphobe can rejoice in the fact that sally is safer than standard salad bars with people picked the greens. >>now about sally's people side manner. >>maybe she'll talk to you will have chef's hat on honoring a print. >>i have to take years a lot of that i've been trying to convince >>san francisco vicki liviakis kron 4 news looks like sally did a good job give or tips you can submit your favorite restaurant bar cafe or food truck. >>to dine in to us just send an e-mail to dine and dish at kron 4 dot com or you can go to our dine and dish facebook page check it out a live look outside before we go to break we're checking in on s f o no reports of any major delays.
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>>we're off to a cloudy start but that will give way to sunshine and it's looking nicer weather forecast looks great right on into the weekend john trouble tracking everything you back for 55
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getting close to 05:00am in a look at satellite and radar this morning would make you think that we have some rain on the way and there are just a couple of sprinkles right around point raise just north. >>of inverness up there now if we zoom out across the region the oc c most of the showers are hanging out just outside of the bay area and most of this line of showers is going make its way to the north of the bay area skirting northern sonoma county which will keep a close eye on this morning. but overall we will remain dry. rebecca. >>all right, i'm tracking a good traffic for this friday morning and not a lot of problems to get your way really and it's still early here, but some of the cash paying lanes just a minor a
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backup if you are going to be taking less than 18 in san francisco. but once you get on to the bridge itself. it's going to be speeds at the limit as you make your way towards of the fremont street exit in a quick check of the san mateo bridge 12 minutes on westbound 92 from the east bay to the peninsula robin sounds good. i like it when we're off to a quiet. >>and the next hour at 5 outside land gets under way today with increased security following the recent mass shootings, have everything you need to know coming up in a live report. and we're also learning more information about the man who opened fire at the gilroy garlic festival evidence that police found in this car. and a scary situation for students in the south bay, a man with a gun arrested on the san jose state university campus.
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♪ ♪ the things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time.
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>>good morning, everybody thanks for joining us on this. the safe together. >>also we've got that friday feeling, yes we do and hopefully the formal roads are also feeling the same way all we can see it on the run. story we saw yesterday morning at this hour. we are calm and we are nice and everything is light. okay and the weather is going to be nice to just perfect timing john just like your voice is everything is sinking of just great weather for the start to your weekend today. >>hold on to that good weather for tomorrow too looking outside there is hardly any fog to be talking about in fact really what we're seeing this morning is some low lying cloud cover so views like your golden gate you are a lot clearer than they were at the same time yesterday fog isn't going to be really much of a thing that we contend with today. so what a nice day to choose to start out the
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